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File: 25 KB, 594x187, selenolie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55654060 No.55654060 [Reply] [Original]

Selen has mentally checked out of NIJI hasn't she?

>She is the only one on EN banned from organizing tournaments
>She gives up, mentions it on stream on a written statement '' im gonna get in trouble for this''
>Starts coaching Ollie for an international tournament in hololive

>> No.55654180
Quoted by: >>55678015

Took her long enough, how dumb do you have to be to try this hard to do projects in a literal black company kek. It's like she enjoys getting shat in the face by managers.

>> No.55654262 [DELETED] 

Don't worry, Selen got a new toy to release stress

>> No.55654288
Quoted by: >>55682573

Selen has collabed with Ollie before, you retarded dramanigger.

>> No.55654352 [DELETED] 

Fat girl love

>> No.55654375
Quoted by: >>55654712

Selen doesn't care anymore. She's openly dating her Apex coach now.

>> No.55654580

She honestly should hop companies. Been a Niji fan since before Lazulight debut, it's only going downhill. Name is literally ANYCOLOR and they choose black

>> No.55654712
Quoted by: >>55654802

The baldie? source?

>> No.55654802

2nd post in this thread

>> No.55654946
Quoted by: >>55655188

Nijis should be allowed to be whores because they aren't idols. Only idol cuties like Pomu should be held to a higher standard.

>> No.55655141

It's a shame because NijiEN had a good thing going on pre-2022. Ever since Luxiem debuted it felt more like a frat house that has slowly been crumbling

>> No.55655188
Quoted by: >>55655365

Your brain on Kiara

>> No.55655328
File: 381 KB, 1750x1650, fcccaf6f9c5916ea8c82e2d09320b5b9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Selen made it clear since the start she's not viewers' gf
>Actual viewers understand this
>Fake unicorn, self cucks like you still self insert as "cucked viewers"
Do you enjoy being a 3rd degree cuck anon?

There's been way too many of you these last few months.
Is summer not working out with the ladies?

>> No.55655365

Huge? I know

>> No.55655535

very nice, it doesn't take away the fact that selen is romantically involved with nocturnal

>> No.55655632

Why is someone who regularly collabs with guys infested with unicorns anyway?

>> No.55655731
File: 834 KB, 1247x692, Based Nenechi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

very cool

>> No.55655745

Mainly because of her voicepacks and zatsu streams

>> No.55655809

0 of the people complaining about this have watched a Selen stream this year for any reason, outside of collecting bait.

>> No.55655833

why would anyone care about that? take your pills

>> No.55656069

I mean if we're going that far, how is it any better than a non-unicorn supporting anyone? Are you that invested in someone else's life? Sounds just as bad to me man

>> No.55656212
Quoted by: >>55656359

It's significantly worse.
Truly pathetic behavior.

>> No.55656359
Quoted by: >>55656911

Everyone being on this board is exhibiting pathetic behavior.
Anyone simply watching someone else live their life is also pathetic behavior.
You seem to just not choose to see it that way though for whatever reason

>> No.55656391

and? you try to make it sound like it would mean something, which it doesn't
hang yourself retarded unicorn nigger fag

>> No.55656395

because it matters, how many nijien livers do collabs with their boyfriends?

>> No.55656405

What is this tabloid bullshit?

>> No.55656465

I don't know man, I honestly have no idea how the NijiEN talent stays afloat let alone how they are able to cope with their current situation, not only they have been mogged to hell and back by Cover but they are starting to get even more insignificant, at risk of losing their "2nd biggest corpo in the west" title.

Not to mention that while they are rotting, Niji JP is doing just as fine as always and take obvious preference over the EN branch, which if they don't have a single bit of resentment it'd be some monk-tier spiritual shit pretty much.

>> No.55656473

Ollie coaching has nothing to do with this
also since this is off-stream they can do whenever they want without blackcolor management permission

>> No.55656494

>which it doesn't
keep repeating that to yourself anon

>> No.55656512
Quoted by: >>55656680

>literally doesn't matter whatsoever
you ok anon? forgot your meds again?

