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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 432 KB, 2048x1308, IMG_3201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53678022 No.53678022 [Reply] [Original]
Quoted by: >>53702469

>> No.53678210

>live now
Flayon The Henry Stickmin Collection

>> No.53678764
Quoted by: >>53679038

>Same OP
It's an omen. We're going to die again.

>> No.53679038
Quoted by: >>53679916

Oh it is. My bad, wasn’t paying attention to the previous OP

>> No.53679116
Quoted by: >>53679683

What the fuck happened
Last thread: >>53658865

>> No.53679683

dead thread for dead branch, very fitting

>> No.53679914
File: 175 KB, 1002x864, IMG_5720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Roberu!!

>> No.53679916
File: 63 KB, 1096x1096, 1673758046584084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53680373

>It wasn't even intentional

>> No.53680084

I took a nap
I'm catching up with Aruran's Pikmin 2 vods because he streamed them like a fuckin madman

>> No.53680271
File: 264 KB, 477x609, 1656808860232.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Miyabi love!
What happened to the last thread?

>> No.53680373
File: 314 KB, 1163x1023, IMG_1056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53680953

No I didn’t mean to do it! I jwu and got excited to use the pirate photo because the Sea of Thieves collab is today!

>> No.53680953

I'm so excited for today's collab too!

>> No.53681816
File: 83 KB, 720x1286, 1646727780823~01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53682070

Knight love!

>> No.53682070
Quoted by: >>53682578

This was the last post before the thread died, by replying to this, we will have changed the future

>> No.53682362
Quoted by: >>53682859

From drawthread:

>> No.53682578
Quoted by: >>53682818

The last post was Flayon's stream link though.

>> No.53682818
File: 197 KB, 923x1346, IMG_9946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53683400

We’ve successfully changed the future.

>> No.53682859


>> No.53683400
File: 275 KB, 775x515, 1640724433937.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53684754

I'm all for keeping the thread alive but you better back off little nui.

>> No.53683733
File: 451 KB, 539x478, IMG_1106.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53683852

I love Aruran… again!!

>> No.53683852
Quoted by: >>53702843

Has pizza man considered playing pizza tower yet?

>> No.53684754
Quoted by: >>53685347


>> No.53685347
File: 248 KB, 1831x1170, IMG_0762.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53685434

Too late

>> No.53685434
File: 2.48 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_8293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not so fast

>> No.53685747
File: 48 KB, 197x168, 1682428740642461.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Avert thread's destined death
>Thread instantly becomes more violent

>> No.53686049
File: 32 KB, 600x336, Ez4lA1_VIAMRt8X.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53687421

What's going on here?

>> No.53687193

Roberu’s playing Mario tennis lets fucking go

>> No.53687421

Mexican stand-off time

>> No.53688966
File: 172 KB, 1534x930, IMG_1914.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuma love…

>> No.53690307
File: 163 KB, 500x500, heh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only good thing spawning from the upcoming GTA spam is that Aruran will spawn another seethe holostar-only server with his bitching

>> No.53690486

Temma Marika

>> No.53691101
Quoted by: >>53695315

I hope not, let’s just hope he doesn’t complain about it during the collab. Rust was fun, not sure how GTA will be.

>> No.53691612
Quoted by: >>53695315

God this thread is going to get a bunch of obnoxious tourists again, isn’t it

>> No.53694646
File: 634 KB, 1920x1080, IMG_20221125_085509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Majin love.

>> No.53695209

That pink Mii looked like it was hanging gout on Temma's shoulder, it was cute

>> No.53695315

It's GTA multi player not very goal oriented? I think a goal os really important for these large servers to motivate people.

Always will

>> No.53695369
Quoted by: >>53695459

you know what it is

>> No.53695459
File: 128 KB, 1000x1000, E_5ncTDVQAwWZfF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53698009

Shinri Exoprimal

>> No.53698072

Can someone explain me what is this?

>> No.53698152
Quoted by: >>53698218

By the way, Peanuts-kun and Ponpoko announced that their annual Ponpoko24 program will take place next month. Which stars have a shot at getting invited?

>> No.53698218

They seem to like Bossu

>> No.53699690

do you think Shien has belly chub?

