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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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>> No.60113689
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>> No.60113790
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Quoted by: >>60158180

I Love Takanashi Kiara

>> No.60113915
Quoted by: >>60114149

>dead thread

>> No.60113996
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>> No.60114149

Comfy thread is better than timelooping thread

>> No.60114620


>> No.60114913


>> No.60114938 [SPOILER] 
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Wawa feet

>> No.60115640
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>> No.60115921

Now it’s a steamy thread

>> No.60116390
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Quoted by: >>60116489

>> No.60116489

Me on the left

>> No.60116933
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>> No.60117257
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>> No.60118431
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I want to hug Wawa

>> No.60119177
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Marriage to this specific Kiwawa in October of 2020.

>> No.60119249
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>> No.60120801

That is cheating....

>> No.60121163
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Quoted by: >>60121346

Unsolicited home renovation

>> No.60121346

Oh neat, she's improving the old house.

>> No.60122790
File: 1.69 MB, 1353x1240, image-435.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.60123167

Naruto is and will always be shit

>> No.60124083
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>> No.60124890

Jesus that face. Kfp I fear what will happen if Rissa ever meets Kiara in person

>> No.60124994
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>> No.60125042
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>> No.60125280

i love kiara https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IlRxzZ1ysnQ

>> No.60125410
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>> No.60125989

Same. And I want to be there with a camera.

>> No.60126640


>> No.60126734


>> No.60126738
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Quoted by: >>60128696

>> No.60128696

>Canon lesbian
Kiara is armed with several canons. The Takahashi Fleet will dominate the East Blue

>> No.60135404
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>> No.60138854
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Quoted by: >>60139729

>> No.60139729

Watashi Banpiya

>> No.60142458
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>> No.60142831
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>> No.60143618
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>> No.60144880
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>> No.60146464
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>> No.60147611
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>> No.60148449
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Wawa in less than 8 hours. See you nuggets soon.

>> No.60149625
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>> No.60149838
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>> No.60150056
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Quoted by: >>60150158


>> No.60150158
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>wawa melons

>> No.60150202

Wawa on the telly???

>> No.60151367
File: 3.59 MB, 1292x1042, 1665984178940671.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.60151541
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help her get her outta there

>> No.60151548
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>> No.60151579
Quoted by: >>60152149

Gorgeous. Wawa needs official gyaru outfits. She suits the style so well.

>> No.60152149
File: 878 KB, 285x171, 1686041647540770.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>blonde, tanned with pink lipstick

>> No.60153451
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Quoted by: >>60153966


>> No.60153966
Quoted by: >>60154237

Do you think kiara took a photo posing in front of herself?

>> No.60154237
Quoted by: >>60154783

Yes because she asked me (her bf) to take the photo for her.

>> No.60154783

I made this post and took that photo by the way.

>> No.60156030
File: 2.57 MB, 1612x2280, 1693458779623202.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>60157469


>> No.60157225

AOEII collab is with Moona as you might have guessed, time might still move

>> No.60157469
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>> No.60158127
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Quoted by: >>60158215

I'm glad Kiara had a good time and it wasn't all work. She is cute and dumb and I want to kiss her.

>> No.60158180

Wii would like to fuck her

>> No.60158215

>tfw she is technically someone that is from a place in train driving distance from me, but she is right now in Nipland and gradually dissolving into being assimilated as a Nip

>> No.60158477
Quoted by: >>60158672

Hope she tangents a bit about the wedding

>> No.60158664

Anon she got home yesterday

>> No.60158672

unless Kiara gets unusually invested in reaching 3000 points, these suika streams will just be JP trip zatsudan disguised n a fruit salad

>> No.60159147

I got recommended an old HER clip and I noticed that her current voice now sounds identical to her voice back then

>> No.60159511

I swear Kiara has watched "7 vs. Wild" and parodied it a lot in her survival video, too bad nobody here probably knows what that is.

