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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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54018693 No.54018693 [Reply] [Original]

A thread for 潤羽るしあ, みけねこ (now 恋糸りあ, get used to it) and 飴宮なずな
Previous >>53980161

>> No.54018706
File: 324 KB, 2048x2048, F1sRBOPaMAAOdwh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mikeneko (Koito Ria)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/95rn16
Fanbox: https://mikenekoko.fanbox.cc/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC54JqsuIbMw_d1Ieb4hjKoQ
Twitcasting: https://twitcasting.tv/95rn16
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mikeneko.x/
Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@minyan84
Nekoko Store: https://nekoko.shop/
Booth: https://mikenekoko.booth.pm/
【Original Song】You&me/みけねこ: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wf5ydEWJL1g
【Original Song】drop/みけねこ: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sHl2-rH6GnU

>Nazuna Amemiya
Profile: https://www.vshojo.com/talent/nazuna
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5gs8EbpwbfQvrhizJx60TA
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/amemiyanazuna
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AmemiyaNazuna
Shop: https://store.vshojo.com/collections/nazuna

>> No.54018774
File: 432 KB, 1073x900, F1pRm6TaEAA16v9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What my cool wife thinks she looks like when she makes more somewhat questionable decisions

>> No.54018786
Quoted by: >>54018889

She'll always be Mike to me

>> No.54018889
Quoted by: >>54018922

can anyone that understand nippon explain why she has to change her name? i like mikeneko as name...

>> No.54018922

New agency means new persona for contractual reasons. After all, she will never sign away mikeneko.

>> No.54019006

Coitus Real

>> No.54019013

so what are we now, /るみなり/?

>> No.54019030
Quoted by: >>54019105

み is り

>> No.54019047
File: 99 KB, 619x1000, F1sRMGHaEAAUF4C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New hastags:
New fanbase name:
She has a new oshi mark too that i can't write here, something about a hotcake and a teapot i think

>> No.54019105

Getting closer to renaming to らりるれろ and change to a metal gear thread.

>> No.54019194

but model and name arent associated then? It's very confusing... anyway all the best to her me thinks and some nippon girls she can hang with would be nice

>> No.54019301
Quoted by: >>54019427

double oshimarks suck

>> No.54019327
Quoted by: >>54019378


>> No.54019378
Quoted by: >>54019465

nekomancerangelmaidneetsoapwife love

>> No.54019380
Quoted by: >>54019459

>After all, she will never sign away mikeneko.
this is why I'm not worried about this group, if it fails she's still in the same place she is right now

>> No.54019396

The future is uncertain but she seems determined to make this work and I respect that, just gotta keep my hopes up.
I love my cute cat wife!

>> No.54019403

they should rehire her

>> No.54019417
Quoted by: >>54019447

did she say if it's okay to still call her Mike-chan/Mikeneko?

>> No.54019427

quad oshi marks

>> No.54019432

I got very disorientated with the whole thing.
What she was saying in the superchat reading part about her mental state and what she wants to do with us?

>> No.54019444

who is this TTS chuuba?

>> No.54019447

It's fine.

>> No.54019459

I'm more worried if she still owns her new Model.

>> No.54019463

Koitoria sounds like an Roman sex shop

>> No.54019465


>> No.54019486

I think its more wanting an actual name for roles instead of a username.

>> No.54019509

Completely off-topic

>> No.54019535

fuck off already

>> No.54019562
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>> No.54019603

I'm fine with this because if she keeps tanking her career I will be the last viewer and she'll have no choice but to marry me

>> No.54019754
File: 167 KB, 358x348, 202303135841.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54019778


>> No.54019778

my りある wife

>> No.54019785



>> No.54019812

I don't mind the name change honestly

>> No.54019842

it's over

>> No.54019853

>over a year ago when the nft craze was all the rage.
seems to be dead now

>> No.54019862

We’re fucked aren’t we?

>> No.54019866
File: 1.08 MB, 2400x1080, 1690110307969408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54019986

the way i understand it on vid related, she's not strictly joining a new vtuber corpo, but more of she's affliating herself with a VA company so she can easily secure gigs for games and anime, you know, the usual stuff (your favorite seiyuu) goes through. so yeah saying mike joined two vtuber companies is inaccurate at least.

>> No.54019895

>double oshi mark
it's over

>> No.54019933

yeah for my weight
how does she expect me to stay fit and muscular for her if she keeps giving me food related oshi marks

>> No.54019979

You’re telling me THE Uruha Rushia has to retort to having two Oshi marks?

>> No.54019986

everything she does is always confusing, at least she is consistent

>> No.54020038
Quoted by: >>54020100

>he doesn't use her current 3

>> No.54020061

She saw all the Taiwanese whores having multiple oshi marks so she's going to force them to have so many oshi marks dedicated to her they won't have the space for anyone else

>> No.54020080
Quoted by: >>54032300

Hello, is it possible to know the contact of the one who's botting her streams? I wanna have a small talk with him.