>> No.53700075
Quoted by: >>53701263

Don’t think so. If he had any, the other stars would’ve pointed it out like they constantly do with Miyabi

>> No.53701263

Shien is the biggest offender I think...I remember miyabi complaining that he pokes him in the stomach everytime they see each other
What if he does that so nobody pokes at HIS stomach HMMM?
Offense is the best defense

>> No.53701299
Quoted by: >>53701573

He used to have some when he was little at school to the point he got so over conscious about it that he trained it all away at a park over the course of one summer vacation. It's very unlikely he ever put some back given that he even refrains from eating chocolate because he says it shows on his skin and in general it seems that he strives to become perfect boyfriend material.

>> No.53701573

perfect boyfriend bossu... I'm already yume for him though

>> No.53701973

jesus Shogun's team has atrocious aim

>> No.53702081

>Shogun got top frags in the game with 24 kills
>Brim got 14 kills
>Also on their team: 12 kill Breach, 8 kill Jett
>Upon their team losing, Brim types in chat "killjoy noob"

>> No.53702469
Quoted by: >>53704248

Very cool art. I hope holostars gets a pirate some day, and also I hope it can be me.

>> No.53702843

I want it real bad
I know they don't necessarily share perms with hololive, but it has to make the process a little easier doesn't it?

>> No.53703071

Pretty sure that perms are given by location or region and not by gender

>> No.53703135
File: 133 KB, 1600x900, IMG_3205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53704327

Bossu finally joined the plat club

>> No.53703226

Hakka tweeted they had perms for it, like anon said it might be by region, but I think that's only for the really big companies that are more strict.

>> No.53703632

Temma is doing Uproar collab on Thursday.

>> No.53703929
Quoted by: >>53704002

People are going crazy over this tweet.

>> No.53704002
Quoted by: >>53704062

Is it not related to his earlier stream?

>> No.53704062

whatever it was, it wasn't serious enough for him to not immediately start making happy dinosaur noises and chuckling when he started streaming
so it's probably nothing huge

>> No.53704248

Whose booty are you after?

>> No.53704327
Quoted by: >>53704429

>switched to cammy
the ass won him over, didn’t it…

>> No.53704429

Kageyamassman Shien

>> No.53704440
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>> No.53704485
Quoted by: >>53706394

Roberu Mario Tennis 64

>> No.53704656

>no official Holostars summer
>Gamma decides, fuck it, he'll draw it himself
fucking based

>> No.53705589

Why is Roberto only playing single matches against a DK set to very hard

>> No.53706394

Shien joined.

>> No.53706491
Quoted by: >>53706641

Babudon is revived(for now)

>> No.53706574
Quoted by: >>53706675

My son… he’s so bad at this game kek

>> No.53706641

Christmas miracle is early this year

>> No.53706675

Nevermind they’re both equal now

>> No.53706795

>get bored watching bc basic Mario Tennis is pretty dull
>stop watching to try to sleep
>can’t sleep
>check thread on phone
>a fucking miracle is happening
Jesus fuck how did this happen

>> No.53706879
Quoted by: >>53706922

>Babudon lost against CPUs
The absolute state

>> No.53706922

To be fair they’re CPUs on the hardest difficulty

>> No.53706929

Rio Only Up

>> No.53707233
Quoted by: >>53707532

>babudon lasted a whole 26 minutes playing
Well, it was fun

>> No.53707532

enough to get rid of my schizo thought. amen

>> No.53708525

>Rio wants to invite someone for off-collab
>He wants the idea of off-collab stream
What kind of off-collab do anons like?

>> No.53708597

orgy sex
but i think cooking streams will be fun? i see the girls doing it and it's kinda nice. too bad no one wants to visit bossu's house because they will want to rape him on his own bed than cook with him

>> No.53708621

Nobody really does it, but old-school multiplayer games that you can’t play online are what I always want to see from off-collabs

>> No.53708693
File: 192 KB, 2048x1431, kanashii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53708966

>Hatena shirts have limited 3-day sale period
>Still no updates from proxy regarding purchase viability
It's all ogre...

>> No.53708753

The kind holos do. Despite how much the stars imitate them, they sure are bad at taking their good stream ideas

>> No.53708903

Yami no Uno, holostars edition

>> No.53708966

Don't give up yet! There's still time!

>> No.53709040

Next Houkago Uproar will be DbD, with Temma (killer)

>> No.53709578

Looks like Gamma is in the GTA server!

>> No.53709995
Quoted by: >>53710048

On the one hand, I'm glad for him
On the other hand, I'm a bit dreading the thread status during said streams
Maybe if Astel doesn't join in it and do jubutsu stuff thread won't get so bad

>> No.53710048

nah he will just start another personality for that server lol

>> No.53710154

good for him but he looked really tired when he was in vcr rust/holostars rust, hope he won't push himself too hard.

