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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 52 KB, 875x176, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5494804 No.5494804 [Reply] [Original]

Let's all get together and subscribe to the queen of vtubers cause without her we would not have things such as hololive or nijisanji and she deserves the 3 million subs.

>> No.5494842
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Quoted by: >>5521381

>> No.5494877
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Quoted by: >>5521381

Fuck of zang.

>> No.5494951
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Quoted by: >>5521381


>> No.5494962
Quoted by: >>5495381 >>5516022

There's not enough people here to do it.

>> No.5494994


>> No.5494996
Quoted by: >>5495308

>sub begging
>in fucking /vt/
Anon I...

>> No.5495039

I’d help, but I’m already subscribed.

>> No.5495076
File: 235 KB, 1444x976, update.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's the Indians that are subbing to her the fucking thing doesn't stop

>> No.5495308

Fits with the dramafag nature of /vt/ though.

>> No.5495381

Seriously, unless there is some major even I don't think this board has more than ~300 people posting on it.

>> No.5497824

Who? All I know is gura. The only vtuber that matters

>> No.5498192

How is she still at 2.96 million for a month?

>> No.5498256

This site doesn't have real numbers. They're just guesstimating until the YouTube API updates since YouTube only shows subs to 3 significant figures.

>> No.5498299
Quoted by: >>5530825

op thinks there's more than 2k people on this shithole lmao

>> No.5498613

Just kill her channel already, Ai is a tiktok/Bilibili content creator now.

>> No.5503051

I like the sentiment OP. She’ll get there one day at least.

>> No.5503092
File: 148 KB, 1024x1024, 1595364926667.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5504585

fuck AI
fuck shark
love Peko, simple as.

>> No.5503118

Fuck off chink

>> No.5503388

>without her we would not have things such as hololive or nijisanji
Wrong, at least Nijisanji would've existed. Hololive maybe since Tokino Sora was an AI clone.

>> No.5504585

i really want to creampie pekora, does that make me weird?

>> No.5504776

You are posting on 4chan
You were weird by default

>> No.5504899
Quoted by: >>5505498

she will reach 3M in her birthday, I cant wait to see cumbuddies seething face

>> No.5505498
Quoted by: >>5505794 >>5521435

Gura's averaging about 50k subs a week, so Ai's gotta get it done in 14 days, Ai averages 10k subs every two months, so....

>> No.5505552

Queen for the next day at best. AI is dead. Long live Gura.

>> No.5505720
Quoted by: >>5506187 >>5506415

Nijisanji anti trying to beg for subs, a few hours ago these faggots were screaming "nooooooo we can't let gura win" in a Nijisanji vs Hololive bait thread that they made

>> No.5505794
Quoted by: >>5506010 >>5506464

There probably going to be a birthday buff, so its not impossible, but its very unlikely.

>> No.5506010
Quoted by: >>5506543

Was there a birthday buff last year?

>> No.5506117
Quoted by: >>5506363 >>5510202

so what exactly happened to Kizuna Ai, the company just run her into the ground?

>> No.5506187


>> No.5506298

That makes you a nousagi.

>> No.5506363
Quoted by: >>5506445 >>5529701

They tried to give Ais multiple voice actors. Biggest vtuber fiasco of the century. Then they fixed it but fans already left out of disgust.

>> No.5506374

Sharky's comin for ya, bitch boy.

>> No.5506415

Take your fucking meds, Nijisanji doesn't care they just want to watch Kuzuha and Kanae play Apex.

>> No.5506445

It wouldn't have been that bad if the retards didn't try it just after the gamebu fiasco happened.

>> No.5506453

Thanks for reminding me, subbed.

>> No.5506464

gura woulda gotten the same buff though, she has no chance

>> No.5506538

Thanks for reminding me, unsubbed.

>> No.5506543

That I don't know, I just assume that because birthday events are special events so more people will notice the vtuber at least for a day.

>> No.5506544

Thanks for reminding me, unsubbed.

>> No.5506707

It’s the Korean and Thai. Turned out clippers had been pumping out her videos. After Watson incidents nearly the entire South Korea now knows about HoloMyth. Regarding the Thais, I really don’t know how she got popular here

>> No.5506774
Quoted by: >>5506910 >>5506977

>After Watson incidents nearly the entire South Korea now knows about HoloMyth
Watson incidents?

