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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 676 KB, 896x1024, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
62544881 No.62544881 [Reply] [Original]


>What is /asp/?
/asp/ is a thread for Vtubers to give and receive advice related to Vtubing. We also give advice on how to maximize your semen production.

>Should I stream on Twitch or YouTube?
Most people would recommend against streaming on YouTube If you don't have an established subscriber base from making videos.

>Is there an audience for X?
Would you watch someone do X?
Is someone already doing X?

>What video editor should I use for editing clips?
DaVinci Resolve if you don't feel like spending money or pirating, otherwise use Vegas Pro or Premiere.

Open company auditions:
V&U (Nov 14): https://twitter.com/VNUofficial/status/1716711118121341161
Brave: https://bravegroup.co.jp/audition_en/
Hololive (Open indefinitely): https://audition.hololivepro.com/en

Useful links:
General: https://pastebin.com/AJLkFrGK
Op-Sec: https://mauthedoog.medium.com/21-privacy-tips-vtubers-need-to-know-ce93082cd166
Twitter growth: https://controlc.com/9eba2fbc
What to avoid: https://pastebin.com/vbp6qEdt

Spread the love (LEWDLY LEWDLY LEWDLY)

Previous Thread: >>62530350

>> No.62544945

>Anon, I barely touched it...

>> No.62545008
Quoted by: >>62546616

I fully support suraya's autism being the new OP

>> No.62545016


>> No.62545096
Quoted by: >>62545301

One day i'll be on the OP pic o7.

>> No.62545122

*Squelch~* AVE!

>> No.62545151

I don't have any strengths no one will ever love me I'm just a malehera

>> No.62545196

I hope Suraya makes audio dramas. I feel like the whole world she's building up would work well with it.

>> No.62545301

i find funny the only time i was the OP it was before i debuted

>> No.62545365

>males dominate streaming
>females does better in vtuber subcategory
>male debuffs self by choosing to be a vtuber
>complains about it
This is why I hate males. Thank you for listening to my TED Talk

>> No.62545415

Should I post 5-10 minutes before the beginning of the stream?
Other way start talking and forgetting about everything

>> No.62545419

That's nice, but can I be the next OP

>> No.62545460

Rura has no talent.

>> No.62545462
Quoted by: >>62545553

where is the fucking title, REEEEEEEEEEEE

>> No.62545463
File: 1.91 MB, 1500x1000, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.62545553

half baked

>> No.62545626
Quoted by: >>62545732

I'm just not gonna put m face on the internet, Bezos

>> No.62545632
File: 2.37 MB, 3587x2073, 1670007974332093.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Native myths and legends stream!

>> No.62545676

This thread is such an odd mix of genuinely kind people and bitter peanut gallery hecklers who don't even seem to watch streams.

>> No.62545732

be a handcam streamer

>> No.62545734
File: 98 KB, 312x318, rura gif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The yin and yang of our purgatory

>> No.62545733
File: 1.21 MB, 1400x933, oppenheimer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>62545836

I've been radicalized.
I will not watch aspies.
I will not raid aspies.
I will not support aspies.
I will not start collabs with aspies.
I will find my own path and break away from the aspie circle.
None of you ever supported me the way some people here get support, despite me supporting everyone I can.
Fuck all of you.
I still love you all.

>> No.62545818 [DELETED] 

>don't even watch streams
For real. I said some bullshit about Lava having a boyfriend and they just went with it. They're just losers

>> No.62545836
File: 19 KB, 463x453, ogey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ogey Herahera

>> No.62545920

I love Filipinx chuubas

>> No.62545933

She's talented at slopping on my knob.

>> No.62545934
Quoted by: >>62546070

>Suraya talks about being a shadow state minister in her lore
>Her fans all act like paramilitaries and secret agents

>> No.62545995

>lava is still running damage control

>> No.62546027

Let's play guess the crab!
Is it Gumpai or Denpa?
Place your votes now!

>> No.62546029
File: 2.22 MB, 3840x2160, 2023.11.13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time Traveling Engineer is sailing in Valheim

>> No.62546070

Even the fans have keyfabe. its kinda great y...yeah keyfabe

>> No.62546112

I'm going back to bed

>> No.62546114

I was mad, I thought I missed something watching a different stream. Watched the VoD and was more angry nothing happened and I was forced to watch fujoshit

>> No.62546121


>> No.62546122


>> No.62546263

And yet she's still better than you.

>> No.62546354
Quoted by: >>62546489

She has a vagina, that's more than you'll ever have, tranny

>> No.62546489
Quoted by: >>62546544

"She" literally is using a fucking voice changer

>> No.62546544

Well that's a fresh and retarded rrat

>> No.62546571
File: 165 KB, 356x434, 1685641845047552.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like being a male vtuber! It's fun! :)

>> No.62546616
Quoted by: >>62546657

Lets revive /kayfabe/ to divert Suraya 'tism

>> No.62546656
Quoted by: >>62547393

Quick, pick 3 aspies and make them collab something

>> No.62546657

let's become /kayfabe/ to embrace it.