>> No.53710226
Quoted by: >>53712097

Gamma knows his limits thanks to his working experience. He is the last one you need to worry about.

>> No.53710262

I don't think he can draw in-game in GTA, right?

>> No.53710338

He was tired in VCR Rust because he took on too many commissions, and Holostars Rust because he was having a good time (and wanted to defend himself against all those raids). I don't think he'll be able to do anything like commissions this time around, hopefully he just spends time goofing around and meeting people.

>> No.53710504
Quoted by: >>53710637

any other stars implied that they are going the gta server?

>> No.53710559

Based gamma

>> No.53710637

Axel? He retweeted the announcement but didn’t say anything else, I think

>> No.53710702
Quoted by: >>53711068

Sea of Thieves with Miyabi, Aruran, Rikka and Shien
https://youtu.be/voAR4n1pM9g - Aruran
https://youtu.be/7_TYQDXLwtE - Shien

>> No.53711068

Pirate time ikz!

>> No.53711906

I've been wondering for a while but has Rio ever said if there's a specific reason for using his home 3D more than his live2D? Or does he just like it more?

>> No.53712097

What I wanted to say is I personally didn't enjoy his last vcr rust vod because of his tiredness. I know he's physically fine but sometimes he isn't good at these kind of long stream.

>> No.53712685

Majin Placid Plastic Duck Sim

>> No.53713699
File: 1.47 MB, 1198x1080, 087454242213.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Majin named partyduck after ganchan

>> No.53713906
File: 119 KB, 900x900, kid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>excitable and easily amused
>names his rubber ducks
>holds conversations with imaginary duck friends

>> No.53714097

This gap moe majin is showing right now is too strong I'm not gonna make it

>> No.53714494

Aruran is drowning…

>> No.53714697

Ikebo Host Club Horror Night 2023

>> No.53714799
Quoted by: >>53715233

Now that I think about it, why do nips associate summer with horror anyway?

>> No.53715213

Looks like it's gonna be postponed since YT is doing YT things.

>> No.53715233

In some traditional Asian cultures, these few months are when the spiritual world gates open. There are a few traditions related to this like the Obon festival in jp or Hungry Ghost festival in cn culture.

>> No.53715314

Postponed due to YouTube error...

>> No.53715667

Shien is extra cock hungry today, hes having a lot of fun with this game.

>> No.53717136
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>> No.53717467
Quoted by: >>53718014


>> No.53718014

For real, why is this ojisan so cute
Can't believe I watched him be excited about rubber ducks for two hours and I loved every minute of it

>> No.53718767

Cute pirates, the boat may have sunk but that was a lot of fun

>> No.53720325
Quoted by: >>53723072


>> No.53722398
File: 165 KB, 680x1200, F1Lo9ydaEAAZgee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53723072
Quoted by: >>53723806

Uyu does his female voice with a pc voice changer software though, he even uploaded a tutorial on how to use it on his channel

>> No.53723806
Quoted by: >>53724050

I know, there was a while when he wasn't bringing out Jyako because the software wasn't working. I wonder how many people still don't know about it.

>> No.53724050
Quoted by: >>53725373

Forgot to add that his female voice is still good though. He has said before he used to pretend to be his mom and call in sick to skip school.

>> No.53725087
File: 226 KB, 1280x720, F1VUyjfakAAtGHY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53725373

Uyu really lies… no dignity

>> No.53727273
File: 211 KB, 1440x2048, IMG_2483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53729200


>> No.53730661
File: 895 KB, 2480x3508, F1Ne3i0acAAXOjc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53731774
Quoted by: >>53799993

Can't believe we're getting temma killer in dbd
how long has it been

>> No.53732332
File: 22 KB, 231x255, 7182938137912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wanna bite that thigh

>> No.53733154
Quoted by: >>53734043

Rio Only Up! 2nd frame

>> No.53733250

why is ganma invited to all these nice events and servers but not astel

>> No.53733617
File: 182 KB, 852x480, asugan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53735218

>Astel: Gamma, you can make a cute face, huh? Don't show that face to anyone but me.
>Gamma: What are you saying... Senpai, you know I'm taller than you, right?
>Astel: Eh?
>Gamma: I'm saying you can't tease me like that forever.
>Astel: Wai- Gamma
>Gamma: I'll be sure to pay you back for all the times you've messed with me.
>Astel: Nn- (Is kissed)

>Happy End

>> No.53733873

Astel might have been invited to the server too and just hasn't said anything yet. I'd be surprised if he doesn't get an invite. Ganchan gets invited to things because people like him, and he's made a name for himself of his own right.

