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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 317 KB, 1920x1080, 54647657564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6056982 No.6056982 [Reply] [Original]
Quoted by: >>6137231 >>6176747

Holostars General

>> No.6057348
Quoted by: >>6057861


>> No.6057861
Quoted by: >>6058197

Anon... that was the schedule for yesterday...

>> No.6058072
Quoted by: >>6058252 >>6059848

It's a shame that reignite cup was a blow up. Nagao's fun to have around and I would like to see him tag with seaweed in a tournament that's not melting by the servers.

>> No.6058197

Ah shit my bad

>> No.6058252
Quoted by: >>6058708

I wonder if Apex is on its way out. I wasnt around for the PUBG era but from what I hear the current Apex situation with cheaters and now fucked lobbies is starting to render it unenjoyable. The only thing thats missing is something to take its spot.

>> No.6058708
Quoted by: >>6059827

isn't overwatch 2 coming out? I'm not following the news about it, so I don't know what's the general reception so far.

>> No.6059827

If nips don't play Overwatch as much anymore, what makes you think they'll play the same thing but with a 2 at the end? It'll probably be a FOTM in Japan before it dies off again.

>> No.6059848

Doesn't even have to be a tourney, really. I'd actually like to see him with Seaweed and Roberu again since they were pretty fun together. Hell, it would be a miracle if we somehow manage to get a VALZ+Suntempo collab even if it's not Apex

>> No.6063131 [SPOILER] 
File: 10 KB, 480x360, 1625370281221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6064036

I think EN rocks

>> No.6064036
File: 131 KB, 288x330, EfH9zOoWsAAwz8S.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6064131

How does he do it? He's a dumbass, but cool at the same time.

>> No.6064131
Quoted by: >>6064310

You only gain that power from wearing Pikachu boxers that are exposed to direct sunlight

>> No.6064310
File: 59 KB, 524x463, 1485775093336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is probably a reference I'm missing but it got me to audibly laugh

>> No.6064520

I feel like there's a few more eyes on us than usual, so if you're interested in starting with the stars here's a Playlist of some clips

>> No.6064619

Its like the first line of the Shiendown when he used to walk around town in pikachu underwear because he thought they were shorts

>> No.6064874
File: 251 KB, 554x287, 1611246083724.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone's gotta post it:
>Used to walk around town wearing pikachu underwear and no pants, because he thought they were shorts
>Set his twitter account's birthdate to his Holostars debut date, got banned for months as a result. This lead to him being known as a baby by the rest of the Holostars.
>Once accidentally hijacked the Holostars youtube account and started streaming on it, thinking that it was his own account, and it took him 15 minutes to realize what was going on when his manager messaged him on discord in a panic
>During Sora's birthday stream, when every other holo from every branch stopped streaming, Shien started a horror game stream where he clipped a peg on his face everytime he got startled, and had to stop the stream because he was in too much pain
>Did a cooking stream on his vertically filming unsecured phone and ended up recording his feet, got chewed out publicly by his manager and had to delete the VOD. Decided it would still be a good idea to upload it to Twitcast later that night anyways.
>Has a crippling ass fetish
>Sang 'nigga' twice in GTAV despite his chat warning him well in advance he probably shouldn't say it
>Once did a DDLC stream where he voiced all the female characters' lines in the highest pitch he could, ended up wearing out his throat and he couldn't stream the next day (he didn't learn his lesson, and did another voice acted DDLC stream later that week)
>Once electrically massaged himself to the point of ejaculation on stream
>Formed a team to join a serious Vtuber APEX tournament filled with Diamond and Master players, on the condition that everyone in his team use controllers to play. They were last place with no kills.
>Fled an anime convention after a girl cornered him and ranted the entirety of The Disappearance of Hatsune Miku at him, leaving an enduring emotional scar
>Made the committee of the first Vtuber Apex tourney restart because he couldn't get in.
>Later was joined by some chump named Kawase and Pikamee in the tournament afterparty. Kawase gave most of his equipment to him and was only allowed to go all out when bossu sacrificed himself as a summoning catalyst to provide Kawase with the Mastiff. Kawase then got champion within 10 minutes of Shien's sacrifice.
>Had technical problems which caused him to stream during Sora's birthday stream since he streamed an hour late from the original schedule.
>roommate wanted to post a screenshot of a funny post he saw on twitter, but he screenshotted the post on his SHIEN twitter. Post stayed up for 4 months until someone on 5ch pointed it out and the post was deleted 5 minutes later.
>In the Among Us collab with all the Holostars, he killed Rikka in front of everyone in the first game and then when called up, he denied it. In the end he was ejected and after that game, everyone decided to kill him as soon as possible because he's always a sus.
>Once posted the thumbnail picture of korone's 2nd anniversary stream on his twitter without any caption. This was later deleted.
>Upon hitting the legal age of drinking, he went to an izakaya where he drank multiple cups of Kahlua milk despite being both low tolerance and lactose intolerant. He ended up getting sick to the point of throwing up blood.
>Mentioned during his debut that one of his goals was to have his washlet fixed. After one year, multiple scoldings from Oga, and a red superchat from his illustrator asking him to have it fixed, Shien's washlet remains unfixed and he has mentioned being used to the feeling of "being attacked by a hydrocannon"

>> No.6065175

I love reading this everytime it gets posted. Never fails to crack me up.