>> No.55656638

pls go ahead, try to explain to me why such nonsense would matter in any way whatsoever, I'm curious

>> No.55656660

You don’t watch streams why are you bitching about it?

>> No.55656677

So in the end you just interested in feeling like a cuck, why you care about others than Selen?

>> No.55656680
Quoted by: >>55657028

Sure anon, keep believing that

>> No.55656765
Quoted by: >>55669131

wow sis I cant believe this what a whore

>> No.55656788

So you would unicorn on someone who already directly told you she doesn't want to encourage that kind of behavior? That she isn't and never will be your gf?

>> No.55656821
Quoted by: >>55657357

>Are you that invested in someone else's life?
Their content is not their life cuckanon

>> No.55656911

>Everyone and everything is pathetic
Sure sis, rationalize life away.

>> No.55656968
Quoted by: >>55657273

If it didn't matter then why most of nijien would hide their relationships. Now I ask you, why are they hiding it? Because they know that there are people who care

>> No.55657028
Quoted by: >>55657273

yeah of course, not like anyone /here/ can name one single reason why it would matter, every time i ask one of you unicorntard to explain it, you all fail to do so

>> No.55657157
Quoted by: >>55658406

you putting this much effort into shilling a person who would never be friends with you irl is definitely arguably as bad

>> No.55657273

See >>55657028

>> No.55657357
Quoted by: >>55663156

Watching streams is in itself, escapism and cucking yourself from doing whatever they're doing.
Calling unicorns cucks aren't much different than telling you to get a life, loser. Everyone is in the same boat
Literally speaking from a glass house

>> No.55657515
Quoted by: >>55657650

>>Starts coaching Ollie for an international tournament in hololive
My condolences for Ollie.

>> No.55657583
File: 228 KB, 377x433, 1671911072210096.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They cope because of the money. Ignoring Anycolor's abysmal merchandise cut of 2%, they still make enough money through donations and membership streams, especially voice packs apparently that it will be enough to pay for rent + food + amenities + paid trips to off collab.
It goes without saying though that money only goes so far to make you happy. After a while the livers will start wanting more, and an environment like NijiEN is not conductive to making people happy. If its not management treating them like second class citizens compared to NijiJP, then there's the other talents turning on each other since its a competitive environment where unity no longer exists.

>> No.55657650
File: 54 KB, 587x58, 1681864709885881.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55658539

Should've subbed La+

>> No.55657657
Quoted by: >>55663024

I love how the nijiens and their cohorts are already trying to poison the well failing to understand we dont hold any of them to unicorn standards and never have, thinking that by defaming selen by making her 'anti unicorn' she will become a pariah.
I would say you lot are sick but it's just deeply hilarious how little you understand the vtuber fandom. little wonder your branch is dying.

>> No.55658406
File: 908 KB, 1920x1080, nanda kore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55707328

>wanting to be friends with streamers irl
The fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.55658539
File: 85 KB, 708x893, 78578566786758.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55659003


>> No.55659003

MeruMeru strong.

>> No.55661306

Fagoons will pretend they don't care, they are above it all after all, but even NijiJPs don't talk about dating people in the current moment for parasocial reasons with their audience, has nothing to do with the idol culture boogeyman. At best, they will talk about previous relaitonships and nothing else. This is a yab, sorry Fagoons.

>> No.55661328
Quoted by: >>55665937

Fuck off simp, nobody cares.

>> No.55661378
Quoted by: >>55661413

>said the voice in my head

>> No.55661413
Quoted by: >>55661472

>Who she dates doesn't bother me but also it never happened because it hurts me to think about.

>> No.55661472
Quoted by: >>55661643

>playing games = dating
least retarded shitposter

>> No.55661643 [DELETED] 

Kek, cuck.

>> No.55661659 [DELETED] 

I'm gonna kill myself lol

>> No.55661685
Quoted by: >>55662334


>> No.55661816
Quoted by: >>55662044

>NijiJPs don't talk about dating people
>Selen isn't talking about dating him

how is this a yab

>> No.55661862

Dragoons are hardcore goslings. Out of all EN girls, maybe only Rosemi has as many love smitten losers, though I believe Selen has more.