>> No.5506832

I unsubbbed, thanks for reminding that I havent ever watched a single video of her but i was subbed because she was the godmother of vtubers and what not

>> No.5506910

>murder occurs
>someone shitposts about "britain's best detective, amelia watson" being on the case
>some retarded news agency actually believes this
>publishes it
>gets mocked
>but now Ame is known

>> No.5506977


>> No.5507096
Quoted by: >>5507347

I checked Amelia and Gura waiting room the last 3 days. It always filled with Korean.

>> No.5507111
File: 192 KB, 755x1080, amestab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ame got Sam Hyde'd into fame in South Korea
holy kek

>> No.5507162

This but for Gura.

>> No.5507347
Quoted by: >>5507465

I have not noticed any Koreans in chat. Links or pics?

>> No.5507386
File: 44 KB, 554x225, 220D0E14-4ABD-4B7B-ACD9-648FC738367A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5507644 >>5519885

>How did she got popular with the Thais?
It’s because of this. The Thais love it when you mentioned or making reference to their culture even indirectly

>> No.5507462
File: 485 KB, 308x218, 1620517573347.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5507465

I didn’t take any pics but it was in the waiting room for Gura’s song premiere and her birthday

>> No.5507575

The power of memes is very frightening.

>> No.5507605


>> No.5507644
File: 26 KB, 1019x480, gura knows.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5507735 >>5507820


>> No.5507735
Quoted by: >>5507802 >>5508429

I don't know how anyone can even deny this any more after the "WOW CUTE" and "BIG FUNNY" awards.

>> No.5507802

meat spin lol

>> No.5507820

I just don't know anymore, she does so little yet everything she does just makes her more popular

>> No.5507828
File: 368 KB, 618x357, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mainly game broadcasts and asmr
who's gonna tell them...

>> No.5507969
Quoted by: >>5508026 >>5508429

Chum jar...

>> No.5508026


>> No.5508053
Quoted by: >>5508144 >>5508192

>38 ips, 61 posts
can you faggots keep it to a general?

>> No.5508144

Blame the insectchamas.

>> No.5508192

The bait tangent into a really interesting discussion though

>> No.5508429
File: 261 KB, 693x589, 1617552167739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

on one side gura seems to be an authentically sweet girl, on the other she does questionable shit like this and feign ignorance

>> No.5508494

She is a Pixar version of vtuber. She is sweet and makes questionable joke that only adult will get

>> No.5508532
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>> No.5508937

>an couple

>> No.5509011
Quoted by: >>5521906

She is a literal 90s/2000s cartoon character when it comes to innuendos, double entendres and being plain tongue-in-cheek in many situations.

>> No.5509436

>meat spin lol
Gura watched a lot of crazy stuff

>> No.5509706
File: 849 KB, 1103x1080, Gura with gun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5510202

Unironically rrats tarnished her image and upd8 at the time was too slow to kill them before the damage was done.

Of course, now upd8 is dead, Ai has her own company, and she's diversified her portfolio of platforms both online and offline. Despite what happened in 2019, she pretty much has it made now and not weighed down by the rat race that people keep try turning the current scene into.

>> No.5510707

>40,000 away from 3MM
>"only needs a couple more subscribers"
First time on this board and I've seen enough, cheers.

>> No.5514227

Actually her birthday present might just be going to second place.

>> No.5514290

Upload more videos on the kasuga channel and maybe I'll sub to you again kizuna

>> No.5514329

>sub begging for one of the biggest vtubers
Beyond embarrassing

>> No.5514367
Quoted by: >>5541205

I was wondering why Ame was going to do Korean Duolingo of all things

>> No.5514618

Thailand has massive otaku base and they look up to everything’s popular in Japan. although I think gura’s popularity are spill over from Taiwan like boba tea. Gura has a very large Taiwan fanbase.

>> No.5515380
Quoted by: >>5518122 >>5531063

>without her we would not have things such as hololive or nijisanji
>she deserves the 3 million subs
no, she doesn't. or at least not with the company which had her back.