>> No.60159921
Quoted by: >>60160667

What the fuck are you talking about? She's already tried it once and didn't like a lot of it. She's rejected the idea of living there again both because of her cats and because even though she could speak well and people were nice, she felt out of place.

>> No.60160667
Quoted by: >>60161484

I am sorry I am not always pathetically up to date with the latest lore and am instead just an easygoing casual follower, nerd

>> No.60161213
Quoted by: >>60161327


>> No.60161327
Quoted by: >>60163145

makes me curious who Kiara will invite as guests to her bday 3D live

>> No.60161484

Sorry friend, it's been talked about to death in the past is all. She has an irrational fear that her cats would die on the trip to Japan so she won't temporarly move there during her Hololive stint, and she's talked about feeling out of place in Japan.

>> No.60161543

What do I need to do for wawa to playfully put her feet in front of my face

>> No.60161674
File: 97 KB, 654x479, F07Og4vX0AEss0P.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kiara is streaming

>> No.60161776

Wawa cuute

>> No.60161824
File: 807 KB, 791x1120, 99830164.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.60162079

My mom was 16 when I was born, so yeah, I was for sure a mistake

>> No.60162547


>> No.60162804

Slightly related to wawa's story, but in the new sentai show, one of the characters is always wearing long flowing robes, the reason for this is because he's a former rugby player and is a gigantic wall of muscle, he dwarfs the rest of the cast.

>> No.60163039
Quoted by: >>60163154

what a specific problem to have

>> No.60163111


>> No.60163145

The most obvious suggestions were already at the showcase and I'm not sure who in EN would be available.

>> No.60163154

Well the rest of the cast are all jpop pretty boys and 2 women, cant have one guy looking out of place.

>> No.60163214

I haven't watched Kiara in forever.
When did she change her voice? This is so much better than the weird screechy thing she used to do.

>> No.60163993

she does it sometimes, its when she feels like it.

>> No.60164074

why is chat acting like 800 is a lot for a flight, thats just the norm, are people this poor

>> No.60164109

I've thought this before, but then she'd have a big collab or something and turn the screechy voice back on.

>> No.60164167

For a single flight ? That's pretty expensive. I'm the merch anon who went to Japan recently, from france and I paid 800 for the flight from home AND back home, albeit it wasn't a direct flight.

>> No.60164186

Pretty sure 800 is for upgrade alone, not whole fight

>> No.60164283

many will only ever fly economy. 800 euros on top of that will always sound like a lot to them

>> No.60164399

fucking retard

>> No.60164497
Quoted by: >>60164671

T.ruffian that got redirected
Are all her tangents just 1st world white woman problems?

>> No.60164508
Quoted by: >>60164969

why is it half the time i listen to Kiara shes complaining about customer service? Is she a Kiaren?

>> No.60164671

Not all tangents but they happen once in a while

>> No.60164679
Quoted by: >>60165465

Does Kiara know how sexy she is? Does she mind her fans lewding her?

>> No.60164969

...she really has become one, she did not use to be this way

>> No.60165068

I will now never use Austrian airlines

>> No.60165165

>It has been more than 15 mins
>Kiara never really progress much with the game
>Mostly the stream is about how Airline SC fucking suck
Be real with me KFP, you guys miss this shit, do you?

>> No.60165203


>> No.60165233

Nah, honestly there's an hundred of Japan tangent I would rather hear over this shit

>> No.60165266

idk i remember watching her in 2021 complaining about her hair cut, and then again about a massage

>> No.60165436

I would argue that she has been like this more simply because she's had to deal with customer service etc more often due to Japan opening back up.

>> No.60165465
Quoted by: >>60166527

She has to be aware, she was the one who was fighitng to buff her 3d butt and so her summer outfit could have blouse off so she can show her Wawas more. As for lewding she often likes more spicy fanarts of her and if is good enough she'll even retweet it (but more spicier, full lewd is no go and have their own separate hashtag on twitter)

Yes, she has to let it go but after that there will be better tangents

>> No.60165841
Quoted by: >>60166238

I feel there is a lot of overlap between ruffians and kfp, everytime FWMC raids wawa, a significant amount of us just stay and chill

>> No.60165988
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Quoted by: >>60178496

>> No.60165991
Quoted by: >>60166270

Tuned into her stream for the first time in like a year. Did she do away with the chicken voice? She sounds different from what I remember.