>> No.6065500
File: 33 KB, 493x386, 404d9413f1533fda5fc07f6e344e060d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was a wild ride

>> No.6065961
File: 485 KB, 912x514, 94657356.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For more context behind it, Roberu held a dark history tournament(embarrassing past stories) with Izuru and former Tri-Nero. Each participant had to guess whose experience belonged to who. My jp sucks, but it goes something like:

- Izuru was e-dating a girl in an mmo who later turned out to be a dude.
-Roberu held a chuuni magic war tournament by using techniques from anime(?)
-Oga received from a relative a scarf made out of a roadkill tanuki and used it frequently
-Shien mistook a pair of pikachu boxers for pants and wore them around the town
-Kaoru made an email with his crush's name as the handle.

Bonus(all from shien):
- "I thought that it would be delicious if I pour syrup on the snow, then I brought a bucket and juice from home. Turn out it tastes bad and done with just one bite"
- "I once screamed my secret when I sleep"
-"When I was on school trip, I want to show off my muscle so I kept tucking up my sleeve the whole time"

>> No.6065984

>Once electrically massaged himself to the point of ejaculation on stream
i use this stream when i need to sleep sometimes, shien voice is too nice

>> No.6066020

>When I was on school trip, I want to show off my muscle so I kept tucking up my sleeve the whole time
Absolutely based.

>> No.6068013

>roadkill tanuki scarf
i guess it fits the aesthetic but damn

>> No.6068594

>-"When I was on school trip, I want to show off my muscle so I kept tucking up my sleeve the whole time"
he just like me

>> No.6068611


>> No.6068792

Huh, and I was just thinking about the boys singing that song after hearing Gorilla's cover of it...

>> No.6069176


>> No.6069381


>> No.6069658


>> No.6070411


wow today is guerilla day

>> No.6071015

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lGOxGId_ZgQ knight dbd

>> No.6072303
Quoted by: >>6072485

>Still live
Temma - Dead by Daylight
>In one hour
Shien - Toraware no Palm
Roberu, Izumi, Kisaki Anko, Shirayuri Lily, Sena Asumi, Leia - Knockout City

Might see some streams from the other guys later, who knows

>> No.6072485
Quoted by: >>6072676

What a coincidence that Leia was playing with seaweed and bosna yesterday. Now he's here too. Also, Roberu has reached VapArt and Vspo lol.

>> No.6072676
Quoted by: >>6072760

I still find it interesting how the stars' non-Apex autists are the ones who get to collab with Apex pros and vets in casual games like Rikka with the occasional late night amogus involving Kawase and Qpi or Roberu with this upcoming collab

>> No.6072760
Quoted by: >>6072866

Rikka is already very well connected and Roberu takes heavy initiative to talk to others.

>> No.6072866

>Roberu takes heavy initiative to talk to others.
Eh pretty sure more than half of of the collabs he's invited by Life sensei and Animare girls

>> No.6074088
Quoted by: >>6074275

>Shien fucked up his stream and it's only 360 and he can't figure out why

Is this a new entry for the Shiendown?

>> No.6074275

New link

>> No.6074581


>> No.6074645

Great way to come back to switch streams.

>> No.6076198
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>> No.6076980
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Quoted by: >>6077145

https://twitter.com/yukokuroberu/status/1411680716040019972 Get your gloves, bros. We have a game tomorrow.

>> No.6077145

>no mention of his Knockout City collab with Izumi + the apex autists
Did he forget or is he backing out of that one?

>> No.6077261
Quoted by: >>6077384

I think he's waiting for Izumi to make the proper announcement on twitter and quote it. She's tweeting her schedule right now.

>> No.6077384
Quoted by: >>6078081

She pulled out the brakes with those collabs this month...

>> No.6077739
Quoted by: >>6077790


Son's schedule for tomorrow

>> No.6077790

Ah, there it is
Disregard my earlier post here >>6077145 then

>> No.6078081
File: 260 KB, 872x308, 353564.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6078211

She's channeling her capybara energy hard. The gartic phone collab looks amazing on paper.

>> No.6078211
Quoted by: >>6078692

I feel bad for anyone who has to decipher Roberus drawings

>> No.6078474
Quoted by: >>6078571

Aruran Minecraft

>> No.6078571
Quoted by: >>6079195

Axolotls have taken over the stream. This is now Axototlcraft

>> No.6078692
File: 537 KB, 1920x1080, E5TuPjyUcAMuSqP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6080639

With what was done in last Henradio, it is gonna be a blast there

>> No.6078922
Quoted by: >>6079154

Oga Rockman5

>> No.6079154
Quoted by: >>6079244

Why is Megaman called Rockman in Japan?

>> No.6079195

Aruran has returned to the breeding pits

>> No.6079244
Quoted by: >>6079390 >>6079490

Because his default weapon is called "Rock Blaster". The question is why Rockman called Megaman overseas.

