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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 415 KB, 1024x666, Production Kawaii.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5597224 No.5597224 [Reply] [Original]

The brain child of CEO Kyosuke Kinoshita.

Production Kawaii Website - https://production-kawaii.com/en/home-2/

Introduction Video by Reina Sun - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T6dnhNhBC2Y

Charlotte Suzu - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoAw3SML_09dF-7yhQU8wFQ

Isla Coleman - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuaDidGk4HNLOnQE9wzMMeQ

Hana Flores - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkvYfE6_lEmstu6GoqPUOZQ

Nene Amano - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCu1INzefw3R7M9-3QEHYmMQ

Reina Sun - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKJexadCeNo3lu0U20skmNg

>> No.5598012

Hana just started streaming, playing Legend of Mana.

>> No.5598092

I love Nene!


>> No.5598703
Quoted by: >>5630436

best girls. worst company name.

>> No.5601044
Quoted by: >>5602985

Can't wait for Isla's karaoke tonight, bros

>> No.5602985
Quoted by: >>5603090

wrong day. she's doing a horror stream first.

>> No.5603090

oops, my bad

>> No.5603225

I wish them luck, please post more about them OP

>> No.5604613
Quoted by: >>5604939 >>5610820

Holy mother of Hana. She's becoming the next Rita. She's usually around 50-70 live viewers and gets Euro rainbows like its nothing. None of them r schizo donors too. She's becoming too powerful for me to handle.

>> No.5604939

Just wait until her 10k karaoke stream, its going to be real good.

>> No.5605573

Isla's covers are ruining every other cover for me. Her King cover especially was absolutely fantastic. I can't wait for her next one.

>> No.5605893

God must have spent a little more time on Hana

>> No.5607541

I hope the girls do good, but at the same time, I really want their streams to stay comfy.

>> No.5609163
Quoted by: >>5612343

Tenshi using ahoy sites for the Fate Zero watchalong, Nene is too powerful

>> No.5610820

Hana and Nene are gosling machines

>> No.5612343

Everytime you think she can't be more based, she proves you wrong loll

>> No.5612744

Nene Member's chat stream starting

>> No.5613768

imagine not having a nene membership and missing this christmas karaoke

>> No.5614740

>We're only allowed two collabs per month
What the hell?

>> No.5615361
Quoted by: >>5615396

It is a weird rule, but at least they can collab with people outside the company as well.

>> No.5615396
Quoted by: >>5615574

>huge random restriction for no reason at all
ah, so it's a Japanese company after all

how often do you think that will happen if they're rationing out 2 spots a month with their own genmates

>> No.5615574

>how often do you think that will happen
Depends on the girl, I can see Hana and Isla doing outside collabs often.

>> No.5617644

Too bad none of them wear sandals

>> No.5618244

Nene's membership stream....the power this woman holds is too much

>> No.5619152

It's the best way to prevent them from sharing the subs with each other and getting subs from outside, management is doing a great work at making sure they stay small, as expected of the people that chose the name "kawaii"

>> No.5622127

Isla in around 40 minutes

>> No.5623988

Isla is so scared by this dumb meme game and nothing has even happened yet

>> No.5624015

These girls are just too cute what the fuck

>> No.5624205

give the isla enka

>> No.5624328

I don't think she is gonna make it..

>> No.5624543


>> No.5624780

Nene-chan, what is it like having Big Boobs?

>> No.5625782

Isla is so much cuter now that she’s able to get rid of the permanent fluster.

>> No.5626977
File: 8 KB, 309x60, Untitled-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5685855

huh reinachama??

>> No.5627071

A good way to keep them away from VShitshow.

>> No.5627151
Quoted by: >>5627510 >>5632986

Between Nene, Isla, and Hana, they're all so perfect and I can't choose my oshi.

>> No.5627510
File: 925 KB, 1545x1080, 60238gK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me it's Nene

>> No.5628988

Nene and Hana for me, but Nene streams at such a perfect time...

>> No.5630436

Hoping the horrible company name somehow becomes ironic and takes off, not a massive debuff like it is now

>> No.5632986

I'm stuck between Hana and Isla, personally

>> No.5635797

Why is it taking so long for hana to get to 10k? I want that karaoke stream REEEE

>> No.5637185

is anybody else than Hana worth a dime?

>> No.5639536
Quoted by: >>5641583

Hana zatsudan + bully now

>> No.5641583
Quoted by: >>5641609 >>5642785

Zatsudan was super short today.