>> No.62546659

Imagine if everyone supported every aspie like they support Rura.
Everyone would have a mid 2view chat, or at least on special events.
But I see special events get a lot less views, even flop, than this random ass Rura unscheduled stream.

>> No.62546764
File: 683 KB, 1920x1080, charitystream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Charity stream this Saturday!

>> No.62546767
Quoted by: >>62546967

Life isn't fair, get over it.
If life was fair I wouldn't be mentally ill and I wouldn't be here.

>> No.62546769

Blame Iriya. He infected this place by spamming the shit out of her

>> No.62546800
Quoted by: >>62546885

need mahjong waifey

>> No.62546835


Enjoy giving some jews a tax write off and paying for their 'administration fees'

>> No.62546885
File: 71 KB, 240x240, akechihideki-3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon are you interested in a jong wifeboy??

>> No.62546913
Quoted by: >>62547000

A good example is this.
This one is gonna flop.
More people are probably gonna be watching TotoraMao's event even though she is not an aspie.

>> No.62546967

Life isnt fair but you get a choice.
You can follow along and support people that will never support you.
Or find your own path.
I am done being a sheep.

>> No.62547001
File: 153 KB, 287x287, 1621136426234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Missed opportunity to donate to a charity for starving African kids and then open with Don't Starve.

>> No.62547000
Quoted by: >>62547122

I can confirm I will be watching toto

>> No.62547122
Quoted by: >>62547283

Thats why I hate all of you now, and will not be watching any of you anymore.

>> No.62547129
Quoted by: >>62547491


>> No.62547257

watching Rura's numbers for doing absolutely nothing is my Joker moment

>> No.62547283
Quoted by: >>62547407

I do not care

>> No.62547393

Ace, Ace, KankuroKing
Poker Night at the Inventory
King high, Aces wild

>> No.62547407
Quoted by: >>62547538

I know, thats why you never supported me and others.

>> No.62547491
File: 79 KB, 240x240, akechihideki-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.62547514

I don't need your support, don't you dare watch my streams if you don't enjoy them

>> No.62547538
Quoted by: >>62547658

I do watch others actually, Just not (you)

>> No.62547658
Quoted by: >>62547815

Cool, I hope you get aids and die!

>> No.62547792
Quoted by: >>62548001

>Ave Primor
What does Primor mean anyway?

>> No.62547815
Quoted by: >>62547840

stay mad shitter

>> No.62547840

Have fun being a failure

>> No.62547940
File: 59 KB, 702x669, F-hn7X3bsAAPdp0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>62547964

Why are you guys fighting?

>> No.62547964
Quoted by: >>62547994

Shut the fuck up

>> No.62547994
File: 142 KB, 400x482, F6Z_TuoXoAAAZjR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.62548001
Quoted by: >>62548387

hungarian nobility, specifically szekler.

>> No.62548079

Rura has no talent.

>> No.62548091

>Cheen is getting in with the germans
Lava better do something fast

>> No.62548199
File: 22 KB, 361x349, popo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mary is live! art study stream

>> No.62548373
Quoted by: >>62548487

Lava lost cheen after what she did last night, mond and toto would never even if they are fujos too

>> No.62548387

Does this have any importance to her story?

>> No.62548410
File: 162 KB, 477x438, catch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whaling on Japanese card games for Salome-sama ですわ

>> No.62548487
Quoted by: >>62548536

Mond is not a fujo, toto is though 100

>> No.62548536
Quoted by: >>62548640

Toto is a bad influence, of s only a matter of time until mond becomes one too

>> No.62548640
Quoted by: >>62548679

I will not wear the dress, not even for mond

>> No.62548662
Quoted by: >>62548769

Is Suraya even a vtuber

>> No.62548679

i will, that's the difference between us

>> No.62548769
Quoted by: >>62548888

Not yet, that's kinda the point, isn't it?

>> No.62548836
File: 636 KB, 1912x913, dust.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kai with my last ye olde mario rpg session


>> No.62548849
Quoted by: >>62548933

I dont believe anyone actually gives a fuck about the Suraya retarded LARP lore shit.
Its a mix if astroturfing and shitposting.

>> No.62548888

Shes half vtuber, half arg/unfiction. She fulfilled the arg half for now

>> No.62548933

holy shit you don't know how to use that word

>> No.62548949

Nobody cares about (You), do not slander my new-found oshi Tsuraya with your envy you slut.

>> No.62548970

what was the version of the duck song rura was playing?

>> No.62549007
Quoted by: >>62549354

Cheen has drawings of toto older than his first lava drawing, toto is just stealing back what's rightfully hers.

>> No.62549259
File: 251 KB, 1140x186, gen 5 drawn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which of the ones not drawn has the most accessible reference sheet

>> No.62549316


>> No.62549328
Quoted by: >>62549361

Why is frogfaggot with the girls?

