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66696442 No.66696442 [Reply] [Original]

Now that the dust has settled, who was in the wrong here? That was really some bitch behavior on her side, but do you think they eventually made up?

>> No.66696625
File: 3.02 MB, 1955x1195, 1705218553424707.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>66712938

And what's the latest niji deflection thread

>> No.66697164

They're both bitches for different reasons
One tried to step above and denounce idol culture while being in an idol company then blamed the backlash on the supposed haters
And the other one couldn't keep simple kayfabe and even fathom the idea of ever being your friend
While both are overly obnoxious bitches, nijisanji is still committing corporate suicide day in and day out

>> No.66697598
Quoted by: >>66697967

Anon, you missed the joke.

>> No.66697840
Quoted by: >>66698922


>> No.66697967

faunaschizo really wasn't gifted with much intelligence
he sees green and he just goes in.

>> No.66698097

what happened

>> No.66698141

>posts a pic of 2 vtubers
>asks "who was in the wrong"
>infinite yab

>> No.66698197
File: 1.10 MB, 1191x842, deadbranch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are closer than ever

>> No.66698235

Not sure what happened but I'm sure whori was in the wrong

>> No.66698922
Quoted by: >>66749359

life vs death

>> No.66700447

Mori is always wrong

>> No.66700966

lol, they've never even collabed 1:1
T. deadleaf

>> No.66701129
File: 526 KB, 862x1176, 1693611124677657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>66701912

True. I think OP was pointing at the tea collab like a year or two ago where Mori and Fauna briefly debated about the merits of Jump King vs. Getting Over It. (Someone else was there too, but I can't remember who.)
Basically Mori didn't like GOI much but Fauna said it was her favorite game. They both promised to play the other's game. Fauna played JK not that long after but she's still never completed it. Mori waited longer with GOI, but she completed it.

>> No.66701912

Mori said she had plans to collab with fauna about 3 months ago, but I guess that didn't pan out

>> No.66702633

and that's a good thing!

>> No.66705690
Quoted by: >>66705727

Mori's always in the wrong, retard.

>> No.66705727


>> No.66705846

Yab machine lost her war against Idol Culture and CGDCT's when Jap, AKA Gura took over and the homos in her clique got fired. Now trying to boost her dead numbers by leeching off anyone she can.

Manged to memory hole her Yab were she's pulling in the best numbers of Council along with Mumei.

Black Company where the only question is will HoloEN have the balls to poach Selen or Pomu.

>> No.66706146

Don’t forget that mori’s personality has done a complete 180 because she realized people found her annoying and cringy. Now she tries talking with a higher pitched voice to seem cute and acts like a totally different person

>> No.66706291
Quoted by: >>66707733

What exactly is idol culture and when did Mori wage war against it?

>> No.66706483
Quoted by: >>66707733

>Now trying to boost her dead numbers by leeching off anyone she can
Collabing isn't leeching.

>> No.66706512

This is the funniest part. Trying so hard for months, failing, and then going back to unicorn cock CRAWLING

>> No.66706521
Quoted by: >>66708776

>acts like a totally different person
Not really.

>> No.66706573

You can thank me for that. Had to do a bit of timeline hopping to prevent it from happening.

>> No.66707600

she doesn't really act like a totally different person. maybe slightly different. but if she were so radically changed she might actually be likable in any way, and she still isn't.

>> No.66707733 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>66707976

Here come the cucks

>> No.66707976

Sorry for intruding your safe space, I thought you wanted a discussion. Go on, continue to seethe in the void, I won't interrupt.

>> No.66708511

Technically according to the lore it's Kronii, time allowed for the things fauna to create to age and die , Mori just collects the souls she doesn't actually kill anything

>> No.66708557

>mori gets shit for free without doing anything
sounds about right

>> No.66708776
Quoted by: >>66709846

Deadbeats are in denial

>> No.66708840

I want to get drunk with Calli and have sex with Fauna.

>> No.66709250

She can kill people though. Like shion in the hologra

>> No.66709846
Quoted by: >>66709935

She now talks to the deadbeats like same way she talks to Kobo, like special needs children.

>> No.66709935

she has literally always talked to her chat like that. i mean like debut month early. infantalizing and lecturing her audience like they're stupid was day 1 behavior.