>> No.5641609
Quoted by: >>5641875

Hana needs to work on her geography reps.

>> No.5641875


>> No.5642785

Trying to find Wakanda took all her energy

>> No.5646163

Charlotte stream

Her loading screen is really funny desu

>> No.5648799
File: 63 KB, 346x499, rainbow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy super chatted Isla 10 hours before her stream started because he can't make it to the stream.

>> No.5650192
File: 58 KB, 256x256, OOOOUUUUGH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Charlotte's voice...

>> No.5650375

The salt is flowing tonight.

>> No.5651130
Quoted by: >>5653257

Holy shit she's malding lmao

>> No.5653257

She's hilarious when she rages. Here's hoping for an Overwatch stream for max salt.

>> No.5658746
Quoted by: >>5658835 >>5659716


>> No.5658835


>> No.5659716

If she takes the imouto route i will def watch her for that experience. imagine Char calling her chat onii-chans, asking for help, making food, horror games, drinking our blood instead of water....UUOOHH

>> No.5661949

Nene zoom. We are winning.

>> No.5665287
Quoted by: >>5667320

Isla in an hour

>> No.5667320
Quoted by: >>5667528

Get in here, it's time

>> No.5667439

We just got...

>> No.5667448

god damn it

>> No.5667528

Never Gonna Give You Up, Japanese version! Nice!

>> No.5667640

Got rickrolled lmao

>> No.5667738

I'm investing in Isla coin. Easy 1000x

>> No.5667968

She'd be extremely powerful with a better microphone and a mixer

>> No.5668002

It’s not an Isla stream if it doesn’t have any scuff kek

>> No.5668120
Quoted by: >>5672503 >>5677204

Haven't watched Isla much. Certain phrases she says have a very Southern accent to them, but I'm also wondering if it's just not entirely something else.

>> No.5668632

>chill song

>> No.5669373
Quoted by: >>5669468

She muted the mic :c

>> No.5669468

shut up reina

>> No.5669587

holy fuck those growls. Isla-sama I kneel.

>> No.5672503
Quoted by: >>5672651

That karaoke stream was so good. Looking forward to her next cover.

Anon your reps...

>> No.5672651

ngl, I got emotional near the end when she mentioned that she never thought she'd get this far.

>> No.5677204

She's vestinian, anon

>> No.5677835
Quoted by: >>5678622 >>5680932

Can't wait for Hana karaoke, she even stopped posting covers on twitter...

>> No.5678622

she seems like she's been crazy busy these past few weeks.

>> No.5680932

Says she needs a humidifier, once she gets that setup we'll hear her sing more (hopefully).

>> No.5682006

Charzu drawing stream.

>> No.5685207
Quoted by: >>5693891 >>5698489

Nene is keeping her goslings well fed

>> No.5685855
Quoted by: >>5688642

>we have actual vtubers in the funny boat site
what the fuck

>> No.5688642

is that supposed to be surprising?

>> No.5693891


This plus deliberately annoucing her plans on sending us shorts every time she's gone

She's playing the game well bros....

>> No.5698489

She’s cultivating a pro-gosling environment

>> No.5699333
File: 37 KB, 597x357, 1620384239253.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5701084 >>5728691


>> No.5701084


>> No.5705270

Reina is getting into MTG, there goes all the SC money

>> No.5706381

Did Isla say she was gonna post her 10k uta? If not did anybody get it and can share plz.

>> No.5706501

It will be up once the copyright stuff is cleared.

>> No.5706606

She said she’ll put it up in a day. If she doesn’t someone will likely upload a recording somewhere

>> No.5708698
Quoted by: >>5709036

I really hope there's Nene + Yura collab. They have very similar vibes and would be great to see kawaii making connections with other startups

>> No.5709036
Quoted by: >>5711477

I wish they all did more outside collabs. The two collabs/month rule is retarded

>> No.5711477
Quoted by: >>5742494

Yeah that's a real shit policy, especially with your own genmates. I don't understand what the thought process is.

>> No.5722107

Isla in 15 minutes

>> No.5724493

It's up now, I don't know if she had to cut something

>> No.5726178

This stream was a good idea

>> No.5728691

Lewd GFE Suzu

>> No.5733034
Quoted by: >>5734940

>no isla for 5 days
Kill me

>> No.5734940

The stuff for the cover is probably very late

>> No.5736086
File: 634 KB, 2048x1152, 45BFC1CD-78C7-40B0-ADA6-3F1A2D9ACEC5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Isla this stream

>> No.5737266

Place your bets.