>> No.6079361

Stevie Wonder mention!
Maroon 5 mention!
I love Arurandeisu!

>> No.6079390

A Mega Blaster sounds like stronger and cooler than a simple rock blaster though...

>> No.6079490

Probably because of copyright shenanigans, like how M. Bison, Vega, and Balrog's names were mixed up on the US version because of Boxer's name resemblance to Mike Tyson.

>> No.6079622
Quoted by: >>6079734

Rockman also follows a naming convention of the series. "Rock" man and "Roll" along with other names like Bass (Forte in JP), so Megaman is the more out of place name.

>> No.6079734

At least Rock is still his official name overseas while Blues/Protoman completely lose his music theme naming. They also need to change BN3 final boss name because of it.

>> No.6080415

Aruran might have to purge his axolotl pit

>> No.6080639
File: 515 KB, 1920x1080, 20210702-130844.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6080754

I think you meant to post this

>> No.6080664
File: 344 KB, 960x541, 189824293.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

itt: faggots

>> No.6080754

A cat with 5 legs or two titties and 3 legs. Either way, it's a masterpiece, son.

>> No.6081888
File: 160 KB, 1280x716, 565465454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They keep multiplying.

>> No.6081933

It's cute

>> No.6082140

>the one covering his eyes
Haaaaahh cute

>> No.6083729
File: 47 KB, 436x436, E5d-nCmVIAAN-rB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6110392


>> No.6083940

https://twitter.com/alphaINTEL/status/1411654132805537796 Apex is getting rawfucked right now.

>> No.6084674
File: 113 KB, 241x241, 55239A6B-2EBF-4FBA-BA17-457056465151.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>astel finally gets into CR
>this happens

>> No.6085317


>> No.6086831
Quoted by: >>6086897

Apex is probably going to the point of no return. At this point Im sure the recent hack on EA had something that let them do shit like this to their online services. If anyone has an idea for a battle royale game now is the time if you want to break into the Japanese market

>> No.6086897

Genshin BR

>> No.6087778

Wooper looper

>> No.6094848

Miyabi schedule
There will be a Yurustars + Rikka collab on the day before his scheduled family trip

>> No.6098526
File: 633 KB, 1100x1600, E5Zl59DUYAEaA2F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6098996 >>6099011

>> No.6098996


>> No.6099011
File: 9 KB, 70x86, me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6099742


>> No.6100070
Quoted by: >>6100214 >>6100996

Morning Roberu

>> No.6100214

It's a bit weird to have so many asakatsu in a row again, but I'm definitely not complaining.

>> No.6100996
Quoted by: >>6101125

Bamco please let him play tales of arise onegai.

>> No.6101125
Quoted by: >>6101279

Dont they have permission already since Kiara is sponsored to shill the game or is it one of those sponsor only no stream afterward?

>> No.6101279

Robesan just screamed BANDAI NAMCO SAAAAAAAAAAN. I think that answers the question.

>> No.6102976

>Roberu reads a sc saying buenos dias and replies the same
>Immediately someone tries to make him say culona
I don't want HoloES to ever happen.

>> No.6103795

It was the same guy too

>> No.6104927


SOP spics be that way, always. HoloES would be really bad.

>> No.6105003

Luckily, he seems to survey the kaigai chat's reactions before reading stuff. Either way, the Japanese on the Spanish SCs were obviously machine translated to anyone who can read them. They sound insanely scuffed and also these things thrown into the mix:
Big grass. Congrats on wasting money to get looked down on and laughed at.

>> No.6105501

Dont worry Wactor already absorbed the majority of the spic audience.

>> No.6110392


>> No.6112676
Quoted by: >>6112823 >>6118349

Apparently it's just Roberu today


>> No.6112823
Quoted by: >>6112881

Also speaking of Roberu, was there any mention on when he plans to play GG Strive during the asakatsu earlier?

>> No.6112881
Quoted by: >>6113057

I saw some people ask, but I don't think he ever said anything about it

>> No.6113057

I see. Considering apparently even Mori had problems with trying to play Strive and another from the GG series, I'm assuming it really is due to issues with perms that no one has played it yet.
A shame but I do hope son and the others can get to stream it soon.

>> No.6114809
Quoted by: >>6115070

Roberu Knockout City collab with Izumi, Anko, Shirayuri Lily, Sena Asumi, and DTN's Leia

>> No.6115070
Quoted by: >>6115104 >>6115111

Switching to Gartic phone due to tech difficulties

>> No.6115104

fuck, i was looking forwards to this

>> No.6115111

sasuga EA

>> No.6115762

Aruran schedule

>> No.6116683
Quoted by: >>6118066

Every EA game is getting fucked?

>> No.6118066

You tell me, anon

>> No.6118302
Quoted by: >>6118349

where the streams at...

>> No.6118349

Unless there are any guerilla streams, this is all you will get today >>6112676
Just do your archive reps instead.

>> No.6118395
File: 181 KB, 1000x2500, 832743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Casually spreads Haneru's message of son being a manwhore to 4 new people
Animare is not to be trusted.