>> No.55662036

KEK, why did she need to hide it dragoons?

>> No.55662042

Why are some of the people in here so agitated?

Selen has a boyfriend.
No. I have not watched Selen.
No. I'm not gonna watch her now.
No. I will not watch her in the future even if she reincarnates unless she joins you know what.

I am just saying that Selen has a boyfriend and she secretly plays with him behind her fans' back. Simple as.

>> No.55662044
Quoted by: >>55663431

Its the same retard who is obsessed with cuck shit, his bait threads always die with less than 15 comments and he link those as proof
It's amazing how retarded his narratives are because he did the same with
>one of her mods
>now is Nocturnal
He tried something with Wigg but it got discarded
I still remember one time when he got banned on /hlgg/ and suddenly like +12 comments on /HAHA/ got deleted

>> No.55662334
Quoted by: >>55662912

What do you mean why? Just leave the other anon alone and stop derailing the thread.

>> No.55662407

>shitting over the only person who still puts effort at that place
Nice to see that nijishills are working full time today

>> No.55662468

Nijisisters always disliked Selen, the main thread barely talk or care and now the best they can do is shit on her and cuck post

>> No.55662528

This is not a yab. Selen isn't an idol. She had no plans to be.

>> No.55662563

Another day another beggar thread

>> No.55662734

>I am just saying that Selen has a boyfriend and she secretly plays with him behind her fans' back. Simple as.
only retarded schizo nigger fags care about your "cuck fantasy" kid, normal people don't think of random strangers on the internet as their GF/BF and therefore don't give a shit lol

>> No.55662898

>I am just saying that Selen has a boyfriend and she secretly plays with him behind her fans' back.
so just like 99% of every chuuba, got it, thanks pal

>> No.55662912

This is not a Rosemi thread.
Nothing was derailed. So again anon that wants to end his life: why? Don't tell me you went Gosling for Selen of all people lmao

>> No.55662992
Quoted by: >>55663135

Opinion discarded

>> No.55663024
File: 94 KB, 256x223, Kanata Cheers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well said anon.

>> No.55663092

unicorns get the wall

>> No.55663135
Quoted by: >>55663206

Name one time Selen has put more effort into streaming than Rosemi

>> No.55663156

Unicorns ARE cucks per definition tho

>> No.55663172
Quoted by: >>55663285

>make yab on nijisanji management.
>pander to a parasocial audience, then about to tank it by getting constantly caught e dating.
Someone save the retarded dragon. It will be pretty fucked up if she went indie while killing her gosling fan base to have her bf nocturnal ditch her since she won't have the numbers anymore.

>> No.55663206

>literally more stream hours
>more projects
>more branch wide collabs and 2 Tournaments

>> No.55663285

Anon, I'm not a unicorn so I'll never be a cuck.

>> No.55663340

I had to put my dog down a couple days (he had a nasal tumor) and yes I was gosling for Selen. whatever I'm a moron anyway :)

>> No.55663377
Quoted by: >>55663464

This, viewers don't want to hear about your significant other regardless if you're a man or a woman.

>> No.55663405

>...and she secretly plays with him behind her fans' back
and why would she need to hide that? Selen never aimed to make gfe content. Also, she is working under a company that doesn't care if its talents have 5 secret boyfriends or something.
So I don't know what are you trying to achieve.

>> No.55663431
Quoted by: >>55663671

>I had to put my dog down a couple days (he had a nasal tumor)
I'm so sorry anon... I hope you are ok now, also reminder to not believe the cuckschizo, see >>55662044

>> No.55663464

Selen never made it public so it doesn't count.

>> No.55663468
Quoted by: >>55663520

It’s over fagoons. Your reign of terror is over.

>> No.55663505
Quoted by: >>55665937

She's from Nijisanji

>> No.55663520
Quoted by: >>55663570

>interacting with Hololive is... leh BAD
seethe more Nijisister

>> No.55663531

So you you're obsessed with Dragons not being outraged

>> No.55663564
File: 681 KB, 1400x965, moomer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55663697

Why are Nijisisters so scared of Selen?

