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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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68204386 No.68204386 [Reply] [Original]

What if your general was not just a general but a nation, devoted to your oshi and their will? Enter this general where the fanbases and generals of /vt/ are reimagined as rival nations fighting bitter battles or beginning wholesome friendships for the glory of their oshis.

Previous thread: >>68001458

Interactive map:

Introductory document for new anons:


Ocean Currents:
Weather Systems:
Climate Analysis:
Tectonic Plates and their Movements:
Geologic Provinces:





Stellar Objects:

Have a war.
Update interactive map?

>> No.68204471
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Anchor post for any story/map/lore. Please reply here for archival purposes. Anchored posts in the last thread will be archived within a day after the thread has been archived. You may also ask for your own archive posts to be updated or organized according to your standards.
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Thank you!
Please also report if there's outdated/missing lore in OP.

>> No.68204620
Quoted by: >>68205137

domo, baker-chama

>> No.68205137

I woke up just in time for the new thread, nice.

>> No.68205700

Would you befriend a cute wheel dog that turns the meat grinder?

>> No.68206067

I'm not interested in dogs that cant grind meat desu.

>> No.68206254
Quoted by: >>68206712

You've not read the wiki page

>> No.68206712

I'm more interested in how it acts more than it looks. But yeah it's ugly.

>> No.68207974
Quoted by: >>68209432

Spaghetti dinner bump.

>> No.68209432

Hmm now that I think about it, Italian is rare vtuber nationality, isn't it? I can't think of any.

>> No.68209756
Quoted by: >>68223323

Panko from Phase is the only one that comes to mind

>> No.68210457
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The results are in! The players joining /vtwbg/'s roster will be Burned out, Aurorai, The oceans belong to Marine!, and Global Reboot. Unfortunately, that means Fleet Measuring Contest, Flesh & Bones Conspiracy, "I will keep this brief", and Holy Ghost will be taking their leave this league. Additionally, Another fucking chuubanite argument will be taking over for WORLDBUILDING THREAD BTW as the team's last silver and The Great Autism Singularity will be replacing Nuefag Died For Our Sins as the starting GK. We'll also be going with /vt/ Worldbuilding: the General - the GAME! as the final name for the Aurorai player if there are no objections. With that out of the way, there's not much left to do but hang tight and cheer /vtwbg/ on when the league begins on March 1st. If you do have any other ideas for chants, goalhorns, billboards, etc. then feel free to submit them, but otherwise let's get pumped for another season of divegrass!

>> No.68213755

divegrass love!

>> No.68215091
File: 1.87 MB, 1296x754, maptoglobe.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Viti update is now live on the interactive map! Come check it out: https://vtwbg.github.io/

>> No.68215185
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Quoted by: >>68216498


>> No.68215838
Quoted by: >>68216670

Ohh shit we're in! Looks great, time to finally actually know the surface area of my country.

>> No.68216035
Quoted by: >>68216192

Ain't that a bit too long?

T. Aurorai anon

>> No.68216192
Quoted by: >>68219175

Nah, Laplus in the holoX team has a name that is like twice that length.

>> No.68216498
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>Let's fucking
If you insist

>> No.68216670
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Quoted by: >>68217149

I’m surprised that my estimate’s actually very close to what the interactive map told me

>> No.68217149
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Quoted by: >>68218138

/morig/ seems to be at about 800k sq. km, which is about where I wanted to be. That about between Pakistan and Turkey.

>> No.68218138
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Quoted by: >>68219567

/vnug/’s area is just a bit below 490,000 sq mi which is apparently pretty close to some African country. It’s also just a bit smaller than the Southeast which I guess is oddly fitting

>> No.68219175

Fair nuff, just glad the model got in at all elmao

How about HoloEmblem?

>> No.68219567
Quoted by: >>68219849

The Southeast? South east asia? kek if so

>> No.68219849
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I guess they’re kinda similar when you think about it

>> No.68222426
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>> No.68223068
Quoted by: >>68223342

I'm wondering how chumbuddies are doing with the latest Gura boom.

>> No.68223323
File: 2.45 MB, 10000x6429, biggest in the world[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Famvbhb.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68228458


>> No.68223342
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Quoted by: >>68224071

part of me imagines it as an algal bloom, but for viti
read into that how you will

>> No.68224071
Quoted by: >>68226813

Except the poison's caused by shrimp instead of algae I think.

>> No.68225592

I should look into some Italian cusine. At least to give variety to Baker-chan's pre-packaged pasta rations. Sadly she cannot make dried pasta in the bakery. So she gets them from pirated supply drops.

>> No.68226813

for sure
then they expend so many resources they end up setting up their own deaths

>> No.68226873

Right then, inf next.

