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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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61022182 No.61022182 [Reply] [Original]

Time for some karaoke my En viewers!

>japanese language song
>japanese language song
>japanese language song
>japanese language song
>japanese language song

>japanese language song
>japanese language song
>japanese language song
>japanese language song

Th-Thank you...

>> No.61022234
Quoted by: >>61022628

If you watched the stream you'd know there was an English song.

>> No.61022257

>> No.61022444

Gonna cry EOPfaggot?

>> No.61022447

>get into a weeb hobby
>complain when there's weeb pandering
You didn't pick the right hobby to get into my friend.

>> No.61022628
File: 238 KB, 1536x2048, F8AtFA-awAASRD_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>61082942

Damn I guess that destroys my whole point! Thank you for relaying this important information to me!

>> No.61022820

I'm complaining about the ridiculous ratio which completely alienates EN viewers.

>> No.61023131
Quoted by: >>61023375

>alienates EN viewers
Proof? Most of them are weebs last I checked.

>> No.61023172


>> No.61023262

dunno what you're talking about, I'm alienated whenever EN sings and english song. I never listen to that western shit

>> No.61023324

> fuwamoco sings songs from clockup eroge and saya no uta
>/vt/ complains
hiroshimoot just nuke the board already

>> No.61023375
Quoted by: >>61034514

>Most of them are weebs last I checked.
EOPs have existed for ages. It's the same guys that go into JP chuubas' chat and still ask questions or regurgitate memes in english. They might be weebs but they're lazy

>> No.61023451
Quoted by: >>61023819

>english language song
>english language song
>english language song
>karaoke streams will never be archived or monetized
wow you're a genius

>> No.61023670
File: 514 KB, 572x421, 1494042488585.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, you can go fuck yourself. You got into the hobby of watching talking anime girl heads stream while talking and playing video games. You can deal with your fucking Japanese songs you picky fuck.
>Oh boo hoo my cute vtubers who can literally speak Japanese like Japanese songs in the hobby that was originally developed and transformed in Japan.
No retard, you can deal with that. And you know what? FUCK your boring ass white girl songs, holy shit.

Go lift some weights and get some fucking taste.

>> No.61023683

retard thread

>> No.61023819
Quoted by: >>61041122

There's obviously pros and cons to both approaches, this isn't the epic point you think it is.

Obviously EN viewers would more likely be familiar with EN songs, and even if they aren't, they're more likely to at least understand the lyrics which doesn't harm enjoyment as much.

There's nothing worse than:
>A song in a language you don't understand
>that you've never heard of
>you haven't watched the anime for
>you don't even enjoy musically

>> No.61024238
Quoted by: >>61024907

time for some karaoke my anime character viewers
>anime songs
I don't see the problem

>> No.61024291 [DELETED] 

Sorry EOP cucklets but the dog twins cannot resist our strong JP-bro cock

>> No.61024303


>> No.61024319


>> No.61024346


>> No.61024530
File: 16 KB, 312x312, 1697474174638447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ran to the catalog after getting laughed at in /baubau/

>> No.61024667
Quoted by: >>61055954

>why aren't they singing SLAP MY BITCH UP????

>> No.61024669
Quoted by: >>61054725

You forgot to mention School Days, which is perhaps the most based choice on that setlist (just wait until they start covering Yosuga no Sora alongside a full list of siscon wincest themes.)

>> No.61024907

To be fair there's a pretty big gap between the type of weeb who watches vtubers and the type of weeb who reads beastiality rape VNs.

>> No.61025097

Archived karaoke is restricted to songs they have the rights to.

>> No.61025114

They're ESL anon give them a break.

>> No.61026454

<Archived thanks to it being japanese
say thank you, you retarded ruffian.

>> No.61027930

Are you retarded, OP? Maybe you should hurry up and kick that chair.

>> No.61028416

Badass, exactly what I wanted out of anime girls. I love Japanese songs.

>> No.61029928
Quoted by: >>61062469

he could just watch JP if he wanted that.

>> No.61030164
Quoted by: >>61032051

I never posted there, that means it's definitely a critique other people have too if you're getting posts there too.

