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5336721 No.5336721 [Reply] [Original]

A fairy tale adventure

Princess Bride Watchalong: https://youtu.be/mjpWD1g5Chk

Schedule: https://twitter.com/takanashikiara/status/1404225418039906307

Art by: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/90589840

Previous thread: >>5317023

>> No.5336811
Quoted by: >>5336964 >>5343139

I want to make a movie with Kiara being the main protagonist, just so it can be all about her.

>> No.5336841
File: 793 KB, 540x1280, I Love You Whisper[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fb2v0ha.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5336964
Quoted by: >>5339557

Would the title be "Hololive English"?

>> No.5337136
File: 244 KB, 2000x2000, 1612626540042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5337307


Based management graduating le reddit and veering the company in a more idol like direction

Orange chicken love, orange dragon graduation

>> No.5337443

Fuck off faggot. Orange women solidarity here. And Coco left because she wanted to.

>> No.5337484

Next time post timestamps. Clipnogs don't provide views for the talents, that's why they need to go back.

>> No.5337927
Quoted by: >>5338236

Kiara creates a final solution for rats live on TV with Coco!

>> No.5338236 [SPOILER] 
File: 91 KB, 620x579, 1624124547702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same energy
I really wish I still had the original saved but it's been so long

>> No.5338451

According to playboard the Coco HoloTalk got 3.8k € in supas.
The second highest HoloTalk after that was the first one with Marine sitting at 2.6k €.

>> No.5338923
File: 289 KB, 700x711, 1622560903873.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5339103 >>5339170

I have an overall positive opinion of Kiara

>> No.5339103 [DELETED] 

People have been making up fake stories about her since her debut, you are supposed to her. Why aren't the rrats not working on you???

>> No.5339170

People have been making up fake stories about her since her debut, you are supposed to HATE her. Why aren't the rrats not working on you???

>> No.5339338

Newfag here, Does her name has any secret meaning? Like Calli is the name of a mythical muse, what is the meaning of Takanashi Kiara?

>> No.5339460

Not sure about secret meaning, but there's multiple puns in the kanji readings

>> No.5339485
Quoted by: >>5339805 >>5343327


scroll down to trivia

>> No.5339557
Quoted by: >>5339600

I'm thinking something more artistic.
How about this:

>> No.5339600

>not a new ip

>> No.5339805

Thanks, so Takanashi has some Japanese pun going but Kiara is just Kiara? I guess she really like that name.

>> No.5339985

In BRS Takanashi means Taka=Eagle Nashi=Without, one of the puns in her name is Takanashi Kotori asobi = Without eagles small birds can safely play.
She choose the name Kiara, dont know much about it.

>> No.5340026

the next orangewomen collab is a hair removal stream? right?

>> No.5340106
Quoted by: >>5340236

No because they already got their hair removed anonchama

>> No.5340135
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>> No.5340236
Quoted by: >>5340431 >>5372428

>they already got their hair removed
Why do women do this? If I wanted to fuck hairless i'd be a paedophile, jesus.

>> No.5340431

dont know about coco. but kiara has obvious reasons. shaving isnt an option for cosplayers cause of the stubs. you need to wax your whole body. every single fucking time. thats annoying. many cosplayers remove their hair. but we dont actually know if her pussy is smooth. i imagine she is too shy for that. she probably just got leg and arm hair removed.

>> No.5340517
Quoted by: >>5340634 >>5340689

It's going to be a cringy reddit meme review and there's nothing we can do about it

>> No.5340590

Yeah, seems like it. The most noteworthy thing about the name is that it uses katakana to show that she is not native Japanese.

>> No.5340634

but the normal reddit review slot is at 5 am for Kiara. I dont think it will be reddit review.

>> No.5340660

I'm so jealous of the bitch that got to see Kiara's hairy pussy before she burnt her hair off

>> No.5340689
Quoted by: >>5340766 >>5341405

I hope not but I'm ok if it's 1 time only. I really hope she doesn't become the next meme review girl. This just isn't something for her. reddit memes absolutely suck, she doesn't understand half of them anyway and it strives further away from her idol image, which is actually something she cares about. She has already hammered down on the bottom left meme / alter Kiara a lot and tries to sing more songs.

>> No.5340696


>> No.5340766

>She has already hammered down on the bottom left meme / alter Kiara a lot and tries to sing more songs.
My wife is amazing isn't she?

>> No.5341405
Quoted by: >>5341742

I'm glad Kanata said she wants to do it so there is no "need" for Kiara to get yet another show with a lot of off-screen prep work.
She is really, really passionate about HoloTalk and karaoke so putting in a lot of work for those probably feels rewarding to her. Pretty sure the same would not be true for the shitpost review after one or two episodes.
And then it would become an annoying obligation that cuts into what little time she has outside her super long streams. But she would be unwilling to drop it when it is "Coco's legacy".

>> No.5341521
Quoted by: >>5342680

Over 700 dislikes got removed from the holotalk video
When do they realize bots or duplicate accounts do not work?

>> No.5341742

Feel like Kanata would need to improve her English to make that sorta show retain it's appeal to the audience that show has.

Kiara genuinely feels like the best person to keep that type of show going, considering just how damn similar they both are.

>> No.5342000
Quoted by: >>5342475

Coco doesn't really say all that much in English during shitpost review. She mostly shouts at chat. If Coco (or Kiara) help her behind the scenes it should be fine.

I think Kiara would get bored with the format super, super fast. And she is bad at hiding when she is bored.

>> No.5342054
Quoted by: >>5342424 >>5342475

>Kiara genuinely feels like the best person to keep that type of show going,
And this is what I fear. Normiefags pushing her into this. Imagine weekly meme review. 1 weekly time slot wasted with this shit. She is gonna be exposed to lots of shitty memes that make her less "pure" over time until she has no idol spirit left.

>> No.5342424

I'm pretty sure she already said she would only do it if Coco asked and as that has not happened. It probably won't happen.

>> No.5342475
Quoted by: >>5343420

The memes are still mostly from "overseas bros" as reddit is most popular in English speaking countries. She would still need to know what it says and convey it naturally.

I agree that it would be a lot of work and it's why I think it shouldn't be a weekly thing, regardless of who ends up doing it.
I'd rather Kiara play all the long ass JRPG she wants and maybe only do holotalk once a month or so. Memereview was cool and should die with coco but IF it's to continue, Kiara would probably be the best to host it.

>> No.5342680

Being a garbage human has no cure besides rope

>> No.5342853
Quoted by: >>5343420

In all honesty, I'd rather see the meme review thing die out. It has been a shitty replacement for Asacoco, nothing more. Kanata originally wanted to do something more similar to AsaCoco but got shafted by management again. I think she should try to put her foot down and do her own thing, not blindly take over the shitty meme review.