>> No.60166238
Quoted by: >>60167107

Pretty sure this is just cause melon game, for some reason it brings numbers, and Kiara being able to talk over it makes it a bit more interesting instead of just focusing on the game. When they usually raid only 1 to 2K even take the redirect, and then they usually start dropping off within 30 mins to an hour. But it's also hard to say how many people are just afk and got redirected and are still afk "lurking".

>> No.60166270

The GoXLR was defeated.

>> No.60166278

How about you just work on your voice instead of coping about your vocals ?

>> No.60166527

I prefer this style of lewd fanservice that Kiara does desu

>> No.60167107
Quoted by: >>60167458

There were quite a few regular names I saw in Kiara's chat who've been at a lot of FuwaMoco's streams as well.

>> No.60167358

Funny thing is, if she heard about monogatari today, she would never even give it a chance.

>> No.60167458
Quoted by: >>60167618

I can see KFP overlapping with ruffians, but I dont think ruffians overlap with KFP

>> No.60167576
File: 1.61 MB, 640x640, takanashi-kiara-kfp.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

QRD on the Austrian Airlines SC debacle

>> No.60167618

desu you can see KFP overlapping with most EN fandoms, having timeslot so separate from other girls certainly helps that

>> No.60167794

>Im doing everything right
>Drops a fruit and stops the pineapples from touching
Impromptu comedy.

>> No.60168551


>> No.60168588

Lot of interesting chicken noises this stream.

>> No.60169193

She's even worse then Calli...

>> No.60169302
Quoted by: >>60169436

Bros she's kinda shit at this game

>> No.60169436

Kiara is shit at everything she does, so it's not really surprising.

>> No.60169608

If Kiara told you to start touching your partner in front of her, would you?

>> No.60169943
Quoted by: >>60170100

She should at least start with the basic strat of ordering the fruit by size. She would get guaranteed 2.5k+.

>> No.60170049
Quoted by: >>60172500

God I hate Nerissa mentions

>> No.60170100

Nerissa is the only one who can backseat Kiara into getting good at games like this

>> No.60170174

God I love Nerissa mentions

>> No.60170196
File: 648 KB, 1152x944, wsoqsac0ltsb1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>60170918

>> No.60170918
File: 179 KB, 830x1227, 1695465334720931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

weird meme, have sex (wif kiara)

>> No.60170996

takotori crumbs...

>> No.60171078

Wish she'd refer to me by name when reading a non superchat message.

>> No.60171462
Quoted by: >>60172447

Tourist here, Kiara sabotaging herself while playing this game is more interesting than expected, have a nice KFP

>> No.60172447

it is the story of her life, she would be an unstoppable unit otherwise

>> No.60172455
Quoted by: >>60172614

Last night I plapped kiara so goddamn hard that i could no longer feel my dick or my left leg. Now I have a question (she won't tell me): will she give live birth or lay an egg?

>> No.60172480

Where in the world is wawa?

>> No.60172500

Why are you ungrateful fucks complaining about the one holo who actually likes kiara? Every time i enter this thread someone is complaining

>> No.60172614
File: 156 KB, 804x1156, 1687655455052591.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>60172794

>why are (...KFP...) complaining
I am 100% convinced the nerissa hater is an egg, how could you hate that cute submissive cute kouhai

>> No.60172794

I'm not an egg. I also don't hate Nerissa but I'm not a fan and I can easily see why she's not liked by a couple people. Although if Kiara ever visits the US again and Nerissa takes her to Culver's I will have no choice to kneel.

>> No.60172924

Do (you) have any special language skills/facts about you?

>> No.60172980

i learned english by repeatedly reading a dictionary

>> No.60172999

I used to speak French fluently until I suffered a concussion as a child.