>> No.6118456
File: 180 KB, 850x1204, Mia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't let him in contact with Mia. (I can't believe she has less than 20k subs) She gets drunk all the time.

To be honest, I find Roberu quite entertaining so I don't mind if my girls at animare get with him.

>> No.6118481
Quoted by: >>6118967

To make things worse, Izumi apparently turned "Roberu fucked all of Animare" into "Roberu fucks all of his collab partners"
At the very least, Leia took a liking to our son and an anon over in the Apex+FPS thread is alright with Roberu impregnating Sena to make Sumire seethe

>> No.6118633
Quoted by: >>6119643

>Izumi inviting Roberu to all the group collabs to spread the gospel of the manwhore son

>> No.6118967
Quoted by: >>6119111 >>6119147

>"Roberu fucks all of his collab partners"

>> No.6119111


>> No.6119147
Quoted by: >>6119189

Why do you think Onoyuu is so fond of Roberu in the first place?

>> No.6119189

Hajimete no ~~~~~

>> No.6119643
File: 655 KB, 849x481, 456453.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6119913

Bossu utawaku in a 20 minutes
It begs the question. Will Miyabi save his kouhai?

>> No.6119913
Quoted by: >>6120193 >>6120912

He won't be able to do it
Not only is Izumi going to reveal to Tomoe that her brother's senpai is the vtubing world's bicycle, she's also going to take in Miyabi to be Animare's replacement cumrag when they're renting out Roberu to someone else

>> No.6120193
File: 538 KB, 677x1355, E413cy5XwAINkCd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Miyabi's frail, easily worn-out body wouldn't be able to handle that...

>> No.6120350
Quoted by: >>6120685

A nicely packed week with collabs for son.

>> No.6120685
Quoted by: >>6120728

>Roberu with Maimoto and Nui
This is incredibly based

>> No.6120725

Ahhhh so many links

Roberu eBaseball 2021

Aruran and Miyabi breeding more woopers

>> No.6120728
Quoted by: >>6120793

His Umamusume reps paid off. Looking forward to passionate reactions

>> No.6120793
Quoted by: >>6121034

Having them group view the weekly horse races would be a dream.

>> No.6120869


Astel CR team.

>> No.6120912

Doujins when

>> No.6121034
File: 102 KB, 640x360, 828340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If Nui joins them for any of the G1 races in October, that would be gold.

>> No.6121071

Boss doesn't want clips of his karaoke stream, I hope the EOP fags won't ruin this because he might delete the archive.

>> No.6121171

It is gonna be difficult if he doesn't pin it or write it in the description.
You can't blame them when that dumbass wrote nothing but Uta everywhere...

>> No.6121482
Quoted by: >>6121748

what's the reason? i get it if it's unarchive utau streams but for archived streams too?

>> No.6121693
Quoted by: >>6121866

Does he mean all of his singing streams or just this one?

>> No.6121748

Vocaloid with supacha seems to be a bit of a grey area? Temma privated a vocaloid utawaku once because he had monetization on

>> No.6121866

He said he doesn't want clips of his current karaoke stream. I know that he has at least one member-only karaoke archive though.

>> No.6121904
Quoted by: >>6122035

Does this baseball game even have a dating sim?

>> No.6121979
Quoted by: >>6122745

Tenma is a nerd, he probably got bullied in high school

>> No.6122035

I don't know, but him and 900 other people have enough autism to spend one hour on the players list

>> No.6122314
Quoted by: >>6122636

Is it just me or does Shien seem a bit different today?

>> No.6122351
Quoted by: >>6122636

incoming Just Follow Stars - Shien solo.

>> No.6122636

Vocals-wise or demeanor-wise?
So if we track all nine boys so far:
>Sung full version
Bossu, Astel
>Sung bits and pieces in some streams
>Haven't sung at all
Rikka, Oga, Izuru, Roberu (?)

Not sure about these last four though, might've missed them singing the orisong in one of their recent streams

>> No.6122686
Quoted by: >>6122958

demeanor-wise, he seems a bit down.

>> No.6122745

I want to bully the knight...with unrequited love

>> No.6122799
Quoted by: >>6122958

apparently robe sang it in menshi according to an anon in the jp thread

>> No.6122850
Quoted by: >>6122958

Roberu's is members only

>> No.6122958
Quoted by: >>6124367

Wonder if it has anything to do with why he told viewers yesterday to clear their schedules on the 10th
Either that or he's just more tired than usual
Alright lemme revise
>Sung full version
Bossu, Astel, Roberu (members)
>Sung bits and pieces in some streams
>Haven't sung at all
Rikka, Oga, Izuru

>> No.6122977
File: 60 KB, 540x601, 4534647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6123123 >>6123154

It's been 90 minutes and I still haven't seen any gameplay from this baseball game.

>> No.6123123
Quoted by: >>6123348

But players stats is gameplay, anon.

