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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 201 KB, 1280x669, hololive_indonesia_2nd_gen_debut_image1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
636445 No.636445 [Reply] [Original]

Here's your HoloEN Gen 2 bro

>> No.636753
File: 333 KB, 1499x749, coupon kiara cup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ollie is just a leeching kiara ripoff. Why have a knockoff when you can get the real thing, pure perfection?

>> No.636780
File: 446 KB, 423x644, 6A6E5BA4-CCD9-447B-A3F0-B97DDAA1B262.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love her so much

>> No.637673

>*bop* *bop* *bop*

>> No.637725

Kinda plain, nothing really special, I guess she have a good head over her shoulders and common sense, which is rare in a vtuber
Too much energy, carry her whole gen
>Dagger or whatever she is
Boring as watching paint drying in a wall

>> No.637746
Quoted by: >>637840

ollie is literally just upgraded kiara and you know this dumb falseflagger

>> No.637813
Quoted by: >>638068

>expecting mommy dommy ara ara vtuber
>instead its the dorky girlfriend experience

Extremely based

>> No.637840

Yeah, it's really obvious too if you've watched both of them for any decent period of time. Kiara didn't patent that personality, and Ollie just improved upon it. Simple as.

>> No.637904

Reine is comfy and I love her BGM a lot, I always have her streams in the background when i'm playing minecraft.

Ollie is energetic and adorable, she is one of the few I find worth staying up for.

>> No.637923

I have come to realise that I have a type and Reine fits it perfectly

>> No.638068

That’s exactly why I like her too.

>> No.638162
Quoted by: >>643226

I feel kinda bad for Ollie. She would have been way more popular if she was in EN.

>> No.642329

Why would someone want to be a kiara ripoff

>> No.642451

I came for the design and stayed for the dumb laugh.

>> No.643020

I very much enjoy all of them. Anya the most for some reason.

>> No.643226

Agree, but then we would have 2 Kiaras

>> No.643285

I'll allow it.

>> No.643293

