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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 2.04 MB, 1920x1080, F_aULZfbwAAwtjf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
63123872 No.63123872 [Reply] [Original]

>Previous Stream:【7 Days to End with You】I Don't Understand What You're Saying [Spoiler Alert]

>Previous Stream:

#ourokronii (General)
#krotime (Streams)
#kronillust (Art)
#kroniijokes (Memes)
#OKTK (Fanbase tag)
#krossets (Assets)
#kroniirotic (Unofficial Tag for NSFW Art)

>Handy links:
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmbs8T6MWqUHP1tIQvSgKrg
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ourokronii
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@ourokronii_holoen
Free Chat Room: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nnAY-x9AtNk
Debut VoD: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W3oVrq94mGM

【Original Song MV】Daydream - Ouro Kronii: https://youtu.be/6W749jRBg-4
Kronii's Original Song 「Daydream」: https://cover.lnk.to/Daydream
【Original Song MV】Rise -【hololive English -Council- Original Song】: https://youtu.be/jHibTDJlTJw
Kronii's Latest Cover Song: https://youtu.be/yRX-NJmOdPs
Kronii's Zatsudan BGM: https://youtu.be/0dP7cdf-EgI
Kronii's 2nd Zatsudan BGM: https://youtu.be/0SC9Qzs7VVI
Kronii's Game BGM: https://youtu.be/aE3yq2GQQmk
Kronii's Member BGM: https://youtu.be/-QUt_6oM9jI
Kronii's Birthday BGM: https://youtu.be/6TXGPOaYp30
Kronii's Anniversary BGM: https://youtu.be/Z2OoITXJfAI

>Current Schedule:
11/22 - Manifold Garden @ 8PM PST / 11PM EST, (11/23) 4AM GMT, 1PM JST
11/23 - Super Smash Bros w/ Bijou, Shiori, Mori @ 6PM PST / 9PM EST, (11/24) 2AM GMT / 11AM JST
11/25 - Entropy Center @ 7PM PST / 10PM EST, (11/26) 3AM GMT / 12PM JST

>If you can't do timezones, consult the following:

>Previous Thread:

>Current Bond Level: 7.0

>Fanfic Listing:

Remember to report and ignore schizos and Londoners. KRONII LOVE!
>Also report any Leaks or Defamation against Kronii to Cover using this link

>> No.63123897

Kronii Love !!

>> No.63123925

Kronii mama im thirsty

>> No.63123938
Quoted by: >>63123996

Kronii is scaring me this week

>> No.63123940
File: 232 KB, 445x395, 8fd822fbfc21507091d72c636985fd0f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>63125823

>> No.63123996
Quoted by: >>63124022

She should kill you for good next week

>> No.63124022

Don't say that...scary...

>> No.63124376

I.......is.......is that the elusive Kronii schedule they speak of only in the legends?

>> No.63124435

And a five days stream week at that.

>> No.63124530
Quoted by: >>63124571

Why do some artists make kronies this dark blue color
it's wrong

>> No.63124571
Quoted by: >>63124639

Because most of us aren't white.

>> No.63124612
Quoted by: >>63124661

Kronii is literally the only one with Bae in Promise who keep up with schedules

>> No.63124639
Quoted by: >>63124758

So this is why kronies are so awful

>> No.63124661

Fauna used to do them but she stopped doing them most weeks.

>> No.63124758

Your oshi isn't either.

>> No.63124821

She's Korean/Jap she's not some third worlder shitstain like seafaggots are anon

>> No.63124883 [DELETED] 
File: 835 KB, 781x837, 1700179802460843.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>63124952

Stop fighting over stupid things

>> No.63124899

She is an honorary Aryan, like the rest of the civilized part of Asia, chinese and SEApagpag need not apply!

>> No.63124952
Quoted by: >>63125144

Stop posting irrelevant whores in my Oshi's thread you faggot.

>> No.63124992
File: 1002 KB, 1650x1175, 1700684270752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.63124996
Quoted by: >>63125156

>white man feeling superior

>> No.63125144 [DELETED] 
File: 311 KB, 1305x782, RoBoros.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't trash talk Boros's side job.