>> No.53733959
File: 999 KB, 2000x3000, F0w8g_uaUAYIyfu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck it I'm gonna hornypost about some Femstars
>Ritsuko is a mysterious woman who appears one day a year. If you've been faithful to her, she rewards you with unparalleled sex that will make nobody else able to truly satisfy you. You will nut wholly and feel complete, only for her to vanish once the day ends, leaving you to wait another year.
>Ouka is the product of a mysterious transformation that also, if nothing occurs, only lasts 24 hours. Her vocal cords don't fully transform right away, leaving her voice to slowly get more and more feminine. Her mental state remains unaffected by the transformation; however, if impregnated, her biological female instincts overwrite her brain and turn her fully and unmistakably female.
>Ganko is Gamma's sister. You're likely to find her out clubbing, getting handsy, and grinding on you if you get close to her. If you stick around and manage to hook up with her, she'll drag you to the bathroom where you'll have crazy, wild, animalistic sex in a stall. No condoms, she likes the danger.
>While Temma is a knight from another world, Tenko is a knight IN another world. Should you happen to be transported to her world, you will find that you have an attractive, blond female knight as your retainer. She is willing to do ANYTHING for her liege, with no exceptions.

>> No.53734043

why his game is so janky when he falls o bounce from a bed?

>> No.53734208
Quoted by: >>53734247

now hornypost about tsueso

>> No.53734247
File: 335 KB, 453x302, 1641944226396.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53734356


Hal making Astel for his baseball team. Cute.

>> No.53734648

Bettel Week in Review

>> No.53735218

Based Matsuri and RPR hate for not finishing the project. I can't hate Axel, he's my dumb grandson.

>> No.53735450 [DELETED] 

Flayon To The Moon with Altare

>> No.53736027
Quoted by: >>53736104

>That fanart
No hate to the artist but why they turned my hot dark skinned cum demon into a white girl?

>> No.53736104

forgive nips
they do not understand the true glory of a girl with nice, chocolatey skin

>> No.53736553
File: 528 KB, 2480x3600, FLlAjevaIAAkij7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you will never be transported to another world and have a hot blonde be your personal knight
Why live

>> No.53736961

Oga doesn't know what fuck you means...

>> No.53737657

What the fuck that’s adorable…
Oga remains the only original Holostars member to not say fuck you

>> No.53738588

Flayon To The Moon with Altare

>> No.53740591
File: 3.19 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_2477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He’s stuck

>> No.53741396


>> No.53741478


>> No.53743219
File: 192 KB, 1000x1000, F1V8jlnaYAIwJV-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53747837


>> No.53744975


>> No.53745116

Shinri Fatal Frame: Maiden of Black Water

>> No.53746490

what is rio announcing on 7/26, 3D stream?

>> No.53746631

726 minute karaoke

>> No.53747837

I can imagine Ouka’s top sliding off her tits and Ouka making Shieko stand in front of her to cover her up while she’s putting that thin fabric back on

>> No.53748230
Quoted by: >>53750370

Rio’s one of the members affected by the 3D live delays though

>> No.53750280
File: 1.88 MB, 2860x3628, IMG_0096.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53753934

The alien nui has a little snack.

>> No.53750370
Quoted by: >>53750770

He could just announce something for it like Fuma did.

>> No.53750510

Its been over a week ;_; where did Vesper go?

>> No.53750770

He’ll probably announce it at the end of his bday karaoke stream the same way fuma announced his at the end of his bday totsumachi

>> No.53753934


>> No.53755629

wrong thread

>> No.53755695
Quoted by: >>53761802

right thread. just wait patiently anon.

>> No.53756064

It's not an excuse to not do cons, right, right?

>> No.53756275
Quoted by: >>53761617

>i may have to sell my kidneys to buy a beefy pc and a vr headset for the chance of meeting my oshi one day
Fuck this.

