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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 175 KB, 1440x960, @OtogiKeny_F3iLMyXaMAIPYtm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56134101 No.56134101 [Reply] [Original]
Quoted by: >>56134165

For the 61st time, what is Ope?!
Also ENTER the Demon of Sound and Lover of Idols, Nerissa Ravencroft from Hololive EN Advent.
Upcoming stream
Past stream
Cover of PinoccioP - God-ish / 神っぽいな
Love Me, Love Me, Love Me (English cover of Kikuo - 愛して愛して愛して ).
Rebellion (Hololive English -Advent- Debut Song)
>Useful Links
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@NerissaRavencroft
Twitter: https://twitter.com/nerissa_en
Art Tags: #RavenCrafts on Twitter (Lewds : #depravencrafts on Twitter), RavenCrafts, Nerissa Ravencroft or ネリッサ・レイヴンクロフト on pixiv
Merch: https://rentry.org/nerissa_ravencroft_merch
Previous thread: >>56102529
A word of advice: as per >>1, be smart and don't reply or engage in off-topic or blatant bad faith arguments. To keep peace, hide and report.

>> No.56134165
File: 1.18 MB, 4096x2663, F3a_prcW0AAymxQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Debut Stream
Crunchyroll Interviews
/ope/'s library (the stream curated page and the membership page aren't up yet)
Nerissa's Sounds
Current OP Template

>> No.56134763
File: 2.93 MB, 2000x2880, 1676400222251801.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to have rough baby making sex with Nerissa Ravencroft. I want the PLAP PLAP PLAP sound of my thighs slamming against her huge ass to ring through the room as the force of our skin meeting causes ripples to travel through her wobbly backside.When I'm near my limit I will yell "GET PREGNANT" loud enough for the neighbors to hear as I fertilize her womb.
I will allow her lesbian friends to help raise our offspring and the child will refer to Kiara as "auntie kiwawa".
No I will not take my meds, they give me erectile dysfunction.

>> No.56135023
Quoted by: >>56135660

Bijou Nerissa zatsu collab when...

>> No.56135577

i don't like other kamipoi cover...yes even ado and la+ cover

>> No.56135611
File: 271 KB, 387x523, 1663106601527635.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>long technical explanation about why Cats is shit
>a few moments later
>reveal that she never watched it
4Chan in a nutshell, literallly one of us.

>> No.56135660
File: 227 KB, 1645x2048, @spacemakii_F3ftFQVbYAAqOM_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hopefully next week...That said if there's more Terraria inbound, there might be more banter between the two of them. We'll see but I feel like it's still going to be happening right after the "mandatory" collab with FWMC if that thing sees the day light.

>> No.56135790

she said she wouldnt watch it, not that its shit

>> No.56136437

Nerissa is a boobs woman no? Meanwhile, Kiara is an ass woman, I think it's another incompatibility
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DfthtG5o0ls&t [Embed]

>> No.56136537

you tried this last thread

>> No.56137020

stop, im not watching your trash clips

>> No.56137029

Truly the cultured response.

>> No.56137457

My wife Nerissa

>> No.56137483

>numberfagging again

>> No.56137631


>> No.56137713
Quoted by: >>56138007

>my oshi doesn't watch too much anime
>I don't watch too much anime anime is shit
it's not even remotely the same thing

>> No.56137821

My wife is so grateful for my support

>> No.56138007
Quoted by: >>56138394

who even has time to keep up with anime with vtubers around?
you would need to be a neet2 to keep up with both

>> No.56138394

nice reply:
there have been some nice anime that have recently come out. you dont have to watch all or many of them if youre busy, but i have seen people flat out dismiss them as shit without even seeing them, which is not really a surprise but it does need to be called out

callous reply:
i guess that's why /vt/ is a containment board. people here needed to be and got contained hard.

>> No.56138582
File: 140 KB, 850x1130, __nerissa_ravencroft_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_togare__sample-46654d11c75adb9ddb4ae35ab0defef9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See these 400k subs? All my alt accounts btw

>> No.56138704

They're one and the same.

>> No.56138827

Nerissa Ravencock

>> No.56139005

Can you guys explain to me why does she have antis on her Twitter replies?

>> No.56139015
Quoted by: >>56139051

I think Nerissa will have full roster unlocked for Holocure, I mean she loves Hololive so much that It is not possible to missing out on Holocure right?

>> No.56139044

>Narissa isn't team green
Jailbirds, your oshi was so close to being perfect.

>> No.56139051
Quoted by: >>56139122

it's ok if she doesn't. what's the point of playing that game if you have everything already?

>> No.56139072
File: 21 KB, 588x133, 1687359432783971.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56139144

What the fuck

>> No.56139122

early access gives the all the shop upgrades btw

>> No.56139144

BAU BAU..... wait a god damn minute

>> No.56139570
Quoted by: >>56139607

Do people replying to her tweets behave like antis?

>> No.56139607

The zoki dude

>> No.56139657
Quoted by: >>56139690

Is it a seething 2view or a simp thereof?

>> No.56139690

He used to anti all the myth girls especially Kiara. He still does retarded shit like make alts and post stupid shit in the girls art tags

>> No.56139699

Zoki is a mentally ill moron who wants attention from holomembers, he steals other people's artwork, try to pass it off as his own to get likes and attention from holomembers, he has been doing this for several years now.

>> No.56139808
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>> No.56140650
File: 210 KB, 559x703, 1692088168476.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'll never forgive EUshitter if she change her stream to EU time slot

>> No.56140675

i dont care ill just watch vods

>> No.56140784

Fuck you. I don't want to watch Rissa streams at 3am on a work day!

