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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 489 KB, 720x521, freedom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
63798691 No.63798691 [Reply] [Original]

Previous: >>63743956

>> No.63798717
File: 75 KB, 736x1104, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>63799380


Hololive sites

Nijisanji sites


Full list at https://pastebin.com/nCGZL1Lp

>> No.63798748

heimin thread btw

>> No.63798800
File: 611 KB, 1000x821, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

12/01 あくあ 誕生日
12/01 ミオ 案件 群馬レポ
12/02 Riot Games ONE 2023(3Dライブ出演:シオン,ラプラス,ハコス,こぼ)
12/02 6期 2周年コラボ企画 21時
12/03 AGF KOREA 2023(出演:こより,クロヱ)
12/04 オリー 周年記念
12/05 アーニャ 周年記念
12/06 レイネ 周年記念
12/06 ぺこら 有明ソロライブ
12/07 ミオ 周年記念、1stアルバム 発売日
12/08 ミオ 群馬案件配信
12/08 シオン 誕生日
12/09 プリキュア3Dライブ DAY1(出演:あやめ) 20時
12/09 スプラトゥーン大会 本番 夕方
12/10 プリキュア3Dライブ DAY2(出演:ポルカ) 20時
12/10 NHKラジオ「ぶいあーる」(ゲスト:そら,月ノ美兎) 22:40
12/12 こぼ 誕生日
12/13 あやめ 誕生日
12/13 Youtube Fanfest 2023(出演:すいせい,ラプラス,こより)
12/13 FNS歌謡祭2023(出演:マリン)
12/17 NHKラジオ「ぶいあーる」(ゲスト:そら,月ノ美兎) 22:40
12/21 案件 マリン ConoHa配信
12/23 すいせい 2ndミニアルバム発売
12/23~24 コミックフェスタ2023マレーシア(出演:ホロID,すいせい,みこ)
12/27 かなた 周年記念(※周年ライブは1月予定)
12/29 わため 周年記念
12/31 年越しライブ

>> No.63798818

loli kami 1 and 2 for the week
People said Koyo's underperformed but it still beat everything else except Marine's Loli Kami, including like a dozen other new covers

>> No.63798826
File: 150 KB, 1920x1080, eren.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Threadly reminder of the pecking order here

Queen Pekora=Captain Marine=Protagonist Miko>the rest of first army>Sora>the rest of HoloJP>Ui rape>Emperor>King>Prince Kanae>General Toya>Fuwa>Salami>Mito>Siro>Karubi>The rest of NijiJP=VSPO>Neo-porte>774 inc>Noripro>HolostarsJP>Dot Live>smaller JP corps=Jp indies >>>>>>>>>EN vtubers

>> No.63798940


>> No.63798979

*gives myself a based*

>> No.63798986

That just means no big holo song has been dropped recently

>> No.63799100

no matter how you look at it that amount of views in a week for a loli kami cover is not impressive

>> No.63799354

What happened to Kanade's Mario RPG Vod?

>> No.63799380
File: 707 KB, 782x484, 1699276137133382.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kill all the Numberfags

>> No.63799434

doesn't she do that pretty often

>> No.63799453
Quoted by: >>63799479

do what? private the vod?

>> No.63799479


>> No.63799482


>> No.63799527

Words to live by

>> No.63799628

Freedom from ENsharts

>> No.63800092
File: 52 KB, 444x600, Hachi.(Vtuber).600.3173330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hachi bros run these threads

>> No.63800235
Quoted by: >>63800306


>> No.63800306

she's doing better than when she was in Nanashiku, no?

>> No.63800308
File: 108 KB, 620x1000, ytd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kuzuha beat Pekora in November by like 500000 hours so the watchtime battle is actually looking pretty interesting going into the last month of the year.

Surely Pekora won't slip, right?

>> No.63800374

december is her month

>> No.63800387

It's not that close, I don't think Kuzuha has anything big lined up for the month and it'd be extremely hard to beat Pekora by 1,5M, as long as she's not in hiatus or something

>> No.63800443


One Piece: 516.6 million
Golgo 13: 300 million
Detective Conan: 270 million
Dragon Ball: 260 million
Doraemon: 250 million
Naruto: 250 million
Slam Dunk: 170 million
KochiKame: 156.6 million
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba: 150 million
Crayon Shin-chan: 148 million
Attack on Titan: 140 million


>> No.63800499

>Crayon Shin-chan: 148 million
based elephant boi dabbing on attack soi titan

>> No.63800640

delicious looking virgin

>> No.63800661

woman can't beat man in game
Kuzuha just spam LOL and Valorant so often now

>> No.63800803


Are we back LapKing bros?