>> No.63125156

>white man rightfully feeling superior

>> No.63125212

Imagine being some kind of twitchfag watching whoreshojo lmfao

>> No.63125329

I dunno her skin looked pretty white to me

>> No.63125540
File: 23 KB, 589x571, 24234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>63125790


>> No.63125683
File: 1.12 MB, 1280x793, Sleeping4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.63125790 [SPOILER] 
File: 379 KB, 524x315, 1685125196170792.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.63125816
File: 767 KB, 3000x4000, F_j4HqpbMAAPban.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>63125860

>> No.63125823
Quoted by: >>63125909

ballsack face

>> No.63125860

Is hair boros the one talking?

>> No.63125909
File: 102 KB, 308x312, 2b6e52546984205d834aa532adeb24bc-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.63126036
File: 240 KB, 1129x1593, F_ZC2fIbYAA-Exw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.63126195


>> No.63126394
File: 118 KB, 850x806, __ouro_kronii_hakos_baelz_ouro_kronii_and_hakos_baelz_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_yuudokou_shounen__sample-cac025631dca859069b9073960917ae1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>63126472

I want Kronii to stretch every members clothing with her big ballistics.

>> No.63126472

She probably couldn't stretch Noel's

>> No.63126719

why is my kronii dressed up like some wanton slut

>> No.63126812


>> No.63127413

What if Kronii had an oversized weaponized penis like ducks do?

>> No.63127890
File: 838 KB, 1493x840, 1693642554476436.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.63128034
Quoted by: >>63128082

Kronii choking fanart doko?

>> No.63128082
Quoted by: >>63128208

kys dipshit koko

>> No.63128208
Quoted by: >>63128277

Kronii Strangle You koko

>> No.63128277


>> No.63128595
File: 694 KB, 1493x840, 1673273531988104.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.63129136
File: 681 KB, 2356x3643, 1693812000736237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.63129445
File: 2.63 MB, 500x500, mother disgusting [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fk9q7d0.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>63129809

>> No.63129623
File: 536 KB, 1702x1945, Look at this shit Boros.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.63129638
File: 849 KB, 692x656, gympu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>63129690

>> No.63129690
File: 1.77 MB, 500x500, stop momposting [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fx5pm4p.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.63129809

Shit i'm sorry, Mother of my children i meant

>> No.63130352
File: 41 KB, 596x146, F_kbxMpXIAADuWO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.63130420

wrong thread and very low bar considering she hand them a lot

>> No.63130562
File: 54 KB, 1810x203, Sup fag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.63130615

What's with jailbirds and being on any thread but their own, can't you read?

>> No.63130616
File: 23 KB, 467x87, sup nigger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>63130692


>> No.63130692
Quoted by: >>63130770

>Literal who
No loyalty to Kronii, shameful

>> No.63130715

It's pretty bad, Nerissa so desperate for clout she sucks off doxsisters on twitter. Everyone got mad at the homo for talking nousagi but that's nothing compared to what Nerissa did.

>> No.63130770
Quoted by: >>63130991

baffling retard

>> No.63130961
File: 496 KB, 1116x2021, F_jc2UDbIAEVAPR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.63130975

>kronies not ruin their own thread for 1 second challenge

>> No.63130991

Still mad

>> No.63131015
File: 311 KB, 858x625, F_jKOsHbAAAiNBI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.63131027
File: 594 KB, 1855x2474, _seventeencrows-1726933746899927307-img1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.63131250

>retard posing as tamago for some reason

>> No.63131330

I bet it's the readschizo, probably brown or some darker shade of skin.

>> No.63131464
File: 848 KB, 2425x4096, H_Hornium-1727446861865206014-img1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.63131697
Quoted by: >>63132364

tamago's not even that much of a schizo he's just a depressed mexican...

>> No.63131705

members post

>> No.63131836

Writing Wednesday is back babieeeee

>> No.63131892

Writing Wednesdays are finally back

>> No.63131914 [SPOILER] 
File: 111 KB, 500x400, Sana Gyate(heart).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.63132058


>> No.63132199

I miss the space choco baby...

>> No.63132295

The heartschizo was a foreshadowing

>> No.63132364

He's just a schizo for Name. But so was Yellow.