>> No.62549354
File: 54 KB, 494x478, 169959306498757637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't steal what was never yours

>> No.62549361
Quoted by: >>62549395

because someone requested him in /wvt/

>> No.62549395

That was himself kek
He astroturfs there

>> No.62549424
Quoted by: >>62549920

Arisu has it pinned on her twitter I visit it often to fap

>> No.62549573
File: 276 KB, 888x645, MondVampir.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.62549645 [DELETED] 
File: 1.42 MB, 1444x2313, tiermaker.com_create_-asp--active-chubbas01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Updated from last thread, still missing some

>> No.62549690

does this meme imply the chuuba loves or hates men

>> No.62549755

If you're a vtuber, and a artist consider writing your own comic books starring you. You can then later perform live theater of your comics if the comics you publish are received well enough.

>> No.62549776

Koko - America
Mila - America
Kankuro - America
Runoxi - British
Yukichi - Aussie
Archia - American
P0LY - American
Nana - American
Albert - American
Ice - Spanish

>> No.62549811
File: 1.45 MB, 1441x2635, tiermaker.com_create_-asp--active-chubbas01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong one sorry, update from last thread should be this one

>> No.62549844

I'm not spanish

>> No.62549903


>> No.62549902

>Albert - American
Im not american

>> No.62549920
Quoted by: >>62550137


>> No.62549953

koko sounds ESL

>> No.62550008

Bodega is American, she is from NYC.
Keitaro, Kankuro, Dante, FreeofMe, Elliott are American.
Fuza is Canadian.

>> No.62550044

I am american yes. always weird when people in thread notice me.

I feel attacked

>> No.62550062

This is a troll, dont listen to this.
Also Ruadh is Irish, you retard.

>> No.62550091

Pafu is in her pins

>> No.62550127

What makes you think I'm an American? - Archia

>> No.62550137
Quoted by: >>62550380


Also has a video pinned
Has some clips and fan art you can look at
Has lots of self-made art
Has only a bust-up png
Has a small pic of her full body on her second tweet.

>> No.62550380
File: 1.80 MB, 1599x2659, koko melipan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>62550443

I already did Koko, and that other post wasn't me

>> No.62550396
Quoted by: >>62550488

can you say that you truly love your /asp/ie oshi if you cannot triangulate them

>> No.62550443

My wife...
I just need to understand if she said yes or no...

>> No.62550488

wtf does that mean?

>> No.62550507
File: 743 B, 47x53, 1676603165610712.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i hate you all

>> No.62551120

I love you guys full homo. I'm sorry I can't watch you all.

>> No.62551176

I shall only watch my asp oshi when there is so much overlap, the rest can die for all I care

>> No.62552003
File: 1.32 MB, 743x990, camouflage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>serial lurker
>aspie thought I was a bot this whole time
gave me a good chuckle and I took no offense, but I wonder how many others think the same lol.
thankfully none have banned me yet.

>> No.62552022
Quoted by: >>62552191

This is the most excited I've heard gumpai ever be

>> No.62552191

she's happy

>> No.62552307
File: 11 KB, 112x112, potatoSMILE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We go back to the waterfall, to keep at it.

>> No.62552332

Same. People would think the same about me if I wouldn't selfpost as chuuba

>> No.62552639
File: 9 KB, 1083x889, F9pIuRJW4AAL0qf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gonna try for the first time backpack battles and balattro, join if you want to watch

>> No.62552842
Quoted by: >>62553042


>> No.62552915

parseks is american i think

>> No.62553042
File: 76 KB, 240x240, akechihideki-969.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>62554392


>> No.62553255

To hell with nigjogh, where the poker Chads at?

>> No.62553298

I like poker, Want to stream pokernight at the inventory, anyone interested?

>> No.62553320
Quoted by: >>62553552

Imagine playing a luck based game lol xd

>> No.62553369

dear god make the overlap stop

>> No.62553373
File: 726 KB, 1389x935, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My body is ready! Streaming Risk of Rain 2 in VR!

>> No.62553458
Quoted by: >>62568152

Very poor fucking timing man but congrats on the new model

>> No.62553536
File: 96 KB, 387x378, 1699600457166238.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>62553648

Surayafags get in here! >>62553487

>> No.62553548
Quoted by: >>62568152


>> No.62553552
Quoted by: >>62554147

Less luck involved compared to Chinese chess.

>> No.62553648
Quoted by: >>62553695

Yeah until she goes streaming, she's shouldn't belong here yet

>> No.62553680
File: 3.01 MB, 2529x3057, sketchgurun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>62553741

Would you trust this crab?

>> No.62553695
Quoted by: >>62553727

But shes already doing ARG content

>> No.62553727
Quoted by: >>62554194

Don't care, not vtubing

>> No.62553736

Poker is hype when no intelligence or mindgames are involved. Still remember playing with my friends and going all in on 2 7 and still won by two pair

>> No.62553741

the only good crab in this thread

>> No.62553867
File: 178 KB, 790x835, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.62553942

What accent does Umiisagi have???