>> No.6123154

Baseball nerd autism please understand

>> No.6123161
Quoted by: >>6123188

>be me
>covid depression
>found holostars via FBK
>don't understand nihongo but hey they look cool and fun
>starts following them
>start doing nip reps to understand them
>sat through 2 graduations
>cried a lot and tries to watch them more since they can all just disappear any day
>still shit at nihongo but hey at least i can say konnichiwa
>watch them struggle to grow from the low 5 digits to now
>weird feeling in kokoro but not sure why
>releases just follow stars
>reads the lyrics
>dam breaks and cry like a bitch
anons call me a bitch but i have fallen too deep i can't stop listening to just follow stars im so happy for our boys

>> No.6123188

That does sound faggy ngl

>> No.6123348

Yeah I worded that wrong. "Haven't seen a real match yet" is more appropriate.Thankfully Roberu finally got into one.

>> No.6123665

>AI scores 3 runs in the first inning.
>Roberu quickly gets 3 outs
This is gonna be a good game.

>> No.6124348

Is Kansai man going to seethe after losing to virtual Giants

>> No.6124367
File: 163 KB, 332x339, 1624100067611.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6124755

Gonna samefag here to add new information
Shien will not stream tomorrow but will be able to stream on the 7th
The /jp/ anons are starting to theorize that there is a possibility that Shien's important thing on the 10th is a 3D debut due to the usual 3 day countdown before what's mentioned in the spoiler
What do you /vt/-only anons think?

>> No.6124755
Quoted by: >>6125325 >>6153472

Aruran and Oga's schedule says "undecided" on 10th. (and Miyabi will be on a break)
Let's wait for Temma's schedule (if he'll release one)...

>> No.6125325
Quoted by: >>6126113

Where's the spoiler knight when you need him...

>> No.6125717
File: 539 KB, 2560x1440, E5iLIFqUcAk4Ltd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6125807
Quoted by: >>6126427

Son's schedule for tomorrow

>> No.6126113

Having trouble with city hall

>> No.6126237

Oga zatsudan

>> No.6126427

Please don't bully Warabe too hard. The rng fuckfest from the mario party collab was overwhelmingly against her:

>> No.6126521
Quoted by: >>6126754

Is this a foreshadow from shadow mountain?

>> No.6126754

It was bound to happen. Ma-Fia are the only ones missing their summer costumes. Looking forward to Shien's mama live-tweeting like crazy.

>> No.6128254
File: 559 KB, 853x479, 566867565.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6128268
File: 607 KB, 1366x768, RobeEmbrace.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6128346

Roberu has 2 long arms and 2 short ones.

>> No.6128346

I'm sure she was just drawing a bed frame at the top. I also got confused until she drew trex arms on the rest of the stick figures.

>> No.6128473

I don't blame Roberu for having sex with Ito and Mari.

>> No.6128478
Quoted by: >>6128647

Don't know if it was revealed before, but Miyabi revealed that Tenma was supposedly super strong in YuGiOh back then.

>> No.6128647

It's a shame Konami's anal about permissions.

>> No.6129504

>YAGOO used to be Miyabi's manager

>> No.6129537

This has turned into the Yagoo facts stream

>> No.6129573
Quoted by: >>6130643 >>6130723

YAGOO and Arusan are /fit/. They should discuss about it on stream

>> No.6130643

YAGOO runs 3km every day and knows no rest.

>> No.6130723
Quoted by: >>6131354 >>6131733

Maybe Yurustars weren't kidding when they said "YAGOO is swole"

>> No.6131354

It's already not a surprise that Yagoo is /fit/.

>> No.6131733
File: 910 KB, 719x1278, 983485.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6132615

I don't know about swole, but he's in shape according to his workout reps.

>> No.6132615
File: 331 KB, 383x399, 5D3F3AC1-760A-43E2-90B6-2960F63D772F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6134837

>tfw no farmer ceo bf
Jk. Seaweed is the only one for me

>> No.6132961
Quoted by: >>6133213 >>6133223

New tomodachis were made, but at what cost.

>> No.6133213

The cost of becoming a certified bully target.

>> No.6133223

Manwhoroberu has been trapped in Nanashi's building, and that's why Regularoberu is now back doing daily asakatsus

>> No.6134776


>> No.6134837
Quoted by: >>6134982 >>6135269

Where is he? I'm suffering from seaweed deficiency

>> No.6134982

He's training to beat Bosna at golf it for when CR CUP's lobby starts to choke.

>> No.6135269
Quoted by: >>6135725

Sleeping with Yagoo

>> No.6135725
Quoted by: >>6136290 >>6137076

"Holostars are Yagoo's personal onaholes" is my most favorite rrrrrrat ever.

>> No.6136031
Quoted by: >>6136279 >>6166822

out of curiosity i checked miyabi's ffxiv character out on the player search and he transferred data centers, wonder if he's got plans to collab with someone who plays there or what

>> No.6136279
Quoted by: >>6136664

didn't he have a static? did they all move?

>> No.6136290
Quoted by: >>6137076

Lol me too. “He keeps holostars around as bedwarmers” LET’S GO

>> No.6136664
Quoted by: >>6137504

i don't think he's been on metamoe's raid streams for more than 6 months now, by fflogs they cleared e12s together off stream in march though

>> No.6136680

hiroshimoot stop fucking things up

>> No.6137076

Why do you think he does the bare minimum to put them out there? He knows if they blow up like the girls they'll be too busy to keep his bed warm and then who will he sleep with? His wife?! Please.