>> No.5516022

Pretty sure the people here are just the same 200 retards feeding on each other's retardation

>> No.5517623
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>> No.5517888
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Quoted by: >>5518226

Honest response: even if people pity sub for Ai, it still wouldn't be genuine as they won't be watching her content at all anyway. It would be a hollow achievement as her growth has stopped long before due to the clone fiasco, and even if Ai wins this time the 4M milestone will still be Gura's. Ai is certainly feeling the pressure, as her latest video is a joke about her sub situation, but I honestly don't know if she can actually do anything with such a tainted brand. In fact the only reason people are watching Ai's latest video more than all her recent videos, is due to Gura knocking at the 3M ceiling.

At least with Cocoa from Riot music, they let the old Cocoa graduate, while the new incarnation of Cocoa started again from a new channel, with a different haircut and design.

>> No.5518122

upd8 is dead.

>> No.5518226
Quoted by: >>5521969

Ai and Cocoa's situation are only tangentially related. But as you said, there doesn't seem to be anything Ai can really do about her situation. All her attempts to kill the rrat that she's been replaced haven't had much effect since so many people still believe it.

>> No.5518244
Quoted by: >>5521437

Buddy, not even Beatani, /vt/'s crown princess could get more than 5k subs. If you're being extremely generous this place has maybe 10k people at best, even if all of us subbed to Ai's channel, whihc, you know, will never happen, it wouldn't be more than a drop in a bucket

>> No.5518274
File: 236 KB, 654x417, 1618326709220.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5519008
Quoted by: >>5523012 >>5527745

Nope Indians don't know about Vtubers, hell they don't know much about anime and manga

>> No.5519013
Quoted by: >>5519138

Tick-tock kizunafags, tick-tock...

>> No.5519138

They're already in TikTok, tho.

>> No.5519836

Kek the subs begging actually brought more viewers, probably tourists looking for drama.

>> No.5519885

Reminder that the paraya you have shitted on called "gigguk" is a Thai.

>> No.5519955
File: 10 KB, 453x81, 1596046832045.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>chumbuds being cancerous again
what else is new?

>> No.5521055


>> No.5521381
File: 127 KB, 889x779, %22the smug face%22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5527672 >>5561800

>Holoniggers seething at Kizuna Ai's superiority

>> No.5521410
Quoted by: >>5521484

What happens if Gura starts numberfagging for Kizuna so Gura isn't the first to reach 3 million?

>> No.5521435

Gura is gonna to have 3mil in this month, screencap it

>> No.5521437
Quoted by: >>5521466

How many subs did Bea got from here anyway?

>> No.5521466

Using the most generous estimate, 2k ish. She started shilling on reddit after that and most likely a good portion of those subs are algo or japanese driven so the actual number is probably far lower.

>> No.5521484
Quoted by: >>5521742

Trolls will notice that Gura doesn't want to be on the spotlight and use bots to sub to Gura to give her more pressure, Other people that isn't subbed to Gura will see it as her being humble and subbed to her because of that instead to AI

>> No.5521510
File: 22 KB, 362x362, 1621875752024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5522122 >>5522738

She's had 2,96 for almost 2 months. AI is dead.

>> No.5521742
File: 110 KB, 267x372, 1624271255291.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Trolls will notice that Gura doesn't want to be on the spotlight and use bots to sub to Gura to give her more pressure, Other people that isn't subbed to Gura will see it as her being humble and subbed to her because of that instead to AI
the Shark is master of 4D chess

>> No.5521812

There are no sides. She is both a sweet girl and also razor sharp in the wit department.

>> No.5521906

All millenial's dream character

>> No.5521969
Quoted by: >>5522009

I mean the people who believe it do so because they stopped watching her. They saw she was being 'replaced' with the two other Ai, and saw NOTHING from Upd8 to suggest otherwise, so they unsubbed and moved on. Her making videos to say she WASN'T replaced is literally just preaching to the choir, because the people who need to hear it left years ago.

>> No.5522009

And yet the people who need to hear it keep talking shit like they know what's going on. Many such examples on this board alone. It's frustrating.

>> No.5522107
File: 14 KB, 195x265, 1620163202798.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ai still trying to milk fuck you


>> No.5522122
File: 55 KB, 1530x423, Screen Shot 2021-06-23 at 03.06.26.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5522416 >>5552507

2.5 weeks*

>> No.5522416
Quoted by: >>5522524

she hit a wall really hard

>> No.5522524
Quoted by: >>5541446

Yeah, not sure what happened. She got a small boost from her "hello world" concert in January but didn't really get anything from her US tour.