>> No.63800828

my whore(nigga)

>> No.63800951
File: 146 KB, 1148x1480, F_X-jmubcAAUOyK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.63801004


>> No.63801172
File: 326 KB, 840x635, current.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>63801248

top 10 streams right now

>> No.63801248

no comment

>> No.63801274
Quoted by: >>63801489

Are JP numbers destined to shrink as Japan loses more than a million people every year?

>> No.63801304
Quoted by: >>63801364

So kuzuha gold today?

>> No.63801364
Quoted by: >>63801390

SMOK gold

>> No.63801390

With that overlap?

>> No.63801412
Quoted by: >>63801460

why peko overlap smok

>> No.63801413

Probably not, but maybe

>> No.63801451

Ui Loli Kami hit 66M
461K in the last 24 hours

that's about 8x as much as Pekora's new orisong

>> No.63801460
Quoted by: >>63801530

Get it right, either she streams along or someone overlaps her, not the other way around

>> No.63801477
Quoted by: >>63801608

countdown live setlist will be revealed on the 6th

>> No.63801489

I'll fix the problem once I move there, don't worry

>> No.63801530

I will remember this.

>> No.63801577

Pekora new song 58k in 21 hours
Holox new song 108k in 20 hours
Choco new song 57k in 22 hours

>> No.63801608
Quoted by: >>63801698

would they do another shuffle medley?

>> No.63801692
Quoted by: >>63801858


>> No.63801698

Isn't Hoshimatic Project gonna replace it?

>> No.63801752

There was way more overlap the last time SMOK had a collab on a Sunday and they got 55k with one block Minecraft.

>> No.63801777

Couldn't they do both? You don't need that many members to do a shuffle medley and the video is done by the guy who did the last one and the Aventure Holid MV so that doesn't take any 3D studio time up either.

All you need is to bring in a few girls into the recording studio to sing small segments of songs, probably in leftover time on days when they're there anyway

>> No.63801858

It's pretty good. Nice voice acting from Pekora.

>> No.63802016

Rushia is online, long awaited utawaku.

>> No.63802102


>> No.63802138
File: 228 KB, 665x873, uyhl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>63802184

>> No.63802157

If pekora can sell out ariake, what's the biggest venue that another holo could sell out for their sololive?
Ariake is already the biggest indoor venue in Tokyo at 15k, bigger than the Budoukan.

Ado is performing at the Olympic Stadium next year, that has a capacity of 80k
The Tokyo Dome has a capacity of 50k
Saitama Super Arena could do 37k
The Yokohama Arena that Sora wants to do a sololive at has a capacity of 17k. Presumably a Marine-tier holo could definitely do that one, but I think every single holo will avoid doing that and leave it for Sora to do first, if ever.

>> No.63802159

>Koyori 20K GETTO

>> No.63802184

>Shaka is back
>Jun is backer

>> No.63802229
Quoted by: >>63803671

let her get 6k at least, cam on

>> No.63802254
File: 36 KB, 480x360, fafafa!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>63802278

rutyan is fuarking back bros..

>> No.63802255
Quoted by: >>63802294

What's the point of nazuna?

>> No.63802260

Miko tokyo dome!

>> No.63802268

It won't be any time soon until the next pekora-tier concert, but maybe

>> No.63802278
Quoted by: >>63802373

For real?

>> No.63802294

Nazuna is Kson's entry ticket into vshojo. Without Rushia she can never join it.

>> No.63802362

a ship that can destroy the universe, I'm too weak for that

>> No.63802373
File: 350 KB, 1000x523, pekora-q1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.63802447

Lamy had a male on her 3dlive right? Which one was it? Not trying to troll here.

>> No.63802537

Doryaaa for now
>koyori 20k
>Chigusa 5k
>Sasaku 5k
>Tier (774) 1k

>> No.63802573

koyo 1st army

>> No.63802584

The Hoshimatic Project is just for training, it's not going to replace anything.