>> No.54020090

So is this another vshojo case of "totally not taking cuts from anything but the merch or sponsorship they get you"?

>> No.54020100

I will never acknowledge Nazuna or Vshojo

>> No.54020132

Has nothing to do with that.
She joined this agency in hope of starting a seiyuu career.
"Mikeneko" is just a username, she needs a name they can credit her as, a proper name, not just an old online handle.

>> No.54020138
Quoted by: >>54020419


>> No.54020154

Wait that we may not even get an horror game tomorrow.
Just let me have something please, not only up part 12...

>> No.54020155

to be fair, Rushia wasn't the first vtuber to have the butterfly oshi mark. it was Mirai Akari. there's really no governing body on oshi mark claims, but i guess they're doing the double thing to distinguish themselves more from others

>> No.54020216


>> No.54020242

This is a proper talent agency. A small one, but still a talent agency.
They will take the lion's share from every job they get her.

>> No.54020245

No, they might try to actually get her sponsorships, so better than VShojo

>> No.54020419

You WILL escpae the favela, with Wamy style

>> No.54020535

Tomorrow's frame

>> No.54020592

She'll definitely prefer being called Riachan over Michan right... but Michan is cuter...

>> No.54020609
Quoted by: >>54020673

She didn't join this for sponsorships and support for her streams.
She joined this as an amateur voice actor.
They will most likely not influence her streams in any way, it's not really a vTuber agency and they have no real expertise there.
What they do have experience in is getting tiny unknown amateur voice actors roles in tiny unknown media to slowly build up experience until their talent either quits the industry or gets a break somewhere and moves on to a better agency.
They will most likely not receive a sent from Mike's streams. They will however get a HUGE cut from all the voice acting jobs they get her.

>> No.54020636
Quoted by: >>54020854


>> No.54020639

bros we are so back

>> No.54020652

she prefers Miguel Gato

>> No.54020673

>They will most likely not receive a sent from Mike's streams
That is all I wanted to know but
>most likely
is concerning

>> No.54020679


>> No.54020730


>> No.54020743

We don't know for sure is the thing. And obviously they aren't gonna make any of that public.

>> No.54020753

deep down she knows
her real name https://youtu.be/kL6DKSRhMIk
this song fuckin slaps

>> No.54020770

let's hope she's been using those lawyers to look at contracts

>> No.54020835

damn those are some amazing tags. just rename the thread to the new fabase name then.

>> No.54020854

I like this

>> No.54020872
Quoted by: >>54020929

damn, 3 youtube stream in a row

>> No.54020927

Since Mi is changing into Ri and Na is going away, the new thread name will be

>> No.54020929

>>54020872 (me)
sorry didn't want to tag you lol

>> No.54020959

Na's not gone yet

>> No.54020996

you see that would be logical but remember who wife is

>> No.54021000

how about りにゃん

>> No.54021182
Quoted by: >>54022269


恋糸 りあ(こいと りあ)
誕生日: 1月18日
方言: ねこメイド語
趣味: お掃除、お料理、猫と戯れ、ご主人様のお世話
特技: アニメやドラマを一日中見ること(?)

Her bio on the website. She's really going hard on "Cat Maid"

>> No.54021211
Quoted by: >>54021268

>Na is going away
is it?

>> No.54021268
Quoted by: >>54021744

Yeah, just a matter of it being made official somewhat soon

>> No.54021377

I do agree with renaming the thread. If not just straight up renaming to 恋糸りあ, or one of her tags, at least including the new name in the mix. I think she'll appreciate the recognition of the new name she's trying to establish. It's an insignificant gesture in the grand scheme of things, but she tends to let insignificant things weight a lot on her, mentally, so why not let it be positive for a change.

>> No.54021416

I guess るりな or るみなり for now?

>> No.54021561

Stream like a normal streamer on youtube and don't take really stupid decisions for a month (Difficulty: Impossible)
I'm so tired...

>> No.54021605

>She has a new oshi mark too that i can't write here, something about a hotcake and a teapot i think
You can post emojis inside filenames

>> No.54021649
Quoted by: >>54021744

YouTube frame for tomorrrow is already up

>> No.54021744

Just 2 more weeks
But the retarded decisions were taking already so tomorrow restarts to day one.
Just think of options, do a poll and i will change it to whatever you agree on

>> No.54021820
File: 87 KB, 570x570, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like it, it's cute. Or るみなりあ just to be a bit more girly and cuter.

>> No.54021897

I guess making a poll is the fair way to do it

>> No.54021925
Quoted by: >>54021969

Ok, I take it back, that smells like a scam

>> No.54021929

Wait to see if she renames her Twitter account before deciding the new name, I'd argue

>> No.54021940

>>54021744 (me)
Oops, the last quote was unneeded
Cute, i like it

>> No.54021969


>> No.54021972
Quoted by: >>54022263

But Mi will literally not exist anymore as a name soon...

>> No.54022024

just call it 恋糸りあ, just like how Pekora generals are usually formatted. also serves as a strong filter from tourists who only look to shit on this thread since it now has scary kanjis.

