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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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53350441 No.53350441 [Reply] [Original]

【This is a thread dedicated to WACTOR talents past and present.】
WACTOR is also known as:

"META-MUSIC" as a musical project
"VV-Gamers" as an E-Sports project
"E-STELLA" as a Spanish language project
"noVas" as an English language project
"Starship Research" as a Chinese language project

Previous thread >>53281693

Maid edition.


Anya Okumura

Himea D'Almaria

Merun Morino

Shura Hiwa


Ururu Kobi

Nisha Nixyeva

Remember that we're still experiencing the effects of the recent influx of tourists who were sent here by Twitter users. Do not eat baits and do not feed the trolls, lest you end up looking like a fool.

>> No.53350534

this one

>> No.53350602

this one

>> No.53350662
Quoted by: >>53350701

lazy retard

>> No.53350685

Better than the shitter thread, at least.

>> No.53350701

I saw the other post too late

>> No.53350725

this one

>> No.53350735

fuck you shura

>> No.53350772
Quoted by: >>53350960

I wonder if the shitter is going to spend the entire night copying and pasting posts. Copy this one!

>> No.53350960

shit was really sad, hell he even was talking to himself trying to bait some replies kek

>> No.53351107

dracucklones always were a mistake

>> No.53351175

Go to your thread

>> No.53351241

stop trying to pass that sad faggot as a draculon

>> No.53351301
File: 447 KB, 527x465, 1675784467569855.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> his shit thread got deleted

>> No.53351687

anya completed only up, shura unable to win in an easier game

>> No.53351753

Be nice to the viejita.

>> No.53351895
File: 188 KB, 828x812, 1689221729352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>post in a group Shura
>Es japonesa que habla español?
>no ella es latina
>no me interesa
I done with those fags, pic unrelated btw

>> No.53351902

and? imagine watching vtubers for being "good" at games, if i wanted that i rather watch actual pros.

>> No.53352017

you're not going to fuck that thirty-something girl

>> No.53352035

you realized that some groups blacklisted the PNGs for that reason, even the Sedais except that japanese witch girl they have.

>> No.53352074

>Anya 270 ccv
>Himea 60 ccv
I declare Anya the new queen of wactor and /WACTOR/

>> No.53352094

and you will die alone like the sad faggot you are.

>> No.53352143
Quoted by: >>53352185

The og /WACTOR/ spirit lives on in Facebook.

>> No.53352151

don't forget
>shura 140 ccv

>> No.53352185

Unironically this, Facebook is full of unicorns.

>> No.53352225
Quoted by: >>53352640

I see Himea with 120

>> No.53352508

it's because they are pngs not vtubers autismo-kun, except on Sacro that the holodrones mods hate wactor realated things except Meica.

>> No.53352640

because Anya is no longer streaming

>> No.53352912

In a sense I can understand their skepticism towards Hispanic vtubers because most of spic vtubing revolves around
> pene
> Pija
> Chupas
> Sexooooo
Maybe post something like "give her a chance, she used to work in a Japanese company and is more into the Japanese style vtubing".
Eru talked about this the other day, she said she didn't think she could get into vtubing because "of the kind of humor" that most vtubers use but then she realized she could use her own style and people would accept her.

>> No.53353271

i really hope that the twitch vtubing fad dies soon.

>> No.53354219

>there is a character named yume on the game himea is playing

>> No.53354406


>> No.53355486

You have my attention

>> No.53356279

>cheap whore

>> No.53357546


>> No.53358913

Eru is a goddess.

>> No.53359355
File: 419 KB, 782x763, 16320215201202.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.53359464 [DELETED] 

>years ago meet IRL Meica
>bitch tries to circumvent every convo about her family, to the point she has constant fights with her classmates, in the end fakes an injury and disappears from class
>dumps me for her Spanish teacher who abuses the shit out of her 24/7
>ends up trapped in spicland

Meica if you ever read this, you're fucking shit for dumping me years ago, your shit life could've gone somewhere else that isn't poorfag spicland if you didn't dump me. Keep coping with Inca Kola and garbage soda.

You were the first reason why WACTOR is a fucking joke in the first place and you deserved being kicked out of it even if doxxing was in the way, with that fucking faggot meido fake bff that you also had.