>> No.5740202
Quoted by: >>5741349

5am in Japan and Nene is posting her highlights clip on Reddit, gotta respect the struggle

>> No.5741349
Quoted by: >>5742027

Is it confirmed Nene lives in Japan?

>> No.5742027

Her supachat for Reina was in jpy

>> No.5742494
Quoted by: >>5743416 >>5744205

Provides the company with a solid perspective on each talent as an individual. Their character concept, performance, growth, viewer acceptance, participation, etc. Collabs muck things up and it's easier, especially for a new company, to have the limit in place and remove it later since it will be critical information for future growth.

>> No.5743416
Quoted by: >>5744205

Thanks intern-kun, please tell your bosses to change the company name while it's still early

>> No.5744205

Intern? This is probably Hana or someone

>> No.5747553
Quoted by: >>5750950 >>5751575


Give them.

Holy shit these girls have the worst discovery ever. Their brand name is generic and their primary names are already taken by larger vtubers. Only Isla is the top when searching for her name.

>> No.5750950

>Holy shit these girls have the worst discovery ever. Their brand name is generic and their primary names are already taken by larger vtubers. Only Isla is the top when searching for her name.

Its really up to he company to care about these things. There isnt anything the girls can about that.

>> No.5751575
File: 80 KB, 1024x581, soul.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5752881

Charzu in 5

>> No.5754573

Alright be honest guys
What are your thoughts about Kawaii's future?
With the VTuber market becoming completely saturated from indies and companies alike debuting every other week, it's only a matter of time before we'll have a good idea and see if Kawaii will make it out the mud and shine amongst the others. Despite their clear talent (including Nene's grind of constantly having content even on days she's gone and even posting to reddit) they'll only grow as much as people's interest in them.

There's also numerous faults in the agency itself such as the company name and image. Had I not liked Nene's outfit I wouldn't have watched them at all since their appearance looks super generic. There's still numerous times where their adolescent shows in rookie streamer moments or management not helping out in areas

I'm wondering if they'll remain in a niche little corner or might actually become popular (Either way I'm glad to be here and will support all the way)

>> No.5754722

Nene is going to blow up. I can feel it.

>> No.5755005
Quoted by: >>5761881

To be honest, I have no idea where they're headed. I really really want to see them succeed, but outside of Nene, I'm worried that they're starting to hit a wall. Isla's growth, for example, hit a brick wall the moment she got to 9.9k and has barely budged in a week. I also worry about Niji's new guys as well as HoloEN 2 sucking up the already saturated market.

Nene is making the right moves by constantly pumping out content to get new fans and keep them in imo. I think clippers are the key to success for them right now, but I've only seen one relatively popular one do so.

>> No.5755081

It will depend on whether their parent company will keep investing even with a slow start or not, because if they were betting on a quick success and lots of profit with their first gens, they will probably fail hard.

Regardless, they are really talented entertainers/singers, and in worst case we will still see them around in other companies or as indies.

>> No.5755421

OMFG YES CHARZU IS NOW IMOUTO. I don't think there's an EOP Imouto experience and she could have that market all to herself.

>> No.5756106

The sub numbers seem good for only 2 months. Judging by prism project a lot less is needed for a gen 2. It also seems like they put some thought into the future promising new outfits at 50K and 3D at 150k.

>> No.5756319
Quoted by: >>5758636 >>5761881

Anon, I'm concerned about both Production Kawaii and Prism Project. The direction is what is causing me this. I feel as if CEO Kinoshita wants to keep it this agency's talents more on the seiso side & I feel as if CEO Oyu wants to keep Prism Project as stated here by >>5703534 a store brand Hololive.

I like Kawaii's approach, keeping small and focusing on the real girlfriend experience and imouto (Charzu) experience. The collaboration limit I'm on the fence. They have also been advertising in Japan to get more eyes to watch the talents. They haven't announced a 2nd generation and I'm more of slow release than fast and diluting the already crowded v-tuber space.

>> No.5756576
Quoted by: >>5756697 >>5761922

Charzu just said she don't plan to drop her normal job even if she gets big enough, smol girl has a big brain

>> No.5756697

Good for her! What a forward thinking imouto!

>> No.5758636

It's only been two months and they are doing solid. It's probably too early to tell just now.