>> No.56140812
Quoted by: >>56140854

She'd have to consistently screw up her sleeping schedule to manage that.

>> No.56140854

I mean her sleep schedule is pretty fucked already

>> No.56140945

Yesterday's stream might be a rare exception since she watch Kiara while working on stuff. So keyword: working on stuff. IF anything, she might stream during Ina/Fauna hours at the earliest but I kinda doubt that.
Now that said, doing collabs with Kiara will definitely happen during EU primetime or sometime near that spot.

>> No.56141289

Why are you even going through them

>> No.56141521

>Nerissa's reply to FWMC has 3 BAUs
ah-hem... it's two BAUs only. BAU BAU. not BAU BAU BAU.

>> No.56141580

The first Bau is for Fuwawa, the second Bau is for Mococo, the third Bau is Nerissa

>> No.56141789

Nerissautism... pls andastand

>> No.56142188
File: 2.37 MB, 1240x1754, 110841907_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else feels like the HoloCure streams could be the longest ones for a while? Like before she even goes back to Terraria or Story of Seasons (which would be very long streams for the later according to her if that thing becomes a series). I can see her going on tangents about the holomems she plays with and there's that Harvest Moon thing that now is implemented with the update that I have no clue of what this is about and what impact it has on the main game in general.

What is granted is her playing as Kiara at some point (even from the get-go) I can see her try the other Myths before doing gacha stuff. I am curious about her talking about the JPs/IDs at some point in these streams.

>> No.56142635
File: 149 KB, 576x634, pbf3ou (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Psst made some Rissa lewds for you jailbirds. Let me know what you think.

>> No.56142679

I wasn't expecting Nerissa to be the giga-autist of the gen but hey I'm up for it.

>> No.56143503
File: 281 KB, 2048x2021, F3jbztpbcAA5FVJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.56143820
Quoted by: >>56158976


>> No.56144666

Nah that's still Shiori, albeit they're autistic in different ways. Love them both regardless

>> No.56144836
File: 426 KB, 2480x3508, @Lightopotato_F3kHRtBacAAU5rh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56144841
File: 77 KB, 845x575, 1691056273045689.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we are getting fucking spoilt like children i embrace having the best oshi fuck everyone else

>> No.56144928

Bro Fuwamoco do like 5 BAUs at the start /end of their streams, there are no strict rules to BAUing.

>> No.56144971

Thou shalt bau shall be the whole of the law

>> No.56145021

BAU BAU mufuka

>> No.56145074
File: 854 KB, 3413x4096, @Netral561_F3kEbTgbwAE6yQX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56146154
File: 2.23 MB, 4260x2400, 110857276_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56146152

No thoughts only BAU BAU

>> No.56146156
File: 151 KB, 848x1200, 1676575038856062.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.56146288

I wanna violently bite into that thigh...

>> No.56146940

I need those thighs wrapped around my head effective immediately

>> No.56147025
File: 106 KB, 1580x1280, F3jc2YBacAA6cUp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56147650

Nerissa and Marine really grew onto me, i start to see similarities in both and its great. Nerissa specifically is near perfect to me. This "edgy" backstory, cool outfit, long black hair, big boobs and very possibly similar age group to me its just chef's kiss good, there are cons like the unholy pizza toppings preference, MLP, hitting a bit too high notes sometimes in her songs but hey we all got our flaws in the end. This is exactly the kind of girl i've been waiting for in hololive and the madmen delivered.


>> No.56147180
Quoted by: >>56147411

Your guys' oshi sings pretty gud. Lookin forward to more. +1 respect

>> No.56147411
File: 1.16 MB, 2480x3508, 110858622_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56149311

There's an unarchived karaoke this weekend and a few more covers to come following God-ish. Hope you'll appreciate it. Jailbirds are eating in that department, not gonna lie between the debut, what she showed in On Hand Clapping, the first karaoke and the covers released so far.

>> No.56147650
Quoted by: >>56148998

You're getting annoying with the mlp shit

>> No.56148723
File: 671 KB, 4096x2303, @HitatsuPhat_F3ka-UGboAEfFn1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56148998
Quoted by: >>56149264

this is the first time i post here, quit being paranoid and get the point i try to get across.

>> No.56149264

The point being what?

>> No.56149311

I'll be checking it out then, thanks for letting me know

>> No.56150639
File: 1.45 MB, 2338x3760, 110859741_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56151711

i miss her...

>> No.56152253
Quoted by: >>56158976

Good shit, anon. Keep it up.

>> No.56152440 [DELETED] 

What do we think of her first original song?

>> No.56153574
File: 1.96 MB, 1548x2083, 110846987_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.56153860

Hot sweaty hag sex with myo nee-san

>> No.56154010 [SPOILER] 
File: 169 KB, 850x1122, __nerissa_ravencroft_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_mile_off8mile__sample-cb35cbf554a4a9e6d879aa36486805df.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56154055

I miss you, jailbird...

>> No.56154055

She's mocking me...

>> No.56154601

So what generally happens to a fanbase when someone slams clams? Obviously people freak the fuck out whenever a male is involved but does anyone care about Nerissa being soaking wet for Kiara?

>> No.56155119

You'd probably have to ask KFP but I don't think any of them are crying about how much gay sex Kiara and Reine had on their Maldives vacation.
I know they'll be a sliver of the fans re: femcels who will get unironically jealous, but would you be mad if you heard stories from Nerissa about the rose petal bath she took with Kiara?

