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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 1.23 MB, 1080x1920, 1605390666085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5992499 No.5992499 [Reply] [Original]
Quoted by: >>5997648 >>6009623


Previous thread: >>5796508

>> No.5996220

Source for the OP's image in case anyone's interested.

>> No.5996808
File: 247 KB, 2000x2000, E5Dsa33XEAgeuBp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5996988

Oh no! M-chan has deemed Reine's streams too complicated for the average Indonesian viewer and has given her an ultimatum: Reine must decide between being a cromchy idol or a slorpy idol! Which one should she choose?

>> No.5996988

For Reine, it's gotta be yummy slorpy idol

>> No.5997559
File: 193 KB, 999x1169, 1625105279866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NTL I'm looking forward to the VLR to see how filtered Reine will get or will she surprise us with solving them since they'res few that involve math.

I also hope she's excited for the AI sequel to continue her although of the somnium files.

>> No.5997648
Quoted by: >>6008886

is she fuckin dressed at sans?

>> No.6001298
Quoted by: >>6004480

I just did archive reps to see the origin of POGvolia and its reactions here and ended up looking through all the debut thread. Didn't know it actually made it to a sticky.

The worse part is that the alternative name was even worse.

>> No.6004480
Quoted by: >>6005108

What was the alternative name?

>> No.6005108
Quoted by: >>6005830

It was PavOwOlia

>> No.6005830

Oh wow that’s awful. Thank goodness it’s not that at least.

>> No.6006220

No joke, almost almost, bought a air-fryer last week because of YABE.

Anyone know what's on the menu this week?

>> No.6008290

Starting in a couple minutes!

>> No.6008709

Cool hand prop, a little small though.

>> No.6008777
Quoted by: >>6009048

What did the guy who got bonked say?

>> No.6008886

looks like a shorts and hoodie combo

>> No.6009048

I think a guy made a cute and funny joke about Mizuki

>> No.6009055

i love my dorky wife

>> No.6009233

kek, get fucked IOPs.

>> No.6009276
File: 34 KB, 332x354, D5B8B3E0-4A87-470F-B197-F89D3D4FFB9C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can you speak Indonesian for 5 minutes
>No that’s asking for too much

>> No.6009510

>bought a split keyboard just so she can have her food in the middle of her desk
Why is she like this

>> No.6009623

when did sans undertale get so hot?

>> No.6009667

I fapped today twice and now her chewing noises are making my dick hurt

>> No.6009904

>22 WPM
Grandma Reine…

>> No.6010373

>actually spent more than 1k dollars on her keyboard

>> No.6010699
Quoted by: >>6010906

i'm late, what did i miss so far?

>> No.6010906

Reine ate, got her AI inspired split keyboard, ate again

>> No.6011037

>RE7 after VLR
No she won't, I bet she'll do ZTD after that.

>> No.6011199

Her design and voice are pure sex...

>> No.6011283

>I am a 6 months old baby

>> No.6011380

wish I was Ame bros.

>> No.6011705

>dub VLR
good. Having 999 in English was pretty convenient for me a couple times when something distracted me from the stream.

>> No.6011951

It's funny when a streamer does so much as say a villain is well written and dipshits in chat think that means they agree with the villains actions.

>> No.6012207

Reine just announced a cover coming next week. It's a collab with someone cute and talented.

>> No.6012210
File: 284 KB, 1280x1280, BD4B375F-4C46-4CAE-BC5D-E6FAA027507D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>collab cover song coming out in the next two weeks
>multiple covers in the works

>> No.6012377


>> No.6012398
Quoted by: >>6012432


>> No.6012419


>> No.6012422
File: 329 KB, 460x555, xmen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6012432
Quoted by: >>6012485

It's a JP so it can't be her.

>> No.6012485
Quoted by: >>6012538

did she say it's a jp? i don't think she did

>> No.6012520
File: 41 KB, 500x350, 1619942570210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6012530

This the same one she showed (cropped) art from?

>> No.6012538
Quoted by: >>6012614

She did in the members stream yeah.

>> No.6012544
Quoted by: >>6012664 >>6012803

I thought Reine was just making random noises for a few minutes before I realized she was speaking Indonesian…

>> No.6012584

This bird is making me feel things I shouldn't feel.

>> No.6012614

oh i see, i'm thinking it's subaru then

>> No.6012664

That's about a 50-50 chance

>> No.6012803

She pitched up so high even some of the English sounds like random noises desu.