>> No.53756867
Quoted by: >>53757232

They are just selling the meet merch when they ""go" to cons. I might be wrong, but isn't Altare the only one with a con appearance of these 5, and then fumbled on not having a meet and great? Con season is going to go by and it so obvious they weren't prepared this year

>> No.53757232

Ollie has an upcoming con appearance in south korea but yeah, I don’t think the other three have been invited to cons yet

>> No.53758560
Quoted by: >>53764254

Gamma drawing gen 1 for Holostars Summer

>> No.53759573

Clip of aruran drowning in jail

>> No.53761617

It could also be that hololive meet provides vr equipment at the con and after putting the headset on you "meet the talent in person". But maybe vr is the future for concerts...

>> No.53761757
File: 880 KB, 1480x1110, IMG_3220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to see someone draw bossu in his Sea of Thieves character’s costume, white underwear and all

>> No.53761802

Go back and read your commandments >>53757825

>> No.53763228

I will never get to lay my head against majin chest, that makes me sad

>> No.53763284


He's in.

>> No.53764083

oh?? i want him to be a corrupt police instead

>> No.53764176

rip, /stars/ boutta become tourist central again

>> No.53764239

You whiners are so annoying

>> No.53764254

Why is the vod privated?

>> No.53764336

Might not be so bad, first time always brings in the most tourists and Astel might not go for the same bits this time around

>> No.53764429

im sorry your oshi is not in this anon

>> No.53764464

Tempus’ 1st anniversary will be postponed

>> No.53764501
Quoted by: >>53764559

what did they plan to do anyway?

>> No.53764559

I don’t know either. All I know is that the celebration stream was already on Altare’s recently uploaded schedule

>> No.53764665

I don't watch EN, but man it's like every time I hear something about them lately it's always bad news.

>> No.53764709
Quoted by: >>53764936

Considering the circumstances, this feels like it's pretty good news, as it implies there will still be some sort of anniversary event at some point

>> No.53764899
Quoted by: >>53772914

I don’t think it’s necessarily bad news. Like the other anon said, an anniversary stream will still happen in the future since the announcement says “postponed” instead of “cancelled”. Maybe Altare and Axel would just prefer to wait for Magni and Vesper to come back so they can all celebrate together rather than just the two of them

>> No.53764936

True. Whatever happens, some kind of celebration is coming at some point.
Personally I don't mind, when cover announced 3D celebration streams are delayed until fall I already prepared for the summer to be less festive overall than usual. I know Tempus doesn't have 3D but it's just one more added canceled thing to the already long list

>> No.53765054

Honestly this is a relief for me to read. The wording "postponed" means it's going to happen (with presumably full members), and it's better than not knowing anything at all.

>> No.53765667
File: 500 KB, 663x627, 20230719_044442.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53765715

Why are gen 1 so big compared to uproar?

>> No.53765716

Can't unseen giant old man next to Uyu.

>> No.53765822

that Izuru is dangerous

>> No.53766005

Shien Only Up

>> No.53766103

Shien trying to update his personal best Only Up record
(Please send help this game is like crack to him)

>> No.53766765

Bossu’s now calling his channel an Only Up channel. He also jokingly talked about Temma’s Mario Kart streams and said his channel is a Mario Kart channel

>> No.53767289

Minecraft Return to Temmamura RTA hosted by Aruran with Miyabi, Izuru, Rikka and Temma VS Uproar
https://youtu.be/JRH0KVghf-4 - Miyabi
https://youtu.be/Bi8zvXYAZSk - Aruran
https://youtu.be/RfwyHw4HYeQ - Rio

>> No.53767326

Izuru looks like a tired wife going to get NTRed

>> No.53767759

Did I hear that right? Shien went out to eat with OnoYuu?

>> No.53768177

Axel’s going to join RPR in the VCR GTA server

>> No.53768213

>japanese ui

>> No.53769452

Axel’s frame. He’ll go live in 40 minutes

>> No.53771393
Quoted by: >>53771509


>> No.53771430

Fuma tried to fight Izuru and died three times... After already killed by Temma earlier.

>> No.53771509

I won't let the sexo pirate op pic let be the bad omen anons thought it'll be

>> No.53772023

Team Uproar won because Team Holostars insisted on clearing the side missions instead of goaling early on.

