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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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59686028 No.59686028 [Reply] [Original]

I unironically enjoy "Male on stream" streams
Women are more fun when they interact with males

>> No.59686189

We know flogposter
When did a flog bastard had any resemblance of self respect?

>> No.59687460
Quoted by: >>59691581

Anyone with self respect wouldn't watch vtubers to begin with. The fact that you're okay getting "cucked" by girls but get insecure when men are involved says something about your pathetic mindset

>> No.59687949

A lot of female vtubers enjoy talking with men more than they do with women

>> No.59688193

You are valid

>> No.59688338

It's fine to have shit tastes.

>> No.59688358
Quoted by: >>59688673

Based cuck

>> No.59688673

How am I a cuck when they ain't my girlfriends
If I am a cuck then everyone's a cuck because getting cucked by women makes you a cuck too
Female x male dynamic is better than dyke shit

>> No.59688781

I've noticed this also

>> No.59688890

Their excitement becomes palpable when they're with males...and they go overboard with banter

>> No.59689040
Quoted by: >>59690798

Why would they be happy talking to other women they’re literally competing against? They have to pretend

>> No.59690798
Quoted by: >>59716505

What if they are lesbian like kiara

>> No.59691038

That's because you watch too much porn and live life as a voyeur.

>> No.59691096

I noticed this when it was the Astel vs Matsuri. It was good banter.

>> No.59691176
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>A lot of female vtubers enjoy talking with men more than they do with women
It's the reason why unicorns always got spooked.
Like, face it. Vast majority of female VTubers are straight or lean hetero. The Yuribaiting is just that, baiting. Few ever feel natural and fewer still are committed to the bits.

>> No.59691217
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>> No.59691239

i mean, they know that men can take some shit so their filters go off. women constantly have to walk on eggshells with each other in order not to "offend" the other party

>> No.59691251
Quoted by: >>59709280

I think most people in the EN side of the vtuber fandoms actually agree with you. A lot of people complaining are just simps

>> No.59691495

I used to hate my oshi's girlfriend but they have such good fucking chemistry together I got over it

>> No.59691581
Quoted by: >>59691858

keep telling yourself that cuckold

>> No.59691858

calm down novelite

>> No.59692145

based TRUE Vtuber fan

>> No.59692538

i just wanna watch funny anime characters, sometimes they're male

>> No.59692595
Quoted by: >>59693472

Im gonna tell you to watch twitchvfaggot for it and nijisanji but im 100% sure you don't even want to watch them. It is funny though, you people will constantly beg the chubba who don't want this collab but the moment they did it, you lost interest because they already break the so called "taboo". It's how pomu and kiara collab was so hype for the year and after that nobody ask for them anymore.

>> No.59692641

This, but only when the male in question is Towa

>> No.59692776

your oshi does not love you, has never loved you and will never love you. people only hate male choobas because they don't have tits. just watch the choobas you like.

>> No.59693145

Because they can banter or have a more "dude bro" approach cuz most men can handle that, women on the other hand are always defensive against other women and competing against them

>> No.59693472
Quoted by: >>59698908

Nobody was hyped for the pomu and kiara collab except pomu and kiara

>> No.59694669

I must be lucky then, because Micomet doesn't hold any punches with each other and so have some of the best banter in the entire company. Feels good

>> No.59695955

Condom suppliers are an important part of the vtubing ecosystem

>> No.59698908


>> No.59699986

Enjoy looking at anime men then I guess
I don't so I won't watch them
End of story

>> No.59702208
Quoted by: >>59703455

It's okay to be an homosexual

>> No.59702268

>Women are more fun when they interact with males
Go be a cuck somewhere else, cuckchama.

>> No.59703455
Quoted by: >>59706759

Only trannies enjoy female x female interactions

>> No.59703523

Frogposting is allowed on /v/ now? This board is a joke

>> No.59703578

There's nothing wrong with the frog

>> No.59704246
Quoted by: >>59742345

frogposting is better than 99% of the esl shitpost threads here let's be real.

>> No.59706639

I have no problem with male collabs, but the first one I saw was Ollie simping really hard for some guy, and it was kinda weird. I think as long as the viewers don't feel like a third wheel, any collab is fine.

>> No.59706737

I hope you go away

>> No.59706759

Nice try, tranny, now go to your birth gender's segregated toilets before the cops beat you again.

>> No.59709118


>> No.59709280

Yeah, just look at Mori and Bae, everyone loves and watches them kek

>> No.59709664
Quoted by: >>59710207

Frogposter just wants more (You)s.