>> No.63132378
Quoted by: >>63132496


>> No.63132496
Quoted by: >>63133454

He died of old age, like all oldronies.

>> No.63132552
Quoted by: >>63132579

How did Name get schizos

>> No.63132579

I'm actually starting to miss Name...when was the last time she posted...does she hate us...?

>> No.63132586


>> No.63132634

wanna SNAP those suspenders

>> No.63132767

Why do you care about her, genuine question

>> No.63132863

Anon would care for any woman that gave him attention, he's just that desperate

>> No.63132909

I think it's inspiring to see other people be passionate about their niche hobbies, and I think the fact that she still comes here to bake threads despite how shitty this split's behavior can be is very sweet (maybe more than it deserves) and it makes me want to do better myself.

>> No.63132996

Yay writing Wednesdays are back! But, she should make it for tier 3 members only, imo.

>> No.63133094

That sounds like projection

I guess I can understand

>> No.63133207
Quoted by: >>63133305

How sad is your life that this is somehow inspiring for you?

>> No.63133305
Quoted by: >>63133347

Can't you save your vitriol for one thread

>> No.63133347

Stop being gay and answer the question.

>> No.63133454
Quoted by: >>63133898

I'm still here.

>> No.63133853

You're right.

>> No.63133898
Quoted by: >>63135534

Sometimes I still can hear his voice.

>> No.63134852

Kronii is reading our comments and happily smiling

>> No.63134968
Quoted by: >>63135977

Hi Kronii I'm eating a slice of key lime pie right now

>> No.63135013

Hi Kronii, I'm watching Moom's VOD.

>> No.63135427
Quoted by: >>63135490

New philosophy stream when ...

>> No.63135454

seethe, she is honoray white

>> No.63135490

The last two streams, in a way.

>> No.63135534

I'm not Yellow, just an oldronie of the same vintage.

>> No.63135745
Quoted by: >>63135834

Kronii hates oldronies

>> No.63135834

She hates youngronies too.

>> No.63135977
Quoted by: >>63136772

Is it real key lime pie? What color is the filling? Is it a fluorescent green or a more milky yellow?

>> No.63135986
Quoted by: >>63136183

She stopped reading

>> No.63136183

She should go read a book instead

>> No.63136339
File: 526 KB, 1536x2048, F-pFeqjaAAA47YL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me and my wife Kronii

>> No.63136479

She'll come back, she always does

>> No.63136675
File: 109 KB, 1300x1300, 1694604750584211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.63136772
Quoted by: >>63136839

Milky yellow, I got it from publix

>> No.63136839

Okay it's legit

>> No.63137069
Quoted by: >>63139756

I hate depressed Kronii

>> No.63137455
Quoted by: >>63137508

I'm back from my daily marriage consummation (TL note: sex) with Kronii. What did I miss?

>> No.63137493

Bae is playing Kronii's game.

>> No.63137508

All of Kronii's holes

>> No.63138110
File: 378 KB, 1200x1698, FzDaO7sakAE5kL7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>63138758

>> No.63138758

I love them

>> No.63139092
File: 354 KB, 1000x1205, 1686534431685119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.63139275

I love them too

>> No.63139756
Quoted by: >>63140233

Then you hate Kronii.

>> No.63140233


>> No.63140259

im kronie

>> No.63140432

I miss brats

>> No.63141688

My brother arrived 2 hours ago and now he is fighting with my mom.
I love thanksgiving.

>> No.63142680
File: 508 KB, 498x498, Now's your chance to a Big Clock![sound=files.catbox.moe%2F6sn2ll.mp3].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you a [BIG CLOCK] /∞/?

>> No.63143634
Quoted by: >>63143757

Stream is in an hour, right?

>> No.63143757
Quoted by: >>63143984

Yeah but no room up so expect a delay.

>> No.63143962
Quoted by: >>63144445

>No room
>No tweet
We got a new stream record last night...but at what cost...

>> No.63143984

Gotchu. I was a bit confused cause JST wasn't right and I use that one to know stream time

>> No.63144239
File: 252 KB, 1663x1414, DefeatedUser-1727503823428829563-img1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.63144445
Quoted by: >>63144723

Well she did reply to something 40 minutes ago

>> No.63144723

It would be pretty funny if this was the Suika game she ended up playing on stream at some point just because of that.