>> No.63802599

no ideal about this manga
The only manga in this list I somewhat want to read

>> No.63802680
File: 895 KB, 675x1200, 111407821_p0_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>63802712

Met on the tally today!

>> No.63802712
Quoted by: >>63802808

Her morning zatsu always does well no?

>> No.63802808

Yep, 12k floor
it carries her avrage heavily ever since Apex died

>> No.63802835

Anyone here have the top 10 ccv in Nijisanji?

>> No.63802856

Koyori 25k
Rui-nee 10k
Putechi 7k
Chigusa, Sasaki, Hskw 6k

>> No.63802896

Toya, Kuzuha, Lize, Ange, Lauren, Fuwa, Mito, Yashiro, Kagami, Kanae

>> No.63802990

Yet another day of fauna getting btfo by ironmouse.

>> No.63803034

For november, median of peaks
kuzuha 26k
kenmochi 22k
ange 17k
lize 15k
lauren 14k
fuwa 13k
yashiro 11k
mito 11k
kagami 10k
chaika 10k

>> No.63803049

>Anonymous (20)

>> No.63803054
Quoted by: >>63803122


>> No.63803069
File: 1.12 MB, 1920x1080, 1701597748797.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will Met be Hinano-tier or Noah-tier?

>> No.63803070
File: 99 KB, 850x1240, 1700378330635533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.63803088


>> No.63803109


>> No.63803121
Quoted by: >>63803251

premiering now
only 3k watching
pretty grim

>> No.63803122

I will absolutely rim Rim for Christmas

>> No.63803136
Quoted by: >>63803178

>but I think every single holo will avoid doing that and leave it for Sora to do first, if ever.
Bold of you to assume other holos even know about this goal of hers

>> No.63803137


>> No.63803166

unlike those 2, she's actually loved by all buispo fans and will also have 774inc/Kanae/Reid tourists. This will be big.

>> No.63803178

they all know about it, she's been saying it since like 2017

>> No.63803197

will have low numbers

>> No.63803207

>another idol song
i can't believe i'm going to say this but we need a lewd song from pekora

>> No.63803215

polka continues to send these songs out to die

>> No.63803251

I will check it after Pekora finish her stream

>> No.63803309

26k for no.8 for coyo
pretty good
I don't get why this game is buff though

>> No.63803342


>> No.63803346

Siro dating sim!!!

>> No.63803350
File: 1.54 MB, 1920x1080, 1701598401365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

very important announcement on tuesday

>> No.63803401

debuff roster

>> No.63803407

How important?

>> No.63803433

How many halls will they book this year I wonder, they expanded out to 4 last year I think
Also I wonder if they'll spread out the concerts to more days
Also I wonder if Regloss will get a concert with the others or whether they'll get their own...
or whether they'll get nothing...

>> No.63803467

i sleep

>> No.63803474
File: 764 KB, 721x488, Council of indies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Current council of indies:
For EOPs:
>Shigure Ui
>Suo Patra
>Tenkai Tsukata
>Akami Karubi
>Virtual Gorilla

Subject to change

>> No.63803489


>> No.63803505

What's gatchman's average ccv?

>> No.63803523

Holoparade is still a buff

>> No.63803529

iirc 15k when playing phasmo

>> No.63803612

he reclined a little bit
recently had a 3D debut at only 16k, when he used to get those numbers for solo gaming streams
his average is probably closer to 6-7k nowadays

>> No.63803645
Quoted by: >>63803716

6k median peak

>> No.63803671
Quoted by: >>63803718

She's getting botted as usual. She shouldn't even be counted since even vstats excluded her over the rampant and obvious botting.

>> No.63803695
File: 1.19 MB, 1000x1000, うめうめ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>「DAYBREAK FRONTLINE」 - 音乃瀬奏 (cover) *new*
>「名前のない怪物」 - 音乃瀬奏 (cover)

>> No.63803716
Quoted by: >>63803754

Do you have a list for that? (I mean for the year and not the november chart)

>> No.63803718
Quoted by: >>63803745

>even vstats excluded her over the rampant and obvious botting
Was that the reason vstats excluded her?

