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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 30 KB, 400x400, momomo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55318758 No.55318758 [Reply] [Original]

Hentai/Alternative edition

What is /asp/?
/asp/ is a thread for vtubers to give and receive advice related to vtubing.

>Should I stream on Twitch or YouTube?
Most people would recommend against streaming on YouTube if you don't have an established subscriber base from making videos.

>Is there an audience for X?
Would you watch someone do X?
Is someone already doing X?

>What video editor should I use for editing clips?
DaVinci Resolve if you don't feel like spending money, otherwise use Adobe Premiere Pro.

Open company auditions:
Hololive (Open indefinitely): https://audition.hololivepro.com/en

Useful links:
General: https://pastebin.com/AJLkFrGK
Op-Sec: https://mauthedoog.medium.com/21-privacy-tips-vtubers-need-to-know-ce93082cd166
Twitter growth: https://controlc.com/9eba2fbc
What to avoid: https://pastebin.com/vbp6qEdt

Previous thread: >>55311918

>> No.55319181

>archived at 6 posts

>> No.55319260


>> No.55321055

some nigger keeps bumping threads at page 11 so now threads are archiving within 30 minutes

>> No.55321078


>> No.55321463

any aspies have particularly loyal or obsessive fans?

>> No.55321602

What loyalty? At most there are males who want to fuck female vtubers

>> No.55322980


ChaosFoundry's fans are very obsessive of his tulpa. Very.

>> No.55323758
File: 198 KB, 612x408, 1877537487676.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, I am disappoint

New thread new thread

/aspies/ streaming today (EST):

GClef is playing guitar at 3 PM: https://twitch.tv/gclefcannon
Kuromaru is streaming Subnautica at 8 PM: https://twitch.tv/kuromaruoniisan
Zenya is streaming ASMR at 9 PM: https://twitch.tv/zenyahima
ChaosFoundry is streaming Vividlope at 11 PM: https://twitch.tv/chaosfoundry

If you're also streaming please reply

>> No.55323955

Hey you! Yes, (You)! What are you getting into today, streaming or otherwise?

>> No.55324346

Going for a run then harassing women online.

>> No.55324415
File: 470 KB, 565x575, ryt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I debut my new Live2D model on my new channel at 5PM EST
The debut is purely for my autism, not numbers.

>> No.55324423
Quoted by: >>55324464

How do you harass them exactly?

>> No.55324464

DMs, twitter, harassing in their chat, the usual.

>> No.55324741

probably going to drink on stream

>> No.55324873

Hello Rum

>> No.55325040

Send them dick pics? Send their viewers dick pics

>> No.55325161
File: 96 KB, 700x700, yukithink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll be watching the Yugioh World Championship finals and 25th Anniversary announcement tonight, probably play some Master Duel alongside it

>> No.55325241
File: 727 KB, 1024x1024, Ryoma_Hoshi_Sprite_Sidebar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think a shota model with a ridiculously deep gruff masculine voice like pic rel would work /asp/?

I find the juxtaposition hilarious and think it might work as a novelty, but then thoughts of "your voice doesn't fit your model" have me second guessing.

Talk me in to/out of it before I commission a l2d model anons

>> No.55325396
Quoted by: >>55328034

Male vtubers don't work.

>> No.55326660
Quoted by: >>55370033

i'm a babi and people tell me i have a fitting voice (i have a deep voice) for my cute anime girl, you'll be fine.

>> No.55326900

200ccv the few times I caught his streams.

>> No.55326917

Back from my lil break and streaming some dumb mascot horror game. Also checking out the two posted links bc they both look interesting

>> No.55328034

t. sex pest

>> No.55328156

AdmiralBahroo is a male with the vtuber tag and pulls in 5k people. Does anyone know his history? What made him so successful?
He doesn't even have a l2d.

>> No.55328163

anything *can* work, it's a matter of if it'll work *for you*
if you're really not sure start small with a PNG before going all-in on a L2D and see if it bothers you or if you think it's the right vibe

>> No.55328509


>> No.55328574
Quoted by: >>55337045

he's been making content on youtube for over 10 years

>> No.55328600


>> No.55328669

he was fucking huge before he started using a vtuber model. i can't even tell you his entire history but it involves a lot of overlap with other huge creators and a lot of content

>> No.55328682
File: 489 KB, 512x724, S033_Stage3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking love Christian Andersen from FGO, and I think he's fairly popular as well. Imo it could work very well, people may just have to get used to it

>> No.55328750
Quoted by: >>55336823

shotas in general aren't as popular as ikemen or femboys or women but do whatever you want its not exactly a debuff as long as your design is fine

>> No.55329955

takes like 3 min on his youtube to find out that he was a hardcore borderland content creator who carved a niche from that with years and years of content. go ahead and pick a game series of your choice, make weekly content on it for 5+ years and and enjoy the numbers

>> No.55330007
Quoted by: >>55330104

I'm loyal to my mentally ill little sister

>> No.55330104
Quoted by: >>55330618

frankly, purpurbozu probably has the highest concentration of raw talent and autism out of any aspie

>> No.55330384

Lavandel, just check her art tag. Some of her purpurbozu are insanely talented and dedicated.

>> No.55330600

>>55330384 (me)
As an example

>> No.55330618

Birds of a feather flock together or something like that, she us with her energy and talent

>> No.55331608

Is there anything more pathetic than a male vtuber? Who do you appeal to? You're not cute, you're not entertaining, no one wants to hang out with you. Girls are cute, girls are entertaining, we want to hang out with girls. If you're a male reading this I suggest you kys.

>> No.55331893 [DELETED] 
File: 1.28 MB, 1024x1024, 1676071941470499.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is there anything more pathetic than a male vtuber? Who do you appeal to? You're not cute, you're not entertaining, no one wants to hang out with you. Girls are cute, girls are entertaining, we want to hang out with girls. If you're a male reading this I suggest you kys.