>> No.63144899

No Kronii lego collab ...

>> No.63145182

Room doko?

>> No.63145391


>> No.63145640

touching grass teehee

>> No.63145858
File: 710 KB, 1080x1717, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>63146140


>> No.63146140

melon game soon

>> No.63146408
File: 278 KB, 1000x1332, F8MFtxGXwAEMqYl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>63146586

Help, it has stood outside of my house for 8 hours

>> No.63146531
File: 146 KB, 312x250, meanwhile.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.63146586


>> No.63146713

Bae is playing it right now.

>> No.63146750

All these POSERS copying my original oshi

>> No.63146827
Quoted by: >>63146848

does tonight's game have story or is it "safe" to like, just listen too without spoiling the puzzles. if anybody knows...

>> No.63146848
Quoted by: >>63147178

it looks like it's just puzzles in a similar vein to antichamber

>> No.63146908

What can she even do for 8 hours did she pick up a retail job

>> No.63146931 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.19 MB, 1823x958, traveller hero gambler.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>63146972

she already finished (only one run though)

>> No.63146970

Let's discuss about Kronii's breasts.

>> No.63146972

is Bae really so immoral?

>> No.63146991

could be many many things. errands.....studio work.....social.....taking care of loose ends...

>> No.63147041

Same shit every time with her

>> No.63147107
Quoted by: >>63147153

Probably did stuff with the family, catching up on errands and that sort of thing. Wouldn't be surprised if she's got some driving reps in since you sort of need to build those up in order to eventually upgrade your license.

>> No.63147153

>driving reps

>> No.63147178

cool, thanks neat!

>> No.63147251
Quoted by: >>63147390

Do you think she...forgot she had a stream today or something?

>> No.63147390
Quoted by: >>63147955

Probably eating dinner before working on the thumbnail since the tweet implied she didn't get a chance to do that today.

>> No.63147619

We need relationship counseling or something, this can't keep happening.

>> No.63147701

We entered the parallel universe where the late streams get delayed instead of the early ones

>> No.63147754

As long as she doesn't cancel, I’ll be happy. I love Kronii

>> No.63147761


>> No.63147776

>Could just say "stream is delayed a bit sorry!"
>Instead just send the usual vague tweet saying you've been doing stuff all day; leave people to wait and see if the stream will be delayed or not

>> No.63147818

She still has the potential to improve

>> No.63147855
Quoted by: >>63149480


>> No.63147927
Quoted by: >>63148043

It's been 2 years, it's not happening at this rate

>> No.63147955

Anon, your time in particular is not that valuable that you have to piss and shit yourself over this sort of thing. And oh look, it's exactly as I said >>63147390

>> No.63148043
Quoted by: >>63148153

Next time make the samefagging a little less obvious.

>> No.63148058
Quoted by: >>63148226

She doesn't see it as an issue to improve on and nobody is allowed to raise it as one either without getting permabanned. The way she treats things is fine in her mind.

>> No.63148153
Quoted by: >>63148226

I don't think you know what samefag means

>> No.63148226

Anon is upset he's socially illiterate that he can't parse a tweet and come to a reasonable conclusion that a stream might be delayed.

Looking at
And how seeing all the posts are on cooldown, nah I think I have the right of it.

>> No.63148297

I love Kronii

>> No.63148306

You fucking idiot.

>> No.63148370
Quoted by: >>63148437

I hate Kronii

>> No.63148437

No, don’t say that. Please you have to be lying.

>> No.63148519
Quoted by: >>63148802

>Dude just read between the lines (aka make up random conclusions based off nothing)
It takes 0 effort to just add in your tweet that the stream might be delayed, no matter how many mental gymnastics you perform or how many insane excuses you pull out of thin air for her. This is part of her long-standing issue of preferring to say nothing at all rather than run the remote possibility of disappointing people, even when saying nothing only creates a more disappointing outcome scenario. I won't be entertaining anymore babbling from you.