>> No.6137231

Holostars will never stand on stage, side by side with their female counterpart.


>> No.6137263

I know this is bait but i really want to fuck Kanae

>> No.6137504
Quoted by: >>6137840

just when he could stream ff14 already...

>> No.6137693


>> No.6137726

Completely understandable.

>> No.6137805

Wait until Oga get his 3D

>> No.6137840
Quoted by: >>6138082

I wanna see more of it from him, the transfer makes me think he's planning something so hopefully he gets to do something fun soon

>> No.6137880

Based horny anon.

>> No.6138082
Quoted by: >>6138633

I saw this tweet from a couple months ago, I guess he made the switch then

>> No.6138633

i think he's been going back and forth between ridill and pandaemonium for a while now, the stream he did the day he tweeted that was on ridill and he's back on pandaemonium now

>> No.6138741

Me too, and then the other way around

>> No.6141010
Quoted by: >>6141243

FoxDemon will have a 3d stream and you will see nothing but hamster/banana images or Risu NTR for the whole stream.

>> No.6141140
File: 38 KB, 1126x520, Temma_and_Hiyamaru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6141478 >>6141780

Where is he? I'm losing motivation to do my reps, and i'm disappointed he let Astel flex on him when the EN girls were support the STARS he greeted in Japanese and not in English.


>> No.6141243
Quoted by: >>6141566

But when ID goes to Japan for their 3D debuts, will we have FoxDemon with Nuts?

>> No.6141478
Quoted by: >>6141780

Wasn't the 50th his last eigo reps stream?

>> No.6141566
File: 191 KB, 288x392, 934585.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6141949

>when ID goes to Japan
I have the mental image of Iofi and Ollie outside of Izuru's home like pic related. Trying to make him step outside.

>> No.6141668
File: 333 KB, 2054x2686, E49jTnqWEAIA8SZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6157115

sonic becoming a vtuber is one of the worst things because it drowns nsfw temma art that are tagged with emojis

>> No.6141780

He has been busy doing morning trips to city hall for knight government business.

>> No.6141949
Quoted by: >>6142171

he lives in the sticks though

>> No.6142001
File: 308 KB, 2048x1536, 1625313948535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based. I'm glad he seems to like shogun.

>> No.6142037

BAR'S opening.

>> No.6142171

That' even better

>> No.6142945

Breakfast bullying train I missed you.

>> No.6143178
Quoted by: >>6143489

>roberu and festival
It ain't true.....right?

>> No.6143489

Fuck no. Keep that bandage wearing skank away from my beautiful son. He’s Animare property.

>> No.6144801
Quoted by: >>6145240

>He hasn't decided what to stream in the afternoon
Can't he play more baseball? That shit was actually fun to spectate when he got into a real match.

>> No.6145240

The game isn't actually out yet, he just got permission to do a pre-release stream.

>> No.6149619

Waiting room for tonight's Mario Golf collab is already up

>> No.6150811
File: 511 KB, 1920x1080, 20210705-233244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is interesting

>> No.6150868


>> No.6151252
Quoted by: >>6151620

Murder Mystery on the 14th (Zareshima's channel)
I'm assuming it'll be after they're done with the main part that seaweed will announce what the 6-man cover is

>> No.6151620

> Oga singing
> Aruran singing
> 4+-man cover
Total win in my book

>> No.6151643

Schedule for today

>> No.6152727
Quoted by: >>6152876

that's... a really interesting lineup. I'm curious how that one came about.

>> No.6152876

I wouldn't be surprised if it was due to either the old man's or Kosaka's connections

>> No.6153472
File: 225 KB, 1280x720, 1625552088688.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6153488 >>6153558

Looks like it's not just the boys hinting at something on the 10th...

>> No.6153488

Ah, I was kind of hoping for an outfit but now I guess it's a collab

>> No.6153558
Quoted by: >>6154241

You're reading too much into it, anon...

>> No.6154108

Holy shit, its fucking DIR EN GREY

>> No.6154241

Yeah, on second thought I probably am
Well whatever the hell everyone's got planned for the week, I'll take it

>> No.6156765

What the fuck this is amazing.

>> No.6156834

New clip from Arupapa

>> No.6157115
Quoted by: >>6157408 >>6157844

>sonic becoming a vtuber
Excuse me

>> No.6157408

He ain't lying, Sonic really did become a Vtuber and made it harder for hidden Temma fanart to be spotted.

>> No.6157844

At least I got something funny from it:

>> No.6158944

Yurustars Rikka Ultimate chicken horse

>> No.6159541
Quoted by: >>6159998

Mario Golf with Robesan, Warabe, Pikamee and big milkers Itolife:

>> No.6159998
File: 480 KB, 852x475, 64565464.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mario - Itolife
Boo - Pikamee
King Bob-omb - Robesan
Pauline - Warabe

>> No.6160416
File: 379 KB, 843x477, 88293.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6160487

Roberu you truly are an ojisan at this point.