>> No.62554111

Congratulations Gumpai on being elected to the venerable position of Lavandel crab!

>> No.62554147


>> No.62554194

It is though

>> No.62554392
Quoted by: >>62555427

start streaming so you can begin grooming me!!!

>> No.62554464
Quoted by: >>62556025

Gumpai is cucking Flandzen live...

>> No.62554545
Quoted by: >>62555713

i really enjoyed your stream parseks :3

>> No.62554841

Fuck argentina

>> No.62554882

Literally. Big bunda latinas and femboys please line up

>> No.62555015

Argentina hate!

>> No.62555158

>Anons saluting their oshis
Ah fuck this isnt /kfp/!

>> No.62555250

t. Argentinian

>> No.62555268

>Andy in a maid outfit

>> No.62555427
File: 76 KB, 240x240, akechihideki-6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>62555731

I-I'm sorry anon I'm also a viewer....

>> No.62555529

Maybe people will watch me after i get my Live2D....

>> No.62555573

Model debuff is a thing

>> No.62555592

Unlikely, unless your l2d is pure sexoooooo

>> No.62555713

Thanks! More native legends to come.

>> No.62555731
Quoted by: >>62555920

nta but become chuuba...

>> No.62555806
Quoted by: >>62556090

>major overlap
>schizoposting and crabbing dies down

>> No.62555920
File: 67 KB, 240x240, akechihideki-0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.62555957
Quoted by: >>62556672


>> No.62556002
Quoted by: >>62556073

Whats the current model look like?

>> No.62556025

>even Gumpai found happiness and love and friends
How mentally fucked am I then

>> No.62556037
Quoted by: >>62557729

>day dreaming about it
>actually doing it

>> No.62556073
Quoted by: >>62556397

I just have a png right now

>> No.62556090

b-b-but it's the viewers!!! viewer death!!!

>> No.62556356
Quoted by: >>62562902

Just passing by, intrigued by this art. Who is “Suraya”? Googling is no help

>> No.62556393
Quoted by: >>62556515

If I groom one of the rats, do I get the other ones for free?

>> No.62556397
Quoted by: >>62557827

Doesnt matter if its a PNG, might be something about your design.
I can't say if this applies to you but a lot of people over-design and put too many details or unique features to stand out but that just makes it unappealing to look at. Tryhard effect. The other side is that they dont have anything unique, like they are just background anime character #5634.
Just pick like 2-3 features that are unique on your head (hair, eyes, mouth, horns, ears) and focus on that. Personally I like it more subtle, but thats up to you how much attention you want to bring. Clothes should be relatively normal or have a theme related to the above features.

>> No.62556515
Quoted by: >>62556581

is your model male or female?

>> No.62556581


>> No.62556672
File: 631 KB, 144x141, washin.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for stopping by, whoever did. RE2 is fun as always!

I haven't even PAID for my L2D yet broooo

>> No.62556733
File: 446 KB, 1164x651, 1682278530200726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will not watch mahjong I will not learn mahjong I will not play mahjong I will not engage with mahjong

>> No.62556767

based desu

>> No.62556915
Quoted by: >>62558068

I was lurking Keitaro

>> No.62557044

There was no fujo Daiya Keitaro moments tonight.

>> No.62557097
Quoted by: >>62557582

Cringe, jong nourishes the soul and your mind

>> No.62557432
Quoted by: >>62558068

Look forward to your gifs after every stream keitaro, sadly you are too cute and I can't watch you <3

>> No.62557565
File: 1.99 MB, 4032x3024, hood mcdonalds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

carnivorous plant

>> No.62557582
File: 67 KB, 278x263, 1687804827013960.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.62557729

Just do it brother, what's the worst that could happen?

>> No.62557827
Quoted by: >>62558475

Do a tierlist of PNG designs

>> No.62558068

Thanks is to the lurkers as well, silly. Appreciate you!
I'm sorry, I'll try to be better for you anon!

>> No.62558083
Quoted by: >>62558685

I still feel really bad about that. I remember talking to you before now. I think it was just something about how your name was formatted!

>> No.62558176
Quoted by: >>62558364

How do I be a good boyfriend

>> No.62558364
Quoted by: >>62558552

Are you a good human being? If yes, be extra good to your partner. If no, then be a good human being to your partner, if nobody else.

>> No.62558445
Quoted by: >>62558473

Evening nerds, I recently got through Potion Permit, I like grindy games like that and Monster Hunter, any recommendations for someone that's not good at vidya?

Also, I'm gonna stream something later this week, I'm thinking Typing of the Dead? Would that be interesting to watch? Also, do you have a recommendation for an emulator for older games? I'd love to stream the Donkey Kong Country games and some other classics.

>> No.62558473
Quoted by: >>62559288

Who are you?
do you have world on PC?

>> No.62558475
Quoted by: >>62563542

I dont know of a list but you can post some if you want opinions.