>> No.55663570
Quoted by: >>55663697

Oops wrong thread I meant to post on nocturnal

>> No.55663642

Nothingburger, selen has been playing with nocturnal behind her fans' backs since january everyone with a brain knows they're dating already

>> No.55663671

I know who the cuckschizo is he's been posting in /haha/ forever now. Just feels different this time

>> No.55663697
File: 310 KB, 455x372, 1583363061245.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep making your narrative sister!
One day you will slay the Holos!
She never got into the family Twitter cringe

>> No.55663801

Are you mentally ill? Im just dunking on selen goslings. Nocturnal will pleasure your oshi regardless your mental state

>> No.55663863
File: 201 KB, 380x380, 1606668236047.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55663958

So true sister!
Keep working hard, maybe you will get your 2% too!

>> No.55663958

jesus fucking christ man, get a room already and get it over with

>> No.55664041
File: 565 KB, 1076x1076, selen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55664069

Sorry about the dog. Not sorry about the Selen thing.

>> No.55664610

I don't get it? why are people upset about this? she's a nijisanji organ, parasocialism is not allowed and no nijifan sees them that way

>> No.55664662

Nigga Selen has the most unicorn of all Niji girls. Dunno why, but she does.

>> No.55664856

Dunno, but isn't it just an incredible coincidence that people just happened to dig this up 12 hours after Selen called out Niji management?

>> No.55665170

someone should commission art of the two together

>> No.55665520

>holobronies defending selen
happens every time, but why? she is one of the least idol-like girls in niji

>> No.55665576

No, and your rrat hurts people like you that espouse it.
Selen didn't call out management so much as say and lament she could not organize the Fall Guys tournament (but if you want to argue this thread, not the one linked to the archive, but this one I could see how you'd see her tweets as some sort of dog whistle for pity points/management hate by Selen).
So the rrat becomes Selen is accelerating to graduation. That she doesn't give a fuck anymore. This Nocturnal shit, to me, seems like more confirmation of that. Not saying this was "leaked" by Selen or the guy himself, but maybe by someone close to them because she doesn't give a fuck anymore.

Because what is your argument otherwise? That Selen would tell management she has an S/O? That management spies on talents to the point they'd know they have relationships? That sounds far-fetched and just asking for litigious action to be taken against them.

>> No.55665699
Quoted by: >>55666056

It happened before when Selen shat on management, dont pretend that this isnt a Nijisister grudge on her

>> No.55665819

At this point, only holobronies are arguing with the dragoon about this fleshtwitch relationship shit. Anyway, please only bring your shit onto the catalog like this or the /haha/ one.

>> No.55665937


If Nijisanji hates unicorns and parasocial fucks then why does Selen need to hide it then?
In fact why does no one in Nijisanji seem to announce they have a significant other? You guys shit on Hololive for being parasocial all the time, but in the end your livers are doing the same as them.
The only thing Nijisanji is good at is you can spout more piss, cum and poop jokes more. kek

>> No.55666037

>She gives up, mentions it on stream on a written statement '' im gonna get in trouble for this''

>> No.55666056

What time? I honestly do not know.
And now you're changing goalposts from management to sisters, which, why would they care? She'd be eaten alive if it was a Niji guy, but why for some random streamer?
And I forgot to say, saying this is a coordinated hit piece makes you seem bad because if you want to argue that most dragoons /here/ don't care why you not only direct attention to this, but also waste time defending her/calling out a supposed psyop if her fans are above that? Like, if she has no unicorns, why would they care? Even if she "hid" it?
I guess it just comes down to perspective, but to me, it seems like if this shit is out in the open she doesn't give a fuck anymore.

>> No.55666079

Personal privacy I would imagine

>> No.55666313
Quoted by: >>55666750

Last I checked, Selen voluntarily made behind the scenes decision making public which would allow people to call management's judgment into question. So... can you explain how that isn't calling out management?