>> No.63148645
File: 2.06 MB, 1214x1228, tit_slap_yourself.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>63148752

>> No.63148752

They stretch

>> No.63148771

Kronii owes us paizuri for delaying the stream

>> No.63148802

>Was outside today (within half an hour of stream start)
>can reasonably infer that there's a good chance because of that, she perhaps hasn't had a chance to eat dinner or work on the thumbnail, so there's a good likelihood the stream will be delayed
I don't disagree that her saying the stream might be delayed would be helpful, but you come across as a whiney bitch when you complain every time she puts out a tweet that isn't related to a stream start time. For christs' sake, she brought up Manifold Garden yesterday so it's not like she forgot she had a stream today.

>> No.63148871
File: 151 KB, 850x1199, IMG_6556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.63148978

I will have sex with Kronii and there’s nothing you can do about it Kronies

>> No.63149114
File: 33 KB, 1060x177, 564321316.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry, you are late

>> No.63149132
Quoted by: >>63149302

Can I watch?

>> No.63149212
Quoted by: >>63149252

Whatever you say, Irys/Fauna/Kiara/Kronii/Kronii's dakimakura.

>> No.63149252
Quoted by: >>63149320

>Kiara scoring
good one

>> No.63149302
Quoted by: >>63149395

yes, if you stay in the closet Mumei

>> No.63149320
File: 2.95 MB, 1728x1346, 1672472068177932.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>63149470

You're coping again, Reine.

>> No.63149395

I’m gonna moom

>> No.63149461
File: 219 KB, 2048x2048, 1634336322524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.63149470

all she has to do is ask Kronii...

>> No.63149480


what filter sorcery did she make this thumbnail with

>> No.63149544


>> No.63149545


>> No.63149626

Gradient inverted mask or something I imagine. I don't know the proper terms but that sounds right.

>> No.63149636
File: 242 KB, 574x515, VUtUf5C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4 seconds off
Brb gonna kill myself over this...oh hey, Jailbirds

>> No.63149639
Quoted by: >>63149710

>Layer Properties: Inherit Alpha
>Layer Properties: Negative
wow magic

>> No.63149710

Magic is real!?

>> No.63150333


>> No.63150378


>> No.63150391
Quoted by: >>63150449

I hate every faggot who rushes to be FIRST XD they should all die.

>> No.63150422


>> No.63150428

She's using the cute voice again...

>> No.63150449


>> No.63150502

She was taking care of my cock

>> No.63150528

shes been outside for all day huh.......

>> No.63150587

> she's cold
> I'm cold
we are

>> No.63150624

>I'm a little wet

>> No.63150654

>she is finding answers!!!!
yeah she had shower sex with me

>> No.63150661

Well there's your confirmation Time Mutt is still alive

>> No.63150673

>My clothes are wet.
>I was giving an animal a bath.

>> No.63150731
Quoted by: >>63150779

Nah it was time kitten. If it was time mutt she'd just say. Time cat is members only so she'd be vague.

>> No.63150779

Anon, cats don't shake themselves dry after a bath.

>> No.63150804
Quoted by: >>63150901

I can't believe Kronii gave Animol a bath...why is Mumei so lazy?

>> No.63150818

Not necessarily, it's likely time mutt 2 if she's being vague about it.

Or, she was washing Mumei's animal.

>> No.63150853

Bathe any animal without getting yourself wet in the process. Do it.

>> No.63150854

you gotta like, dry the cat tho, she likely wrapped kitty up in a towel and gave her a warm hug (the proper way to dry cats) causing her to become just a little damp, but not enough to warrant a clothing change. have been in the same situation before

>> No.63150860

she was washing her pets ( all me)

>> No.63150901
Quoted by: >>63150932

Kronii, Mumei and Animol were having a bath together.

>> No.63150932
Quoted by: >>63150972


>> No.63150972

yes with my tounge

>> No.63151007

This is just antichamber with worse to look at graphics

>> No.63151031

This game probably obliterates people with motion sickness.

>> No.63151032

I can't believe we're in a timeline where kromeifags are coping the hardest out of everyone

>> No.63151042

Game make brain hurt.