But I suppose it doesn't really matter much. As long as she's happy doing what she's doing and her company isn't in the red, it's all good.

>> No.5522738

The two months were on 2.95

>> No.5522883

>Will Kizuna tweet something when Gura surpass her channel eventually?
Something like when Avatar was surpassed by Avengers.
Will she be a good sport or ignore her peers?

>> No.5522931
Quoted by: >>5523065

She was fucked by anitubers like Lost Pause that reported on her "replacement" but couldn't be bothered to do the follow up about her situation, I guess it's also a case of AI and all those other studio chuubas not developing a devout fanbase because there wasn't much parasocial shit with their pre-recorded content and people moving on to streamers with inferior tracking etc. but more emotional connection.
Still it's a pity that we have no one to actually do their job and educate EOPs on nerdy things like that, there are some good channels about Japan in general but here we have obnoxious dudes shouting memes.

>> No.5522954

I unsubscribed a few weeks ago. I don't even watch her shit anyways.

>> No.5523012


They don’t know much about toilets.

>> No.5523065
Quoted by: >>5528998

Anon, isn't she larger than life now appearing on tv and going on tours? If anything i'd excuse the EOP and wonder what Japan's excuse is. Clearly they don't find her enterntaining and people has since moved to Anycolor and Cover

>> No.5523127
Quoted by: >>5523490

>Kizuna at 2.96M, gaining 10K/month
>Gura at 2.9M, gaining 180K/month

Kizuna about to pull a Fubuki

>> No.5523490
Quoted by: >>5523763 >>5528108

>Hence the subs begging.
But if Kizuna by some miracle reached 3M for her birthday, it would actually look petty from her side, almost like a sore looser forcing something and it will be noticed.

>> No.5523607

Neither Gura nor Ai-chan are racing each other, same as how none of the holos were racing for 1mil. This competition is entirely made up by people who watch neither.

>> No.5523661

Already subbed since 3 years ago

>> No.5523696
Quoted by: >>5523799 >>5528324

Gura is racing against no one

Ai is racing against irrelevancy

>> No.5523737

I read many times she trascended vtubing and YouTube, so why would she need my sub if she doesn't need it or care.

>> No.5523763
Quoted by: >>5524051

So basically, to AI, it's a lose lose situation while to Gura it's a win win(lose lose depending on the viewpoint) situation

>> No.5523799
Quoted by: >>5527807 >>5533248

That sentence doesn't even make sense. I know you're trying to be mean but you're not being good at it.

>> No.5523911

No. I don't sub out of pity.

>> No.5524051

Kizuna's last video is actually about her not sub begging/buying.
She needs 40k to reach 3M, it took her channel 5 months of growth for the previous 40k.
She would look like a liar on her last video if she suddenly gained 40k in one week.

>> No.5524203

Fuck Kizuna for letting her former agency introduce those stupid clones. She was my oshi and then one day her fucking voice changed. Fuck you, Kizuna.

>> No.5524246

Why is it her fault? She took control again a year ago and undid everything the retarded suits did to her.

>> No.5524261
Quoted by: >>5524513

Was the voice change really noticable?
I don't meant that they change he VA, I am asking when they tried to change her

>> No.5524308

Truly their biggest self-inflicted disaster.

>> No.5524513

Yes. It was grating when you've watched video after video of the same person. You pick up on the way they laugh, whisper, breathe, etc.

>> No.5524522
File: 49 KB, 214x243, forshadowing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5524603

she knew it in her digital bones, the shark was coming

>> No.5524603
Quoted by: >>5524671 >>5556523

The shark is a walking imposter syndrome dragging her feet hoping to God her JP senpais don't resent her for the mess she's gotten herself into and her out of control fanbase don't start another witch hunt over perceived slights. Stop pretending like she's actively pursuing this.

>> No.5524671
Quoted by: >>5556523

>I DonT CarE abOuT nuMbERs
>wHY sHE doEsn'T cArE shE Got An ImPOstER SynDRome

>> No.5527393

It makes you male

>> No.5527672
Quoted by: >>5552370

look who's talking

>> No.5527745

they know, they were a priority market for the nijis, basically they saw
>india has a lot of people
>most subbed channel on YT is from india
>wow, it must be really easy to get subs there
and then failed strependously, so much that their vtubers had more viewers talking in english and rebranded them as NijiEN
then we all know what happened, HoloEN was a huge success, so they sent them back to their shithole and die

>> No.5527804
Quoted by: >>5528159

Just sub to Kizuna. Let her get the 3Million subs first. And then Gura can have the 4M and 5M to herself.