>> No.53772914

>>53764899 (me)
Nevermind. Apparently the others didn’t even know about the anni stream and merch postponement until today according to Axel

>> No.53773169

Altare Minecraft

>> No.53773193

Altare Minecraft

>> No.53774569
Quoted by: >>53776093

After 4 hours and 30 minutes of repeatedly failing one particular jump, Shien finally made it into the 2nd half of Only Up

>> No.53775365

Aruran Minecraft

>> No.53776093

Admirable determination

>> No.53777500
File: 527 KB, 1754x2480, F1YLjr4acAAYspz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53778440

You ever wonder what your oshi smells like?
How many of stars have talked about their preferred colognes

>> No.53778448
Quoted by: >>53780813

Roberu got his invite to the VCR GTA server

>> No.53778909
Quoted by: >>53780997

>a female kaigai got to ask shien to guide her to her destination

>> No.53780813

They're going to be the server's pet kaigais again lol

>> No.53780997

Imagine being lost tourist in tokyo, approaching a random guy on the street for directions. He turns around and freezes when he sees your itabag. The guy mumbles something incomprehensible before he speedwalks away from you, leaving you wonder forever if it was him or just some guy who is weirded out by weaboos

>> No.53782501

Clip from the FIFA collab

>> No.53782727

Roberu and Astel have talked about what they used in the past, but I don't remember off the top of my head.
IIRC Miyabi likes vanilla scent? And the brand of shampoo he uses is HIMAWARI. Also the candle from his 3rd Anniversary was lavender.

>> No.53784001

Hakkitos, were winning so hard.

>> No.53785584

Probably fresh laundry or a smell of a gym would be the my oshi’s odor

>> No.53785909 [SPOILER] 
File: 600 KB, 2048x1536, F1atkJaaEAA7JsJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53786556

Shiepi's meat

>> No.53786556

ToT thicc & juicy

>> No.53788585
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>> No.53790690

Astel Odo bump

>> No.53791698
File: 169 KB, 318x310, ToT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53797508

How are we in page 9 after 20 minutes??

>> No.53791861

Fuck it, dead hours, talk some of your favorite covers
Summertime record kicks ass, the way they play with the structure of the song is kickass
First part being solo voices organized by duos(Babudon, AsuIzu, Hanakishi) gives them all a chance to shine and lets the song build-up
Then going into fucking duos switching between them freely, and harmonizing in pairs gives it a kickass punch, each pair syncing up super well
Then the 3:07 mark hits and it hits the really good shit
Having the voices slowly fade in 1-2-3, 1-2-3 gives it an INCREDIBLE sound and build-up that I don't think I've really heard much in other Stars songs
And them all harmonizing together for the last chorus in a final hurrah just ties it all together
10/10 cover can loop for hours and not get tired

>> No.53792179
Quoted by: >>53801477

I really like the MiyaIzuShie bit and I'm sad that there will never be a cover with the three of them

>> No.53792304

I don't have strong feeling for any cover right now but I'm totally addicted to Rio's orisong. (And Rio's not even my oshi)

>> No.53792673

He carries the song extremely well, with the instrumentation being fairly minimalistic it's mostly reliant on the flow of his voice to keep things moving
And yet he still makes it work, the song never stops for too long, only for small pauses to make the next segment hit a bit harder
The minimal backing for most of the song also makes the instruments actually kicking in with the chorus hit even harder and lets you really fuckin jam out
My only gripe with the song is I don't care much for the small rap segment, I feel it doesn't really fit in with the rest of it, but other than that it's a fucking great orisong

>> No.53792737

I was thinking about posting the exact same song with the exact same thought. And Rio isn't my oshi either.
I am a bit sad it's so short but I can loop it without getting tired of the melody for hours.

>> No.53793367
File: 1.93 MB, 1907x1080, 57634532522.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this cover hanakishi did last year. It's got summer written all over it and the upbeat tone cheers me up whenever i listen to it https://youtu.be/IZRUK4F7_Iw

>> No.53794816
Quoted by: >>53795693

Bettel Pizza Tower

>> No.53795083

A.I.M's cover of 怪獣の花唄 is godly, easily my favorite cover.

I've also really taken a big liking to Axel's recent cover of Kyu-kurarin, his voice is an unexpectedly great match for the song I feel


>> No.53795619
Quoted by: >>53796116

Astel recently said the perfume he uses the most right now is Dior's Sauvage. And the shampoo brand he uses is YOLU.

>> No.53795693

I don't think I've ever seen a VTuber play PT without being horrendous at it and Bettel is no different.

>> No.53796072
Quoted by: >>53796280

Ganchan uses cologne that smells like warm cotton so I imagine he's just going around smelling like freshly washed towels, which is just the best to me.

>> No.53796116

Nice of him to tell the exact products.
I wish majin did so too, I want to get right smell to spray on pomekoro shirt for ultimate delusions.