>> No.60173007
Quoted by: >>60173146

Cause she is boring as fuck and I would prefer to forget about her existence, but it's impossible cause both Kiara and KFP mention the fuck out of her.

>> No.60173124

jealousy, unironically

>> No.60173146

an extension of >>60173007 but just because someone sucks Kiara's dick and strokes her ego doesn't mean I have to like them.

>> No.60173150

English is my 3rd language, JP my 4th. I dipped my toes into learning JP so I can do some translating and proofreading for a fan scanlation site back in 2007-8.

>> No.60174990


>> No.60175273

Are people really enjoying this game? Using it as tangent game doesn't count

>> No.60175418

Why start anything at all then?
Her commitment to finish games was one of her strong points.

>> No.60175462

Would you prefer FF or Suika game?

>> No.60175480
Quoted by: >>60178668

Why force yourself to finish something you don't enjoy ?
I wish she had dropped FE Engage, for example

>> No.60175481

Why won't she play FF7remake instead....

>> No.60175542

Something else

>> No.60175576

If I had to choose from only those two then Final Fantasy, at least something is happening there

>> No.60175665

I hope she drops ff. New one is overhyped and it just drags on in the last bit.

>> No.60175675

you make it sound like there are no compromises. trying a game then deciding if it's worth finishing is normal. forcing yourself to complete games regardless of enjoyment is pigheadedness.

>> No.60175686

Suika game, I'd rather listen to her talk instead of trying to care about a story no one cares about. I'd rather have nothing happen then something I don't want / care about happening.

>> No.60175834

Suika game desu

>> No.60175848
File: 467 KB, 901x1200, 1695242630435532.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kiwawa's butt

>> No.60175868

Outside of Yakuza 8, I can't think of a JRPG I'd get really beat up over her not finishing.

>> No.60175875

a good Kiara schedule needs both. I'm happy for tomorrow to be the last suika game stream and have her start another JRPG

>> No.60176095

Anyone said "Tits time to shine" yet?

>> No.60176703

Technically new egg here. I have 2 questions.
Number one is, how well does wawa keep her word? She seems like she really likes her audience so I don't imagine she makes a lot of unfulfilled promises (and even then it's okay to always have things that don't work out. Just don't do it all the time)
Number two, what the fuck does "happy birthday in your pantsu" mean

>> No.60176789

>how well does wawa keep her word?
She's awful at it
> does "happy birthday in your pantsu"
Iirc, it's a translationg from a german birthday song or something

>> No.60176799
File: 38 KB, 182x182, 1696348197860108.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I could be Tutu, nibbling on Kiara's toes

>> No.60176809
Quoted by: >>60177163

>new egg here
so new you don't know what that word means around here

>> No.60176860

She's very careful about actually promising things and what she promises for real almost always happens. Other times she puts up disclaimers.
It's a german thing.

>> No.60176876
File: 25 KB, 413x510, 1696348060365352.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy Birthday to you, Marmelade im Schuh, Aprikose in der Hose, Happy Birthday to you!

German kids think this is the funniest shit ever if you sing that to them.

>> No.60176960
Quoted by: >>60178071

Kiara shares a lot of early stage stream ideas and plans, just don't mistake those for promises and sperg like a schizo.

>> No.60177059

Wtf is she on? did she read something funny off chat? A msg? Huh?

>> No.60177163

Well I guess that's what I get for trying too hard to fit in. Sorry....
>she's awful at it
Could you elaborate? If this really is true, do you think her obvious love for her fans and massive stream hours make up for it?

>> No.60177211

>caught herself slipping
>decided to dig herself further and keep bringing up something everyone overlooked

I love that moron.

>> No.60177419

Kiara brings up early concepts for collabs and other plans a lot. Sometimes they work out, sometimes they work out a very long time afterwards, sometimes they don't. When she explicitly promises something, it's usually good.

>> No.60177498

DxD, really?