>> No.55666337

>You guys shit on Hololive for being parasocial all the time, but in the end your livers are doing the same as them
don't throw me in the same pot as the nijis, I'm just pointing out how meaningless that bullshit is from an outsiders perspective

>> No.55666410

Because it's none of our business you weirdo. Why should she have to announce that she has a significant other? It's her private life.

>> No.55666539
Quoted by: >>55666612

If she isn't gfe and all that crap for unicorns why does she has the need to hide it? Wouldn't it be better to filter out undesirable viewers no?

>> No.55666563

It's bad business to cuck your fans openly.

>> No.55666612

why would she announce that she was playing with a friend?

>> No.55666642

>just a friend

>> No.55666710 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>55669602

Why would you kill yourself over some fat chink e-dating some guy, get over it anon, don't be a pussy.

>> No.55666716

>why does Selen need to hide it then?
when I was dating my 2nd girlfriend, we were together for close to a decade, but my family didn't even know about her for over a year, since I already moved out back then and I don't go out of my way to talk to people, just mind your own fucking businesses, easy as that, that's not hiding

>> No.55666750
Quoted by: >>55667213

Because even if she hadn't, if she says she can't do the tournament and omits a reason (like, wisdom toof hurt, no tourney sorry) you can safely assume management shut it down.
It's not rocket science. You don't need to be Sherlock Holmes to deduce this.

Can you now tell me how those innocuous tweets were a dogwhistle for calling out management? I ask because Selen knows better than doing it on Twitter, but is still bold enough to do so on-stream. Did she call them out on stream?

>> No.55666796

Like I said? To filter undesirables, because there are obvious implications, which normal viewers won't care about, but unicorns will leave.

>> No.55666803

considering the schizo did the same with... literally every single male Selen did a collab, yes

>> No.55666910

She is a public figure. Like it or not it comes with the territory. So you can bet your bottom dollar people want to know, some enough to stick their nose and find out themselves, as we have clearly seen.

Also, it is hiding it, anon that didn't tell his family he had a gf for a year. Unless you go a literal fucking year without talking to them, or hate them, it is hiding it.

>> No.55666950

It's been known for some time she plays with him offstream, I'm not even nijinog, but I saw some threads months ago, with her apex game history offstream, and it was on official account I think, so I don't know why hide it now.

>> No.55667213
Quoted by: >>55668029

My guy, her Tweets are also calling out management. She says she did everything she could and still failed. She also says she can't do this thing anymore but other people can. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see how she worded herself on Twitter and on stream will direct people's anger at management. And it should.

And I guess since you haven't seen the stream, here you go, complete with timestamp:

>> No.55667281
Quoted by: >>55669225

>Unless you go a literal fucking year without talking to them
i see them 2 or 3 times per year, since i moved pretty far away, but it just never came up in conversations, no
>some enough to stick their nose and find out themselves
we do be living in some crazy times man, what is happening to this world...

>> No.55667624


Good. Now when you criticize Holos for doing the same thing. We just say "its none of your business, its her private life!"

>> No.55667898

>its none of your business, its her private life!
well that's just objectively true, and no matter how much the unicorns cry and piss and shit themselves, normal people just don't care if or how many people you're dating

>> No.55668029
Quoted by: >>55668169

Yeah, nah, ain't seeing it. She was harsher with management in the Obsydia anniversary.
You need stronger wording. Like yes, this obviously means management shut it down. But it is not the invitation to burn them at the stake you make it out to be.

>> No.55668169
Quoted by: >>55668460

Well, I'd have to say you're foolish and ignorant. But I suppose we'll just see how things play out over the next few weeks.

>> No.55668224

So is selen collabing with a hololive member that got finger blasted on stream before? What great optics to have selen and nocturnal coach her.

>> No.55668460
Quoted by: >>55669379

>you're foolish and ignorant for not believing my very shit argument founded entirely on my interpretation of a very corporate-tier apology
Exactly what a benighted ape would think. But by all means, go burn Nijisanji anon. Some good may yet come of your idiocy.
I also seriously hope you don't think me disagreeing with you is some sort of defense on the part of management.