>> No.55332558

It's alright

>> No.55333753

looks really good

>> No.55333925

"insanely talented"

>Folds on clothes don't make sense
>Hair is a mess
>Jaw and face shape is fucked
>What are hands
>What is anatomy
>Background is flat and messy

Should've linked something else because this one reeks of beginner artist

>> No.55333980
Quoted by: >>55343948

Post art or catbox

>> No.55333999

art can be cool on a conceptual level it doesn't have to be technically good

>> No.55334039
Quoted by: >>55343948

Sounds like someone’s jealous they don’t have a dedicated art fan

>> No.55334139
File: 851 KB, 2500x1800, F2hsxAOWoAAQEaH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55334220

I like his art, it looks cool

>> No.55334220

That one actually looks good unlike whatever this one is by the same artist https://twitter.com/CheenMachine1/status/1687649500888780800

>> No.55334252
Quoted by: >>55343948

Looking at the peofile his art is very good. How do I get art groomers like these?
I will make fanart for you seething femcel, just tell me who you are

>> No.55334404
Quoted by: >>55343948

Everyone can see your jealousy stop humiliating yourself kek

>> No.55334490
Quoted by: >>55343948

post your work

>> No.55334508

I used to hate myself for mainly doing AI art and not being one of the "cool kids" but after seeing this interaction I have no wish to impress people like this.

>> No.55334945

It's the same schizo that still tries to convince us that Lava is a toxic insane cunt. Just ignore her.

>> No.55335270

She unironically probably has the closest relation to her viewerbase than anyone else since she usually only ever does chatting or Lego streams. Viewers love chatting streams because it’s just a 1 on 1 with the person.

>> No.55336823

What if the shota is femboy adjacent? Not super girly, but still androgynous enough to pass for a tomboy.

>> No.55337045
Quoted by: >>55337397

Jesus fuck. I guess that's another point for the "consistency is key" advice.

>> No.55337116
Quoted by: >>55337309

artists were a mistake

>> No.55337142
Quoted by: >>55337721

One day I will make art for my little sister but first I need to get good at it

>> No.55337309

art is inherently human and you can't separate art from humanity

>> No.55337397

I wouldn't say that. Consistency keeps people around yes, but for every one of him there's 1000 people who have made consistent content for 10+ years and have absolutely no viewership. You just can't see them.

>> No.55337721

if you want to draw, just draw

>> No.55337824

Literally just do whatever you want

>> No.55338286
File: 329 KB, 1205x681, 2023-08-05_11:47:45.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going live in about 10 minutes.
Unveiling my new layout since you guys were hassling me on it every time I post here.
I think it's pretty good. the game takes up the whole background this time. Chat is in the bottom right.
I'm really proud of the circle where my model will go. It fits the magical theme for my character, and I can actually move and resize it without messing everything up. I'm only now really starting to see the issues with the grey boxes layout I was using before.
Anyway, I'll be on Youtube soon. playing some Elden Ring. @ZombieWizardGartred.

Also, I nearly just posted this without actually adding in the picture.

>> No.55338421
Quoted by: >>55338531

why is mary/nana a vtuber if she keeps posting her real face on twitter? i don't even know what her character or kayfabe is supposed to me

>> No.55338525
File: 1.93 MB, 1722x1840, spooky.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's saturday, there's music, as there always is


>> No.55338531

kyuto schizo hafu (?) wife

>> No.55340108
File: 332 KB, 1136x1280, 1413605196990.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55413532

Deep Rock Galactic at 7PM. Doing some blank core hunting and deep dives if I'm not too rusty, but I might not play for too long. I really want to play Medal of Honor on the ps1.
Also, >south america, so high ping for I believe 99% of the people here

>> No.55340261

I dunno about that question section on the bottom senpai. Also, it's more visually pleasing to have the chat on the top right and your avatar on the bottom poking from the screen since that's usually the established format for vtubers.

>> No.55340382

Why are you on YouTube? Twitch would be so much better if you don’t already have an audience

>> No.55340574
File: 76 KB, 1280x720, 1684267297639080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55340866

Raid etiquette:
>welcome the raider
>welcome the raider's viewers
>ask how their stream went and what they played
>introduce yourself and what kind of content you do
Weird how people struggle with this

>> No.55340683

Still kind of a weird layout, but you do you.
You should probably be a bit more mindful about your typesetting, aliasing, and asset resolution though, people are much less forgiving about those things than the actual physical layout.
I'd still suggest grabbing a free overlay online or commissioning one if you don't have any graphic design experience.

>> No.55340837
File: 16 KB, 328x162, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>channel says I have 50 followers
>twitch affiliate tracker says I have 49
heck, who do I trust?
not gonna post my link

>> No.55340866

interacting with people is hard. If you're starting out you'll rarely receive raids, and then when it finally happens you spill your spaghetti because you weren't ready

>> No.55341179
Quoted by: >>55341526

Ignore both, follower count is the least important stat.

>> No.55341211

denpafish will be in hololive in the future. save this post.

>> No.55341526
File: 84 KB, 500x490, gyllenhall_scared.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55342240

the one stat that matters is if I'm having fun streaming

>> No.55341786
File: 538 KB, 1000x1000, 1691264535343.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good morning awoomfies, I hope you're having a wonderful Saturday! Please do something productive today!

>> No.55342240

No it’s CCV.

>> No.55342301
Quoted by: >>55342949

I don't disagree, sure it's not the usual japanese goyslop but it's average, you can have it in your HS portfolio

>> No.55342312

always trust the number that makes you happier and always stay positive, lie to yourself if needed

>> No.55342949
Quoted by: >>55343948

samefag damage control

>> No.55343612


>> No.55343948

Redraw: https://files.catbox.moe/xi0vq0.png
Part of timelapse: https://files.catbox.moe/im6rxq.mp4

This was done earlier today when 4chan was still working. There were a few liberties taken with redrawing the original but the colors are the same. I didn't care to spend much time on this because I wouldn't be able to post this on my art account anyway.

Apologize to me, now.