>Inf's society strictly adheres to the adage "time waits for no one". Tardiness there is considered a major crime worthy of lengthy prison sentences. At their capitol building, a large painted statue of their patron deity stands there as a landmark of where allegedly set foot to create the first Kronies after they perished in the old lands' schizostorms. Everything in their society is ran like clockwork, an outsider can very much remark its uncanny.

>> No.68227451
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Quoted by: >>68228467

An update to this map
Anyway, updated miko's stuff and experimenting a little with the colors. They now follow "cultural lines" aka jp en kr stuff. If I got your color wrong then please specify since I had to do some digging to figure our what is what.
Added a legend though it's a WIP. Feedback is appreciated.

>> No.68228458

Nice legend, where would put generals that cover both a JP and an EN branch? Like /hlgg/ or /pcg/. New category? Or you would just use the one that drives most of the discussion (EN for those two).

>> No.68228467
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Quoted by: >>68228633

truth be told despite /vnug/ being part of /kr/ it’s more English than Korean (like 4 out of 14) nowadays

>> No.68228633

Those are variety threads iirc. For example with /pink/ the majority of chuubas are jp's, but there's still a sizable en fanbase.
Would you prefer to be labeled as variety then? Or EN?

>> No.68228863
Quoted by: >>68229011

To be honest I don’t know. Does the culture here mean the fanbase in general or something else? I guess all the threads here are mostly English regardless of stream language

>> No.68228901
Quoted by: >>68229090

Phase is an EN-JP Empire, like the Austro-Hungarian Empire, it's not a "variety" general. Simply put, 2/3 will be Phase EN blue, and 1/3 Phase JP red.

>> No.68229011
Quoted by: >>68230610

Well what my idea for it was what the thread is about, such as if it's focused on jp, en, etc chuuba or company.

>> No.68229090

Yeah, it makes more sense to me to differentiate variety threads where the nationality is not really a factor at all (choc, pink, wool, horni) versus those that cover a certain limited set of nationalities based on their company's activities.
Not really sure how to represent a 2:3 EN/JP split on the map, but maybe just an additional category for this type of thread would work.
Maybe call it "International"?

>> No.68229220
Quoted by: >>68229386

Yeah adding another category is the simplest solution

>> No.68229386

Just add a thick border for the entire empire, and an internal border separating both colors?

>> No.68229467

That could work if the thread comes up with those internal borders.

>> No.68229513
Quoted by: >>68236840


>where their deity allegedly set foot first to give birth to the first Kronies after their demise in the old lands

>> No.68229828
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Quoted by: >>68230244

I can agree to a border, but more than one color is atrocious. If you're going for a Austria-Hungary vibe then stick to that. For example, this map dating back to the 1870's has the empire in one color.

>> No.68230244

And in case you wanted more examples;
dated 1871
dated 1912
dated 1897
dated 1898

>> No.68230610
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V&U is a Korean company with vtubers who stream in English! Then again I guess VReverie’s also like that but in Singapore (?) instead

>> No.68230861
Quoted by: >>68231401

Okay? So what category do you want

>> No.68231401
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Quoted by: >>68231480

I still don’t know what the categories mean so I’ll let you decide!

>> No.68231480

Okay! Well if you change your mind, just let me know next update. It’ll probably happen (whenever I get the time to)

>> No.68233158
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>> No.68233541
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Quoted by: >>68235085

Don't forget about our latina

>> No.68235085
Quoted by: >>68268595

She good, but I prefer the one Niji has

>> No.68236840
Quoted by: >>68238182

Anybody wanna add?

>> No.68238182

We had blurbs like this for lots of the countries back in V1, they give a good jumping off point for deeper lore. I think that's probably fine as is.

>> No.68238377
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Quoted by: >>68242265

>another niji yab
just get rid of the whole continent at this point

>> No.68238477
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Wrote about the Deadbeat interpretation of the board-splitting, which I'm calling the Deconjugation (because that sounds cool).
Looks like the Selen situation is coming to a head...

>> No.68240609
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fellas, i'm not sure we're gonna make.
this is the worst termination I've ever seen...

>> No.68242265
Quoted by: >>68243324

>get rid of the whole continent
What continent kek

>> No.68243324

Hah, true, I've yet to see a Niji gen here.

Besides, they technically got wiped already.

How I could spin this into Viti lore:

>The head table of the Niji pantheon conspired to unjustly expel the racer dragon, Selen Tatsuki. This news angered her devotees most, and is now amassing weapons and formulating tactics to strike down Riku, Lord of the Seas. Their anguish has been heard by some denizens of Viti and are pledging support to their cause.