>> No.6012917

Jesus I can't even understand her anymore

>> No.6012944

I understand mep easier.

>> No.6013026

her high pitched laugh is scary

>> No.6013033

jesas that laugh

>> No.6013109


>> No.6013382
File: 349 KB, 474x572, xmentonjokhat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6013462

Who is this mysterious person?

>> No.6013681

>What's BL cycle?
>Oh, backlight.
>I was thinking of... something else.
Why is she like this?

>> No.6013711

With that filename you remembered me of this
It would be perfect for a soundpost

>> No.6013728
Quoted by: >>6013743 >>6013774

im late to YABE
what is that thing in her face?

>> No.6013743

A few stretched out pixels from her next cover's artwork

>> No.6013774

it's a sneak peek of her new cover coming very soon

>> No.6014321

Please do ASMR with your voice Reine, I don't care about your keyboard...

>> No.6014422

wow that was deep

>> No.6014490

means punching someone in the face

>> No.6014491
Quoted by: >>6014632 >>6014637

Wait. Why is she doing a fanwork tangent? Is she back to reading SCs? Had to grab lunch for a minute.

>> No.6014632
File: 348 KB, 900x900, 1599645276136.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I hate it when fanfics make characters do things they'd never do
>Like Reine cleaning her room

I think an SC kicked it off.

>> No.6014637

She has been done for a while --- tended to her new split keyboard and now back to SC ?

She doesnt want to end it seems

>> No.6014711
Quoted by: >>6014734

It feels like she kinda dragged this stream out a bit to me. Like when she checked the average length of Yabe streams she suddenly felt the need to make this at least 3 hours. I feel like we haven't really done a whole lot this last hour.

>> No.6014734
Quoted by: >>6014846 >>6014874

That's true, it's been still comfy though

>> No.6014810
File: 185 KB, 410x520, 1622691989508.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reine gets why OC/Preexisting character just doesn't hit. I don't know this dude, why should I be invested in how they're dating the Chuuba?

>> No.6014846

Yeah, I don't want to seem like I'm complaining that much. It's 3AM here, it's not like I have anything better to do and with the time zone issues I deal with throughout the week I'll take all the live viewing time with my oshi I can get.

>> No.6014868


>> No.6014874

true, reine free talks are always comfy so i'm not complaining

>> No.6014972

I kinda want to write Reine’s childhood friend fanfic…

>> No.6015287

Holy shit VLR. This gonna be good. Wonder how she’ll take the fact Sigma isn’t voice acted

>> No.6015484

Reine pls. Control yourself.

>> No.6015487


>> No.6015952
File: 1.54 MB, 4000x2450, E5WFVYuVUAQsPty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6017090
File: 149 KB, 315x433, E5W-3yUVcAQTT2b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6018237 >>6018913

Would you kiss the cook?

>> No.6018237

Would smooch

>> No.6018913
Quoted by: >>6020476

Kiss her womb with my dick maybe.

>> No.6020012


waiting room is here

>> No.6020398
File: 269 KB, 1280x1280, 26D2D7EF-5DC4-467A-91DA-DCC95B3B027F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6020476
Quoted by: >>6020708

what a prude

>> No.6020708

I have issues with intimacy, what can I say?

>> No.6021371
Quoted by: >>6022926

Already fangirling over Marine's concert

>> No.6022926
Quoted by: >>6022945

how long the concert gonna be?

>> No.6022945

it's ending

>> No.6023364
File: 11 KB, 412x69, 1623277039183.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6023427 >>6023533

>> No.6023427

what if I want to go in the air fryer?

>> No.6023438

>Open stream
>*munch* *munch* *munch*
>Keep stream open

>> No.6023533

because the watermelon room wasn't enough

>> No.6023547


>> No.6023563

>isn't that obvious

>> No.6023605

The MC of this game not being voiced feels like a weird choice when Junpei was voiced

>> No.6023655
Quoted by: >>6024073

Let's just say that there's a reason for it. Of course it's less obvious if you play this after the ds version since there was no voice acting so you'd go "Oh he's probably not voiced because he's the MC.

>> No.6023667

We'll get to hear Reine flex her voice acting skills at least

>> No.6023692
Quoted by: >>6023720

a rrat?