>> No.63803745

Well it could also be the fact that every other stream is a camera stream. Either way her numbers are worth nothing because they're not real.

>> No.63803754
Quoted by: >>63803798

the anon posted one for medians and means of peaks up to october

>> No.63803787
Quoted by: >>63803827

Damn she keeps getting numbers with this game. Stream number 3 and it's getting even more popular, somehow.

>> No.63803798
Quoted by: >>63803817

>Up to october
would like to ask for it if you don't mind, idk how to dig archive for these stuff

>> No.63803817
File: 185 KB, 1537x1227, 2023 year to oct.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>63803856

it's only top 50

>> No.63803827

weekend buff is one thing but seems like people do like watching it
I'll count on it being a buff for like 1 more week

>> No.63803856
File: 120 KB, 335x506, kneeler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gatchman in top 50 vtubers

>> No.63803961

Isayama dropped the ball

>> No.63804058

Jumpscare anon
Lewd Sound
just like Ririka play Holoparade before

>> No.63804096

Pekora 40K soon.

>> No.63804097


>> No.63804105

40k ez
holoparade won

>> No.63804107

40K dorya
how much further can she go?

>> No.63804118

Pekora's daughter funnel!

>> No.63804121

game of life is a very strong overlap
she only has 9 minutes left
i'll say 42k possible

>> No.63804131

would be pretty ok for weekend buff, equaling her botted peak on friday

>> No.63804160
Quoted by: >>63804194

She won't go past 43k but the thing with this game is that she can easily keep her audience despite new streams starring. So she can still peak way later, and maybe even beat Bronze boi with some luck.

>> No.63804194
Quoted by: >>63804301

nah, game of life is a tourist magnet and then Miko will start streaming the same game

>> No.63804301

Botan will also start no?

>> No.63804307

a little short of 42k
round ended at the same time as a slot changed

>> No.63804351

Is this an effective member farming strategy?

>> No.63804465

she only privated a video once before the super mario rpg streams
her doorbell rang during the first 3 hours i was watching it before falling asleep. wasn't able to catch the last hour and a half so idk if anything else happened

>> No.63804606

SMOK sponsored stream will be an offcollab kek
>buff + debuff

>> No.63804632
File: 118 KB, 827x1224, 164186395617.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.63804668

>Sponsored stream
>Will get much less viewers than Pekora did with Raden Shion and Nene anyway

>> No.63804697

Sponsored anything is viewer repellent.

>> No.63804700

Pekora killed Sora. It's over. Hololive is finished.

>> No.63804716

>weekend buff
>offcolab buff
>jinsei game buff / fotm buff
>sponsor debuff
>overlap debuff

I dont understand, people already play it, why they should do sponsored stream? and why are they choose SMOK?

>> No.63804822

45k, not sure how high it will go

>> No.63804851


>> No.63804868

King remains seated on his throne

>> No.63804871
File: 292 KB, 815x631, image_2023-12-03_183141696.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

top 10 right now

>> No.63804907

Fuwa, VSPO and Nerumero in top 5

>> No.63804975
File: 223 KB, 667x883, kuil.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.63804992

luffybros.. we won

>> No.63805012

Jun is so back

>> No.63805030


>> No.63805095

i believe

>> No.63805097

I don't think SMOK are gonna make it

>> No.63805106
File: 3.50 MB, 2508x1771, IMG_0109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ve noticed Lamy has been putting a lot of stock into Shorts recently. Has it proved worth?

>> No.63805137

leave this for later, we're horseracing here

>> No.63805144


>> No.63805154

yuckymin please

>> No.63805165

I don't think they can beat king. Miko is about to start.

>> No.63805172

i want to put my stock into her shorts if you knows what i mean

>> No.63805177

pekomiko teetee

>> No.63805184

51,7k right now
10min to go

>> No.63805233

it's over..

>> No.63805256

ngmi bros

>> No.63805284

nah the hags got this

>> No.63805301
Quoted by: >>63805336

it was over before it even started...
there's no hope anymore...

>> No.63805313
Quoted by: >>63805329


>> No.63805329


>> No.63805336
File: 16 KB, 335x152, King's tweet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>63805357


>> No.63805357

fuck you, vamp boy
not going to post your nudes

>> No.63805386
File: 159 KB, 300x324, 1672721755171197.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>63805730

King lost?