>> No.60177518

>do you think her obvious love for her fans and massive stream hours make up for it?

>> No.60177575
File: 1.46 MB, 877x1264, .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>60177602

There's like 3 JRPGs here I was actually happy to see her play to completion.

>> No.60177602

Which isn't to say I disliked the other streams, but what I liked about them could have been done by almost any other story focused game.

>> No.60177675

Alright thanks for the info guys. Really sad because I might have to find a new oshi after 3 years, and I never started paying attention to Kiara till a month or two ago. Really surprised with both the quality and quantity she provides (i am talking about her tits of course)
One last question: what are some of the best kiara vods/playthroughs? I wanna watch the Tunic one because that game was a masterpiece.

>> No.60177807

>cat: *smacks lips* Ayo where the fried chicken at?

>> No.60177811
Quoted by: >>60177945

As many anons that many opinions might be here
For myself I would say that Stanley Parable, Portal 1 and 2 and both GTA playthrough are best ones

>> No.60177810
File: 832 KB, 816x816, 1652122470575.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Get home
>Turn on stream
>Instantly cat breaks
Ahhh, I'm home.

>> No.60177856

I still stand by what I said there but add the "Waiting for ina" stream

>> No.60177867
Quoted by: >>60178001

Tunic is one of her favorite games unironically, the Golden Path stream was, well, golden (mindbroke)
She has even watched some speedruns of it

>> No.60177885

You're in luck, Tunic was a good playthrough from her.

For other recommendations, there's even a playlist in the thread OP with "short" (for Kiara) game streams that provide an easy low-committment entries to check out. Besides that, her Portal and GTA playthroughs are also hilarious.

>> No.60177945

I think i actually did watch her play the portal games. Though I was mostly there for the games themselves and not wawa back then. Stanley parable sounds fun, bet she ran into words that her ESL ass doesn't know, that'll be funny

>> No.60177973

>Well I guess that's what I get for trying too hard to fit in. Sorry....
it's fine, just remember that here, egg means a kiara anti

>> No.60178001

Golden path mindbroke me too... But I had so much fun solving it. Now I wanna replay tunic

>> No.60178034

i think stanley parable and papers please are good introductions

>> No.60178071

It's like >>60176960 says. For example, Noel ASMR took a long time to happen but it happened. She has a lot of ideas but not all of them can happen obviously

>> No.60178178
Quoted by: >>60178250

Portal, GTA V, Stanley, Later Alligator, Yakuza, Papers Please. For non games, any handcam stuff. Loved her cooking and snackbox streams

>> No.60178250

I miss snackbox streams...

>> No.60178277
Quoted by: >>60178721

Kuukiyomi is amazing, all 3 of them. GTA's are a large timesink but are fun if you really like her. I liked the first Hotline Miami a lot.
Kiara's long games are a good place for personal life tangents. but they are spread far apart because she wants stuff to talk about through the whole stream. The shorter ones are more fun for watching her fumble around and can be handled a lot easier for newer viewers. I honestly hate telling people to go watch RPG's because it's usually a lot of wandering around unless the game serves up stupid shit to laugh and react to like GTA or Yakuza.
Collabs is a little easier. I'm bias, but the Holotori collabs are usually great and have a really hype energy. The Gura horror game collab is amazing just for the Usual Room ending.
As for weird stuff that's unique for her, go watch Mamatori and her build the Minecraft city. Handcam streams are hit and miss, look at the ones she has on the channel and watch ones that sound interesting.
My favorite stream of all time was the Members stream where she was drawing new members emotes. It was a month or two after moving back from Japan, and she had no real social circle set up. Towards the tail-end of the stream, she started talking about how we were the only ones who could really understand her problems and that she was happy she had someone to vent to about things she could to her real life friends or her coworks. It triggered the saviourfag in me so hard I will never forget it.

>> No.60178449
File: 180 KB, 1310x1394, E8x55olWQAEWoi0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love Rush

>> No.60178496

My heart.