I'm happy with the way things are going.

>> No.53359967 [DELETED] 


>> No.53360777

>i rather watch actual pros
Nigga that’s gay

>> No.53361344 [DELETED] 
File: 115 KB, 1440x1440, 617942770970760_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ogey meica schizo

>> No.53361461 [DELETED] 

>Inca Kola

Nice try

>> No.53363441 [DELETED] 


>> No.53363841


>> No.53364116

I would like to enter Meica's mind

>> No.53365430


>> No.53365672

fine Ill give her a view

>> No.53365740



>> No.53366035
Quoted by: >>53366284

Cobi called Mahiru *Ageru paisen*
Time to work

>> No.53366284

ageru=give something/make you a favor.
paisen=senpai, slang and is used it for both genders too
so your point? context?

>> No.53366345 [DELETED] 

She is not going to be happy no matter what anyway, she really liked the idol business of Hololive, there isn't any alternative, so ... cope ?

>> No.53366557


>> No.53366753

I am having sex with Shura right now btw

>> No.53366848
Quoted by: >>53367158

ururu did say ageru paisen no listener sama hajimemashite ! thought it was weird yeah but i dont care about mahiru´s life

>> No.53367158

I don't know what you are trying to reach, one of Mahiru's gigs is that she uses "Boku" to refer herself but she doesn't do it when she is concentrating and Ageha makes fun of that

>> No.53367364

btw isnt ururu one of the girls in the audition for wactor 4th gen?
i remember her voice

>> No.53369170

ururu's tail has no business being that lewd

>> No.53369670 [DELETED] 

>that's why she hated incest in anime so hard
it's probably just her cringing at her past for doing little sister ERP with her ex anon

>> No.53370707
Quoted by: >>53370955

Wow she was with anon?

>> No.53370955

How new?

>> No.53373826
Quoted by: >>53373969

>WACTOR was the most dominant small corpo in the ES sphere. A tour de force that made Sedai and Owozu look like chumps. Now we're being compared to garbage like Natamo. What went wrong?

>> No.53373969

> What went wrong

>> No.53374009

Someone kill that midget

>> No.53375925
File: 570 KB, 640x960, 1688487276007964.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53376514

> POV: you're Shura and you just got home

>> No.53377025

All mine

>> No.53377536

I can't believe la mas envidiosita even stole that from Anya.

>> No.53377975

Reminder that Lunita took the GFE route because she was envidiosita of the way misopitas treated Hina in their first Apex collab.

>> No.53378899

The other day she said that she always felt in love with her fans but was scared on being sweet with them because her abandonment issues. She didnt want to form a more deep bond with the fans

>> No.53378955

the way it should be

>> No.53380455
Quoted by: >>53384207

Anya cunny bump

>> No.53380708

Finally peace.

>> No.53380915 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>53392555

I know, Anya is a dirty whore full of lies, but nothing beats Himea's yab, so I will keep watching Anya no matter what. Fuck that brownie argie.

>> No.53382175
Quoted by: >>53382765

Delicious flaquita thighs

>> No.53382765

Where. Also that Spanish vtuber who uploaded a picture of her ass last night deleted the tweet. Tragic.

>> No.53383196
Quoted by: >>53383443

Akira should have hired her >>53381031

>> No.53383255
File: 1.77 MB, 1920x1080, 1684987790061657.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are gyarus like this

>> No.53383443

In her words:
>I didn't applied to idol, i was scouted

>> No.53383548

ovulating titty gyarus...

>> No.53383665

And in her anniversary as luna she said that all the nice things she said to her fans were fake because she considered them as strangers, showing that she is able to say things that she doesn't really feel
I prefer to take it slowly when it comes to her and don't swallow everything she says until she proves it with her actions

>> No.53383935
Quoted by: >>53384008

the time she went full "gfe" was on that fanart stream, it was several months before that collab you say threadwatcher.

and is true, she tried to get more sweet to fans after the first month but fags always pulled the "te veo como una amiga buena honda" dd jokes, muh fbi retardation, etc, let alone the retards that infested her chat on those times (later they fucked off from Hina and Luna to Hana) that kind of shit made her being on defensive mode, when those fags were filtered and chat started to be more affectionate to her she was slowly going the way shes now.