>> No.6023720
File: 41 KB, 463x453, 1613911752151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a rabbit being called a rrat
it's all coming together

>> No.6023965

>got all the wrench heads correct on pure coincidence
I'm starting to think Reine has access to the morphogenetic field

>> No.6024009
Quoted by: >>6024032 >>6024060

>Trying to bruteforce puzzles in VLR
She's gonna suffer, isn't she?

>> No.6024032

she's doing pretty well so far

>> No.6024060
File: 39 KB, 111x128, Reine praying.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, and we're going to suffer with her.

>> No.6024073
Quoted by: >>6024092 >>6024103

The DS version of VLR was voiced though; but yeah there's a huge spoiler for why Sigma isn't voiced.

Doesn't help that there was a ova special that had Sigma voiced.


>> No.6024092
Quoted by: >>6024121 >>6024187

I meant the ds version of 999

>> No.6024103
Quoted by: >>6024187

I didn't know about that OVA, are you supposed to watch it before or after playing VLR?

>> No.6024121
Quoted by: >>6024182

999 DS wasn't voiced

>> No.6024182

Yes anon. That's what I meant to say.
Since 999 ds wasn't voiced going to VLR would probably make you go "Sigma isn't voiced because he's the MC."

>> No.6024187
Quoted by: >>6024313

>Now she's drawing Phi
Cute turkey.

Oh my bad and like anon said, 999 wasn't voiced.

It's not required since it's just the same as in the game and it was just to promote the game. It can also give in an idea on what Sigma sounds like.

>> No.6024291
Quoted by: >>6024325

Definitely not going to clip that out of context

>> No.6024302
Quoted by: >>6024312 >>6024325

Oh yeah, Sigma is weird, how could I forget...

>> No.6024312

He's proto Date.

>> No.6024313
Quoted by: >>6024324 >>6024352

is there a reason why the mc isn't voiced? or none at all?

>> No.6024324

there is

>> No.6024325

Oh this is just the beginning.

It's even worse when you find out his little secret.

>> No.6024352

Let's just say HUGE spoiler is the reason.

>> No.6024379
Quoted by: >>6024396

Oh god here come the Jojofags

>> No.6024396

Doesn't help that he's a huge asshole in this.

>> No.6024529
Quoted by: >>6024577

Poor Reine, game flat out telling her you can't brute force anything.

>> No.6024577

You gotta believe in the brute force!

>> No.6024716

Best Boy K.

>> No.6024944

>Vtuber Zero
Kek, that actually fits.

>> No.6025194
Quoted by: >>6025232 >>6025394

Has anyone ever asked when will Reine release the long ver. for Gate Open: START!

Link: https://youtu.be/onhGlvuvl0U

>> No.6025232

she said that it's currently in the works

>> No.6025241
Quoted by: >>6025261

The expressions on Clover's model dont match her tone and mood at all

>> No.6025261

Yeah it's a bug. Which makes some scenes pretty funny.

>> No.6025287

The exposition is tooooo long, especially considering the fact that they will repeat all this numerous times throughout the game

>> No.6025394

What if she releases full version during her B-day in september with lyrics about ruling the other world etc etc?

>> No.6025520

no more tomato sauce?

>> No.6025523
Quoted by: >>6025545

I like how much Reine loves Zero jr; pretty cute.

>> No.6025545
Quoted by: >>6025596

VA's too good

>> No.6025596
Quoted by: >>6025632

Yeah, glad she default to EN voice, makes me wonder if she would switch to EN when going back to AI.

>> No.6025632
Quoted by: >>6025714

She did say she watched some gameplay of the game with English voices and she liked them.

>> No.6025648

>door clearly says lounge
>"what kind of room is this?"
Reine pls.

>> No.6025681
Quoted by: >>6025714 >>6025793

Oh god, I hope Reine isn't gonna try bruteforcing the final puzzle here.

>> No.6025714

Neat, I have nothing against the JP voices but the EN was is so well done in this games that you have to experience at least once.

You underestimate this Turkey anon.

>> No.6025793
Quoted by: >>6026003

she's going to stream that same room for weeks.

>> No.6025849
Quoted by: >>6025888

Oh? she's actually going to do the puzzle properly?

>> No.6025888

aaaaand of course not LMAO

>> No.6025979
Quoted by: >>6026003

I can already see it: Reine will get the normal answer, then struggle for a good amount of time with the secret answer and move one after giving up.