>> No.56155369

Nah, yuri sex is hot
it's that simple

>> No.56156127
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>> No.56157410
File: 8 KB, 426x124, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking made it bros

>> No.56157758
Quoted by: >>56158032

haven't watched this vtuber yet, is she a hetslut like the crazy eyes one?

>> No.56157849
File: 145 KB, 1696x1090, F2L4aRAa8AA4Tg4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welp, small mention of Nerissa by Kobo during her outfit reveal (because she has buttwings too) calling her Nerri-chan. Nothing too crazy.

>> No.56158032
Quoted by: >>56158084

she's only mentioned a handful of fictional male characters she likes across all of her streams so far, none are vtubers, she's never spoken of anything remotely close to a 'husbando', she's far more invested in talking about girls she likes, who include members of hololive

>> No.56158084

>she's only mentioned a handful of fictional male characters she likes
likes in what way? does she do GFE? thanks for your response.

>> No.56158089
Quoted by: >>56158976

Ph nice shes got a model?

>> No.56158521
Quoted by: >>56158618

Like as in the most common use for the word 'like'. She happens to like, say, characters like Rock Lee, Sephiroth and Aragorn.
My interpretation of what counts as 'GFE' needs many more zatsudan streams compared to what Nerissa does. Shiori is the better example of a GFE vtuber in Advent, if not the whole Hololive EN. Shiori has been seen in the waiting room chat, addressing people who give her superchats by name, even when she isn't streaming.

>> No.56158618
Quoted by: >>56158733

god i hate shiori

>> No.56158733

Advent hasn't even open memberships, it's going to get even more ridiculous then

>> No.56158854
Quoted by: >>56159133

Kobo is kinda cute, isn't she

>> No.56158948
File: 45 KB, 720x736, IMG_5492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I nut

>> No.56158976
Quoted by: >>56159210

Yeah its koikatsu
Ay thanks anon
Cards in an archived horni thread bless the person who made it.

>> No.56159133
File: 225 KB, 1439x1087, F2Dzhi9aAAA-TDS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56160060

Kobo isn't exactly my cup of tea (I prefer the other two genmates by far) but she is cute indeed. I wonder how the interactions will be with her since it seems that ID-wise, Nerissa seems closer to Ollie, Kaela and Kobo (seeing the buttwings and flying with Kiara saga pre-debut which was pretty fun, not gonna lie). I'd ask to see when she'll eventually collab with Reine too since she's my favorite ID.

Guess we'll see when the megacollab with Fauna, Bijou, Kaela and Kobo will be finally happening.

>> No.56159210

Oh noice, can you link me the thread?

>> No.56159723

Back in highschool my ex girlfriend would fawn over guys in TV shows and stuff, it really doesn't break the gfe deal to me. Its a pretty normal woman thing
Even we do it, I like to tell the pebbles their oshi is highly fuckable

>> No.56160060

>I'd ask to see when she'll eventually collab with Reine too since she's my favorite ID.
Same. I feel like they'll get along well, similar to the IRyS and Reine dynamic.

>> No.56160166

so Nerissa says she's a KFP because staff asked it of her, right?

>> No.56160274

She literally showed up to her audition in the KFP uniform

>> No.56160272

You have to be mentally ill to feel cucked by lesbianism desu

>> No.56160286

Yeah, she's actually plotting to get in close to kiara to destroy her career
so kiara becomes solely dependent on Nerissa for the rest of time

>> No.56160289

Nereissa is the only KFP that is not held hostage

>> No.56160292
File: 310 KB, 499x544, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56160671


>> No.56160326
Quoted by: >>56160628

Different types of streamers simply end up having different types of fanbases

>> No.56160394

She's a true believer. She's the one sending the KFP members who require reeducation to the gas chambers.

>> No.56160628

oops, meant for >>56154601

>> No.56160671
Quoted by: >>56160729

thumbnailAnon-chama will cry again.

>> No.56160723

I can't believe she won't watch Ina's favourite movie....

>> No.56160729

I like her thumbnails as they are and hope she continues, she gives us good facial expressions for screenshotting

>> No.56160733

You will get a lot of art from horny lesbians

>> No.56160888
Quoted by: >>56161007

What anon says. I think she is a shitposter knowing what she was doing by doing these thumbnails. I like the sovl.

>> No.56160904

What happens to me is to start imagining threesome with both girls.

>> No.56161007

Didn't she mention that it's because she already made a bunch of them? It's also why she isn't using fanart for it yet

>> No.56161060

>Didn't she mention that it's because she already made a bunch of them?
Yep. Then again, I think she may have done for shitposting reasons, so we'll see.

>> No.56161162

Yes it will most likely become fanart in the near future, which I get lots of people like, seeing fanmade stuff make it to thumbnails but dammit I want more model expressions

>> No.56161527
File: 1.19 MB, 2824x1618, @ftr9ra1co_F3lanO7bcAAdtqu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56162601


>> No.56162601


>> No.56162743

>Me before debut: raven might be my favorite?
Me after her debut stream: ok, they're all awful, but Nerissa might be salvageable...
>Me after Rissa's most recent stream: she's a psycho Kiara fan. of all the people... Dropped, all is lost. She must have been lobotomized to have any positive feelings towards that wench. Gg, go next. Gen 4 est. 2027.

>> No.56162895
Quoted by: >>56163366

Bye bye BAU BAU~

>> No.56163268
Quoted by: >>56163366

Nobody asked, Nijitranny.

