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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 190 KB, 975x1200, 8902F59A-7DE6-4684-8244-7EF924FC4508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
561555 No.561555 [Reply] [Original]

Was it a case of “never meet your heroes”?

>> No.561739

they fucking hate eachother
i heard they were pulling eachother’s hair after the stream

>> No.561794
File: 136 KB, 463x453, 1607431173132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>acting like it wasn't Kiara's fault
Peko did literally nothing wrong that stream. Kiara completely breaking character and crying just to gush all over her at the end is what freaked her out.

>> No.561867

i can’t watch it its too cringe

>> No.561883


>> No.561920
Quoted by: >>561964 >>562174

kiara got over the whole idol worship thing because she got to know the actual person behind the rabbit costume
it's that simple, there's no bad blood between them

>> No.561936

>Pekora invites Kiara to do a collab with her
>Kiara thinks she's finally achieving her dream of being acknowledged by Pekora
>Thinks they'll get to have a nice wholesome date together
>Pekora invites Moona to prank her
>Stream devolves into Kiara and Moona doing some cringey catfight while Pekora becomes the third wheel
>All the fanart is about Moona and Kiara
You really think Pekora did nothing wrong?

>> No.561963
Quoted by: >>562073 >>594441

What happened?

>> No.561964


>> No.561985
Quoted by: >>562014 >>594441

Any good clips?

>> No.562014

go to >>>/vt/
we don’t spoonfeed here

>> No.562033


>> No.562045

Then this is just a shitty rrat.

>> No.562047


>> No.562051 [SPOILER] 
File: 197 KB, 1583x1950, 1613263188311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>562080


>> No.562073
File: 1.92 MB, 2315x2265, 1606436251103.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somewhere around here? It goes on for about a minute or two

>> No.562080


rip moona

>> No.562084

More like never meet your fans.

>> No.562097

Kiara sounds like a social parasite. Based Pekora for telling her to fuck off.

>> No.562107

Didn't Kiara get big numbers because of it though. Realistically no Pekora did nothing wrong at all.

>> No.562118
Quoted by: >>562174

Pretty sure she's talked about how she sees her senpais in a different light now ever since becoming part of Hololive, multiple times.

>> No.562174

This. The horse is dead, stop beating it.

>> No.562218
Quoted by: >>562524

too bad it's all scripted

>> No.562407


>> No.562524

imagine thinking this

>> No.562709

fuck off rrat

>> No.564830

Kinda? She's not disappointed in her or anything like that. But she definitely stopped deifying her. And that's that.

>> No.565598
Quoted by: >>603217

I won't watch that lmao, I can't stand kiara

>> No.566057

alright link the proof then

>> No.566497
Quoted by: >>566597 >>567290

No, Pekora is trash and Kiara is better off without her.

>> No.566597


>> No.566844
Quoted by: >>567178 >>574685

Here's the thing. Kiara still watches Pekora and Marine constantly when she is not streaming. Why no collab then? It's probably because she is busy trying to get collabs for her HoloTalk. If the rumors are true about her Senpais all asking her to collab then that probably means she already scheduled them. And besides, they don't really enjoy the same games. The whole Minecraft tour thing. You can only really do that once.Pekora doesn't really do collabs. She's a solo stream. Collabs for her are like special events that happens once a month. If Kiara really wanted to interact with her more. She needs to start playing in the Minecraft JP but then again, Pekora hardly plays Minecraft now.

>> No.567090

i get it anon, going back and forth from /jp/ to /vt/ is tiresome

>> No.567178
File: 2 KB, 477x123, 1613241581343.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>567349 >>573582

Pekora spent the last 8 hours, through the night and a goddamn earthquake, playing alone in the holo server.

Shut the fuck up

>> No.567243 [DELETED] 
File: 80 KB, 259x312, ting ting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*ting ting*
fuck /cgl/ hamplanets
fuck /cgl/ transvestites
fuck /hlg/ autists
fuck jannies
and most importantly
fuck rrats, ogey

>> No.567290

>is better
You don't have a right to give opinion because you're a birdfag.

>> No.567349
Quoted by: >>568873

afking at a farm most likely

>> No.567823
Quoted by: >>569016 >>571609

management proly aware and concerned about the subaru stalker incident she caused, so no green light for her to off collab with pecker

>> No.568873

Apparently she said in a past stream that she would make a secret geoglyph as a gift for Moona for her birthday.
So this is likely it, since geoglyphs take time and she only has a couple of days left before the deadline

>> No.569016
File: 27 KB, 286x245, 1611929270572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.569142

They were in bed

>> No.569230

they both pumped and dumped each other for numbers

>> No.569368

Kiara is legitimately awful. Nobody can stand her, it's incredibly awkward being around her.

Pekora runs a clean show and Kiara is ruining everything with her awful sexual "jokes" and implied lesbianism. Mori loves cock and yet she's being shipped with Kiara because Kiara has no humor or personality and has to do implied lesbian shipping with everyone. The first Hololive minecraft collab is hilarious because everyone is mocking and laughing at Kiara who is the butt of all jokes, most notably Mori who is basically telling Kiara to stfu.

>> No.569371

You're trying too hard to fit in

>> No.569795

Kiara came in and realized just how much of a "show" hololive really is. Now that she is on the other side of the fence, the illusion has ended, and she has embraced it as a simple job. A unique job. But a job nonetheless.

>> No.569857


>> No.570042


>> No.570894


>> No.571110


>> No.571575
Quoted by: >>603425

Truer words were never spoken

>> No.571609

this is the most believeable rrat

>> No.571831
Quoted by: >>571856

>Kiara came in and realized just how much of a "show" hololive really is.
Kiara has always known the true nature of Hololive. It's just that she's a fucking orange jabroni who constantly pulls shoots on everyone she works with.

>> No.571856
Quoted by: >>571993

go to /b/ if you want to be insulting

>> No.571993

He might be using wrasslin slang but he's not wrong

>> No.573582

Just because she is spending 8 hours now doesn't mean she is playing it on the regular. She is doing it for a suprise. Have you ever really watched her recently??? Most of it are but Dragon Quest. You are pulling a rrat here.

>> No.573645


>> No.573706

Kiara realized just how awkward and socially retarded Pekora actually is, thus ruining the illusion she created in her head forever.

>> No.573714
Quoted by: >>603217

God I hate Kiara

>> No.574317

Plus she ignored Coco twice on twitter... fuck this chicken

>> No.574454
Quoted by: >>574488 >>574867

>Believing any of this shit is remotely real
>Actors getting mad about what their characters do
Even you retarded nerds can't be this naive.
This fucking board sometimes I swear to god.

>> No.574488

if their streams were even half as scripted as idiots like you believe they are the taiwan shit wouldn't have happened

>> No.574536
Quoted by: >>580412

The Taiwan shit happened because chinese bugs are the worst scum to walk the Earth.
Not gonna blame them because they have beeing brainwashed and brutally opressed for 100 years.

>> No.574559
Quoted by: >>574734

No one thinks it’s scripted but it’s clearly directed. You retards go from one extreme to the next.

>> No.574620

Pekora genuinely likes Moona and probably asked her to drop in to help with the awkwardness she knew was going to happen from collabing with a fan. Kiara ended up justifying that by breaking character and sperging out which made Pekora really uncomfortable.

>> No.574655


>> No.574685

>If the rumors are true about her Senpais all asking her to collab
Doubt. It's obvious whenever she collabs with them that none of them can stand her.

>> No.574734

>none of this is remotely real
>i-t's just directed, just scripted
nice goalpost moving

>> No.574791

This is literally the WWE but with cute girls and a real life fact every now and then.
God how retarded can you be. They are characters you nigger, like 99.5% of what happens in media.