I'm not whoever that anon is
That's not me either

>> No.55344221

>>55343948 (me)
God fucking hell I can't format shit properly

Now you can make fun of me

>> No.55344962

Woof, that was a long one. I'm guessing servers are back now.
Hello again asp

>> No.55345640
Quoted by: >>55345879

So now you get to try to guess who the toxic /asp/ie artist that can actually paint is

>> No.55345879
Quoted by: >>55346545

I'm not usually toxic but that one anon pissed me off somehow

>> No.55345950

you took a heavily stylized piece and completely changed the style, good job anon

>> No.55346545

I think you were right and the other anons know nothing, for what it's worth, but you can't be that harsh when judging someone as soon as they're no longer complete beginners

>> No.55346776

something about removing that slight head tilt and turning it into a straightforward portrait with the redraw bothers me a lot

>> No.55346857

Is it reasonable to find a decent quality model for $300 for both art and rigging? I want a temporary L2D until I can get a model by my preferred artist whenever they open back up. Most I'm seeing so far are either far more expensive or the art is kinda so-so.

>> No.55347087
Quoted by: >>55348114

only if you want a chibi model

>> No.55347314
Quoted by: >>55348114

Temporary? Get a good looking PNG with changing expressions, or buy a general good looking l2d from booth.

>> No.55347552
Quoted by: >>55359766

Holy shit I got my first chatter today and simply having one person to talk every so often does absolute wonders in keeping conversation going. Talking by myself for hours is hard but even a few words from someone every couple of minutes makes it so easy to keep talking. They even followed I'm over the moon

>> No.55347613


>> No.55347662
File: 326 KB, 901x851, BOTTOM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His model, his voice, his energy, everything about him is designed for the sole purpose of pleasuring men.
He'd probably suck off every male /asp/ie and /wvt/ie in a row, and not even for networking purposes, just for pleasure.
He's the biggest slut. He likes to tease, and he knows what he is doing. His eyes are just begging for cock.
He is the type of fag everyone would go gay for, even the most straight man ever, just for one night.
Imagine him moaning your name with his femenine, yet vaguely european accent. Your dick becomes hard like diamonds.

>> No.55347790

You can get a fairly nice looking model with decent rigging for under $100 if you don't mind it being nonunique. If you go that route, look for one with switchable styles so you can try to be unique even if someone else buys the same model.

>> No.55347799
File: 524 KB, 1080x1376, d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Denpa bought another add and the art style is similar, is she the local art schizo?

>> No.55348114

Chibi wouldn't be bad I guess, I have a few pulled up I'm considering if I can't find anything else. I think living as a chibi for a year or so would be better than being stuck as a png for another year or so.
I do not wish to buy a premade since I've already got a design and it would be weird to change now!

>> No.55348381
Quoted by: >>55348610

she's literally streaming right now retard

>> No.55348610

She browses 4chan on stream retard

>> No.55348880
Quoted by: >>55354822

Denpa spending all the money she apparently doesn't have, and gets super mogged by Zenya who doesn't even shill herself here anymore.

>> No.55350952
File: 149 KB, 347x474, pain1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always remember /asp/ies that Twitch does not save your VODs unless you hit the toggle for it.

>> No.55351174
Quoted by: >>55351365

Noooo you forgot didn't you? I lost my very first stream bc I didnt know :(

>> No.55351365

Unfortunately which also sucks since that was my new channel and Live2D debut. On the bright side though that shit was so scuffed that I can fully justify a Debut 2.0 zatsu stream.

>> No.55351423
File: 160 KB, 666x666, download (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55351572

There are okay to pretty good looking unique models around the $150-400 range, but you have to do a lot of digging to find the really good stuff. The only real downside is that you can't have your specific oc donut model of your dreams. Pic related is a unique model for only $280. Is anyone really going to argue that their pngs look cuter than this shit? Look at how fucking adorable it is.


>> No.55351572
File: 39 KB, 448x448, 1691295941791.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will admit that one is cute but I'm already dedicated to being me...

>> No.55351583

kill yourself nigga

>> No.55353158
File: 355 KB, 718x348, toingpromo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're back. New shitty mascot horror game. Come check it out.

>> No.55353182

The art was done by one of her community members nigga shut the fuck up

>> No.55353343

sloth tits

>> No.55353483

soul vs soulless


>> No.55354144
File: 6 KB, 142x141, Z29iYWNrdG8vaWMvbmlnZ2E=.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're here because you want to stream as a vtuber
and you already have big numbers on twitter
just put a png on screen and stream, you don't even need a mic

>> No.55354690

Bad advice

>> No.55354822

Zenya has been streaming for two years retard

>> No.55355502
Quoted by: >>55355885

I want to rim Denpa's asshole

>> No.55355885

Tell her she wants to hear it

>> No.55356180

This is creepy af behavior.

>> No.55356311

You will never please everybody, do what makes you happy.

>> No.55358510

we're not in /ic/ but fuck it
CheenMachine1 is clearly /int/ to /adv/ (we can debate this)
your "fixing" shows some proficient, maybe you're /adv/ or even /pro/
I understand that people here doesn't have eyes to distinguish good from great art (we're on the /asp/ thread from /vt/)
but calling CheenMachine1 a /beg/? wtf are you doing here?

>> No.55359558
Quoted by: >>55360444

What about buying a cheap one then altering it with my own art? Sorry, I'm a complete noob so I don't know if it's a stupid question.

>> No.55359766

I had a viewer who stuck through the whole stream and even said he loved it.
He didn't talk much but I still loved that little comment.
We're gmi one day.

>> No.55360444
Quoted by: >>55360827

That would depend on who you buy it from. Not every artist will give you the psd files to edit the artwork of the character. You'd also need the motion files to make the model move unless you want to rig it yourself, and even then you'd still need the psd with all the layers separated to allow everything to move individually. So yes you CAN get it, it's just unlikely since many premade models won't offer all that.

>> No.55360827
File: 3.76 MB, 498x498, noted.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55362892

if any of you crab lago i will kill all of you and then myself

that is all

schizo out

>> No.55365184

You mean I can finally die? Who's lago again, the gay rabbit? Time to get started

>> No.55366511

Same mistake as me... Shamers

At least I still recorded it personally so that is something. Hope the same goes for you lmao

>> No.55366579
Quoted by: >>55366865

You better not change models Haru... I will be seething

>> No.55366697
Quoted by: >>55366865

Defend that sweetheart for me.

Good, you're cute. Maybe refine the design, but stick to it.