>> No.5342959
File: 309 KB, 499x504, 1621849244034.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5343082 >>5343267

How about Kiara doing a Meme review about the guest on Holotalk like the speed quiz, she could search some memes about the guest on leddit and then react to it with her guest.

>> No.5343082
Quoted by: >>5343420

No. I don't want her to be exposed to western "memes"
Imagine her saying pog, pepe and based every stream.

>> No.5343139

Only if I can be her doting servant turned lover.

>> No.5343164
File: 657 KB, 504x900, 1615613324506.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can Kiara return to Japan now that her Visa is over?

>> No.5343253


>> No.5343267

might be even worse than the clip section. she seems to have trouble choosing interesting or funny content.

>> No.5343276

By getting a new one? Like she always did for the past 10 years


>> No.5343327
Quoted by: >>5343347 >>5343368

>Her hobbies include singing, drawing, eating and fighting.


>> No.5343347

Huke's fetish. Remember her sword and shield? Part time warrior.

>> No.5343368
Quoted by: >>5343496

She's a part-time warrior. Whatever that means.

>> No.5343375
Quoted by: >>5343754

She talked about having a few hairs left here and there because they didn't do a thorough enough job and she didn't want to pay for another session when she was poor.
I want to go down on Kiara and tease her lightly about the few hairs left in her groin area.

>> No.5343398
Quoted by: >>5381439

As a tourist? Its not like she got banned from entering Japan.

>> No.5343420
Quoted by: >>5343637

Yeah I said it afterwards after thinking about it for a min. in this post >>5342475

Even if Coco and management are cool with it, it should die with Coco. If amelia or kiara wanna do something similar

She's already saying amoogus unfortunately.

It was a once in a lifetime visa sorta deal. She can return as a visitor for months at a time, even if it's for work related purposes.

>> No.5343434
Quoted by: >>5343491 >>5343641

She said she will go on a vacation there and get a visa for that. Since she no longer wants to live in Japan there should be no trouble with her flying over every few months.
Once Japan lets her back in that is. not sure when Covid will be gone in her country.

>> No.5343491
Quoted by: >>5343572


As far as I know she just needs to get vaxed in order to be allowed to travel. But she probably wants to wait until all the other girls are ready too, so they can all meet. Next time she goes to JP will probably be for her 3D debut.

>> No.5343496

It's a steins;gate reference.

>> No.5343498
File: 475 KB, 740x886, 1616095457341.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just immigrate there, bring her cats along. Japan is the best place to be.

>> No.5343569 [DELETED] 

If you know the roommate..you know.

>> No.5343572

Japan is in full lockdown for tourists. It's not gonna get lifted anytime soon.

>> No.5343581

Nah she has years of experience there and said she loves the place but she doesn't wanna live there permanently. She will probably settle down in some mountain village in the alps.

>> No.5343637
Quoted by: >>5343868

>She's already saying amoogus unfortunately.
Pretty sure she thinks amoogus sounds cute. But she hates pog and I am sure that won't change since it does not sound cute.

She said she doesn't want to live in Japan anymore. Spending a few years as a second class citizen was enough for her.
However she also said she isn't really happy in her own country (probably because of the memories and emotional baggage she mentions everyone now and then on stream).
But she is openly fantazising about immigrating to Germany or Switzerland. Although I think she only talked about the Switzerland thing in German during SC reading once.

>> No.5343641
Quoted by: >>5343903

She doesn't even need a visa for what she wants to do if I'm seeing this correctly.


>> No.5343711

When she marries me when can go live in Japan if she wants

>> No.5343743
Quoted by: >>5343868

Japan is a shitty place to live. You will always be treated as a second class citizen for not being full blooded Japanese.
Great place to visit though.

>> No.5343754
Quoted by: >>5343837

>I want to go down on Kiara and tease her lightly about the few hairs left in her groin area.
And then remove each hair by biting it off her groin while you kept her on the ground and she can't free herself because noodle arms, right?

>> No.5343837

Nah, it'd be more fun to toy with her insecurities lightly by flicking each and every one of them. Obviously in the end you make sure she knows it doesn't matter and that any imperfection on her makes her you to you, but it's just some playful sex banter.

>> No.5343868
File: 57 KB, 600x600, 1621963663375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Second class citizen

Sounds awfully familiar

>> No.5343903

Just the usual stamp upon entry should suffice in her case. Well, whenever Japan can finally admit tourists again.

>> No.5344094
File: 2.54 MB, 1580x1337, 1615389755022.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5344151

You wake up and see Kiara sitting this way right in front of your face.

What do?

>> No.5344124
Quoted by: >>5344503

>How can Kiara return to Japan now that her Visa is over?
She now works for a japanese company, so she can get a visa fairly easily.

>> No.5344151


>> No.5344353

First world countries don't require explicit tourist visas

>> No.5344503

I think this was discussed in conjunction with HoloID but iIrc a company needs to operate internationally for three years in order to be able to grant visas like that.
Cover went international international just last year so it will be a while.

But Kiara doesn't need a visa like that anyways. Whenever she talks about it it seems like she only wants to visit for a few weeks before returning to her cats and that should be easily doable as a tourist.

>> No.5344587
File: 3.37 MB, 2550x1386, what.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so.. i just downloaded the movie and skipped through a few scenes and.. wtf is this? I feel like I'm getting trolled.

>> No.5344664

It's a classic.

>> No.5344843
Quoted by: >>5344990

Can you give me the full name of the movie? I know you can't post torrent links here but just giving me the name should be fine right?

>> No.5344990
File: 49 KB, 1178x68, trrnt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5345025


>> No.5345025


>> No.5345184

you got something against andre the giant?

>> No.5345344
File: 692 KB, 1488x2105, __takanashi_kiara_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_mibry_phrysm__120556373ac114ab5efb929f8170a2d1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pressed into the wall, you let out an involuntary moan as your boss gropes and fondles you below your clothes, her own free hand viciously pleasuring herself beneath her coverings. You’re disgusted at yourself stiffening up to her touch while she continues to feel you up, rubbing at your length as she pants into your ear. “That’s a good boy~” Kiara coos into your ear as your body begins to surrender to her touch, wet sounds clearly audible as her fingers fervently work beneath her panties. “Get nice and hard for me…you put up such a tough act, but you always love it. You would’ve quit if you didn’t.”