>> No.56163366

Their bait gets sadder with each passing day

>> No.56163523

8 threads from now will be a nice thread

>> No.56164214
File: 1.86 MB, 1530x2270, @takida_185_F3ljfkNXsAswTVM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56165257

Yeah a few streams ago she specifically said that she pre-made like a months worth of thumbnails pre-debut. She said once those are up she's going to start using some fanart.

>> No.56166318
Quoted by: >>56166475

I liked the collab. Its easy to think of her as cringe, but since I see Nerissa as an older sister type, her defaulting to things she liked as a young girl just feels, natural. If I have to justify it with kayfabe, I like the thought of a millenia old demon onee-sama, after years of captivity, enjoying fucking Naruto of all things.

Its cringy, but its also cute. And blessed, in a way.

>> No.56166475

she's the onee-san watame of en. I can't find her lewd at all

>> No.56167019
Quoted by: >>56167056

i hope the kiara arc is finally over

>> No.56167056


>> No.56167102

Would you watch a movie that was filmed entirely on a flip phone from the 00s?

>> No.56167190

>Hiya darlings. Feels like it's been a while since it was just us, hasn't it? Did you miss talking to me? I really missed talking with you guys too.
After the couple of collabs, I need this

>> No.56167269

fucking god please

>> No.56167578

Tell me about Rock Lee
Why does Neri nee-chan like him

>> No.56167685

No, I want her to show more contempt

>> No.56167884

eye brows

>> No.56168209

Cause hes the coolest boi in the whole series

>> No.56168525
Quoted by: >>56170977

Rock Lee is a noble idiot who is willing to lay himself on the wire for strangers. He lacks talent but works so hard he can keep up and exceed those with natural gifts. Hes also kind of ugly and weird. A perfect match for Nerissa.

>> No.56169002

Rock Lee represents the themes of Naruto infinitely better than the main character does.

>> No.56169335 [SPOILER] 
File: 493 KB, 711x898, 1665074940353560.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A bit weird but well intentioned
>Surrounded by peers with innate talent so works twice as hard
>Over dramatic, always making a bit of a scene
>When they get a moment to shine it is always a fan favourite
hey wait a minute...

>> No.56169503


>> No.56169535

dont compare rock lee to fucking kiara you kfp nigger

>> No.56170358
Quoted by: >>56171055

i knew her type was the hardworking underdog type

>> No.56170917
File: 92 KB, 455x774, @Wonni___F3lmOd6XsAA2T1n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56171023

Just a WIP

>> No.56170977
Quoted by: >>56171047

>Hes also kind of ugly and weird
That's something good?

>> No.56171023

Extremely cute anon. Stuff like this makes me want to try but I don't know where to start
Give another WIP soon

>> No.56171047
Quoted by: >>56171353

Yes, to Nerissa

>> No.56171055

>hardworking underdog type
She likes Ganyu from Genshin btw

>> No.56171353

How that works?

>> No.56171441

It's manly, cute and proper are feminine traits.

>> No.56171570
Quoted by: >>56171663

She likes Sephiroth though, who's an ikemen

>> No.56171580
Quoted by: >>56172323

But she likes cute girls...

>> No.56171663

she understands why people like Sephiroth

>> No.56172323

cute girls and mainly men

>> No.56172377


>> No.56172536
Quoted by: >>56172624

A hard working talented man with blemishes is hot. Thats just how it is. The problem is when you're ugly and skillless.

>> No.56172544
File: 49 KB, 1000x900, 1675627164643185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's funny, is an underdog (can't do ninja magic like all the other characters), and has some of the best fight scenes in the series
he's also literally her frfr

>> No.56172553

Haku and kpop boybands are manly?

>> No.56172624
Quoted by: >>56173129

Are you a faggot?

>> No.56172750

I have no strong feelings toward Nerissa but she brought Terraria back into the Holo eye so she's alright in my book.

>> No.56173129

No just an ugly dude who gets more girls than I should.

>> No.56173593
File: 85 KB, 358x356, 1691482038714219.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She'll never miss me the way I miss her

>> No.56174245
Quoted by: >>56174777

>Rissa playing a horror game
>Jumpscare happens out of nowhere
>Rissa's scared to death
>Loses control of her demon magic and her tits bounce wildly
>Audible sounds of sloshing milk
>She's too startled to care
>She instead goes into a rant about how jumpscares are a cheap horror tactic, all while her jugs sway and jiggle with nothing to hold them up

>> No.56174479
File: 518 KB, 767x1146, suffering.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god i hope i can finish this shit by the end of the year

>> No.56174777
File: 2.55 MB, 498x279, drool-anime.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56175157

Show us the cake anon. Nice job on the legs btw, looking nice!

>> No.56174894

Looking good so far

>> No.56174907
Quoted by: >>56180638

Do you think Nerissa masturbated more with Kiara or with Marine?

>> No.56175157
File: 758 KB, 448x1301, 23423243.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

probably could have done more with her ass but it'll be covered by her skirt anyways, hopefully with cloth simulation

>> No.56175291

But the panty-less upskirts, anon. The upskirts!

>> No.56175485

From what I see, FWMC is playing HoloCure on a new game without any alterations of the save file. So expecting much of the same for Nerissa. Not that HoloCure is that hard and assuming (keyword: assuming) that she will start playing with Kiara, she will be in a pretty good place.

