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61254743 No.61254743 [Reply] [Original]

This thread is dedicated to my mother, Ceres Fauna. Please, say something nice about her.

>> No.61255985
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Uuuuu october is swiftly drawing to a close and it sounded like she had so many ideas brewing. H-hope she's doing well. Hope she doesn't feel like she's wasting the "holiday spirit" and beats herself up over it. M-maybe we could still do spoopy stuff in november if she wants to! Who says the calender has to decide? I love mommy no matter what

>> No.61256287


>> No.61260536
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>> No.61261444

>say something nice
She is nice to my rat wife so I like her

>> No.61261543
Quoted by: >>61263869

she's sick please understand
she still has plenty of days to rest up for at least a couple halloween themed streams, I think it'll be fine

>> No.61262896
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Not the time or the place, Jakartan

>> No.61263195
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Quoted by: >>61263931

Hi Moomposter! I am OP and I am not jakartan. No clue about the other guy you replied to, you probably are right there.

>> No.61263317

I miss my mommy wife so much bwos..

>> No.61263447
Quoted by: >>61268565

She's been in on and off since the japan arc. I remember one MC stream while she was there where she was very stressed and even let out a little scream because there was so much non-stream shit to do. She even made a post saying something like just wanting to go home so everything can be normal again. I don't know exactly what's causing the troubles right now though. Maybe all that extra work never ended, maybe it became a new normal demanded by Cover and she's struggling to adapt, maybe it's old work she must catch up on, maybe the Japan work was so bad she's still feeling the trembles in her nerves and even just thinking about Hololive is causing her minor panic attacks, and just feeling like that is making her feel even worse because it's not what she wants to feel when she thinks streaming and saplings. Or maybe it's a concoction of difficult emotions including IRL shit we don't know about.

Just rrating around here. All I know is Cover needs to calm the FUCK down! You need to adapt if you're gonna open a global branch. Be honest, how much of that behind-the-scenes stuff is pointless formality corpo fluff? Anything that is a detriment to her health and streaming should fuck off. No mandated work at fuck off o'clock. TREAT MOMMY NICELY!

>> No.61263620 [DELETED] 

She got harddoxed by the nijisisters doxsite. She's been feeling "sick" ever since that happened.

>> No.61263869
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You're right. Mommy is a mature and wise woman. She'll figure it out. We'll have fun with her like in the olden days sooner than we know!

>> No.61263931
Quoted by: >>61264822

Spending most of my effort DDOSing the SEA hugbox, but if you're genuine this really isn't the time for threads like these.

>> No.61263935
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I love her and I want to chew on her hair

>> No.61264822
Quoted by: >>61267111

Fair enough. I know what you're talking about but I figured it was schizo larp since I found it among the worst generals on this board. Good luck on your efforts

>> No.61265804

You do realize you literally ruined everything right?

>> No.61266129
Quoted by: >>61267111

Okay mister page 10 bump, please explain in great detail why you think this wouldn't have happened anyway.

>> No.61266966


>> No.61267111

Uhmmm actually, >>61264822 clearly bumped the thread first :^)

>> No.61267364

This OP is Sakasandayo. Everyone say hello Sakasandayo.

>> No.61268075

literally who

>> No.61268159 [DELETED] 

So is she on break because of… you know…

>> No.61268221

yeah, me

>> No.61268565

I mean the other girls seem to be doing just fine, even some like Bae who travels back and forth between Australia and Japan every month or Mumei who's also busy with college

>> No.61268639 [DELETED] 