>> No.60178532
File: 2.39 MB, 1200x1697, 1676316679148255.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>60178674

yakuza like a dragon is probably good to ease you into her JRPG streams, I honestly wouldn't recommend atelier ryza, at least in the beginning
also everything with a handcamm is absolute class

>> No.60178668

I wish she would return to Mario 64.

>> No.60178674
Quoted by: >>60178925

Her Atelier Ryza 2 stream was the thing that got me hooked.
The reason it got me hooked is because she spent an entire episode talking about a bunch of depressing shit, culminating in truly crying over Mori slowing her roll on communication at the friendship bracelet part. I WILL SAVE! (but she already saved herself and I'm happy she's happy now.

>> No.60178721

That sounds sweet. I don't usually member anyone but if I do I'll try and do my reps.

>> No.60178733
File: 2.08 MB, 360x360, peeing[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fw6vg7h.m4a].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kiara's gonna piss herself in front of us...

>> No.60178848
Quoted by: >>60179015

>No blue SC spam for pissing
It's orge...

>> No.60178869

Depends on the FF
I hate 16.

>> No.60178925

outch, that was the last straw that ended takamori for me forever, but i get where you are coming from, the post moving arc was wild, especially for saviorfags

>> No.60178987

Suika by far. I care about her, and the game itself can make her rage a little which is fun, but it's low stakes and requires a lot of chat interaction and storytelling which is what I love about Kiara. The more mundane, the cuter.
What would a world be without shit like SEVEN BREADS?

>> No.60179015
Quoted by: >>60179399

I was unironically about to send one, but nobody else did so I held back.

>> No.60179241
Quoted by: >>60179509

Wait, what are we looking at? I'm lost.

>> No.60179399

Much like Kiara holding her piss in, holding back is not good for you either.

>> No.60179405

>Five hours

>> No.60179509
Quoted by: >>60179639

The transparency of her blouse in her second outfit. It seems before you could see the bikini more clearly but now you can't. Not a huge deal no she can take the whole blouse off.

>> No.60179639

Ah, that's what I was kinda getting right at the end there but it seemed like such a minor thing, especially given that she can just rip it off without youtube jumping on her.

>> No.60179758

so why is this game so popular?
not just with streamers, they will jump on anything that fills a stream
but viewers as well, seems wierd

>> No.60179818

number go up
pretty colors

>> No.60180036

Relaxing and easy. Also it's one of those games where you see someone you like playing it and think "I can do better than that!" and want to go out and buy it. Watching FuwaMoco and Kiara play it makes me want to buy and play it.

>> No.60180072

I like the popping sounds.
They give me the happy tingles.

>> No.60180570
File: 53 KB, 870x669, 16987154014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i miss wawa

>> No.60181299
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>> No.60181568


>> No.60181793


>> No.60182529

luv wawa melons

>> No.60183176
File: 141 KB, 661x704, 1652487835350.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.60183457

>It's over when I say it's over
Oh boy

>> No.60185069
File: 649 KB, 500x800, uhh meds [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fep1dwd.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have others noted but I wamted to make sure this gets done for sure

>> No.60185178
File: 3.93 MB, 1280x720, kiara don't think about numbers too hard[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F778n40.mp4].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.60185208
File: 3.85 MB, 1280x720, kiara owari da[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fr1vv6a.mp4].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.60185509

danke other soundpost anon

>> No.60185594

>Number two, what the fuck does "happy birthday in your pantsu" mean
Its her free rendition of a german birthday song, the real lyrics are actually more weird because it really goes
"Happy birthday to you
Marmelade in your shoes
Apricot in your pants
Happy birthday to you"

>> No.60185734
Quoted by: >>60186125

Why did the sexy-ass pineapple not make a post-stream tweet with a transparent background for us?
Does Takanashi Pineappleara hate us that much?
I can't get a clean cutout with GIMP, the background is too noisy between the game and the streaming frame.

>> No.60186125
File: 461 KB, 900x900, 20231009_180900.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can make one with the assets

>> No.60186457

Wow, Bloo went all out.