>> No.53384008
File: 218 KB, 600x600, nisha-pat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nisha is a delicate flower that needs to be pampered.

>> No.53384207

making that post without a fan art or something to reaffirm your post...

>> No.53384363

in fact all girls, you don't know how much those cariñosas "jokes" piss me off, i mean Himea is being sweet to you and you come with that kind of retarded shit?

>> No.53385590
Quoted by: >>53395392

I hate those idiots like you wouldn't believe.
>"Es joda"
Literally saying "IT'S JUST A PRANK BRO" while they go hurting her feelings.

>> No.53386549
File: 17 KB, 326x313, 16456456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53388456
File: 81 KB, 576x428, 20230713_123254.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.53389166

That delicate flower masturbates every night after stream

>> No.53389199

Shut the fuck up idiot

>> No.53389200

the QUEEN is streaming:

>> No.53389273

Sorry hermano, I'm watching 10ma

>> No.53389308
Quoted by: >>53389740

Anya is not a cheat-ACK

>> No.53389416

she just like me

>> No.53389429

I don't watch Tenma because she plays awful games but I dropped a follow when she came out as BASED during the Pikamee shitshow.

>> No.53389434

What's the point? Eru is just better in every metric

>> No.53389485
Quoted by: >>53389967

i'n my experience the delicate flowers on public are wild animals on the bed on private

>> No.53389495

>when panko is live
>not even the orange woman

>> No.53389553
Quoted by: >>53389658

omg hi eru!

>> No.53389578

we know you like to masturbate too, himea

>> No.53389625

A delicate flower that wants to be manhandled and treated roughly by a dominant man.

>> No.53389658
File: 676 KB, 640x960, 1688487862809329.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eru doesn't need to masturbate, she's pounded every night by her natashko, why do you think her bed is always so messy?

>> No.53389740
Quoted by: >>53390054

Are you retarded? the stream went off at that part, then came back online.

>> No.53389745
Quoted by: >>53390683

What's up with this fags believing there's something bad with female masturbation?
Old anons were happy to know their oshi flicks her bean.

>> No.53389857

>t. holo

>> No.53389885
Quoted by: >>53389951

>someone post a link
>shitter start samefagging begging for (you)s
someone is starved for attention kek

>> No.53389904

You do it after stream and not during? I'm starting to feel like a degenerate

>> No.53389951

we're just having fun, calm down fag

>> No.53389967
Quoted by: >>53390089

They call you oniichan and ask for it in the ass?

>> No.53390016
Quoted by: >>53390049

there grab it: (You), your daily human interaction

>> No.53390038
File: 417 KB, 2456x2888, FyJlRZGWYAANMcp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53390049

Thanks kind stranger

Here is some reddit gold for (you)

>> No.53390054

Dumb threadwatcher.

>> No.53390089
File: 274 KB, 1521x1530, Fw64bWnWYAEh4eF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53390161

>d-don't be so rude, oniichan!

>> No.53390107
Quoted by: >>53390299

Did eru dump that fag? i saw him yesterday being active in both of nisha's streams

>> No.53390161
Quoted by: >>53390413

I'm going to impregnate your bussy

>> No.53390299

That fag is the second biggest DD and attention seeker

>> No.53390413
File: 736 KB, 768x1152, 1688529833218407.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53395964

>now you have to take responsibility

>> No.53390491
File: 20 KB, 434x185, 134234553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yoffina-bros not like this...

>> No.53390497

That zoomer villerito twig is the extreme opposite of a dominant man.

>> No.53390550

Shura space

>> No.53390683
Quoted by: >>53390878

I forbid my oshi on partaking in any sexual activity that doesn't directly involve me.

>> No.53390722

>this mongolid don't even knows what bussy means
kek hope you are lubing your anus for that rough strapon seasons

>> No.53390751

Shura making fun of Eru's scam

>> No.53390833

I'm worried about my wife, I hope she doesn't overexert herself, I don't know how to help her

>> No.53390878
Quoted by: >>53392317

Masturbation is necessity to ensure loyalty to fans.

