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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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61801574 No.61801574 [Reply] [Original]
Quoted by: >>61801637

Previous Thread >>61788544

>> No.61801634

Fuwawa is literally my wife.

>> No.61801637
Quoted by: >>61808735

>Upcoming Stream
>Previous Stream


>Unarchived Karaoke 2023-08-27 download links
>Twitter Space 09-14-23
https://pastebin.com/KchRJHmN - TL of Fuwamoco's version of Kaibutsu
>Original Song - Lifetime Showtime
>Advent Gen Song - Rebellion

>Voice Packs
>Voice Drama

>/baubau/ sings LTST
https://twitter.com/Ruffian5000/status/1708479258354434288 (tweet contains a link to song only ver)
https://files.catbox.moe/ozlx6q.mp4 (intro+outro voices)
>FUWAMOCO VN & Anime list

>Thread Template

>> No.61801669
Quoted by: >>61801802

Bros this fuwawa voicepack ....

>> No.61801674
Quoted by: >>61801812

whowawa is hilarious and they love it.

>> No.61801758
Quoted by: >>61803825

That whore can never NOT pollute new talents

>> No.61801802
File: 24 KB, 817x849, 1692574800357783.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, it's pretty good

>> No.61801803
File: 932 KB, 1920x1080, Fuwawa I'm just a shield, huh_ I'm just going to get used, huh_[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fbf7d1u.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuwawa sex

>> No.61801812
File: 484 KB, 1100x619, 1694484850799602.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never get how there can be ANYWHERE on 4chan where people act like ledditors and into canceling people for memes

>> No.61801886
File: 1.81 MB, 1920x1080, 1691294718857304.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>61802176

Not using their hashtag and not showing it to them, I get it
wanting to cancel people for memes is just retarded though

>> No.61802096

the semi gorilla is tomorrow, right? their team is practicing right now but I don't hear their voices

>> No.61802126

Watchalong November with advent. What do you want to see and do you think it'll be fun with so many members

>> No.61802176
Quoted by: >>61802349

Say shit get hit is the way the internet works. If you want to be edgy, and face zero consequences, get a discord.

>> No.61802189

Good morning
kino op

>> No.61802240

Hope one of the other advents choose a cheesy Disney movie, Mococo might like it

>> No.61802286

bible black

>> No.61802314

do the sports vps not come with a transcript like with the manor? I dont see anything in the store description but maybe they just forgot to mention it

>> No.61802317
Quoted by: >>61805285

Kill Bill Vol 1

>> No.61802349

You are Californian or live in a 3rd world country? Just wondering

>> No.61802366
Quoted by: >>61802575

It does but it's in Japanese

>> No.61802404
Quoted by: >>61802575

Only japanese translation

>> No.61802477
File: 1.43 MB, 1920x1080, 16bit sensation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bau bau

>> No.61802544

Mococo chuchuchuchu
Fuwawa chuchuchuchu

>> No.61802547

Man, I should watch 16bit, but picking the right fansubs is such a pain

>> No.61802575

ah shit, I was half hoping there'd be translations for the jp vps too. guess I'll try my hand at translating them myself for reps

>> No.61802585

watch without subs and do your reps
all the subs have "Pog" and related cancer

>> No.61802639

Where did we go so wrong...

>> No.61802682

>implying fansubs were ever good
Fake boomer spotted

>> No.61802689

but the blue mococo speaks like a fucking toyoko kids

>> No.61802693

16bit seems like a nightmare to do reps with because they ain't just using slangs, but also galge specific slangs

>> No.61802710
File: 1.77 MB, 1920x1080, pledge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.61802724
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Quoted by: >>61802758

bau bau

>> No.61802755

bau bau

>> No.61802758

I want to licky kiki and tralala lala

>> No.61802783


>> No.61802793
Quoted by: >>61802956

Giving licenses for "official subs" and then hiring non-binaries in Cali

Bullshit, they weren't good for any newfag weaboo that wasn't into anime. But the fans translated them as best as they could and provided TL notes on every ep

>> No.61802869

I'd still rather read an autistic tl note about what onii-tan means instead of shit like "pog"

>> No.61802945

Ruffians, its a bit sad watching alone as a vod fag. I cant live post and chat stickers.

>> No.61802956

I tried to watch legal anime with official subs in my language and I couldn't read shit due to the tr0n dialect used
I had watch with English subs from unknown sources
I cant believe people get paid to do that and people pay to have that garbage subs
It's fucking over
FuwaMoco are right, jp reps can save lives

>> No.61802988

Do what I did and post random timestamps of funny moments

>> No.61803042
File: 3.63 MB, 722x742, FuwaMoco Don't act irrational. I'm not irrational. AAAAAHHHH![sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fidmlh9.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That moment when my fingers reach out for the keyboard for half second then I remember it's a VOD

>> No.61803053
File: 58 KB, 550x309, A-suitable-required-explanation-or-excessive-fansubbing-From-Code-Geass-2005-Dir.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is now an autistic TL note thread

>> No.61803064 [DELETED] 

restream it to cytube and post link here, I'll prolly will watch as I grind my backlogs

>> No.61803126
File: 53 KB, 892x156, Screenshot 2023-11-02 at 07.09.18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.61803130

whatever happened to live comments that utube rolled out a while back anyway

>> No.61803136

this was unironically great

If you cared, it would be there for you to read, if you didn't, at least you wouldn't have reddit-level jokes in the subs

>> No.61803169

I'd post something from Unlimited Typesetting Works, but I don't have it on hand at the moment

>> No.61803213

I just post timestamps I like when I'm watching archives and people usually react to it.

>> No.61803230
Quoted by: >>61803388

All that for checkmate... I can't help but smile

>> No.61803268

This is a particularly retarded example, but I always liked TL notes in fansubs, I learned a lot from them.
Books have TL Notes and nobody shits their pants. Also reminds me of the japanese Disco Elysium localization, that added an extra voice in the schizo protagonist's head that is responsible for translation notes.

>> No.61803385
File: 285 KB, 544x542, 1696911296106228.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>remember to hydrate wuffian~
>I'm the only one who should be making you dry inside

>> No.61803388

>This scene is interesting because it raises the question of whether or not Schneizel "plays dirty" in bed with Canon. :3
Anime will never be as good as this. Poor zoomers that never got to experience anime like this

>> No.61803404
File: 30 KB, 851x586, 1690777504675738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fuwawa tells me to close my eyes in the voice pack
>close my eyes
>start crying

>> No.61803533

>red team all practicing and having fun
>fwmc can’t practice their event without mori
>mori is only showing up on the day of the fes
I know it’s not good to shit on the brapper since it attracts schizos but I really wish they would’ve gotten paired with someone else or atleast gotten a different event

>> No.61803577
Quoted by: >>61803678

you were the schizo all along

>> No.61803632

Gee, thanks a lot schizo

>> No.61803678

I just want them to hang out with other hags :(

>> No.61803743

The sad aspect is that the best parts of events like this is the memories you make during practice with everyone; the buildup to the main event. I won't blame anyone because FuwaMoco themselves could've also scheduled their own practice streams but chose not to. I just hope they have fun in the end.