>> No.574826
Quoted by: >>574904 >>603718

Do roomate reps newfag

>> No.574867
Quoted by: >>574901

>live performance
>other actor keeps ad-libbing and breaking character
Wouldn't you be mad?

>> No.574901

Have not watched any pseud-reality TVshow made in the last 20 years.

>> No.574904
Quoted by: >>592021 >>603718

>did roommate reps
>I now hate kiara

>> No.575311
Quoted by: >>593861 >>600738

Kiara will off-collab with Pekora when she goes back to Japan.


>> No.575492
Quoted by: >>600622

Bruh the Discord logs from Mio’s stream proved it. They have gags set up and improve their way towards them

>> No.579243

At the very least, Kiara was dumped for Moona. That whole "Pekora is mine" bullshit backfired.

>> No.579298 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>584268

Pekora is a conservative right wing Nationalist that is part of the Uyoku Dantai. Pekora hates niggers, trannies and Jews which is in contrast of Kiara being a giant #metoo #BLM #refugeeswelcome SJW woke cringe bitch. Since Pekora and Miko know each other for more than a decade, it's safe to assume that Mikochi is also part of Uyoku Dantai. Flare as well.

>> No.579424

No. She just said she looks at thing diffrently which is obviouse. Many people idolized popular people and forget they are just people

>> No.580309

None of the EN members ever visited the JP server again

>> No.580335
Quoted by: >>580435 >>612875

>Pekora runs a clean show
t.only knows Pekora from clips
Pekora has done the implied lesbianism act since before Kiara knew VTubing existed.

>> No.580412

>chinese bugs are the worst scum to walk the Earth.
US politicians are trying their best though

>> No.580435

This. Pekora claiming to run a child-friendly stream is now a running joke.

>> No.582726

yo wtf is she doing lmao. Pekora is visibly creeped out.
>um pekora senpai, I would like to tell you my life story, is that ok?
>o-ok peko...
I didn't think I'd cringe from a stream, and I was there on Ame's birthday stream...

>> No.584268
Quoted by: >>584293

Pekora is based
Kiara is cringe

>> No.584293 [DELETED] 
File: 23 KB, 500x531, Content_e48960_8239515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>584457 >>585809


>> No.584354
File: 13 KB, 720x216, Screenshot_2021-02-14-00-38-17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pekokia is a fucking joke. Only schizo artist who still make an art about pekora and kiara. Look pekora is still making a gift for moona's birthday, kiara is a nobody for her

>> No.584457

That's the most cringe post I've seen this week, Anon.

>> No.584535
File: 436 KB, 462x454, 1611470502643.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was a case of "never let your fans become your co-workers". Kiara could have done all of that completely off stream. She didn't, in any shape or form, have to say it there and then. The fact that she was so fucking desperate to break character just so she could tell Pekora her fucking sob story when she had so many other options, chances and oppurtunities to do literally anything else with that time, is just pathetic.
>Hey Pekora-senpai, you're really smart at Minecraft and play it all the time; why do you like it so much?
>I've noticed you don't have an english Usada Kensetsu representative for the EN server; can I join Usada Kensetsu and set up an office over on the EN server?
>I know I'm super pretty Pekora-Senpai, but do any of the other EN girls interest you?
>I've never been to Pekoland before. What's it like over there, Pekora?
>Hey Pekora, I built a small chicken pen near your house. I can't be here all the time, but at least you'll have something to remember the time we spent together!
All these options off the top of my head, and instead, we get
>I love you Pekora-senpai, you changed my life! You're the reason I'm a vtuber! You're the reason I'm here! Aren't you proud of me Pekora? I love you Pekora let's be best friends Pekora Pekora I looooooooove you
I want to like Kiara but she has nothing going for her. She has to make everything about her, even if it comes at the cost of ruining everyone else's fun.

>> No.585809
Quoted by: >>588828

idiot kfp lost it
But Anon, think of the TEETEE content! How else can she tell the world of this wholesome moment! Which backfired anyway.

>> No.585885
File: 854 KB, 827x1423, kiara hand down pants.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That sounds so fucking hot. Were they rolling around on the floor and screaming at each other in Japanese with their high pitch girly voice too???

>> No.586256
Quoted by: >>588828

And all of this to a girl who is super withdrawn around strangers when she doesn't have the security of it just being text chat, as anyone who pays attention to her streams should know.

>>Hey Pekora, I built a small chicken pen near your house. I can't be here all the time, but at least you'll have something to remember the time we spent together!
And now I'm remembering what happened to those chickens recently, they made for fine sacrifices.

>> No.586296
Quoted by: >>610989 >>616507

Pekora slapped Kiara in front of Yagoo and Aqua had to step in and break up the fight.

>> No.587860
Quoted by: >>588146 >>600997

Nousagis are going to be absolutely seething once Kiara passes Pekora in subs before the year is over. They're still mad over how Kiara consciously "stole" Pekora's laugh for fucks sake.

>> No.588146

>more dead subs for a vtuber that barely gets 3k views per stream
Hit me up when Kiara pulls 30k per stream, chickenfag

>> No.588395
File: 437 KB, 552x740, yikes tbhf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wew that was rough

>> No.588538

why are you freaks like this

>> No.588828

Kiara probably saw this clip and thought it would be a good idea to act out the request in public instead of in private.

>> No.589998

It's not so bad if you don't understand what they're saying.

>> No.591817

I'd be disappointed by any less from a mixture of nousagis, /cgl/ and Kiara antis.

>> No.592021
Quoted by: >>603718

>Didn´t hate Kiara from the start

See, that´s were you went wrong fag.

>> No.592170


>> No.592287
Quoted by: >>599066

This has nothing to do with Kiara what I'm about to say, but I really don't get the appeal of Pekora
She seems just kinda middling in her own right to me

>> No.593861

Isn't she in Japan now? I think she tweeted about being fine after the earthquake.

>> No.594393

>Pekora invites Kiara to do a collab with her
lmao pekora literally said KIARA asked for a tour. Pekora did a map highlighting interesting builds she could visit and all

>> No.594441

subbed because i know yall are filthy clipfaggers

>> No.594471

fucking retard

>> No.594485

lack of medication

>> No.598196

i want to drink pekos arumondo miruku

>> No.598758
Quoted by: >>598919 >>603425

>because Kiara has no humor or personality
She does have humor and personality but bizarrely thinks faking lesbianism is what will garner her success

>> No.598919
Quoted by: >>599036

worked for okakoro and noefure

>> No.599036

No it didn't "work for them". Okayu and Korone genuinely have a good and old relationship. Noel Flare I can't speak on but at the very least I've gathered they get along decently.

>> No.599047

They make a whole load of drama out of absolutely nothing don't they?

>> No.599066

Comedian. In other words if you don't enjoy her comedy, that's the end.

>> No.599356
Quoted by: >>602624

Wait this is what this thread is about? The collab went fine and was highly scripted.

>> No.599631
Quoted by: >>601145 >>602500

Pekobros...can you guys link the porno she made

>> No.599736

Organic friendship, started casually, they genuinely like eachother.
Forced and one-sided, fake, shameless leeching.


>> No.599794
Quoted by: >>611163

wait what that's it?
there's nothing cringe about the situation other than Kiara's monologue itself, Pekora just gave a generic polite Japanese response, stuff that performers would say to their fans if complimented etc

>> No.600622

A good and really obvious example is a collab from not too long ago between Luna and Marine where Marine literally had an "I punch Luna" image ready that she used judiciously. There was also a Luna/Matsuri singing stream where they literally led up to and sang a song about infidelity.