Some part of you shrinks at that comment, but you quickly reaffirm with yourself that’s bullshit. KFP is the only place hiring in this goddamn town, and you need the money. You don’t have a choice in the matter. Kiara grasps your cock directly as you tense up, biting your lower lip as you avoid looking at her. She chuckles softly in response, pulling her slick hand from below her skirt and using it to begin undoing your zipper. Your stomach turns. “You know you love it...you always cum sooo hard, squirming and moaning for me…just enjoy it…”

The phoenix wheezes softly as her face flushes further, sweat rolling down her forehead as she finally frees your dick from the confines of your uniform pants, twitching and erect. You’ve been sent here, to the usual room, almost every day for weeks now. And as far as you know, it’s been you and you alone.

Your coworkers refuse to speak to you beyond an apologetic glance. It makes you sick how content they are to allow you to be the sacrificial lamb to Takanashi’s desires. Kiara undoes the suspender clips keeping her incredibly short skirt in place as she allows the fabric to fall, moving in just a bit closer as she grasps your length. With her panties exposed to you, she pulls open the front, giving you a free view of her soaked sex, her arousal leaking into the damp fabric as she aims your dick towards it, going so far as to lightly rub you against it. “L-Look…see what you do to me?” She mutters, a bit of drool dripping from the corner of her mouth as she strokes you, rubbing your glans against her. “You’re twitching so much right now, getting precum on me…can’t you feel how hot and wet I am? Take me, already…”

Your cheeks burn up in embarrassment as she plays with you. The most disgust you feel at the moment is directed firmly at yourself, because you know she’s right. As much as it makes you sick – being taken advantage of like this – you know she’s right. You hate her. You hate the people you work with. You hate this shit dead end job you can barely get by with. But you love the attention. The feeling of being lusted after. The feeling of Kiara pleasuring you. These thoughts clash, but one prevails over the other. Swallowing your pride, you bring your hands up to Kiara’s hips, taking a firm hold of them as you grind against her.

The phoenix moans out in response, visibly squirting a bit against your cock. “I knew it…I knew you wanted me. Don’t hold back, give me everything, just…fuck me already, I can’t stand it anymore!”
Truthfully, you can’t either. Kiara tugs her panties down and lifts her leg enough to pull them off one side, very quickly pinning you up and against the wall as she slips said leg around you, pushing your head against her slit properly.

Leaning into you, she roughly presses her lips against yours as she shoves against you, forcing your dick into her while she groans into your mouth.

Cooperating with the phoenix’s rough actions, you support her while she does most of the work, thrusting into her as she roughly pumps her hips forward, tongue pressed to yours as she holds you. The inside of the phoenix is beyond hot; as expected, given her affinity for flame. As her body presses against you, the heat fills you to your core, sinking into your flesh and filling you with a sensual warmth. You finally relent and moan into Kiara’s mouth as she greedily sucks on your tongue, using your body.

Kiara spasms against you as she cums once more, breaking the kiss to move into your shoulder, sinking her teeth into the tender flesh there while bucking wildly against you. Working with her, your mind begins to swim while your knees wobble.

>> No.5345373

So... since it's an old ass movie, I assume no political yabs or any shit like that right? It's just a comfy movie I can enjoy without americans pushing their agenda in my face, yes?

>> No.5345400
File: 1.74 MB, 1053x2500, __takanashi_kiara_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_yaguo__87dd894e7e12837f2ce6ea0b82cbd07e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your cock swells within the phoenix, slowly starting to reach its zenith as your boss covers your neck and shoulder in bites and hickies, milking you for everything you can put out. At last, you relent, giving the phoenix exactly what she wants. You let out a low moan as you finally erupt within her, eliciting a groan of appreciation from your partner as she slams herself down against you, letting you empty yourself within her. Slumping back against the wall as your legs wobble, the two of you pant heavily, basking in the afterglow and warmth of Kiara’s body. You’re sickened by yourself once more – letting your arousal overwrite your judgement. Kiara slowly plants kisses up your neck and cheek before settling on your lips, running her tongue over yours as she smirks at you, eyes half-lidded.

“That’s my little employee of the month…you’ll earn that raise in no time.” She remarks, leaning in to lick at your cheek. It’s slow and deliberate. Her saliva is hot. “Keep up the good work.”

“T-Thank you, Ms. Takanashi.” You squeak out in response.

Maybe you enjoy this abuse more than you let on. Maybe this is just your way of coping with it. Slowly, Kiara untangles herself from you, sliding your wilting cock out of her with a shuddering breath.

Quickly redressing without bothering to even clean herself off, she leaves you slumped against the wall, panting for breath. Reaching the doorway, she looks back over to you, a lecherous smile plastered across her face.

“Same time tomorrow, baby. Don’t be late.”

With that, she departs, leaving you to clean yourself up and regurgitate your pride.

>> No.5345531
File: 46 KB, 704x352, chicken.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5345601 >>5363071

>> No.5345568

I kind of want Kiara to collab with Nijisanji now, I don't really watch them but it could be potentially better than the Nyanners collab.

>> No.5345601
Quoted by: >>5345785 >>5346274

Yeah we know she is aware of the chicken voice problem. But she is stubborn. Pls no voice timeloop again

>> No.5345743
Quoted by: >>5345849

I'll watch whatever makes her happy. But I wish it would be only 1 collab a week. I want more Kiara solo streams. Recently we get tons of 1-2 hour collabs which I don't really enjoy.

>> No.5345785
File: 2.83 MB, 1700x2400, 3fd0b5dd1215b2cad4326638f3bc6c6c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't mean to timeloop on the chicken voice, I forgot to post my comment.
What if she uses a less anime voice for her next cover or original song?
We know she's working on an original song in english, and there's no reason to put on a anime chicken voice for an english song.

>> No.5345849

It's not like she could help it. She got sponsored for bleach, vshoujo collab was set in stone already, and coco graduating sped shit up for holotalk.

>> No.5346027

It's a primordial cultmovie. B-quality filming and props, but it has great charm and some very quotable dialogue.
Also, nostalgia makes it look better than it really is

>> No.5346274

Wait! that's wrong!
I love both voices equally, and I don't really know what she gains from it at this point considering her roommate is flooded with autists, if Kiara wants to do the voice, I don't mind.

>> No.5346495

Newfag here, and I'll admit I only came because I saw a comment on the recent Holotalk with Coco where the person seems to really hate Kiara. I asked him why he hates Kiara so much and he just said "go to 4chan and you'll see why she's genuinely the most disliked Holomember".
So what's the deal with Kiara bros?

>> No.5346667
Quoted by: >>5346798

kino, thats what
but I have this terrible feeling she'll hate it

>> No.5346798

Imagine the watchalong being just her trashing the movie.
That would actually be hilarious imo.

>> No.5346802
Quoted by: >>5346931

Here we love her. In hlgg is where most KFP are so they love her there too. But vast majority of this board is indifferent to her. The ones that hate her usually spam anti threads about her and make up lies, fake tweets etc. The usual anti stuff. Probably around 10~ people.