>> No.55366865
File: 554 KB, 128x128, 1691307428289.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never ever would, don't worry! I've been maybe half considering the goth femboy look, but I don't think that would fit with my personality well. But the dichotomy better the two might make it better, gap moe and all!
If I don't go for the above look, I'm kind of at a loss on what kind of design to go for otherwise. I've been thinking maybe whoever I decide to get my model from, I can ask for their opinion and pay them more for helping design assuming they're open to it.

>> No.55368220
Quoted by: >>55370529

I mean, the goth look etc would prolly work as an alternative thing (I wanna get a couple of alternative looks as well)

But yeah, stick to your original idea of getting a LiVe2D with a slight updated model design.

>> No.55368241
File: 13 KB, 680x274, 1624925523688.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55370529

Most artists like a bit of wiggle room. It's what I did with my artist and my final design popped hard. Make it clear what you are 100% on and where you're giving them room to play.

>hair needs to be this length, this color, but I'm not sure on the eyes yet, feel free to play with those if you'd like

Shit like that.

>> No.55369493
Quoted by: >>55370529

I'm getting one for $260 but now I regret it because the design is too far off my original vision and the artist was kinda sloppy in places and now I'm drawing my own Live2D because I'm insane Save up and get a model for about 1000 or get a nice looking PNG

>> No.55369949
File: 89 KB, 942x706, no-think.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55371961

from all the aspies, what are the best Live2D and PNG here? just name 2 from each
I want to check something

>> No.55370033

Babis work well if you have a deep voice, if you have a normal voice people will call you a faggot

>> No.55370120
Quoted by: >>55370636

Learning adobe premiere pro, any good guides?

>> No.55370529
Quoted by: >>55370636

Alternatives would be neat but I gotta be happy with a normal one first, I kinda wanna drop the coat, as cool as it is, I wanna go for cuter. I don't wanna deviate a ton from my current design, I like most of it!
For sure! I've seen since redesigns from one of the artists I've considered commissioning and they look great, the other I'm currently considering does great excellent looking outfits, he just doesn't currently do overseas commissions sadly...
I have two people in mind I'd like to comm right now but I have zero idea when they might open up again so I wanna get one that's not super expensive in the meantime so I'm not stuck as a png for potentially another year or so.

>> No.55370636
Quoted by: >>55371985

what's your budget

type in whatever you're trying to do into youtube and there will be a video for it "Adobe In a Minute" is a great channel.

>> No.55371961

Among aspies?
Live2D: Runoxi, Beryl
PNG: AlbertMorn, Haru

>> No.55371985
Quoted by: >>55372388

I currently have about 1.6k saved up just in case the prices of the people I want to commission go up, but being a NEET I don't have a particularly high income so I'm trying to keep my budget for the placeholder at like $300 combined, art and rigging if I can. I'd be willing to drop more on it maybe if I knew how long I was going to be waiting but it could be any time from say, 4-5 months until I replace it to, I guess indefinitely until they open up commissions... I know it's not a lot and I can't expect anything crazy high quality, so I'm considering chibi and partial body.

>> No.55372388
Quoted by: >>55373189

Tbh if you have 1.6 saves you can prolly invest into a heads up/waist up model with your own take instead. Prolly better than getting some barely mid shit you have no control over... Unless you really want to have legs

>> No.55373189
File: 1.60 MB, 1000x1000, 1691314360715.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55375447

I just don't wanna spend too much on a temporary model since it's a placeholder and the more I spend, the more I potentially put myself at risk of being unable to afford my preferred artists if they open back up. Bust up or half body is plenty fine though, I contacted someone who did very cute and affordable chibi models so I may go that route if they're not booked out.

>> No.55373876
File: 144 KB, 1125x1123, IMG_3242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55376686

>> No.55375447

there's like some decent pixel/chibi/gremlin models as well... you could try to check those out then. They are also around 50 bucks most of the time. Maybe that's something more helpful then?

>> No.55376686
Quoted by: >>55377254

don't say this... I'll get depressed... you guys are my friends, right? right????

>> No.55377130
File: 812 KB, 912x834, 1689056284587013.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm bored and it doesn't look like there'll be a new thread in a while, so... happy sun day!

/aspies/ streaming today (EST):

GClef is streaming Stepmania at 4:30 PM: https://twitch.tv/gclefcannon
ChaosFoundry is streaming Pseudoregalia at 10 PM: https://twitch.tv/chaosfoundry

If you're also streaming please reply

>> No.55377254 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.09 MB, 992x776, hug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm your fren!

>> No.55377518
File: 23 KB, 300x300, 1674744883977678.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was gonna learn to draw but I've just been playing Roblox.

>> No.55378570

Why the fuck is Digby tweeting so much?

>> No.55379057
Quoted by: >>55379095

Mental breakdown. Many such cases.

>> No.55379095

He's doing fifty tweets in one day according to his twitter

>> No.55380369

Can pre-recorded vtubers content still thrive in this day and age? I'm at a point where I don't have the privacy to stream uninterrupted, but I could record gameplay and cut out any unsavory bits. Manlybadasshero comes to mind but I don't know if I have the chops to pull off what he does

>> No.55381564
Quoted by: >>55381792

If you're who I think you are, imo you can prolly do it. The main issue in this obviously is the lack of interacting with chat obviously, so you will have to compensate it.

Not sure good it's gonna end up being popular at the end tho, you may not get many new views!!! But hey, at least you're still doing content

>> No.55381792

Lack of chat interaction can be replaced by discord or social media interaction.