>> No.6160487

He only needs to add pachinko for the total Ossan experience

>> No.6160780
Quoted by: >>6161307

More Astelpex soon

>> No.6160898
File: 492 KB, 850x476, 835496.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Roberu and Ito end up in the same bunker after using their special shots for the first time. Meanwhile, Warabe is leading.

>> No.6161307
Quoted by: >>6161531

Looks like he's participating in Gorilla's Custom with his new CR cup teammates
Some vtubers confirmed to be joining (at least from the ones I'm following):
>Noah (currently accompanied by Hendy and Gil aka GOD_Ishizuka)
>Meika (accompanied by VSPO's Yakumo Beni and Odanobu)
>Gorilla himself (accompanied by Shinichiro Inui and VSPO's Tachibana Hinano who is currently playing Minecraft)

>> No.6161413
File: 453 KB, 850x477, 82385.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Losing son...

>> No.6161531
Quoted by: >>6161799

I wonder if Gorilla will start hosting customs regularly. He was trying out how the customs work yesterday.

>> No.6161656

Too bad that speed golfing isn't unlocked by default to spice up things, those golf tracks are quite repetitive

>> No.6161799

He can probably alternate customs-hosting with Hal if that's the case. Maybe the other members of KNR can also try their hand at having their own customs.
Also team updates:
>Pakael - currently with BIG STAR's Akito and an indie vtuber/livestreamer named Mitwun
>Noah - is now teaming up with OreApo (Hinano and Kamito)
>Gorilla - is now teaming up with Reid and Hendy

>> No.6162307
File: 500 KB, 854x479, 5435435.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Second game come back bros.

>> No.6163004
File: 451 KB, 847x475, 35435436.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6163104


>> No.6163104

WINNING SON isn't just a name

>> No.6163127
Quoted by: >>6163367

Looks like the same group will be doing mario tennis next.

>> No.6163264
Quoted by: >>6163447 >>6163571

If I'm not mistaken, looks like Seaweed's team's coach for CR cup will be Yukio

>> No.6163367

That unit is nice, just good vibes and harmless fun

>> No.6163447
Quoted by: >>6164122

Good way to show people there's no bad blood

>> No.6163571
Quoted by: >>6165902

Whats the points cap for this tourney, and highest player rank each time can have?

>> No.6164122

Jesus fucking christ

>> No.6165902

Point cap is 24 points with special rules set by Ojiji as follows (feel free to correct me):
>Participating CR members who are part of the Apex competitive division (Ras and Selly, maybe Zeder now too) are given point costs of 16
>Female players get a deduction of 2 points from their point cost (ex. A female Master player is given a point cost of 8 rather than the usual Master point cost of 10)
>Players with difficulties communicating with their teammates get a deduction of 2 points from their point cost (usually applied to foreign players who can't speak Japanese)
>Teams that have appeared in previous CR cup seasons get an additional 2 points to their overall team cost
>For this season, all teams can get a deduction of 2 points from their team cost provided one of the members makes a twitter writeup about what they would do for summer vacation (iirc there is a min word limit for this one)
I could be wrong but Ojiji apparently also has the power to adjust points for certain players if he feels their skill does not match their rank

>> No.6166822
File: 50 KB, 640x873, cb49247a0ce160685a7656f2e110e6f3_470db1bf2e865f9130531fea40b61ee4fl0_640x873.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6167275 >>6167662

I went to check and he did move, yeah. Also I think his blue mage outfit is his attempt to dress his character like himself which is pretty cute

>> No.6167275
Quoted by: >>6169515

shien hasn't shown his character yet no? maybe he moved to play with shien?

>> No.6167294
Quoted by: >>6170960

More Axolotlcraft from Arupapa

>> No.6167662
File: 123 KB, 1000x1000, E2QF6CyVUAEZwfN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah he seems to enjoy making his character match himself. Very cute

>> No.6169373
File: 295 KB, 437x550, oa7ayiyde1971.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6169464 >>6172750

>he's ran out of storage space so now he's straight up incinerating all the spare axolotls with magma blocks
Bros... arupapa has finally lost it, the blue axolotl has become his moby dick

>> No.6169464

He's been genociding them for the past couple days, it's amazing.

>> No.6169515

thing is that prepping your character for streaming is a pain and also probably pretty sad if you're already neck deep in a guild and have friends, in order to protect your privacy you'd generally have to leave your guild, change your name, and probably remove a lot of your friends which Miyabi did but Shien might not want to. You can also make an alt but starting fresh is also a pain...

>> No.6169719
Quoted by: >>6170074 >>6170821

I wonder why he set the tweet that way...

>> No.6170074

Shadow mountain...

>> No.6170821
File: 269 KB, 458x377, 1623649595866.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People @kageyamashien follows or mentioned can reply.
Boss... what are you planning?

>> No.6170960

Really good thumbnail

>> No.6170988
Quoted by: >>6171317

spoiler knight is on break on saturday....

>> No.6171317

I'm going insane can someone post a rrat on what is going to happen on the 10 so that I can sleep in peace until then?