>> No.60187113

Bloo is such a qt.

>> No.60187161

Germanic autism strikes again

>> No.60188232
File: 9 KB, 886x76, 1693920670469484.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

German brainworms are cute

>> No.60188257

Yeah it's a famous "naughty" version kindergardeners will sometimes sing when having a laugh.
Damn those autistic children!

>> No.60189478
File: 90 KB, 415x657, 1690327416717394.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.60190362
File: 294 KB, 407x706, 1692461119760146.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember to think.

>> No.60191010
File: 766 KB, 550x774, just-wawa-things-[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fklb8qr.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>60191062

>> No.60191062

very nice

>> No.60191671

Cute, I love Bloo, she draws us so cute

>> No.60193704
File: 138 KB, 1241x1222, 1666164687484881.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.60197768

Mori has heard Kiara's eurovision song and is quite fond of it

>> No.60199681


>> No.60202253

Wawa duet at Mooms

>> No.60202450

GODISH duet with Mumei for that thing Mumei is doing

>> No.60202816
File: 122 KB, 971x622, 1666160938931914.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.60202984
Quoted by: >>60203283

Kamippoi Na with Mooms

>> No.60203283
File: 114 KB, 1104x1230, 1627169487262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.60207864

so what are the secrets about the IDs she wants to tell us about later on?

>> No.60207991

She has exact measurements of their genitals, for some reason.

>> No.60208053

Gay sex.

>> No.60208510
File: 459 KB, 1378x2048, F8AdXPuaIAAlxtc.jpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.60208679
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>> No.60210435
File: 3.27 MB, 5940x2456, 1695576434868785.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>60214421

>> No.60211041

Schizo containment thread.

>> No.60211093

I honestly don’t care for the game that much though I like her mindlessly bumping fruits together.

>> No.60211274
File: 1.31 MB, 1370x1731, j.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They’ll return eventually. But for now, feel free to watch Wawa VODs to keep busy. Her Like A Dragon and GTA V streams are my personal favorite. She also has a a one off games playlist for shorter streams.

>> No.60211306

It’s cute and easy to pick up.

>> No.60211428

Kiara’s gonna be doing an ID futa tier list stream. Taking in account the criteria of length, girth, texture, taste, technique, aesthetics, flexibility, comfort, and fragrance. Extensive research is to be conducted prior to the presentation of this data of course.

>> No.60213250
Quoted by: >>60213426

She was also quite fond of the king cover

>> No.60213426

Catchy song, great vocals, nice dance moves... why shouldn't she had been?

>> No.60213820
File: 410 KB, 1988x2380, FzvpbhkaQAAPf-R.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.60213830
Quoted by: >>60214055

KIara/Mooms Kamippoi Na was fucking golden. Goddamn, it was just yesterday that Kiara was saying that she can't belt and she goes and does something like that.
Filthy liar

>> No.60214055

>it was just yesterday that Kiara was saying that she can't belt
It really does bear repeating that Kiara just doesn't recognize many of her own strengths

>> No.60214421
File: 2.72 MB, 991x570, lovely kiara2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what a fucking qt. I love her so much.

>> No.60214891

Sweaty Wawa…

>> No.60215745
File: 2.78 MB, 1100x1759, 1677875784640939.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.60217053
File: 82 KB, 494x520, 1674697668052145.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.60217959
File: 277 KB, 558x546, 1684964675582557.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a cute

>> No.60218323

Bros I played the melon game on pc and I can't even beat Wawa's highscore... do I have to post pits now?

>> No.60219338


>> No.60220397
File: 255 KB, 497x493, 1677795271905365.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.60220530
File: 241 KB, 500x375, 1695458304962447.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.60221541

Impregnate Kiara. Have 2 daughters with Kiara.

>> No.60222139
File: 83 KB, 653x490, Screenshot_20230915_090756_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>60222603


>> No.60222603
File: 333 KB, 1302x2048, 1694878191626948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Impregnation sex with Kiwawa...she demands it...