(I know this post is bait but I still felt like replying to it because I'm bored as fuck)

>> No.5346851

I really don't expect her to get the tone of it and just be confused the whole time

>> No.5346931
Quoted by: >>5347067

Got it.
And not bait, I was genuinely curious, the guy behind the YouTube comment has a history of spewing hate on Kiara'a videos He accuses her of being narcissistic and even went so far as to say Kiara would be a contributing factor to Hololive's downfall. I genuinely believe none of the Holomems are hateable

>> No.5346973

Praying this happens desu

>> No.5347035

She has a handfull of very, very dedicated haters who constantly make hate threads about her.
In here or over in /hlgg/ (the general Hololive discussion thread) you won't find much Kiara hate.

>> No.5347067

Antis are by definition unreasonable
Kiara has flaws but also does her best to improve. If you've got a problem with her and it's not anti rrats bullshit, let her know and she may take what you say in consideration

>> No.5347182
Quoted by: >>5348465

If you've been on the internet for a long time, some of the lines from the movie might be something you've heard used before. It's really a cute and dopey movie with some cheesy theatrics, some good jokes, and a cute plot. Kiara'll probably love it and as long as you aren't a totally cynical shit-eater steeped in 2010's internet culture, you'll get a kick out of it too.

>> No.5347269

I'd be a little sad, but I'm not retarded enough to take it personally like the Nier-fags do when someone doesn't enjoy a thing the right way.

>> No.5348465
Quoted by: >>5349956

been on the internet since '96 or so, and very cynical. feels like it's just another meme recommendation like cats.
we'll see...

>> No.5348615
Quoted by: >>5348713

Why do you guys only reply to bait?
I think Kiara x Pomu would be a great collab.Done.

>> No.5348681

>hasn’t watched The Princess Bride before
What kind of faggot are you?

>> No.5348713
Quoted by: >>5349166

anon thats not bait, thats based.

>> No.5348774

>hate Kiara
>love Ina
>watch Ina World of Darkness Tutorial
>she barely roleplays or makes actual decisions
>watch Kiara World of Darkness Tutorial
>great roleplaying, very creative, decides things on the fly
Sorry Kiara... I kneel but only a little bit

>> No.5348958

Ina loves Kiara as well so maybe you can stop hating her - for your priestess.

>> No.5349109

First of all 4chan isn't a hivemind. Chicken is hate is more like 4 or 5 retards frothing at the mouth.

>> No.5349142

Both sessions were pretty good, they'll balance each other out during the full party session.

>> No.5349166

I never post bait, I have a full head of hair.

>> No.5349360
Quoted by: >>5350543

It was fine for a rookie. She did what was logical for the viewpoint of her character and she got more into it as she felt comfortable with her options. The only thing I can fault her for is that she fell into the classic newbie trap of creating a me-but-in-TTRPG character (which Kiara is also kind of guilty of), so even when she roleplays, it's not very visible.

>> No.5349495

There's no reason to hate the chicken, anon.

>> No.5349945

I'm checking some VODs and every time Kiara talks about how fucked up her neck and back is, my heart breaks more and more...
She's just putting up with it but it's constant 24/7 pain...

>> No.5349956

>feels like it's just another meme recommendation like cats.
we'll see...
It sort of is, but in the good way imo.

>> No.5350543
Quoted by: >>5350693

Well, Kiara wanted Tiara to be calm and timid but that went out of the window when Uhu was taken.
Her thing with going "ara" and using her owl whenever possible honestly did a good job of making it feel like she was roleplaying a lot.

I think sometimes when she is short on breath it's not her asthma but too much pain.
One time she almost cried because it got so bad...

>> No.5350584

t. KFP

>> No.5350635

Life as a common street walker is a rough one, anon

>> No.5350693
Quoted by: >>5350764

The fact that she doesn't own an inhaler makes me worried whenever she has issues

>> No.5350710

Honestly looking at the way they set up the characters Ina and Kiara complement themselves very well!
Juul has pretty good reconnaissance, intelligence and communication stats and Tiara is the brawn of the entire operation.
I am excited when they have to team up to bring down a common enemy

>> No.5350764

Takanashi „just live with the pain“ Kiara

>> No.5351333


>> No.5351619
Quoted by: >>5351650

God damn it I've been down Cornwall in a caravan too weeks so I've been missing streams due to poor signal. Her cuteness just nearly killed me.

>> No.5351650

*two weeks. Typos. Bane of my life.

>> No.5351672

Streaming services hate!

>> No.5351686
Quoted by: >>5351794

Oh shit it is on US Disney+. This is gonna be the first time I'm actually watching along live.

>> No.5351787

Yeah, I'm not gonna pay Amazon extra on top of my Prime subscription. I'll sail the digital seas for a bit.

>> No.5351794

lucky bastard
I might watch the whole stream, but I'm not gonna be able to watch along

>> No.5351858

Members stream happening now btw

>> No.5351877

Reminder that you will never drink Kiara's spit.

>> No.5351946

>who gives a shit about this highlight
fucking based Kiara

>> No.5352186
Quoted by: >>5352367

Btw watch hlgg. Not complaining or trying to derail the thread. Just wanna show the anon who doesn't believe my rrat about KFP bots

>> No.5352251
File: 213 KB, 1360x1740, 1605441556951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love her bros. Next week is gonna be a slog without her.
At least there's the TTRPG stream next week to look forward to.

>> No.5352367
Quoted by: >>5352437

Happens to all the holos. The anon who didn't know that probably doesn't come here when other membership streams are happening

>> No.5352437
Quoted by: >>5352646 >>5352664

But not word for word. I honestly believe it's bots who record the audio and type what she says here kek

>> No.5352640

Chiara = bright.

>> No.5352646

Meds. Gura's whole stream was broadcasted through the thread with all the spam and they definitely do the same with her membership streams. Her membership watchalong threads before the Nyanners collab had this. Ame may have it even worse but I can never catch hers as often. Yea it sucks that it happens but pointing it out isn't gonna do much. You just gotta roll with it

>> No.5352664

Nah, it's people trying to persuade everyone that Kiara is actually cute and based (which she is) by making her membership sound really interesting.

>> No.5352746

it was a mistake to start eating popcorn when she started the stream instead of waiting for the movie

>> No.5352798

I don't like Coco and didn't watch the Holotalk. Any cool highlights?

>> No.5352853
Quoted by: >>5352993

Coco offered to show Kiara her smooth vagina in person and Kaira asked Coco if her horns are sweet potatoes.

>> No.5352857

Kill yourself faggot.