>> No.6026003
Quoted by: >>6026087

I really hope she goes for all the files or at least does a stream where she goes back and tries to get them

>> No.6026087
Quoted by: >>6026130

Are they important?

>> No.6026130

They're basically extra lore, that can help explain some of the more confusing parts of the game.

>> No.6026392


>> No.6026411
Quoted by: >>6026428

Does Reine always snack or talk about food in each of or streams or what?

>> No.6026428
File: 148 KB, 1000x1000, 1599373387764.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. No exceptions.

>> No.6026497
Quoted by: >>6026521

Jesus the bunny's English voice is horrible

>> No.6026521

Strongly disagrees with that.

>> No.6026551

Hi June

>> No.6026557

Old Reine....

>> No.6026730

Yep get used to Dio accusing others as the killer.

>> No.6026770

petting k

>> No.6026800

I hope Reine will meet HIM today, that scene is hilarious

>> No.6027057

I'm always tickled by the southern hick Zero moment when he explained the AB rules.

>> No.6027064
Quoted by: >>6027579 >>6027678

The rules for this AB game actually make a pretty intense premise

>> No.6027141


>> No.6027170


>> No.6027180


>> No.6027484

So have you guys seen/played VLR yet?

>> No.6027486

I need fanart of Reine with jitome eyes holding Zero III by the ears

>> No.6027535

I played like 2/3 of it when it came out, but I never finished it.

>> No.6027554
Quoted by: >>6027661

Yeah, I played it years ago.
I loved it and still have fond memories of its routes to this day.
Its probably subjective but I liked it a lot better than the previous one (which I played later).
Suffice to say, Luna is best girl.

>> No.6027564

I played 999 but skipped VLR and ZTD

>> No.6027579

>Phis a save scummer
Kek how funny she says this.

Wait to you get to the prisoner dilemma scene.

>> No.6027601

I played 999 but never finished VLR

>> No.6027640

Yeah, finished a few months ago. Honestly, aside from the slow start, it hits harder than 999 in some parts.

>> No.6027661

Ye, it's going to be fun to see how Reine reacts when she gets to later parts.

Well she was built to be best girl.

>> No.6027678
Quoted by: >>6027739 >>6027764

I always felt it was slightly contrived on everyone playing along, because unlike the actual prisoners dilemma, there 'are' repercussions for someone choosing betray.
So there is really no reason not for everyone to just agree to break the legs of whoever is retarded enough to vote betray.

>> No.6027685

Fuck, I was hoping she was going to read Sigma's line for a moment

>> No.6027739

Thats kinda the point of only explaining the game in the booths, to prevent agreements being made. Even though realistically, whoever chose betray the first time would probably get the shit beaten out of them regardless.

>> No.6027764
Quoted by: >>6027801

Well that's the point of it, it prayed on their desire to escape, similar to 999, nobody knew there where two 9 doors, if they did the're wouldn't be any deaths.

>> No.6027801
Quoted by: >>6028038 >>6028100

>it prayed on their desire to escape
At this point no one had any reason to think getting there faster would do them any good. Unlike 999 there is no overall time-limit that would compel someone to commit murder to escape a round earlier, rather than everyone escaping after 3 rounds guaranteed.

>> No.6027834
File: 114 KB, 500x680, a single snail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I played the trilogy. Can't wait for ZTD.

>> No.6028038

Well, you have to look at the team, theirs Alice and Clover who know of the last game so getting out takes top priority. There's Quark and Temouji who has they're reasons to escape as well; then there's Dio and K which are spoiler related so I won't go into detail; and last is Sigma and Phi whom as you can see only Phi wanted to choose betray. Honestly the only one who fully wants to cooperate and always choose ally is Luna but again spoiler reasons so I won't go into details on that either.

>> No.6028100

No, but the people in the game are obviously stressed. It's more of a selfish thing, not to mention that some of them have ulterior motives.

>> No.6028238

This twist of characters being taken on different dates but waking up at roughly the same time reeks of time travel shenanigans

>> No.6028241

Reine, your transparency reps...

>> No.6028405

This cute dork finding a way to giggle up a storm during Radical-6 introduction.

>> No.6028498

royaltea drinking brandy and eating caviar

>> No.6028583

holy shit Reine my sides

>> No.6028609

This stream is absolute top tier Reine.

>> No.6028785

Reine stop reading into the morphogenetic field

>> No.6028934

You heard her, KKK or Clover.