>> No.55668568
Quoted by: >>55669327

Why would anyone care if she plays with guys? She's a fat Asian girl.

>> No.55668609

good for her, she's not an idol and I want her to be happy

>> No.55668772

I mean yeah I think most people are pretty consistent about this. You can make the argument that holos are idols but personally I still think they deserve privacy too.

>> No.55669131

Let's collectively cut our foreskins and send her a collage of them spelling out "W H O R E" to properly educate her.

>> No.55669225

It is very weird you'd never mention it. Like, your initial wording made it seem like this
>so anon, dating anyone?
>geez mom, mind your own fucking business
I understand they didn't ask, but it is bizarre you never thought to bring it up.
And I disagree this is crazy behavior. It's like people that wanna know who celebrities date/their love life.
Just to a much smaller and more personal scale, which makes hiding all that harder since interacting directly with fans and talking about yourself is what makes people stay.

>> No.55669327

Because she reminds them of some tomboy they wanted to date, and thought they could, but never did.

>> No.55669379

It's based on my interpretation of basic PR best practices. You do not volunteer negative press to the public unless absolutely necessary. You definitely don't publicly admit that management killed your project and it's gone so badly that you're never doing anything like that again. Instead, you just say something milquetoast like, "We ran into some issues organizing the event and I decided to step back from it. We'll see what sort of events we can put together in the future!" Sure, people are going to rrat either way, but it's far, far more contained in the latter case.

>> No.55669602
Quoted by: >>55670236

you wouldn't get it

>> No.55669613

>she just talks too much, if she just sat there and shut the fuck up and played the game she would be an actually better player
Listen to how he talks about her. She asked him to help her get better at Apex, he likes the game and enjoys her company so he doesn't mind helping her out. That's it.

>> No.55669622
Quoted by: >>55669865

She streams with an avatar and a pseudonym on the internet, you have no right to details about her personal life or relationships.

>> No.55669830
Quoted by: >>55670136

Shit, it would be fucked up if he's using Selen as a rebound

>> No.55669857
Quoted by: >>55669887

They're definitely fucking, anon.

>> No.55669865


>> No.55669887

meds, anon
you're projecting your sexual obsession on other people

>> No.55669902

Lol holofags still want her?
even when their managers FREAKED OUT over towa playing with MALES and STILL having to constantly BEG to be part of tournments let alone host her own

>> No.55670006

Lmao why would you ever want someone you already rejected? That's like bad business.

>> No.55670136

He's a cool dude. Dating her would be punching down. I hope Selen would come to her senses.

>> No.55670219

That's it?
So the sister just made an entire movie on her head for this? kek

>> No.55670236

If it was that damning she would not have said she has "fun plans for EN only" in her stream. Lay off the kool-aid.
True. Can you explain?

>> No.55670534

This is something that isn't really talked about by catalogniggers. When you pull back the veil of illusion too much on an industry that exists specifically to manufacture an illusion, you lose the magic. For all we know Holos go through similar struggles regarding event organization etc, but they at least try to downplay setbacks when they happen so it doesn't overly dampen fans' moods. There is such a thing as being too real.

>> No.55670562

Nijirats throw away that excuse when they harrased Triangle into graduation. This is simply payback.

>> No.55670922

If they were just friends, Selen wouldn't mind talking about him like she does about all her friends, now tell me, why were they using cute matching names in a game like pokemon unite? Isn't that something couples do? Selen said she played for 6 hours straight

>> No.55671190

>lmao why would you want someone you already rejected

FuwaMoco applied multiple times
Bijou applied multiple times
Nene applied multiple times

>> No.55671291
File: 454 KB, 834x505, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.55671325

For one, at worst Hololive EN management seems to just be (have been?) incompetent rather than outright malicious/numberfagging like NijiEN's seems to be.
And to the other points, this was hardly a peek behind the veil. Receipts would have fit the bill more. And it's not like you need a lot to break the immersion of vtuberfags here.
More than relationships, a reminder that they are friendless losers for the most part is enough for them to want to kill whatever (female) chuuba reminded them of that fact.