>> No.600738 [DELETED] 

>goes back to Japan
Anon, that might take atleast half a year, it takes awhile just to apply to travel, then after you apply, you have quarantine, then once you go over to the other country, they force you to quarantine again, literally a month of quarantine all together

>> No.600997 [DELETED] 

You're cracked out, lay off the pipe

>> No.601145 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>602034

The Kiara foot jav? 5ch is still trying to find it, was never sold digital

>> No.601312 [DELETED] 

>pekora invites
Lmao, pekora barely even talks to her own mother, you really think pekora is out here asking for collabs?

>> No.601524
Quoted by: >>602612

She didn't build a friendship like Moona did and now she is jealous/hurt. That's it. Everyone says Kiara is very social but in reality she struggles alot with simply speaking to people normally. I don't even know what she can do to fix it. It's like she never had friends or something.

>> No.602034
Quoted by: >>602753

Is there any proof it ever existed?

>> No.602332
Quoted by: >>606046

Did Pekora play pranks on her? That's how you would know if she was comfortable and okay with things going on.

>> No.602500 [SPOILER] 
File: 31 KB, 400x387, 1613350671637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all I got is a screencap

>> No.602612 [DELETED] 
File: 21 KB, 572x107, 1466441475630-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>extreme weeb
>bright idea to move to Japan with her bf as a teenager
>the both of them never really acclimate to living in Japan, no friends
>money is tight because cancerous Japanese taxes/wages
>kiara has no success in becoming a cosplayer and idol
>photographer suggests doing lewds for money
>bf isn't okay with it, but cucks out for the money
>she ends up sleeping with the photographer, her and her bf break up
>actually does jav with photographer
>posts pic related
>ends up regretting it and goes back home, broke, no job, no education no skills no bf
>decides to go back to Japan because there isn't anything else she can do
>goes back to selling lewds again, this time on patreon and etsy
>gets depressed, uses money to go back home again
>goes back to Japan to do collabs with youtubers
>idles until hololive EN auditions
>talks about regretting the lewds
Reading her Tumblr was a fucking trip, she's the female ken-sama

>> No.602624

Yes, theses anons are showing some rrats about this obvious roleplay

>> No.602753 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>602941 >>603327

Her photographer had a feet jav series, the one she cheated on her bf with, one of the DVD bundles had a western girl but it doesn't show her face on the cover

>> No.602840
File: 579 KB, 351x291, 1530907949314.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>watch fucking Hololive
>complain about lesbians

>> No.602855

>selling porn on etsy
Now that is rock bottom

>> No.602941
Quoted by: >>603123

Did it have a code?

>> No.603033
Quoted by: >>603212

Nice rrat. But she got accepted to hololive before going back to Austria.
Create something more believable

>> No.603089
Quoted by: >>603379

Humans are such a fucking pathetic species.

You fags are waging wars while being fans of the same fucking agency. This is worse than some football retards beating each other up because they like different clubs.

You just need something to hate because you are utterly pathetic.

>> No.603123 [DELETED] 

It was amateur that wasn't censored for private jap buyers, 5ch is trying to track down to see if any collectors have it

>> No.603157

God bless these heroes.

>> No.603204
File: 368 KB, 840x700, 1489931449699.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reading this thread has convinced me there's no hope for schizos. These rrats on both sides are Olympic-tier mental gymnastics. Medication should be dispensed after every "Submit".

>> No.603212 [DELETED] 

Have you ever read her Tumblr? She isn't afraid to talk about this

>> No.603217
Quoted by: >>603378 >>603425

Does Kiara's popularity come solely from yurifags

She seems kind of annoying.

>> No.603314

Fucking embarrassing, even moreso when you realize that Kiara is like 3 years older than Pekora and this senpai shit probably creeps her the fuck out.

>> No.603327
Quoted by: >>603362 >>603410

> cheated on her bf
I already didn't like her but now i hate her

>> No.603345

Good men

>> No.603350
Quoted by: >>604137

Imagine being contacted by numerous rrats trying to get at your porn collection

>> No.603362

For a footfag anon, cheated on him for a fucking footfag.

>> No.603378 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>603576

Her popularity comes from pity support, I gave a like to her latest song but it was pretty stink, it's why I 100% understand why hololive EN 2 is prioritizing singers

>> No.603379
File: 99 KB, 944x712, wheredoyouthinkweare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.603410

her entire life is like a corruption dojin

>> No.603425
File: 374 KB, 640x259, fascinating.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>603545 >>605453

What is it with the insufferable virgins on this board that complain about any inkling of yuri content, bait or otherwise? Do you check under your shit-stained beds for lesbians at night?

You will never fuck any one of these girls, and you likely wont fuck any girl ever in your miserable schizoid lives. Holy fuck.

>> No.603545

>being a white knight yurifag
>calling others virgins

It's not the implied yuri, because basically all of the vtubers do that. It's that it's basically all Kiara has and she's incredibly overpowering about it.

>> No.603552
Quoted by: >>603592

The sad thing about Kiara rrats is that you can't take any of them seriously because you know that Kiara has severely mentally ill no life losers who have obsessed over her for nearly a decade.

>> No.603560
Quoted by: >>603587

I can't believe Mori is friends with Kiara

>> No.603576

Sad because she has one of the hotter actresses.

>> No.603587

Don't worry its fake

>> No.603592 [DELETED] 

People document shitty people online

>> No.603607

Why can't antis go find yabs on Calli instead?

>> No.603629

Everyone already knows about the brapping

>> No.603633
Quoted by: >>609244

Because Calii isn't a bad person. All she ever did was make music.

>> No.603644
Quoted by: >>603897

>Pekora runs a clean show
>awful sexual "jokes" and implied lesbianism
Do you want to know how I know you started watching hololive this week or the last and you only know 3 or 4 JPs, and only from clips? Not even actually since Marine just posted a MMD asking to be raped.
Complaning about hard lesbian ships on hololive of all companies where every single gen past gen2 has an on-debut lesbian ship at least and lesbian interactions are the main content drivers for half the roster is some world class retardation.

>> No.603657

I'm waiting for the JAV and will spam on her twitter

>> No.603688 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>603715

She's gassy and simps for cr1tikal, that's pretty much it

>> No.603715

I don't even know who that is

>> No.603718

redpill me on kiara's roomate life

>> No.603752
Quoted by: >>603786

>Coco and Haato make their brand by being the only ones at hololive that can speak english
>Coco easily quadrupling her very subpar average view and SC numbers whenever she does an english stream or a leddit review
>EN gets announced
>Both Coco and Haato (no one else) stream the very thing they've been told not to stream and that they know will make the bugmen mad
>Massive leddit support for months with an inte

>> No.603786
Quoted by: >>603912

Purely coincidentally

>> No.603814
Quoted by: >>603862

she's a nasty ho

>> No.603829

More like never meet your fans.

>> No.603833 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>604012

Read at your own peril >>602612

>> No.603862

That's not very surprising.

>> No.603890
Quoted by: >>604012

Delusional Japanophile and washedup D-list idol. Now does cosplay and gravure

>> No.603897
File: 2.42 MB, 640x360, pekOWNED.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>603961

Fucking retard, Peko x Miko are one of the oldest ships, even other holos ship them.
Some of the most popular videos are peko and miko collabs right up until miko got pregnant cancer diabetes and stopped streaming for the rest of the year.

>> No.603912
Quoted by: >>604051 >>606359

Was gonna keep typing but I realized the best Im gonna get is the chink square copypasta and I really dont care enough about Cover's internal affairs to defend them online.
Coco is not the literal retard people make her out to be. Mutts and yuros only came to know about china and taiwan like a year ago but Japan lives nextdoor.