>> No.55384299

nice one

>> No.55386682

I will groom potential viewers into guaranteed fans baybay

>> No.55389571

Sun pretty

>> No.55391657

good mornin

>> No.55391764


>> No.55391867
Quoted by: >>55393142

Gumpai-coded poll

>> No.55393142
File: 32 KB, 501x513, ohio69.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

excuse me

>> No.55393312

that YouTuber you mentioned has been making videos for 10 videos kek

>> No.55393362

meant to say years

>> No.55393678

>People really want to listen to females

Lmao it's too late to help you fucking nerds

>> No.55394052

In less one year you can get 1k subs if you do it right

>> No.55394392
Quoted by: >>55394733

Wow, today I really want to kill myself, I saw a couple familiar names and it bought back the bad memories

>> No.55394733

don't do it anon, you have too many streams that no one watches to look forward to

>> No.55396419
Quoted by: >>55398633

Shania go back to your containment thread

>> No.55397148

>Laying in bed
>Thinking about Coco
>Contemplating Coco
>Pondering the contours of the woman
>The distribution of the meat
>Plenty of soft, grippable flesh
>A surprising amount of muscle underneath
>Train of thought halts as I wonder just how many people have fallen victim to her succudemon strength, thinking that she couldn't overpower them
>"Skill issue," I say to no one in particular. "They lacked knowledge of the power words and suffered for it, that's all there is to it."
>Remember briefly that I'm not sure if I know the power words, or how they're meant to be strung together
>Shake my head to suppress those worries
>After all, the victory is mine no matter how things pan out
>Close my eyes and try to fall asleep
>After some time passes, stir awake at feeling a familiar weight and warmth bearing down upon me
>The night's trials are heralded with a sultry "Meowdy" whispered into my ear
>Fire back with a "Hey there baby gurl, come here often?" delivered with a shit-eating grin
>Silence, then chuckling from both of us
>Proceed to spend the next hour throwing stupid jokes and one-liners back and forth
>Coco departs
>Hear some other poor soul cry out in the distance, surely the succ's next meal target
>"Skill issue," I mumble to myself, drowsiness finally getting the better of me

>> No.55397462

I wanna tweet a lot but I just don’t have enough to say on there

>> No.55398633

my first ever post was in auds!

>> No.55398993
File: 62 KB, 801x556, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going live in a few mins. Finishing up Sonice fan game Before the Sequel, and then I'll play After the Sequel in the time left.

>> No.55399014

KankuroKing streaming Binding of Isaac with Crowd Control/Twitch Integration at 7pm EST today.

>> No.55402128


>> No.55402137
File: 77 KB, 1400x700, Luisa-lifting-a-house-on-Encanto-1368228150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.55402586
Quoted by: >>55402809

why is ze german twink so smug looking and what is he laughing at?

>> No.55402809
Quoted by: >>55403849

He saw your dick

>> No.55403332
File: 376 KB, 717x355, iswydh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>every option is an aspie past stream
why I'm not in the list?

>> No.55403849
Quoted by: >>55406612

Not possible, my dick is H U G E, if he saw that he would be opening his mouth sticking his tonge out and drolling

>> No.55403862

Oh, wow, Idol EN has auditions open for Gen 3. I think that any given /asp/ie has a reasonable shot at getting in, considering that they have someone in there right now that did a stream literally pissing into cups. However you feel about your own content, I'm certain that you can do better than that, right?

>> No.55404063
Quoted by: >>55405880

You realize how much the majority of this thread are actually female, right?

>> No.55404138

denpafish and gumpai for idol gen3

>> No.55404215

Yes pls, let them graduate so I don't have to see their menhera posts constantly.

>> No.55404508
Quoted by: >>55407052

they both deserve to go corpo.

>> No.55405741

Quick question since we’re talking about corpos. Would it be worth it integrating into one with you owning your IP and if you ever left, you’d still keep it?

>> No.55405880

...Yes? It's why I bothered mentioning it in here at all.

>> No.55406607
Quoted by: >>55412711

Open until September 6th.

Yume+ also still has auditions open until the 25th, but since it's a literal who startup company, be wary.
I miss when /asp/ies actually updated the open company auditions bit in the OP

>> No.55406612
Quoted by: >>55407147

the dicks on my planet are a lot bigger desu

>> No.55407052

Denpa much moreso than gumpai. If you think a heeb corpo would put up with his/her bullshit like nuking social media and fake graduation...lol

>> No.55407147
Quoted by: >>55408505

So I'm hearing that you're wanting to be bound and shipped to the stables as a "horse relaxer," gotcha

>> No.55407811

Denpa if she auditions seems like a good choice for them, but would she even want to go corpo?

>> No.55408505

please no : (

>> No.55408600
Quoted by: >>55409895

I wish I was a girl so I could be a massive sluttuber

>> No.55409114

I wish I was a girl so I could raise the bar

>> No.55409210

I'm glad I'm not a girl.

>> No.55409895

why not just be a massive sluttuber as a male? like what the heck people complain so much about "waahhh theres so much sexo" and then i can't even think of any male sluttubers i'd want to have sex with, it's SAD

>> No.55409966
Quoted by: >>55410275

Nobody wants a slutty male it just makes me feel creepy
If I was a girl I could get away with so much.

>> No.55410275
Quoted by: >>55410560

i want a slutty male you dingus

>> No.55410560

yes but you are gay

>> No.55410811
Quoted by: >>55414857

I wish Haru or Beryl were sluttier.

>> No.55412622
Quoted by: >>55412783

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa why is this thread dying

>> No.55412711

be the change you want to see. awaken the power lying dormant within you, anon. change yourself into the baker-chama you want to be

>> No.55412783

Everyone is having sex

>> No.55413017

Also hamster bro is debuting tmrw, right? Right?

>> No.55413126

but you didn't have to cut me off

>> No.55413328
File: 845 KB, 810x1000, summersalt-commission-vtuber-ikemen-jacket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If money was no object /asp/, who would you have commission your live 2d and rigging?

I have cash to burn and looking for some A+ artists and riggers

>> No.55413532
File: 136 KB, 500x500, kankuro_oggey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55413629


If you're here can you send me your discord, need to reach out about something.


>> No.55413629
Quoted by: >>55413821

What up?

>> No.55413821
Quoted by: >>55413872

Discord Name pls.

>> No.55413872

Oh, right

>> No.55414486
File: 100 KB, 899x599, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55415815

>Is Digby

The vtweeter arc is over
I don't know how those guys do it and I don't want to do it again
50 tweets in one day

I also made a little animation it's in amongst all the tweets and on my youtube

Whoever it was that told me I should tweet fifty times a day. I hope you're doing ok and not pushing yourself in ways you shouldn't

>> No.55414780
File: 48 KB, 308x457, 1584400296649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55420178

>1 view on my audition
so long suckers

>> No.55414827

I want Raita to make me a distinguished gentleman model. Say what you will about the titty monsters that he draws, but Raita's flatties and men are pretty fucking good in my eyes.