>> No.55671336
Quoted by: >>55671400

I just can't feel bad for Selen. It's all her own doing.

>> No.55671371
Quoted by: >>55671499

Why the fuck is she obligated to talk about every single one of her friends you schizo?
I don't give a shit who chuubas are friends with. If they want to bring it up, whatever, if they don't, whatever. As long as it doesn't make the stream worse.

>now tell me, why were they using cute matching names in a game like pokemon unite? Isn't that something couples do?
That's your conclusive evidence? Playing Pokemon with matching nicknames? Friends do that too.

>> No.55671400
File: 426 KB, 758x857, 1809232604273.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

found the nijitard bootlicker

>> No.55671447

Retarded newshit. Vtubing corpos often have some plan in mind for specific wave and will prefer people who fit that plan. In the future the plan will be different and previously rejected person can fit it very well.

>> No.55671468

I don't know about JP side of niji, but why would any sane(lol) holo fan wanted anyone from nijiEN?

>> No.55671494
Quoted by: >>55672150

Nah. She keeps on staying this company while it fucks her over again and again and nobody gives a shit about her projects like VR world etc. It's her own fault for staying in NijiEN at this point. You can't help someone who doesn't want to be helped.

>> No.55671499


>> No.55671537
Quoted by: >>55671717

You're mentally ill. Seek help.

>> No.55671568
Quoted by: >>55671717

>least delusional schizo
Reminds me of the IRyS schizo, both retards making fan fiction

>> No.55671614

You guys have been doing this since her debut. Aren't you tired of it yet? Just appreciate the girls you already have.

>> No.55671717
Quoted by: >>55671780

Sure anon, keep coping and seething

>> No.55671780
File: 853 KB, 540x540, stupid-bitch[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F2qjns8.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55671928

>said the one seething because people isn't buying his narrative

>> No.55671917
Quoted by: >>55672150

Cool. Hope she finds success as an indie.
Niji as a company doesn't deserve its talents.

>> No.55671928
Quoted by: >>55671968

keep telling that to yourself, maybe you would be able to sleep peacefully at night anon

>> No.55671968

Tell that to yourself Nijinig, also see >>55671400

>> No.55672096
File: 707 KB, 727x682, AF7659CB-8E80-4CEA-8A87-B92280E26552.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

“Sorry Selen your tournaments weren’t making me enough money!”

>> No.55672124
Quoted by: >>55672149

I-it was 2%, not 1%

>> No.55672149
File: 21 KB, 600x706, nijisanji profit share with talents.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55672150

She knows that the only reason why she is something is because Niji. Her skills at gaming is mediocre at best and without being linked at OBSYDIA she has no other gimmicks other than being 'fat Asian chick that long ago was supposedly good at Apex'.

>> No.55672195

Is there any female vtuber who's better at Apex than her and isn't already in Holo EN/ID? I think that's a niche.

>> No.55672261
Quoted by: >>55682220

Or hell just female player in general?
She might be mid by pro standards, but Selene is still a pro player.

>> No.55672274
Quoted by: >>55672541

Froot. A bunch of NijiJP girls though it doesn't really count since westoids don't care about that.

>> No.55672315

yeah tell that to /HAHA/

>> No.55672349

But is she good enough to be interesting to watch? I never really watched Selen, just clicked few times and then clicked away, but I once clicked Aqua and just sat there looking at her playing, because she was good enough to keep me interested.

>> No.55672541
Quoted by: >>55674057

I thought it's obvious JPs don't count when talking about EN speaking chuuba... While Froot, she's definitely not for everyone with her troon outbreaks. So, there's definitely a niche for Selen as the most competent EN chuuba who isn't rotten by woke virus.

Sure? And there's plenty of free points to grab for being "the best in the scene". Even if people generally don't mind low skill of girls they watch, there's a lot of guys who want the streamer to be competent.

>> No.55672979

No. Unless she is being carried. When faced with opposition she start to tilting, become grumpy and complains.

>> No.55674057

>EN chuuba who isn't rotten by woke virus
>he doesn't know

>> No.55674198

Exactly. What Selen has done here is the exact opposite of what you would want to do if you just want to maintain status quo.

