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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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>> No.64365517
File: 47 KB, 600x437, 1665893438436336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>im nijisanji
>video titled : holostars

>> No.64365573


>> No.64365584


>> No.64365599
File: 269 KB, 1280x720, 1697883199886354.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gets used as a weapon in the male collab war by homosisters.
>Homostars fucking who?

>> No.64365619
Quoted by: >>64377885

Of course, she is a women and he is some barely 3view holostar. They don’t join VCR for them lol

>> No.64365730

This anon doesn't recognize him either it seems.

>> No.64366096
Quoted by: >>64366823

Tbf that guy is probably the single most forgotten existence in the whole HoloPro

>> No.64366156

uyu... just stop streaming league, dude..

>> No.64366337

that's the joke, anonchama

>> No.64366823
Quoted by: >>64386795

It's worse than that. He's the second most forgotten member. Suzuku was forgettable to the point people were genuinely confused when his graduation was announced because they had no idea he had even debuted.

>> No.64366850

Complete homo death

>> No.64367040

Even cocksucker Laplus didn't recognize him when she could recognize his genmates.

>> No.64367224

Homosisters don't know who he is either

>> No.64367227

But they're all in the discord together...ACK

>> No.64367267

Imagined getting >who'd live on stream in front of a gigantic collab game involving tons of different fans from all over the internet

>> No.64368577


>> No.64368652

It's literally homover.

>> No.64368741
Quoted by: >>64379960

This was so sad, he was all "oh Akiroze-san hello haha Mukiroze am I right" and she just straight up asked who the fuck he was lmao

>> No.64368867

can we just take a moment to appreciate the absolute faggotry of this anon who rushed in with his rageface picture despite knowing nothing about the topic

>> No.64368950
Quoted by: >>64372892

Honest question, who's that?

>> No.64368957

The projection in this thread is astounding...

>> No.64369171

damn you're right I bet this thread is full of holostars who aren't recognized by their coworkers good job femanonchama

>> No.64369528

tits or gtfo

>> No.64370496

That's really sad lol

>> No.64370706

Poor Uyu lmao

>> No.64370802

>im nijisanji
I thought this was supposed to be an RP server?Why are they acknowledging their real identities (unless he's roleplaying a Nijisanji member in game which I doubt)? -1

>> No.64370839

It's actually an eceleb dating server. Hope your oshi isn't there.

>> No.64371094
Quoted by: >>64371183

It's literally just holo minecraft for normalfag jap streamers. They're roleplaying in the same way that the holo girls were roleplaying during the recent doroken arc for example, not DnD roleplaying

>> No.64371096
Quoted by: >>64371183

Because it's not a roleplaying server, that's sutogura.

>> No.64371183

You two need to fight, the winner will be the one who we'll believe.

>> No.64371487
Quoted by: >>64371785

Both are true, stgr is an actual rp server where you're supposed to use a different name and you're not supposed to acknowledge people's real identity even if most people don't really take it that seriously. In vcr you're not roleplaying as a different person but you're still playing a role in a story, just like how a few months ago the hololive girls were freaking out about made up gambling debts in minecraft because that was the ongoing story arc but obviously they weren't larping as different people.

>> No.64371655

Watch streams.

>> No.64371785

Thank you for the detailed answer anon

>> No.64372265

It's really telling that a regular Homo collaber like Aki doesn't even recognize one of the members, I'm starting to think that the rrats about the segregation of Discord servers between Hololive and homos are true.

>> No.64372406


>> No.64372729
File: 84 KB, 1190x488, 1698629167618296.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The issue is that literally nobody watches Uyu.

>> No.64372892
Quoted by: >>64375511

Uyu, holopro's only 2 view.

>> No.64373035

he handled it wonderfully lol

>> No.64373158
Quoted by: >>64380126


>> No.64373232
Quoted by: >>64376826

>Less monthly views than two graduated homos

>> No.64373399

Just you wait, I saw Uyu with 500 viewers earlier (that is good by his standards). He will grow more powerful and soon you will all regret making fun of him.

>> No.64373414

He handled it the best way possible.

>> No.64373564

>Thread reader.

>> No.64374358

Starsfags, why doesn't anyone watch this guy? What's he doing wrong?
Also, isn't he meant to be a literal ghost as far as lore?

>> No.64374839
File: 199 KB, 220x165, Normlaugh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.64374856

that's a different one I think

>> No.64375169

it's uyu, can't blame her

>> No.64375197

The ghost is Rio, he's not very big either but at least people know him because he's nice and he gets along with everyone. Uyu I have no idea, I'm not really a starsfag I just watch some of them + "big" events

>> No.64375398
Quoted by: >>64376826

Not a stars fag but Uyu is the type of guy who only does guerilla streams and then deletes the vod.
His fans fucking thank him if he decided to leave the vod up.