>> No.55414857

you missed slutty beryl last night while he was drunk then

>> No.55415385

What you just witnessed is live grooming

>> No.55415453

Kankuro said he's not here for girls, so he's here for our boys.

>> No.55415485

Grooming is when a vtuber talks to another vtuber

>> No.55415535

Now you're getting it

>> No.55415768
Quoted by: >>55415874

What do you call it when a vtuber talks to a viewer?

>> No.55415815

Tbh the issue is you actually still have a life and stuff you're doing. VTweeters don't, they unironicallt sit around in front of their PC the entire day, seethe and post multiple times an hour. All in all, count yourself lucky man

>> No.55415874


>> No.55416007
File: 1.73 MB, 1200x915, savvg3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55416214

muppet building baby gunpla on stream


>> No.55416214

Schizo alert.

>> No.55416597

i just want to be cute and funny but i have a stupid idiot deep voice (woman). i don’t want to ara ara! i don’t want to be a mommy! i want to be a cute little sister!

>> No.55416702

How about neither?
Walk the middle path, the SEISO path.

>> No.55416724
Quoted by: >>55417105

Look into the vocal lessons trans people use to raise their voices.

>> No.55416772

>deep voiced imouto
There's a market for that

>> No.55417105

I think this is what Haru has done to damage his voice.

>> No.55417138
Quoted by: >>55417236

I kind of assumed haru was trans but looking at it they appear not to be

>> No.55417167

even though I worship ara ara mommies, the alpha move is to be what you want then shit on anyone who complains

>> No.55417192

Just be cute and funny with your deep voice

>> No.55417214

I can barely speak and try to be cute and funny. LET'S WALK THIS ROUTE TOGETHER, SISTER!!!

>> No.55417233

Debut already so I can recruit you!
Just stream! Hit GO LIVE! Post on Twitter! GO GO GO DO IT DO IT

>> No.55417236

This is just how I sound...
Yeah, I'm not trans. I'm very happy as a guy!

>> No.55417271 [DELETED] 

I will be grooming you btw

>> No.55417590

I just want deep voice cunny

>> No.55417696

if money was no object i'd go to a 3DCG studio like fortiche

>> No.55417788

Deep voice cunny is something that I didn't realize that I wanted until just this moment.

>> No.55417864
Quoted by: >>55418221


Is joining groups like this worth it? It doesn't feel like it'll help much in the long run, but it's akin to networking, right?

>> No.55418221
Quoted by: >>55418354

That's literally just a friend group.

>> No.55418354
Quoted by: >>55418398

I know... But are these type of friend groups even functional? And should I give it a try?

>> No.55418398

I literally just took a look at that group's tweets from that account and can figure what kind of people they are. If those are the people you want to be associated with, go for it.

>> No.55419098
File: 525 KB, 1920x1080, BOI2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kankuro here!
Binding of Isaac with Crowd Control, spend coins to hurl stuff at me!

>> No.55419427


>> No.55420003
File: 114 KB, 608x635, 1684809030627313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>started streaming only very recently
>want to stream as often as possible to escape being a 0view
>can only stream 3 times a week because my house is too loud all other days
Is 3 times a week too little? Am I doomed to staying irrelevant unless I stream nearly every day?

>> No.55420126

3 times a week is fine. As long as you hit those days consistently, you'll be in decent shape.

>> No.55420178

Where? Audition for WHAT there’s nothing open

>> No.55420674

LITERALLY ME I wish I was a shota so bad. I think I have a solution that would work for me and anyone really
Pretty sure corpos only require 3 days a week or a minimum hours thing. Just look at what holo requires and aim for that it will be good for your resume

>> No.55420787
File: 1.22 MB, 909x747, 1688705891769965.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For any of you guys that are actually serious about getting a shota model, this guy does legit ones. Not a cute girl that's calling herself a guy, an actual shota.


>> No.55421362
Quoted by: >>55421508

Someone tier 3 subbed to me what did they mean by this

>> No.55421388

OMG I want him to make my ref sheet now

>> No.55421508


>> No.55421586
File: 1.25 MB, 900x1200, 1688494215599105.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55421806

Damn, that's pretty good. There aren't really many western shotas, let alone anyone from /asp/ or /wvt/, huh?

>> No.55421710

holy shit this dude is great, i think i'll comm a shota version of myself to use on collabs

>> No.55421758
File: 3.27 MB, 3000x1836, 1673794388197558.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55423668


>> No.55421771

Little boys are very cute and I wish I was one.

>> No.55421806

Nobody wants to hear a man act like a little boy or see a little boy with a grown up man voice. There's a reason that women are usually cast as young boy voices. That said, the shota models are pretty good.

>> No.55421869


>> No.55421954
File: 121 KB, 300x300, 1671433148194162.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of the top apex streamers in japan (before his redesign) was literally a shota vtuber with an adult voice.

>> No.55422245

Daiya could probably pass for a shota.
All the other males are too deep or too tranny sounding.

>> No.55422299
Quoted by: >>55430275

Daiya is ESL.

>> No.55422389
Quoted by: >>55422783

Haru or Beryl could probably pass for it. Femboy voices usually would fit in well for a shota sounding voice.

>> No.55422783
Quoted by: >>55422980

Beryl is too deep for a shota, but could pass for a teenager.
Haru is too tranny.

>> No.55422980

You've never actually met a tranny in your life

>> No.55423668
Quoted by: >>55424741

>clauvio for pedophiles

>> No.55423994

I think I know what to save up for...

>> No.55424083
Quoted by: >>55424192

Talk me out of spending $500+ on a shotuber

>> No.55424157

Yes/No to the following with a model by him

>> No.55424192
File: 38 KB, 736x409, b1431bcc3bef0f9648f30ca16048a30e--anime-store-anime-wolf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If only I weren't born in a third world...

I won't

>> No.55424198


>> No.55424284
File: 44 KB, 448x448, 1688953740607863.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have a shota voice
But that art style is so tempting.

>> No.55424336


>> No.55424550
File: 487 KB, 997x781, 1465093563041.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need to start properly making schedules because doing nothing but last minute guerrillas probably isn't good for growing from 0

>> No.55424669

You could do that
Or you could continue the eternal guerilla lifestyle and throw out tweets a bit further in advance on days when you decide that you're going in.