>> No.6028996

One of the best rooms incoming, nice

>> No.6029216

Pretty sure she wouldn't have been able to pick K

>> No.6029243

Oh my fucking god, Reine.

>> No.6029249


>> No.6029301
Quoted by: >>6029317

Good not to Dr. Klim right there

>> No.6029317


>> No.6029432


>> No.6029435


>> No.6029471

Reine for fuck's sake. How many times are you going to skip through the instructions and then complain you don't know how it works.

I like her but god damn that pisses me off

>> No.6029474

Stop skipping the instructions, Reine...

>> No.6029628


>> No.6029733
File: 777 KB, 738x774, 1613313720578.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6029745 >>6030149


>> No.6029745


>> No.6030069
File: 80 KB, 720x408, 13-1280784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best boy.

>> No.6030124
File: 101 KB, 883x883, 1621035515662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6030149

>"clever bird"
>"Thank you!"
I love this cute dork

>> No.6030149

Dat pretty young bird.

>> No.6030281

I feel called out with that line about the bird's boobs

>> No.6030371

Oh boy..

>> No.6030457
Quoted by: >>6030502 >>6030506

I don't remember what significance this moment has regarding the plot.

>> No.6030502
Quoted by: >>6030534 >>6030616

Let's just say it has something to do with one of the characters.

>> No.6030506
Quoted by: >>6030534


>> No.6030534

Right, but what was all of that Chinese shoulder pain shit about?

>> No.6030542

Seeing this scene again, this robot was quite on the nose about it in hindsight.

>> No.6030550


>> No.6030587

Uchikoshi moment

>> No.6030600

So that we could talk about underwear of course.

>> No.6030616

It's an analogy for how the robots work. Remember how Lotus talked about the theory of how their brain could be a "central computer" and memories were located somewhere else? They go over this again to explain it because like >>6030502 says, you need to know about it and the ABT as it has to do with the plot later on.

>> No.6030617

Basically, if it looks like a human even if the inside is a machine then it's a human as shown in the Chinese room as they had no idea the girl didn't know Chinese.

>> No.6030685

Obviously Dio knew, and will be an asshole by denying it.

>> No.6030833

My bad for knocking, forgot she was streaming

>> No.6030923

Having already finished this game, seeing the reactions to Phi's comment is hilarious.

>> No.6030925


>> No.6030954

I love Penne Ravioli

>> No.6031000

>You lying bitch
Fucking kek Reine

>> No.6031062

I kinda hate that Clover just almost forgot about Snake in this game outside of a few flash backs and Alice became her new sister.

>> No.6031151

>short ending
She doesn't know

>> No.6031171

>Snaking during the stream
>Has food delivered at the end
Just how much does this bird eat?

>> No.6031225
File: 369 KB, 639x881, 1600743374851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6031231
File: 1.02 MB, 1280x720, Screenshot 2021-07-03 at 13-49-06 【Zero Escape The Nonary Games】Virtue's Last Reward #1【hololiveID 2nd gen】.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the size of this flow chart
How long is this game going to be? 4 and a half hours and this is all we have done so far.

>> No.6031236
File: 1.04 MB, 960x640, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6031269

It's about 2 to 3 times longer than 999. She'll be playing it for months at this rate. Which suits me just fine.

>> No.6031337
File: 2.01 MB, 320x309, 1615447053542.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's been 4 and a half hours

>> No.6031540

I want to say it took me 35-40 on my first play, getting all gold files.

>> No.6033480
Quoted by: >>6033727

Anyone wanna give me a TL:DR of the stream/game so far?

Had to go to work and I'll die before sitting through a 4 hour VOD

>> No.6033727
Quoted by: >>6071289

Not much has happened so far story wise, aside from a character being found dead at the end. More than half the stream was spent on explaining the Nonary Game rules and escape rooms.

>> No.6041715
Quoted by: >>6041825

some anons said the host at anime expo sounded like reine and also it's kinda weird hearing reine's corpo dialogue

>> No.6041825

Eh the host didn't really sound like Reine to me, just some random American girl who could barely do her job.
Reine's corporate speak during her cameo video was pretty funny though. Very stiff sounding, but still cute in a way. Reminds me of the pre-recorded messages the holos do for Holofest.

>> No.6043096
Quoted by: >>6044182

If you want to hear Reine's cameo at the EN panel

>> No.6044182

Why did HoloEN get shilled by HoloID?

