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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 23 KB, 586x287, 2021-07-14 20_59_36-Window.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6562508 No.6562508 [Reply] [Original]

Meet your newest Nijisanji member

>> No.6562558


>> No.6562567
File: 373 KB, 586x592, 2021-07-14 21_02_01-Window.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6562842 >>6564789

Female Audition ended couple of days ago

>> No.6562582
Quoted by: >>6562811

I hope she's okay

>> No.6562641

The man isn't graduating, nice try though
To begin with even if he was he has no interest in growing his channel which is why he's always such a boring faggot

>> No.6562646
Quoted by: >>6562738

Exactly how does this confirm anything?

>> No.6562664


>> No.6562738
Quoted by: >>6562793 >>6563059

they don't stream as much on their own channel anymore, and this tweet as well as nijisanji auditions. The timing is just to convenient

>> No.6562768

But the thing is...Male or Female wave?
If she goes female wave expect Niji go full woke for the EN branch.

>> No.6562793
Quoted by: >>6562836

He isn't even graduating you actual tards

>> No.6562800
File: 324 KB, 960x960, 1619299319985.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6562809

its female, the male auditions end next month

>> No.6562810
Quoted by: >>6562868

Nijisanji takes trannies, but this one is so fucking boring I doubt they would. Literally carried by a design and then couldn't do shit with it.
JP already has trans members, if you give a shit about that you don't watch Nijisanji. Not to mention that Artemis isn't even openly trans.

>> No.6562811
Quoted by: >>6563112


>> No.6562814
File: 292 KB, 1216x937, i have no more recourse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>full woke
They really won't let us have a single thing, huh?

>> No.6562834

He isn't graduating are you all actually braindead

>> No.6562836
Quoted by: >>6562857 >>6562859

what would he graduate from? hes an indie

>> No.6562841

How will we react if she's actually in holoEN gen2?

>> No.6562842
Quoted by: >>6563112


>> No.6562857

Indie chuubas call retiring graduating all the time.

>> No.6562859
Quoted by: >>6563056

Indies graduate all the time are you dumb or just a newfag
It's a formal declaration that you're leaving that identity behind

>> No.6562868
Quoted by: >>6562942 >>6563127

Nijikeks actually have trannies as oshis!? HAHAHHAHA

>> No.6562873
Quoted by: >>6563126

>nijitranji is real
Oh no no nijibros! Time to dilate!

>> No.6562899

which one

>> No.6562925
Quoted by: >>6563112


>> No.6562927
Quoted by: >>6562979 >>6563064

>holo en 2 reveal
>Gawrtemis, gura's daughter!
would /vt/ ever recover

>> No.6562936

It's insane how you guys will spin entire narratives from a tweet a tranny made thanking his fans
He isn't graduating and he regrets blowing up like he did, there's no way he'd join a corporate even if they'd take a boring nigger like him

>> No.6562942
Quoted by: >>6563037 >>6563127

Yeah yeah, we know niji-antis are newfags and don't actually know shit about the chuubas they hate.

>> No.6562970
Quoted by: >>6562988

Guess he'll fit in with the other freaks. Just make Shart group up with Ryushen, Melissa, and the Okama.

>> No.6562979
Quoted by: >>6563060

I would unironically boycott Cover.

>> No.6562988
Quoted by: >>6563064

>No mayuzumi
Nijiantis know nothing.

>> No.6563037

You will never be a woman, loser.

>> No.6563056
Quoted by: >>6563096 >>6563353

are you retarded?
Senzawa didn't say anything. They're not graduating they're just gonna work for nijisanji. Dumb fuck.

>> No.6563059

HoloEN gen 2? HoloEN gen 2?

>> No.6563060
Quoted by: >>6563080

no you wouldnt

>> No.6563064
Quoted by: >>6563144

Never gonna happen. I could see Coco starting an agency and bringing on a tranny.
I recognize the name and face but assumed he's a guy. So does he say he's a woman or is he voiced by a woman that says she's male? This pretend shit gets confusing.