>> No.56175528
File: 128 KB, 1200x1100, 20230812_092804.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This man didn't sculpt his oshi's oshiri just for the meme... tragic
Either way gotta complement the legs once again, they are looking VERY good. I hope you'll get it done soon enough! Ganbatte! Thanks for sharing your work

>> No.56175803

give her more ass

>> No.56175814
File: 657 KB, 3155x4096, 20230815_214653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I had the drive to learn this km and of thing,how many hours a day/week are you putting into this to hope its done by the end of the year? Trying to gauge how tedious this stuff actually is.
Also that dumpy is utterly unacceptable by nerissa standards anon. You need to pad her with some serious meat.

>> No.56175974
Quoted by: >>56178418

>>56175814 (me)
>drive to learn this km and of thing
*drive to learn this kind of thing
Strokechama's soul possessed my body for a minute

>> No.56176120

has she read the supas from the monetization stream yet?

>> No.56176251
Quoted by: >>56176342

only the reds and pinks, she also read mostly the names, not the messages.
Don't think she'll go back and read the others.

>> No.56176297

She thanked everyone but only read one or two
I imagine it will stay that way until the supa craze dies down to normal levels

>> No.56176342


>> No.56178225
Quoted by: >>56178337

Had to miss the last week of streams, how's she been bros?

>> No.56178337

Terraria and Ring Fit Adventure are must-watches. The new cover is fucking fire.

>> No.56178349
File: 815 KB, 3840x2160, Koikatu-2023-08-15-12-36-20-Render.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.56178418
File: 897 KB, 1348x1247, 232342342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gomen, anon-san. her ass is like that because im trying to model off the reference image as much as i can but it isn't ideal as a reference and i was too much of a fat fuck to draw my own and figured i'd wing it.
ill probably try resizing/scaling parts of her legs to accomodate a larger behind without it looking disproportionate (having a larger ass on an otherwise slim figure - it just looks fucked up unless, someone can give me an example where this looks right? maybe im just shit).

In terms of actual time spent i cant really say since im hobbyist-tier and doing basic shit probably takes me way longer than it does for anyone else. for example I already did the foot and started the leg/ass today, which spanned over hours across the day sporadically. I spent probably half of that time fucking with the geometry/topology on the kneecap/ass so when it's animated it will deform/bend properly (as much as I can get it to anyways).

Honestly anon if you're curious, you can do the blender doughnut tutorial by that annoying twat on youtube and see how you feel about it, if you've the time and drive to spare.

>> No.56178907
Quoted by: >>56179569

thanks for the info anon, i ripped into the lack of ass but the model is actually pretty damn good. it shows off nerissa's legs and thighs which are among her best aspects to me desu
will have a look at the tutorial, i have the free time but never make any use of it. its the same thing with fanart, idk if i should just be grabbing a pencil and paper or get a graphics tablet etc.

>> No.56179362
File: 97 KB, 484x528, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56179479
Quoted by: >>56179779

i gotta try this out and make an open-toed heel variant with dark blue painted nails

>> No.56179482
File: 1.55 MB, 3200x2560, 1665149653189556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sure it isn't that hard to find an anime girl model with a fat ass to use as reference. I'm surprised the idea of using your own even came to mind.

>> No.56179569
File: 146 KB, 410x871, eternal wip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t-thanks anon
drawing on paper is its own skill, you'd find drawing far less of a hassle in general with a tablet, I would say (atleast after you get used to drawing on the tablet, while looking at the screen - unless you get a screen tablet, should you have the money to throw around). No harm in doing both, though. Trying stuff out is it's own reward.

>> No.56179779

>nerissa toes
uohhhh i didn't need this imagination

>> No.56180153
File: 11 KB, 481x53, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nerissa in FWMC chat

>> No.56180181

bless her

>> No.56180220
File: 9 KB, 395x49, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56180358

For context, FWMC congratulated her on 400K subs

>> No.56180385
File: 9 KB, 396x44, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56180638
File: 10 KB, 776x61, lyze.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With Kaela

>> No.56182568

Technically, she called her Nori-chan, her established Kobo Nickname™ from predebut twitter.

>> No.56184301

Less than an hour, do your reps to warm up!

>> No.56184350
Quoted by: >>56186558

My wife Nerissa

>> No.56186178
File: 392 KB, 2877x1752, @EllieR_23_F3m95IZa4AA4HAU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56186558

I wrote this

>> No.56187031
File: 26 KB, 456x65, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

excuse me anons but my onee san darling will be streaming very shortly, i'd appreciate it if you could stop by and give her a watch. No pressure to do so

>> No.56187086

she will use kiara the whole time. i'm calling it

>> No.56187168
Quoted by: >>56187391

who does she cuck kiara with?

>> No.56187186
Quoted by: >>56187391

since when was kiara a filthy indog?

>> No.56187244
File: 425 KB, 1280x757, InaLock III.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone please help I have been on this run for like 3 days.

>> No.56187255

she probably play the game before

>> No.56187345

HoloCure isn't all that hard if you know what you're doing. I wouldn't go ballistic over it like some retards did for GOI.

>> No.56187383


>> No.56187391
Quoted by: >>56187508

with kaela

>> No.56187409

starting, ignore bait post

>> No.56187418


>> No.56187458


>> No.56187508
File: 413 KB, 629x589, unamused.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ive been here longer than i wish

>> No.56187787

those colors of the holocure logo...

>> No.56187802

she already preplayed....

>> No.56187855

Gee a massive Hololive fan played the game before? No shit dude.