>> No.61803825

/baubau/ has too many normies that are into EN whores, so they still have very bad taste despite not being newfags on /vt/
as >>61801758 said from the very start, she will continue to pollute new talents until there's new fresh meat to corrupt. With time FWMC will not be targeted by her anymore

>> No.61803969

Someone post the quick reandown so I can understand why we hate Mori again

>> No.61804026
File: 90 KB, 295x250, 1698808196075288.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>61804581

dreamt about sex with Fuwawa. My day is starting off on the right paw

>> No.61804037
File: 218 KB, 554x392, Quick_Reandown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he wants the quick Reandown
Haha, guess it's time to not hold back
>orphaned and adopted into a Noble family
>final student of a legendary swordsman
>secret son of the mysterious big bad who's actually good
>such a chad that he not only adds every woman to his ever-expanding harem but also the men
>his sister and her friend (who is the royal princess)'s vaginas becomes waterfalls at the sheer mention of his name
>chosen to pilot an ancient super mecha
>masters and can fully control his *psh nothin personell kid" demonic powers
>wields a tachi and can teleport behind you
>beats one of the most powerful swordsmen in history that's hyped up in Trails in the Sky
>grows up to become a teacher, can romance his underage students
>just saying "haha" makes everybody drop their pants for him
>uses the power of friendship to defeat the true antagonist interdimensional hatred curse that appears at the last second
>is technically royalty, his biological father is the reincarnation of an ancient Emperor
>breaks up budding romances between other characters that were developing in the third game because everybody sucks his dick in the fourth game
>even the protagonists of previous games hype him up
>kills himself in a noble self sacrifice with his fujobait boyfriend to break a curse but not really because the even bigger bigger villains rewrite the timeline to get the true ending
>becomes one of the strongest characters on the continent
>has the option to cuck Estelle away from Joshua, Tita away from Agate, Tio away from Lloyd, etc.
>now a version of himself from an alternate timeline is trying to kill him because he's too chad
>awakens a new inner power to combat this alternate self, giving him heterochromia in the process
>tops Japanese official popularity polls, brought his franchise to the spotlight,
>made it so that the majority of the franchise's games are about him
>is the writer's favorite character, writer goes on to call the previous protagonists embarrassing

>> No.61804059

Do You Remember Love

>> No.61804080

I don't keep logs on people I hate, that's schizo anti behavior
I simply hated her since debut and RM stuff confirmed my suspicions. I hate how she tries to corrupt new talents, but for me it was never an issue as I only consumed HoloJP, FWMC is now the exception in HoloEN for me

tl;dr: she's a whore

>> No.61804172
File: 471 KB, 4096x2658, 1693104154674959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ruffians you are promoting FuwaMoco right???

>> No.61804277
Quoted by: >>61804327

I don’t hate her, I just hate that fwmc got paired with her and have to miss out on making memories with their senpais

>> No.61804296

wtf I love Mori now

>> No.61804327
Quoted by: >>61804499

wtf are you talking about there was a practice stream this Monday

>> No.61804339

I promoted them to goddess

>> No.61804360

I am! I actually was trying to coheres my holonormie friend into listening to their cover. Turns out she likes them and shiori still too zoomer to watch streams tho

>> No.61804499
Quoted by: >>61804575

yea and there was another one today. again, I just wish they would’ve gotten paired with someone else so they could have had more interactions instead of with someone who can’t show up until the day of

>> No.61804540


>> No.61804575
Quoted by: >>61804987

let them have their break today

>> No.61804581

teach me this skill. only had sex dreams like twice my whole life. I need a Fuwawa one.

>> No.61804610
Quoted by: >>61804698

The biggest issue is that they've already forgetten the controls

>> No.61804698

They would need to have known the controls first lol

>> No.61804814

Wish I knew more about their weird fetishes. Not the edgy stuff, but the stuff that's really out there.
Any moments where you could almost feel them having lewd thoughts about something?

>> No.61804930
Quoted by: >>61805281

Any of the classics like Blade Runner, Jurassic Park, American Psycho, 12 Angry Men and such

>> No.61804987

>let them
dude, I want them to get all the rest they can. this is just wishful thinking. I’m dropping it now. Hoping for the W tomorrow

>> No.61805059

Something suspenseful or a thriller would be preferable. I don’t think comedies would be any good since the girls are removed from western tastes

>> No.61805159

Would they enjoy something like The Good, The Bad and The Ugly?

>> No.61805281
Quoted by: >>61807337

>12 Angry Men
Good movie, but I don't think there is a zoomer or a woman alive that can follow such a complex and intricate plot (excluding actual lawyers, ofc)
>Blade Runner
Surely the twins have seen it, right? That movie must be an honorary Japanese film by now.

>> No.61805285

I second this
Not Vol.2 though, fuck that movie

>> No.61805365
File: 1.82 MB, 2500x2500, 1698806155140936.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.61805385

Shiori will do some South Park episodes
Nerissa will do something like Spirited Away
Fuwamoco will do some anime movie
Biboo will do something dumb like Boss Baby


>> No.61805449

>Nerissa will do something like Spirited Away
>Fuwamoco will do some anime movie
movie theatre
>Biboo will do something dumb like Boss Baby

>> No.61805472

Sounds good to me, except for South Park.

>> No.61805484
Quoted by: >>61805538

I want them to watch No Country For Old Men. Kill Bill would be pretty good. Hell, I’d love to see their reaction to any Tarantino movie desu

>> No.61805538

Kill Bill (1) is pretty fun all around, I could see them all enjoy it

>> No.61805567

I hope Shiori repicks but otherwise that's kiino

>> No.61805630

For some reason despite having watched a lot of anime myself I don't enjoy anime watchalongs as much. I don't know why but I'd almost always rather pick a classic must see movie.

>> No.61805638
File: 26 KB, 417x393, F92z1xDaAAAZaUM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shiori will do a 'you laugh you lose your job' watch a long

>> No.61805728

they're awake

>> No.61805735

Mococo lost her sides

>> No.61805872

Who bought the sports fes voice packs?

>> No.61805905

I still remember someone in hlg made my oshi laugh so hard she cried and lost her breath... and it wasn't me...
Maybe someday I can make Mococo laugh like that or do her Mococo-scream.

>> No.61805961

i'm broke

>> No.61805993

>they completely ignore my existence so I will never make them laugh much less to tears
this is too much for me to handle after yesterday

>> No.61806011
Quoted by: >>61806053

I torrented

>> No.61806025


>> No.61806034

grow a pair ryan

>> No.61806053

Where? I don't see it on either of the two places I look at

>> No.61806121

banger tweets, as the kids say

>> No.61806177

Learn what women find funny or entertaining.