>> No.6563080
Quoted by: >>6563299

Yes I would.

>> No.6563091

It belongs in tranny Vtuber section. Speaking of which is there vtuber that actually trans or something like lgtv+?

>> No.6563096
Quoted by: >>6563177

Senzawa was AWOL for months on end, tranny shark still streams regularly on his account, give it up faggot

>> No.6563112
File: 64 KB, 589x352, 2021-07-14 21_11_54-Window.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6563126
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>> No.6563127
File: 1.83 MB, 1072x1408, 1623973919059.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry bros you got too cocky

>> No.6563144
Quoted by: >>6563253

Mayuzumi is a male character but his roommate is a trans lesbian, 5ch finds him creepy for a reason

>> No.6563153

>Not even the longest version
Lazy trolls, baka.

>> No.6563159
Quoted by: >>6564264

Holy fuck hahahaha no wonder nijisanji lost to hololive.

>> No.6563177
Quoted by: >>6563231

you're actually delusional.

>> No.6563194
File: 3.42 MB, 1072x2604, 1A786A04-E709-43C1-857E-17D20C7FF052.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least post the updated version

>> No.6563220
File: 210 KB, 1920x1080, 1625310957926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They will all be nijisanji...

>> No.6563231
Quoted by: >>6563398

And you're actually desperate to think a man that still streams regularly on his main account, has expressed disinterest in growing his numbers, and has already blacklisted himself from one major corporate is joining Nijisanji because of a tweet he made thanking his fans

>> No.6563251
File: 232 KB, 720x429, lol lmao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit...

>> No.6563253

So he's JP Artemis but with a male chuuba. Yikes. How can people not see this is a mental illness?

>> No.6563259
Quoted by: >>6563356 >>6563428

>wwwwuhwuhwuhWOKEEE!!! THE WEST IS MAKING JAPAN WOOOKKEEE! I don't know anything about Japan or how woke it is but it fits my narrative of hating the west because lmao I watch anime xD
The 2016 election was a mistake since it brought absolute weak fragile little turd tardos such as you here.

>> No.6563299
Quoted by: >>6563383

no you wont, I know all you spineless faggots who pretend they're doing something.

>> No.6563336
Quoted by: >>6563373 >>6563413

There are only two genders, even in the chuubaverse. IRL, you can't choose and you can't be both or neither.

>> No.6563353

>thinking the lazy shark would tweet anything
>thinking she was at any point sober back then


>> No.6563356

It is, though. US companies are currently pressuring JP as we speak, trying to buy their way into the manga and anime market (just look at what happened with the fucking Netflix bullshit regarding Castlevania). The liberal community is rabid about their "SEXIST DEPICTIONS OF WOMEN!" 2016 was a blip, but you're always a scourge.

>> No.6563373

Go ahead and write up Anycolor telling them you won't stand for these vtubers that've existed without issue in their company for years then, I'm sure they'll listen to a gaijin

>> No.6563383
Quoted by: >>6564926

Nah, I 100% would. I have severe physical adverse reactions being around trannies. Calling it a phobia isn't enough.

>> No.6563398
File: 721 KB, 1037x604, 2021-07-14 21_27_28-Window.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6563430

so many streams bro!!!

kill your self faggot

>> No.6563413
Quoted by: >>6563470 >>6563472

Consider: Melissia is a better singer than your oshi, so who gives a shit what you think.

>> No.6563428
File: 320 KB, 900x900, 1457508180197.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not him, but I'm right wing and have been on 4chan almost a decade before 2016 elections. We've always been around.

>> No.6563430
Quoted by: >>6563627

Lol you really are desperate, 3 streams is more than Matsuri does on her roommate account in a year, he has no interest nor ability to join a corporate, it's sad to see Holobronies cope like this

>> No.6563444
Quoted by: >>6563522

The issue you're referring to with US companies trying to get into anime is classic corporate bullshit, has nothing to do with being woke and everything to do with companies smelling money and trying to elbow their way in to get it.