>> No.603961

Now read my post again but slower and try to get the point. Read it out loud if you need to, show it to your tard handler.

>> No.603969
Quoted by: >>604012

A vindictive, jealous whore

>> No.603997

This thread reeks of virgins.

>> No.604012

Man what an absolute ho. No wonder all she has is implied lesbianism.

>> No.604021

Shut your beef curtains

>> No.604042

Can't tell if anons are just playing into the roleplay with the rrats like it's a soap opera, or if anons are actually dumb enough to think big vtuber drama isn't scripted

>> No.604051
Quoted by: >>604484

The kneejerk anti China stuff has always been cringe to me

>> No.604096
Quoted by: >>604217 >>604268

Jesus anon there are no bitches here who are you showing off for? Going to a new country with your boyfriend then cheating on him is not okay.

>> No.604121

Ill have you know I have had sex with over 5 different women

>> No.604122
File: 38 KB, 740x205, reminder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>604163 >>604337

ITT indog general

>> No.604137
File: 997 KB, 500x332, 1515812607436.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>excuse me sir but would you happen to have an uncensored footjob AV featuring a gaijin girl?
>it was part of an amateur series with similar scenes, DVD only
>no? Well okay, I appreciate your time and have a nice day.

>> No.604163


>> No.604182


>> No.604217
Quoted by: >>604304

To be fair her boyfriend is kind of a retard for thinking a weeb girl isn't going to want to get /riced/

>> No.604268
Quoted by: >>604349

You believe the bullshit posted here? When none of you doxfags ever found anything close to what's implied to exist?

>> No.604304
Quoted by: >>604381

I'm sure he wasn't a genius but still doesn't excuse her actions

>> No.604337

In the same way swearing in your native language sounds offensive but it doesnt happen in any other language, hearing Matsuri completely openly flirt with Luna on stream for 40 minutes doesnt matter if its only subs.
Kiara speaks english. Takamori's problem is that its in english and not japanese. No one bats an eye at Marine calling people at 2am asking to sniff their cunt or Noel being 10x more pushy with her shipping. No one cares about the Lamy-Botan forced ship.
They dont care because its not clipped.

>> No.604349 [DELETED] 
File: 336 KB, 478x518, IMG_20210214_194302.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's all true

>> No.604381
Quoted by: >>604428

True but he was still asking for it.

>> No.604428

Maybe he got some nice gaijin hunter's pussy after dumping the bird

>> No.604436
Quoted by: >>604573

>no proof on 5ch
>no proof anywhere on the internet
>half-assed "proof" are pictures dug from her 10-year old tumblr blog
>if these things existed, cover wouldn't have hired her anyways, but they did
Doxniggers are genuinely retarded

>> No.604451

[around 6:20-] カツトシ:「俺が、塾講師とセックスしないで、って言ったときに、放送中ですよ、放送中に、<<キスはしないけどセックスはする>>って[ケーキ姫が]言ってましたからね。」

[around 6:20-] Katsutoshi: “When I asked keekihime not to make love with 塾講師, during the broadcast, during the broadcast, she replied "I won’t kiss him, but I’ll have sex.”

holy chad

>> No.604462

Don't know what this is supposed to prove.

>> No.604472

He looks like the kind of guy who would get cucked by an Asian

>> No.604476
Quoted by: >>604576 >>604676

>no name
>no number
>no photo
>no face
>dvd only, limited run
>private buyers
explain the process of going from the k**ki doxx to "this girl has a jav", but not knowing any details of the jav, not knowing anyone that has the jav, and no one that has ever seen the jav.

>> No.604484

Fuck china.

>> No.604573 [DELETED] 

She's had a couple different social media accounts anon, like her old fb

>> No.604576

Someone from the circles she used to be a part of is in the know, as simple as that

>> No.604592
File: 1.00 MB, 246x240, 1612379722731.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be kiara
>collab with your oshi
>your oshi leaves disgusted and never collabs with you again

>be ollie
>collab with your oshi
>your oshi leaves panties drenched and collabs with you again

>> No.604666
Quoted by: >>604725

>more cryptic bullshit
yeah ok.
mods, wake the fuck up please

>> No.604676 [DELETED] 
File: 268 KB, 1018x1529, kiaradesperate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>604795 >>604811

The photographer, she deleted the pic sets she did with him, that same photographer also did feet jav that had a westerner in it around the same time she broke up with her ex

>> No.604694


>> No.604700
Quoted by: >>604772

Oh, must be my uncle who works at Nintendo!

>> No.604725 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>604775 >>604829

cry fag, your oshi is a whore and you can't do nothing about it

>> No.604772 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>605081

Look, I understand not wanting to believe everything on the internet, but she publicized a lot of her life then half assedly tried to delete it

>> No.604775

You're a little bitch.

>> No.604783
File: 247 KB, 370x370, 1613160066070.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she replied "I won’t kiss him, but I’ll have sex

>> No.604795
Quoted by: >>604839

"bakayaro cosplay" (watermarked in those pictures) is based in Germany and is just ecchi photography, so how can it be a "JAV" you lying schizo.

>> No.604811
File: 178 KB, 386x420, imageproxy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>606066

Sure takes a lot of time for the 2ch conglomerate, the biggest community in japan, to find a video, but very little time for them to be absolutely sure it exists.
Surely this is the only time this has happened and its just a mistake on their part.

>> No.604829

You will never be a real Asian.
You will never be a woman.
A "failure" lives rent free in your head, that you post about every day.
Kill yourself.

>> No.604840 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>605159

Alright, so um her roommate uh...

>Be from mustache man land
>Massive weeb
>Probably posted on /jp/
>Idolfag to booth
>Also qt
>Realize you have the looks to make it
>Travel to Japan
>search for RL idol stuff
>Can´t score a job in the industry because Gaijin
>RL Asuka look alike (what YOU think, actually average) and speak JP perfectly
>Manage to get into a not so popular group
>Kinda trashy environment
>Worse manager
>Wannabe like a jp qt3.14 but cannot
>Race locked
>Enter group menheras
>One targets you for her lack of fame just because you have a slightly bigger audience
>Trash talks TF out of you
>Unbelievable shit
>Some of it is true tho...
>Everyone believes her
>Japanese imageboards too
>Shitstorm hits you like a truck
>Insult everything and everyone instead of actually trying to save your public image
>From everything
>Blacklisted from ever touching A+ industry
>Coworker found out as a liar but still ban never gets lifted
>No shekels
>Drop your own pride
>and purity
>Degrade harder to meet ends
>Bullying never stops
>Broke later because leech roommate
>GTFO of moonland
>Dead inside
>Years later...
>Come back to hit lower scummy Gravure industry
>You don´t care,
>You are too much of a weeb to actually hear good counseling from a professional
>Swear to God you are gonna pierce the skies
>Rona hits JPs
>Everything cancelled
>Can´t get out of house
>Money running out
>About to off yourself
>No more VISAs after this
>You will never work in Japan again
>Chronic Japanophile
>The thought of never working in the JP industry and get landlocked in once mustache man land for the rest of your life has you about to reach actual JP Menhera levels
>Watch VTubers to cope
>Apply for it
>Doing more money than ever
>Even more than what the shitty porn gave
>Regret doing bullshit for fame
>It is never getting wiped from the net
>Specially the lewd stuff
>Everyone who remembers you thinks you are a whore
>Maybe still, who knows?
>Forget to wipe accounts
>Anons still making fun of it up to this day
>Laughs in /vt/

Also this >>602612

Is this based enough for you anon?