>> No.61806178

>South Park episodes
South park won the poll?? I thought Silence of the lambs would win.

>> No.61806280

I can't believe they are going to play Metal Gear Solid...
Let me give you a rundown on how the streams are going to be: ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

>> No.61806304

Which one though? Hopefully the very first

>> No.61806321
File: 2.39 MB, 1280x720, Mococo Sneaking[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Ff4lwde.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.61806354

hello friends, I come in peace and hopefully come more in near future
I was wondering if there is full version of this somewhere for the poorfags
that is all, thank you

>> No.61806370
Quoted by: >>61806619

It'll be good videogame training for them probably, since you have to actually pay attention if you want to sneak or do things in some ways.
Mococo often obsessively runs forward / runs around.

>> No.61806375

Maybe one day... What I can manage is not enough to make them burst into laughter but its good enough to make them unable to keep a straight face. I need to learn what's funny for less autistic people.

>> No.61806470

Welp, not really a Mori-anti but she already got plenty of interaction with Fuwamoco recently, I would rather it be an unusual JP senpai like I don't know, Shion, at least that would be brand new content instead of void content.

>> No.61806535
File: 663 KB, 2067x2756, 1690480813249821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>61806598


>> No.61806598

My three wives..

>> No.61806619

You're forgetting Mococo could just get paralyzed by indecisiveness and hide in a box for 2 hours without making any progress.

>> No.61806625

They love niconico stuff so it hits that sweet spot for them.

>> No.61806651
Quoted by: >>61806720


>> No.61806720
Quoted by: >>61807116

Having two already makes you a whore over having just one, what's three?
The only way to marry Fuwawa or Mococo is to marry them both, so you're already at 2 anyway

>> No.61806724

box zatsudan lets goooo

>> No.61806840

it's gonna be sneakino kino kino kino kino kino kino

>> No.61806847

I've made Mococo laugh really hard one time. it's also why I joined their membership while I was on the fence about it before that. Feels good, nothing has come close to that.

>> No.61806960

I'm a gray poorfag.
I helped Fuwamoco a couple of times (I was the one that taught them the infinite lives glitch in DKC for one).
Also they roasted me in a specific stream (it was casual fun instead of straight up mean so I took it in good stride).

>> No.61806990

Move your hips Mococo...

>> No.61807023

They couldn't finish RE4R. How are they gonna finish an actually hard game with weird Over the shoulder/FPS hybrid controls?

>> No.61807056

My biggest "contribution" achievements so far are talking to one holo privately to warn her of something, won't say who or what though, and having two holos sing songs I requested during karaoke. Then some random twitter replies from a few holos and a bunch of yt/twitter likes, that's it.

>> No.61807116
Quoted by: >>61807146

>three wives
FuwaMoco are twins. Separating them is cruel, so you have to marry both. Marriage to both does not make you a whore. Including a an outside "third wife" makes you a whore.

>> No.61807146
Quoted by: >>61807271

Sounds like cope to me

>> No.61807187
Quoted by: >>61807220

My biggest contribution is calling anons fags when they’re being fags. Also some retards here and there
who asked fags

>> No.61807220

I was going to ask but now I don't have to
Thank you

>> No.61807271

The only one coping is you. WHORE.

>> No.61807275

Bitches and studs, I present you THE strongest ruffian.

>> No.61807299
Quoted by: >>61807359

Lord of the Rings is good for group watchalongs, that way the ones who know the movies (or the books even) can answer questions the others have.

>> No.61807315

I kneel gray-sama

>> No.61807337

>complex and intricate plot
What are you talking about? It's great but if you can follow a conversation you can follow that film. They had us watch it in middle school and literally every kid in the class enjoyed it - not just because movie day either

>> No.61807359

Everyone should be forced to read the books before watching it

>> No.61807396

Wrong. The movies are perfect on their own as one of the greatest trilogies ever made and are completely different entities from the books.

>> No.61807404

Got paid today so bought both of them.

>> No.61807424

It'd be better that way (even though the movies work okay on their own if you don't think about them too much), but you can't force people to do the right thing. They'll come to resent it more often than not.

>> No.61807505

Mamapuppy I love you so much. I’ll make sure to give you plenty of grandchildren

>> No.61807527
Quoted by: >>61808076

This is the truth, often doesn't even work on yourself. How many times I've told myself "I'm not gonna start a new game before I finish this one", and then proceed to spend the next months not playing a single game because I just don't feel like playing that one. If I had started the next game and not worried about this, I would have finished multiple new games at that point.

>> No.61807545

We fluffed-up by putting the books on a pedestal, now everyone that wants to get into LotR gets intimidated, and mostly will start by the movies.

>> No.61807643
Quoted by: >>61808076

I wouldn't say this is true at all
>even though the movies work okay on their own if you don't think about them too much
I would say the movies work WAAAAY better than you're implying. The movies trimmed stuff down and turned LOTR into something different. Theres nothing that "doesn't work" too much thought it put in. The movies are probably some of the best adaptations ever made.

>> No.61807668

>talking to one holo privately to warn her of something

>> No.61807719
Quoted by: >>61807804

My biggest contribution to my oshi is single-handedly destroying these threads at least 5 times since debut

>> No.61807785

>Fuwawa liked this

>> No.61807804

Not that much of an accomplishment considering how easy it is

>> No.61807807
File: 258 KB, 409x524, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah i'm thinking...kino

>> No.61807851

Ruffians, what do you think about 16bit Sensation? I'm considering making some time to watch it, but the premise just looked like washed out New Game.

>> No.61807858
File: 544 KB, 1290x1544, IMG_7074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.61807873
File: 137 KB, 1920x1080, F98PJlQaUAAkGIF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she gives you this look in the morning
what do?

>> No.61807902
Quoted by: >>61807964

give her headpats and hugs

>> No.61807909

Never watched New Game so I can't comment on similarities, but I find it really fun so far. Kind of wish the time travel part didn't exist and it was more slice of life, but that part isn't bad either. I guess it's added to be more relatable to today's otaku wishing they were in that era rather than just rubbing in their faces how much better it used to be.

>> No.61807931

New Game is a Kirara series at its core, 16bit Sensation (at least the anime) has very little in common with it, it's more like going through otaku culture history from the perspective of bishoujo games/eroge.

>> No.61807958

kiss and whatever happens happens

>> No.61807964
File: 275 KB, 1920x1080, F97sBRwbcAAoudA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now she's gonna have to use Fuwawa to satisfy her

>> No.61807975

she wants to 夜這い

>> No.61808064

I'm still thinking about the
>Use the lantern, Moco-chan

>> No.61808076

It's a truth reflected in wise figures like Gandalf and Elrond letting Frodo choose to go on the quest to destroy the Ring himself, even though he's clearly the one meant to go. Same with the three other Hobbits freely choosing to help Frodo out after noticing something is off over the years.
That's fair, I didn't mean to diss them; they work well compared to other movies. Though Shelob stabbing through the Mithril shirt still bothers me - just have her aim for the neck like in the text.