>> No.62558530
Quoted by: >>62558582

what's on her mouth

>> No.62558552
Quoted by: >>62559383

I mean for bfe I already know I have no hope in real life

>> No.62558582

My love for her

>> No.62558685

no biggie! <33

>> No.62558796 [DELETED] 

Sometimes I wish my brain was normal, life is suffering and I can't stop playing back the memories of the past where I did things I regret.
Can't even sleep in peace tonight.

>> No.62558902
Quoted by: >>62559027

Make some nice memories so you have more happy ones than sad ones.

Also this isn't a therapy thread faggot shut up

>> No.62559027 [DELETED] 

>just be happy dude

>> No.62559071
Quoted by: >>62559147

It really is that simple tbdesu

>> No.62559085
Quoted by: >>62559147


>> No.62559147 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>62559303

Well I can't. And if you don't like sad posting leave /asp/. We outbumber you.

>> No.62559194
Quoted by: >>62561367

Just play jong and don't think, that's how I cope about the crushing reality I live in.

>> No.62559232

You are to train yourself to not think of those thing. Consider them lessons instead of however you think of them. Over time you'll eventually think less and less of them.

>> No.62559264

You need to focus on the happy things and push away the negativity. Happiness doesn't just fall on your lap.

>> No.62559288


I've only posted a few times regarding my design and streamed for a bit the other day, one eyed pastel zombie bitch. And I do, I'm not quite end game yet, I never fought Fatalis or the big monster before him, also I'm bad lmao.

>> No.62559303

>hurr leave
You don't even have the balls to sadpost without deleting bro camon

>> No.62559383
Quoted by: >>62559415


A lot of bfe is pretty corny hallmark bf bs (though you can play around with different niches like scumbag bf, sweet, yandere etc), you could always listen to examples. I did a "gfe" once except I'm a cunt and made it NTR half way through lmao.

>> No.62559415
File: 375 KB, 1080x1080, 1699434094215385.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I did a "gfe" once except I'm a cunt and made it NTR half way through lmao.
Post it?

>> No.62559437


>> No.62559445


>> No.62559489
Quoted by: >>62561367

thanks for the update vita, very much appreciated but please don't have another meltdown, the day is almost over try to sleep mmkay?

>> No.62559498

Why even do bfe? what is the point?

>> No.62559550
Quoted by: >>62559627

that aint me ;; i dont have the balls to make asmr/gfe content i would cringe and die instantly

>> No.62559557

>one eyed pastel zombie bitch
I fucking love you.
Anyway, Retroarch is the swiss-army knife of emulators. Get the steam version. It's a bit weird to setup as you need to download the "cores," which are the emulators themselves, but it's easier to have retroarch than a dozen different ones.
If you want some specific console you need to specify which as they all have different difficulty levels with setting them up.

>> No.62559567



Old abandoned account

>> No.62559627

give in and join the dark side

>> No.62559814
Quoted by: >>62560137

>Mr. Tyrone

>> No.62559864


2 more people for viewers listening skill challenge collab, any suggestions

>> No.62559882
Quoted by: >>62560968


>> No.62559893


>> No.62559925

>aspie for over 5 years
oh no no no bros...

>> No.62560137


I was pretty proud of the "beginners beautician course" lmao

>> No.62560241


>> No.62560711
File: 201 KB, 480x452, pl2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

歌ってみたーMARY ver. RIM - 食虫植物 (Carnivorous Plant)


>> No.62560729

>Daiya BM'ing
>noooooo i am stickering
Daiya has main character syndrome

>> No.62560738


>> No.62560909



>> No.62560934

Satellian IV here. I got a new mic - not top-of-the-line, but an improvement I think. I'm going to attempt my first zatsu tomorrow night: Gonna browse the Swiss Colony catalog, maybe peruse some other higher-end charcuterie, and do a bit of lore dumping. Yeah, I know lore is only a little relevant, but it goes into interdimensional travel, alternate history, and maybe some philosophy and religion.

>> No.62560968
Quoted by: >>62561333

>tfw I understand 3 out of 4 with no issues
I've never watched Ainslie but he'll be my final test. I will support everyone no matter how they talk.

>> No.62560982

Wait, what if: twitch?

>> No.62561065

Good joke, but you can't beat youtube autism

>> No.62561081

You sound a bit like Jim but with less smoking.

>> No.62561107

That is very cool Satman but please move to twitch it's not that hard and you get more for your time and effort invested.

>> No.62561153
Quoted by: >>62561186

If you chose to subject yourself to that, cool, but I won't subject anyone else to it.
I don't know who Jim is... Is that a good thing...?

>> No.62561186

>If you chose to subject yourself to that, cool, but I won't subject anyone else to it.
This but with youtube

>> No.62561256
Quoted by: >>62561339

I've come to the conclusion I don't enjoy games, I don't enjoy react content, I just like talking

>> No.62561262

what the fuck are you all talking about

>> No.62561333

tell me how to understand Koko, everytime I go there I can only lurk and I feel like I'm crazy or something because I miss more than 80% of her gibberish, unless she speaks very slowly, thing that rarely happens, I can't with all that ESL,

>> No.62561339
Quoted by: >>62562462

some chuubas out there have 1 hour zatsu, 1 hour braindead gameplay, 1 hour post-game zatsu.