>> No.6044310

It was the other way around really, they did it to showcase and shill the JPs/IDs/stars by having them speak about the ENs.
Also, Kiara confirmed again that she's organizing an EN vs ID Mario Kart tournament.

>> No.6044747


>> No.6049301


>> No.6054718
File: 1.48 MB, 1280x720, Buenos oyasleep[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F20ibly.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I narrowly avoided getting infected by Reine's keyboard autism

I still kinda want a mechanical keyboard, but I realized that I would probably never be an enthusiast when I listened to various switches on keyboard materials, and thought "wtf they sound almost exactly the same"

>> No.6064864
Quoted by: >>6064897

a little cringe from both sides

>> No.6064897

it sounds so scripted lmao

>> No.6066578
Quoted by: >>6073350

I want to get one after I get a GPU at MSRP.

>> No.6069858

Shilling your own brand makes a lot more sense than shilling someone else's brand.

>> No.6071289


>> No.6071311
Quoted by: >>6073399 >>6076069

You don't need to go as hard as Reine to enjoy mechanical keyboards. You have to understand that she really is a full-on keyboard autist. It's not an exaggeration. She literally spends hundreds, if not thousands, each month on keyboards. This is not a thing normal people do. Hell, I'm sure most hobbyists don't even do that, because that's a fuckton of money.
I use some mass-produced mechanical keyboard from Corsair that I bought 2 years ago, and it still feels a dozen times better than my old membrane keyboard. Just decide which cherry mx switches you prefer between red/blue/brown, and get a premade keyboard. It will still feel like a massive upgrade no matter what you get.

>> No.6073350
Quoted by: >>6073399 >>6076069

You don't need to be an enthusiast to enjoy mechanical keyboards, our peafowl princess is just (very) special in this regard. Using a mechanical might feel weird at first, but you'll get used to it very quickly and I guarantee you'll be satisfied with your purchase in the long run.
GPU prices have started dropping recently but I feel we still need at least a few weeks (if not months) for them to return to normal. Keyboard prices never changed, if I am not mistaken, so you might as well buy one now.

>> No.6073399
Quoted by: >>6074278 >>6075710

which one gives some feedback but isn't clicky? brown?

>> No.6074278

Yeah. Although my knowledge is outdated as I've used almost only browns for the last 5 years or so and never looked at anything else. They're perfect if you type a lot. If you want all the clicking and noise, go for blue. If the speed is all you need, you'll be happy with red.
In my experience blue are too noisy (even with o-rings) and reds are too fast and I'm more prone to typos (feels like you barely touch a key and it activates), and browns feel like a reasonable in-between. There are also other types of switches like green, silver, orange, black etc, but I have no info nor experience on them.

>> No.6075350
Quoted by: >>6075384

wake up Reine

>> No.6075384
File: 391 KB, 564x564, 1622750608942.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6075661

Shh, the princess is sleeping.

>> No.6075661
Quoted by: >>6075749

its time for membership stream

>> No.6075710

FWIW, browns might not give you as much feedback as you'd expect if you've never used a mechanical board before. Between reds (fully linear) and blues (the tactile clicky) I find them much closer to reds. I'm not a fan of them, but clearly many people are. My preference for tactile and not clicky is Topre, but you are getting into a different price range with those boards ($200+ minimum) and the most popular ones (HHKB, one of which Reine has) uses a slightly different layout than "normal" keyboards.

Many of the switches are just equivalent to or very slightly different than another one. For your first board I would just find something with Gateron switches (much cheaper than Cherry and of approximately the same quality) and see if it's something you care enough about to go deeper into.

Red - linear/light
Black - linear/heavy
Brown - light/slightly tactile
Clear - heavy/somewhat tactile
Blue - light/tactile
Green - heavy/tactile

>> No.6075749

There’s still a half hour left till then anon. Gonna have to miss this one because of work but I’ll catch the VOD of course. I don’t know if I’ll get to it tonight because of the holiday but I’ll just watch it tomorrow if I can’t.>>6075661

>> No.6075902
Quoted by: >>6075966

Members post is up. It’s what she said it would be last week. Hav fun anons!

>> No.6075966
Quoted by: >>6076133

I'm not sure how she can possibly best the last universe but I believe in her.

>> No.6076069
File: 177 KB, 346x329, 1622852542785.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6076098

Oh there's definitely shame from me in being easily satisfied with a cheaper and more widely available option.
I just say so since it seems like something I could've gotten really into.
It's still interesting to observe but it just doesn't quite click with me.