>> No.54022116
Quoted by: >>54022462

Nazuna isn't gone yet though

>> No.54022165
Quoted by: >>54022462

>trying to get rid of my Ruchan

>> No.54022175

how about るなりあ sounds good too

>> No.54022186
Quoted by: >>54022293

I do think this is the best alternative, just give it her new name and let discussion of all her activities, past, present and future, be allowed in it, no matter the name.
But I think some anons will resist removing mention of Rushia from the title, unfortunately. But yes, I believe /恋糸りあ/ with "A thread for the ねこふぁみりあ" in the body would be the absolute best.
Her stream talk as the title would also be really cute, not gonna lie. /恋とーく/

>> No.54022244
Quoted by: >>54022405

Oh no, she's thinking already of going back to twitcast...

>> No.54022263
Quoted by: >>54022314

If this is a point of concern, then it should be what this anon said >>54022024, not like Ru is an active name either.

>> No.54022269

>趣味: お掃除、お料理、猫と戯れ、ご主人様のお世話
>特技: アニメやドラマを一日中見ること(?)
There's more to that she does with me but that is private information. She's the perfect maid cat.

>> No.54022293

I love る but this is actually the proper take

>> No.54022300

Just call it VShojoJP and merge with kson thread and Henya thread and everyone is on topic (including her alts)

>> No.54022314

But Nazuna isn't gone yet

>> No.54022376

I would sooner die than discuss those

>> No.54022381

Tomorrow's stream looks like she'll be using it. So let's wait till then.

>> No.54022405

twitcasting gets her streaming fix out of her system, I don't like it except for special occasions

>> No.54022462
File: 57 KB, 655x680, FYMItitUIAAkUgE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all of her incarnations will still be on the followup post to the OP at least and discussions of them will still be allowed here can we also discuss Voice Ore friends in this thread too?

>> No.54022485
Quoted by: >>54022814

who the hell is henya

>> No.54022548
Quoted by: >>54022654

God no, don't give Vshojofags a precedent to start talking about "Vshojo friends" here

>> No.54022561
File: 659 KB, 870x693, 20230722131159.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54022672

that sounds a lot like cheating

>> No.54022642

>can we also discuss Voice Ore friends in this thread too?
Hold it right there. Don't start going crazy now. One step at a time we still haven't changed to her new name yet.

>> No.54022654

Also just make a poll to decide this

>> No.54022670

No friends, no + bullshit, i refuse.

>> No.54022672

god this is so hot

>> No.54022695

During a collab, sure. But otherwise it's probably better not to.
I don't know if those girls have fans /here/ but a general would be better. Although it would mainly be wife posts, so....
That being said, any important info about the girls is welcome

>> No.54022814
Quoted by: >>54023023


>> No.54023023

she's vshojo now? well, alright. I guess it suits her more than Mike, at least.

>> No.54023055

Good stream, all things considered
I'm glad the thing she kept heraruing about ended up being something silly, like usual

>> No.54023075

>just the whir of the fans

>> No.54023179
File: 1.04 MB, 4096x4096, FXZK9SgaUAEqh-w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will follow her to the end of the world.
I look positively to the future.

>> No.54023425


>> No.54023503

Yeah, just getting roped a very small company to which she may regret in the future, completely change her indie identity over the one she had for over a decade, and wasting her new outfit megabuff and rushia-like comeback to talk to rando awkward male managers that promise more than they can really do, missing the ccv train once again.
Nothing special really.

>> No.54023607

actual numberfag behaviour

>> No.54023644
Quoted by: >>54024112

seethe lol

>> No.54023662

love wife!

>> No.54023754
Quoted by: >>54024112

Cope and seethe, Retard lmao

>> No.54023799

reading the twitters of her new co-workers, their fans and them seem ecstatic...I'll give it a chance

>> No.54023822

She's doing a Horror Game stream tomorrow and this was a big announcement. If the company isn't any good, she can just leave
She already explained that her identity had been thrown through the ringer too long and wanted a new identity. She tried this with Nazuna, but Nazuna went nowhere.
She held 5k right through Superchat reading. She'll be streaming more on YouTube and less on Twitcast. She's going far closer to the correct way than she has for over a year

>> No.54023823

Alright make a poll on the new thread name

>> No.54023843

Are you aware of the past months and the breakdowns your oshi has had?
Doesn't seem that way if you act like numbers are irrelevant to her.

>> No.54024112

Anons, you were all complaining about this the previous thread. Don't make me the villain now.

>> No.54024201

And these anons are drama tourists who don't actually watch her. That's why they aren't here now.

>> No.54024256

the only ones bitching about this were you and tourists who already left for the next juicy drama
there's a difference between being cautious and being a doomer

>> No.54024258

She seems happy and motivated, that's the most important thing.
>It may be ephemeral, she may be miserable in a few months
So she'll be happy for a few months more than she would otherwise? Worth it.

>> No.54024301

I didn't though.
Every master started from humble beginnings.
Give them a chance.