>> No.68244701
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Quoted by: >>68252134

>The head table of the Niji pantheon conspired to unjustly expel the racer dragon, Selen Tatsuki. This news angered her devotees most, and is now amassing weapons and formulating tactics to strike down Riku, Lord of the Seas. Their anguish has been heard by some denizens of Viti and are pledging support to their cause
based but you're forgetting the most important actor here.

>> No.68244947

Can numbermonkeys build ships/raid coastal towns or are they too dumb for that? planning to incorporate them in a story.

>> No.68245334
File: 219 KB, 1024x1024, 1706443098944087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>68248079

I think pirates would train number monkeys to count treasure and do logistics work so its a possibility that a group of number monkeys can take over a ship. It depends on how intelligent you think they are and if they're capable of long term planning.
If someone trained them to invade I could see it happening or if there were different breeds of number monkey.

>> No.68248079

Dokibird love bump

>> No.68248142
Quoted by: >>68252134

I'd imagine that niji society would work almost like how British colonies were, the golden yacht sails through the seas and takes massive taxes from them but instead of just being royalty, the yacht also imparts divine mandates. Maybe /haha/ was an indigenous dragoon colony before it was colonized and taught the ways of Selen by Riku and the colony was harvested for dragoon hides and other resources to fuel the yacht's power.

>> No.68248464
Quoted by: >>68251023

From afar, it looked as if the entire horizon was glowing. A sickly purple.
The peasant thought nothing of it and head back to bed.
For a moment, just a minor fraction of a second, he could have sworn he heard the screams of millions.
Anguished, bitter, out for revenge.

>> No.68251023

It'll turn gold soon, I can feel it in my bones

>> No.68252134

Ah, of course.

>There were rumblings when the head table banished Zaion LanZa back to mortality, but it did not gain traction. But that day planted the seed of doubt within both the old world and the new world.

I see.
Also, golden sails with black logos.

>> No.68254010
Quoted by: >>68255064


>> No.68255064


>> No.68256357
Quoted by: >>68256967

I guess since /HAHA/ seceded a while back this'll make the transition to the new system smoother.

>> No.68256967
Quoted by: >>68257866

I wonder what they gonna rebrand to...chick? bird?

>> No.68257866
Quoted by: >>68260329

The general tag? Seems like they want to stick to /HAHA/.

>> No.68259854
Quoted by: >>68259899

Wow. Well thats one less nation that has to go on the map I guess... oof...

>> No.68259899

Nah, they're still around. She's streaming in two days, actually!

>> No.68260329

Yep, in there right now

>> No.68261977

>Dragons are now extinct in Viti.
I guess we had a K-T extinction event after all.

>> No.68262146

The dinosaurs died off, but the birds survived. Cinema

>> No.68262325
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>Selen was the most developed Install in vDriver
Fuuuuuuuuuuck. Now I have to make Dokibird and it's gonna look LAZY because they'll be SIMILAR and I'm already like 2 weeks behind my update schedule AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

>> No.68262373

I'm upset. This means no more cute dragons to spec bio.

>> No.68262742
File: 269 KB, 490x325, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek, kino

>> No.68263502
Quoted by: >>68266766

I think all the forms of barbarians, such as #monkeys, schizos, and thread shitters should be capable of naval raids to represent their ability to infiltrate all generals.

>> No.68264415
Quoted by: >>68266766

You could also spin it that they never build any of their own things, they only JUST have enough braincells to pilot/drive/work things they've stolen.
So "their ships" in-world would be a patchwork of cobbled together parts from other nations.

>> No.68266766

And be somehow able to master the spy arts.

I'mma add to that that sometimes, the Church of Unicorns funds their war machine.

>> No.68268422
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>> No.68268595
Quoted by: >>68268723

>niji latina

>> No.68268723

nta, but I assume they mean Scarle?

>> No.68268903

Anon, Scarle isn't latina, she just has a tan. Reimu is the spicy latina of the branch.

>> No.68269380

I agree that Scarle isnt latina, but I know a lot of other people believe that so I was guessing
No idea about Reimu

>> No.68271094

purple bump

>> No.68271776
Quoted by: >>68274235

Yep, ghost girl and allegedly Vox's girl.

>> No.68273078

I keep remembering why I don't check the catalog. Anyway Selen's talent is free now. So she can incarnate into an independent if she wants to.

>> No.68274235

Yeah the niji latina is Vox's cocksleeve

>> No.68274819
Quoted by: >>68275271

The vox? Yeah me

>> No.68274951
File: 46 KB, 196x178, 1693270205635547.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dragons are now extinct
You are not the one who decides such things, anon dear

>> No.68274978

So that's why Reimu has multiple trips to the UK to visit Vox. Good use of superchat money

>> No.68275271

Oh hey, I liked your little spiel about dominating confident women