>> No.5352928

You're not KFP unless you support all orange women

>> No.5352941

Kiara mogged her as expected

>> No.5352942

Kiara gave Coco a segment (in English) to fully vent about management and creative control and it was based as fuck

>> No.5352993

Damn. Coco is really a Vshoujo candidate.

>> No.5353007

This is still 4chan, stolen wifi and all. Even if we actually managed to from a group of anons paying for stuff.
Stuff appearing on global is just great fun since the idiots dont watch streams and just pick any snippet to spin off any kind of drama.
I'd recommend anyone interested to go back and check the threads during the first half of holotalk, so obvious compared the the later half.

>> No.5353327

man, almost missed the watch along. I was out all day after the holotalk and only managed to buy the movie on amazon seconds before she starts the movie. too close for comfort there

>> No.5353588
Quoted by: >>5353642 >>5353671

She's really quiet. I think she's really getting into it

>> No.5353642

Yeah, I wasn't sure if she could handle the campiness of the movie.

>> No.5353671
Quoted by: >>5353774

She really likes it. Probably more than the Hobbit movies.

>> No.5353774

well it's an actually fun movie unlike 2/3 of the hobbit movies

>> No.5353887
Quoted by: >>5353938


>> No.5353938
File: 1.24 MB, 1087x1084, 1595470468997.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5357897


>> No.5354423

>You can't tell me this is supposed to be serious

>> No.5354433
Quoted by: >>5354498

Bros, she's being way cuter than usual today.

>> No.5354463

Daily making a family with Kiara post.
>Laying in bed with Kiara and your newborn in her arms.
>Both of you sing a soft lullaby to help the baby sleep.
>Kiara does this cooing when you both stop singing together and the baby gets a little fussy.

>> No.5354498

Due to circumstances I've been deprived of her for ages so this stream is a nice dose of cute giggles.

>> No.5354590
Quoted by: >>5354912

that rrous scene really got to her huh? I'm happy she watched this movie and she got to laugh so much

>> No.5354912
Quoted by: >>5356294

Can't wait for the archive. Wanted to watch this movie again recently so it was a nice surprise to see that she wanted to watch it. Also I'm happy to read that she liked it. Like I said earlier, I won't go Nier-fag levels of retardation, but I would have been sad if she didn't have any fun at all with the movie.

>> No.5355097
Quoted by: >>5355293


>> No.5355293
Quoted by: >>5356194

i remember when this debuted

>> No.5356194

The old cult status of this movie is a reminder that the internet has changed drastically in the last 10ish years.

>> No.5356294
Quoted by: >>5356422 >>5356474

Well, she ended up thinking cats was better

>> No.5356422
Quoted by: >>5357400

she said princess bride was weirder than cats, not that one or the other was better.

>> No.5356474
Quoted by: >>5357400

She didn't think Cats was better, just that Princess Bride was weirder... than Cats...

>> No.5357190

she really needs this vacation, sitting at home all day makes for really bland stories.

>> No.5357298


>> No.5357400

NGL, I find odd that she found Cats of all films less weird than The Princess Bride

>> No.5357509
Quoted by: >>5357588 >>5357684

I hope that asshole who send her SCs about going to yoga in a fake currency feels like shit.

>> No.5357588
Quoted by: >>5357709

I also sent her a yoga donation last week, but I don't feel bad. She needs to exercise a little

>> No.5357684
Quoted by: >>5357715

I didn't understand why people were making a thing out of that, even if it was just a joke. I don't think going to a silly Yoga appointment is near as important as seeing a licensed medical professional who'll hopefully do more than say "daddy issues" and send her away.

>> No.5357709
Quoted by: >>5357757

As long as you didn't donate in a third world currency so you can force her to read your message for $8 it's alright, I guess.

>> No.5357715
Quoted by: >>5357755 >>5357837

I mean the same thing is happening right now with "GO TO THE DOCTOR"

>> No.5357755

no dipshit, going to the doctor is something actually important. going to yoga is just some fucking exercise and something to get her limbered up.

>> No.5357757

I sent 10 bucks and she actually did read that one lel

>> No.5357837
Quoted by: >>5357893 >>5357936

She's constantly whining about pain but acting like a child about going even though it would help her. She needs to be pushed on this, hard.

>> No.5357893

She seems to have a genuine fear based on her past doctor visits

>> No.5357897


How can a chicken be so smug?

>> No.5357936
Quoted by: >>5357990

Well as you can see, people even here on 4chan of all places. are bitching about "pressuring" her to do something for her body. I don't wanna know what leddit looks like. Probably 10 times worse. Telling her she should do whatever she wants and shit instead of helping her.

>> No.5357990

they'd have to watch streams to know about her issues in the first place

>> No.5358380
Quoted by: >>5358573 >>5358875

Kiara really needs to take care of her fucking neck.

Is this a big problem for a lot of streamers? I remember hearing Calli and others also having back/neck problems.

>> No.5358549
Quoted by: >>5358762

I am fucking laughing my ass off at the Ame membership content thing especially since the anon from earlier was talking about this shit kek

>> No.5358573

I think Pekora completely fucked up her spine by streaming while sitting on the floor.
The way Kiara talks about her problems they have been with her for a long time, though.

>> No.5358762
Quoted by: >>5358888

what thing

>> No.5358875

sitting at a desk for long periods of time can easily fuck you up if you don't have good posture or if you've got some bad ergonomics going on. that's why a proper ergo chair is a good investment, when set up properly it helps you maintain good posture comfortably so shit doesn't get worse. "gamer chairs" are generally kinda shitty at this and aren't particularly good for anything other than looking cool. You don't even necessarily need to go for something at the top like an Aeron. https://youtu.be/9Yhc6mmdJC4
All that being said Kiara's issue seem to be pre-existing but perhaps her recent surge in streaming has exacerbated them, I wouldn't know since I'm not a doctor.

>> No.5358888
Quoted by: >>5358937

look at all the replies

>> No.5358937
Quoted by: >>5359048 >>5359392

Glad my Oshi is only using T1. Always respected that.

>> No.5359048
Quoted by: >>5359392

Always respected that about Kiara. Refuses to tier her membership.

>> No.5359214
Quoted by: >>5359301

I fucking love that song. Even more hyped for this karaoke

>> No.5359301

I know, Never Gonna Give You Up is such a banger.

>> No.5359392

exactly. What is the point in overpricing membership for the little extra content that holos provide? Instead of paying 25 $ a month just pay 5 and let your fans throw in more SC that actually reach her with a message.

>> No.5359966
Quoted by: >>5360254

The soft voice she uses for member streams is so nice...

>> No.5360095
Quoted by: >>5360137

She is blueballing me from saying Auf wiedersehen!

>> No.5360137

She said it! After telling us about her new swimsuit and underwear...