>> No.62561367

That wasn't me, I was >>62559194
But I do share his sentiments, I stopped watching half the aspies I used to watch because I feel like a weirdo after unfollowing them even if I already re-followed them.
There is no escape from the brainworms.

>> No.62561380
Quoted by: >>62561594

It's never not funny how koko says she's not esl. She just has a big speech impediment, though I don't know the details.

>> No.62561594

Ohhh, that makes more sense now, I pray for her to be able to find a way to work that though, and even more if it is so intense...

>> No.62561602

Turning the volume way up and context. She doesn't stray from chat topics too much so if you see what she's talking about, you can easily understand her. After a while you just click with how she talks and can understand her like normal.

>> No.62562016

are rura chats usually her berating the everloving shit out of everyone

>> No.62562108

She berates us because she loves us

>> No.62562119

>playful banter is bad

>> No.62562183
Quoted by: >>62562260

I still feel like I'm not really in the /asp/ie community, but I'll keep trying my best! The couple that have befriended me are so nice...

>> No.62562260
Quoted by: >>62562311

Did you try to befriend others?

>> No.62562286
File: 18 KB, 1280x800, 1699932743103477.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somehow, this feels appropriate

>> No.62562311
Quoted by: >>62562517

I'm just watching for now I am very worried about bothering them... but it's okay! I'm sure we will be buddies in no time maybe!

>> No.62562462

I interrupted my Zatsu today with recitation from a book of poetry and I thought that was a good balance.

I learned a lot about Ainu culture and practiced some of my more dramatic reading.

I think reading streams REALLY limit audience interaction though

>> No.62562517
Quoted by: >>62562823


>> No.62562543

no one asks to repeat herself or talk slower anymore...she doesn't mind if you, or anyone else asks.
don't feel obligated to keep visiting! she can't even understand herself

>> No.62562823

Is that ESL? We as in me and some aspies...

>> No.62562902

an aspie doing a half vtubing half arg project

>> No.62562961
File: 98 KB, 373x398, BFFCE04B-7C18-4BB2-BDF1-39BEA738ACE1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wtf I literally wanted to do that once I moved somewhere where I could record well and surprise everyone with it… you stole the idea before i could even think of it how could you ;-; My own sister in NTaRms :( Its really good nice jobbbb

>> No.62563160

dm me on twitter @PineappleWolf_

>> No.62563518
Quoted by: >>62564485

Advice on debut stream?

>> No.62563542
File: 451 KB, 2048x1452, 20231114_073257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NTA but I'm curious to get feedback on the overdesign aspect or in general and if it aplies to my PNG orz

>> No.62563973
Quoted by: >>62564621

now that the thread is backup: who's e-sexting do you want to see get leaked?

>> No.62564143

one chuuba go

>> No.62564168

merlie azoth.

>> No.62564215

what's with the gay little frosted tip sidelocks

>> No.62564232


>> No.62564485

Pick a game you're so good at you can play it in your sleep and talk constantly over your gameplay. That's all you need.

>> No.62564510

General design is fine, but the headband... reconsider, at the very least change the color it blends in with the hair too much. Not only that it covered the eyebrows which are pretty important for expressions, esp for simplified art styles like anime

>> No.62564520

It's a pretty clean design and seems to be easy to draw for Artheads.
Just need a suitable voice to accompany it, probably leans younger on the user base.

>> No.62564621


>> No.62564904

Solid character design! However I do agree that the headband is a little too confusing, it looks like it's fused with the head and goes under the hair. Try to ither remove it, change the color of it and/or put it over the hair, or make it actualy understandable that it is a headband. Otherwise I really like it, it's simple and pleasent to look at, can't wait to know why he is hidding his eye. I hope you arn't a jonger

>> No.62564911
Quoted by: >>62565078

i wish there was more time in the day, my debut preparations are taking too long and it makes me want to quit

>> No.62564937


>> No.62565078

You don't have to debut

>> No.62565084
File: 199 B, 2x12, mnd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>62565708


>> No.62565264
File: 436 KB, 799x656, Screenshot_20231113-231647-289.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gween is Awake and playing more Dark Souls!! https://www.twitch.tv/gweenteakitsune?sr=a

>> No.62565574

Anybody else have that one viewer that got away? I think about him all the time

>> No.62565708

I was waiting all night for this... Its perfect You never dissapoint anonchana

>> No.62565840
File: 644 KB, 540x540, download.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>62566298

As someone who's already hit affiliate and gotten 2 model changes, I want to do an overhaul of my redeems. The vast majority of them are just playing sound bytes which I thought were funny at the time, but since I've grown to find them a bit annoying. I don't want to turn them off/on for the streams where I'm hosting a podcast so I'm considering getting rid of them entirely.