>> No.60222846

Will she reach 3k score?

>> No.60223034

Nah, she is way too scatterbrained for that

>> No.60223847

No, and that's fine

>> No.60225074
File: 869 KB, 360x276, 1680435639261745.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>60225190

>> No.60225190

one day....

>> No.60226020

Kiara is streaming

>> No.60226085

she could also just... go to sleep at a normal hour instead of crying that she has to be awake at 5pm

>> No.60226377
Quoted by: >>60226474

>I'm an adult
could have fooled me, clearly she is a child that needs someone who controls her life as she is unable to do it herself

>> No.60226474

Anon, sleeping hours are for wage cuck like you. People with a flexible job and/or money are free to sleep and wake up at whatever hour

>> No.60226741
File: 94 KB, 454x317, 1647635622016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.60226935

>Kiara not thinking
>doing well

>> No.60226950


>> No.60227160
File: 23 KB, 269x231, kiara controller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She’s cute, I love her, and that’s all that matters.

>> No.60228301
File: 1.75 MB, 2144x3123, 1690894916689010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All of my favorites are here
Feels fucking amazing

>> No.60228753


>> No.60228975
File: 6 KB, 358x87, IMG_7287.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>60229600


>> No.60229600
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>> No.60229683
File: 166 KB, 2000x1414, 1691573323823802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also apparently i don't have a lot of kiara x nerissa lewds so if anyone wants to dump when we hit bump limit

>> No.60229698


>> No.60230752

superior European teeth

>> No.60231104

I let my brain think for a while and i thought of Kiara's Suika style game but with hats

>> No.60231494
Quoted by: >>60232298

the tangent density is too damn low!

>> No.60232012
File: 1.10 MB, 1333x1733, 1626519915442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.60232105
File: 819 KB, 2724x4096, 1624256259698.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.60232291
File: 29 KB, 627x673, F0sS4iAXoB4I6Tq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.60232298
Quoted by: >>60232899

It is good tangent game they said
With almost every other game lack of tangents would be not as noticeable due to gameplay being not a snoozefest

>> No.60232432
Quoted by: >>60232477

Do they Fug?

>> No.60232477

Maybe one day

>> No.60232536
Quoted by: >>60235050

Do your job, Cali

>> No.60232899

It's really dull. I guess I'll leave and skip through vod timestamps tomorrow.

>> No.60233226
File: 506 KB, 600x921, 1648700157039.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.60233663
File: 142 KB, 1000x1000, 1625178052415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.60233972

poor Watame...

>> No.60234032
File: 174 KB, 260x551, boobs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.60234730
File: 224 KB, 1502x2048, FwLfEZUX0AUdp3L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.60234883
File: 1016 KB, 900x900, 1695387755908017.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>60235091

>> No.60235050
Quoted by: >>60236582


>> No.60235091

Those chickens? all me

>> No.60235111
File: 80 KB, 1280x720, 1691014695078484.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.60235445
File: 267 KB, 488x667, F8GCFV_XMAAXvKj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.60235559


>> No.60235652
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>> No.60235828
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>> No.60236484

Fat fucks

>> No.60236582

Can do!
Why didn't you just say so earlier..?

>> No.60236716

huh was that the anon from a few threads ago who talked about coming back from a break

>> No.60237654
Quoted by: >>60238104

new thread doko

>> No.60238104
File: 11 KB, 100x100, hehe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no new thread

>> No.60238112
File: 486 KB, 362x480, calm your manly titties[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fk9kg6m.m4a].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>60238368

>> No.60238368

very nice

>> No.60238490
Quoted by: >>60238566

Is your oshi ogey KFP? I heard she's almost broke

>> No.60238566

She'll be fine, no need to worry but thank you for concern

>> No.60238689
File: 1.86 MB, 2048x1454, 1694812133349512.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.60239027

She should have not said anything about gura and ame.

Now catalog is going to cite her for gura never coming back because she only said she was sure Ame was coming back