>> No.6563446
Quoted by: >>6563522 >>6563526

You're a sheltered child who's knowledge of Japan comes from anime and 4chan. You don't know anything about your own country but you claim to think Japan is some conservative anti woke monolith when it's nothing of the sort. You don't even speak the language. You're a weak, pathetic, sheltered, uneducated child who knows nothing of the world.

>> No.6563456
Quoted by: >>6563813

Artemis would more likely Tsunderia than Niji. He's not giving up that avatar

>> No.6563470

Is this bait? Sounds like generic shit. Suiytan mogs her out of the water.

>> No.6563472
Quoted by: >>6563652

Decent but nothing special. There's at least 5 Holomem better than Melissa.

>> No.6563503

You need to go back >>>/a/

>> No.6563508

You need a good voice to get in Niji. Artemis isn't getting in based on this principle alone. They wouldn't have taken Melissa if she had a weird tranny voice.

>> No.6563522
Quoted by: >>6563595

>classic corporate bullshit has nothing to do with being woke
How can you be this wrong? There isn't a single fucking corporation that doesn't pander. Thanks, you can leave.

I don't need to know JP like the back of my hand to understand wokeism is toxic fucking sludge that should be purged with fire. Go make up another gender about it.

>> No.6563526

You don't speak Japanese.

>> No.6563545
Quoted by: >>6563646

How the fuck are you all getting this riled up about a tranny thanking his fans after a stream? Take your fucking meds.

>> No.6563549
Quoted by: >>6563629

And the nijikeks wonder why they lost to Hololive lmao

>> No.6563563
Quoted by: >>6563675

>go full woke
elira is already shilling lgbt books bro, theyre done

>> No.6563591
Quoted by: >>6563646 >>6563647

He's not graduating, he's thanking his fans from the latest stream.
Are you retarded? Is this bait?
Did I took the bait and am a retard?

>> No.6563595
Quoted by: >>6563640

>I don't need to know
And there it is folks. Sheltered fucking child.

>> No.6563617


>> No.6563621

>all biological females
Why should I care if none of them are MtFs?

>> No.6563627

you're kinda sad....

>> No.6563629
File: 229 KB, 810x800, 1625783085708.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are more popular in Japan than hololive is. It literally destroys your Chud incel narrative that Japan is le right-wing conservative paradise.

>> No.6563640
Quoted by: >>6563989

>Ha ha you're sheltered because you know more about EN than JP! I'm an anonymous person who definitely knows more and travelled the world, ha ha!
Yeah, sure faggot. I've been to six different countries in my life (I don't count Canada). How about you, fagtron? Oh, right, you just shitpost.

>> No.6563646


>> No.6563647

This thread is literally just coping Holobronies that're mad all of their top Hololive picks got into Nijisanji so they feel the need to "own" them somehow by making up headcanons with no basis, for a so-called irrelevant company they sure are obsessed with it.

>> No.6563652
File: 207 KB, 368x214, fb22fc5a9518d89b33f62896d5bb4812.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Name them and explain why Melissa got a spot here and they didn't.

>> No.6563675
Quoted by: >>6563700

She's just a fujoshi. There's better bait now if you want to go "NijiEN LGBT!! Pozzed!!11!!"

>> No.6563700

Nijiantis not only don't watch streams, they can't even be assed to lurk the threads for narratives lol

>> No.6563724

post modernism is a mistake

>> No.6563729
Quoted by: >>6563768 >>6563837

>Nijikeks use the exact same arguing strategies as KFP...

>> No.6563740
Quoted by: >>6563882

Nijisanji isn't bigger in Japan it's just parroted by retards like you. You won't post any proof. Meanwhile pekora is still the second most watched Chuuba in Japan.
>using nijisanji for muh culture war
Go back.

