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File: 261 KB, 544x562, kaela.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
60916805 No.60916805 [Reply] [Original]

You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.

>> No.60916887
Quoted by: >>60954181

>Cover okayed this
Did nobody even LOOK at the model for two second for quality assurance? Those arms are GOOFY AS HELL, even the best level of quality control should have caught this

>> No.60916950

Didn't know Cover got perms to use stickman

>> No.60917045

Having even a little bi and triceps would have fixed 80% of the problems.

>> No.60917131

Average blacksmith physique

>> No.60917271

it looks like shite lmao billion dollar company btw

>> No.60917363

Enderman hands

>> No.60917904

Imagine having an entire noodle arm up your ass, to the shoulder

>> No.60918037

Literally CLAMP design
What the fuck

>> No.60918347

Look at those hips though it's not all L's.

>> No.60920989

Those are the arms of a blacksmith, alright.

>> No.60921836

If you pay attention to her thigh-arm ratio she's literally got the body type of Chun-Li.

>> No.60921842
File: 1.79 MB, 1823x1021, astel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>60954815

Nice arms.

>> No.60922672

>Ame's model can't remove her jacket
>Kiara's model has a flat ass
>Anya's tits are too small
>Zeta's lower half is 2x the size it should
and now
>Kaela's arms are literal twigs
Who the actual fuck is working on the 3D models of ID+EN? I don't recall JP ever having models with blunders like this before. Closest thing is Roberu and his wonky tracking.

>> No.60922861

You sound like a seething female when bringing up Zeta kek

>> No.60922998
Quoted by: >>60935819

I don't mind Zeta having fat thighs, I think it's hot as hell, but the problem is that it shows inconsistency in their work.
They don't seem to follow any reference at all, and at best they just look at a png of a model and slap on either fat tits or small tits then small ass or fat ass and call it a day for proportions.

>> No.60923825
File: 1.30 MB, 1444x761, 1674431828096680.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

90's porn implants looking nerd

>> No.60923995

Those hips were made for birthing children (mine).

>> No.60924211

It's made funnier by the fact she had a work-out skit at the beginning. Blakcsmith and works out in 3D and she makes Ina look like Mr Olympia.

>> No.60924569

Please tell me this is edited.

>> No.60924837
File: 3.99 MB, 1920x1080, 1693514404211781.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

spooky skelly

>> No.60925136


>> No.60926615

lmao noodlearms

>> No.60927003

*bone rattling intensifies*

>> No.60927867

literally impossible for deadbeats to compete. turn it in

>> No.60927890

looks like what i imagine people who have been in institutions for years look like when they leave, or better yet, the people who are exiting the side of the pharmacy after getting their second shot of methadone

>> No.60929375

Zeta's gigantic thighs were incredible tho

>> No.60930300

what the actual fuck

>> No.60932167

>I will now pleasure myself with this fish

>> No.60932471

someone greenlit this shit

>> No.60933318


>> No.60933846
File: 3.53 MB, 1280x720, 1667072686886444.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.60934792
File: 223 KB, 990x1485, F3982153-1975-498A-BF89-C045502F0A0C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But that body type exists tho?

>> No.60935692

Is this the lowest-quality 3D model in hololive so far?

>> No.60935737

I loved it, I still don't know what retard looked at the arms and though, "this is ok".

>> No.60935806

Laughed out loud at 3:39am. Absolutely abysmal.

>> No.60935819

Did nobody else notice Zeta's thighs in her third costume???

>> No.60935873
File: 124 KB, 340x243, 1697807978010401.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek looney tunes looking ahh model

>> No.60935946

>We'll fix your arms later, just don't draw any attention to them

>> No.60936285
Quoted by: >>60953666

How did Zetas turn out so good yet Kaelas turned into... this? Cover really needs to get their heads out their asses. They've had it in there for years now

>> No.60936539

>giant flat texture
>twig arms
jesus christ lmfao

>> No.60936574
File: 1.38 MB, 1692x866, Screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

her limbs are put together like a ps1 character's

>> No.60936742
File: 208 KB, 313x536, 1697846687031492.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ayyy lmao

>> No.60936900

>Kaela, please!
>Stop moving so much!!!