>> No.53391608
File: 1.82 MB, 1440x1672, 1688853607239115.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to massage her tits

>> No.53391797
Quoted by: >>53392090

Meica truly believes she is a kind, good-hearted girl

>> No.53391949

and she is, now stfu tard.

>> No.53392090


>> No.53392131
Quoted by: >>53392483

anyway whats with that king of retard just coming here to be le epic anti, no wonder why some anons got bored and stopped posting on these threads

>> No.53392140

Nisha went for a walk and connected with nature, maybe talking to pigeons clears your mind and body.

>> No.53392268

I hate Elon so much. Now I can't listen to a space without being logged in. Fucking retard. I hope Threads ends up overtaking his shit platform.

>> No.53392317

That's the coomer mentality. That can be achieved with sheer will without any vulgar and mundane action.

>> No.53392455

She's so tiny that a predatory bird could realistically take her away

>> No.53392483

I can't say anything bad about Meica? She's not the unconditionally nice girl she claims to be.

>> No.53392542

You can say whatever you want to say. People will call you a retard if you say retarded shit.

>> No.53392555
Quoted by: >>53393121

stfu already aren't you tired of shitting the thread all the day, you were autistically bumping the thread with your cancel like >>53380915

>> No.53392641
Quoted by: >>53392659

She got tired of masturbating in her house and now she's trying public masturbation

>> No.53392659


>> No.53392774

> shura's fresa accent

>> No.53392844
Quoted by: >>53392915

Shura fresa sounds hot as fuck WTF

>> No.53392886
File: 257 KB, 762x800, 1682654902947534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shura space at 11pm

>> No.53392915
File: 854 KB, 768x768, 1686684999874392.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to spank her.

>> No.53392921

You and only you
because you are a masochistic

>> No.53393109

shura's mom says trans rights

>> No.53393121
Quoted by: >>53393243

I'm not the shitter, it seems that anyone who says something bad about Meica falls into this category but if you say something bad about the other girls no one cares.Curious, isn't it?

>> No.53393243

The Meicatard imagine spammer was shitting every thread until the Pettanko incident

>> No.53393384
File: 371 KB, 1800x2500, Ft4XR6KXgAARd8D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eru is going full gfe lately
the other day she said that she's going to marry all eruditos eventually
only if you don't want childrends because she hates the idea of being pregnant
she also stopped having problems with saying I love you to eruditos
i think she's ovulating or at leaste she's very needy

>> No.53393430
File: 780 KB, 712x1176, 1689187113706024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she hates the idea of being pregnant
Sorry but not her choice

>> No.53393520
File: 767 KB, 712x1176, 1688527246693763.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck the idea of force pregnancy on eru got me hard
i love force breeding while she cries and beg for me to not cum inside

>> No.53393665

she needs money for the scam
thats why she's being so sweaty lately
she doesn't really love eruditos, otherwise she wouldn't have made ofeb mod

>> No.53393706

i'm so happy that my oshi only knows japanese and is inmune to this shitters.

>> No.53393813


>> No.53393907


>> No.53394409

this girl is very weird, there is something about her that gives me a bad feeling.

>> No.53394503 [DELETED] 

she's full blown liar like ironmouse

>> No.53394651

She lies about her sickness and not having money to eat just to get attention.

>> No.53395392

She deserves it

>> No.53395464

Friendly reminder that I love my hag wife Shura

>> No.53395666

Kusogaki Nisha > Sweet Nisha

>> No.53395852


Ururu Kobi

Nisha Nixyeva

Eru Nabura

Merun Morino

>> No.53395964

That girl is too tall to be nisha

>> No.53396193

La más bonita is live https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6n7kROeb-w0

>> No.53396560
File: 380 KB, 1365x2048, F0QBIriWAAAoeVG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meanwhile Anya wants tons of children.

>> No.53398024

Okay Renato enough shilling your whore

>> No.53398162
Quoted by: >>53398675

Her body isn't designed for babymaking.

>> No.53398675
Quoted by: >>53399162

That won't stop me from mating press her every night.