>> No.6563768
Quoted by: >>6563857 >>6563940

Not really. Kiara antis are better than Nijisanji antis. Kiara antis actually use material from her streams and tweets to shit on her. Nijisanji antis imagine vtubers they don't like joining the company they don't like to own the Nijiniggers. Eggs are better than Nijiantis.

>> No.6563807


>> No.6563813
Quoted by: >>6563870

That's a good point he's just another boring tranny without it but some people would do anything to join established Japanese agency, it makes a weeb feel legit even if the deal is not optimal.

>> No.6563837

They are all trannies, what did you expect ?

>> No.6563857
Quoted by: >>6563944

Learn to read you mouth breathing mongoloid. He was talking about nijifans not antics. Jesus nijiniggers are dumb.

>> No.6563870

Artemis has literally expressed on several occasions how he regrets that his channel got as big as it is, he can't handle having those kinds of eyes on him that an agency would provide, he hardly even enjoys streaming

>> No.6563882
File: 88 KB, 1238x592, 1624742340139.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6563947 >>6564031

>using nijisanji for muh culture war
But using hololive which has strict rules about talents not being allowed to be political is okay? The mind of /pol/cels.

>> No.6563926
File: 415 KB, 463x635, 1625807498254.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6563940

You should read what you're replying to closer, but you're not wrong. It's impressive how often Niji antis flaunt their ignorance as if it's something to be proud of.

>> No.6563944
Quoted by: >>6563980

I thought it was obvious that "Nijikeks" response to antis would be different if the antis functioned differently than Kiara antis. And they do. I guess I overestimated the reading comprehension of people on this board.

>> No.6563947
Quoted by: >>6564139

>ban culture wars and politics
Jesus fucking Christ on a stick.

>> No.6563963
Quoted by: >>6564017

They've been losing to incel-friendly idol company since 2020 deal with it, get woke go broke.

>> No.6563980

This level of stupidity can ALSO be found in a KFP thread. Interesting.

>> No.6563989
Quoted by: >>6564081

Seething sheltered child lol

>> No.6564017

Incels are the most powerful audience in the world. It takes multi-billion dollar corporations running multi-level campaigns to even compete. Fact.

>> No.6564031
Quoted by: >>6564139

What the hell are you even talking about you fucking nigger? You are the one talking about muh culture war. Go back wojack spamming tourist you're making nijiniggers look bad.

>> No.6564081

>Name calling.
I accept your concession.

>> No.6564139
File: 146 KB, 1172x1184, 1626170716928.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6564196

>this company which restricts people from being allowed to express their political opinions is proof that Japan is based and redpilled!
How did you cope with the "any gender may apply" thing in the vsinger audition thing I wonder? There was a chance someone like Melissa could've gotten in.

>> No.6564159

Who let the NPCchama out of his cage?

>> No.6564196

>Large nosed reaction images.
Back to /pol/.

>> No.6564264

Why do niggers here think Hololive and Hololive fans are based and redpilled? Reddit is literally Hololive central.

>> No.6564303

>Normal tweet thanking fans after stream
>100 replies

>> No.6564402
Quoted by: >>6564455

What makes holobronies so mad at nijisanji in the last few days?
Does losing their holoEN2 candidate pick hurt that much?

>> No.6564455

Don't you mean what made nijiwapanese spam like the vfalseflaggers last week?

>> No.6564555

HoloEN2 confirmed

>> No.6564735
Quoted by: >>6564758

How can they have so many freaks with like 200 members, nijisanji is not big enough to make something like that look normal from purely statistical perspective it feels like they aactively recruit weirdos, no wonder they have a rainbow in their logo.

>> No.6564758

They can't compete directly with HoloLive, so they scrape together whatever markets they can get their hands on.

>> No.6564789

>female auditions
oh thank god

>> No.6564926
Quoted by: >>6564957


I hate trannies as much as the next guy, but having a "severe physical adverse reaction" being around trannies somehow makes you even more of a giant faggot then they are.

>> No.6564957

>You're a faggot if you hate faggots!
The absolute cope.