>> No.64375462

He's fucking weird. Just weird.

>> No.64375511

his model's pretty cool.

>> No.64375525

Honestly, I thought he was a psyop until VCR. You just don't see him anywhere except some 3D collabs on someone els'e stream

>> No.64375562
Quoted by: >>64375703

that's uyu our resident 2 view but no one knows he exists and think flayon is the runt of holostars kek

>> No.64375703

Huh? Even without Uyu Flayon wouldn't be the runt. StarsJP is a whole different level of grim.

>> No.64376167

A lot of it is just his design. I watch EN pretty often, and end up on JP clips occasionally, so I'm indirectly exposed to JP pretty often. Yet even I forget he exists. You could say that it's just his personality or something, but I don't even know what his personality is, aside from that he's soft-spoken. I would probably notice any of the JP stars missing from a lineup except him. It's like he's designed to be forgotten. He needs a redesign more than anyone in the entire company, which is saying something when Altare's lizard eyes still exist. I'm not even afraid of it being a downgrade in SOVL like Fubuki, Vesper, or pizza papa, because there's so little to lose, and I hate that I can say that with such confidence.

>> No.64376404

He is pretty much the ghost of holopro, kinda fitting with his lore. You can pretty much remember other star's existence but not this guy. He always seem to escape your mind.

>> No.64376826
Quoted by: >>64377637

If what >>64375398 said is true, it would make complete sense even if he was popular. How would he be accruing as many views if there are no vods?

>> No.64377637
File: 37 KB, 821x215, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too late, he's declining already.
He has lot more vods left than those comments imply:

>> No.64377885

>he lacks the critical

>> No.64378270

He does long streams at a really inconsistent schedule and doesn't really collab with anyone outside of Uproar. Even seeing him in Stars JP collabs is kind of rare.

>> No.64378612

He streams debuff games (League, DbD, Apex) at like 5am JST, usually guerilla, and sends most VODs after to menshi or the void. He rarely appears in collabs outside Uproar. It's kind of a wonder he has fans at all. (He's actually a pretty decent singer and dancer and spends a lot of his time in lessons, but doesn't show it off for some godforsaken reason. His last cover is menshi.) No one knows what his endgame is. His liver is on the brink of total failure.

>> No.64378671

>His last cover is menshi
Based holostars constantly exploring new avenues of retardation

>> No.64379641

I think he's very busy with his family business and so his channel kinda suffers from it, and from the few times he can actually focus on Holostars it's usually taken by recordings for the official channel or 3D performances, and only then he streams some multiplayer game that won't demand any long running arc so it's usually League and DBD guerrilla for 8 hours

>> No.64379960

To be fair if you’re gonna approach her like that then you deserve a response like this.

>> No.64380126


>> No.64380429

Is there a difference though?

>> No.64380476

Get ‘em sister

>> No.64380569

Apex isn't as hot as it was before but I wouldn't say its a debuff. Its just a regular game now. Also, watching JPs play League is funny just for the gameplay.

>> No.64380964

>Thread full of MUH SISTER SEETHE
>Actual “sisters” do not watch or give a single shit about Akirose and probably don’t even know she exists considering she’s some JP who from generation “no one cares”
You guys endlessly calling each other sisters would be funny if it weren’t sad.

>> No.64381000

ok sister

>> No.64381046

lol I see you took a break from furiously updating your list of women who have ever acknowledged the homostars to run damage control here

>> No.64382004

I don't know any "holostars" and I never will. Keep talking about them though it's funny.

>> No.64382174
Quoted by: >>64386915

What is the appeal of male vtubers? I don't get it. Why would anyone watch that shit, doesn't matter if the avatar is a man or a woman.
Women are designed to entertain and comfort men and women. Men are designed to work and lead.

>> No.64383902

Sisters don't watch anyone besides Vox and Hex rape ASMR, but they like to use homo friendly holos like Aki to own lê incels

>> No.64384790

In all fairness to her, Uyu is like the least popular Holostar. A lot of Tempus fans probably don't even know him. He's kind of an eccentric guy who just sort of does his thing off to the side.

>> No.64386795
Quoted by: >>64387256

wait what

>> No.64386915

is this bait?

>> No.64387137

Holy grim, those are some shit numbers and he is even losing against graduated members... fucking graduate YAGOO now

>> No.64387256

Suzaku was one of the first generation Holostars. He graduated after less than a year so most people don't even remember him.

>> No.64392344


>> No.64395728


>> No.64398252

literal who kek.

>> No.64401007

She actually fuckingwho'd him straight in his face. lmao