>> No.63151168

>having to puzzle your way through a Monogatari OP

>> No.63151240


>> No.63151355
File: 239 KB, 1192x2150, F_mC5fVXkAEg8Fb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.63151384
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>> No.63151412

Very nice

>> No.63151427

Staple Stable cover soon

>> No.63151503

Speedrun when?

>> No.63151537
Quoted by: >>63151662

I'm too weak to watch this.
Podcast mode Kronii engaged

>> No.63151572

If you have motion sickness you are less than human.

>> No.63151662

Woah she just showed her boobs. Can’t believed you missed it

>> No.63151870

She's only reading Zaめ.

>> No.63151952
Quoted by: >>63152002

She should drain the eggs from my noggs

>> No.63151965
Quoted by: >>63152029

That has to be the cutest Kronii sneeze yet
Clip-worthy even

>> No.63151990

She's gonna catch a cold and take next week off cause she's gonna be dying

>> No.63152002


>> No.63152029
Quoted by: >>63152076

Are you saying that you think some Kronii sneezes aren't cute? Heretic

>> No.63152067

>I think being sick is cringe

>> No.63152076

I say let’s kill them

>> No.63152111

>40000 COD is less than $10 USD
That's the person who shit up the streams for weeks with gift faggotry btw

>> No.63152146

fun fact, I met the dev of this game a few years ago, and he was super nice. he did a thing where he didn't cut his hair for the entirety of the development of the game, and let's just say his hair got super stupidly-long lmao

>> No.63152213
Quoted by: >>63152279

Yellow winning...

>> No.63152260

>game dev started in 2012
I would imagine he'd have "average anime girl hair length" then.

>> No.63152279

His wife died he's not winning shit

>> No.63152300

Thats neat and some odd dedication.

>> No.63152323


>> No.63152589

You ain't colorblind, you twat.

>> No.63152623

this kind of games makes my brain hort ...

>> No.63152627

tits not large enough

>> No.63152649
Quoted by: >>63152674

I’m colorblind what does it sound like?

>> No.63152674
Quoted by: >>63152719


>> No.63152719


>> No.63152780
Quoted by: >>63152988

Does this game have VR?

>> No.63152988

Surprisingly no, then again VR wasn't a thing when it was initially being developed.

>> No.63153247

Kronii is cheating!

>> No.63153255

I had to leave for a minute...why did she go

>> No.63153261

She didn’t really win

>> No.63153276

>She knows
Stop exposing her

>> No.63153381

Wait I'm retarded
Yellow light means hints, green light means "just fucking tell me the solution", right?

>> No.63153413


>> No.63153467

Yes, but it doesn't help much when people who clearly haven't played it trying to give hints based off of what they find on a wiki and then other people parrot like with the "color" spamming right before this segment.

>> No.63153600

She’s leaving again ;-;

>> No.63153628

Kronii's destroying her toilet...

>> No.63153643

Sorry guys I forgot she was streaming tonight. I'll be 5 minutes quick and then I'll go back to sleep.

>> No.63153653
File: 82 KB, 952x591, PROMISE FORCE RULES, PROMISE FORCE RULES[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Ff2exfq.ogg].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>63153735

>> No.63153735
Quoted by: >>63153784

Promise fans can beat up all the other fanbases

>> No.63153784

I miss Council

>> No.63153790

she will come back right?...

>> No.63153813

>Ignore my oshi raid...

>> No.63153840

Kronii is dead, the A.I shut down.

>> No.63153954
Quoted by: >>63153994

She came back after I came

>> No.63153980
File: 247 KB, 408x411, 1700709034371214.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.63153994
Quoted by: >>63154128

What did you come to anon

>> No.63154128 [SPOILER] 
File: 453 KB, 898x1200, 113618073_p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.63154132


>> No.63154166

She HATES /#/

>> No.63154169

Now that's a fucking soundpost a lot of people need to hear on this board

>> No.63154177

>You guys care too much about the numbers. You need to stop.

>> No.63154189
Quoted by: >>63154225

Ayyy who needs their gyatussy ate?