I already have hydrate, posture and stretch.
What are some less intrusive redeems I can do? Nothing doxxable.

>> No.62565916

I was a vtuber not a viewer, can you stop insulting me?

>> No.62566298

gyatt redeem

>> No.62566575
Quoted by: >>62566623

Link me the current up to date tierlist and I will rank you based on your design

>> No.62566623


>> No.62567057

I think we can all agree that Rura us a manipulative bitch, especially after the Layla collab and yesterday's stream

>> No.62567077

NEED more Daiya and Keitaro yaoi.

>> No.62567103
Quoted by: >>62567308

Why would she be?
Stupid rrat lolz

>> No.62567117
File: 12 KB, 800x800, 1699974599329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.62567277
File: 1.43 MB, 1140x919, my-image (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based on my personal opinion

>> No.62567308

This old man can recognize manipulative bitch from miles away and Rura is one

>> No.62567441

Still less manipulative than Denpa

>> No.62567490

But who manipulated you into thinking this

>> No.62567522
File: 93 KB, 777x865, She gets fucked by claudette daily.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>62567650

what would you rank my new model i'm working on

>> No.62567526
Quoted by: >>62570550

How long were you guys streaming until you started getting a returning and active audience, even in the single digits? Was there something you did that might've been connected to this, or did it "just happen"?

>> No.62567625
File: 1.44 MB, 1140x1014, designs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate my taste.

>> No.62567650

It looks like shit, hire an artist

>> No.62567685
Quoted by: >>62567748

Fuck I gotta get a new model. I’m below ai old man ;-;

>> No.62567719

>Turns me away
Oof. Oh well, can't please everyone.

>> No.62567748

This is looks only. You would probably rate higher based on personality.

>> No.62567857

Yeah but if my model turns you away I probably wouldn’t get a chance to show my personality. I hadn’t realized that it was still an issue so I should really look into improvements.

>> No.62567922
Quoted by: >>62568061

I hope to raise in stature when my content gets more schizo, but i'm astonished to be in OK


>> No.62568051

>turns me away
>olga, kuromaru, slushy
You have shit taste, thus the whole tierlist means nothing.

>> No.62568061

oh, still good though.

>> No.62568119
Quoted by: >>62568308

I don't like "ironic" designs

>> No.62568124

Have you decided this based only on the images provided in the tier list, or have you tried to look for references?

Then again that’s a ton of people so I can assume you wouldn’t do THAT much research

>> No.62568127


>> No.62568152

It's fine. this thing is only a Booth VRC model retexture anyway so I didn't wanna make a big deal of it. Depending on the reception after using it for awhile might affect the design of my next model.
y-you too

>> No.62568166

Biased, you're not just rating the design
Some of the schizos have good designs compared to the rest but you placed them in "turns me away" because they're schizos
Apply yourself

>> No.62568207
File: 16 KB, 181x83, 1683484565016570.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>62569660

>> No.62568308
Quoted by: >>62568461

But you like a potato

>> No.62568355

>in turns me away
It's so fucking over

>> No.62568379


Like we're rating the designs here, what's the issue?
Olga doesn't even lean on her design, and Slushy has admitted he's winging it.

>> No.62568424
Quoted by: >>62568439

Somebody add Shania-chan to the tierlist.

>> No.62568439


>> No.62568461

He has erotic lips

>> No.62568503

Claudette has a better "design" than most /asp/ies but the "art" sucks. Imagine Claudette drawn by a professional artist when rating "design".

>> No.62568540
File: 45 KB, 187x199, 1673753203487494.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stream :)

>> No.62568582

Yeah, I'm sorry, Claudie my cute hottie, but my cock wants more and you deserve a true sexo design.

>> No.62568603
Quoted by: >>62568676

Nigga I'm not imagining anything until I see it. It's a half-furry with shitty stink lines.

>> No.62568646

>pretend your big mac is a quality burger

>> No.62568647

By such standards, every non-average human would look wow if done by a professional artist.

>> No.62568676

Then rate models and not designs

>> No.62568685
File: 1.67 MB, 1140x1073, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is a better tier list design from an intellectual with good taste.

>> No.62568715
File: 140 KB, 527x638, outfit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>62569302

true, i DID work on it for 3 days. maybe some day i'll get a professional artist or be that professional artist.

>> No.62569132
File: 1.41 MB, 1140x823, my-image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>62569315

Some on looks, some on the model that I know (SpikePls does not have a fugly face on his model, so it's very plappable)

>> No.62569302
Quoted by: >>62569472

I don't think it sucks but a bit of better shading and fixing the eyelashes would go a long way

>> No.62569315

Stop plapping everyone! Especially my wife Rura

>> No.62569318
File: 1.42 MB, 1140x1107, design sexo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Berial gets sexo with his shota model. Olga and Kuku are cute but they could unlock their true potential by getting something better. Kai G Nikki has an amazing voice and he needs something that fits it rather than just boring cute boy with a hoodie.
Cute is just a general category for those who don't do much to muh dick.