>> No.53796215
Quoted by: >>53797356

Roberu uses L’occitaine!

>> No.53796280
File: 59 KB, 600x600, 291769_1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53796579

>>53796072 (me)
Here's what he uses. I need to get some for myself, for insanity reasons.

>> No.53796332
Quoted by: >>53800842

You are now thinking about what Fuma smells like

>> No.53796579
Quoted by: >>53796970

Absolutely, you could make ganchan nui smell like him when the little fella gets mailed to you

>> No.53796970

I got his birthday goods the other day too, and the idea of making the pillow smell like him makes me feel a bit off the fucking rails.

>> No.53797156
File: 236 KB, 452x648, 20230718_184855.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53797866

Temma's ass

>> No.53797356

nta but thank you, I couldn't remember the name and needed it for non-nui reasons

>> No.53797508

Because Roberu is barely streaming

>> No.53797866


>> No.53797888

Temma was surprised Aruran wears cologne, so he most likely doesn't wear any. I imagine he's a pretty clean guy, and I don't think the Jaoanese wear strong deodorants like old spice, so he probably smells pretty neutral.
Then he hits the gym and gets all sweaty and I want to SNIFFF

>> No.53798765
File: 348 KB, 656x866, IMG_1856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Then he hits the gym and gets all sweaty and I want to SNIFFF

I would also love to lick the sweat off of his muscles as well

>> No.53799772

Based au naturale Temmer

>> No.53799928

All in due time anon, apparently they postponed for him and Dez. Just go jerk off for now.

>> No.53799993
Quoted by: >>53803105

It's insane that this is actually happening. What other far fetched pipedream is coming true next?

>> No.53800842


>> No.53801013

Iirc Temma has asked once in a tweet or an old chat stream for cologne recommendations, he also likes using room fresheners including yuzu scent.

>> No.53801477

This is a trio I would really like for a cover someday

>> No.53802894
Quoted by: >>53803330

I’m about to dunk my roberu nui in fanta

>> No.53802912

Fuma Asakatsu
Hakka Tricky Towers with Altare

>> No.53803105
Quoted by: >>53803177

With Temma, anything is possible. I'm thinking of praying for Pizza Tower

>> No.53803177
Quoted by: >>53803447

When's Aruran gonna play the funny /pizza/ game?

>> No.53803330
Quoted by: >>53803809

What flavor?

>> No.53803447
Quoted by: >>53803803

Ill be surprised if it doesn't end up on his schedule, watching Bettel improve a little was nice, Aran has more experience in games so the start might be a little smoother.

>> No.53803803
Quoted by: >>53803949

I wonder if Old Man or Bossu would be interested, it would probably be fun to watch one of them play

>> No.53803809

Orange Fanta flavor, obviously!

>> No.53803949

Old man I can see doing really well once he gets going, I was hoping he would play it the moment I heard they could.

>> No.53805775

Shinri Fatal Frame: Maiden of Black Water

>> No.53806404

Could you post that one Holostars clip?

>> No.53806786

Uyu Only Up!

>> No.53806814
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>> No.53806858


>> No.53808299


>> No.53809497

So, what soda would you dunk your nui in? I feel like Sprite would compliment Arunui well

>> No.53811141

Is calpis a soda?

>> No.53811909

Not a soda but Robenui would probably love to be dunk in Red Bull

>> No.53812082

Sprite? I would dunk my Arunui in Pepsi because he needs to learn that it’s just as good as Coca-Cola

>> No.53813477
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>> No.53813704

I'm dipping shienui in calpis and you can't stop me

>> No.53814276

i want more bunny boys

>> No.53814477

>Girls in their normal outfits
>Guys in new outfits

I can't tell who won here but I know Cover must suck at letting people on the same project communicate.

>> No.53814622

Roberu looks like some edgy vampire yaoi character cosplaying as him, face looks nothing linke him

>> No.53814800

>ecchi leg belt
Just like Temma...

>> No.53815789
Quoted by: >>53818487

I can't wrap my head around using a different artist for the guys, literally any possible reason I can think of sounds retarded.

>> No.53817433

My god they really made Roberu look like a typical playboy

>> No.53818487

How does the artist for the girls draw guys?

>> No.53819829

Roberu is following Altare's way of whoring himself to fund his bar.