>> No.53399162

We know Ren

>> No.53400948
File: 75 KB, 720x872, 20230713_142614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.53401386

It's only a matter of time before a chuuba begins to feel the parasocial nature of her relationship as normal. Keep giving her love Eruditos, keep growing your relationship, a two way parasocial relationship is one of the most beautiful things you can have. And since she's already doxxed you have nothing to fear, there's nothing parasocial antis can do to sabotage you.

>> No.53403137
Quoted by: >>53419251

>el cubo de compañia no puede hablar, en caso de que el cubo hable, haga oidos sordos
>vaya es lo que diria un jefe
nisha is shitting on akira kek

>> No.53403229
File: 730 KB, 560x1008, 1689296264151.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.53403321

shura's juices...

>> No.53403426
Quoted by: >>53403573

Me in the back

>> No.53403573
Quoted by: >>53404930

this nigga paints his nails

>> No.53403588

>Yofina is liking images of women being boneprone
What it means?

>> No.53403963

why do you change your IP every time you post a comment?

>> No.53404930

That’s Shura’s hand kek

>> No.53405218


>> No.53406675

They are planning to go to Japan apparently

>> No.53407710
Quoted by: >>53433824

>body of temptation
>dumb like a potato

>> No.53408315

>if love hurts it's because you are not with the right person

>> No.53408525

It only took us a month, how toxic can one be, heheh

>> No.53409249
Quoted by: >>53409500

who said that?

>> No.53409369
Quoted by: >>53409564

Why spics don't consume their own local product? Is there something wrong with local SOP chubaas?

>> No.53409500


>> No.53409564

Are you a tourist? Spic streamers are shit, their content basically revolves around sex jokes and acting slutty in collabs (with men and women alike).

>> No.53409724


>> No.53409827

>chicos tengo que aprender a banear

>> No.53409933


>> No.53410076

>me estaba paniqueando

>> No.53410116

she hasn't even debuted yet and she already has mental problems

>> No.53410163

lmao this is funny

>> No.53410186

Anya Love!

>> No.53410232

totally accurate

>> No.53410275
Quoted by: >>53410419

bad bait, i found the account and it is a new acc

>> No.53410288

told you
she's turbo menhera

>> No.53410310
File: 28 KB, 268x268, 16025748541252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That fag is just as deranged as pettanko.

>> No.53410419
Quoted by: >>53410594

maybe she already banned him and now he's stalking her like pettanko

>> No.53410456 [DELETED] 

@xx****x in youtube
bad bait dude, go masturbate

>> No.53410578
Quoted by: >>53411022

ok ren
keep coping

>> No.53410594
Quoted by: >>53410686

but he never talked there with his youtube account, don't pay attention to the schizo

>> No.53410686

actually yes

>> No.53410693
File: 228 KB, 802x604, nishaburgir.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, one of my gaming passions has always been platformer games and naturally making a platformer was always on the menu. However I didn't want to just make a random platformer "without a reason". An opportunity presented itself when Nisha was playing Only Up and she kept yelling "BURGIR" whenever she had to make a difficult jump. That gave me the idea of making a jumping game called Burgir Time (a reference to the game BurgerTime https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BurgerTime#Gameplay ) which by the way is heavily inspired by the game EverybodyEdits, did anyone play that?

I put together a demo, collision detection is very wonky on the corners but it's a start. This might have a future. The game would most likely be called Nisha's Burgir Time.

>> No.53410795

That whore constantly sucked Loyal's cock while she was in the Wactor's Discord

>> No.53410826
Quoted by: >>53411285

they already made her break up with him and now they're screwing her with fake accounts, have a little respect

>> No.53410908
File: 5 KB, 301x124, anya.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53411022


>> No.53411067
Quoted by: >>53411321

lmao anons were telling the truth the fag delete all the engage shit from tiktok kek they really break up

>> No.53411172
Quoted by: >>53411764

just deleted the account, holy faggot LOL

>> No.53411285
Quoted by: >>53411439

Nice narrative you try to push Ren, stop bothering her.

>> No.53411297 [DELETED] 

>anya la mas cojidita

>> No.53411321

I'm lazy to read the previous threads again, don't you feed me with a spoon?