>> No.63805432
Quoted by: >>63805523

enjoy niji's last gold of the year

>> No.63805500
File: 166 KB, 844x910, 1701491978513686.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.63805523

niji have a lot of events in December traditionally
they'll get like 5 more gold at the very least

>> No.63805661
File: 77 KB, 1242x571, 1681281557849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Over the last hour
>Botan 15k
>VSPO channel peaked 19k
>Fuwa 19k
>Sora, Deron 8k

>> No.63805682
Quoted by: >>63805728

Congrats King, but I dont think you will get another gold this month

>> No.63805728
Quoted by: >>63805756

Theres vcr GTA this month right?

>> No.63805730

shut up Kanae, king will dick you down again tonight

>> No.63805756

I forget about that...

>> No.63805839

Oh that reminds me, happening tonight:

>> No.63805864

it's a repeat IIRC.

>> No.63805984

Empress meets Prince for a 2nd time? It says encore

>> No.63806079
Quoted by: >>63806103

>Chinman streaming twice in one day
What the fuck is happening?

>> No.63806096
File: 1.45 MB, 1290x724, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>63806158

Chihiro new outfit reveal.

>> No.63806103

Shiina buff

>> No.63806158

cute but her channel seems so debuff at this point
I guess Apex dying hurt her more than most fps players

>> No.63806198

>Kuzuha competing in the woman's category
It's Ma'am!

>> No.63806235
File: 482 KB, 583x490, HAL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>63806407

>2302 hours
The Emperor is not human (btw he has some hours on Twitch as well)

>> No.63806282
Quoted by: >>63806314

Nozomi has been inclining nowadays. She’s got 7k ccv right now, honestly she’s looking like the next best hire by niji after Lauren

>> No.63806314 [DELETED] 
File: 284 KB, 350x478, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>63806391

Anon, that would be picrel.
But yeah, Nozomi is pretty good, along with Toru as well.

>> No.63806391

me on left

>> No.63806407
Quoted by: >>63806465

He does too many things
I posted this before but no way someone who streams that much can effectively manage a whole company (in which the other founders hardly do anything), and also organize tournaments, and collabs, and does sponsors.
It turns counter-productive at some point.

>> No.63806424


>> No.63806465

Btw he's also streaming. Stogra, 1k so far.

>> No.63806500
Quoted by: >>63806541


>> No.63806529
File: 144 KB, 1024x240, smokkk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

king bros... what the fuck

>> No.63806541
Quoted by: >>63806566

at least check before posting...

>> No.63806546
File: 626 KB, 920x678, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>63806566

Z peak right?

>> No.63806566
Quoted by: >>63806599

i allow it

>> No.63806599
File: 5 KB, 194x259, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that won't do

>> No.63806631
File: 373 KB, 1197x1280, leona.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leona bros run these threads

>> No.63806775
File: 84 KB, 284x467, 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grim day for JP vtubers on Twitch but at least they still won gold over Isegye since Kanae decided to stream

>> No.63806788
File: 133 KB, 1133x426, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I watched it. Some of the points that I personally think is important is as below

>talking about choosing their talents
Yagoo said there are a lot of applicants from Japan and around the world, which is not surprising.
What he is looking for is the skill set of the talents,
The design is decided by the voice of the talent - but this is old news.
The interviewer implied that Cover did voice interview only but not sure if it is true since Yagoo didn't agree with him.
Also mentioned motivation is a very important for the talent they are choosing (jab at some people maybe hmmmmmmm??)

>talking about antis
Cover setup a 24 hours monitoring system for the comments on soc mec.
Opinion: This is probably a solution coming out from the Rushia yab, and one of the reason why Suisei and Cover both got the news of her yab as fast as we've seen.

There are talks about business with the usual graph
>metaverse mentioned
Old news, just confirming that Yagoo still sees Cover as a tech company and focusing on developing the 3D tech as we speak with holoearth as their focus. They are not changing the course.