>> No.5761881
Quoted by: >>5762172

Based off the discrepancies, it really looks like the company isn't even helping with advertising and it wouldn't be far fetched to say Nene's efforts are all out pocket. Sad to see another possible case of wasted talents due to the company not knowing how to navigate the rough sea that is the market right now

At least we have some promises to look forward too with the milestone upgrades

I'm also worried about them just living in the shadows of bigger companies. At the moment there's the three paths of Hololive, Nijisanji, and Vshojo these upstart vTubers fall under. While it doesn't hurt to share the same ideal principles/tatics of success at times, it can be very disengaging when you see them deliberately trying to ride the coattails of Yagoo from Nene and Hana actively trying to keep themselves "seiso". I hope Kawaii can take things to the next level by heighting their talents, taking things slow, and really helping them become unique

>> No.5761922
Quoted by: >>5761947

Based Charzu choosing not to ride the coattails of full time streaming. I respect the grind of being able to live off of doing something you love but there's certain things you can only obtain by getting out there and contributing to society the old fashioned way. Helps the world to round

>> No.5761947

Also helps to have a reliable source of income should anything happen to your streaming career

>> No.5762172

Pretty sure Nene’s efforts are out of pocket. She said herself that any donations would go towards that.
If their agency is taking a percentage out of what they earn, that must really hit hard. I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s in the red.

>> No.5762327

If it's true that the streamers are paying for their own shit out of pocket, my honest advice is to buy out their contracts and character rights and go to a different agency like Tsunderia. With the competition being what it is now, companies can't get away with ripping off their talent anymore, and what's the point of an agency if you still have to pay for assets? At the very least I hope they talk to chuubas in other companies to make sure they aren't being taken advantage of

>> No.5762442

Hana....imagine the sex.

>> No.5763408

Seriously though, what’s the point of a company if you still have to do everything yourself?

>> No.5763535

I'd like to think the company at least paid for the model and rigging, which isn't cheap. Another plus is usually having built-in collabs with the other company chuubas, but not here apparently

>> No.5763592

If the rrat is true, Isla’s been doing basically the same things she’s been doing when she was an indie. The higher subscriber count is pretty nice though.

>> No.5763670

A free model, remember not everyone is trying to become a full time streamer and they just do it for fun.

>> No.5764142
Quoted by: >>5764389 >>5764474

The company usually provides the model and rigging by good artists, helps with legal details and takes care of advertisements and promotion of the channel. Genmates help with giving feedback and being someone you can vent to about your problems streaming. Also one girls work pays off for all of them( to a certain degree) since someone checking out one might check out the others.
How much of these benefits Kawaii provides is debatable.
So it really helps someone overcome the hurdles of starting streaming. It probably doesn't help an established streamer that much (Although Isla has more than double the subscribers after 2 months than she had after 9 months as an indie).

>> No.5764389
Quoted by: >>5765175

Sub count doesn't matter at all, though. Average live viewers is a much more accurate way of measuring success

>> No.5764474
Quoted by: >>5764910

I'm guessing Isla and Nene already had experience streaming. I wonder what made them go to kawaii.

>> No.5764910

I knew of Isla's previous life, but didn't actively follow her. My guess is that she joined for the better model (her indie model was kinda scuffed) and probably for better exposure (I don't think she broke 40k views total on her indie channel).

>> No.5765175
Quoted by: >>5765265

I know that live viewers are what matters but I can't find numbers on comparable streams of her old account.
According to VNUMA her graduation had 215 max sim live views, her birthday karaoke had 57 and a morning drawing stream had 29.
Islas karaoke on Saturday had 146 max sim live views( I'm pretty sure it reached 200 but whatever), her first karaoke had 170 and her drawing stream had 95. Avg for Juni is around 100 live viewers.

>> No.5765265
Quoted by: >>5765531

There's no question her numbers are slightly better now, but are they sufficiently better to justify giving a percentage of income to the company (assuming that's what is happening. She could just have a base salary for all we know)? It all depends on the specific terms of her contract, but I can't imagine things are much better, if they even are better, right now. Although she is still growing, so who knows what will happen in the future. I just hope she's happy. She works really hard on her content, she deserves to get some joy from it

>> No.5765531
Quoted by: >>5765625 >>5765681

Since I don't have superchat/donos numbers to compare i just took the numbers I could get. But even then superchats/donos don't mean much without knowing the contract details. I don't think going to kawaii has paid off for Isla till now but I guess she took the step because she saw more potential in working with a company than being indie. If she can continue growing it will have been worth it. I'm just hoping she has fun in doing what she is doing right now and can get something out of her work. She certainly deserves it.