>> No.5527807

>t. esl

>> No.5528108

Well now that Coco is gone she would probably do a collab with Gura. The same happened when Ai biggest thread was Kaguya Luna

>> No.5528159
Quoted by: >>5528218 >>5534154

Gura WILL be the first Vtuber to get 1mil, 2mil and 3mil, surpassing all of her senpais in a single year, and then she WILL continue to lead the industry being the first to get millions after millions of subs.

>> No.5528195
Quoted by: >>5528471

Under that stupid premise of yours, it's Coco's fault for "allowing her to be suspended"

>> No.5528218

Then Cover will resume businesses with china.

>> No.5528324
Quoted by: >>5528348

>Gura is racing against no one
Not really, now she is racing against herself.

>> No.5528348
Quoted by: >>5528414 >>5528433

How is she racing against herself?

>> No.5528414

She's racing against her imposter syndrome. Only a matter of time before she has another episode.

>> No.5528433

Because now that she got the attention of everybody, she has to up her game. Probably apart from getting the 3M milestone, the big thing from her will be the 3D debut.

>> No.5528445
Quoted by: >>5528488

I unsubbed.

>> No.5528471
Quoted by: >>5528546

Wha? There had to have been multiple people in Kizuna's old agency who thought it was a terrible idea to have 4 talents use the same model. But they let it happen anyway.

>> No.5528488
Quoted by: >>5528824

Congratulations. Good for you. Do you want a cookie? A hug perhaps? Or the (you) is enough?

>> No.5528546
Quoted by: >>5528570

>There had to have been multiple people in Kizuna's old agency who thought it was a terrible idea to have 4 talents use the same model.
And those people were fired by Takeshi and Soejima. The suits were as stupid and stubborn as the ones in charge of the Gamebu. Then the ahegao video happened.

>> No.5528570

Activ8 has to lost 6M dollars to finally understand the severity of their mistake and that's when they have to create the Kizuna Ai inc.

>> No.5528715
File: 11 KB, 536x150, 1614698221095.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5541649

It's time for Gura to take an L.

>> No.5528824
Quoted by: >>5528864 >>5530401

All of those sound nice, thanks.

>> No.5528864

You don't deserve any. Those are reserved to the Haatons and Tatsunoko

>> No.5528998

Appearances are important in asian culture, Ai losing the race to 3 mil would make her "lose face". The voice actor might or might not care, but the suits would seethe.

>> No.5529022
File: 42 KB, 933x639, more curvy than marine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5529039 >>5529064

>> No.5529039

notice some dots are below zero

>> No.5529064
File: 35 KB, 917x625, cunnymagic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5529315


>> No.5529283

>the suits would seethe.
And the funny thing is, it's their own fault.

>> No.5529315
Quoted by: >>5529654

Will Gura be affected by cover returning to china?

>> No.5529373
File: 5 KB, 312x261, 1624286304540.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5529654

No king rules forever my girl. True for Fubuki in the past. And now Ai. And in the future, Gura as well. You are always one yabe away from alienating fans like Ai, or one better streamer away from being the hot thing of yesteryear like Fubuki, or one Taiwan away from being China'ed like Coco. No king rules forever.

>> No.5529654

>Gura as well
And that could be sooner than later if >>5529315

>> No.5529701
Quoted by: >>5529795

>Then they fixed it
Oh wow. The last time I heard anything about her was from the AL collab. Good for her I guess.

>> No.5529795
Quoted by: >>5530200

>AL collab

>> No.5529812

> the suits would seethe
The only place they deserve is the meat blender.
There is no hope left for Ai at this point. All her overly produced, pre-recorded stuff has not given her more than an iota of views. Because she has almost zero fans left.

Cultivate fans. Play actually interesting games. Talk to fans instead of making corporate ads. Go indie if suits forbid. Otherwise just commit sudoku and reincarnate as another vtuber. There is no choice left. I will give a look once Ai decides to join the modern world of streaming.