>> No.6076098

Ah, meant "no shame"

>> No.6076133
Quoted by: >>6076415

Are you talking about Halulive or about the upaluupas?

>> No.6076415

The one where it started as just drawing animals.

>> No.6076425


>> No.6076562
Quoted by: >>6077027 >>6078651

>No snacks

>> No.6076594
File: 319 KB, 900x1307, 41634ddfb06b52fd96f518b74c8afd3f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6076855

>> No.6076694
Quoted by: >>6076790

Jitome stream let's fucking goooooooooooooooo!

>> No.6076771

Stream polls are a good way to see how many people are watching a member stream huh

>> No.6076790

>Jitome eyes
>In the dark
>With a spoopy BGM
It's not scaring me, I'm just getting aroused instead because I'm thinking of Reine having her way with me in the watermelon room...

>> No.6076799

This is like how kids are taught to write fiction in school. It's cute.

>> No.6076855

Reine in Subaru's shorts is dangerous.

>> No.6076964
File: 13 KB, 369x125, 1597090746831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Truly a fanfic writer

>> No.6077027
Quoted by: >>6078651

It is a sad day

>> No.6077039
Quoted by: >>6078415


>> No.6077241

i think this stream would be much better if she use AI dungeon instead

>> No.6077273

the hospital

>> No.6077512

I'm sorry I hurt Reine's back. We were dorking around and she insisted I sit on top of her while she pretended to be a fishing boat.

>> No.6077576

God damn it Reine

>> No.6078415
Quoted by: >>6078429

that's a word ?

>> No.6078429
Quoted by: >>6078658

According to Reine, it is. You wouldn't disagree with Reine, would you?

>> No.6078485


>> No.6078651
File: 16 KB, 193x32, sad day.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminds me of picrel, 18th March 2021.

>> No.6078658

i wouldn't if she would let me lick her toes

>> No.6078974

>Reine looking up Saya no Uta's R18+ scenes

>> No.6079053

Apex with Choco tomorrow 20 JST

>> No.6079070
Quoted by: >>6079126 >>6079332

Oi merakyats, got any examples of angry Reine for me to listen to?

>> No.6079077

Of fucking course it's APEX kek

>> No.6079126
Quoted by: >>6079291

She only gets quiet angry 95% of the time and even then she's pretty good at hiding it.

>> No.6079167

>All these JP collabs
Reine please, I don't want to do my reps

>> No.6079173
File: 375 KB, 2500x964, e415d13e6628338b61ff992352202922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6079251

Any idea the this stream BGM name?

>> No.6079291

Understood, thanks.

>> No.6079332

Not really angry but close enough

>> No.6079382

It's mixed so I can't tell who it is. OH WAIT I THINK I KNOW. Don't leak it

>> No.6079387

Well damn I didn't expect it to be her

>> No.6079419
Quoted by: >>6079470

WHO THE FUCK IS IT I DONT KNOWW FUCKKK it's kinda catchy already tf

>> No.6079470

OH SHIT NVM that's kinda unexpected

>> No.6079503
Quoted by: >>6079651

I'm pretty sure Reine has never collabed with her before, right? That kinda came out of nowhere

>> No.6079651

yes, i'm also pretty sure that they never spoke or talk on stream before

>> No.6080041

That's some actual deep lore

>> No.6080062

>Joining Hololive is the best decision I've ever made

>> No.6080228


>> No.6080251

That was a surprisingly cute SHUT UP

>> No.6080357

There's just something weird to me about an Indonesian princess watching an American cartoon from the 60s. Not that I'm complaining.

>> No.6080479
Quoted by: >>6080503

wait what happen ? Why is she reading the chat rules ?

>> No.6080503
Quoted by: >>6080555

There was a collab begger about some random indies in the streamlabs donations

>> No.6080531

She's actually pretty talented with chat wrangling.

>> No.6080555

fuckin hell

>> No.6080631
Quoted by: >>6080691

>Rulebreakers are no better than cockroaches
Jesas Reine

>> No.6080691
Quoted by: >>6080831

Reine is a caring ruler but she has an iron tinju

>> No.6080831
Quoted by: >>6081180

Her chat is probably the best of any Holo I watch; it makes sense for her to keep it that way. I just wish she (and probably all the other IDs) would add a rule regarding bitching about the language being used.