>> No.56187857

>already play a ton

>> No.56187868

knew it

>> No.56187883

that shouldnt surprise anyone
also she has a strong track record of having already played games because she's one of us

>> No.56187886
Quoted by: >>56187923

Why such low views compared to Biboo

>> No.56187890

>upgraded everything

>> No.56187910

Holy shit Nerissa

>> No.56187923

No loli model

>> No.56187930

time to play holocure with this in the background

>> No.56187993
Quoted by: >>56188019

Nerissa try to not to be autistic about hololive challenge(impossible)

>> No.56188019
Quoted by: >>56188118

Nerissa try to not be autistic about any game (impossible)

>> No.56188038

This is fucking hilarious to be fair

>> No.56188118

Nerissa try to not be autistic (Dante Must Die Mode)

>> No.56188120
Quoted by: >>56188205

She's so fucking loaded

>> No.56188124
File: 64 KB, 487x603, Matrix review.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56188130

>everyone was lv21 or near at the start.
Holy fucking based

>> No.56188179

She is a fan!

>> No.56188205
File: 295 KB, 1280x717, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A few IRyS Hard stage 2 do the trick desu

>> No.56188214 [DELETED] 

>views tanking this much after the Kiara collab

>> No.56188218

biggest holo EN enjoyer in EN?

>> No.56188237

this is just like me playing this kusoge

>> No.56188243

To be fair, her stream content kind of sucks. It's a good thing she herself is cute.

>> No.56188283

and dont come back

>> No.56188339

why does she like kiara so much? it doesn't make any sense...

>> No.56188356

I just realized this is my first time seeing the game in English

>> No.56188387

Bros, she's further ahead than I am...

>> No.56188389
Quoted by: >>56188457

Idk. Even their humor isn't the same.

>> No.56188417

>gay bird
>gay bird
They are

>> No.56188420
File: 177 KB, 588x223, midwest_internet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.56188457

They're both basic white women

>> No.56188505
Quoted by: >>56188548

gay and/or European

>> No.56188514

so it's like prison where people join gangs based on race?

>> No.56188548

It can be hard to guarantee

>> No.56188560
File: 69 KB, 286x287, 1689075694735992.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's closet Pekora fan

>> No.56188642

stream to check out id girls
start with the phoenix

>> No.56188673

I think Nerissa is losing me bros. I'm starting to become a pebblephile. Best of luck to her though.

>> No.56188715


>> No.56188714

anon....kiara is anything but basic, and that's not a compliment to her

>> No.56188719


>> No.56188732

>that squeal

>> No.56188818

It happens. Can't please everyone

>> No.56188853
Quoted by: >>56188932

that's weird, most pebbles like her
i think you're a shiorifag

>> No.56188932
Quoted by: >>56189012

I like Rissa but I like Biboo more to the point where I can't watch Rissa if Biboo is on.
And I've never watch a Shiori stream apart from her debut.

>> No.56188983

Take care, anon.

>> No.56188986

What even is the point of announcing something like this? Do you expect us to stop you? Most of us literally don't care.

>> No.56189012

everyone has their priorities man
I just wish the overlap wasn't so fucking severe

>> No.56189026

yeah this is the game for her alright

>> No.56189049
Quoted by: >>56189189

bait status: taken

>> No.56189170

Unless you're some sort of masochist that never sleeps you can't watch everyone anyway. For me that includes rissa too, I can't catch all her streams so sometimes I VOD.

>> No.56189178

These fucking micro drops are so annoying, it happens every fucking stream and it's barely noticeable but it will set the stream back a second here or there. It only happens with Nerissa too.

>> No.56189189
Quoted by: >>56189261

I swear to fucking God, this geenral is filled with underaged and retards that can't read between the lines to properly identify bait. The whole point of announcing this shit is 100% fucking bait and these retards keep on replying.

>> No.56189226

fucking hell she really does nolife her games

>> No.56189228

M+KB bros...

>> No.56189248

>controller chad
she really is the type to play games for fun. what a breath of fresh air.

>> No.56189261

its unironically adventbabies havent you noticed the amount of retards asking how soundposts work?

>> No.56189362

I feel like she's a nerd in every game

>> No.56189400

Ya the overlap sucks.

>> No.56189414

>HoloCure fan who has never played Vampire Survivors

>> No.56189731
File: 26 KB, 128x128, 1681526911005410.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56189740

>Mumei enjoyer

>> No.56189841

I just started watching now, what have I missed?

>> No.56189863
Quoted by: >>56189949

She accepted my proposal on stream.

>> No.56189868

is she referring to items as shields?

>> No.56189884

She enjoys HoloCure to put it simply.

>> No.56189929

I can't believe she joined Hololive just to get into HoloCure

>> No.56189938

Half an hour of intense lesbian sex with Kiara

>> No.56189947

Autism. Lots of autism.

>> No.56189949

you larp but i can unironically say this because she replied to my marriage proposal in a different stream
i am above the peasants

>> No.56189950
File: 73 KB, 720x720, 1691151705526675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she has to be a glowie, she's just too damn perfect. Im being serious you niggers.

>> No.56190028
Quoted by: >>56190286

midwest moment

>> No.56190047
Quoted by: >>56190286

Her Midwest accent does things to me

>> No.56190053
Quoted by: >>56190286

I have a strong urge to fuck a girl from Minnesota.

>> No.56190071

cover corp is a glowie operation to round up and contain the nuisances of society. once enough of us have been gathered and segregated, we will be sent to the chambers.

>> No.56190137
Quoted by: >>56190274

>nerissa daki
please. i wont ask for anything else ever again. please

>> No.56190148
Quoted by: >>56190286

I've lived in the midwest and never met anyone who talks like that. But damn if it doesn't do something for me

>> No.56190153

Rissa is a psyop like that Army girl on TikTok

>> No.56190229
Quoted by: >>56190303

When is Nerissa's birthday?