>> No.61031652

Start watching more ID

>> No.61031789


>> No.61031894
File: 52 KB, 875x282, 8574ddcbb28b0d14907b0acec453f0be.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>61033727

Hello nijicord

>> No.61031950

Good, normalfags like you shouldn't be in this hobby anyway. Get the fuck out and never come back.

>> No.61031993
Quoted by: >>61032686

Just watch mumei or lisa. They mostly sing English songs and are actually good.

>> No.61032041

>alienates EN viewers.
Hold a second. Don’t EOPs listen to any songs written in other than English?

>> No.61032051

>types like a faggot assblasted
nah, that's definitely you

>> No.61032686
Quoted by: >>61034234

Lisa? link plz

>> No.61033372
File: 274 KB, 356x336, 496E58258E78444B823667AA3EDF8495.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HoloEN problem

>> No.61033727

kek, nijinonces BTFO

>> No.61033860

They're self admitted JP rejects. Like IRyS, they desperately want to be JP members and so they have to do what they can to slowly get absorbed into the JP branch and have JP viewers overtake their EOP viewers.

>> No.61034169
Quoted by: >>61062572

Who cares about this? I care about them doing entire streams in japanese. Glad they kinda stopped doing that at least.

>> No.61034234

Chikafuji lisa. Ex-Tsunderia member who is now indie. Honestly my favorite vtuber singer. Unfortunately she doesn't archive most of her karaoke streams, but you can still find some on YouTube and the folks in the Tsunderia general have magnet links for the rest.

>> No.61034414

>The vtubers aren't singing dumpster tier english music REEEEEE!!!!
get gatekept normie. mainstream english pop music is all trash and hasn't been good for forty years anyway.

>> No.61034514

You can complain about talking in Japanese but singing in Japanese? It's not EOPs that complain about it, just trolls.

>> No.61034541

i don't speak japanese at all but i'd much prefer listening to japanese songs i don't even know of then english songs. mumei is one of my favorite singers in all of hololive for her karaokes but everytime i hear her sing some dumbass country song i want to kms

>> No.61035882
File: 1.22 MB, 1080x1080, English Doko [sound=files.catbox.moe%2F1shtsg.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon be like

>> No.61035918

Based as fuck. You have Mumei if you want trash EN music.

>> No.61035958

Yeah weebs love listing to garbage contemporary Ameriburger music.

>> No.61035982

You're the one the gate is meant to keep out.

>> No.61036117

Absolutely perfect

>> No.61036211

if they're gonna sing retro Japanese songs why not old school en songs like bob dylan or elvis shit

>> No.61038349

Japanese company
japanese hobby

>> No.61038505
Quoted by: >>61043349

There's a sizeable amount of retards who watch vtubers but have no interest in anime or Japanese media in general.
I don't understand it either.

>> No.61038582
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>> No.61041122
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>A song in a language you don't understand
Do your reps if you care that much. Also mood, Coco and Haato care fuck about spanish and they love to sing that one song.
>that you've never heard of
...That's how you heard new songs you fucking donkey. I know shit of Mori's taste in music and yet enjoyed a lot Boogey-Boxx discography.
>you haven't watched the anime for
2023 and watching vtubers, who cares about anime anymore. Also c´mon now, they always sing shit before the new 20's.
>you don't even enjoy musically
That's on you and your fucking thrash taste.

>> No.61041192
File: 199 KB, 1600x900, smile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I too want to give a (you) to this post

>> No.61043349

There’s no inherent reason to watch anime if someone you like streams with an anime avatar. I get it. I’m more annoyed by people who watch Hololive members and then bitch. Either shut up and deal with it or watch another corpo, man. That’s literally what all the vtubers /we/ hate are there for.
Hell, the company has plenty of people who don’t lean as hard into the weeb stuff, so why would you pick the twins who are the most weeb ones in the whole branch?

>> No.61044004

You telling me that the anime girls sing anime songs in the anime language? Woah

>> No.61044597
File: 226 KB, 436x456, 1675088500009390.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time for some unarchived karaoke my En viewers!

>Stay with me
>Fly me to the moon
>Country Roads
>Sunday Morning
>Ride on Time

>Hey Soul, Sister
>Shiny Smiley Story
>Bohemian Rhapsody

Th-Thank you...

>> No.61045521

japan hobby. japanese are superior. we will never be japanese. deal with it.

>> No.61045606
File: 594 KB, 1920x1440, 1687704691690771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.61048721
Quoted by: >>61055065

English language music is garbage

>> No.61049946

duvet doko

>> No.61052418

And thus the newfag OP was once again reminded that vtuber culture is rooted in Japan.

>> No.61054358
Quoted by: >>61055065

Most sane people do not like songs that are in English
Jap songs are better in almost every regard

>> No.61054725

I will now watch your oshis.

>> No.61055065
Quoted by: >>61055312

garbage and ignorant take, listen to more music

>> No.61055109


>> No.61055312

I do listen to a lot of music, including English music. The only good music that's in English is metal because they're not trying to sing harmoniously whereas Jap music sounds great in every genre

>> No.61055459


>> No.61055954


>> No.61059563


>> No.61060880

english language music has been dead since ~2005 at the latest
somehow still better than modern mainstream german music though, jesus christ it's so fucking bad

>> No.61061941
File: 446 KB, 2000x1333, 1697643524871512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah it was great wasn't it! Plus since it was Japanese it didn't need to be unarchived. Think I'm on the third playback of it. BauBau

>> No.61062017

If you understand Japanese then why are you settling for EN? Even their best is just an imitation of an average Japanese chuuba. That's what I don't get.

>> No.61062176

Cry about it
Stream was kino

>> No.61062302
Quoted by: >>61083039

It was their most popular stream of the week. Be grateful they stream mostly in English. They'd be huge if they stuck to JP. EOP faggots are holding them back

>> No.61062469

He could just watch any other EN girl if he hates hearing japanese so much

>> No.61062527

Hey, don't like? Don't watch. I generally don't watch karaokes anyways cause they're not comfy. But it's pretty funny you're so hard filtered by other languages in music, just like, listen to the sound man, I barely pay attention to lyrics regardless of language.

>> No.61062572

They literally streamed Japanese with Anya on momday and are collabing with fubuki and polka this week. Cry about it

>> No.61062751


>> No.61062863

Schedule. 90% of the time JP talents are streaming while every decent NA person is working, EN streams are just easier to catch live.

>> No.61063067

holy shit how were british bands so popular back in the days even in asia when they don't understand english!? Retard, songs are more than just lyrics or understanding of it

>> No.61063135

Grow up OP

>> No.61063414

It's almost like copyright and perms are a thing. The west is as anal about music as jp is about games.

>> No.61068955

oh nyo

>> No.61075375

You got EN song perms? No? Okay then

>> No.61075998

the absolute state of /jp/

>> No.61076092

>watching anime girls
>wanting English
Learn Japanese you coward.

>> No.61077471

>learn a dying language

>> No.61079375

EN vtubers btw.
Name one real life use for Japanese that isn't hentai, visual novels, or making shit wages as a teacher overseas.

>> No.61080535

>alienates EN viewers
Western shit scum die die die, well at least for modern day shit like fucking Billie eyelish or whatever

>> No.61081334


>> No.61081483

>I'm alienated whenever EN sings and english song. I never listen to that western shit
I was so disappointed when Gura's karaokes went full basic white girl

>> No.61082942

>conveniently forgetting that almost all karaoke in english are unarchived
I know that fwmc only has done it once but if you want to see karaoke VODs you need to seach in other channels

>> No.61083039

>EOP faggots are holding them back
actually manager told they to cut down their jp streams

>> No.61083065

>bitching about cute bau baus singing
Is there really nothing else going on?

>> No.61083186
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>> No.61083320
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Gonna cry about it, piss baby?

>> No.61083424

Love it, can't wait for their next one.
BAU BAU! (Seethe bitch)

>> No.61083453

>saya no uta

>> No.61083658
File: 447 KB, 746x494, 1693706809705555.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuwamoco are for last samurais ONLY.

>> No.61083721
File: 2.35 MB, 1273x1057, 1693100252950269.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And it was an amazing karaoke, all of them are. Bau Bau.

>> No.61085710


>> No.61087806

Have some fun

>> No.61093621

I could understand complaining about streams but songs in another language are fine

>> No.61093704


>> No.61093870
File: 698 KB, 1280x1280, 1676202472846262.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is literally Pearl Harbour