Let's see what her membership will bring next month. For reference Nene has more than 125 members right now.

>> No.5765625
Quoted by: >>5767690

Hopefully Kawaii, Tsunderia, Prism, and Phase can all start working together. There's already some interactions on Twitter, and Tsunderia/Prism did that Among Us collab that was a huge hit. Between those four agencies, there are a ton of opportunities that can pay off for everyone

>> No.5765681
Quoted by: >>5767690

I don't think Isla even had monetization in her previous life. Just off-site donations via Streamlabs/KoFi or whatever. So anything she can get with Superchats or memberships is all new income to her, even if Kawaii takes a cut beforehand.

>> No.5767690

Yeah those collabs can really help all of them.

I didn't follow her previous life so all I'm saying is from what I can find with some quick searches now.
In the end only she can say if the change was worth it monetary or otherwise.

>> No.5769478

Nene in 1h

>> No.5774931



>> No.5774995

Bumping because I think these vtubers are fun to watch.

>> No.5778111
Quoted by: >>5780859 >>5783461

Where's HANA

>> No.5779230
Quoted by: >>5788037 >>5789091

Does Isla do any GFE at all?

>> No.5780859
File: 251 KB, 1423x636, Screenshot_20210628-133757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5783461

Might post her schedule later today or tomorrow according to her last stream

>> No.5788037

No Isla is pretty shy and doesn't do any GFE.

>> No.5789091

Girlfriend who spends all her time either working on her job or in music production or playing Apex as your relationship slowly crumbles experience.
It's very realistic.

>> No.5793874
Quoted by: >>5804235

The long waits between Isla’s streams whenever she releases a cover are so painful. I’ve never been this distressed by a chuuba’s absence.

>> No.5798890
Quoted by: >>5803139

I am new to this group and have been really enjoying Charlotte

>> No.5802693
Quoted by: >>5803135 >>5813926

If you're missing Hana, listen to this to feel much worse:

>> No.5803135
File: 2.72 MB, 500x204, 3441688F-6156-45E7-800B-58494120FB3B.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, anon. Now I feel like shit.

>> No.5803139
Quoted by: >>5803813 >>5821197

Her tendency to go on tangents is pretty entertaining. Her voice took a lot of getting used to though.

>> No.5803813

I think I am fine with her voice hearing about a week now. I like vtubers with these voices like Alice and Luna.

>> No.5804235
File: 72 KB, 1280x526, isla sama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5807038


>> No.5807038
File: 1.32 MB, 196x196, 14CBF259-9CA8-4C56-9EFB-2153F289AC84.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isla’s way too cute bros

>> No.5810100
Quoted by: >>5826510

Charzu and Reina collab in 3+ hours

>> No.5812387
Quoted by: >>5823048

I'm so proud of my fiancee Nene for beating Resident Evil Village, her first on-stream game clear and apparently the first time she has kept a game's difficulty on Normal. All while keeping up with chat, singing impromptu a capella, being adorable, and mostly remembering not to use un-tenshi-like language. She is an absolute dream and I am very excited to keep supporting her and seeing what places she will go.

>> No.5813926

Give Me Hana

>> No.5816134

The intro thing Reina made was pretty neat

>> No.5817475
Quoted by: >>5820536

Reina seems nice but her voice filters me hard

>> No.5818987

nene and isla are on their fall guy streams

>> No.5820536
Quoted by: >>5824906

Honestly, Reina would be better off not doing a voice. She's a demon, so not using the higher-pitched "cute" voice wouldn't detract from her character at all.

Charzu's voice filters me too, but that's a kind of a defining part of her character.

>> No.5821197


>> No.5823048

Based Cloudtomo post.

Nene is truly a treasure

>> No.5824135
Quoted by: >>5824408

Isla said that the new cover was suggested by chat, anyone knows what it will be?

>> No.5824408
Quoted by: >>5829181


>> No.5824906

I kinda got used to her voice. But yeah it was something I had to push through at the beginning.