>> No.61808150
File: 185 KB, 480x480, DW00ZemMC4KG8wSN8aOgDg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.61808156

If I use the oil does that mean I'm using the oil?

>> No.61808262
Quoted by: >>61808288

>considering making some time
You are much too busy a man and should wait until it's over and rebbit has formed its consensus

>> No.61808276
Quoted by: >>61808332

it has 0 likes..

>> No.61808288
Quoted by: >>61810176

but what is the MAL rating?

>> No.61808332

all me

>> No.61808352
Quoted by: >>61808516

I think we should watch the first six Star Wars movies with them

>> No.61808361
Quoted by: >>61808382

I presume that they will eventually play fatal frame right? And that the voting is just to pick which game the are going to play next?

>> No.61808365

>you can pet the cat in the new chillaslop game
yep they are 100% going to play it and there will be 30 minutes straight of petting the cat

>> No.61808382


>> No.61808389

Thank God

>> No.61808413

I kneel chillashart-sama

>> No.61808423


>> No.61808428

chilla's art worst-game-to-best-game speedrun

>> No.61808445

Chilla is a cultural treasure based on the strength of the FWMC streams alone

>> No.61808473

I don't get it

>> No.61808516
Quoted by: >>61808576

You would open the gates to western shit, they are trying to push the ruffians the other way

>> No.61808576
Quoted by: >>61808819

>You would open the gates to western shit, they are trying to push the ruffians the other way
But they themselves are already watching "western shit."

>> No.61808629

Tell her she already ate too many pon-de-rings. Sexual favors won't get her anywhere. The rest are mine.

>> No.61808665

now that holoween is over, i hope we don't get anymore horror games for... 3 months at LEAST.

>> No.61808714
File: 196 KB, 1280x720, 1683412669045339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.61808721
Quoted by: >>61808776

Sir, "demon guard dog training" largely means horror games and has from the start

>> No.61808735

>https://twitter.com/fuwamoco_en/status/1710871601200377880 (embed)
I'm ready for the Ringu watchalong

>> No.61808776

im tired...

>> No.61808778
Quoted by: >>61808791


>> No.61808791
Quoted by: >>61808848

where are we going

>> No.61808819

"The Shining" anon?
Watching an old classic is one thing, pushing them to disney woke shit is another

>> No.61808820

I have a sneaking neaky neaky suspicion that they actually dislike me. Not necessarily "hate" persay, but an active dislike and disgust when they see my name.

>> No.61808831
Quoted by: >>61808892

This voicepack... Ruffians... I can't...

>> No.61808835
Quoted by: >>61808869

The new trilogy was explicitly not mentioned

>> No.61808848


>> No.61808856
File: 739 KB, 810x544, F97Ung2WQAAoyHq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.61808869

It would be explicitly mentioned if you open the gates for it

>> No.61808875

I don't remember posting tbis

>> No.61808892

I'm unironically going to listen to both on repeat every single night.

>> No.61808925
Quoted by: >>61808983

It's ok, it's not your fault @rapeniggers1488, maybe they just didn't see it

>> No.61808974
Quoted by: >>61809056

You're fucking words on a screen to her, if you're like this I can only imagine what you think when a real woman throws a glance at you.

>> No.61808983
Quoted by: >>61809125

I knew I should have picked the username @rapeslolisUOOH instead...

>> No.61809009
Quoted by: >>61809053

>Shiori will do some south park episodes
cool it's gonna be like that feeling right before they say nigger 3 times in the shining but the ENTIRE time

>> No.61809030
Quoted by: >>61809183

they don't know who you even are, jeez have some self awareness. you are a name in a sea of other names

>> No.61809053

why did shiori even add south park as an option?

>> No.61809056
Quoted by: >>61809100

>when a real woman throws a glance at you.
Real women unironically spit at me when they pass, and if they could legally get away with it, they'd probably castrate me on the spot.
Unfortunately for them, I have a humiliation fetish so it works in my favor.

>> No.61809081

The original Halloween would be a lot of fun to watch, but I guess that time is over...

>> No.61809100
File: 1.97 MB, 1920x1080, Wild[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fdrwncg.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.61809105

She's a little... you know...

>> No.61809125
File: 6 KB, 371x84, CANADAandFunny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They interact with CuteAndFunny every week, so I don't think that would be a problem

>> No.61809183
Quoted by: >>61809247

Wrong. I am the ONLY name they remember. They have my name engraved in their brains as a disgusting troglodyte meant for death and misery. They may not remember (you) but they certainly remember me.
They say in a sea of one million nice comments, most people will only remember the hateful/negative ones. It's the same for individuals you meet/see. You could meet 1 million randos, but will only remember the exceptionally beautiful or the staggeringly horrific abominations meant for the tar pits.

>> No.61809247
File: 20 KB, 291x377, 1697398433389021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok anon your humiliation fetish is way off the chart

>> No.61809311

northern euros love south park

>> No.61809348

is literally everyone /here/? This is getting ridiculous

>> No.61809369
Quoted by: >>61809417

Is someone going to make this post every time? This is getting ridiculous

>> No.61809374
Quoted by: >>61809559

do you really think someone named that would be elsewhere

>> No.61809381
Quoted by: >>61809486

I'm not her, I just like stalking her
Clearly typical behavior for /here/

>> No.61809396
Quoted by: >>61809414

Silence of the lambs won with 51%.

>> No.61809403
File: 68 KB, 906x859, 1698907408738617.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the hell am I supposed to do when they're not around. I need to fill my days

>> No.61809414

based novellite spy

>> No.61809417

>Is someone going to make this post every time?

>> No.61809460

oooh theyre liking comments on their most recent post about the voice pack.
Now is your time like whores.

>> No.61809484

Listen to their cover again, watch thei VODs, lay in bed with the 1 hour intro YT video playing

>> No.61809486
Quoted by: >>61809647


>> No.61809499
File: 1.25 MB, 1200x1600, 1695819250347757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this ruffian came into existence when fwmc debuted

>> No.61809536

Mococo doesn't like me that much but Fuwawa is literally in love with me

>> No.61809559
Quoted by: >>61809703

Cute and Funny is used constantly on the Hololive subreddit, and I mean the main one, not just the one that steals content from here, although that's all of them. So is UOOOOOHHHH

>> No.61809564
File: 1.28 MB, 732x986, Fuwawa Eheheh[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fime01d.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

JP reps

>> No.61809568

They both love me but Fuwawa does more than Mococo

>> No.61809573

Play VNs or watch anime they’ve talked about. Or you could, you know, get your own hobbies

>> No.61809594
Quoted by: >>61809636

I already got my daily like, can't be too greedy

>> No.61809607
File: 433 KB, 642x627, 1697194050920291.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the most insane ruffian

>> No.61809636

How do I achieve this power? Artfag?

>> No.61809647

You can DM her on X if you are looking for her attention anon

>> No.61809663

you guys ready for all the fuwamoco elephant fan art?