On the vtuber business side
>they let the talents decide what they wanted to do
Unironic talent freedom. He feels like the company is a platform that is supporting the talents and the creators.
Opinion: Some talents are overwhelmed by their freedom especially in the EN branch, with IRyS mentioning that "it is scary" to have such an amount of freedom.
>not always choosing the most profitable project
Opinion: yeah we know about holostars too, Yagoo.

>Ado mentioned
Talk about celebrities that don't show their faces
>talking about the live concert in the real world
>Musk mentioned
>acknowledging that they need to reach to the global market because of Japan's population decline
>Genshin and China
>10% of the staff is kaigai
>Acknowleging Anycolor's strength is their male talents and Cover's strength lies in their female talents
>it is very important to have rival in the industry to improve
>from his first entrepreneurship he found out that connection is very important

Feel free to add anything you find important from the interview.

>> No.63806811

Knkn fell behind Fanta again, I thought he was close to overtaking him

>> No.63806822

One of the YT comment:

>> No.63806998
Quoted by: >>63807064

kinda nothing interview, we knew about most of these already

>> No.63807025

thanks anon

>> No.63807064

Basically 80% of them is old info, but the channel is focusing on entrepreneurship, business and technology. This can expose vtubers and Cover's business to the "normies" in Japan.

>> No.63807086


>> No.63807235

>Also mentioned motivation is a very important for the talent they are choosing
Yeah he mentioned talent needs to have the motivation to stream regularly every week. Seems like he is not satisfied with the "talents" in Myth and Council.

>> No.63807422
Quoted by: >>63807505

Mito streams. 13k so far:

>> No.63807462

>Flare splatoon
>Reid Mahjong

>> No.63807505

I wanna fuck Joon.

>> No.63807517
File: 76 KB, 942x481, buybuybuy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>63807588

holoparade buff is real

>> No.63807588

>botted waves in fucking peak players
we're too advanced

>> No.63807621

and that bot's name?

>> No.63807649

>playing powerwash
he's going to fall below Karubi at this rate

>> No.63807654

pekomari soon

>> No.63807766
File: 432 KB, 782x434, tranny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>63807802

10k already. Tranny is finally mainstream

>> No.63807802

I kneel

>> No.63807836
File: 21 KB, 300x300, Shirayuki-Reid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>63808508


>> No.63808151

The hags are still trying...

>> No.63808192
File: 252 KB, 668x882, jytik.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.63808216

What is korekore's drama this time?

>> No.63808234

too powerful

>> No.63808426

100k+ dramafags.

>> No.63808434

oh no, hopefully none I know

>> No.63808508

6k now
I kneel Mahjong Player

>> No.63809005
Quoted by: >>63809232

Miko 33k
Ange 19k
Watame 13k
Shion 13k

>> No.63809232

Red lesbi incline

>> No.63809374

Tokyo ghoul strikes again

>> No.63809519
Quoted by: >>63809683

Ui 24k?

>> No.63809683

she's first army level now

>> No.63810083
Quoted by: >>63810459

Korekore is the Marine/Toya of JP streamers
rarely streams but BTFO of Shaka/Darum/aJun when he does

>> No.63810459

Suisei is a more accurate comparison since he also relies on drama

>> No.63810560
File: 318 KB, 822x628, 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>63810594

current streams

>> No.63810594

>several IDsharts collab
>can't even beat mahjong player

>> No.63810949

Mikasa simp

>> No.63810992

Did shion announce something?

>> No.63811035

just her birthday

>> No.63811172
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>> No.63811278

>all JPs

>> No.63811302

Looks like a flop

>> No.63811315

3D cunny again, JPbros don't look...

>> No.63811329
Quoted by: >>63811494

Aqua and?

>> No.63811494

Probably Aqua, subaru, sakamata, choco and miko(?)

>> No.63812168
File: 23 KB, 594x234, everyone calm down.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>63812484

>> No.63812425

>king gold
i sleep

>> No.63812484

you still got it in you my King

>> No.63812613
File: 239 KB, 666x879, liu;l.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.63812650

>shiro manta incline
you never expected that

>> No.63812701

nqrse... when will he collab with kanae again...