>> No.55424741
File: 26 KB, 452x356, 1665984126699978.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55425334

>lolis are fine
>shotas are pedophiles
amazing bait

>> No.55424820
Quoted by: >>55425070

One of the faster growing vtubers from here right now only ever does guerilla streams. I think it's fine to stream whenever you want as long as you're consistent at a certain hour per day.

>> No.55425070

The post gets made asking the same question every thread so I may as well repost the answer. Volume and consistent scheduling go toward discoverability. If all you do is stream, you have to stream more for more chances to be seen and discovered. If you have other pipelines for brining in viewers (like Beryl's connections to larger chuubas) then you can get away with streaming less. Same if you produce other forms of content outside of streaming that make people aware you (and your streams) exist.

>> No.55425316

There's nothing wrong with shotas that have a deep voice

>> No.55425334
Quoted by: >>55425580

>lolis are fine
no they arent

>> No.55425580
Quoted by: >>55425679

Lolis are fine. Shotas are fine. Lola x shota is fine.

>> No.55425679

not in this universe, but once you get in the wood chipper, all your dreams will come true

>> No.55425954

Shota Haru sexo...

>> No.55426105
Quoted by: >>55426437

I just checked the whole audition thing, I'm too talentless in the sense of singing, and pretty much anything else. Definitely will not audition for any corpos anytime soon.
I deactivated my twitter for that exact reason.
I'm still having fun with the hobby, hope it's obvious by now that I am indeed treating it like a hobby.

>> No.55426437
Quoted by: >>55428806

butttt gumpaiiiii if you treat it like a hobby you'll never iiinnncliiiinnnneee (the only thing that could possibly matter in life)

>> No.55427639

the question is, do you want to stream for pedos? because that's what you are getting. if you are not solely in for the money i think that's a big turn-off, yes not everyone that watches shotas is a pedo but you will also get these people and arguably i'd say that's worse than regular sexpests. i mean taiga's streams are really depressing to watch sometimes.

>> No.55427787
Quoted by: >>55428017

It's really funny how /asp/ and /wvt/ were both astroturfed by two people, one asking about shotas and the other who calls them pedos

>> No.55427908

Please explain how shota/loli viewers do not count as sexpests.

>> No.55428017

No I don't mind i just read this. Actually for lore reasons I could get a shota model and stream with it. (would be oblivious deep voice shota) I don't think it's anything bad either. I'm just saying that you are going to attract a certain viewerbase, whether you are okay with shotas or not.

>> No.55428280

>old gay pedos jacking off to other old gay pedos pretending to be kids
welcome to vtubing!

>> No.55428806
Quoted by: >>55429436

Inclining would be nice, but my viewers will mostly pity me rather than watch me for entertainment value which personally, I do not want. I need to step up on having a bit more shame and dignity, but I'm having too much fun not self moderating.

>> No.55428860

ok asp post the best clip you guys have to offer and I will tell you if it's good or not

>> No.55429436
Quoted by: >>55430308

this post itself is self pitying and gay. People don't pity you, they like you for your cute avatar and because you're female presenting and act like one of the guys with your mildly edgy internet humor. Don't even take it personally, vtuber viewers are just retarded like that. The reality is that you'll always be appreciated for the wrong reasons on this medium, because entertainment is not what anyone truly wants.

>> No.55429748
File: 52 KB, 128x128, 1691370752849.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my recent most favorite.

>> No.55430197
Quoted by: >>55430696

>overreaction to a video game
this isn't really your best is it? this is every single vtuber clip ever made

>> No.55430275

ESL with DSL.

>> No.55430308
Quoted by: >>55431088

>they like you for your cute avatar and because you're female presenting
Once people pass by the layer of me having a pretty model, they usually pity me for having the wrong mindset on things. Usually people start to criticize the people they watch as time goes on.
>act like one of the guys with your mildly edgy internet humor
Malechuubas never invite me to collab, I don't know where you're getting this from. At most my humor is female hysteria aligned, I am not a guy at all. If that were the case, Denpa never talk to me in the first place.
>you'll always be appreciated for the wrong reasons
This is why I purge my numbers, people who really want to watch me will find me.

>> No.55430690
Quoted by: >>55431487

sorry im not funny i only have one clip made in 2 years

>> No.55430696
Quoted by: >>55431487

I thought it was funny rewatching it...

>> No.55431088
Quoted by: >>55432353

>they usually pity me for having the wrong mindset on things.
maybe blogposting to deranged strangers isn't the best move then
>At most my humor is female hysteria aligned, I am not a guy at all. If that were the case, Denpa never talk to me in the first place.
fair point, my bad
>people who really want to watch me will find me.
yeah but those people are going to be groomers with savior complexes who think you're being "menhera" and need "correction" or w/e

>> No.55431186
File: 3.17 MB, 3332x3836, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55431468

It was funny, haru. I snorted.

>> No.55431468
File: 575 KB, 1000x1000, 1691371546398.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you kindly!

>> No.55431487

I don't know the game or the chuuba, there's no context, just a girl yelling. Doesn't tell me anything about her personality or sense of humor.
if you aren't proud of anything you do then why do you do it

>> No.55431765


>> No.55432053
Quoted by: >>55432213

I'm proud of things im doing i'm just not funny

>> No.55432213

is being a good gamer good content?

>> No.55432353
Quoted by: >>55432737

so be it

>> No.55432627
File: 76 KB, 720x755, Screenshot_20230806_182935_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would /asp/ be willing to welcome a fluffy cat?


>> No.55432720
Quoted by: >>55433992

surely is. there's a lot of things that make a good stream, my best streams where non-gaming zatzu streams, whether it be solo, collab or even event streams. I wouldn't say I'm clippable, because a clip needs to a funny or interesting thing that can be broken down into 30 second segements and my content is not that.

>> No.55432737

well I don't think you're an idiot so I'm sure you'll learn your lesson eventually

vtubing itself is a disease

>> No.55433183
Quoted by: >>55433595

Is it better to stream as a femboy/shota or stick to a female character?