>> No.61809704
Quoted by: >>61809799

Fuwawa's voice pack is so sweet.. caring girlfriend Fuwawa...

>> No.61809703

isn't loli content banned from most of leddit?

>> No.61809719
Quoted by: >>61809863

if shes a woman and actually into lolis, it means shes a lesbo. I will ONLY interact with women I have at least a 1% chance of successfully courting.

>> No.61809739

I will earn my first like... even if it takes 10 years

>> No.61809755

Loli is, but jokes are not. The berserk meme sub is constantly shitposting talking about the witch loli

>> No.61809799
Quoted by: >>61809848

Yeah, it is...
Imagine the valentines day voice packs...

>> No.61809809

I know they banned the loli servants from FGO but I'm just talking about comments not pictures.

>> No.61809838


>> No.61809848

>30 minute long Valentine's date with Fuwawa
I'll pay 100 bucks

>> No.61809863

I think she's bi, but she's autistic
She doesn't share much because ruffians are yesman only sharing positivity, but she's into pippa, she probably hates blacks more than you

>> No.61809943
Quoted by: >>61810087

dude, how does this screenshot >>61809125 make any sense unless you are CaF. use your brain wuffian

>> No.61809963

Are the voice pack things worth it for $7. How long are they normally

>> No.61809985
Quoted by: >>61810036

>Literal discord twitter namefagging
Fuck off with your bullshit

>> No.61809993
Quoted by: >>61810036

/baubau/ - twitterfag gossip general

>> No.61810000 [DELETED] 

I don't hate blacks. I hate denizens of SEA and the chinese. Also why be anything other than a "yesman" on twitter? FuwaMoco had enough negativity in their lives, why even add to that? I say my controversial shit here, and then go full gachikoi on twitter.

>> No.61810036

Didn't ask

>> No.61810055

You now realize all the people making boogeymen out of posters warning about Kronies were the Kronies themselves who wanted exactly this, a festering cesspit of namefag gossip.

>> No.61810060
Quoted by: >>61812726

Anyone have timestamp? I would like to soundpost. I mean the moment where she said them back to back.

>> No.61810061

5:49 and 5:19. If you love Fuwamoco, they're worth it.

>> No.61810073

stop talking about yourself, you are corny as fuck

>> No.61810081

Both are worth it, ESPECIALLY if you're a gachikoi. They're both 5 mins each with very cute scenarios

>> No.61810085

is it actually just two Fuwawas and no Mococo?

>> No.61810087

I'm not going to dox myself, but they liked mine and she was also in there, as a lot of other ruffians are

>> No.61810108

there is one for each of them

>> No.61810112

Obviously. Fuwawa is the superior sister after all.

>> No.61810131

mococo your humour...

>> No.61810140

>5 minutes
Holy shit I was expecting at least 30 minutes. For $7 a pop that's insane.

>> No.61810156

So cute. I want to hear her laugh that hard...

>> No.61810176
File: 112 KB, 815x1149, 1685340814412496.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your welcome bro

>> No.61810184

100% worth it if you love them. Not really if you're an entertainmentfag.

>> No.61810217

the fuwawa voice pack is better

>> No.61810225

hmm when i think about it an audiobook usually cost around 20-30$, no wonder hololive is swimming in money

>> No.61810235

I want a voice pack where Mococo comes home drunk and beats me. It devolves into her crying about how she thinks I like Fuwawa more and I assure her I don’t. We have kissy lovey dovey sex and we fall asleep in each others arms

>> No.61810265

10 minutes of them talking is more than you get for a $14 superchat.
Voice packs aren't meant to be judged as products, it's a little token for your support. As a product, it's obviously not worth it. All vtuber merch is overpriced.

>> No.61810276


>> No.61810344
File: 199 KB, 550x696, 1689168306782642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>61810581

I think the next Fuwawa voice pack should be her voicing out scripts for the following scenarios:

I want Fuwawa to act nonchalant about it, but to expertly use her feet to rub my crotch under the kotatsu while Mococo is next to us trying to play a game, forcing me to pretend like nothing is going on and I'm not on the verge of cumming multiple times over. She'd make it even worse for me by asking "What's wrong ruffian? You look a bit flushed", making me put on a show so as to not reveal myself.

I want her to give me a reach-around handjob in the middle of the night while we're in front of Mococo's bed and she aims my dick at Mococo's innocent sleeping face. Simultaneously she switches between licking my ears and whispering perverted commands and insults meant to belittle me into them. I am aware that if I can't withstand it and cum my life will be over once my cum hits Mococo's face, no doubt waking her up.

I want her to tell me Mococo is out for the day and that it's okay for us to have sex on the couch (she's aware that Mococo has a bit of a crush on me), all while she knows Mococo is only running errands at the store and that she will be back in just 20 minutes.
She would have obviously set it up perfectly so that Mococo barges into the room just as we're going at it and in that exact moment Fuwawa would leglock me while looking at Mococo with a look of satisfaction on her face. This is how she lets Mococo know that she can take anything from her whenever she wants.

>> No.61810348

I don't think about any of that at all so I don't think I do. Do 'ate namefags tho simple as

>> No.61810370

i want to see fuwamoco wearing wife beaters

>> No.61810378
Quoted by: >>61810429

Don't reply to bait

>> No.61810429
Quoted by: >>61810504

>he was right
Joke's on me I guess

>> No.61810431
Quoted by: >>61810469

Nah, they mentioned that they're watching "western shows and movies" in their free time. For now, it's just classics. The most modern thing so far is the Sopranos.
>ywn watch the Sopranos for the first time with Fuwawa and Mococo
Why even live?

>> No.61810469
Quoted by: >>61810517

i really want them to watch lotr movies

>> No.61810500

I would unironically pay thousands just to hear their voices. $7 is a steal to me...
If Cover wanted to, they could literally milk me for all of my money with these two girls alone.

>> No.61810504
Quoted by: >>61810542

There, you got 3 (You)s, now go shitpost some other general and stop samefagging here

>> No.61810517
File: 555 KB, 3448x2872, 1698176442402340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>61810608

blocks your path

>> No.61810542

Can you give me a (you) please

>> No.61810562
File: 455 KB, 690x878, Mococo Are you that needy_ Huh_[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Freznqq.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.61810564

I just got 2 so you can have one

>> No.61810581

at this point, I’m really rooting for you bud cause you’ve brainwashed me into wanting the same thing

>> No.61810590

only now noticed that the sunday stream is slightly earlier this week. not as early as the yuro slot, but still, appreciated to make it easier to wake up early on monday.

>> No.61810596

>one ruffian on twitter had a mini meltdown over having lewd thoughts about the girls
what the fuck?

>> No.61810608

man the books are so different that i don't see why you need to read one to enjoy the other. i think they are making excuses not to watch a 12 hours long movies

>> No.61810618


>> No.61810653

Normalfags are the worst

>> No.61810667

Fascinating stuff, ruffian, really captivating

>> No.61810694

Post the full thing

>> No.61810727
Quoted by: >>61811012

Link it, I'm bored as fuck right now.

