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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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68262604 No.68262604[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>/pol/itical grifters
>black companies
>numbers are declining
>rapid graduations
Western VTubing is dying.

>> No.68262655
Quoted by: >>68263113

it never lived

>> No.68262662
Quoted by: >>68263113

And that's a good thing!

>> No.68262724

It never should have gone corpo in the west.

>> No.68262961
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Quoted by: >>68263113

And what are the downsides?

>> No.68262996

>Western VTubing is dying.
No just Nijisanji, HoloEN is doing fine.

>> No.68263104

honestly, this

>> No.68263113
Quoted by: >>68268160

HoloEN is doing great, can't wait for the fest, advents 3D and the new EN concert, on the winning team as usual
Total Holo victory

>> No.68263135
Quoted by: >>68263658

>Western VTubing is dying.
It never should have existed to begin with.
There's a reason the concept of Idols never became a thing in the west, while sluts constantly thinking about sex did.

>> No.68263383
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My oshi's numbers have gone back up to early 2021 levels, so I can't relate.

>> No.68263416

Everyone else is inclining, literally the only one dying is Niji

>> No.68263527

Vshojo and most twitch indies I watch seem fine. Numbers are fluctuating a bit, but they're all doing well and seem happy. It's really just Nijisanji.

>> No.68263658
Quoted by: >>68265756

The west has worse than slut culture, it has regressive simp culture. The most mentally ill japanese are no match for your average amerilard simp who eventually snaps, posts a manifesto, and shoots up a school when he realizes his life is meaningless and that he is never getting pussy.

There are successful male chuubas and babiniku in japan, but none in the west because they are all sex pests here due to regressive simp culture. Because they simp hard for women, they use vtubing as a vessel to do more simping and pussy kissing. Even if such a high quality male chuuba existed, he would never make it because he is one cancellation away from being liferuined and doxxed because some pussy on a pedestal decides to make a fake accusation against him and the simp army will blindly believe whatever is said about their orbit target.

Even if you're a homosexual, you have better odds of making it in japan than being the gay friend who eventually gets cancelled because of politics here.

>> No.68263678

It has to get worse before it gets better

>> No.68263754
Quoted by: >>68264459

Political grifters are fine if I agree with their politics.

>> No.68264085
Quoted by: >>68264507

and that's a good thing
EN whores could never hope to match superior JP women
doesn't matter if it's 2D or 3D

>> No.68264459

Based mark.

>> No.68264507
File: 13 KB, 443x455, lVhH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>JP idols are better
>JP women are better
>JP streams are funnier
>JP language sounds better
>JP models are better
>JP corpos are better
>JP cars are better
>JP males are more entertaining
>JP artists are more talented
>JP musicians are better
>JP cartoons are better
>JP communists are better
>JP fascists are better
>JP transsexuals are better
>JP assassinations are more kino (homemade shotgun vs some gay walmart bought rifle)
>JP food is better
>JP internet is better
>JP literature is better
>JP shitposts are better
>JP imageboards are
Is japan just better than the west now? The west is only better if you take stuff from its golden age and compare it to japan's current stagnation (which isn't that bad compared to the west's freefall)

>> No.68264694

Have you never seen regular female streamers before? They were already the first three since the very beginning of female streamers. Obviously "female streamers but anime!" would be no different.

>> No.68264829

Asia in general is just culturally healthier than the West. Granted it's a very low bar to clear because the elites that dictate Western culture are basically committed to civilizational suicide.

>> No.68264944
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Quoted by: >>68265087

did you know at least two companies have been cannibalized by a certain pol grifting rabbit's company? which so happens to stand as the current apex of small corpos?

>> No.68265087

c'mon man calling jews rabbits is a bit too much even for this site

>> No.68265114

>no pol shit on vt for 2+ years
>after zaion we suddenly got a vast influence of /pol/ tourists

You really gotta gatekep against he pol snail.

>> No.68265223

Are you sure that you're really able to assess something as vague as "cultural health", and that it's not your personal preferences and frustration with your life speaking?

>> No.68265239

> Culturally healthier
High suicide rate
High single men population
Low birth rate
Actual honor kill and assassinations

>> No.68265297

Only good EN is FWMC.

>> No.68265303

Asian cultures are a abomination and living hells even the most advanced ones are full of miserable people, woke shit is bad but asian cultures are about destroying the individual person

>> No.68265459

No. Retards.

>> No.68265585

There's some good things Asian cultures have, but regarding this >>68265239 they tend to have few concerns for individual liberties and attitudes rooted in Confucianism that create the problems we're seeing in countries like Japan and recent Chinese demographic issues.
Japan has far worse laws regarding IP and corporate favoritism, and China has heavily institutionalized corruption.
The west is not perfect, but it has far better institutions to deal with its issues. For most of Asia the most that comes with it are large scale protests that end up in defeat as we saw in Hong Kong.