>> No.55433235
Quoted by: >>55433325

i can always use more kemo in my life, but i generally dont watch streams on youtube, twitch just has a far better indie streaming ecosystem (even if it's not great, at least it exists)

>> No.55433325

Seconding this guy, you wouldn't be the first kemo vtuber on this thread. But you'd have more luck networking on twitch.

>> No.55433595

shut the fuck uuuuuuuuuuup

>> No.55433889

Oh this is not a cat girl, this an actual furry.

If you play Splatoon 3, try to contact Runoxi, she also plays Splatoon.

>> No.55433944
Quoted by: >>55434137

absolutely. I'm fucking tired of watching femchuubas who suck at games because that's like 99% of them.
At some point it gets tiring, and then it gets frustrating, and now I just can't watch shitters.

>> No.55433992
Quoted by: >>55434298

do you not have anything digestible that you could present to someone with no idea who you are or what you're about?

this is my gay managerlarp post for this thread: MAKE BETTER CLIPS. Clip things that are unique to the chuuba, not cheap reactions. No one except already existing viewers will be amused.

Have something to show people ffs

>> No.55434137
Quoted by: >>55435071

just play the games yourself lazy ass

>> No.55434298
Quoted by: >>55434692

The problem is that there isn't unique stuff you can make that fits the clips format.
Reactions, gaming moments and short singing clips are what fit the clip format.
What else can you even do in less than a minute or 30 seconds that is unique and also entretaining?

>> No.55434692
Quoted by: >>55434874

I'm not just talking twitch clips, I mean anything under 5 minutes that you'd be able to just show someone to hook them on your content

>> No.55434874
Quoted by: >>55435093

Nigga nobody is watching a 5 minute "clip".
At that point its just a video.

>> No.55435071
Quoted by: >>55435513

I-fucking-relevant. I just don't want every stream to be an exercise in patience as they're constantly moaning about difficulty and being lost or dying all the time.
I do put some value in interesting gameplay, so I won't watch genshit or absolute shitters hitting their heads against the wall.

>> No.55435093

ok do you have any "videos" that are worth showing anyone

>> No.55435513

just watch walkthrough vids then you absolute autismo

>> No.55435736
Quoted by: >>55436295

None, I make clips.
We are in the 2020s, grandpa.
You need the quick short funny clips to get people's attention.

>> No.55435912

This guy reminds me of that one vtuber that was literally chased out the vtubing community for having a hot take about how it was good that Pikamee graduated. He was a silent "vtuber" with a png in the corner of the screen and didn't ever interact with his chat. He expected all his viewers to just come to his stream to watch his gameplay and talk among themselves and then expected people to donate to him, too. I think he had a model by TheArtGun but it was so mega man OC looking you'd have no idea.

>> No.55436107

He's been selfposting in /wvt/ recently. He's still a faggot.

>> No.55436221
Quoted by: >>55436683

There's no way this is Zylphe again, right?

>> No.55436295

>shitty clips of context free ear rape
>no videos
total mystery why you won't incline

>> No.55436397
Quoted by: >>55436798

just because I don't like watching retards play doesn't make me autistic.
All I want is someone who can play a game without too much suffering while still being able talk to. Basically what you'd have if you were playing a game irl with a friend.

>> No.55436398
Quoted by: >>55436798

i personally just try to make hatoba tsugu style content

>> No.55436683

If you ever feel bad about numbers, just remember at least you didn't get chased out of twitter and haven't stagnated for five years

>> No.55436798

My own personal hot take is it's good that Pika graduated because she's a pedophile and also that really high pitched voice she started doing was annoying AF
watching other people play video games is what makes you autistic
English please

>> No.55436935
File: 104 KB, 335x412, 1676195055397434.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55437282

Hi Zylphe.

>> No.55437101

hatoba tsugu is a vtuber that makes a specific type of shortform video content i wouldn't know how else to put it. atmospheric, silent, abstract something like that.

>> No.55437282

I don't know who the hell you're talking about buddy

>> No.55437289
Quoted by: >>55437554

And she reincarnated and is doing better than ever. Get fucked.

>> No.55437554

Don't care still annoying. no one who pretended to care about her graduation had watched her in years

>> No.55437775
Quoted by: >>55438156

damn that's edgy and contrarian as fuck
im happy for you tho
or sorry that happened

>> No.55438156

>his sense of humor is quoting back memes
now this is content

>> No.55438574

He has a bigger CCV than me,

>> No.55438714

he does better than me too

>> No.55438817
Quoted by: >>55439272

Ah, its a tranny. Makes sense why you are such a fag.

>> No.55439002
Quoted by: >>55439170

i hate viewers who start streaming. they put no effort in their streams. they are a sad existence eternally stuck at 3 viewers which are just their friends giving them pity views. what is the point? you're not even trying to be entertaining. why can't you just enjoy games and play them normally? why does everyone have to "try" streaming? why do people treat streaming as if it means nothing and that everyone should just press the "go live" button any time they do anything because why not right? that's barely even content. you are the reason twitch is 99% garbage

>> No.55439170

>t. tryhard streamer with 3 viewers

>> No.55439272


>> No.55439500
Quoted by: >>55439688

I see why you hide your voice now.

>> No.55439564

Cover seems to pick people who applied and rejected multiple times. I really fucked up stop applying after one time....

>> No.55439678

new bread

>> No.55439688
Quoted by: >>55440729


>> No.55439803
Quoted by: >>55440359

Damn, you're fucking autistic, like actually, not the way people throw it around when they describe people on this site or vtubing. Wait, is this Herahera-chan without the voice mod? lmao

>> No.55439924
Quoted by: >>55440097

purpur_lavandel wants to be this

>> No.55440097

Lav doesn't need to, she's got a good design and character already.

>> No.55440359


>> No.55440608

if you were on twitch i'd follow and watch often. i rarely tune into youtube, i only really do it for necro and sena

>> No.55440729
Quoted by: >>55441418

but i'm a girl, why would I sound masculine

>> No.55441418
Quoted by: >>55441775


>> No.55441775
Quoted by: >>55441948

funny how you think your voice is sexy when you literally hide it behind a voice changer, didn't you try using your normal voice and then switch back like a week later?

>> No.55441948