>> No.604839 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>604922

That's not the guy, this is the lewd set she did after that she sold on etsy that she now no longer sells
She has a pattern of doing things she regrets, like a lot of women anon

>> No.604858
File: 29 KB, 480x480, dabsad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I won’t kiss him, but I’ll have sex

>> No.604892

>You will never be a woman.
Kiara would be very upset to hear you say that

>> No.604922

Then how about you post a pic that's relevant to what you're saying. Oh, you can't, because that shit only exists in your head.
Dig a deeper hole you lying schizo.

>> No.605021
Quoted by: >>605252

Meds, chickenfag.. your oshi is still a whore the last time I checked it

>> No.605081

There are three problems though. First one is that there is absolutely no conclusive evidence that any of this is true. Second is that it is true and known that she has obssessed antifags, harassers and creeps that are trying to ruin everything she works on since before hololive and that might as well be you. Third is, even if it were true, I don't see why the fuck I should even care. Kiara is not my girlfriend, she has her flaws, but her positives outweight the negatives much more. Everyone in Hololive talks about how good it is to work with her and how kind, polite and considerate she is, contrary to what retards here are always trying to paint. Subaru, Polka, Rushia, Shion, Marine, Matsuri, Sora, all her genmates, Ollie, Reine all have positive attitudes towards Kiara, admire her or talk to her constantly. Somehow I am supposed to dismiss all of them and believe retards incapable of reading social cues such as you? Fuck off.

>> No.605159

Her roommate sounds pretty mentally unstable, kinda cute

>> No.605179

Kiara hates you for saying that to a trans woman

>> No.605196

The absolute state of chickenfags. Imagine choosing filth when so many better options exist.

>> No.605220
Quoted by: >>605311

>why the fuck I should even care
I don't know you cared enough to write that angry paragraph

>> No.605252
Quoted by: >>605306

Your mother isn't my oshi.

>> No.605255

You always see these threads with Kiara's past whoreing bullshit but none with the other member's ongoing whoreing bullshit.
I dont wonder why that is, I know its SEA schizophreniacs, but I think its pretty interesting nonetheless.

>> No.605302
File: 551 KB, 634x720, 1444263118630.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to be the last in line of a 100 filthy and greasy anons to fuck Kiara. I wanna kiss her semen covered lips and her mouth soaked with semen. When it's my turn to put my dick in her I want to see the cum overflow from her. I don't care that her pussy is destroyed and I couldn't even feel anything. I would cum so hard like I never had before and be the one to impregnate her.

>> No.605306

My mother is Kiara

>> No.605311

>Caring about Kiara's supposed previous life
>Caring about fags spreading malicious rumors to hurt Kiara's image

>> No.605340

Basic timeline of what happened

>The trannies, hambeasts, and /hlg/ EOPs seethe over her
>jump on her liking Pekora as the designated thing to shit on her for
>she starts initiating JPcollabs and cucks them non-stop
>trannies, hambeasts and /hlg/ EOPs try to invent rrats about why she hasn't collabed with Pekora yet, like Pekora refusing her
>actually turns out Kiara intentionally didn't rush a collab with her since she knows Pekora is shy
>trannies, hambeasts and /hlg/ EOPs create new rrats about how Pekora is probably totally creeped out by her fanboying and will never say yes to a collab
>eventually collab comes anyway
>trannies, hambeasts and /hlg/ EOPs move the rratposts as usual and now swear that the collab will be an awkward desaster
>in reality Pekora extensively preps a welcome for Kiara and the collab goes just fine with Pekora laughing hard several times
>trannies, hambeasts and /hlg/ EOPs in desperation jump on Kiara crying at the end to pretend like Kiara said something creepy or how it was awkward (because they don't speak Japanese, especially not /hlg/)
>subs come out and their rrat gets BTFO yet again
>trannies, hambeasts and /hlg/ EOPs then resort to teaming up with SEAniggers to shitpost with Moona for months to the point even the HoloID 2nd Gen debut stickies are filled with (literally) thousands of Kiara mentions for absolutely no reason
>this dies down as well because nobody gives a fuck about Moona, and Pekomom mentioning Kiara out of nowhere while not mentioning Moona was the final nail in the coffin
>literally months later Kiara makes an off-hand remark about how she now has a different sense of admiration for Pekora now that she is also a hololive
>trannies, hambeasts, and /hlg/ EOPs interrupt their dilating session to once again create desperate rrats about how Kiara now hates Pekora or whatever the fuck their tranny schizo minds cooked up this time

>> No.605354

It's simple, the other girls aren't bad people unlike Kiara. I know that must hurt hear.

>> No.605358
Quoted by: >>605616

Its because they either dont have it or are smart enough to not blast it out there for the whole world to see. Unlike Kiara

>> No.605374

The fag got shot by the mods.
It's the same fucker that keeps posting this shit. IDK why they don't just perma him.

>> No.605393
Quoted by: >>605601

>the other member's ongoing whoreing bullshit
Only ones who's interesting besides hers is Gawrs

>> No.605431


>> No.605434

You are aware Kiara is a strong proponent of transgender rights?

>> No.605453

It's sincerely not that, it's that Kiara's act is really annoying and forced, period.

>> No.605456

add in the schizo that just got b& that's been creating roommate rrats out of thin air and got BTFO after they couldn't back it up with anything

>> No.605457
Quoted by: >>605511

>Third is, even if it were true, I don't see why the fuck I should even care. Kiara is not my girlfriend, she has her flaws, but her positives outweight the negatives much more
Jesus christ how pathetic.

>> No.605480

Because she is a whore

>> No.605511
Quoted by: >>605541 >>605543

Welcome to reality, anon. You're gonna die a virgin.

>> No.605541

Yeah, and I'll not spend my time defending virtual sluts online. So I'm still better than you are.

>> No.605543
File: 294 KB, 900x900, virg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dude get a new line

>> No.605545
Quoted by: >>605700

Hey indogs
Do you mind if I post a picture of the prophet Mohammed (pbuh)? I hope that isn't illegal where you live.

>> No.605601
Quoted by: >>605779

Has Gura done some shit? I know she was an amateur vtuber before but nothing else.

>> No.605616

Over a fourth (1/4, 25%+) of the current hololive roster has done some amount of sexual stuff online. Noel, especially, gets most of her income from making dick sucking noises after ending her hololive gig. Miko made a fair amount of money doing a variety of porn voiceovers and standalone porn audios. Both of them have been implied to have JAVs, on 5ch. They dont, of course, but neither does Kiara and thats 80% of this thread.
You and the rest of the cgl hamplanets have been at this for months. You'll never make it.

>> No.605630

No, you spend every day trying to destroy the life of one supposed "virtual slut" that makes 1000 times the rupees you do, living in a third world tin shack.
That's pretty sad, honestly.

>> No.605637
File: 174 KB, 398x364, chicken RENT FREE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>605674

No, you just spend your time obsessing over her every single day. No, every single waking hour.

>> No.605674
Quoted by: >>605709 >>605746

Not really, this is the first time I learned about any of this. I didn't like Kiara already because I found her really annoying, but this just seals the deal.

Keep whiteknighting, though. It is pretty funny.

>> No.605685

And you actually think that attacking women baselessly is not pathetic?

>> No.605699
Quoted by: >>605776

She's not gonna fuck you

>> No.605700
Quoted by: >>605763

Did chickenfags really think that anyone who didn't like Kiara is an Indogs?

>> No.605709
Quoted by: >>605830


>> No.605728
Quoted by: >>605807

Pretty sure Kiara is an LGBTQAP+ ally.