>> No.53411412

Reminder that after Nateyo dumped Pajero-kun he went full anti on her, /here/
Expect Ren to try to push things against Anya.

>> No.53411439

he's right, what are you trying to say, just leave her alone, do not do it when she's sick.

>> No.53411672
Quoted by: >>53411897

The only one messing with Anya is Ren, do you really think he'll leave just like that?
Anons are already over it.

>> No.53411764
File: 7 KB, 361x262, imagen_2023-07-13_203140663.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>53411172 (me)
casually deletes it when they say the @
I know you're reading this, you're not making him look bad, you're affecting her, think about it, what if she talks to him to ask why he's still obsessed with her and they make up, don't you know how women work after a relationship ends?

>> No.53411807
Quoted by: >>53411897

there is no reason for us to do that
or is ren being a moron or are the usual antis

>> No.53411897

ok idiots, keep doing that so she will contact him and find out it was all a conspiracy to break them up, use your brains you fucking assholes.

>> No.53411995

lmao why anons think everyone is here? don't you think he maybe deleted the account because anya banned him in stream?? kek not everything is about you

>> No.53412098
Quoted by: >>53412241

nobody outside of here knows his nickname or his real name, hello?
if it were him, he would not have deleted the account as soon as they said his @.

>> No.53412178

by justifying it that way you are showing that it was you who did it just to pick a fight, loser, ur cringe

>> No.53412241
Quoted by: >>53412318

>nobody outside here knows his nickname
the fag was on anya's server lol

>> No.53412318
Quoted by: >>53412438

of course, and they knew exactly what his profile was, no one outside of /HERE/ knows all the drama, shut up dude

>> No.53412430
Quoted by: >>53412545

if you say it that way, pettanko has a better chance than that incompetent

>> No.53412438
Quoted by: >>53412642

literally everyone knows the drama kek
You weren't on the discord vc, were you?
you're not that special

>> No.53412545
Quoted by: >>53412774

apparently in the thread pettanko didn't even talk to her, that's why she didn't read any of his comments, that confirmed everything

>> No.53412631

Where did the tourist came from? He tries to pose as anon but his wording gives him away really easy.
Is he one of Ren's friends? Ren himself?

>> No.53412642

> everyone knows
there were only about 4 people talking and all the other 50 were muted.

>> No.53412652

insider anon here
ren was banned from every png gang dc server because a message saying that he was trying to collect information to prejudice the girls was being spread

>> No.53412759

Anons win again.
Friendly reminder that /we/ are undefeated

>> No.53412774
Quoted by: >>53412992

my point is that she already has two stalkers.
they are not coming back because ren is the same type of person that pettanko.

>> No.53412820

he was also on the server of a vtuber with M+ subs who is in shura's circle, I don't think he has anything to do with it schizo

>> No.53412918

>>53412820 (ME)
I mean he was in a "best friends" role. I checked it out after it was said here

>> No.53412992
Quoted by: >>53413428

how does he look like pettanko if we literally know nothing about him lol

>> No.53412997
Quoted by: >>53413109

i don't know where that message comes from
i'm only known that was the content of the message, it was spread between mods on every png gang server
also the message specified that he was a relative to anya

>> No.53413109

well, nothing to expect from those who threw shit at her without even knowing her.

>> No.53413181
Quoted by: >>53413452

Is that the fag that keeps trying to get into my DMs

Stop that

>> No.53413300
Quoted by: >>53413546

anya forgot to mute while yelling at her brother to turn off netflix

>> No.53413428
Quoted by: >>53413600

That's because you didn't do your homework, his mode of operation is similar to pettanko but with a little bit more common sense, just a little bit.

>> No.53413452
Quoted by: >>53413883

Who are you?

>> No.53413546
Quoted by: >>53413964

You have to be literally autistic to not notice that was an act.

>> No.53413600
Quoted by: >>53413896

they published twitts where they knew each other years ago, they played together and had a relationship for almost a year and yet we don't even have real information about them like pettanko, I don't see any resemblance, I just see that for some reason they keep giving importance to an asshole that is no longer relevant
get a life

>> No.53413883

Just another insider anon

>> No.53413896

That is what some anon posted here.
Other anon's left other clues where you can find more

>get a life
No, if the cockroach is alive I'm going to step on it until it dies.