>> No.63812751

honorable mentions:
>virtual obaachan
>Nito ch
>Macoto ASMR
>Utai Meika
>Natori Sana
>Kagura Mea
>QueueTan (cat Chiroru)
>Amaki Pururu

>> No.63812796
Quoted by: >>63812953

I confuse Ito Life with Beat Mario for some reason

>> No.63812953

They are both based babinikus

>> No.63813018

Flare 8k
Ars 6k
Yorumi 5k
All doryaaa

>> No.63813350


Here it goes
>54,582: Kuzuha (Nijisanji)
>53,008: Korone (Hololive)
>41,828: Pekora (Hololive)
>36,825: Toya (Nijisanji)
>33,742: Miko (Hololive)
>26,290: Koyori (Hololive)
>24,795: Toya (Nijisanji)
>24,683: Shigure Ui (Indie)
>21,182: Subaru (Hololive)
>20,022: Mio (Hololive)
>19,459: Ange (Nijisanji)
>19,373: VSPO (VSPO)
>19,021: Shion (Hololive)
>19,011: Fuwa (Nijisanji)
>18,093: NeruMero (Indie)
>16,451: Watame (Hololive)
>16,317: Fuwamoco (Hololive)
>15,247: Fubuki (Hololive)
>15,185: Botan (Hololive)
>14,981: Nose (VSPO)
>14,616: Mito (Nijisanji)
>13,815: Lui (Hololive)
>13,699: Met (VSPO)
>13,551: Ririka (Hololive)
>12,990: Ito Life (Indie)
>11,780: Fauna (Hololive)
>11,557: Noel (Hololive)
>10,957: Lui (Hololive)
>10,153: Ratna (Nijisanji)

A valiant battle for gold with Kuzuha getting it in the end with a LOL collab with SMOK getting silver on Korone's channel and Pekora, bronze with Holoparade

>> No.63813408
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>> No.63813471
File: 682 KB, 732x507, King vibing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the king for ya

>> No.63813505

hags tried but Riot was too powerful..

>> No.63813617

I kneel

>> No.63813685

How stacked can December be?
At least vcr GTA is coming

>> No.63813705

As always

>> No.63813805

also a dozen of lives, 1 graduation, fes, collabs

>> No.63813811

Well there's always Christmas and NY streams every year to begin with. I wonder how long will the VCR server lasts this time tho.

>> No.63813836
File: 17 KB, 585x285, 1638810273792.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.63813920

3 more niji gold for december at least

>> No.63813958
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>> No.63814150
File: 47 KB, 524x596, Kanaekeks status? .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>63814306

Kanaekeks status?

>> No.63814306

I mean he streamed today

>> No.63814573

anything big lined up tomorrow?

>> No.63814600

there's a chance of pekomari

>> No.63814668

>26,290: Koyori (Hololive)
Koyo first army!

>> No.63814785

I assume will be a Parade gold or sth

>> No.63815366
Quoted by: >>63815469

Ririka is playing Bimajo, Marine's Tsugunohi
What kind of numbers is that going to get, so long after release?

>> No.63815469
Quoted by: >>63815576

10k at least

>> No.63815576

10 years at least

>> No.63815767

It's now been 100 days since Soiree dropped.
It managed to hit 8M before the 100 day mark. Pretty good for Suisei, if not her absolute biggest.

>> No.63815829
Quoted by: >>63815844

nah TFT stellar was faster

>> No.63815844

what do you mean nah then, it literally says not her biggest

>> No.63817070


>> No.63817504
Quoted by: >>63819357

it wasn't a new song. People had already heard it.

>> No.63819357
Quoted by: >>63820070

new MV though
Loli Kami was a year old when its MV dropped too, the music just doesn't matter that much with these things

>> No.63819592
Quoted by: >>63819884

It fits because like # Eren got cucked in the end.

>> No.63819884

>t. Reinerkek

>> No.63819970

This is sad. You guys can come back to /#/ if you can behave yourselves.

>> No.63820070

Loli Kami had kino MV with music composed by IOSYS, not on the same level.

>> No.63820164

>You guys can come back to eop schizo central if you can behave yourselves.

>> No.63820243

>p-please talk about ENsharts

>> No.63821895

>Ars 6k
>Yorumi 5k
>Natsume Eri 719
>Hijirime Laeria 485
>Aoi hinamori 400
>Aruka 336
>Kawasaki Sui 81
>Kogane (Voice-ORE) 11

That's it, that's all the streams.