>> No.605741
Quoted by: >>605836 >>606039

Doing porno voice overs is less demeaning than lewd photo shoots, honestly. The real kicker is the whole 'slept with photographer and cheated on bf', though. Nobody likes a cheater.

>> No.605743 [DELETED] 
File: 67 KB, 800x802, monkey-cartoon-character-burger-d-rendered-illustration-71849934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>606361

both built for BBC

>> No.605746
Quoted by: >>605830 >>605965

>first time I learned about any of this
learned about a bunch of fake shit that the anon from earlier got banned for?
Good for you, you're fucking retarded.

>> No.605750
File: 47 KB, 1105x252, tl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>606079 >>606607

>Somewhere around here? It goes on for about a minute or two
Found pic related in the comments. Is this a valid translation? Is it missing something important? Because it doesn't sound so awful. I can even frame it as "gushing for your idol senpai" and a couple of other holos talked about the senpais they look up to, during their debuts or at other times. So I don't see the problem, but I haven't seen this stream yet so maybe I am just missing subtext.

>> No.605754

>virtual slut
IRL slut, virtual fake

>> No.605763
File: 734 KB, 3020x1072, 1608150584048.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's been proven again and again, just like the tranny thing.

>> No.605776

Is that why you are mad, anon?

>> No.605779
Quoted by: >>605886

Rrat: She uses to write erotic self insert fanfics in a french forum, that's what i heard

>> No.605807

You are correct she is very vocal about it

>> No.605830
Quoted by: >>605987 >>607403

Hey, if it's fake do correct me. I find her annoying but my opinion isn't set in stone yet, and I don't want to think she's a bad person.

So what's the true downlow on her?

If you say so.

>> No.605836

>" cheated on bf', though. Nobody likes a cheater."
Who's your oshi? I doxxmog everyone itt HARD, I might have some news for you. I hope you didnt clic on this thread because you thought it was your pekora thread because then i really have some news for you.

>> No.605870
Quoted by: >>606037

>literally one guy

>> No.605886

I don't really have an oshi, I follow these girls casually.

That's kind of a nothing burger, then.

>> No.605916
Quoted by: >>606019

>cgl hamplanets
A lot of them are actually pretty hot, surprisingly

>> No.605965
Quoted by: >>606066

>bunch of fake shit
the fact it is being deleted pretty much proves its real

>> No.605987
Quoted by: >>606050

>So what's the true downlow on her?
She's had a hard life and has cripplingly low self-esteem.

>> No.606000

Not that anon but Gura hasn't done anything, she was literary an autistic toy otaku.

>> No.606019

They are also very sex positive I doubt they would morally castigate another women for cheating or even doing porn

>> No.606037 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>606273 >>606903

He's just one example. Most Kiara anti posts had extremely broken English and no capitalization for months until the SEAroaches finally realized how obvious they are. And of course, it's well known the anti posts spike HARD whenever SEAniggers wake up. This has been consistent for like a year.

>> No.606039
Quoted by: >>606109 >>606186

I just like to see bad people suffer, specially if they are sjw woke sluts

You're going nowhere, if there was a big yab on any of the other girls, the nips would already be digging up stuff.
Just because there's one rotten apple it doesn't make everyone else the same.
Chickenfags should accept the truth and move on.

>> No.606046

She did shove Kiara from the 5th gen building but the whole stream was so scripted it's not a surprise.

>> No.606050
Quoted by: >>606297

So she's a woman. What do you mean by hard life?

>> No.606066

All the shit that was posted is on lolcow, and even they're calling that shit fake, because despite having an army of 5ch NEETs scouring the internet, no-one's been able to produce any fucking evidence. See: >>604811

>> No.606079

pretty much this is what happened, Pekora didn't really know how to answer it so she just used a default polite idol response, slightly awkward but not levels of cringe eop's are apparently imagining

>> No.606099

Face it o' whiteknight, Kiara is just a special strain of whore.

>> No.606109
Quoted by: >>606152 >>606229

>specially if they are sjw woke sluts
Yeah she does seem like the type, doesn't she?

>> No.606152

she gets paid enough to keep it out of her work

>> No.606163
Quoted by: >>606323

They are sex positive but that doesn't they aren't also major bitches who will use anything they can to fuck with other women. They have whole threads dedicated to making fun of certain cosplayers and there is also a lot of jealousy on that board.

>> No.606186

Nips suck dick at doxxing and most of their content comes from korean antis and digusting indogs. I honest to god think the average iq for a majority of 2ch is around 80.
Chinks are more organized and exponentially more autistic about doxxing, but they're even dumber and quick to devolve into infighting.

>> No.606229
Quoted by: >>606323

Not that anon, i don't have a horse in this race ,i just enjoy the drama. But Kiara has been pretty much confirmed to be an major SJW.

>> No.606273

They don't like her because she is a whore unlike the other EN girls, she deserves the hates she gets from SEAbros

>> No.606297
Quoted by: >>606345 >>607611

She's had antis since she started her online weeb thing over ten years ago. People making shit up on 2ch when she was trying to launch her career as an idol during her teens. She couldn't handle it, and quit. Gave up on her dream. All after learning fluent Japanese in one year, and joining a real idol group signed by an agency. This was between the ages of 15 and 17.

>> No.606323

cgl is sex positive when it suits them and sex negative when they want to be turbo bitches. Like all women.

I imagine most of hololiveEN are sjws to some degree, it doesn't surprise me that the one whose gimmick is "LOOK AT ME I'M A HORNY LESBIAN JAJAJAJA" is one.

>> No.606345
Quoted by: >>606484

>between the ages of 15 and 17.
Do her parents just not give a fuck?

>> No.606359
Quoted by: >>606639

>Coco is not the literal retard people make her out to be
>picks a fight with the most cancerous base of internet

>> No.606361
File: 641 KB, 1565x1878, die.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>606431

Fuck off already you retarded fag.

>> No.606368
File: 126 KB, 825x729, lunanuclear.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Secret knowledge fags deserve the boats. They are the scum of the Earth. They are cowardly filth out to attack people at the slightest sign of weakness or mistake. They take advantage of strangers' curiosity to sell dirty laundry as if it were some truth. Nothing but beasts of carrion, they are. Faceless nobodies, living nothings, they would squirm and whine if they were in the position they put others. Which I've seen, as I've seen entire careers built on such debauchery. They are all the same. They see nothing wrong with it, just like they see nothing wrong with themselves, never their own judge but always the judge of others. But who put them in the place to judge? God's wrath should fall in full on those who think themselves entitled to His right: they should be burned all together in dark cauldrons filled with boiling excrement, with no place to move, with only poison to breathe, in the deepest and darkest of the pits of Hell.

Scum, I spit on your faces! May I hit one of your eyes that you go blind in it, and may you go blind in the other soon thereafter, cowards! May all your sense dull, save for the sense of pain! May you only know suffering in this life and in any coming life!

>> No.606398
Quoted by: >>606632

cgl is the PULL embassy on 4chan. They're only "sex positive" when its them, everyone else is a slut.
A board of mentally deranged, self-hating, ugly whores that project onto marginally more attractive, equally deranged and self-hating cosplayers and get buttmad when anyone is succesful at all.

>> No.606431

just comment filter BBC you won't miss anything

>> No.606447
File: 287 KB, 1024x1024, 1613356332304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow moona lives rent free in your head

>> No.606484
Quoted by: >>606545

It's heavily implied by Kiara that her mom is the "let your kids do whatever they want" type of parent, and her biological dad is out of the picture. This would explain why she acts the way she does, but I don't fault her for it.