>> No.53413964

I don't think so, in her other stream she also forgot to mute herself and her "nephews" came in saying her rm name, kek.

>> No.53414053
Quoted by: >>53414206

Anya is very smart and she is manipulating us

>> No.53414206
Quoted by: >>53414571

if they really doxed her, they should say something, I'm really starting to believe that it was all a plan of anya's ex kek

>> No.53414571
Quoted by: >>53414657

>they should say something

>> No.53414585 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>53414942

You know, I once thought about what would happen if a girl found out she had a bf.
I thought that some of them would leave while others would stay and lose interest over time and only a few would become active antis.
I was wrong, you anons are more ruthless than I thought.
You have earned my respect.

>> No.53414631

Another plan to fool anons backfiring spectacularly. When will they learn?

>> No.53414657 [DELETED] 

just think about it, nobody is talking about it now since she cried on stream, the only thing we know about anya, like how she looks, is what her own boyfriend revealed, in the "doxeo" not even anya's information came out and it was only the boyfriend's data, his name and nickname
Isn't it too obvious that if someone had really doxed anya they would have given information about her?

>> No.53414793
Quoted by: >>53414905

the only thing they did was to leave the doors open to another psychopath capable of doxing the partner of the one he likes just to keep her for himself hahahaha

>> No.53414826


>> No.53414905

when that fag approaches her, it will be worse for him.

>> No.53414942

anons? lmao pettanko did all the work
he exposed ren as the manipulative and violent fag he is

>> No.53415029

hello, why are you hiding the work that your whole group worked so hard for owo?

>> No.53415053

So his plan was to dox his own girlfriend to get her to stop being a vtuber, also, look at his pisscord, KEK

>> No.53415140
Quoted by: >>53415267

Not really Natashka was the main cause, the other was easy if you know how to look.

>> No.53415267
Quoted by: >>53415495

but give an argument, the only thing I see are arguments against rather than in favor of these theories.

>> No.53415355

I know who xhe is and that is the truth ;)

>> No.53415495
Quoted by: >>53415602

Dude just look at the archive.

>> No.53415602
Quoted by: >>53415951

all the "archive" are the same comments without any support, that's why I say that I only see arguments against it.

>> No.53415734
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>> No.53415774 [DELETED] 

Pettanko wasn't engage and didn't have sex with Anya like Ren did
All they need is to talk like adults to reconcile
Anons are so easy to manipulate lol

>> No.53415780
Quoted by: >>53416978

no matter how many identities you try to create, having so many friends following you on twitter and commenting on **** hurts you, I'm gathering data and I'll publish you /here/ and "there"

>> No.53415951
Quoted by: >>53416142

Well if you don't know how to search you're going to have to live with that, it's not like your complaints are going to change reality.

>> No.53415998
Quoted by: >>53416423

that's exactly what I mean when I say that if you keep harassing her by using her name on stream, you'll only get the two of them to reconcile, you're the only one with any brains around here.

>> No.53416142
Quoted by: >>53416296

thanks for one more unsupported thread, you just make it more clear to me, being able to state something but not being able to give an example leaves you in evidence.

>> No.53416296

What are you going to do? shitpost with Renato like the other idiots?

>> No.53416329

>tldr fags
Just to remind you that I am Shura husband

>> No.53416423
Quoted by: >>53416530

>Implying that's not just Ren and his friends trying to push that on to anons
You're too transparent.
I'll let you know you're not the first groomer we've dealt with, not even the second.

>> No.53416477

That is what the Mexican would like.
I think that's what hurts him the most hahahah.

>> No.53416510
Quoted by: >>53416603

Stop pandering to PNG bitches.

>> No.53416530

when it is made public that they reconciled to see that everything was planned for them to separate I don't want to see u crying again.

>> No.53416547

Reminder we took Faka away from Sopa and made him disappear from the internet.

>> No.53416603

Why does this upset you lmao

>> No.53416661

Anons don't go out there doing shitty raids to streams, that's a discordfag thing, and guess who are the discordfags here? Ren's gang.