>> No.5530200
File: 813 KB, 850x914, 1617685202629.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5530370 >>5531046

Azur Lane collab, which IIRC came before the Hololive collab

>> No.5530357

She seems to be getting a good amount of traction doing dancing videos on Tik Tok. Honestly with her tracking she could just make that her niche since the current era of vtubers can't fill it with L2Ds and since most of them are out of shape neets. Not sure why she doesn't just upload dancing videos to YT.

>> No.5530370

Oh yes, she also has an exclusive skin for Fall Guys and she also promotes the Marvel television series on Disney+ Japan

>> No.5530401

dw. i will make them for you and send it to your mail box.

>> No.5530410

>I will give a look once Ai decides to join the modern world of streaming.
Yes nijifag, she should become Tsukino Mito, we get it.

>> No.5530515
Quoted by: >>5530635 >>5530733

>All her overly produced, pre-recorded stuff has not given her more than an iota of views
Did you know this is Cover's endgame as well, you know?

>> No.5530561

>I will give a look once Ai decides to join the modern world of streaming.
You want her to downgrade to an L2D and play Apex?

>> No.5530635
Quoted by: >>5530859

Cover's endgame is probably animes, games, music and novels. They can't do idolshit all year around.

>> No.5530694

>the suits would seethe
Who? The Activ8 higher ups are more or less hands off with Kizuna AI Inc, and Ai herself was given free reign to choose her company's staff with her friend being chosen as CEO.

>> No.5530733
Quoted by: >>5530859

Do I? Are you yagoo? No. Not sure why you claim to speak with any authority.
But whatever they do, fans will react accordingly. If they mess up their successful models, that's on them.

>> No.5530825

4chan has an immense amount of lurkers.

>> No.5530859
Quoted by: >>5531009

>Cover's endgame is probably animes, games, music and novels.
Heh, you forgot the had contracts with Nissin and Asus (before the chinese threw a hissy fit), also the Xbox thing
You don't need to be Tanigo to see the direction cover is taking. Just remember the nkodice debacle.

>> No.5531009
Quoted by: >>5531187

Are you claiming that Cover is gonna turn away from livestreams and tell girls to just do pre-recorded videos? I hope that's not your point. Otherwise there is very little reason for me to take it seriously.

>> No.5531046
Quoted by: >>5531564

God I hated that collab.
Let's make her insufferably annoying and give the missions a gimmick where you need to repetitively mash on her face to get her to go the fuck away so you can use torpedoes and air strikes.

At least the Hololive one had more than one character in it.

>> No.5531063
Quoted by: >>5531239

>not with the company which had her back.
What company?

>> No.5531187
Quoted by: >>5532016

No, this is you assuming that in order to "refute me". They can do prefrabricated content even with the livestreams format.

>> No.5531239

He is speaking about Activ8. But we don't know how much control has Activ8 over the Kizuna AI inc.

>> No.5531244
Quoted by: >>5531607

This but for Holo EN

>> No.5531564
Quoted by: >>5531865

Was mandatory to play with her?

>> No.5531607

based retards

>> No.5531865
Quoted by: >>5532019

Thankfully no. Didn't help that her units were pretty boring.
At least the Hololive stuff gave you a decent submarine with Aqua and Fubuki's the only destroyer in the game that can launch planes (and gets a plane barrage)
And the fleet actually does have synergy for a bunch of the units since they get buffed if with other Hololive collab units (although they gave you an item that makes any unit in the game count as a Hololive unit) so you could go Aqua with Fubuki and an item holding destroyer to get Aqua's skills supporting a fleet.

>> No.5532016
Quoted by: >>5532306

I lost braincells trying to decipher what stupid endgame you are referring to, when it's just what Hololive has always been doing (mixed content), and not at all related to the problem I was describing with Ai.

The problem with Ai isn't mixed content. It is that she has very few fans left, and when that is the problem, all those zero-interaction well-produced videos do very little to help cultivate any. Fans aren't even around to get hyped for them.

>> No.5532019
Quoted by: >>5532044 >>5532289

>Thankfully no
Then why are you complaining? Nobody is forcing you to watch Kizuna Ai nor buy her content, you know.

>> No.5532044

The curse of being a collector. Needed to interact with her shit to get the units that would only show up in there.