>> No.6171504

He’s gonna announce that he fixed his washlet

>> No.6171619

shien makes a tanabata wish for cat ears and gets them on the 10th

>> No.6171719

774inc managed to buy Bossu from Yagoo therefore making him the first official male member of Animare
The reason why he's had a significant decrease in streams since the start of June is that he's been busy preparing for his transfer to the other agency

>> No.6172382
Quoted by: >>6172460 >>6172535

He's gonna announce an R18 BLCD he's starring in

>> No.6172460
Quoted by: >>6172535

With Oga of course?

>> No.6172535
Quoted by: >>6172586

Watch his partner be someone unexpected like Miyabi, Astel, or Kanon

>> No.6172586
Quoted by: >>6172791

Who's Kanon?

>> No.6172750
Quoted by: >>6173869

He's terrifying Ollie



>> No.6172791

Hanayura Kanon, the pink-haired, lady-looking ghost vtuber Shien occasionally hangs out with alongside Kuku
He's also the vocaloid producer KANON69 and a friend/acquaintance/colleague of Bossu's and Seaweed's roommates

>> No.6172953

Why does Astel not have a POV?

>> No.6173069
Quoted by: >>6173147 >>6186742

https://twitter.com/yukokuroberu/status/1412427953997189121 Fuck yes, more ebaseball in the afternoon. Also, no morning bar. The countdown for the EN thing must be something really big.

>> No.6173147

I doubt they care that much about new gens in other branchs, when you have Seaweed streaming over all their debuts

>> No.6173505

Why did the boys leave Aruran unsupervised? He's going crazy again.

>> No.6173869
Quoted by: >>6175479

I find it funny that some people think Ollie is making an IRL statement with the first tweet

>> No.6175479
Quoted by: >>6175883

That's pretty much any of the girls' tweets who talk about the boys. Like Fubuki was watching the talk event and referenced Oga, queue people replying to her thinking she was referring to herself.

>> No.6175883
File: 1.25 MB, 800x800, 2351E95D-E6E0-4301-876C-F1F8651569F3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6176165


>> No.6176165
File: 197 KB, 304x316, 1625328436222.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

English muzukashii
Also, does anyone have the Astel dekinai image?

>> No.6176531
File: 14 KB, 224x222, 321456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6176534 [SPOILER] 
File: 42 KB, 225x225, 1625597959110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6176747

Newfag here
Is it just me or Miyabi sounds like he has something like a lisp?

>> No.6176832
Quoted by: >>6179245

I don't think so? His pronunciation sounds pretty clear to me.

>> No.6177025
File: 7 KB, 354x66, 83485.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, Izumi. You can't recruit these oopa loopas to Animare.

>> No.6177042
Quoted by: >>6179245

Idk. I think he sounds kinda similar to kanae though

>> No.6177055

>Izumi came over to Aru's stream to say Animare found blue axolotl in 2 hours

>> No.6177114
Quoted by: >>6179245

don't think so

>> No.6177125
Quoted by: >>6179245

Not sure, but Izuru once said that Miyabi and Shien have "nice" Japanese while his is "dirty"

>> No.6177474
File: 99 KB, 224x222, nihongo is bad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6178280

7/7 schedule

>> No.6179245


Must be me then. I thought it sounds like his 'shi' leans more to s, sounding like 'hssi'

>> No.6179383
File: 109 KB, 578x1200, E5cAAUSUYAASDDf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6181226

Keep an eye on this guy. Maybe two.

>> No.6181226

I always think that Shien wearing that many layers of clothing must mean he is sweaty and smells nasty

>> No.6181255
Quoted by: >>6182042

why are you like this

>> No.6181687

He smells like a dog. I'd love to give him a bath with a garden hose

>> No.6181718

He claims that he sweats very little though.
I remember him saying something like "I sweated very little even when doing the RFA stream"

>> No.6181734

Mmmmm wet dog smell

>> No.6182042

Think about it
>Tie tied up all the way
>sleeveless coat
>loose scarf
>huge jacket with fuzzy fluff

>> No.6182156
File: 5 KB, 193x200, 1582086051450.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please stop being fujos
please stop being gays
lets just watch our bros hang out, sing, and play games

>> No.6182272

>gatekeeping posts

>> No.6182345
File: 153 KB, 492x551, 1621355112088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6183108

you sound new

>> No.6183108
Quoted by: >>6183232

I guess I am

>> No.6183232

it will happen, it's not a regular occurrence if you're worried about it. in the end everyone IS here to enjoy the bros hang out sing and play games, a few just want to fuck them too

>> No.6183797
File: 380 KB, 2508x3541, uoooh flower boy tummy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6184117


>> No.6184117
File: 281 KB, 1448x2048, 6CC09904-E5B1-43E8-9636-2E0EC058FA66.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute tummy

>> No.6184655
File: 227 KB, 931x876, E5lcx76VcBwkU2B.jpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6185332

Temma english studying day 51

>> No.6186742

Eh this thread ia very tame compared to the /jp/ one
>The countdown for the EN thing must be something really big.
What if one of the new EN girls blatantly Holostars fan like Ollie or Iofi?