>> No.53416689

Just to fall into the claws of Lordhalf, Mai and Tamiel.

>> No.53416719
Quoted by: >>53416830

You don't seem to understand? We don't send that message, but you don't seem to understand it.

>> No.53416754

Anon autism is too powerful.

>> No.53416808

All of them cucked by this new guy.

>> No.53416830

who are you to speak through everyone's mouth?
they have already left clear evidence above that this is true, I will stop debating with idiots.

>> No.53416850

Dracucklones hate them because Himea was the only "genius" who decided to keep working for Akira and they didn't.

>> No.53416905

Because they collab with men and twitch whores.

>> No.53416937

and now Mai is her cousin or sister-in-law and she takes 30% of her money for "management" hahahahahaha

>> No.53416951

Your reasoning is illogical, I suggest you touch grass and interact with people.

>> No.53416969

Anons don't organize shit and all raiders are told to fuck off.
Your narrative has no weight.

>> No.53416978


>> No.53417014

and here goes the tard again man you are a sad faggot.

>> No.53417037

Not our issue anymore. We can't save her twice.

>> No.53417105

she also brainwashed her into moving to the second most shitty country in latam

>> No.53417135

He is dumb as shit, there is no particular reason for any of us to pretend to be ren.

>> No.53417292

>Anons don't organize shit and all raiders are told to fuck off.
>he doesn't know about the matrix

>> No.53417365

Post some thick shuras

>> No.53417620

>matrix fags

>> No.53418146 [DELETED] 

friendly reminder that if you are an argensimian, spaniard or regio your opinion doesn't count

>> No.53418259
Quoted by: >>53418416

I'll support you as long as you don't make a game of Meica

>> No.53418416

keep seething meicaschizo

>> No.53419251

Meica is the cubo de compañia then?

>> No.53419502

The matrix is just a hangout place, they don't organize raids or shit like that.

>> No.53420005


>> No.53420056


>> No.53420209
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Quoted by: >>53431908

>> No.53421243

I want to fuck shura so bad

>> No.53421456
Quoted by: >>53428336


>> No.53421683
Quoted by: >>53422336

Has Ururu already given up on learning Spanish or has she not even started?

>> No.53421977

The Lia/Ageha duo was really good, it's a shame how it all ended.

>> No.53422336

they only say they want to learn Spanish so as not to lose viewers

>> No.53422443


>> No.53424526

not really

>> No.53424711

It was all Loyal's doing

>> No.53425101
Quoted by: >>53425202

>Shura almost 400 ccv om Twitch

>> No.53425202

She had 120 until that Meica raid her

>> No.53425890

Mai won
failed grommers keep seething

>> No.53428336

no one give a shit....

>> No.53430757
Quoted by: >>53431248

So everything anon said about Natashka, and Ren tried to deny, was proven truth in the end.
Latest thing Natashko being into ED shit and pushing it into Anya. The moment Natashko is out of the picture, Anya goes and eats a shiton of food she wasn't allowed to do so before.
Also Anya said she doesn't want to play Valorant anymore because it brings her bad memories kek

>> No.53431248

only a retard would keep falling for their split up show

>> No.53431290


>> No.53431350
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>> No.53431500

Hi Renato

>> No.53431830
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>> No.53431908

actually very nice one

>> No.53432447


>> No.53432582
Quoted by: >>53432778

This, it's so obvious that it's embarrassing not to see how fake it is

>> No.53432778
Quoted by: >>53433196

Shut up meicagon

>> No.53433196
Quoted by: >>53433293

How is this even related to meica?

>> No.53433293
Quoted by: >>53433458

Anya antis are meicatards looking to hurt wactor

>> No.53433458

You are mindbroken Meica schizo

>> No.53433521


Nisha was noticed

>> No.53433671

Does anyone have the image of Akira's cartoon?

>> No.53433824
Quoted by: >>53434217

Remember to always tap 4 o 5 times the top of any can to reduce the chance of this happening.

>> No.53434217

Something similar happens to me in my crotch when I see my oshi

>> No.53434357
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looks like she finally listened and started to touch grass instead of taking a daily cocktail of prescription drugs

>> No.53434834

She's already broken inside there's nothing that can save her