>> No.62569346
File: 1.49 MB, 1140x923, topbottom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

top-bottom, revised.

>> No.62569440

How can one be a submissive top? Just say switch at that point lol

>> No.62569472

yeah. that's the main problem i shaded it lazily because it was a new experience for me and i didn't know if more in depth shading would look good. here's an example of one of my more recent style shifts.
and the way i draw hair is too "clumped" Claudette in my ideal way would have hair more like Griffith, wavy and flowing. while i think i'm at a good level now, it's not enough for me to stay complacent

>> No.62569478
Quoted by: >>62569528

what is a power bottom

>> No.62569518

I could just post a stick figure and you coom niggers go 'WOULD'

>> No.62569528

opposite of power bottom, will top you and do everything you say.
opposite of submissive top, will tell you how to fuck and expect you to follow every command.

>> No.62569571


>> No.62569622
Quoted by: >>62569703

>Keitaro sub top
>Daiya power bottom

>> No.62569639

Sometimes you're too strong to be a bottom

>> No.62569640


>> No.62569660

This is objectively wrong, there's 2

>> No.62569703

This actually makes so much sense

>> No.62569819
File: 1.43 MB, 1140x1014, my-image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fine I'll make a design ranking. doesn't reflect my opinions on the streamer themselves and could change with a different artist yadda yadda, don't take it too seriously

>> No.62569901

Question: Was Cabu just based on his tierlist picture or was it based on looking at his model on stream?

>> No.62569923

>The brickman grabs you, holding you gently-yet-firmly in one hand
>He poises you above the recently-equipped THOT ANNIHILATOR mk. III (now with 10-speed rumble and built-in warmer)
>"Awaiting orders," he says, patiently listening for the command to commence the gentle, total rearrangement of your organs to your desires

>> No.62569956
File: 114 KB, 581x618, smoking daiya.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Live is Daiya right now

>> No.62570001

I have plenty of skills and they're valuable, but it's not the skillset that will allow me to get a gf

>> No.62570030

>hates NTR but will gladly take the chair if it means she can watch two boys kiss
Lava has an interesting relationship with the cuck chair, but she'll never shake the reputation regardless.

>> No.62570041
File: 1.45 MB, 1140x923, topbottom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.62570073

Yeah not taking you seriously at all >:(
not tiny, just her coomer

>> No.62570171

>mid in everyones list

>> No.62570307

kinkaikii. She just opened her comms. Go get sex

>> No.62570452

The temptation to post my new design is strong but I'm holding out until rigging


>> No.62570550

It was about a month for me. I'd been playing Lobotomy Corporation and had seen a lot of support (very passionate audience for that game). I snapped titles and lost almost all the viewers I'd established. But about 6 of them stuck with me over the next few months, and a couple are still with me years later.

Like I said, this was mostly due to hitting a lucky title. Gotta get that exposure, then you gotta nail the followup, and then you've just gotta keep making content

>> No.62570648

I'm in the upper cut of everyone's lists and it makes me happy

>> No.62570790

Who are you? Say or name or no balls

>> No.62570929

>Literally Haru


>> No.62571244
Quoted by: >>62571328

Gyaru Haru, the remix is better than the original

>> No.62571328
File: 392 KB, 600x337, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.62571346

Haru but an actual slut is everything i wanted for christmas

>> No.62571397
Quoted by: >>62571556

There's nothing sexier than a pregnant woman, pregnant with me child

>> No.62571467

>Not sexy model
>Up there in everyone's lists
why? i genuinely do not understand

>> No.62571496
Quoted by: >>62571583


>> No.62571556

Based preggo enjoyer

>> No.62571583


>> No.62571597


>> No.62571613

not every list is about how much you want to smash, being cute or having a unique hook that catches people's eyes is good enough to get high on a design list.

>> No.62571754
Quoted by: >>62572254

It's just both cute and well-proportioned without any detail bringing it down. Did you think all the hornyposting about you was a joke? Your design is great, and it'd be absolutely perfect if you thicckened the chicken.

>> No.62571973

It's clean enough

>> No.62572254

No I have never seen the sex appeal in my model and I kinda always took the hornyposting as trolling or trying to bother me lmfao

>> No.62572259
Quoted by: >>62572524

You're prime marriage material.

>> No.62572353

There's basically three types of attractiveness in a woman: sexy, beautiful, and cute. Your design is heavy on the beautiful, but any of these makes men horny.

>> No.62572377

You're not trying to sell your femininity at all and that's sexy as fuck.

>> No.62572524
Quoted by: >>62572605

You sick fuck she has a boyfriend you know

>> No.62572605
File: 1.39 MB, 1200x675, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.62572806

Not yet but if they ever become the viewer that got away I'll kys myself

>> No.62572912

The only ironic hornyposting is about tupo