>> No.54024338
Quoted by: >>54024514

It's funny because one thing she was heraruing over was that her YouTube channel didn't get subscribers.
She's gained 10k in the last two days.

>> No.54024514
Quoted by: >>54024971

streaming consistently on whatever persona and whatever platform, would solve 98% of her problems

>> No.54024542
Quoted by: >>54026718

I felt better yesterday. Everything seemed bright and positive.
Now it's a bit more clouded, I'm unsure how to feel about her doing this. I just hope she knows what she's doing for once and isn't making another mistake like the joining vshojo one.

>> No.54024878

You're crazy niggers. And not even in a healthy way

>> No.54024971

having people who speak the same language she can play games with will improve her mood, that should mean more streams

>> No.54025043
Quoted by: >>54025102

There's like what, 4 girls in that company who didn't graduate/retire yet and some of them are barely active..

It's not like she's joining a big corp with 30 active girls

>> No.54025102

That's enough for the occasional collab. Nobody is asking for weekly collabs.

>> No.54025166

I guess. I hope it'll all work out and prove to be the right decision.

>> No.54025216

>simps actually think she will hold steady this time and grow professionally
thats funny kek, i give her 1 year and a half before she quits or gets fired from any of the companies (again) or change her model (again) and go full menhera (again). at this point the best for her is just quit the internet entirely, live with her parents or find a husband and let them take decisions for her while she goes to therapy for a few years until she can take care of herself properly.

>> No.54025270


>> No.54025413

Yeah this menhera needs to quit internet and goes to therapy

>> No.54025466
Quoted by: >>54025801

the seething never stops being funny

>> No.54025471

It's spelled the rapy and the cute way of referring to what I'll do to her feet

>> No.54025577

watching her interact with the 2views is going to be gold

>> No.54025589
File: 384 KB, 1024x691, 1a6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54025765
File: 230 KB, 2048x2048, F1uUvH0agAAkV7S.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.54025801

That's all they can do anyway... lol

>> No.54025850

Ok, never mind. All of the girls in the company have now reacted to her in some way, whether it be just retweeting or Quote retweets. That's good to see.

>> No.54025899

It's not that kind of agency anon.
They are all solos that are trying to make it as voice actors.
They are very direct competition and stand in the way of each other's dreams.
Looking through their channels none of them really ever collab.

>> No.54025945

Did any of them land a single noteworthy gig yet in the few years this company has been around?

>> No.54025991

>They are very direct competition and stand in the way of each other's dreams
>They're all actually happy and talking about how they're gonna work for their dreams together
hmmm, who do I believe, the chuubas or a 4chan schizo? decisions, decisions...

>> No.54026000

One of them is in this.

>> No.54026054

If they did they wouldn't be there anymore.
It's the kind of agency you start out in as nobody to get easy gigs and collect experience.
If you make it you leave and move on to a better one.

>> No.54026174
Quoted by: >>54026230

a few have left tho, so that means it worked?

>> No.54026230

or they gave up and got a job

>> No.54026493
Quoted by: >>54026852

I feel like the power balance is just a bit wack, she alone is like 10 times as big as the entire company combined
Hopefully it'll be fine

>> No.54026718

Having the pull she has it would be silly not to do it.
Some of the guys here don't understand that for 99% of streamer and streamer related person like the girls there they have 1-2 opportunities to maybe make it big and break into 3 views which would make getting into 4views and being able to live from this way way way easier.
That's why i get so frustrated at Mike. She got lucky in her moment (as every other big streamer) and become very popular until unfortunately the tables turned against her.
Though, as she was very popular before she has many many chances to recover most of her popularity. And in fact most of them just require her to do very easy things she has done for years before.
But she doesn't have an infinite number of opportunities, people will eventually get tired or forget her if she does nothing.
I'm a gachi, i want her to do well, i want her to grow, i want her to be happy and wealthy; so i'm hoping she can ride this current train before they stop passing by her station. I don't want her to fuck it up again and again.
I wish this rename clears her reputation somehow, that the tiny agency somehow lands her good roles, but i'm very doubtful of both and both have possible negative consequences too.
I'm the same but apparently i'm the bad guy now.

>> No.54026833
Quoted by: >>54027167

She must really hate her kaigai fans if she's using an app that none of them can join in on.

>> No.54026838
Quoted by: >>54027167

Might be a good time to remind her that overseas can't access it
Not that I'm trying to convince people to talk her out of a bad decision or something. Oh no no no. Just friendly advice

>> No.54026852

I would be legit sucking her dick 24/7 if I was one of the other girls

>> No.54026888

So that's a weird decision from her unless she got blacklisted from actually bigger seiyuu companies

>> No.54026899

Well yeah, of course they did.
They are all going to be super nice to her and try to become her best friend ever.
If even 1 in 100 Mikeneko viewers start watching them their channels more than quadruple in size.
She's a literal giant visiting fucking Liliput.