>> No.5532087

Already did when she debuted. I was always too lazy to unsub, but maybe I'll do it this time.

>> No.5532289
Quoted by: >>5532399

People give opinions. Why complain about people complaining? See how pointlessly circular that goes.

>> No.5532306
Quoted by: >>5532386

>what stupid endgame you are referring to
They will sell out, and you will be initially in denial but then you will be celebrating it because you are loyal to the brand.

>> No.5532386

Maybe elaborate on what you mean by sell out before assuming people are telepaths again.

>> No.5532399
Quoted by: >>5532632

It's "look how much I don't care" thing. If you don't care, why you bother on responding?

>> No.5532632
Quoted by: >>5532809

A person doesn't care about X but a person might care about communicating that thought to others for socializing. For example, see how many people will talk about how they don't care about maths at social functions.

>> No.5532809
Quoted by: >>5533118

social interaction =/= internet interaction

>> No.5533118
Quoted by: >>5533222

Welcome to lockdown where people socialize online every day. Welcome to the internet where people talk.

>> No.5533222
Quoted by: >>5533541 >>5533821

what country still believes in the imaginary coof?

>> No.5533248

Are you a native English speaker?

>> No.5533541
File: 8 KB, 210x240, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i kneel

>> No.5533821
Quoted by: >>5533881

the country that is going to destroy hololive and gura's career, china

>> No.5533881
Quoted by: >>5534056

they were the first to deny it's existence, faggot

>> No.5534056
Quoted by: >>5534200

now they are using it to claim the world is racist against them.

>> No.5534154
File: 2.85 MB, 1920x1080, 1594808673480.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5534366

>lead the industry
in the metrics that don't matter, how much supacha does she earn?

>> No.5534185
File: 24 KB, 1041x244, 1616150872277.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BTS got 110 million song views in a day and you autists are arguing if 3 million total subs is something significant or notable. Is this how logic works in SEA?

>> No.5534200

good for them, using pc politics against the west

>> No.5534240
Quoted by: >>5534259

you're comparing the ocean with a lake

>> No.5534251
Quoted by: >>5534339

why KFP always brings up kpop, we are talking about vtubers

>> No.5534259
Quoted by: >>5541037

More like the ocean with some rain droplets, you holofags don't realize how insignificant you are. Even Dream, some minecraft autist, gets 300k viewers DAILY, regularly.

>> No.5534316
Quoted by: >>5534341 >>5534405

Great, not only we have a lost Dream stan lurking in this board, now we also have Kpop stans as well, what fucking next?

>> No.5534337


>> No.5534339

gotta cope somehow

>> No.5534341
Quoted by: >>5534412 >>5534522

You are jerking off over 3 million when 3 million is even less than Trash Taste. Do you realize how insignificant this is?

>> No.5534356

it's only 40k subs. the reality is, she would've gotten them by now if she actually could

>> No.5534366

If Coco had never retired, Cover would have claimed the triple crown.
>Most subscribed vtuber: Gura
>Vtuber with the highest amount of Superchats: Coco
>Vtuber with the highest amount of simultaneous live viewers in a livestream: Pekora

>> No.5534400
Quoted by: >>5534543

Coco wasnt the #1 most superchatted vtuber before her graduation announcement, it was Rushia

>> No.5534405

Kpop stans lurk and harass people everywhere. They harassed the person behind the official MHA twitter account for not acknowledging a birthday

>> No.5534407
File: 81 KB, 426x1043, 1606747093332.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5534543 >>5534590

stupid sharkfag, Rushia already does better than Coco. These are older, but she is keeping pace DESPITE the graduation crutch.

Rushia >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Coco

>> No.5534412

Ogey man

>> No.5534522

Crazy vtuber discussion board discussing numbers relevant to their niche community. Fucking retarded, I agree

>> No.5534543
Quoted by: >>5534601

>before her graduation announcement

>> No.5534548

Sharkfags aren't content stirring shit outside of their group, they have to shittalk other holos as well.
As per usual.

>> No.5534590

>gawr gura

>> No.5534601

>August 24, 2020
Why dont you post numbers from when she announced it a month ago, or if you REALLY want to grasp at straws here 3 months ago when she broke down on stream and when she said she wants to quit

>> No.5534643

Why do you take pride in the amount of mentally ill dependents Rushia has collected?