>> No.63154225
File: 96 KB, 400x400, Kronii Gyate(heart).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.63154317

Crazy how Kronii belongs to the most unity gen with members who really grateful to be there and yet her view of Hololive is closer to post-lean Mori.
Even more crazy when Mori is on her path of redemption, Kronii pretty much regressing instead

>> No.63154353

Crazy how I didn't read

>> No.63154361

someone soundpost that

>> No.63154363
File: 211 KB, 1200x900, stack up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>63154373

Kronii's favorite game as a child.

>> No.63154373

wow she's old

>> No.63154450

hagronii is real
hag love

>> No.63154500

I think she greatly overthought this puzzle.

>> No.63154658

she's tilted now

>> No.63154693

She got through it at least; pretty sure everyone who has played a puzzle game at one point or another has overthought a puzzle.

>> No.63154720

>the schedule image

She loves us!

>> No.63154769


>> No.63154781

the rock LOVES her

>> No.63154782

Have confidence Kronii...you're embarrassing yourself...

>> No.63154803
Quoted by: >>63154874

Spaghetti spilled

>> No.63154815
Quoted by: >>63154835

Why'd she suddenly turn into Kobeni?

>> No.63154835

>turn into
Anon I...

>> No.63154865

I don't mind the raiding but it's still obnoxious as fuck when the same people start spamming the cheap gifts as soon as it happens every goddamn time.

>> No.63154874

she's gonna mine that rock

>> No.63154878
File: 282 KB, 1738x2048, F-_w1AxXoAEg7-9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.63155272


>> No.63155582


>> No.63155588

Kronii's roommate...

>> No.63155594
File: 34 KB, 600x340, 1692021239579002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.63155599


>> No.63155617

>You don't know Kronii like I do. We're roommates.
WAIT, WHAT!? She just doxxed herself on stream like that!?

>> No.63155629
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>> No.63155681
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>> No.63155711
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>> No.63155745
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>> No.63155790
File: 100 KB, 850x1837, 1680569341690391.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.63155793

She's overlooking the big goddamn hole in the one structure that would take her inside

>> No.63155943

>Inuyasha tangent out of nowhere
I didn't expect this

>> No.63155945
Quoted by: >>63155995

She HATES demons

>> No.63155969
File: 66 KB, 565x643, F8qd0xKW8AANBmP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>63156019

>> No.63155995

she hates us...

>> No.63155998


>> No.63156019


>> No.63156036

>but spice and wolf

>> No.63156050

I'm the little boy for her

>> No.63156084

Kronii loves that naked Spice and Wolf cover that people got upset about a while back

>> No.63156087

>is ok becasue im old
im sorry for the shotaroniies out there

>> No.63156099
File: 286 KB, 1200x1800, wolf-parchment-new-theory-spice-wolf-vol-5-light-novel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.63156143


>> No.63156169
Quoted by: >>63156197

Kronii is doing hypothethicals right now...

>> No.63156197

But would you, anon, would you

>> No.63156239

But would you love Kronii if she were a worm?

>> No.63156279

only if is one of the furry ones.

>> No.63156294
Quoted by: >>63156371

Would you love Kronii even if she had a BST of under 400?

>> No.63156295

what if Kronii was a gummy worm

>> No.63156333

I'd eat her

>> No.63156341
File: 1.26 MB, 2036x2087, 1687503437831248.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.63156371

British Standard Time?

>> No.63156406

No, but if she were a dragon head caterpillar on the other hand...

>> No.63156590

Ouro "Genocide" Kronii

>> No.63156816


>> No.63156988
File: 509 KB, 2637x1756, F_dfoMwaMAAadLg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>63157196

>> No.63157168
File: 42 KB, 300x300, William-Chyr-bw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the game developer would like to know kronii's location

>> No.63157196

200% IRySoSlutty doko?

>> No.63157507

Rice shut the fuck up

>> No.63157629

I played this game forever ago last year, i think I completed this world/color/whatever she's working on, and stopped?
fuck this whole area, it sucks dick. "lol, complete one area then wander around aimlessly and hope you find the next area you can interact with next"

>> No.63157679
File: 1.12 MB, 866x1200, 113405626_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.63157992

That comment about existentialism earlier is backfiring heard right now

>> No.63158082
File: 2.52 MB, 1067x2134, 113642781_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.63158093
File: 1.12 MB, 1346x1620, 1677951629107836.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.63158102
File: 567 KB, 782x870, 1697863431375221.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>63158151

She loves this demon

>> No.63158151
Quoted by: >>63158215

Half breed begone

>> No.63158216

We're free...