>> No.54026949
Quoted by: >>54027120

Well for the time being all it'll mean is she'll stream more and have some JP girl friends to collab with occasionally so let's try and look on the bright side for now and cross the rickety old bridges when we get to them

>> No.54027038

So just a bunch of whores are leeching from her

>> No.54027044

She has no seiyuu career.
She has a vTuber career.

As a seiyuu she's a literal zero. Since this agency seems to be sitting somewhere in the middle between vTubing and seiyuu focus they probably promised her to be able to use her past vTubing experience to get her solid seiyuu gigs, something that wouldn't easily possible otherwise, especially since she's """disgraced""" with how Cover kicked her out of the door.

>> No.54027120
Quoted by: >>54027236

I agree. But uh, could you kindly assist in sorting out the small issue with this small rickety bridge she's just crossed right there?

>> No.54027167
Quoted by: >>54027268

You need a japanese phone number or something, really?

>> No.54027186

Technically she's been in one voice drama with a few big name VAs

>> No.54027205
Quoted by: >>54027239

The big agencies don't recruit. They poach from the medium sized agencies, which in turn poach from the smaller agencies.

>> No.54027236
Quoted by: >>54027298

Sure, she's being scammed by a small group of suits promising big things they won't deliver on and everyone's a whore suck-up looking to steal viewers
Is that what you wanted to hear?

>> No.54027239


>> No.54027268

Yeah. Korea, the West, Hong Kong and I'd assume Taiwan are all locked out

>> No.54027298

the other girls didn't make her join, there's no reason to be mad at them

>> No.54027353

She maybe a zero as a seiyuu but i'm thinking about some holos that honestly aren't good at all at anything other than their character voice nor have real seiyuu training and they got some movie/game roles just because of their popularity.
They take it more seriously in Japan but they still have the "special cast" roles like they give to celebs in western animated movies.

>> No.54027414


>> No.54027431

She just mentioned the line issue now

>> No.54027442

so much of life is just who you know or who is willing to go to bat for you, when a job doesn't have a technical aspect to it, connections are way more than half the battle of getting it

>> No.54027494

Discord it is now lol

>> No.54027567

>and they got some movie/game roles just because of their popularity
Yeah, but that's Special Guest rolls for marketing purposes, they aren't really there as voice actors.
What Mike wants to do is become a voice actor, a proper one, not someone that gets invited to do a couple half assed lines for Nobeta so Hololive viewers play the game.

>> No.54027583

No-one's rampaging you tard, learn English

>> No.54027672

It seems the japanese can't differentiate between trolls from catalog here and fans

>> No.54027811 [DELETED] 

Kek she fucking hate you and yet you still love her. Funny even the nips hate her

>> No.54028166

I was shitting on twitcasting earlier but bath twitcasts are an exception

>> No.54028183
File: 42 KB, 848x594, Fzug8_OagAA8JFY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54028286

Me right now.

>> No.54028273

I wonder how many streams it takes her to match this company's entire annual revenue.

>> No.54028286


>> No.54028385

She's cute
I love her
Give me your bathwater

>> No.54028421

ASMR might happen again

>> No.54028452
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Lovely wife.

>> No.54028579

what do you mean again

>> No.54028604
File: 420 KB, 844x946, 1633221606157.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54029600

>*walks out and plays Iris on his phone*

>> No.54028686


>> No.54028771

It's always lovely to hear her bathcasts

>> No.54028911


>> No.54029147

It's nice having an oshi who actually listens to her kaigais

>> No.54029391

Anyways, anyone has more ideas for the thread renaming before making a poll? I heard so far:
- /るみなりあ/
- /るなりあ/
- /恋糸りあ/ (she accompasses all other identities)
- /るみなり/

>> No.54029487

Wait for stream hours before posting the poll, for some reason shitposters rarely show up during actual streams, so it's easier to filter the real votes.

>> No.54029590

hard disagree
looking back at the last 2 threads it is when most of the shitposters are around

>> No.54029600
File: 1.41 MB, 1142x930, Bullshit[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fg3ymbw.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54029727


>> No.54029715
Quoted by: >>54029940

ruminari is the most balanced, one syllable for each
That's pleasing

>> No.54029727
File: 192 KB, 400x300, 1633206384721.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Play JACK'S GAME, Ria. For the love of God.

>> No.54029794

Just keep /るみな/ for 1-2 more weeks.
Don't make the poll public. Put the link behind a password to avoid tourists messing with it.

>> No.54029880
Quoted by: >>54030281

Yeah, she's not rushing us to change to the new name so we can take our time and decide, it's fine if the next few threads stay as るみな for now

>> No.54029940


>> No.54030098

もう、ひとりぼっちにbye bye

>> No.54030281

ok then

>> No.54030488 [DELETED] 

So is that Real Coitus her birthname?

>> No.54030517
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Quoted by: >>54030602

>> No.54030602

this cool cat comes up and slaps your ass then challenges you to a Smash bros round, what do you do?