>> No.61810739
Quoted by: >>61810808

it's paywalled, gotta wait for the paypig coomergods

>> No.61810787
Quoted by: >>61810845

Stop with the twitter shit, go to your discord if you want to namefag

>> No.61810808
Quoted by: >>61810856

link it. I'll nookmark it and buy it later and cotbox it when im not busy it.

>> No.61810811

are you watching their favorite anime of the season, 16-bit sensation?

>> No.61810816

>Y-You mean human nature is stronger than my weak made-up ideals? NOOOOOoooooo -Twitter normalfag

>> No.61810845

Just report the offtopic posts.

>> No.61810846

like 70% of the ruffians (and people in general) that spend all day on twitter have brain problems. Even worse than the people that spend all day here

>> No.61810855

I don't watch anime anymore now that vtubers exist

>> No.61810856
Quoted by: >>61811226


>> No.61810884

I'm watching their least favorite anime: Kage no Jitsuryokusha ni Naritakute

>> No.61810910

yea, but I didn't watch this week's episode yet, will do before the stream

>> No.61810957

>Faggot taking greentexts from here and making money off them
Fuck off.

>> No.61810971
Quoted by: >>61811707

Yes! I’m really enjoying it and learning a lot about how VNs are made. Idk how I feel about the time leaping though. Your Name really ruined a whole generation

>> No.61810980

I'm a little bit behind because of uma musume.
I'm tempted to watch the pig isekai while self inserting as the pig and Fuwawa inserting as the main girl

>> No.61811012

it's not that they had a mini meltdown at others, but themselves
after reading through that thread, scroll through his profile
>im better than this
>i fucking hate myself

>> No.61811025
Quoted by: >>61811225

all posts here belong to me

>> No.61811046
Quoted by: >>61811225

It's a commission you goober

>> No.61811052
Quoted by: >>61811225

it was a commission you tard and this honestly the best outcome for those green texts. why are you upset?

>> No.61811118

Oh no people are commissioning porn of the fuwamoco sex greentexts, I sure hope they never do that again

>> No.61811138

>this guy again

>> No.61811139

bad dream greentext art when...

>> No.61811141
Quoted by: >>61811232

god I hate all of these faggots. this must be cause they’re underage right?

>> No.61811191

That dude seems like an obnoxious and pathetic faggot and schizo

>> No.61811225

And the person commissioning it took something from everyone here, had something made of it, and now it's behind the artist's paywall? Fuck off.

>> No.61811226
File: 21 KB, 267x223, 1677594141807.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.61811232

lonely childless ojisans

>> No.61811240

is this a literal child feeling guilty over his first fap?

>> No.61811258

I don't have any file saved on my computer to show you how hard I'm kneeling

>> No.61811282


>> No.61811283


>> No.61811287


>> No.61811293

Do they not realize that Fuwawa literally wants us to furiously masturbate to her model? Sure she doesn't want us to bring it up in supas, but she absolutely wants us to cum to her like good wuffians.

>> No.61811324

he's probably german, please understand

>> No.61811333


>> No.61811340
File: 389 KB, 600x806, 1697383976585150.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's a Mococofag though
I'm the only sane Mocofag

>> No.61811351
Quoted by: >>61811592

I don't feel confident enough to say she WANTS us to, but I think it's more than clear they don't mind it. As you said, keep it out of their chats, be respectful when interacting with them, but they do not think less of you if they take a look at your twitter likes and see Fuwawa's mastodon titties.

>> No.61811352

Like many holos, basically. Only a few want you to outright mention it and a few want you to not do that.

>> No.61811370

Thanks, Moco-chan. Maybe now that retard in the thread can stop having a melty over not getting things for free.

>> No.61811405
Quoted by: >>61811592

Bro we have people who don't realize when the sisters are bantering with each other and purity schizos who think they have never seen genitals in their lives, is it hard to believe there are autists and ESLs who don't catch onto Fuwawa's teasing?

>> No.61811408
Quoted by: >>61811570

Boy wait till you find out about the backrooms

>> No.61811411

Ok, now commission art of Fuwawa's "stealth" footjob while an oblivious Mococo plays Donkey Kong next to her and you

>> No.61811432

added to the porn collection

>> No.61811470

Make it Suika Game instead and have Mococo humming the bgm

>> No.61811496

piggies your time is now

>> No.61811510

Stop lusting over dogs

>> No.61811548
File: 1.52 MB, 1200x1920, 1684821595687836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>61811712

I want this image but with Mococo

>> No.61811570

I remember when the SCP Wiki was actually good and didn't have a million self inserts, it's shit like that which is why I'm mad.

>> No.61811592

I would say she's absolutely aware and probably, on some level, even likes the idea. to an extent, at least. She 100% does not want anyone to mention it in chat, supas, or while @ing them on Twitter.
>who think they have never seen genitals in their lives,
In real life, they've only seen each others genitals, excluding their parents, of course...
But yeah, they play a lot of porn/pseudo-porn games. These girls are very aware of how horny chuuba fans are, as they themselves are also horny holofags.

>> No.61811637
File: 34 KB, 228x129, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.61811671

mental stay away from my wifes schizo

>> No.61811686
Quoted by: >>61811764

>they've only seen each others genitals
lol anon, LMAO even

>> No.61811692


>> No.61811707
Quoted by: >>61811840

...of popular = bad fags

>> No.61811712

thats not what airpits look like

>> No.61811752

>fuwawa joins in on humming the theme to drown out your groans and moans as she continuously rubs your tip with her feet, knowing how sensitive it is

>> No.61811764
Quoted by: >>61811907

Can you please take the not-so-subtle cuckposting elsewhere, anon? If there's no proof of anything, posting this is worthless.

>> No.61811791


>> No.61811810

What's an airpit?

>> No.61811840

Do you think I’m saying Your Name is bad?

>> No.61811853

>on some level, even likes the idea
It's the same reason why she likes eroge, she sees it as an extension of our love for them. Sure there's the people that are like "wow big boob cool" but I feel genuine love towards them and it greatly enhances almost all of the porn.

>> No.61811907

Assuming you are >>61811592, you are the one that needs a reality check
Maybe I should be the one asking for proof that they are virgins, as you are so certain about it

Most women are whores, if you go out of your basement, you would know that most girls aren't even virgins at 18, much less above the age of fucking 30
You can be delusional if you want to, but don't be offended when we laugh at you, it's only natural

>> No.61811910
File: 726 KB, 1919x2730, 1000004471.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

exactly, the ones with dialogue that actually sound like them are the best. seeing "fuwa-chan" on the other hand instantly kills the boner.