>> No.606491
Quoted by: >>607283

Whats this from

>> No.606545
Quoted by: >>606676

Okay all the whoring and porn stories are now WAY more believable

>> No.606607
Quoted by: >>606881

Because most people in this thread didn't watch the stream, or they hate Kiara so much that they interpret anything she does in the worst way imaginable.

>> No.606632
Quoted by: >>606754

Cope rrats are the elders of knowledge. Here before you and here after. Vtubers graduate but rrats and their wisdom is forever.

It's all true, except the fat part. A lot of them are really hot, know it and are super stuck up about it. Also whats PULL mean?

>> No.606639

The cover situation is actually the first time the chinks have done this, at least to this extent. Cover losing the rights to musedash over a streamer showing "taiwan" on stream is unprecendented.
I wouldnt fault Coco for thinking it was going to be like the other time someone online got "NGA" mad. I assume there's something else going on behind the scenes, probably some chink company trying their hand at vtubing and wanting to remove the competition.
Full rrat but knowing tieba has a fat stack on the coco anti campaign, its probably Baidu.

I wouldnt fault you for thinking it has always been like this though, I understand you're one of the "i dont have a horse in this race" shitposters or another one of the /pol/ tourists that have zero (0) knowledge about china or asia but want to have an opinion on taiwan. Enjoy the thread.

>> No.606676

She has a stepdad and several siblings that she's close to. Her family life is fine. If it wasn't, she wouldn't be moving back to Austria to stream with her family.

>> No.606682
Quoted by: >>607071

>Over a fourth (1/4, 25%+) of the current hololive roster has done some amount of sexual stuff online
Lies, just because your oshi is a whore you're trying to justify such behavior by trying to sully the other girls.
>Both of them have been implied to have JAVs, on 5ch
Debunked a million times already.
The former does solo stuff and the latter's alleged video is a deepfake made by her old NND antis, you can literally watch it yourself, and the original video of the girl used for that was also found.
>neither does Kiara
Wait until the nips stop digging then, why getting so worked up over nothing?

>> No.606713
Quoted by: >>607171

indogs only hates gura

>> No.606754
Quoted by: >>607005

>whats PULL mean?
PULL means you dont know shit about cgl or their culture, their posting methods, or the sites these narratives come from and you'll be easily swindled by the seething lards.
Its all true, especially the fat and ugly part. The ones that post are the 0,1% that can manage to look passable for a photoshoot.

>> No.606806

>She has a stepdad
The poor girl never had a chance

>> No.606814

She's moving back to Austria because her visa is expiring and Japan is kicking her out.

>> No.606881
Quoted by: >>607407

Regarding the things I heard, I feel much more sorry for her roommate than angry or so. Like her life just fucking sucked and that leads to bad decisions.
Come to think of it, I actually saw the end of this as some clip. I don't think I will watch the whole stream, I barely get through one stream a day. I am not immune to wanting to see things a certain way, i.e. I want to like all the chuubas and some dirt sticking to them or their room mates would just ruin the whole experience for me.
HAHAHAHAHAHA I simply must repost this when I think it's funny.

>> No.606903

This is pure cringe

>> No.606905
Quoted by: >>606975 >>607003

The Japanese goverment is smart enough to consider being an Ethot unworthy of a work visa

>> No.606975


>> No.607003
Quoted by: >>607091

No they aren't. Cover will eventually get the right to sponsor work visas. They just have a bunch of hoops to jump through.

>> No.607005

Nigga im a horny retard, i follow some of them on IG as fapbait. They are hot

>> No.607007
Quoted by: >>607094 >>607131

She wants to go back.

>> No.607071
Quoted by: >>607368

>"just wait bro its there, this time its true"
lol. I hope they dont have the same sleuth crack squad that took an actual calendar year to find FBK.

>> No.607091

Dude Kiara is graduating as soon as that plane touches down.

>> No.607094

What makes you think so? I had the impression she loves it there, now where she has a workmate she can spend time with, a good job, and she's gay for japan.

>> No.607120

That cover can now give work visas for their talent and kiara turned it down.

>> No.607131

Yeah, she mentioned Cover can get her an extended VISA like what Mori's on, but she wants to see her cats again.
For you bored doxfags, you can find Kiara's cats on instagram. They have their own account.

>> No.607171
File: 443 KB, 714x2128, IMG_20210215_094559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>607631


>> No.607195

Yeah if she didn't voluntarily leave before holo I don't see why she would leave now.

>> No.607283
Quoted by: >>607572

I wrote it just now.

>> No.607348
Quoted by: >>611006

Anon, its clear you don't watch her. Kiara is hating her stay at Japan even with all the good things and contacts Hololive has given her, because her house is shitty, her neighbourhood is shitty and japanese are shitty. But most of all, she wants to take care of her cats, the things that she loves most in this world, even more than her family. She doesn't feel welcome nor safe in Japan and is constantly paranoid about people following her and it is with good reason she feels that way.

>> No.607368
Quoted by: >>607467 >>607730

I don't know if there's a video, personally I'm inclined to believe there is something somewhere if people melt down like this on every thread.
Other minor things that were denied at first ended up proven to be true.

>> No.607403

Basically she had a stalker/harasser pedophile called Jrcach (just google him, he has lolcow threads and is infamous on 2ch). He lured white girl idols to Japan and tried to get them to fuck him, basically some kind of sugardaddy attempt by a creepy NEET pedophile. When they refuse he starts harassing them. Kiara was one of those girls. So the guy went nuts and started spreading fake news about her to her managers as well as on his schizo blog, which basically got her fired from the idol industry. When the management found out the ruse it was already too late and they didn't care to fix it. This is how her idol career ended originally and why she was depressed until finding hololive. This is where ALL the whore/JAV rrats originated from.

>> No.607407
Quoted by: >>607810 >>611006

>I feel much more sorry for her roommate than angry or so. Like her life just fucking sucked and that leads to bad decisions.
Don't be Captaib save-a-ho, dude. If she really fucked her producer for money and in doing so cheated on her bf then it's not a 'poor girl DX' moment. It's a 'fucking thot' moment.

>> No.607467

>I'm inclined to believe there is something somewhere if people melt down like this on every thread.
You need medication. Your mind doesn't work correctly.

>> No.607530

>She has a stepdad
That's fairly common story for sex workers

>> No.607572
Quoted by: >>607733

I liked it

>> No.607611

She didn't quit, she was fucked over.

First it was immigration banning her from performing in live houses, which are the bread and butter of idol work, so she pivoted to doing solo performing/modeling.

After that it was the anti who got her fired.

>> No.607631
Quoted by: >>607886

why did indogs hate Gura anyway?

>> No.607643

The funny thing about JRCACh is that I looked up all of this shit back in September, all the "proof" and NND videos spammed on /jp/ about it. One video was from JRCACh and was supposedly a "confession" from one of her co-idols about Kiara's roommate. Turns it it was just the fucking dude speaking like a girl through a voice changer. Like a really bad 2011 voice changer. That's when I knew all this shit was fake.

>> No.607730
Quoted by: >>608286

>I'm inclined to believe there is something somewhere if people melt down like this on every thread.
Please understand that since october the only source there is is "its on 5ch", but for 5ch is "its on private collections", but no one can tell you where. Who has it, whats it called, where was it seen last. No one has even a frame of the video for confirmation, but everyone in every thread is sure it exists.
You and the rest are just mentally unwell and need a solid reason to hate on EN Marine other than "she's Marine."

>> No.607733

Noblesse oblige, the last part of the first paragraph is paraphrased from Joyce's Portrait.

>> No.607810

Literally the only source of those rrats is the pedo schizo >>607403 mentioned.
This isn't a "this may or may not have happened" thing.