>> No.63158215

I'll full breed her

>> No.63158228


>> No.63158240


>> No.63158401

she wants to fuck Nidoqueen...

>> No.63158459
File: 104 KB, 400x385, 1687174725278705.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she hates nu pokemon based

>> No.63158518

Sally mention...

>> No.63158534
Quoted by: >>63158556

>Old pokemon weren't just animals
Pidgey, Rattata, Ekans, Krabby...

>> No.63158537

I'm not liking Kronii at the moment

>> No.63158556

>it's just a fucking orb

>> No.63158622
File: 126 KB, 1280x536, 1503847711143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.63158649
Quoted by: >>63158662

Guessing she’s in the delirium stage of tired

>> No.63158662
Quoted by: >>63158697

Been that way for the past 2 hours

>> No.63158697

She was out all day and came to start stream. She didn't have her nap.

>> No.63158748


>> No.63158770

I want to princess carry her to bed

>> No.63158786

How did Kronii know my secret...

>> No.63158817
File: 139 KB, 635x893, 1490216823553.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.63158821
File: 216 KB, 1068x1627, F_i9yzQasAA_AkC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drunken Hagronii

>> No.63158824

She loves us!

>> No.63158870

>I'm gonna read the supas!
>devolves into nonsense again

>> No.63158902

>IRyS isn't a concept so she's not as old as council members

>> No.63158905

She has looped back into talking about that twink like 5 times around, this is like watching IRyS at this point

>> No.63158921
Quoted by: >>63158978

she's conceptual hope and Redjuice just buffed her

>> No.63158936

A concept can only be as old as the beings that imagined it.

>> No.63158956


>> No.63158962


>> No.63158968


>> No.63158978
Quoted by: >>63159039

If you read the notes, it's total nonsense, and even if it was the case, she's totally at the mercy of Kronii.

>> No.63158979

I don't know what the fuck that was but I kinda liked it/10
The game was cool too/10

>> No.63158981

sesshomaru is good looking enough to get away with it /10

>> No.63158993

Kronii cute I wanna carry her to bed while she rambles/10

>> No.63158999

She can't Sesshomaru is Bae's husbando

>> No.63159000
File: 72 KB, 411x561, 1672329422821072.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is Kronii against this?

>> No.63159007
Quoted by: >>63159022

>girl falls in love with a guy

>> No.63159016

>not into pokemon
>not into any anime
tell me why do I watch Kronii

>> No.63159022
Quoted by: >>63159035

Kronii hates groomers
that's why she only loves women

>> No.63159035

But I want a woman to groom me...

>> No.63159039

I mean literally only Bae might have some immunity to Kronii and that's questionable too

>> No.63159038

woke up at 4 am to kronii yapping and talking crazy but then she was kinda cookin/10

>> No.63159083

Council lore is in the dumpster where it belongs
They are cute funny girls now

>> No.63159089
File: 8 KB, 135x148, because life is ruff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Nidorina must protec, Nidoqueen would smash+ - Kronii, 2023
And the Pokemon lore continues to evolve

>> No.63159120
Quoted by: >>63159155

I mean in a literal sense because IRyS cannot exist in the 4th dimension without help. So she only exists because of Kronii.

Kronii just brought it back.

>> No.63159138
Quoted by: >>63159175

it's not like the Promise update completely removes their lore status, it just removes a bunch of the retarded fluff around it about the gods and shit

>> No.63159155

I'm sorry is Kronii a staff writer for Cover? I was not aware

>> No.63159175

Kronii is no longer cruel and sadistic and is properly characterized as a luckshitter, all is as it should be
Not that it changes how she acts at all

>> No.63159219
Quoted by: >>63159236

Go the fuck back to twitter already.

>> No.63159236

Why? I don't see any Kronii activity

>> No.63159348

The infinite years old thing and the warden of time thing was council lore and it survived. Promise is just Council as it is right now. They're not separate entities.