>> No.5534708

My point is Coco was declared the one with highest superchats before Rushia and before the announcement of her graduation

>> No.5535642


>> No.5541037


How does it even work that so many people watch Minecraft?
No matter how I look at it, it's one of the most boring game to watch on stream.
The only reason I'd ever watch it, is because it's more like zatsudan with but with a little action with your oshi. Even so it's something to listen, not to watch.

Real mystery.

>> No.5541101

Was it mem only or it's privated?

>> No.5541205

Nabi mama is a correan.

>> No.5541292

What did he say about Ange Katrina?

>> No.5541446

Nyanners has zero coattails. It's like when Obama went around the country to help politicians win their local races and almost all of the ones he toured with in person lost their elections.

>> No.5541501

>none of the holos were racing for 1mil

>> No.5541649

Fuck you, Turkroach.

>> No.5547131

>he doesn’t know about Kiara’s sub begging

>> No.5548204
File: 583 KB, 606x741, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She copied Eilene. Whore.

>> No.5548372

Fellow chumbuds, how does it feel to be absolutely winning?

>> No.5548522
Quoted by: >>5549001

Dream? That guy who basically lied his way through the speedrun fiasco and accused everyone else of replying and then doubling it down even more before pretending he didn't know he was cheating? What a great example to illustrate the fact that big numbers can't hide the lack of integrity and decency. And what an unrelated example to bring into a vtuber discussion. You may as well count the live viewers for spacex rocket launch while you're being so retarded.

>> No.5549001

He's also hilariously stupid in an academic sense, given his performance on schooled.

>> No.5549204

You guys think Red/Evil Gura will be happy to be #1, while Blue/Good Gura cries over it?

>> No.5549259

>A couple more
That's 40,000 subs, kinda doubt she's gonna pull them out of her ass fast enough considering Gura seems on course to hit it in a week or two

>> No.5549456
Quoted by: >>5561721

>a couple
just about 6 months worth of subscribers guyz

>> No.5549661

I see it as flattery for Gura that she has to be compared to BTS for niggers to cope with her success.

>> No.5551180
Quoted by: >>5552318 >>5553564

>Vtuber with the highest amount of simultaneous live viewers in a livestream: Pekora
Wasn't it Gura's catshark costume reveal stream? I have the number at 213k simultaneous live viewers for that.

>> No.5552318
Quoted by: >>5552646

194k, too bad the post stream was a shitshow because her outfit was scuffed and had not a single addon

>> No.5552370
File: 25 KB, 400x400, kizuna ai smug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5552507

>No you're seething!

>> No.5552507

>not seething
>still trying to milk "fuck you"
>bro, I'm not paying for subs, trust me bro

>> No.5552646
Quoted by: >>5561758

Yeh and that shit show only happened in /vt/ lol

>> No.5553564
File: 279 KB, 750x1334, 1620831455674.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5554482

Holy shit, Ame's talent lies in her content but she is so fucking powerful that she even ACCIDENTALLY creates super forms of entertainment.

>> No.5556523

in all honesty, we have no actual clue how gura nor kizuna feels about all this. It's all just rrats and random thoughts at this point that lead to "logical" conclusions, but yeah, it is interesting to see the imposter syndrome feet dragging theory

>> No.5560108

Red Gura would tell her she doesn't deserve it and that she just lucked out.

>> No.5560562

Isn't it the opposite? Gawr doesn't believe in hopes and dreams and is never happy.

>> No.5561032

holy shit this thread is still going? How much more cope can it handle?

>> No.5561352

>would have
Rushia is still a part of Hololive...

>> No.5561374

Red Gura is the "she (you) doesn't (don't) deserve it" voice in the back of her head.

>> No.5561487

zhang go away from youtube!
you're already have bili bili!!

>> No.5561721

Try sixteen months, she's been gaining 10k every four months or so ever since her hello world concert

>> No.5561758

No it didn't, for three solid hours reddit, twitter and 4chan were of the same mind.
Also seeing how the nyanners collab went even if the entire board seethed at once it wouldn't be mroe than a drop in the bucket

>> No.5561768

Did she ever get her original roommate back after the china lobotomy?

>> No.5561800
File: 250 KB, 1300x2000, 1621556966847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kizuna Ai's superiority
Only have 2 weeks of left of that