>> No.54030670
Quoted by: >>54030733

Accept but say that if I win I get a footjob

>> No.54030733


>> No.54031184

>All the girls incentivized to bow to mike and try to curry her favor in any way possible to grow numbers

This is going to be extremely weird.

>> No.54031276

How long until they start calling her Ria ane-san?

>> No.54031428

i want to see one of them spill their spaghetti

>> No.54031692

I accept, lose, she will bully me for being bad and hopefully touch me inappropriately

>> No.54032185

Guess I'll have to finally join the funbox

>> No.54032300

Is she really being bottled or is this some elaborate shitpost?

>> No.54032417

Obvious shitpost

>> No.54032418
Quoted by: >>54032801

Collab with Henya when?

>> No.54032420


>> No.54032454

Edo Tensei...

>> No.54032495

The Only Up stream had a really suspicious graph but I haven't seem anything like that since.

>> No.54032801
Quoted by: >>54032944

Never and now fuck off

>> No.54032944
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I was just asking nicely. Aren't they supposed to be a part of Kson's Taipei cafe?

>> No.54033474

Hello is your oshi retarded, she sure makes questionable decisions
I want to say her green version has the best porn of the VTuber industry and I hope this new pinkslut continues that trend

>> No.54033757

on one hand I may be able to share a discord with Mike
on the other hand, I'd have to share a discord with the asian fanbase

>> No.54033865
Quoted by: >>54034063

please no dont make her be on a discord with fans, that cannot end well

>> No.54034063

what could go wrong with putting unicorns and anticorns on the same server (that will most likely go unmoderated)

>> No.54034140

There’s no way she just joined the voice acting agency equivalent of Saul…

>> No.54034196
Quoted by: >>54034357

It seems that she's making her timeslot 7 PM.
Not super ideal for me but it's relief to be a time I can be prepared for instead of being on guard 10 hours per day.

>> No.54034226

When is the next stream for Nazuna?

>> No.54034357

>it's relief to be a time I can be prepared for instead of being on guard 10 hours per day.
for real, catching her streams hasn't been easy

>> No.54034492

Oh, Mikeneko is now fine again since she can't/won't change them in twitter and YouTube.
I can understand her feeling of starting up clean but it's a bit naive though

>> No.54034638

we need to protect our anal virginity guys

>> No.54034743

Can she theoretically be fixed?

>> No.54035532

No but whatever is wrong with her is way more entertaining

>> No.54035573

The ones who try to fix her are the ones who end up broken themselves.

>> No.54035685

if it were possible, she would lose her spark

>> No.54035738
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>> No.54035850
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>> No.54036951
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>> No.54037262

Mike, go to bed...

>> No.54037292
Quoted by: >>54037440

what was the announcement

>> No.54037331
Quoted by: >>54037771

I’m afraid she’ll never achieve anything with this company their other members never did much hopefully im wrong but…

>> No.54037388

Give the proliferation of mikenames I propose we retitle the thread to /寿限無,寿限無,五劫の摺り切れ,海砂利水魚の水行末,雲行末,風来末,食う寝る所に住む所,ヤブラコウジのブラコウジ,パイポパイポ,パイポのシューリンガン,シューリンガンのグーリンダイ,グーリンダイのポンポコピーのポンポコナーの長久命の長助/.

>> No.54037426

I wish she had worked for a more prestigious Japanese firm such as Vsupo.

>> No.54037440

Literal nothingburger. Also she's changing her name Urusai Luchia.

>> No.54037448
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>> No.54037512

>this corpo definitely dosent have anything she expects it to have she was asking about 3d, overseas shipping, irl events and the managers were fucking blank I don't know if she is doing this on purpose or what
I haven't been able to watch the vod yet because of work but I'm browsing threads in my break right now and is this true? Why didn't she talk about her expectations with them off-stream first or something? I'm really worried about all this... I hope it's just the shitposting that's giving me that vibe and everything will feel fine when I watch the announcement myself

>> No.54037562

amazing cast
imagine missing this lmao

>> No.54037580

For fans of other members, her joining the club will be as threatening as if Houken had appeared in Kingdom.

>> No.54037651

She’s finally free from the hands of her past two black companies.

>> No.54037733

It would be like Messi joining the club in J3.

>> No.54037771

it looks like a shit corpo so id say you are right. she wont have any big problem with this corpo but will graduate after having a few shitty VA jobs because of the uninspired and underperforming environment. i reckon shell stay only a year.

>> No.54037878
File: 200 KB, 423x406, grfchtfhr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

absolutely kino twitcast

>> No.54037977
Quoted by: >>54038179

That agency doesn't have anyone with a 3D, has probably 50 oversea fans max, and has never done an IRL event.

>> No.54037988

I think she should have joined an even smaller corpo.

>> No.54038122

Ahh, I love when she's off but in this good way.
I wish I could have archived that.
Well, someday we will get practice on the real thing.

>> No.54038179

Feels pretty irresponsible from the agency to even sign her then.
They probably just saw the opportunity for explosive growth and went for it, fuck if they can even offer her anything in return.