>> No.61811940
File: 177 KB, 288x364, 1698802393445830.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she sees it as an extension of our love for them
well said brother
gonna go crank the hog to my beloveds now

>> No.61811954
Quoted by: >>61811991

>don't know anything, decide to post anyway
good job

>> No.61811991

literally me

>> No.61812006

I can only really fap to characters I know, unless they are originals. For instance, there is a WEALTH of Genshin and Love Live porn out there but I don't play Genshin or watch Love Live so I largely ignore it. There are franchises I've considered getting into just for the porn.

>> No.61812038
Quoted by: >>61812136

Once more, please take your cuckposting to another general, please. Or simply do your reps. There are so many chuubas that are confirmed whores/sluts that you could jerk off to, yet for some reason you're here with your disgusting /pol/fag headcanon.

>> No.61812059

I got my first like… I want to give them everything. They really like when people appreciate their work! They are so cute!

>> No.61812074

can relate, been waiting for every episode of Frieren to come out before watching, but I'm seeing so much quality porn that I'm reconsidering

>> No.61812099

I'm happy for you Hololive Production (English)

>> No.61812114
Quoted by: >>61812281

I feel you. Without context, I feel nothing. Part of the reason I despise cosplayers who don’t know shit about their characters. They don’t get it

>> No.61812131
Quoted by: >>61812208

>There are franchises I've considered getting into just for the porn
I tried to do this with blue archive but it sucks. At least I got attached to Arona in the time I played it so it wasn't for nothing.

>> No.61812134

Ok Dude Nobody Asked But Happy For You

>> No.61812135

Congrats, anon. It does feel great.

>> No.61812136

Still waiting for your proof

>In real life, they've only seen each others genitals, excluding their parents, of course...
this fucking quote is hilarious ngl

>> No.61812161

I can definitely fap to generic characters, but it's no doubt much better when I know them. Characters from games I play or shows I watch is already a plus, vtubers I watch is even better, vtubers have really brought in a new level of connection to an "anime character"

>> No.61812193
Quoted by: >>61812335

>I don't need to offer proof, YOU DO
>blatant samefagging
Worthless post, sister. Do better next time. I'm not giving you anymore (you)s.

>> No.61812208

>blue archive
kek me too but I hate gacha shit. Lost Origin on the other hand… the saggers are so good I don’t even need the context

>> No.61812225

Who do you think was Moco-chan's favorite girl in Littlewitch Romanesque?

>> No.61812241
Quoted by: >>61812269

ask this next R&R little boy

>> No.61812250

the cat girl

>> No.61812269

Good idea

>> No.61812281

Same. Or artists like when Ina drew Melt with legs

>> No.61812285

Thank you coomergod I kneel

>> No.61812286

you must really like Mane chan huh? good for you

>> No.61812297


should i get this game bros?
never played the first one or know anything about the series but it looks kino

>> No.61812335

>blatant samefagging
You have to be retarded, of course >>61811907 and >>61812136 are both me, I'm literally the only one replying to you, who else would it fucking be

Why don't you leave your basement and touch some grass instead of saying something so stupid about women that are close to twice your age?

>> No.61812340

I think there is a demo, play that first and see if you like it.

>> No.61812346

play Littlewitch Romanesque instead

>> No.61812350

Haven't played the remake to attest to its quality, but the original is excellent, and you don't really need to play the rest of the series, you can start with it. Definitely recommend it.

>> No.61812366

I'm gonna be the guy that recommends Tales over Star Ocean despite never having played Star Ocean

>> No.61812434

>they didn't like my voice pack reply
into the spreadsheet it goes...

>> No.61812447
Quoted by: >>61812534

iM@S Higuchi Madoka...

>> No.61812483

just play the OG ni no kuni

>> No.61812518
Quoted by: >>61812919

You know what I lied. THIS is the last official (you), and then I'm done.
If you're so certain, you have 10+ years of archives to look through that will surely prove your point, right sister? Every other chuuba with that amount of internet history literally ALWAYS has something hinting at what you claim. Not these girls, though. I'll give you a few days to look through everything, though.
Spoiler: There's nothing at all. All you're going on is your "feelings," which are meaningless because reality is against you and your anti brainrot.
You have no proof at all, and you never will.

>> No.61812534
Quoted by: >>61813264

>Higuchi Madoka
OrangeMaru YD should just do all Idolmaster and Fate doujins from now on, everyone else can quit.

>> No.61812583

Its one of my fav RPGs ever but be warned they ran out of budget toward the end

>> No.61812726
Quoted by: >>61812803

Aaaahhhh I'm trying to find it, but can't remember where it was. I remember it was a small dark room, but that doesn't say much.

>> No.61812803
Quoted by: >>61812833

FOUND https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2D2nePUZwbo#t=1h48m11s

>> No.61812805

i still find the "i dont have enough time, whats the MAL rating"schizo really funny

>> No.61812833


>> No.61812883

Since "virginity" is the default, you have to provide the proof otherwise. Head up, in this case, the burden of proof is literally on you for making the claim. If proof doesn't exist, then the other anon is literally correct by default.

>> No.61812919
Quoted by: >>61813034

>These hags over 30 and with more than a decade in the industry never seen even a picture of a dick in their entire lives
dude, the amount of retardation in your claim is so big that YOU are supposed to post proof, not the other way around

your claim is so retarded that even statistically it's way unlikely, and there's no way you don't know that
>The majority of people report having had sex by age 18. Just two to five per cent of women are still virgins by age 25

>> No.61812962

I forgot about that, yeah that was great

>> No.61812964
Quoted by: >>61813034

You are both virgins and we don't need proof to know

>> No.61812996

You ruffians are dumb as fuck.

>> No.61813034
Quoted by: >>61813179

see >>61812883
Your claim needs to be backed up by proof, not headcanon that comes from exclusively using 4chan. This is a fact. No proof means you've lost the argument and are simply floundering.
Provide proof of your claim, otherwise stop replying.

>> No.61813080
File: 287 KB, 550x606, 1671635141931814.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>61813158

are you guys having a meltdown again

>> No.61813101
File: 39 KB, 556x721, 1669806134428936.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The AI is so censored that I couldn't include everything but here's something

>> No.61813125
File: 231 KB, 1295x1083, 1694363544077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Incest doesn't count, so they are literally virgins.

>> No.61813158

It's just the sisters invading with the whole "they're nonvirgin sluts!" once again...

>> No.61813177
File: 17 KB, 264x266, 1681660329173190.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.61813179

he said they never seen a dick in their life expect their parents
it's him that needs to post proof

I can guarantee they saw a ton of dicks in DMs every year
you can send them yours too anon and post it as proof

>> No.61813204
Quoted by: >>61813318

you can only say this so much. It's literally the discord ruffians who have constant meltdowns. I wish they'd stay in their corner

>> No.61813210


>> No.61813264

Absolutely, incredible work by that guy

>> No.61813267
Quoted by: >>61813320

Nop, I'm a Ruffian and they aren't sluts
Doesn't mean that the claim that they never seen a dick in their entire lives isn't fucking laughable

>> No.61813282
Quoted by: >>61813458

>I can guarantee they saw a ton of dicks in DMs every year
>you can send them yours too anon and post it as proof
True, but also dishonest. The reply was implying they've fucked actual men irl, which would go against their desire to be Idol. That's been a lifelong dream of theirs, as they've been fans of idol culture forever.
Implying otherwise is implying that they're liars.