>> No.56190240

Accent coming strong this stream

>> No.56190241

Oh, they're preparing for her birthday already

>> No.56190266

>utterly retarded question
chat's collective intelligence drops each month

>> No.56190274
Quoted by: >>56190330

Only if it's by her artist though, I will never understand daki's done by a rando.

>> No.56190284

she can't multitask?

>> No.56190286
Quoted by: >>56190336

People keep saying this because of Calli, but she is not midwestern. She is most likely from Ontario because she has a Great Lakes accent and spells like a Canadian. And I think she mentioned bagged milk in a previous stream

>> No.56190287

>Come here, you~

>> No.56190303
Quoted by: >>56190345

November 21st

>> No.56190326

>underwear merch
>from someone who doesn't wear underwear
im closing chat

>> No.56190330
Quoted by: >>56190417

i will take rando slop if it means an official nerissa daki where the art is commissioned by her and her tastes

>> No.56190336


>> No.56190345

Nice, still a way off then. I'll have to remember that.

>> No.56190392
File: 292 KB, 447x598, 1691612973806182.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats the joke you retard

>> No.56190396

>Pauses to think about her decision

>> No.56190398

That's why she's selling them

>> No.56190417
Quoted by: >>56190499

Nah, Gura and IRyS dakis didn't look anything like them.

>> No.56190434
File: 541 KB, 2600x3000, 1691741394051837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Have you guys thought about joining the military? I REALLY like a man in uniform. You guys support 'X' conflict right? Thought about dying for democracy? It's Such turn on darling!

>> No.56190444

>so cute to see Jailbirds in the game
yeah, m--
>and destroying you

>> No.56190499

>irys daki
fuck i mustve missed that one when i took a break. although i agree gura's was mediocre

>> No.56190505

>Nerissa will never fucking annihilate you with her magic

>> No.56190522
Quoted by: >>56190609

>lead Nerissa to bed all confident and cocky
>end up with a broken pelvis as she rides you into the mattress
God I need this

>> No.56190524
File: 681 KB, 1261x1170, 1691122325797787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56190575
File: 385 KB, 627x605, opey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i would die in a shootout against the slavs for nerissa

>> No.56190609

She got winded after 12 minutes of RFA, I can jerk off longer than that. I know this cause I was jerking off during her stream.

>> No.56190646
File: 130 KB, 596x842, JSDF Poster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My oshi created actual recruitment posters for the JSDF

>> No.56190652
Quoted by: >>56190764

>i really want my daki though
same, what a coincidence

>> No.56190657

>Nerissa will never pelts you with fire buckets, yaoi books, make you feed Haachama tier cooking and insert a dragon butt-plug just for the kick of it.

>> No.56190734


>> No.56190764
Quoted by: >>56190908

Just wait for an unofficial one. They're always better and potentially lewd.

>> No.56190820 [SPOILER] 
File: 215 KB, 444x554, glow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56190916

What a ridiculous thing to suggest jailbird. There's no federal agents in this thread.

>> No.56190873

my eyes fucking hurt watching this, what's the appeal?

>> No.56190891

Becoming a bullet hell boss

>> No.56190903

You listen.
Nerissa is comforting

>> No.56190908

i dont really want full on lewd, but rather spicy. but the official ones rarely even go that far desu. usually in full pyjamas etc.
knowing its official makes it seem better though. i cant explain it

>> No.56190916

>Rissa's birthday merch is a set of an oil filter, 3 hole card, and a "bottle opener"

>> No.56190954

Welcome to the roguelike shoot 'em up genre, enjoy your stay.

>> No.56191065

Gorilla's Paw would have been really good with Moona. Her crit rate is already garbage.

>> No.56191125

That's the beauty of rouge likes for you

>> No.56191179

Truly we have reached the peak of humor.

>> No.56191238
Quoted by: >>56191298

did she just say that or did i mishear

>> No.56191293

Look at all these fucking newfags who don't know about Nonstop Nut November. Where do these fags come from?

>> No.56191298

She did

>> No.56191327

That fucking laugh

>> No.56191334

Yeah, mine

>> No.56191348

who let this woman play risu

>> No.56191362

I'm allergic to nuts

>> No.56191380

yeah my nut

>> No.56191431
Quoted by: >>56191462

she really has no filter today huh
she has none anyway but its like even less of one somehow

>> No.56191444

>open up Nerissa's God-ish cover
>get recommended "How North Korea Finally Mad It Impossible to Escape"

>> No.56191462

she's hornier than usual

>> No.56191480

Nerissa stop talking...

>> No.56191492

So Nerissa is clearly hiding her gaming powerlevel right? Every game she's picked up she's actually fairly decent at even when it's something she's never even touched.

>> No.56191507

yeah mine

>> No.56191515

I'm going to give her my nut, at this point it's basically being requested right? There shouldn't be a problem right?

>> No.56191529

>there's nut everywhere
yeah mine

>> No.56191531

She enjoy the exploding nuts, I'll never stop

>> No.56191549

She did say there was a lot of nutting going on around here/

>> No.56191562

>Barely reveals anime power level to Kiara, already leaves her perplexed
>Gives a negative review to a movie she's never watched
>Actually good at games
Literally /ourgirl/

>> No.56191573

It is forbidden

>> No.56191579

This succubus would drain you dry. You would not survive.

>> No.56191597

>Nonstop Nut
>It's almost time for Nonstop Nut November
My dick is going to be raw by like two days into November isn't it.

>> No.56191606

I think she has really good adaptability.