>> No.5360160


>> No.5360254

Youtube wants to implement membershipgifting like twitch. Enjoy your members stream filled with grey poorfags

>> No.5361663
File: 82 KB, 973x914, E4SeSF1XIAAIQLz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5361739

Her head is so round!
My onion chicken wife is perfect!

>> No.5361739
File: 211 KB, 1563x1856, E3MUyMrXEAAyx2C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5362785

Why is she so cute. How can someone hate that lovely chicken. I truly don't understand. I know most people are just ironic shitposters but I don't get how a few of them are actually, unironically hating on her.

>> No.5362785
Quoted by: >>5362869

from actual people I've met and talked to irl

it's like 99% her voice.

>> No.5362869

You know people that HATE her for her voice? How do you know such schizos? Don't they know they can simply choose to...you know..not watch her? Why are they obsessed with her death? kek

>> No.5363068

I wouldn't say they're that far gone as people, nor do they want her dead or anything

But anytime there's a collab with her in a big holomyth collab or something, they complain about her voice.

>> No.5363071
Quoted by: >>5363579

To me it was always obvious that she was reacting in character, about the whole "I'm a phoenix, not a chicken!" thing. Knowing Kiara, she probably has no idea what "chicken voice" actually refers to

>> No.5363124
Quoted by: >>5363626 >>5363910


Her holotalk response.

>> No.5363452

I think he means that they don't watch any of her stuff because of her voice, not that they actively hate her.

>> No.5363579

Worst part is, using the actual words we mean may come off as too mean spirited for her and she may just ignore or dislike the post in general (chicken voice = occasional shrill squawking). I don't hate it and actually find it fitting/funnier than what her regular pitch would be, but in general it'd be nice to have something a little softer

>> No.5363626
Quoted by: >>5363805

Ah yes, stoke the fires. Her hard-headedness is very polarizing for me sometimes. In this case, I love and support it.

>> No.5363805

When I watch the others in EN I think to myself, "See? It's not hard to be more careful and diplomatic about your words". Then I realize there's something liberating about speaking one's thoughts as freely as Kiara does. In an ideal world there's a compromise, but I really appreciate that part of her.

>> No.5363910
Quoted by: >>5365428

I usually respect her hard headiness but I think she misunderstood the criticism people had. Most didn't mind the Japanese still being there for the JP bros, but she didn't have to translate it all herself. Should've asked in English and JP, and then let Coco answer in English and JP. Coco's english is actually better than Kiara's as she's actually a native English speaker.

>> No.5363994 [DELETED] 

I'm a newfag. Just want to ask about a thing that's been bugging me. I love Kiara and out of boredom, skim over her roommate's accounts. All seems pretty normal and then I heard others say she said stuffs like only joining Hololive for fame and she doesn't like her fan at all on the roomate's and I just wondering what's the source for that. Obviously, based on my experience with the chicken, I don't believe those claims at all but I would love to know what the context was.

>> No.5364082 [DELETED] 

99% of the stuff about her is made up and tweets are faked/edited. Not joking. Also you should delete your post, roommate talking gets you banned.

>> No.5365428
Quoted by: >>5366623

When you think like that, you're assuming the criticism she saw said that, when nothing implied it did. Also, this is like asking Kiara to be an assistant to Coco instead of the host doing her role and taking the lead in the interview.

>> No.5366623
Quoted by: >>5366754 >>5367073

there's no need for her to do that specific part though, which is the point.

Not only can Coco speak for herself, she can do it better and did correct kiara and clarified somethings. Kiara did not have to be so hard headed about this.

>> No.5366754
Quoted by: >>5367429

Are you mad bro?

>> No.5367073
Quoted by: >>5367332 >>5367429

It's the formula. Have you ever watched a late night show? She's just sticking to the formula.

>> No.5367332

>have you ever watched a late night show?
Given what I've seen from a lot of Holotalk critics the answer is clearly no

>> No.5367429
Quoted by: >>5367781

>Are you mad bro?
Honestly no. She's been my favorite Hololive EN member and generally favorite EN vtuber in general and stopping that over one gripe would be stupid.
It was still generally a good holotalk and I loved their chemistry. There were tons of gold moments throughout the talk.

I get that but this isn't your normal holotalk. Like I said, Coco cut her off sometimes to correct her. Would've flowed better had they did it differently.

>> No.5367702

a hard rain's gonna fall

>> No.5367781
Quoted by: >>5368019

I might need to go back and check the vod but I'm pretty sure coco only interjected when there was some difficulty, and frankly her interjection during "norinori" was kind of unnecessary since Kiara's interpretation was fine. This might surprise you but simply knowing Japanese and knowing English doesn't automatically make you a good translator.
More important to that, if Coco and her spoke in English and had to translate themselves each time into Japanese for the JP fans every conversation would have taken twice as long, and we probably would have received half as much content considering this was already the longest Holotalk yet.

>> No.5368014

I want Kiara and Coco to play Phogs, even though /vt/ hates it. It is a perfect co-op game in that it gives them time to rib eachother and also provides puzzles sometimes that require them to work together. Her last two Phogs streams were really good.

>> No.5368019
Quoted by: >>5368479

>twice as long
Kiara was already going back and forth between what she said and then what Coco said. If anything it would have been shorter and easier on Kiara since she was writing everything coco said on a memo

>> No.5368479
Quoted by: >>5370086 >>5371054

Anon, the interview wouldn't just be in English they'd still need to say stuff in Japanese too for the JP fans. Kiara going back and forth in a summary way is shorter than them both having to say things in two languages. Let me try and draw it out for you

>Coco: Japanese statement
>Coco: English statement
>Kiara: Japanese statement
>Kiara: English statement
takes longer for conversation than
>Coco: Japanese statement
>Kiara: Japanese Statement
>Kiara: Quick summary in English.
Especially when you consider that each of them having to translate what they're saying after they say it will naturally interrupt the flow of the conversation.

>> No.5368712
Quoted by: >>5371147 >>5372919

When EN gen 2 drops (soon™) a reverse Holotalk where Kiara introduces them to nip land might be beneficial.

>> No.5369571
Quoted by: >>5370758

fuck you I don't want to remember that game even exists

>> No.5370086

Hadn't even thought about that, but you're right, it would be awkward as fuck.

>> No.5370758

Cmon, the Kiara and Reine collab worked out really well in the end.

>> No.5371054

In a sense you're right but it still felt off with kiara trying to translate it rather than just kinda let coco answer it. Came off as weird but like I said

I didn't hate the interview. And I do feel bad if people are actually giving her so much shit over it.

>> No.5371147
Quoted by: >>5371417

This is a good idea and she'd probably love to do something like that. You should bring this idea to her, SC or twitter or whatever is the best way.