>> No.66710190
File: 669 KB, 1287x2048, 1692390130187520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck the lame-ass 'culture war' cringe.
On a scale of power, all things die. Mori only becomes more powerful and we know she ascends to the throne of the Underworld. With a legion of skeletons at her command.
What does Fauna have? Some potted plants that cry when she's absent for more than five minutes. Plus she let the strongest predators die off millions of years ago.

>> No.66710662
Quoted by: >>66710756

>Now she tries talking with a higher pitched voice
No, she doesn't lol

>> No.66710756

Her pitch has oscillated a little bit. Started off higher, went lower, now it's at a happy medium.

>> No.66711560
Quoted by: >>66716985

Neither have Fauna and Ina, which is insane to me.

>> No.66712938

Aw shit, she's not gone yet and already getting the commie revisionist treatment?

>> No.66713141
File: 16 KB, 225x225, uuuu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What does Fauna have? Some potted plants that cry when she's absent for more than five minutes.

>> No.66715976
File: 605 KB, 912x1471, 1677550301958024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Both of them for not being cunny

>> No.66716937

Power level discussions are on an entirely different level of cringe

>> No.66716985
Quoted by: >>66727933

Both are introverts. You need someone to initiate for anything to happen.

>> No.66717012

>Mori's Jump King tournaments were huge flops
>Fauna made the kino CouncilRyS GOI arc which led to the even more kino Go!! performance for her gen's anniversary.

Mori shouldn't have sperged out like that on Fauna.

>> No.66723466
Quoted by: >>66752805


>> No.66723800

Mori was in the wrong
>Fool, you've activated my bai-
I don't care. Mori was in the wrong. Simple as.
>It's a bait thr-
Mori. Is. Wrong.

>> No.66724311

>why did [] do this?
Nijinigger cuck thread

>> No.66725042
File: 15 KB, 240x270, 1705270108295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>66748762

>Want a collab from them for ages
>Ideally ASMR but honestly anything
>They finally have something in the works
>Falls through because Fauna becomes a puddle

>> No.66727933
Quoted by: >>66739291

we need management enforced collabs. every week a randomiser picks two HoloENs to have a collab until every possible combination has been done. collab is minimum 66 minutes of either a game or themed zatzu

>> No.66729034

Have you seen saplings here? I don't blame green Lamy for no wanting to be friends with them

>> No.66733651


>> No.66733725


>> No.66739291

Just make a chart outlining which 1 on 1 combos have and haven't been done and start knocking them out 1 at a time.

>> No.66742346
Quoted by: >>66745130

Mori is always bad

>> No.66745130


>> No.66748218


>> No.66748762

maybe they'll pick it up when fauna's back, i think i would enjoy them collabing

>> No.66748852

This is the Mori we had at debut before she changed herself because too many "fans" thought she was cringey. She's alway been our Mori.

>> No.66749146

What did I miss? Never noticed any beef between them

>> No.66749359

well, in that case, Mori wouldn't exist without Fauna.

>> No.66751519
Quoted by: >>66758551

MORI DIDN'T HAVE A CHOICE I'm sure Fauna didn't either but she's never explicitly said she'd rather be flat soooo

>> No.66752540

i thought we all agreed that it's always been mori's fault

>> No.66752805
Quoted by: >>66756136

Let's hope so.
>t. Sapbeat

>> No.66753576

What Fauna said was worse. Telling people that support you, they'll never be her friend. How fucking cold is that.

>> No.66754106
Quoted by: >>66754903

For people so mad over all out war I'll never understand why you want Pomu so badly. Not that I ever make sense of most of your behaviors anyway.

>> No.66754592

The tunnel Jews. Tunnel Jews are always behind it.

>> No.66754874

People change with time. Especially if they commit to lifestyle changes.

>> No.66754903

Most people know and understand that all out war quote was about StarsEN auditions, but it's still good shitposting material

>> No.66756004

that's hot, is there a series of those or just the one?

>> No.66756136
File: 211 KB, 2047x995, 1705302188709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One day, fellow sapbeat

>> No.66758551

Fauna asked for her boobs to be bigger on all her subsequent models. and there was also the cowkini. I'm pretty sure she has breast envy.

>> No.66758583

literally who
not everyone is a holocuck, you know

>> No.66758660

Mori changed ever since she got her cats there’s much else to it.