>> No.59710207


>> No.59714480


>> No.59716247

Women are incapable of forming friendships with each other so that checks out

>> No.59716453

frog poster are getting desperate.

>> No.59716505

Still jealous of numbers.

>> No.59716718

Men are genuinely funnier than women

Understandable, because women are insufferable to talk to

>> No.59716815
Quoted by: >>59717744

I think everyone is fine with them Collabing with males. What dudes don't like is the duplicity and the emotional manipulation. If you are going to go sell things like rings, mousepads, and dakimaras. And various other things targeted towards lonely men maybe you should have the cognitive awareness not to wonder why people see you as GFE. Half of these girls stream really late at night and present themselves as vulnerable while also a being perfect 10/10.

Don't get upset when you play the emotional harlot that suddenly dudes you have been exploiting react emotionally and irrational.

>> No.59717290
Quoted by: >>59720303


>> No.59717342
File: 368 KB, 1500x2000, Tokoyami.Towa.full.3347814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59722642

this is the last time i tell you, retard, towa is not a male.

>> No.59717744
Quoted by: >>59718758

Pretty sure it just boils down to jealousy. Male collab partners get to talk to the girls and develop friendships or possibly more with them for free. Meanwhile simps have to donate entire paychecks just for a passing thank you. They wish they could have that closeness with their oshi, know that they'll never make it, and seethe at everyone and everything around them.

>> No.59718169

>frogposter is a beggar
To the surprise of absolutely fucking no one.

>> No.59718758

There is plenty of women creators that no one cares who they hang out with. And most of it is cause they don't foster an audience around this kind of content. I'm sure if you were to ask every single unicorn about if they watch a woman a normal content creator who talks about something normal every single one would say yes. Like I watch a couple of women content creators on YouTube that show their husband slash boyfriend but that's because the pretext and the context of watching them is based on what they can produce. The reason that many of these girls choose to become vtubers is cause it's the second easiest thing for a woman to get famous. Only just above twitch thots

>> No.59719407
Quoted by: >>59719965

It's inevitable in vtubing, though. Waifu culture is so ingrained that people just make the assumption either way. A vtuber can do everything in their power to try and distance themselves from their audience and will still have people calling them GFE because it's a women on the internet expressing male interests.

>> No.59719619

Female creators are one thing, female vtubers specifically are a different beast. Female content creators in general attract your average coomers: they see something female, click the content, jerk off, and maybe leave a creepy comment. Female vtubers generally attract the deranged coomers who are out of touch with reality.

>> No.59719965

Nah dude that sounds like a you issue. I can name women where they produce content that isn't around UwU and being cutesy. This sounds like you are revealing how you really think about all women. There is vtubers who don't do GFE at all and are large. What you are trying to get around is that a lot of women default into GFE to get an audience. And there is a lot of women who don't do coom bait.

Like who is a coomer for Jena marbles?


Are you sure you aren't out of reality?
There is a plethura of women who don't coombait. just say you want them to get free money acting any way they want while not having any accountability.

>> No.59720085
Quoted by: >>59720440

>What you are trying to get around is that a lot of women default into GFE to get an audience.
I'm saying the opposite but that there's a sufficient number of vtuber fans who will treat anything as GFE and then get offended as soon as the streamer in question stops adhering to their fantasy image of her. Fans are too eager to create an image in their head of a given vtuber that doesn't really pertain to reality and then explode when that image starts to deviate too much from what's really there. When I say waifu culture is ingrained I meant in the fans, not the streamers.

>> No.59720303

Thanks for the free (you) sucker

>> No.59720440
Quoted by: >>59720663

I think being below certain number of views and a monthly income is what keeps alot of them from Collabing with a dude not thr fans. You can choose not to do it and you can start by not streaming at certain times and presenting yourself a certain way.

The other thing about trying to keep a certain image for thie fans is that it should be stated is that these girls can look at their analytics and see what kind of things thier fans watch and many will stalk some of their fans to figure out everything they can about their fans and mimic what thier fans watch.

>> No.59720663
Quoted by: >>59721064

I'm talking about streamers who specifically try to maintain a barrier between themselves and the audience and present as an entertainer rather than companion though. Like I watch Rosemi and people love to say she "used to be" GFE when in reality she's always been very private about her personal life and general feelings and avoided saying anything too intimate to her viewers because she'd rather be a comedian than a pretend girlfriend. The only thing that's changed is her confidence in herself and her image but you still have people here parroting that she's been ruined or corrupted or whatever because she strayed too much from their fantasy of her.