>> No.61813318

Why would Ruffians, even the Discord or Reddit retard ones, come here to spam "they are sluts and have fucked guys before"

>> No.61813320

Fair, but now you're being dishonest. You implied that they ARE sluts. seeing cocks in dms or in eroge isn't at all what you were implying and you KNOW that.

>> No.61813332 [DELETED] 

bros im watching a vod of my oshi being very emotional and vulnerable, crying even and i pray, for ruffians sake, you dont ever have to witness the dogs being sad
in a way its comforting to have this level fo closeness, but fuck i feel so heartbroken...
its a member vod so no details

>> No.61813366

kino. thanks for this, I enjoy this use of Ai

>> No.61813376
Quoted by: >>61813504

why are you posting this here

>> No.61813422

Probably because those spaces are inherently "anti-parasocial." So it makes sense that if any of them are here, they'd start to dump "reality checks" on us despite it being divorced from everything we know about them.

>> No.61813456

fuck off faggot

>> No.61813458

Idols fuck men, they just aren't allowed to talk about it or even imply it
The fact that you think that because they are idols they have to be virgins is a stupid assumption

I will support them forever in their goals, but I'm not delusional, they are above 30 and most probably not virgins

I wouldn't even be talking about this if he's first take wasn't so fucking retarded
>In real life, they've only seen each others genitals, excluding their parents, of course

>> No.61813462

guy a couple hours had me laughing out loud thinking about him being him

>> No.61813468
File: 1002 KB, 1654x2339, 1680639908618963.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's my rrat: Fuwamoco are actually 100% seiso and have never seen porn, they play only all-ages eroge and if it's not possible, they close their eyes and mute the game during in h-scenes. Their love for anime girls is purely platonic, daughterly and psychological. They have deep, godly appreciation of human mind and form, and there is not even a trace of lust. Fuwamoco promote VNs because it's the ideal medium for exploring the full-spectrum human experience. They also understand that most people play eroges because they are horndogs, so people making the same assumption about them makes things a bit awkward, but it can't be helped. But make no mistake, Fuwamoco are 100% pure. They don't even know what a dick looks like and will never know, because after they finally get married at the age of 40, sex will only be had in pitch black for the sole purpose of holy proliferation. Fuwamoco's souls will become one with the chosen Silver Claw exclusively through physical touch, smell and telepathy, which will make all three ascend to nirvana. At this moment, wave angelic energy will be radiated through all of Earth, becoming imprinted to all currently birthing female twins, who will become the next prophets to share the gospel of VNs and idols. This is how the Cycle of Pon de Ringu continues on for all eternity.

>> No.61813472

sisters only shitpost about them becoming JP only, if you go to the catalogue you can clearly see them spam the same arguments. Any other form of shitposting here are just menhera ruffians.

>> No.61813504

honestly you're right, i was just tabbed in here and emotions took over so i wanted to share
'scuse me

>> No.61813513
Quoted by: >>61813529

Make note of the "in real life". Sure they might have come across a pic of a dick on the internet, everyone has.

>> No.61813529
Quoted by: >>61813549

I haven't even seen my own dick

>> No.61813549

you should lose some weight

>> No.61813558
Quoted by: >>61813609

>start making ruffians horny by talking about sweat
>stop talking about sweat
>ruffians are all sad
>2 weeks pass and ruffians are in dire need of their sweat fetishes being fulfilled
>Fuwawa all of a sudden drops a voice pack that fulfils said fetish
>Ruffian's wallets open immediately without hesitation
Fuwawa is cold, hard, and calculating.

>> No.61813577 [DELETED] 

Why do you guys even want virgins, having sex with a virgin is fucking awful. Both men and women can agree on that.

>> No.61813609
Quoted by: >>61813713

c&f, you posted that on twitter hours ago, go to sleep now

>> No.61813632
Quoted by: >>61813877

>they are above 30 and most probably not virgins
Well see, now you're changing your tune from being 100% positive they're sluts, to leaving wiggle room for the opposite.
I have never seen any proof AT ALL that they aren't virgins. My assumption isn't stupid at all based on everything I know about them. Saying otherwise is actually retarded, because you're letting your worldview cloud who they actually are. These girls literally didn't leave their house in over a year.
Also, "in real life" obviously does not include DMs or eroge, so it's not retarded in the slightest. Fuck right off.

>> No.61813691
Quoted by: >>61813760

I assume it's ruffians that are basement zoomers, there's no way that ojisans would have the take that they have to be virgin hags

>> No.61813702
Quoted by: >>61813827

It's not about "wanting virgins" it's about the implication that theyre fucking whores that retarded antis always bring up completely umprompted.

>> No.61813713

wait did someone already post something like that? I thought I was being original...

>> No.61813760
Quoted by: >>61813877

>there's no way that ojisans would have the take that they have to be virgin hags
The only ojisans that think they're whores are actual newfags projecting their headcanon cuck fetish. That's it.

>> No.61813799


>> No.61813827

You can be a non virgin and not a whore. Inb4 all the unironic and ironic posts "implying"

>> No.61813877

>changing your tune from being 100% positive they're sluts
I never called them sluts, I said it's incredibly unlikely that they are virgins
If you confuse the 2, you are a virgin that has been online too much

fucking a girl that isn't a virgin isn't being a cuck
If you are looking for old women that are virgins, you either like very ugly and fat ones, or you are looking for something that doesn't exist

>> No.61813921

>>61813877 (me)
Pretty much this >>61813827
I dunno why anyone would assume otherwise

>> No.61814048

Unironically, only if you're married. Sleeping around, man or woman, is whore behavior. They've never had boyfriends.
They aren't married and have never had boyfriends.
You say incredibly unlikely, but that's unironically just as sheltered as thinking all women are virgins. People /here/ who have never interacted with women are the first to say virgin women don't exist.
I'd say it's incredibly likely that they ARE virgins, and I'm basing that off of everything I've seen of them through doing my reps. This is a worthless argument ultimately because all you're doing is trying to perpetuate that they're sluts betraying their idol dream by having secret boyfriends while trying to appeal to gachikoi(which they've been doing for a LONG time, so youre implying that theyre both liars and manipulatores)

>> No.61814194

gachikoi bros if you wanna see how easy you can kiss them on the lips, forehead, or top of the head use this
They're both 155

>> No.61814197
File: 205 KB, 429x464, 1676461225689.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand why this conversation is even continuing. There's no proof either way except headcanon and personal feelings. That's it.
If you believe they're virgins, then they're virgins.
If you believe they've had sex in the past, then they've had sex.
Just shut the FUCK up and post cute dogs.