>> No.5825095
Quoted by: >>5827749 >>5857519

Is it me or does Nene come off repressed trying extremely hard to remain seiso but can't help herself from bringing all the attention to her model's titties? I mean, it'd be a wasted opportunity not to but godamn quit beating around the Bush and just be the lewd slut you actually are

>> No.5826510

This was a lot of fun, ended up being a secret four member collab. Salty Charlotte continues to be hilarious.

>> No.5827749

I don't know about her being a "complete slut" but the running gag of "fruits and beaches" does show she's holding herself back to some degree

I find the "beating around the bush" thing you're mentioning as her just teasing chat as she always does

won't deny that I've seen enough yab in her to possibly question her existence as our guardian angel tho kek

>> No.5829181
Quoted by: >>5831894

Damn, it really would be good with her voice, chat giving good suggestions for once

>> No.5831894
Quoted by: >>5835930

It’s just a guess on my part. Might be something like sorairo days even.

>> No.5835930

"I Beg You" or other Aimer songs would be cool too

>> No.5842210
Quoted by: >>5856022 >>5859271

Charlotte's stream just started, avocado eating ASMR.

>> No.5847844

I'm impressed this girl is managing to make an whole stream solely about her hot takes

>> No.5856022
Quoted by: >>5857519

Avocado is truly a shitty fruit.

>> No.5857519

nah, avocados are great.

Nene is not nearly as seiso as her character implies. Hana is way worse though. Elves truly are lewd.

>> No.5857712
Quoted by: >>5857763 >>5857824

Nene is way more seiso compared to other chuubas

>> No.5857763
Quoted by: >>5857824

Although true, it's clear she's not the beacon of heavenly nature she implied during debut

>> No.5857824
Quoted by: >>5857871

Nene knows what she's doing and that's what makes it good.

>> No.5857871

I love and hate every second of it

>> No.5859271
File: 43 KB, 496x702, 2522F29F-9511-4871-BE05-6CC4437F89C8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5862100 >>5862823

>dominoes below pizza hut
What. Dominoes has become wayyyy better these past couple of years. Certainly better than pizza hut.

>> No.5862100

That's just your opinion man

>> No.5862823

Ok Hana

>> No.5863627

Nene playing Cyberpunk 2077 in 20 min

>> No.5867461
Quoted by: >>5872311

Reina is playing Baldurs Gate now and will be playing Little Nightmares later

>> No.5870493
File: 62 KB, 630x1200, MV5BYTkzODI4MDMtNDNmZC00NDZlLWFmNTktNDRhOWE2YzhlZTQ2XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTE1MTYxNDAw._V1_UY1200_CR162,0,630,1200_AL_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can we ever compete, Cloudtomo?

>> No.5871051

we can't

>> No.5871941
Quoted by: >>5872035

She'll probably not like him once she realizes how much of an asshole Johnny is in this game.

>> No.5872035
Quoted by: >>5874024

She already played through it once. I assume she can differentiate between actor and role.

>> No.5872311
Quoted by: >>5872826 >>5884017

The games reina play are huge debuffs desu

>> No.5872346
Quoted by: >>5873611

>some parents are letting their kids watch Nene
Pretty sure this is BS

>> No.5872826

Her usual timeslot starting 30 minutes after Nene also doesn't help. She said she will try new timeslots though, must be hard having to fit streaming while working another job

>> No.5873611

I mean, considering part of the millennial generation are slowly becoming parents...it's not entirely out of possibility

>> No.5874024
Quoted by: >>5876378

Maybe Nene just likes asshole guys?
Being treated like shit typically makes women horny for some ungodly reason

>> No.5874159

You don't. You take the GFE RP as the closest we'll ever get while we see her geek out over real chads like Chris and Keanu

>> No.5874899
Quoted by: >>5876188

i feel really horny every time i see Nene

>> No.5876188

Unfortunately there's no smut yet...

>> No.5876378

it stems from her mafioso background

>> No.5878777

Charzu membership opening today or tomorrow, the first members stream will probably be "Avocado ASMR". Yes.


>> No.5882097

Charlotte's got her next stream later tonight, starting 15 minutes later due to crippling FF14 addiction.

>> No.5883181

>3 days since Isla's last stream
Where is she bros? My days have never felt so empty...

>> No.5884017

The games she plays and her high-pitched voice kills it for me. Doesn't help that she sometimes overlaps with Isla and Nene, who I find way more entertaining.

Hana has a similar issue to me, the games she plays are boring as fuck. Her ADHD zatsudans are way more entertaining than when she begins playing those boring survival games.