>> No.55674899

Why is his face so fucking punchable, goddamn.

>> No.55675217

Dude, there's a lot of GFE chuuba out there. Just... move on and find some small indie 2view that will responds to your chat.

>> No.55676692

since she boosted predator rank

>> No.55678015

she does

>> No.55679263

you don't do matching things with your friends? that's kinda sad

>> No.55679399

Bro, I have something to tell you that will blow your fucking mind.
>Vtubers have personal lives away from you faggots

>> No.55681053

Personal beliefs are irrelevant. The only thing that matters is what they preach as their public personas.
Look at Nina. She was a garbage leftist before joining Niji but nothing of that was left during her Niji career and she built loving fanbase.

>> No.55681113

I thought EN gen 3 would stop niji begging but I guess they're just as mediocre as the rest?

>> No.55681184
Quoted by: >>55681272

anon selen graduationbaits for pity and attention on every fucking month

>> No.55681272


>> No.55682220

she's not even close to professional level, the level of play in vsaikyo wasn't high and she flopped there so I don't think she'd be even close to competitive in the professional women's scene
there are actual women signed to pro teams for those https://liquipedia.net/apexlegends/Risen_Rose/Womens_Series/Finals

>> No.55682573

>ignoring recent events
Are you even awake?

>> No.55685779

Mr Jap will save her

>> No.55687860

It's not that bad anon

>> No.55689817

>I am just saying that Selen has a boyfriend and she secretly plays with him behind her fans' back. Simple as
just like every holo

>> No.55690781

…That’s unironically true. If we’re going to be completely honest, the majority of people who join Nijisanji who don’t wish to be idols join for the clout the brand name brings, and as lovely as Selen is as a person, her gaming skills aren’t enough to carry her in tournaments from what I’ve seen. The name “Dokibird” doesn’t carry weight but “Selen” does, and leaving is nothing but a gamble that I’m not sure would work in her favor. I just hope she’s ok.

>> No.55691211
Quoted by: >>55692426

Eh, even Noctyx could pass as the slightly out-there edgy corner to put a long pause in Niji's multi-waves approach. It was Iluna's react streamer vibes where they really lost what made vtubers special.

>> No.55692426


I agree. To be honest, ILUNA ruined the magic—and even then, if you were going to keep the same hires, at least put the males of XSOLEIL/ILUNA in one wave and the girls of both in another, that way you can have some sort of school-rivalry between boys and girls over something instead of the moon children/secret society shit that no one stuck to. It could’ve been light-hearted to make it feel more natural and cover the normies a bit but noOOoO

>> No.55692496
Quoted by: >>55693695

Of course it is. No one in Nijien would have the popularity and opportunities they have now without joinging the agency. Thats why you join a fucking agency, to have more visbility

>> No.55693695

I don't even think calling her a lovely person is accurate
that time she snubbed her third teammate in the charity tournament because she was so busy sucking up to Nocturnal and Falloutt felt like a microcosm of how she sees people who can't help her accrue more clout

anons are collectively stupid and think that everyone's big enough to pull off going solo
they haven't seen Sayu's numbers

>> No.55698383


>> No.55698845

no one sane cares what vtubers do, our lives dont matter to them and our lives dont matter at all

>> No.55703496
File: 1.99 MB, 1280x720, 【Pokémon Unite】 Representing EN in the EN x ID x JP Unite Tournament! #ポケモンユナイト世界大会 2-7 screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55706766

hey Selen, look at this
a tournament with EN and JP's, and even IN's too
and nobody had to fight management

how long will you keep defending a shitty black corpo?

>> No.55706568 [DELETED] 

If she's going to hide her boyfriend anyway, why not go to Hololive where she would get paid more and have more talent freedom?

>> No.55706766

Other than being a dick and gloat what did you pretend to accomplish?
Enter to the blue dorito isn't like to do an appointment to your dentist. Did you really expect some 2 viewer put their life in stand by until the next audition?

>> No.55707328

you're actually esl