>> No.68265756

based post, everyone save this asap

>> No.68265836


>> No.68265842
Quoted by: >>68266127

The only difference between JP Idolfags and the western vtubing is pretending.
Weebs and idolfags pretend their Vtubers isn't getting pounded after the stream ends.
and when they do they cope with "vtubing is not flesh"
Westerners are more clear and transparent about this.

>> No.68265945

>suicide rate
The united states has a higher suicide rate. The more you know.
>high single men population
America's numbers are worse. Look at Gen Z.
>low birth rate
The world is overpopulated. The higher the population, the less resources to go around, and the less wealth and property an individual person can make. Unlimited immigration is a meme, but countries do not need billions of humans breeding like cockroaches. Keep global population below 1 billion please.
>actual assassinations
Politicians, rich, and famous who don't fear mistreating the population will always mistreat the population.

>> No.68266127
Quoted by: >>68266577

westerners cant separate fantasy from reality, thats why the tranny cancel pig clique is a menace

>> No.68266426
File: 742 KB, 680x518, you will be japanese.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68266518

Ken-samas won.

>> No.68266518

he de-aged too???

>> No.68266577

True but there's a rightwing cancel culture too now, it's just two mentally ill groups of extremists trying to get revenge on each other. Both sides are retarded and leave no room for moderates. They are destroying the fabric of our society over their culture war. Revenge, cancel culture, and violence only generate more revenge, cancel culture, and violence. I do not see a way out of this death spiral for us. It is over and you should be amassing resources to get the fuck out and weather the coming storm.

It might be too late, but you never know. If you are attuned to the vibes (through intense autism or intense lack of autism), you will understand what I'm saying, even if I am bad at explaining it.

>> No.68266628
Quoted by: >>68270731

That's what losing weight does

>> No.68266835

And this makes 3 threads derailed into /pol/shit
It's funny how painfully obvious it is when you faggots start raiding other boards

>> No.68266906

Vtubers were a mistake, but at least the Japs (some) can manage that mistake.

>> No.68266912
Quoted by: >>68268857

>the US has a higher suicide rate
People wouldn’t make shit up, right?

>> No.68267080

All of those things are centralized in NijiEN, thoughbeit

>> No.68267762
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Quoted by: >>68268401


>> No.68268160

This, HoloEN continues to be amazing.

>> No.68268303

God I wish

>> No.68268401
Quoted by: >>68268623

>GDP = happiness
Very good, $0.02 bugcoins have been deposited in your account

>> No.68268623

I don't think a country with rising divorce rates and deathrates exceeding birthrates is super happy my guy

>> No.68268655
File: 2.63 MB, 1920x1080, MatsuriERP[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fys67px.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>JP is bett-ACK

>> No.68268690

HoloEN is doing better than ever, stop projecting nijinig

>> No.68268857
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>> No.68269037

Because they tried to be anything more than a glorified friends group of individuals who hang out with chat and sometimes stream together.

>> No.68269242
File: 610 KB, 597x490, 4235111.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gta roleplay
>using drugs on stream
>soliciting thousands of dollars from fans for private offline meetings
>meeting secretly with a fan in person and taking a thousand dollars from him
>fucking her manager

>> No.68269652
File: 400 KB, 941x1412, 2930B2C8-8DB1-4DEA-AFA2-C7541407F362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are last samurais so deluded? You’ve been proclaiming that HoloEN would implode for years now, and yet the branch continues to thrive. Enjoy your vgrslop.

>> No.68269680


>> No.68269927

Natsuiro Matsuri is a pure seiso virgin lesbian saint.

>> No.68270010


>> No.68270194
Quoted by: >>68270369

>casually ignoring HoloEN
Not like they did much to secure total EN domination, but still fuck off with this "western vtubing is dying" rrat

>> No.68270331
Quoted by: >>68270797

>keep global population below 1 billion please.
Nice to know that the Committee of 300 enjoy chuubas like the rest of us.

>> No.68270369
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Kneel to me.

>> No.68270731

Those are two different persons. You can't be that stupid.

>> No.68270797

It's funny how you drift into fantasy land (anime references) because you can't cope with the fact that resources and land are limited, and will always be limited. I want more for me. That means less people. Simple. The more people around, the less for people to have, the more wars and violence over diminished resources, and the faster things run out. You retards will bitch about how high rent and property is and then support an ideology that does nothing but drive these prices as much as possible because you don't understand simple SUPPLY AND DEMAND. The SUPPLY is always limited, so if the DEMAND grows, you get priced out of your trad lifestyle.

What kind of fucking retard thinks humanity should just be able to breed like cockroaches with no consequences?