>> No.607829

There's very little secret knowledge. Usually when something is findable by normal internet means, and you found it, you're probably not the first.
People that say their girlfriend goes ot another school are almost always lying.

>> No.607886
Quoted by: >>608264

Chumbabies harassing Iofi after JP EN ID among us collab.

>> No.607888
Quoted by: >>608286

>actual, literal stalker tries to ruin her life for years and he still couldn't dig up any tangible dirt on her despite literally knowing her IRL

Imagine ruining your mental health over this, day in day out trying to force rrats that aren't real kek. Literally Qlarp level autism.

>> No.607952
Quoted by: >>608112

This has been said to death and people still dont know because 80% of both threads (now a whole board) is newfags at any given moment.

>> No.608112

Really fucking strange how many newfags there are here just because the threads got their own board, I see these "hurr I just started watching" posts, people calling Mori Calli, and not knowing entry level lore every day now.
Was /jp/ really that much of a newfag ward?

>> No.608169

Damn I have a lot of sympathy for Kiara. Just imagining making an earnest attempt at your dreams as an entertainer, with all the accompanying potential for embarrassing failure with tons of witnesses, only to attract the attention of a gaggle of insane, malicious faggots who hate you and catalogue your every move out of pure viciousness. Hope everything goes well for her from now on. Happy she caught this ray of good hope during a particularly bad year.

>> No.608264

>gurafags spending more than 24 hours shitting up hlgg because risu got gura killed on the among us game.
>gurafags spending an additional 24 hours shitting up the thread again because gura played like shit and got killed every time in among us.
These actually made me tone down my sheep posting. I didnt realize how absolutely cancerous and fucking obnoxious a single group of people could be until I had to share a thread with literal fucking children sliding the whole board complaining about a mafia game, and I was on /co/ in 2010.

>> No.608286
Quoted by: >>608395 >>608422

I have fun lurking these threads thanks to buttblasted white knights like yourself. If there's a video I'll come here just to laugh at you again, if there's none then whatever.
I'm not the one wasting my time defending some western whore nor part of the people doing the research.

>> No.608333

How have mods not killed this thread? I thought roomate stuff was off limits?

>> No.608395
Quoted by: >>608557

>i have fun shitting up a board
I know. Now you also know there is no video, that it was made up, and that you're a gullible mongoloid falling for fabricated vtuber (a girl with an anime facerig) soap opera drama on the /vt/ board of a 2004 anime imageboard sister site of SA.
Get better at this.

>> No.608422
Quoted by: >>608557

No you just post here every waking hour of your day, every day of the week, because you are completely obsessed.
>n-n-no i d-don't *sniffles*
Keep posting for 5 more hours schizo KEK
And rinse and repeat tomorrow. And the next day. And the day after that. This is your life kek

>> No.608507
Quoted by: >>608968

They only care if it's Gura

>> No.608557
Quoted by: >>608822

All the dead posts with actual pictures backing the other rrats were fabricated?
Blatant samefagging.

>> No.608575

You know why it is but if you say it you get a vacation.
*Ironic post, I think moderation is unbiased. This post is in relation to vtubers or the vtuber board. This is not a complaint.

>> No.608653

Roommate stuff is off limits, but since mods wanted to keep this thread around, we had to post the actual truth to drown out the blatant lies.
Still sage when replying so this thread could die quicker anyway.

>> No.608822
Quoted by: >>609052

How long have you been on /hlg/? Actual question. I actually cannot believe you dont know about jrcach, pull,... Its actually a google search away. I know you "dont care" (but still post), but at least try.
>actual pictures
the ones the guy that posted admitted it has no relation? You got swindled, im sorry. I hope you didnt lose too much on GME.
Yes, narratives are fabricated. They're lies. People lied to you because they dont like X streamer.

>> No.608968

You mean tranny shark not baby shark

>> No.609052
Quoted by: >>609260

>the ones the guy that posted admitted it has no relation?
That anon didn't even type a thing, it was literally the same person in both pictures and only roommate posting gets nuked, you're fooling nobody.

>> No.609244
Quoted by: >>609400

Doubt. She came to Japan to be a groupie of a minor celebrity, won't be surprised if she joined gangbangs for it. Just hope there are videos, and the celebrity himself didn't want to touch her probably because she is overused.
Also calling herself a school teacher doesn't really sound convincing with the level of JP she uses.

>> No.609260
Quoted by: >>609553

Im talking about @604676 you mong. You've got to be either trolling or qtard levels of stupid to have proof something is a lie and still believe in it because you want it to be true.
Im sorry you had to learn it from me.

>> No.609400

>Also calling herself a school teacher doesn't really sound convincing with the level of JP she uses
I mean it's not like people in JET are known for their exceptional fluency. She is more then likely a whore though

>> No.609553

>it's all lies! I got no sources but you must believe me and not the people that can back their shit with actual pictures!
you're not even using extensions yet you call other people retards

>> No.609631

Not that guy, but you're obviously new here since you don't know that people use "@" to avoid giving people (You)'s.
Also those "actual pictures" didn't match what the person was claiming.

>> No.609672

>actual pictures
but what pictures, if they themselves say they dont have the video? pictures of what?
im not quoting the post because its been manually deleted by a janny, I dont want to give it (you)'s and because you can copy and paste the code if you want to know what it is.
what extension turns my @s into >>s, you mutant?

>> No.609889

not the guy you are responding to either FYI. If you want your narrative to stick and convince people it is real, you make a story up around something, that you can proof. Basicly you mix some truths with blatant lies, then proof that one part is legit (through a pic f.e) and hope the people reading swallow the whole rrat.

>> No.610989

An then they just ddted Aqua.
Shit was fucked.

>> No.611006

Sure, but the story before and after that is mostly why I feel sorry. And yet... consider what circumstances would be necessary for you to fuck someone for money when you have a boyfriend you arguably depend on.
I guess I will learn about this sooner or later.

>> No.611105
Quoted by: >>611156 >>611706

> And yet... consider what circumstances would be necessary for you to fuck someone for money when you have a boyfriend you arguably depend on
Makes it an even bigger betrayal if you ask me. No sympathy for hos.

>> No.611156
Quoted by: >>611706

None of that shit happened. See >>607403

>> No.611163

This honestly. Kiara wasn't trying to become friends with Pekora, but just simply said she looked up to her

>> No.611203
Quoted by: >>611523 >>611706

In a first world country you never need to resort to fucking men for money. There are always other choices.

>> No.611523
Quoted by: >>611706 >>611807

She's a highschool dropout in a foreign country all she could do was porn and fuck old men. Not excusing it just pointing out

>> No.611706
Quoted by: >>611749

Thanks for the reminder. I am not treating it as something that happened, just as a hypothetical.
That may be. I look at it that way: What would be necessary for me to sell sex to someone I am not interested in or going to enjoy it with? The answer is nothing that doesn't blow over in a few years. I'd unironically rather kill myself first. I can think of circumstances like these >>611523 but they are far removed from my life so what do I know.

>> No.611749

I phrased that poorly. The answer is SOMETHING that will NOT blow over by the next few years.

>> No.611807
Quoted by: >>615397

Believeit or not prostitution isnt the only job open to high school dropouts, this is Japan, not Somalia. Get a job at a fucking convienence store or something.

Never mind that the choices that led to being a highschool dropout in a foreign country are your fault and responsibility.

>> No.612875

and bullied other small time streamers in her NND days.

>> No.615397

Highschool is not even mandatory for some office jobs.

>> No.616507

Are you Bleach's Tsukishima intervening with events in the past? Noice.