>> No.63822042

goodnight frens

>> No.63822642
Quoted by: >>63823260

Today Ui's Loli Kami will hit 66,666,666 views

>> No.63822791
Quoted by: >>63822845

is there a combined one with twitch ? like the ones they used to make. i wanna see my chonky red waifu karubi

>> No.63822845

I dunno, check the various twitter accounts maybe

>> No.63823260

Semen demon

>> No.63824455

baubaus live, and with the end of donkey kang, what should they playthrough next? for me, outerwilds

>> No.63825092
File: 497 KB, 1392x914, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yesterday's graph
You can really see the dead hours on these huh

Holobox peaked at 149k at 9:23
Nijibox 117k at 10:29
Brave/Vspo 45k at 8:24
Neo-porte 10k at 11:02

>> No.63825290

Tbf Hal and Reid stream at somewhat different hours

>> No.63825591

Kek that little Met nichiasa bulge

>> No.63826599

VSPO had a big mahjong collab yesterday, if not they'd actually be Neo-porte tier, simply because some of them moved to twitch while some of the stronger members on YT stream less now/are doing debuff stuff

>> No.63826644

HoloX's November 2023: 2 years in

Medians of Peaks:
1. Koyori, 13680
2. Lui, 9897
3. Chloe, 9093
4. Gozaru, 9009
(Laplus on twitch, non-comparable data)
As someone who still has perceptions from near after debut lingering in my mind, I think it's interesting to see this ordering. Lui, Chloe and Gozaru are basically neck and neck these days.

Means of Peaks (bloated due to anniversary):
1. Iroha 21075 from 8 streams
2. Chloe 20135 from 13 streams
3. Koyori 18000 from 33 streams
4. Lui 13827 from 21 streams
(Laplus on twitch, non comparable data)
Obviously this metric is useless this month. The fewer your streams, the less you reduce the impact of your anniverary outlier.

Watch hours :
1. Koyori 1,664,194 from 124.7 hrs
2. Lui 596,238 from 67 hrs
3. Chloe 444,730 from 35.3 hrs
4. Iroha 219,643 from 20.5 hrs at
5. La+ (yt only) 114,177 from 2.1 hrs
Koyori gets more watchtime than the rest of HoloX combined. Koyori streams more hours than the rest of HoloX combined.

YouTube Views:
1. Laplus 10,937,090
2. Koyori 10,847,896
3. Lui 10,636,248
4. Chloe 5,445,762
5. Iroha like ~3M ish
While it's super close between Laplus, Koyori, and Lui when it comes to straight up views, Laplus actually does come out on top for the month. I guess her strategy of leaving streaming to twitch in order to pump up views on her YouTube channel is... working? At least to some extent. Chloe and Gozaru are way behind here.

>> No.63826805
File: 1.26 MB, 1203x646, 1693488071985510.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based HoloX follower

>> No.63826867

actually I guess Koyori streamed 124.7 hours while the rest of Holox streamed 124.9 hrs, so you might as well think of it as coming out to be the same amount of hours streamed. Of course, that's not including Laplus's hours on Twitch though.

>> No.63826909

Chloe debuffs herself big midnight streams and stuff

>> No.63826939

Can I post about EN here?

>> No.63826969

try the other thread

>> No.63827163

basically they're all susceptible to sub10k, more often than not even.
Koyori is the only one who has above 10k average but still a sus floor and weak in overlap.

>> No.63827268
File: 218 KB, 485x450, 1695694734506809.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course!

>> No.63827433

Subgrowth for November:
Laplus 20k
Chloe 20k
Koyo 20k
Lui 15k
Iroha 12k

Lap/Chloe/Koyo continue to widen the gap on Lui and Iroha when it comes to subcount

>> No.63828170
Quoted by: >>63830986

>I guess her strategy of leaving streaming to twitch in order to pump up views on her YouTube channel is... working?
Honestly looking from her recent shorts number it just felt like she's bruteforcing it with quantity. Similar to Koyori, but in shorts instead of streams. She probably figured that method will net an increase in total views better since if you open one of her shorts and leave it to reel automatically it will cycle through all of her shorts.

>> No.63830986

She's doing better in views than most holos in relative to streaming time, that's something

>> No.63832590

The numbers seem good here