>> No.59720873
Quoted by: >>59721053

Based gay anon

>> No.59721053

you clearly don't talk to many women

>> No.59721064
Quoted by: >>59721121

Are you sure that she was someone who was missinturperted about what kind of content she did or she waited until she had enough money and monthly income before she cut off that sort of fan off?
I'm willing to bet she did some GFE things before she shifted in the eyes of her fans

>> No.59721105

female friendship literally doesn't exist. women can't like other women, they all hate each other

>> No.59721121
Quoted by: >>59721405

I've watched most of her streams from debut to now so I'm fairly confident in my own opinion

>> No.59721405

What about all the ASMR with the suggestive thumbnails

>> No.59722642

She's mtf

>> No.59722718

Women in general can barely tolerate each other

>> No.59726872 [DELETED] 


>> No.59727789 [DELETED] 

opinion thrown straight into the shredder

>> No.59734262

No you don't

>> No.59736818

>I'm sure if you were to ask every single unicorn about if they watch a woman a normal content creator who talks about something normal every single one would say yes.
I didn't watch women even before vtubing
literally what do you mean here by talking as if consooming content that focuses on fostering a cult of personality(AKA streaming) is common??? Nobody I know in my friends group watches women, my ex didn't even watch women lmao

>> No.59736870

>Jena marbles
who the fuck watches Jena marbles except for women

>> No.59738539
Quoted by: >>59742213

Pekora is creepy.

>> No.59742213

so true

>> No.59742345

both are literal shits and you should drown in it since you like it so much.

>> No.59744317

unicorn global

>> No.59746817
File: 135 KB, 1067x883, 1664434902903636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gee, its almost like all the yuribait fanservice isn't actually real and most of them are straight or at least enjoy talking with the opposite sex outside of their Vtubing persona. But even if we're generous and assume bi, males are generally more fun to hang out with because of better banter, especially when playing videogames.

If a girl takes a jab at another girl, they sometimes get genuinely offended and can create drama over it unless it immediately gets smoothed over with an "I'm just kidding you're my friend" sort of deal. Meanwhile a girl can call a guy a slur or threaten physical violence and they will play off of it by not taking it seriously and laughing or retaliating in equal measure. The difference in social dynamic is easily observable in something like Hololive where you watch a girls only board game collab (Uno, Monopoly, etc.) versus a mixed collab of that same game.

I must stress however that in terms of content NEITHER IS INHERENTLY SUPERIOR TO THE OTHER.
Girl x Girl is good for cute and wholesome content, and that's what most traditional Vtuber fans are going to want to consume while keeping the male content creators like like separate.
Girl x Guy is good for shitposting, hyper competitive aggressiveness, and actually funny banter. Of course, if they start having too good of a time together then the Unicorns immediately jump of the "I'm getting cucked" train, which ok maybe if the streamer caters to GFE that's valid, but most of the ones who openly collab with males don't.

>> No.59747118
Quoted by: >>59748445

The issue is that they are in a corpo that does in fact cater to that group. A full blown whore house like vshojo doesn’t really need to worry about that, but hololive has a ton of talents that cater to that audience, and therefore that attitude transfers over to the corpo as a whole, which is why people still get upset when non gfe chuubas do male collabs, they are basically GFE adjacent because of their company so they still have those expectations placed upon them

>> No.59748445

True, though even in HoloJP there are some who interact with males on a semi-frequent basis. Ideally it should be more up to how the individual talent presents themselves that determines how their audience gets filtered.

In Hololive I have people I watch for light GFE, and others who can just collab with whoever they want as long as its entertaining. If my "pure" streamer suddenly collabed with a male I personally wouldn't get upset about it, but I can understand and perhaps agree with those who would to a certain extent.

The most important thing to me is that as long as the girls make their intention clear from the start and commit to their behavior there shouldn't be a reason to get upset. The Kronii shitshow was an unfortunate example of how not to handle it, which is a shame because I like her and those collabs.

>> No.59752714

seek help

>> No.59753330
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Maybe in real life but not with the sissy gay baiting male vtubers that exist and are more menhera than the women.

>> No.59753403

Doesn't even need to be a straight girl either. Kiara has great banter with the males in her rm and she is aggressively a dyke. Or at least very dyke adjacent.

>> No.59755680

fuck you pekofrog poster

>> No.59758954


>> No.59760932

i love you pekofrog poster

>> No.59761760

It's cute. I like it when they flirt.