>> No.6080997
File: 1.34 MB, 3677x2307, Commission expression 6 twitter credits with icon - jpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6081146 >>6081201

I want Reine to step on me

>> No.6081146
Quoted by: >>6081184

who doesn't?

>> No.6081180
Quoted by: >>6081230

Most of Reine's content probably filters the bad apples. I say that because while her chat is usually decent, it can be awful during her Minecraft streams. The last one where she was visiting the festival in construction was especially bad. Literally yelling and SCing her to do certain things, even though they were wrong.

>> No.6081184
Quoted by: >>6081293

Me, I rather do the stepping.

>> No.6081201

Get in line.

>> No.6081230
Quoted by: >>6081265

i remember the one where she tried the janken, people kept telling her to put it back even though she already said that the sign said you can keep it lmao

>> No.6081265

Yeah, that's the example I was thinking of. Someone SCed her to say "Put it back", even though she literally just read the sign out loud, twice, in English. And half the chat spamming it, too.

>> No.6081293
Quoted by: >>6081478


I wouldn't want her back to be fucked up more than it currently is unless she insists

>> No.6081478

I'm gonna' be honest, I don't know much about your oshi, i'm just here on a fact-finding mission for a fanfic i'm writing.
Her back's fucked up?

>> No.6081555
Quoted by: >>6081649

She complains about back pain pretty often and has described herself as "old and broken".

>> No.6081649
Quoted by: >>6081759

>described herself as "old and broken"
Sad- but it sounds like the self-image of a lot of slightly-out-of-shape women in their early-20s.

>> No.6081694
Quoted by: >>6081967

She's been suffering from back pain for a while now, and complained about it today once again. I don't think she really knows what causes it, aside from maybe bad posture.
Do keep us updated on your fanfic though, I'm always interested in those.

>> No.6081759

Eh, it was more of a self-deprecating joke in response to a line from 999. Although you're probably not entirely wrong.

>> No.6081967
Quoted by: >>6082003

>I don't think she really knows what causes it, aside from maybe bad posture.
Used to have a fair amount of background pain and fatigue. Got a lot of relief after picking up basic weight training, and i'd endorse it to anybody else.

If she thinks it's bad posture I expect she'd benefit from a little remedial stretching for pelvic tilt as well.

Well, I say 'fanfic,' more like 'depraved porn.'
It'll get posted in /wg/ sometime today or tomorrow.

>> No.6082003

>Well, I say 'fanfic,' more like 'depraved porn.'

>> No.6082035
Quoted by: >>6082146


gonna be honest right back at you, I sub to all hologirls and don't actually have time to watch more than 3 hours of holo content a day. I just watch clips like a faggot and remembered one where her back actually made noises when she changed her posture on a minecraft stream.

I guess I do click on "source stream" links and then press like on the original stream, but I mostly don't stay around for long.

>> No.6082088

I unironically think her back pain is related to keyboard building. She has an ergonomic chair so it's not the typical gamer problem, but if you're building or modifying a keyboard you'll be hunched over.

>> No.6082146
Quoted by: >>6082376

Reine's streams are pretty good to just listen to. Her YABE streams are all zatsudan, minecraft is similar and she takes after Kiara during her SC readings.

>> No.6082376


I like her design, voice, and how she talks & thinks. I just can't stop thinking that her laugh is awkwardly Pekora/Kiara-inspired, and I can't stand it since she debuted. Pre-debut I was already thinking she's best Gen2 ID girl. I still do, only because the alternatives are worse. I don't like Ollie and Anya is a bit too low energy for me.

Maybe if she changed her laugh I'd tune into her streams more often.

>> No.6082588

I won't be able to find the stream rn but I vaguely remember her taking about her laugh and being a little self-conscious of it so I don't think it was put on (maybe it is a little, now). Might have been on her membership opening stream around the HE emote

>> No.6082649

It's her natural laugh, she can't change it

>> No.6083257

Kinda sucks that her laugh filters you, when you like everything else about her. Honestly, I never really saw what was so weird about laugh. Maybe I got used to it, I don't know.

>> No.6083354

Can't relate, her laugh was what made me want to tune in and also use to tease her about - - it really has grown on me, wouldn't trade it away ever.

>> No.6083434
Quoted by: >>6083536 >>6083759

I also have an inhale laugh

>> No.6083536


>> No.6083759

I feel like most vtubers do

>> No.6083884