>> No.54038312
Quoted by: >>54038431

It's a voice actor company first and foremost and has more connections on that side of things. One of the 運営 that came to explain stuff was also a former professional VA apparently. Hopefully they'll land her some good gigs while not accidentally rubbing the other talents the wrong way

>> No.54038383

Way more comments arguing than talking about the twitcast.

>> No.54038430

In fairness, it's mengen.
So the only thing I'll say was that my wife was very cute again today

>> No.54038431

That's a big danger too now that I think about it yeah
She wants friends and people to play games with, but she is 1000% going to get preferential treatment in everything in that agency
Now that she joined absolutely everything is going to revolve around her, both behind closed doors and in their own chats
Gonna be really weird for them, their whole life suddenly got turned upside down by her joining

>> No.54038948

Not that she's going to read it, but my advice to her in ASMR are two things.
First, all kinds have their own technique you can improve on, look up YouTube videos of ASMR pros with cameras.
Second, all kind are a performance art.
It would be wiser to use the first 1-2 streams to get the rust off and since you seem to want to be more intimate than as Rushia, to get into the headspace for it and explore what are you more or less comfortable with.
So instead of going off, just tease and do a bit more each time till your limit. Leave us wanting for more.

>> No.54039025
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Mikeneko’s big fat neko balls on my face

>> No.54039060
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>> No.54039116

We'll get multiple tourists who are self proclaimed experts of the industry coming here to give their hot takes for the rest of the day
should be back to normal in a couple days especially since EN3 is apparently getting announced soon

>> No.54039142
Quoted by: >>54039358

That's more than she will get as Ria within the next year.
A lot more.

>> No.54039197

The maid Nazuna is very cute.

>> No.54039358

They are probably gonna convince her to spend her own money on events and stuff
They aren't big enough to have the resources to do that stuff out of pocket so if she wants to do anything it's gonna come out of her pocket and will be organized by them to help out kinda way

>> No.54039392
Quoted by: >>54039461

It really doesn't sound like she needs them at all..

>> No.54039400

That sounds like a scam

>> No.54039443

The vshojo employee is seething she choose the 2 view corp over vshojo lmaooo

>> No.54039461

If she was half decent with the money she made over the years she probably could have brought them outright, but since that's unlikely it is a weird situation.

>> No.54039496

The point of the org is connections. If they have connections in the industry, it's better for her
More importantly, it means that she doesn't have to focus on that stuff and can start streaming more consistently on YouTube. Like a company that will just manage that side of things for her while she focuses on us.

>> No.54039536
File: 3.60 MB, 482x498, 1684441905132835.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54039580

Did you hear the part about the photobook and real life appearances?
I don't know how far they're with planning it but it sounded like something they want to do, would you like rm content?

>> No.54039545

It's funny how they're not even trying to be subtle

>> No.54039565
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Quoted by: >>54039824

She's still in Vshojo though?

>> No.54039580

no, I prefer Rushia

>> No.54039824
Quoted by: >>54039859

She hasn't streamed in a week now and her next scheduled stream is Mikeneko again, on YouTube, to play games

>> No.54039859

Yes, and?

>> No.54039925

Nazuna's days are numbered. She'll appear a few more times and then leave.
There's no reason for her to continue being on Twitch or in Vshojo.

>> No.54039966
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>> No.54040006


>> No.54040009

So true sis, two more weeks, surely.

>> No.54040048
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>> No.54040229
Quoted by: >>54040317

Vshojo in 1 year got Nazuna 0 voice work, only merch Vshojo can fully profit off of, and 0 Japanese speaking vtubers to play Minecraft with.
If Voice-Ore gets her even 1 voice acting gig it will be more succesful. For that matter Voice-Ore already is, she has mandatory minecraft buddies.

>> No.54040317
Quoted by: >>54040425

>Listen, we know you're tired, but if Ria says she wants to play Minecraft you will be there. You will log in, you will praise her, you will laugh at her jokes and you will make her happy. She's too big, we cannot afford her being unhappy and leaving us again, understood?

>> No.54040425

Although it is grim and none of the girls are playing MC or Ark currently, being mike's lapdog is probably preferable than the 2view hell grind.

>> No.54040685
Quoted by: >>54040869

I don't want to call her Ria...

>> No.54040703
File: 920 KB, 1039x866, lpcat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as a Voice Ore fan, yeah it's really funny to see all this assumptions towards the company. I admit they fucked up during their first months in vtubing but they managed to redeem themselves. I have got no hope of them dominating the vtuber scene but I have high hopes that they'll do well in voice acting industry.

>> No.54040753

Hey man, can you tell us some things about them? What should we expect?

>> No.54040797
File: 131 KB, 369x330, 23907862789345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait a minute, that hood...

>> No.54040869
File: 340 KB, 1635x2391, F1vW_6_aAAA5_PZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can call her Mike.

>> No.54041062

Couldn't she just have used Ria only for the anime/games/dramas etc. she appears in? Like only in those places

>> No.54041114
Quoted by: >>54041195

she already said she won't change her name on YT/Twitter you autist

>> No.54041123
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>> No.54041127

I actually think this is all super unlikely. This is all speculation but I think I'm standing on firm ground based on what I know about her:
She is actually probably taking a really risk-averse position where she doesn't have to spend much of anything. That's why she's going with this small corpo, low risk, low reward. Hopefully something will come of it, if it doesn't, no big loss. If she was really trying to make some investments to get some big returns, the thing to do would have been to hire an experienced, well-connected and expensive manager who knows the seiyuu scene and could get her in.
I think it's really more of an experiment than anything, hopefully she gets some work and makes some friends out of it. If not, no big loss, she still has Nazuna and can go somewhere else with Ria.
My only real worry is that she fucked up somehow by signing a contract with bad terms she may not be fully aware of, I would hope she has lawyers going over this but who knows and also she's really stubborn and believes, uhh, odd things at times...

>> No.54041195
Quoted by: >>54041232

What no, she was gonna change her channel name too

>> No.54041232
Quoted by: >>54041557

anon...turn on notifications for her twitter accounts

>> No.54041385
Quoted by: >>54042907

Oh shit, an actual fan
I know their goal is to get Anime voice work one day, but do you think they're getting closer? I can see that one girl is voicing the main character in an extremely small VN which, while not being something huge, would be something I'd genuinely get super hyped over if wife did even something like that. Suppose what's your honest thoughts on their progress. I've already heard they made a few mistake early on but those look to be ironed out completely

>> No.54041557

Do I need to set up a tweet grabbing bot again for stuff she deletes?

>> No.54041643

>he doesn't know

>> No.54041692
File: 125 KB, 955x700, F1u-NleaUAEf65r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54041884

How new?
What we are talking about has not been deleted.
Also yes.

>> No.54041884

Which of today's tweets is supposed to say "By the way I will NOT change my channel's name" then? Cause I sure don't see it

>> No.54041976

Don't mind these retards who are likely a mix of shitters from the vsj thread where they shit on their own girls daily and catalog mouth breathers who haven't seen a second of any of Mike's personas, sincerely wish everyone gets their big break eventually

>> No.54042060

She is well known in Japan, so she can help the company become better known and the company can use her contacts to get mike voice jobs.

>> No.54042067
File: 511 KB, 1165x900, F1kSqvvagAIBq54.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54045616

do your reps

>> No.54042858

Aha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha I just found out Aha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha what a a joke!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.54042907
Quoted by: >>54043984

>I know their goal is to get Anime voice work one day, but do you think they're getting closer?
the fact that they have now have a huge connection with a lot of professional Seiyuss and anime producers, mostly likely yeah
Here's Koga doing an audio drama with Ayasa Itou https://youtu.be/94e71WgZ3u8
>I can see that one girl is voicing the main character in an extremely small VN
Yeah expect a lot of roles mainly from Visual Novels for her from now on
>honest thoughts on their progress
They're doing a very good job growing their talent's VA skills. With their weekly recording and trainings, you can a see a lot of improvement especially if you compare their audio recordings from 2 years ago up to now

>> No.54043196

I don't feel like "ria" fits her. I hope I can get used to it.

>> No.54043396

>shit on their own girls
Only **former** members

>> No.54043863
Quoted by: >>54045573

01:10JST Tweet

>> No.54043984

Thanks for the input. Just one more thing I guess
>they have now have a huge connection with a lot of professional Seiyuss and anime producers
What's this part? I assume this is some sort of new connection or something? Sorry if it sounds like I'm hounding you with questions but it's honestly a shock to find someone who actually knows their shit so quickly

>> No.54044282
Quoted by: >>54044442

the VSJ thread has no issue with that corpo, if anything it's good that she can use her talent freedom to pursue other avenues.
Literally the only worrisome thing they mention is the small size of it which is way more discussed here.

>> No.54044442

>the vsj thread
Yeah cause I'd expect a bunch of frog spamming fuckboys from Twitch who also watch xqc or otv to even know anything about this group

>> No.54044492

why are you lying then?

>> No.54044935
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>> No.54044944

You are refering to the OTK tourists. One of VSJ’s many ethnicities in our threads. They are the most hated ethnicity on our thread. Much like the niggers of USA. Stop whining about meta shit and watch melody’s birthday debut! *muah* *jerks ur cock uwu*

>> No.54045260
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>> No.54045573
Quoted by: >>54045616

Are you trolling me? If she said it during a twitcast you can just say so, but there's no 1:10am JST tweet

>> No.54045616
Quoted by: >>54045739


>> No.54045739
Quoted by: >>54046170

Stop this

>> No.54046079

I don’t think she’ll ever not be unintentionally funny! Way to sabotage your career yet again, retard.

>> No.54046170
File: 223 KB, 1638x2048, FRheHGBVcAAemVu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54046224

The problem is that, anon, if this filters you, why do you think your opinion has any value in this thread.

>> No.54046224

What opinion? I only asked a question about her changing her channel name