>> No.56191642

>lowering the volume

>> No.56191649

Good, i want her to fuck me so hard i don't live to talk about it. What a way to go

>> No.56191714

If I'm going to die anyway, I want to go while draining every last drop inside this hag

>> No.56191747
Quoted by: >>56191882

>thread gone quiet
jailbirds all nutting upon nerissa's request i see

>> No.56191785
File: 101 KB, 284x334, I need you to get drained[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fy1wchy.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56191856


>> No.56191856

You could make an entire eroge with Nerissa's out of context lines

>> No.56191876

i like when neri nee screams in C major

>> No.56191882

She frequently does these incredibly erotic moans randomly and doesn't seem to notice. Bijou and Shiori even commented on it during the EDF5 collab. She also requests and who are we to turn her down?

>> No.56191981

so glad she doesnt say coh-lab

>> No.56192109

>Getting annoyed by chat backseating

There isn't, I have no interest in watching I just want to listen.

>> No.56192127


>> No.56192180
Quoted by: >>56192366

Post age.

>> No.56192197

um bros?!
make that one a soundpost

>> No.56192203

Plushie is the fucking GOAT defense item

>> No.56192273

I mean yeah. I prefer the headphones + daki combo.

>> No.56192307

the best defence is a good offence

>> No.56192366


>> No.56192374

Stop reading the one fucking guy backseating Rissa.

>> No.56192415


>> No.56192430

i like a streamer who shits on retards. i want her to do it more. the worst part of every stream for every streamer is always the chat, unless they make shitting on retards an active part of their streams.

>> No.56192492

if i become a backseating faggot does this mean i have a chance of being publicly humiliated by nerissa?

>> No.56192526

>humming Spice Girls
Yeah the unarchived 00s karaoke is gonna be good

>> No.56192604
Quoted by: >>56192650

There was like one fucking guy backseating out of ELEVEN THOUSAND people, reading him randomly is strange AND it turns the chat into a bunch chat police saying CHILL or LET HER COOK faggotry spam.

>> No.56192647


>> No.56192650

dont read the chat. problem solved.

>> No.56192662

>Big Iron
Holy based

>> No.56192673
File: 553 KB, 1833x811, bigwatameloniron.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56192705

>le big iron guys hehe
I fucking hate NV troons so much, that song is so over used

>> No.56192746

im trans btw

>> No.56192748

I've never played NV, I just like the song.

>> No.56192778

yeah, heartaches by the number is the superior song

>> No.56192801
Quoted by: >>56192888

you can hear songs outside of video games retard. i guess zoomers dont listen to music these days, let alone the radio.

>> No.56192847
File: 1.47 MB, 570x830, Nerissa Please I'm weak, I'm just a squirrel. I'm begging you.[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fkcc1d7.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56193045



>> No.56192888

I don't hate the song, I hate the NV troons.

>> No.56193045
Quoted by: >>56193131

being a squirrel will not save you from the clutches of my cock nerissa

>> No.56193131
Quoted by: >>56193319

Is being a furfag worth it anon? Yes, for rissa it is

>> No.56193190


>> No.56193319

id stick my dick in a blender if i was assured nerissa's soul was transplanted into it

>> No.56193380

she has like 5 different laughs and they are all hot and cute.

>> No.56193547
Quoted by: >>56193584

Iopi's special looks neat

>> No.56193584

I agree. She's my favorite looking character so far.

>> No.56193627

She gets one guy'd even worse than Kiara and Ame

>> No.56193633
Quoted by: >>56193698

Maybe I should just backseat Rissa since apparently that's how to get read by her.

>> No.56193662

Preparing the next thread.

>> No.56193692

I want to backseat her...

>> No.56193698
Quoted by: >>56193782

>I know you want to backseat
Bros, she's here...

>> No.56193713
File: 209 KB, 676x498, 1691204103711555.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she is such a sweaty gamer, holy shit

>> No.56193782

>I've been here since the beginning
yea, she's reading the thread alright

>> No.56193825

I don't like that she's talking as if most the chat are back seaters
Its like every time she glances at chat she reads one and its annoying as fuck

>> No.56193873

they are and you know it. chat is shit.

>> No.56193926
Quoted by: >>56194075

There's literally like a handful of backseaters and 99% of the chat is talking about other shit. She's getting one guy'd.

>> No.56193931
File: 159 KB, 358x356, 1691646133077065.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nerissa's sapling side is showing

>> No.56193972

>Fuwawa is really good

>> No.56193987

I don't look at it much but its one in every dozen at most when I do

>> No.56193992
Quoted by: >>56194054

Its kinda true tho. Chat needs to get whipped early to silence the bad apples or get them to change. She would regret it later if she did not do it. If you are not a backseater then don't take any offense

>> No.56194054

Being a backseater will get me whipped by nerissa? Fuck yes

>> No.56194075
Quoted by: >>56194172

Why the fuck are you watching chat instead of Nerissa? Maybe you shouldn't fucking be here

>> No.56194103

she need to add no backseating rule

>> No.56194111

when will she draw a penis with yopi's super

>> No.56194172

Retard, I have to listen to her lecture everyone.

>> No.56194282

How are we supposed to be let into her house if she thinks we're filthy back seaters...

>> No.56194590

Nerissa wasn't thinking...

>> No.56194600

New Thread

>> No.56194615


>> No.56194619


>> No.56194626


>> No.56194634


>> No.56194642

Maybe don't lump yourself together with the subhumans in chat then dipshit. Do you feel personally attacked when she calls out backseating?

>> No.56194649


>> No.56194770