>> No.5371417

I'd have to make a new youtube account now that I "cross polinated" but maybe, I haven't put a dent in my bank account for a while.

>> No.5371657
Quoted by: >>5371712 >>5371819

I hope they don't play that or Clubhouse Games. I don't want their last collab to be one of those since she's played them with others already. I wanna see them play something that they don't play often maybe Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes?

>> No.5371712

It will probably be meme review...fuck

>> No.5371819
Quoted by: >>5372110

Ok, let's think up a bombshell. I have one, Genshin Impact without permission, unarchived stream.

>> No.5372110


>> No.5372428

if you want to fuck a hairy person why not be gay

>> No.5372919
Quoted by: >>5374433

She already said she’s willing to do that with the current ENs but only after she runs out of JPs.

>> No.5372999

I’m pretty sure it’s just Meme Review but I’m hoping for a Minecraft collab with them and the rest of EN in the EN server so she can leave her mark there.

>> No.5373171
File: 595 KB, 2335x2160, 0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is why everyone hates the shitty bird

>> No.5373702
Quoted by: >>5378030

the contrast between september 2020 kiara and present kiara is still funny to me

>> No.5373882
File: 116 KB, 591x735, 1622163274795.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5374026

clearly you're upset

>> No.5374026
Quoted by: >>5374386

post more smug birb

>> No.5374386
File: 230 KB, 380x416, smug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5374428


>> No.5374428
File: 723 KB, 1057x796, 1624118624167.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5374433

that's gonna take like 2 years

>> No.5374712
Quoted by: >>5374751

you are exactly the person she's mocking here lmao

>> No.5374751
Quoted by: >>5374839

i think he's being ironic bro

>> No.5374839

it's so hard to tell these days

>> No.5374901


>> No.5375460

Not him but if he would have posted this unironically he wouldn’t have picked such a cute picture of Kiara

>> No.5375890
File: 223 KB, 1958x1358, takesyourmoney.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ftw i hate chimkin now

>> No.5376128

She sure have grown a lot.

>> No.5376713

Jokes aside I cannot decide if I love or hate this clip. I have watched it an unhealthy amount of times already and I don't understand why.

>> No.5377029
Quoted by: >>5379264 >>5379313

Oh? The karaoke is at 4pm her time now? Didn't she originally put it at 3pm and said something about being unable to push it back?

>> No.5377211
Quoted by: >>5377253

A literal character development. Present Kiara will unironically bully debut Kiara

>> No.5377253
Quoted by: >>5377283

>Present Kiara will unironically bully debut Kiara
you just know she WILL make a stream like that in the future

>> No.5377283

1 year anniversary is just around the corner.

>> No.5377297
File: 364 KB, 1450x2048, E4Q5tdbVcAQT3xd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did we get here?

>> No.5377323

I hope her vacation never ends

>> No.5378026

for me, its him https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zbzEQai3QGA

>> No.5378030

The early sufferkino activated my saviorfag but seeing her grow as a person, streamer, gamer and show-host is what made me really addicted to her.
Pekora's "Hey Moona!" arc was great but Kiara transforming from kind of a mess to one of the best streamers in the world is my favorite character development in Hololive.
Too bad her messy phase was during the big boom of last year so now not many people will give the new and improved Kiara a chance.

>> No.5378172

I'm not gonna be awake for it, so I hope some kind anons will record it.

>> No.5379264

She probably found a way to better fit it into her schedule by pushing it back. I think she also said it was a better time for everyone

>> No.5379313

Oh wow, looks like Kiara is a filthy liar! How will kfptards ever recover?

>> No.5379422

Fuck this was a great moment

>> No.5380901
Quoted by: >>5381188 >>5384062

So taking bets how many Hello Project songs will she sing

>> No.5381188
Quoted by: >>5381994 >>5386276

Probably not much, from what I've seen most of the songs she's been training for are western in origin.
I do hope that she sings NENENENENENENE sometime soon, though.

>> No.5381439
Quoted by: >>5381573

>Its not like she got banned from entering Japan.
He lacks the critical information...

>> No.5381573
File: 225 KB, 505x709, rratcountry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5381699

no one has the information that is only exists in your schizo brain

>> No.5381699

bruh your IRL lore reps, do you even know what a visa is?

>> No.5381894

do you? she can't enter japan at the moment for the same reason nobody else can, as soon as corona restrictions are lifted nothing stops her from going back to visit.

>> No.5381994
Quoted by: >>5384062

She's been having a big shift towards western music in the last Karaokes. She doesn't sing as many idol songs as she used to.
Which I find sad desu but as long as she's having fun...

>> No.5382048

That one visa she had was once-in-a-lifetime according to her which is why she stayed in Japan despite the lockdown as she has told us on stream multiple times.
Doesn't mean she can't get a different visa - or just enter the country as a tourist for a few weeks which is what she most likely will do once travel is possible again.

>> No.5382098

Kiaraaaaa i love you

>> No.5382199
File: 24 KB, 661x228, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you?
Any country in the EU doesn't require a Visa for a 90 day tourist/buisness trip/vacation/etc visit to Japan.

>> No.5382539

forget your secret knowledge and learn some common knowledge first.

>> No.5382812
File: 1.00 MB, 714x900, IMG_20201126_124321.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5383230 >>5386755

Crunchy one...

>> No.5383230
Quoted by: >>5386755

She isn't radio silent at least. She retweeted the HoloTalk announcement. And she tweeted about the last Yakuza stream but deleted the tweet again.

>> No.5383896
File: 2.93 MB, 1280x720, Kiara Gura School[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fjbvtb3.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5383997
Quoted by: >>5384068

Sorry for the delay guys, I'll bukkake her real fast and she can start

>> No.5384062
Quoted by: >>5384263

I hope she sings one because she does enjoy them
It's more enjoyable this way but damn I feel bad that she now realizes how shit idol songs are to other people. Though I do wonder how well Kiara would be doing now had she not fucked up her earlier karaoke streams with too much jap music.

>> No.5384068
Quoted by: >>5384132

This made me think. Do you think Kiara is the kind of girl that likes cum on her face? Or is she the kind of girl that is disgusted by it? I actually think the latter. But she would still allow it to make (you) happy

>> No.5384132

She's 100% the type of girl who would do almost anything to please you, and if you get her really horny she wouldn't mind it at the moment either.