>> No.53820353
Quoted by: >>53821833

Been searching through the official page comments and other places but I can't find who the artist for the girls is. This is the guys' artist:


>> No.53820768

I still find it funny that Roberu’s official model + other art depict him with muscles when he’s one of the overall weaker Holostars strength-wise

>> No.53821442
Quoted by: >>53821655

Maybe Cover should make more fanservice art of the guys. I'm surprised by the amount of fans on twitter just outright calling bunny Roberu a whore in plain sight.

>> No.53821655

Based and same, I want my Holostars summer, each talent not only needs their personalized swimsuit but must wear a thong under it as well.

>> No.53821820

I want to fuck the jackal

>> No.53821833
Quoted by: >>53822609

The official twitter just answered who's the girls' artist

>> No.53822194

Whether it's in iron or diamond, everyone lands headshots in Valorant

>> No.53822609

>Can draw boys perfectly fine

Yeah, can't think of a single good reason to get two artists outside of maybe the girls' artist not having time for two more illustrations, but even that is kind of bizarre because it shouldn't be an issue if Cover properly commissions well ahead of time. If.

>> No.53824006

Needs to be cola zero for oganui. If he drinks something during stream and you ask him what it is, the answer is usually cola zero

>> No.53824321
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Quoted by: >>53824523

Strong zero

>> No.53824523
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>> No.53824549

By the way, Roberto's in GTA

>> No.53825334
File: 1.25 MB, 1920x1080, robeGTA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53825468
Quoted by: >>53826422

Will people kill each other in this server or is this another peaceful one?

>> No.53825924

I have been paying no attention whatsoever to the GTA thing. I just tuned in to see Roberu in a maid uniform.

>> No.53825969

It looks good on him

>> No.53826047

astel join vcr gta with nana please...bring back juubutu family....

>> No.53826191

god, I hope not

>> No.53826402

I feel like this is shaping up to be better than VCR Rust simply due to game choice
GTA has mundane, fun, stupid shit to mess around with if you're not actually playing the game
Rust doesn't

>> No.53826422

I don't have the answer to that but I will say a peaceful GTA server sounds absolutely retarded.

>> No.53826589

The only person in the jubutsu family Astel has entertaining chemistry with is Toi.

>> No.53826778

Maybe he wants fanart of him drawn in maid outfit

>> No.53826848
Quoted by: >>53826971

Does Roberu have a drivers license irl?

>> No.53826971
Quoted by: >>53827014

Yes, but he's admitted that he's only a paper driver. A good number of the Stars have licenses but don't actually know how to drive.

>> No.53827014
File: 25 KB, 188x231, 1689613194555064.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A good number of the Stars have licenses but don't actually know how to drive

>> No.53827100
Quoted by: >>53827518

Anon, that's the state of Japan in general

>> No.53827106
Quoted by: >>53827518

Not really considering they choose not to drive anyways. I don't think anyone of them even has a car.

>> No.53827329
File: 415 KB, 1442x2048, fuma_holostars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.53827345
File: 69 KB, 850x658, fuma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.53827432
Quoted by: >>53827518

With public transport system as advanced as it is in japan, they really don't need cars

>> No.53827518
Quoted by: >>53827757

I'm more concerned that they got a license without knowing how to drive in the first place.

>> No.53827577
File: 1.24 MB, 1889x1062, E5bOeiCVkAItkQW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53827608

In case anyone was going to watch Ollie's 3D showcase for possible Stars appearance, she said there will no guests.

I'm not sure if that means no call-ins though.

>> No.53827608
File: 431 KB, 1709x2425, EtzhT7rU0AURzik.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

... there will be no guests*

>> No.53827724

I don't think Roberu has even gotten a gun yet kek

>> No.53827757
Quoted by: >>53827890

Pretty sure they're required to be able to drive to get the license. It probably has been years since they last drove though, except for some who's talked about driving (Aruran, Oga, and Rikka).

>> No.53827890
Quoted by: >>53827975

Quick check on wikipedia says the practical exam is not required for a license in Japan if you graduate from a designated driving school, kek

>> No.53827975
Quoted by: >>53828023

Yeah, but to be able to graduate from driving school means they can drive, no? Or can you pay your way out of these schools just like my corrupt shithole third world of a country?

>> No.53828023

Oh wait you're right, looks like driving schools tend to have hands-on driving practice requirements within the curriculum

>> No.53828339
File: 2.13 MB, 1920x1080, robepizza.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Roberto has become a pizza man.

>> No.53829081

The pirate thread has survived till bump limit this time.