>> No.60937107

900 million dollar worth corpo btw LMAO

>> No.60937127
Quoted by: >>60937248

What's weird is that when she picked up the water jug it actually perfectly tracked with her models hands, unlike Zeta that pulled a VegeTales. So it looks like Kaela is actually Slenderman's son. Other than that, it was a pretty nice 3D. The ballerina part was crazy.

>> No.60937175


>> No.60937248
Quoted by: >>60937781

She used to be a ballerina before accident happen

>> No.60937287
File: 1.15 MB, 770x1030, 1697834896461168.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>60938775

The biggest crime was that her boobs had no motion whatsoever. They are literal implants. Even zeta had some jiggle.

>> No.60937356

I wonder if Cover even gave her legs. Ame has been with the company for over 3 years and her model doesn't have a torso or arms. And the face looks like garbage. Well, that's all myth models. Who TF are they paying to do all this shit?

>> No.60937618

>intern at cover halfass kaela model thinking she won't move much since she liveslike a stinky neet
>when kaela arrives she ends up being energetic and all over the place, and wants to do some exercise program bit

>> No.60937781

Ah, that's sad to hear. I didn't know as I've only seen her in collabs and a few solos. My condolences to her.

>> No.60938702
File: 3.99 MB, 1280x720, 1666349985711477.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some kind of ghost erection

>> No.60938775

Maybe because lore wise she wearing a chest plate so she doesn't get jiggle physic

>> No.60939828

My dick when watching porn

>> No.60940459

xqc of hololive

>> No.60941088
Quoted by: >>60954087

>Make a "blacksmith" character
>Give her emaciated noodle arms
Cover. You dense motherfuckers.

>> No.60944091

I need to know who 3D modelled this shit so I can anti them

>> No.60944514

feels like they did the rest of it first and then did a rushjob on the arms
everything else is really good, the legs and birthing hips are pure sex

>> No.60949015


>> No.60949354

She's got a big one

>> No.60949398
File: 504 KB, 1212x1184, 1633786644971.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.60951223


>> No.60952931

This is what 2 hours of sleep do to your body.
Don't be Kaela kids, play Video Game responsibly.

>> No.60953666

fatter woman are just better

>> No.60953958

Autism is her superpower

>> No.60954022
File: 1.65 MB, 1380x1545, 1688387994623830.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By Muhammad make them dress properly especially when it is 3D my brothers, for those women are the sin!

>> No.60954085

is that a female guyRyS

>> No.60954087

autistic tard

>> No.60954131

Japanese artists, it’s okay to draw woman with a little meat on their bones please

>> No.60954164

this looks better because the forearms aren’t as freakishly long

>> No.60954181
Quoted by: >>60954870

I dont think Cover cares much about ID desu

>> No.60954779

FUCK this is so cursed
Why didn't they make it like Kronii's model who not respect the weird wada proportions?

>> No.60954815

I can bet CLAMP is behind this

>> No.60954870
Quoted by: >>60956030

ID is the second biggest branch. Of course Cover cares.

>> No.60954925


>> No.60956030

>This thread
It sure doesn't feel much like it.
Kaela is what? Their top3 most popular member?

(Also ID is the 3rd biggest branch don't flatter yourself seafans.)

>> No.60956315
File: 46 KB, 480x800, 1668320751207128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is...


>> No.60957879


>> No.60958252

She deserves so much better.

reminds me of having to look at her swimsuit art from earlier this year

>> No.60959151

holy hell this has to be fake
it's a fucking insult to stick her with this

>> No.60960400

I love how gachan does this insane double take.

>> No.60960795