>> No.5384246
File: 28 KB, 283x335, deep lore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

real deep lore here

>> No.5384263
Quoted by: >>5384431

She would always be less popular than Mori and Gura even if she sang english songs from the beginning.
And there was no way she wouldn't sing idol songs during her stay in Japan anyways, because part of the reason she was in Japan to begin with was related to her japanese idol songs. I'm glad she could live her dream, sort-of-maybe even if stupid gaijin like a lot of people here don't appreciate it

>> No.5384364
File: 815 KB, 1856x2696, 1623961450708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love her so much

>> No.5384431

she might still be less popular but her personal music content would have done better since even she said people didn't consider her a music holo nor did her karaoke clips get as many views. Most people wrote her off for singing after she drowned them in shit music for the first karaoke

>> No.5384641
File: 612 KB, 1050x943, __takanashi_kiara_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_kukie_nyan__8f4bbf985c6359309f4d84a7fdbf0d28.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit I'm in tears this is so good

>> No.5384646

I haven’t heard this song in years.

>> No.5384675

The fucking nostalgia

>> No.5384748

is she calling me out?

>> No.5384795


>> No.5384806
Quoted by: >>5384976 >>5385041

One song in and I'm close to masturbating

>> No.5384961

Perhaps I'm wondering why you would support an oshi, before shitting on another one.
It doesn't make sense to bring your oshi into a discussion about a chuuba you hate, because you should know she is going to get shat on in retaliation.

>> No.5384976
File: 1.07 MB, 2481x3508, 1621174449471.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

give in...

>> No.5385041

pics or get out

>> No.5385231

They don't actively hate her anon, but when asked, they mentioned that they don't like her voice.
It's fine not to like her voice.

>> No.5385476

The only way to address such indistinguishable irony nowadays is to speak straight, and hope you get a serious answer in response

>> No.5385931

This is the first unarchived karaoke that I've actually been able to catch.

>> No.5385932

Kiara's encyclopedic knowledge of idols is very cool.
I wonder if there's anyone in her social circle that cares as much about this as she does, it has to be shit to have no people to talk with about your hobby.

>> No.5386087
Quoted by: >>5386272

I don't think so. But she could nerd out with Kanata who is also an idol otaku.

>> No.5386144

It makes sense considering her past
I imagine she still talks to people she met back then

>> No.5386173

Its probably the reason she uses the internet so much, even in her younger years. If you're an actual otaku for whatever you're into, you'll probably gravitate towards the internet. If you aren't a complete social retard, you'll learn to hide/curb your love when around people who won't be anywhere near as interested. She also probably got it 'out of her system' when she actually lived in Japan multiple times and now still has respect for her knowledge, but knows it's just a hobby in the end.

>> No.5386224

>"I dont know if I can say this"
>"Yes you can this is a livestream. Management cant stop you."
There's perhaps three or four people in hololive with this specific level of autistic extroversion that allows them to just tell management to fuck off. Coco, Kiara, Ame, and probably a couple more but I sincerely cant think of any.
Carrying the hololive brand on their backs.

>> No.5386272
Quoted by: >>5389216

man, that would be great to see
what would it take to get a stream like that?

>> No.5386276

Nevermind, once an idolfag, always an idolfag.

>> No.5386586
Quoted by: >>5386628 >>5386687

I wonder if Kiara will ever find out what an Adblocker is

>> No.5386628

she has one but it's Ad Block Plus
t. discord leak image maker

>> No.5386660

>Spending the day in your boxers and t-shirt.
Fuck, triggering my gosling dreams.

>> No.5386687

>using an adblocker as a content creator that relies among other things on ad revenue.
she has one but probably turned off for youtube, which is the right thing to do.

>> No.5386755

What's going on with Mamaloner nowadays?

>> No.5386804

Not much, that's the problem.
She probably spent too much time drawing TakaMori at the start of the year and now has tons of work to catch up on.

>> No.5386811

preparing for her debut

>> No.5386839

I like the chicken voice

>> No.5386921

Coco graduating

>> No.5387102


>> No.5387295

>I want to do a retarded thing
>You can't, Coco

>> No.5387347
Quoted by: >>5387410

Is Kiara the leglocking type?

>> No.5387410
File: 436 KB, 2085x4096, 1620847079431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kiara definitely seems like the type of girl who's into cuddlefucking and wouldn't want you to get away from her

>> No.5387440

Oh, there's 2 reasons she can't sing that last one in English. The main reason being it has the word nigga in it like 10 times. I really wish she could of because holy hell the first half of the song is pure gosling fuel and to get her to say any of it in English would be the coom clippers dream.

>> No.5387449

Fact: If she's dedicated to her character 100% she can never give her 100% to any song to sing her best - you can't sing your best with silly character voice.

>> No.5387482
Quoted by: >>5387744

She is so good at controlling her model.

>> No.5387744

Yeah, I mentioned that last thread it's crazy to see her first couple streams rig control compared to now-a-days.

>> No.5387982

Best chimken song.

>> No.5388061

>On water
>Not on woa

>> No.5388074

>Simple and Clean
Kiara should sing Face my Fears

>> No.5388164

Breddy good, but the first time was the best. More soul and emotion.

>> No.5388313

Am I really the only one who dislikes simple and clean? I feel like it's just a shit meme song that's uninteresting. Maybe it's because I never liked any of the Kingdom Hearts games.

>> No.5388327
File: 1.08 MB, 2867x1206, 1613500478501.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This song again....

>> No.5388390
File: 131 KB, 283x276, 1620734274392.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not gonna fucking make it bros...

>> No.5388610

I'll miss her bros...

>> No.5388795

Wait, isn't it chimken birthday today?

>> No.5388829

Thats on july iirc

>> No.5388833

Birthday is in July.

>> No.5388835

Today is Gura, Kiara is next month.

>> No.5388907
File: 807 KB, 1682x2048, kiara41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based chimkin

>> No.5388985
Quoted by: >>5389277

Bros I think Kiara likes our company

>> No.5389072
Quoted by: >>5389171

I guess I'll try to sleep for six days then. And try not to purchase any ropes. And stream Heart Challenger.

>> No.5389171
Quoted by: >>5389220

>Sleep for 12 hours today because I was undersleeping for the last week
>Wake up with horrible back pain

>> No.5389216

hopefully when she invites her for Holotalk

>> No.5389220
Quoted by: >>5389262

Hi Kiara.

>> No.5389261

i miss her...

>> No.5389262
File: 60 KB, 546x530, 1609861149650.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5389371

im not Kiara

>> No.5389277

Your boss is pretty cute.

>> No.5389371
File: 75 KB, 800x800, ac7248e79499d2417918c9e31fcf2334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's exactly what Kiara would say.

>> No.5389422
File: 37 KB, 370x320, pain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5389611 >>5389922

>Not Having sex with Kiara in the Airplane Lavatory

>> No.5389611

>hello, yeah, this can be recorded, I think I just saw a flight risk

>> No.5389623

New thread in a few minutes.

>> No.5389922

When she leans back in to be cute one last time...
Why is she so perfect!?

>> No.5390047

New thread up:
