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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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52970191 No.52970191 [Reply] [Original]

Is NijiEN losing relevance to mid size corpos?

>> No.52970235

It doesn't seem to be losing relevance in your head

>> No.52970317

Are you drunk anon?

>> No.52970378

NijiJP on the other hand is reclaiming its top status over HoloJP in case you were wondering

Funny thread

>> No.52970441
Quoted by: >>52971046

No one cares about baseball here.

>> No.52970487

Not a Phase/Idolfag but what is the point joining NijiEN in current day? It made sense back in 2021 and 2022 when small companies like Phase, Cyberlive, Tsunderia and Idol were memes and Niji was the corpo alternative to Hololive for decent noomber boost. However, ever since it's been revealed all the clique shit, the 1-2%, the absolute retarded management, not even being able to keep your play buttons, JP shitty permissions, and now small western corpos like Phase and Idol bringing now okay-ish noombers, seriously, what's the point?

>> No.52970602
Quoted by: >>52970763

Before those other companies came along, it was guaranteed views and you got a model. There's basically no point joining NijiEN over the others now unless they are giving revised contracts to new talents which isn't a total ripoff.

>> No.52970606
Quoted by: >>52971046

Only when it’s about Baseball. Outside of that, nobody really gives two shits about Nijisanji, and it’s the truth.

>> No.52970607
Quoted by: >>52971104

Niji also shotguns gens up the ass so before you get a chance to establish yourself a new talent will just appear and destroy your noombers.

>> No.52970716
Quoted by: >>52983248

Small corpos are laughably irrelevant outside of /vt/
Phase pandered to the farms and terminally online /pol/tards so it looks like they're bigger than they actually are
idol is just a money laundering scheme that turned out to grow out of their terminal 2view status and is now just prolonging the eventual rugpull
They're both nowhere near close Nijisanji

>> No.52970763

aren't most phase / idol girls literally 2views?
as in less than 100 viewers?
come on now

>> No.52970833

No, they're mostly 3 views now. You're thinking of several months ago. NijiEN is losing ground to these corpos.

>> No.52970840
File: 693 KB, 1346x1490, img_top-message.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>52971046


>> No.52970885

Only their non-EN branches are 2views
idol - Hebrew branch
Phase - JP branch

>> No.52970889

Didn't phase connect just have a group graduation or something? I don't keep up with this shit.

>> No.52970910
Quoted by: >>52971062

They're mostly 3views. Only Pippa for Phase, and Rin (and Roca on karaokes) for Idol are able to crack into 4view territory

>> No.52970912

No. 98% of them are solid 3view. The only ones that are mostly 2views are the PhaseJP girls because Fishman fucked up JP advertisement and Nikki from Idol and even then they all manage to reach 3view.

>> No.52970927
Quoted by: >>52971019

You're thinking Niji

>> No.52971019
Quoted by: >>52998332

It's Production Kawaii's 3rd gen who all graduated

>> No.52971046

I never said this shitty board's opinion mattered. The matter of fact is that mindshare has almost dramatically moved heavily in favor of Nijisanji akin to 2018-2019 compared to before. Almost as if people missed Koshien way more than predictable ass Holosummer and FlopCity/Flop 4 You.

>> No.52971062

Tenma and Lumi both reach 4view more frequently nowadays.
If you're thinking of small corpos, that's Kawaii.

>> No.52971104

The latest females are doing just fine. The newest boys are struggling a bit, but they were obviously the biggest shitters of the VTA.
The new students are also looking great. Pretty sure they will debute 2~3 other JP girls I will like.

>> No.52971116

The only Idol girls that are two views are mostly Hebrew, and they sorta grew after Offkai. At the least being part of Idol will guarantee you being a low 3-view, a modest 3-view if audiences see something in you, to high 3-view to low-4view if they really like you’re doing. Phase to an extent is similar, only Idol seems to be better at tard wrangling talents.
Point being, if you’re a female talent, you’ll probably get the same amount of viewership/success by being in Idol than you would NijiEN at this point. The branch just has little to nothing worth setting itself apart at this point, not to mention you’ll be competing against people that can barely speak English like

>> No.52971140

Has there been a female debut in 2023 for Nijisanji EN? No.
Your post is about 2022 and the last debut for a female was in 2022.

>> No.52971277

Idol and Phase are the new Hololive and Nijisanji solely because the first isn't hiring girls anymore and the second one ruined their reputation in the west market

>> No.52971492 [DELETED] 

How did Phase ""ruin"" their reputation in the west? Making trannies, femanons and vtweeters mad by streaming Wizard Game? If anything they've been inclining so far.

>> No.52971517
Quoted by: >>52971606

Anon, Koshien and like 5-6 other JP dudes are genuinely all Nijisanji has to offer. If the mindset really grew in favor of the company, their VTA waves would have done leagues better. Their new EN waves too, would have done better. They would also have much, much more fanworks like Cover allows.

>> No.52971560

The 1-2% stuff is a massive fucking meme when you actually do the math even if it is unfair. Most of them get merch like what 3-4 times a year. And they sell like 300 units or something if you are one of the mid sized girls. Say you sell 300 units at $10 for some plastic stand crap or whatever if you got say 30% instead you have lost out on $900 before tax. Mutliply that out by 3 or 4 times a year and maybe you dropped $3k? Unless you are like Vox or someshit and selling 5000 units of everything they sell you aren't losing much of anything. Meanwhile they are still getting 50% on voice packs which they get to participate in way more than they get actualy physical merch and charge around $10 for each time.

>> No.52971606

And we're pretending Hololive isn't boring and irrelevant outside Miko, Pekora, Marine, and Subaru?

>> No.52971643 [DELETED] 

A true nijinigger, surprise they still exist, go on and say that firing one of oldest and bigger organ is a great move.

>> No.52971728

Look at Comiket to see who matters and who is a joke

>> No.52971813
Quoted by: >>52971929

Anon, don't need to force, Luna has more viewers than 90% of niji, no amount of coping changes that.

>> No.52971886
Quoted by: >>52973068

If you want to dick measure circle counts then Nijisanji had 1.3k circles participate at the last Nijisanji only event.
Pretty sure thats more than all the vtuber groups combined at comiket.

>> No.52971929

She's got like 12-20 Nijis ahead of her bro

>> No.52971955

one of the idol he girls has been pretty regularly cracking 100 viewers lately even before raids. the newest gen seems to have given those two a boost.

>> No.52972071
Quoted by: >>52972331

kek, Comiket stopped being relevant years ago. Gacha overtaking VTubers anyways there.

>> No.52972128

That's about 10% of Niji yeah

>> No.52972226

/vt/ really needs to leave its bubble. contrary to popular belief, phase and idol arent as big outside this board as you think. NIJISANJI and HOLO have huge appeal both inside and outisde of vtubing. The only worthwhile talent from both corpos respectively got attention from catering to non vtuber fans.

>> No.52972263

Nijisanji has less watch hours, but let's see your mindshare statistics.

>> No.52972277
Quoted by: >>52985748

Nasa pretty regularly gets to 3 view now even without raids

>> No.52972310

Well with Idol you can pick your own artist (given that they are available) and how you look like. That's like insanely valuable if you wanted to become more comfortable becoming a corpo vtuber. And Aviel doesn't hold back the jewbucks running ads for you.

>> No.52972325

And there is like 150 nijis, 90% of 150 is 135, she is above 135 and bellow 15, and she is average to bellow average holo, how that's a niji win?

>> No.52972331

Absolute brainlet take lmao

Comiket is the purest reflection of japanese Otaku interests

>> No.52972348

I have come to the realization that the idol vtuber market just isn't that big anymore and is mostly contained here.

>> No.52972537
Quoted by: >>52973808

Are you even implying both of those are big here when they're 95% of the time contained inside their own generals while 80% of the board is just Holo?

>> No.52972705

Anon, even AZKi gets more viewers than most Nijis just by playing Geoguesser. Pekora, Marine, Subaru, Migochi, even Korone and Okayu, maybe even Koyori may be Holo’s current superstars, but pretty much everyone in the branch gets as much if not more support compared to most Niji members in JP.
Hell if you wanted to the spin this as EN rivalry, Fauna and Irys don’t stream often and yet get as much if not more views than the ENs do on average just by casually playing vidya. And if you wanted to compare ID branches between both companies, Holo’s is alive and the other is a rotting corpse.

>> No.52973035

Gundo tell me otherwise.

>> No.52973068

For comparison by the way the last Hololive only event
Had 244 participating circles to the Nijisanji ones 1.3k

>> No.52973204
Quoted by: >>52973341

This one's in Kanagawa

>> No.52973283
Quoted by: >>52973749

Idk anon, Rin from idol is kind of taking over peoples Youtube shorts lately, and I just watched her stream reach ~3.5k people. You can say shorts don't translate to viewers all you want, but those look like pretty good numbers to me for EN.

>> No.52973302 [DELETED] 

you wish, phasenigger
don't forget about the plappening

>> No.52973323

Man, Holo really did fall off

>> No.52973341

I went for the biggest one I could find. Holoket 7 was in Tokyo but that was kind of sad at only 97 circles.

>> No.52973422
Quoted by: >>53025111

>2023 GOLDS
140x: Hololive
32x: Nijisanji

>> No.52973749
Quoted by: >>52973808

Well at least now they're big /here/, when you got constant bait threads about them like this. A year ago not a single anon could name either corpo outside of /pcg/ and /jidf/ respectively.

>> No.52973808

meant for >>52972537

>> No.52974047

>NIJISANJI and HOLO have huge appeal both inside and outisde of vtubing
what in the actual fuck makes people think these are both so unique and so different to small corpos? they're not. don't drink the kool aid.

>> No.52974727
Quoted by: >>52975022

Recently Rin became the fastest growing vtuber channel in the world, I don't have the link though you'll have to trust me on this one. For a small corpo to have that alone is a huge achievement, props to their management as well

>> No.52974768
Quoted by: >>52974927

these small corpos are niche content within a niche, meanwhile groups like anycolor and cover are companies worth billions of dollars breaking out of a niche and crossing over into mainstream awareness

>> No.52974927

>Anon discovers why small corpos are called small corpos

>> No.52974986
Quoted by: >>52977496


>> No.52975022
Quoted by: >>52975580

>Recently Rin became the fastest growing vtuber channel in the world
The title still belongs to Salome and she'd have to reach 2m until the end of the month to even get close to that.

>> No.52975082


>> No.52975086
Quoted by: >>52975859

Pippa is probably the biggest from small corps and she is like 3x times bigger than the rest of her corp yet she isn't even in the top 30 of holo.
They are growing but you have to be terminally /here/ to say they are the new holo.

>> No.52975111

>what in the actual fuck makes people think these are both so unique and so different to small corpos?
people are aware of their existence. people aren't aware of your small shitters. except for pippa and rin, no one's ever heard of either phase or idol.
that's the difference.

>> No.52975580

She's the fastest currently, not of all time

>> No.52975859
File: 50 KB, 1065x253, PippaSC_June2023.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>52976243

Maybe not in ccv but she gets a weirdly large amount of superchats. Comparable to holos.

>> No.52976018

Dont know if they are losing relevancy but they sure are losing talents like it's a competition .

>> No.52976070

But Hololive just teased that more talents will be joining EN

>> No.52976165

both Katta and Nikki are pretty often 3 views now

>> No.52976243

Pippa baits supers harder then any vtuber ive ever seen in my life
tried watching one of her streams once and it was just her reading and responding to every single superchat instead of actually playing whatever game she was playing.

>> No.52976461
File: 117 KB, 1280x720, 1688766146701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>supers harder

>> No.52976760


>> No.52977206
Quoted by: >>52978333

The thing is though, she still manages to be entertaining while reading them. Her reactions are funny.

>> No.52977496
Quoted by: >>52981463

this would be based if you weren't on a catalog thread, go back to your contaniment thread brony

>> No.52978176 [DELETED] 

>Making trannies, femanons and vtweeters mad by streaming Wizard Game?
>AKA Pippa doing another grift off of Pikamee and Silvervale who got actual heat from the troons just so she can be like "I'm totally le ebin based chuuba making troons seethe yo"

>> No.52978333

>s-she still manages to be entertaining while reading them
This is cope

>> No.52978343 [DELETED] 

>trannies, femanons and vtweeters
you just described their entire audience, retard
the phase connect fandom is just an offshoot of lolcow and kiwifarms

>> No.52981463

I’m not into NijiEN, though

>> No.52981835

im not that invested in pippa so all ill say is that she managed to create a community that superchats actually interesting and funny things. thats how she gets away with it while keeping viewers in her stream

>> No.52981996
Quoted by: >>52985684


>> No.52982384

Lol hololive will always be at the top. Seethe more.

>> No.52983248

Now say it without crying, nijinig

>> No.52983655 [DELETED] 

jewcorp > nijitrannies

>> No.52983784 [DELETED] 
File: 521 KB, 2668x724, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>52984285

The last time you made this thread Pippa yabbed

>> No.52984285

It’s honestly crazy how fast that rrat died

>> No.52984350
File: 111 KB, 881x338, 1687829515169855.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>52985175

it helps to have your own jannies

>> No.52984488

No. It only seems that way if you spend a lot of time here because mid size corpos punch above their weight on this board.
t. Phasefag

>> No.52984523
Quoted by: >>52985175

You mean suppressed

>> No.52984806

Until Phase and Idol stop being just Pippa and Rin no. Even the worst shitter like Aia is more popular than the last waves Phase and Idol released.

>> No.52984871
Quoted by: >>52985175

they can't silence all of us, even if they wish they could.

>> No.52985175

I think the hard proof it wasn’t her did more to kill the rrat than the jannies…but maybe I’m crazy

>> No.52985202

what hard proof lol

>> No.52985278


>> No.52985292

deleting hundreds of threads and posts sure helps
Gura bait threads? rrats? no problem they let it stay up all day
go fuck yourself phasecuckold

>> No.52985427

Feel free to ignore it. I’m sure you’d prefer to keep your cuck fantasies alive.

>> No.52985473

You know that's not true, non-binary Aiafag. The numbers aren't secret. Phase and Idol EN compete with the pre-Luxiem girls and the bottom of Hololive. Aia competes (well!) with PhaseJP and IdolHE.

>> No.52985507
Quoted by: >>52985684


>> No.52985582
Quoted by: >>52986263

Surely you can see the difference between simple bait threads and threads actively discussing and posting supposed IRL dox photos you mongoloid

>> No.52985590

He was talking about Niji, retard

>> No.52985684 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>52985723

Nijisister defense force, activate!

>> No.52985723
Quoted by: >>52985769

Who’s worse Niji or Phase?

>> No.52985748
Quoted by: >>52985855

Iori as well

>> No.52985769 [DELETED] 


>> No.52985788

I dont hate Aia, but this is absolutely not true. Someone like Coni is more popular than her in terms of view counts, even Aster and a bunch of other NijiEN talents. Even Ember from Phase Invaders 2 is on par with Aia.
NijiEN is basically small corpo-tier nowadays. Only Lazulight/Obsydia are mostly lucky since they built a fanbase that will stick with them instead of selling their dignity for quick cash.

>> No.52985845
Quoted by: >>52986267

give it a month or two. The novelty buff is still there.

>> No.52985855

I love Iori, she’s got a pretty unique voice

>> No.52986038

You were supposed to go for the


>> No.52986158

>streamer interacts with here community
>people enjoy it
>(you): c-cope

>> No.52986249

I mean, you have to be pretty retatded to have believed it

>> No.52986263
Quoted by: >>52987304

>censorship is ok when pippa is involved
>making bullshit about gura? YABBA DABBA DO

>> No.52986267
Quoted by: >>52986484

Coni and the rest of Endless, maybe. But the buff already went away for Phase Invaders 2 IIRC.

>> No.52986484

I checked coni's playboard, she has no superchats?

>> No.52986730
Quoted by: >>52986854

Coni has superchats enabled, maybe she's too new to where the service doesn't count it? Plus she also had a few unarchived streams too.

>> No.52986854

>maybe she's too new to where the service doesn't count it?
she's been around for 3 years. There's no way in hell that she doesn't know.

>> No.52986932

Coni's performance is impressive. Definitely shaping to be a mini-Pippa which is funny

>> No.52986959

Sadly, no.

>> No.52987156

Aia is more popular than Shiina, the third most popular Phase girl. You're underestimating her: https://playboard.co/en/channel/UCnJNNk45O1QYS2oMRYFKSyw
I dunno who's the third most popular idol-EN one, but she's slightly less popular than ghost Gura.

>> No.52987230

I'm not big on the talents in NijiEN but this is some pure delusion.

>> No.52987304
Quoted by: >>52997906

is making up random harmless shit against the board rules like posting dox?

>> No.52987503

They certainly have the top male livers maybe they should just go all in for the fujos so we can finally filter trannies and sisters.

>> No.52992262

They might get seriously fucked in the long run if they keep this up.

New corpos used to be the wastelands of incompetent management, shitty contracts and general idiocy - with only the most desperate and washed out talent even applying to auditions.

Nowadays, the shittiest of small corps have already filtered themselves. And Niji has been working hard on reclaiming the title of "the wasteland of incompetent management, shitty contracts and general idiocy" for themselves. By now, you got to be really desperate to apply to Niji - because plenty of small-to-mid corpos straight up offer better deals, the debut, the cuts and all.

At this rate, all Niji would have for the next gen is numberfags, literal grifters with a plan B in tow since pre-debut, and talent who got rejected from small companies, of all places.

>> No.52992896
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>> No.52993385

Can't argue with the cold, hard fact called chart. This plus how many doujin circles Holo get shows how small and irrelevant Niji is.

>> No.52996157

To some degree maybe, though i’d say this would probably apply to holo too. Niji has gone through its share of drama while Holo has just been stagnating, both of them have gotten a little smaller while small corpos are getting a little bigger. Losing relevance is not what I’d call it though, the vtuber boom from the pandemic has basically just died down and the audience spread around looking for something interesting happening, Holo and Niji aren’t going anywhere.

>> No.52997906
Quoted by: >>52998092

It does fall under trolling doesn't it?

>> No.52998092

So do 90% of posts here. Dox is clearly the bigger issue retard

>> No.52998129

Imagine being happy by sacrificing a long time liver over mundane thing like baseball.
When you build your success over a dead body, it will always cursed with problems

>> No.52998219
Quoted by: >>52999356

Anykara literally fired and removed 12 members content without graduation stream.

>> No.52998332
Quoted by: >>52999356

And Anykara graduated 12 people in one sweep.
It's like Anykara saw what Production Kawaii doing and said "I can do one better!"

>> No.52999099
Quoted by: >>52999623

I think it's only Niji that stagnating. Cover have the biggest mocap and greenscreen studio in Japan now (not my word, the local TV broadcaster saif that) and they can rent it to 3rd parties who need it (video game developers, TV and Movie producers, etc etc) and also multiple concerts, merchandising with various events, and even a plan to make their own streaming service so they don't have to pay 30% to youtube anymore.

>> No.52999356
Quoted by: >>53008927

now we know who the retards are that watch false or can only read titles

>> No.52999397
Quoted by: >>53011452

Percentage wise Hololive could/should be doing a lot better than they are doing considering everything, at least EN.
Percentage wise small corpos should be doing a lot worse but they're doing good if not really good.
Both of these scenarios were unthinkable 2 years ago but here we are, the tides are turning

>> No.52999623

You also have to remember that Niji made a few screwups as of late, mainly with how they handled AR Fes. That right there and having half of the branch go on break at the same time basically killed EN's momentum dead in its tracks.

>> No.53000142

I still don't know why Holo just let Niji do their koshien when they can easily fuck them up with Holo koshien just like how they killed Niji's Mariokart tournament with Holokart.

>> No.53001652

>Is NijiEN losing relevance
>to mid size corpos?
lol no.

>> No.53001666
File: 270 KB, 1304x533, mogged.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry wanna say that again?

>> No.53001961

Nijisanji is odd in this aspect. They always show up to these massive events hosted on the main channel, but the fans are pretty much absent everywhere else.

>> No.53002523
File: 558 KB, 2560x1706, 1679547542514037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53002952

>nijisanji fans

>> No.53002662

That's the power of acceleration and total converged audience. It's the same reason why they make more money than Cover and investors love them.

>> No.53002922

>anything konami

>> No.53002952


>> No.53008927
Quoted by: >>53009494

It still shitty. 12 people spent their time hoping for a place in a limelight but got kicked out instead.
This academy thing is complete bullshit

>> No.53009494
Quoted by: >>53010666

once again you clearly have no idea what you are talking about this is got its always been in VTA .
>Admission to join the project is audition based, while training costs are paid by ANYCOLOR and upon completion, the graduate may be given the offer to debut in NIJISANJI or freely move to other agencies to try to audition to them.

>> No.53010441

They also covering (heh) a baseball league anon. I guess Riku has connection with Koshien committee so she gained that contract. Of course that yab kinda damaged their reputation with baseball fans a bit.
If they keep self destructing like this, maybe next year Koshien will be with Holo

>> No.53010504

>Make more money
You mean the 2% right?

>> No.53010666

>may be given
Ironic since they keep releasing new waves when they have 18 candidates to pick from.
This "Niji academy" is just carbon copy of reality TV show where Niji can make money while spending minimum cost(just PNG avatar)

>> No.53011062
Quoted by: >>53021923

small corpo fans use streamlabs for donations

>> No.53011433

I mean its been 3 days? or something normally after about a week something is said on twitter, also they have way more people than just that as you have whole other groups within VTA that don't stream. The last 3 gens half of them have been from the group that doesn't stream. so far only 2 people have not shown up in nijisanji but also haven't shown up anywhere else.

>> No.53011452
Quoted by: >>53012489

Yes but Hololive can underperform all you want and they'll still be profitable, the moment a small corpo falls out of line it's over for them. It's just that simple

>> No.53011930

You're basically going to a free trade school more or less and when you graduate the trade school you're given a straight shot at immediately working for the business you were training to be in
I can understand why you might think it's a scam but it's essentially a chance to work for a business.
If you do graduate as well, you'll be given a free model and a free chance to earn extra money.

I'm not necessarily big on Nijisanji but I'll fully admit that the idea is pretty good, not only does it help prepare people for the future but it allows you to get an idea of what a talent might be like before they stream. Pretty much any corporation would benefit from having trained people in it before they join. Like imagine if Ina and Mori could actually dance because they spent 30 minutes a day minimum practicing before joining

>> No.53012276

Wow, VSPO has overtaken Nijisanji

>> No.53012489
Quoted by: >>53019560

Both small corpos in this instance are backed by a lot of money. The Jews by Israel, and Phase by Fishman.

>> No.53012944
Quoted by: >>53016196

Niji has normies who'll show up for big events then fuck off somewhere while Holo has obsessive idolfags who'll always be there for their 'girlfriends'. Holo is superior because obsessive idolfags will give their lives to protect the brand and their gfs while normies don't give a fuck about protecting shit because they don't like Niji that much in the first place.

>> No.53016196

Niji also has obsessive fans that will defend their company and even willing to sacrifice their livers.

>> No.53016956

Nice, take this you

>> No.53019560

Is Fishman really that rich?

>> No.53019727
Quoted by: >>53020100

You've been keeping this shitty thread alive all day, I hope you're not doing it for free. Also kys

>> No.53019839

The absolute cope of this thread, phase is not even close to the status of any major corpo dont even try.
I hate Phase with a passion, but I cant deny that the Canadian chink is a smart business man, and has done a good job giving his girls proper exposure and advertisements. If he actually tried to run a proper vtuber group and not just some kiwifarm women, he'd do pretty well.

>> No.53020100
Quoted by: >>53020346

I don't even started this thread anon. I genuinely curious about Fishman
I thought he's Japanese! I mean Phase made a Japanese branch right? So this is why people said he fucked up the advertisement for the Japanese branch. I think he doesn't have a clue about Japanese advertisement system.
Y'know, for a ChinCan, he doesn't play it safe. He hire problematic girls and it actually worked

>> No.53020169

Idol has as shitty management as Niji, Rin mentioned she is paying for her 500k project out of her own pocket - at least she is in position to do that and tell management to fuck off with Raid Shadow Legend sponsorships.
Not to mention their entire strategy is spam Gura shorts and doing 'rate Holos' streams.

>> No.53020186

He sold his last company to start Phase
Why do you hate Phase

>> No.53020252

I figured it out actually you don't need to tell me

>> No.53020281

>He sold his last company to start Phase
That's not rich, anon Rich means he still have enough capital to start Phase without selling his old company.

>> No.53020346

just a coincidence of course that the thread was on the edge of page 10. Fuck off faggot

>> No.53020442

To be fair when I open catalog I immediately scroll to the bottom and start from page 10 and make my way up.

>> No.53020561

And then you look at most of those liver's ccv on average and it's 1k on average or 2k on a good day.

>> No.53020706

Not even hate, but just from browsing Youtube, Twitter or whatever I pretty much see nothing from any of the Nijis anymore. For youtube shorts it's Fillian or Rin, maybe with the occasional coomerbait from Shyilly or whoever. For ads, it's usually Idol. They don't have any concerts to point to like Hololive and put out less music than HoloEN too. If it wasn't for Nina graduating I would have seen pretty much nothing from them in weeks.

Now this is just cope, fucking Pippa does better than nearly all of NijiEN.

>> No.53021193

>"the algo that feeds me things I watch didn't show me things I don't watch"

>> No.53021256
Quoted by: >>53021940

There are still desperate 1-2view indies who want to get in. Being in Nijien guarantees you a big subscriber base (50k-70k subs) and viewership (3view). It may not seem like much, but for those starved indies, those are big numbers. Additionally, joining NijiEN also provides sponsorship, exposure, a good model, and a decent income. People /here/ have forgotten that, despite the poor merch cut, they still have other sources of revenue such as voice packs, SC, and so on. Moreover, being on Niji gives you a high chance of easily reaching 100k subscribers and getting your own 3D model.
you also need to remember that nijiEN is one of corpo where male chuuba can be thriving.

>> No.53021891

Take your meds. People bumping a thread on page 10 is not new but apparently you seem quite new.

>> No.53021914

You do realize Youtube only showing you the thing you love to watch the most right?
I got myself the usual Holo clips, Niji clip because I watched Nina Kosaka's graduation stream, and they also being an asshole and recommended me vids of reaction after Pikamee announced her graduation news. Way to go youtube you fucking cunt.

>> No.53021923
Quoted by: >>53023104

>small corpo fans use streamlabs for donations
source on this rrat?

>> No.53021940

Imagine living in a country with currency value so low joining Niji is considered an upgrade.
That's pretty much NijiID inna nutshell lol

>> No.53022336
Quoted by: >>53022390

Phase only has Pippa carrying it while idol has no one

>> No.53022390

>Rin doesn't exist

>> No.53023023

You can remove the tops of Hololive and they will still got plenty of 10k while Nijisanji are bunch of 3views shitters, removing the tops talent of each company would still make Hololive a big company while Nijisanji will drop to small corpo tier, idiot

>> No.53023104

watch them.

>> No.53025111

The fact that niji even got 32 wins is a disgrace. Yahoo should debut another 2 JP gens.

>> No.53025319
File: 3.58 MB, 1920x1080, poko shows too much[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fw70xph.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the raccoon.

>> No.53025801

poko is a blessing

>> No.53027892
Quoted by: >>53028400

Show her feet

>> No.53028400 [SPOILER] 
File: 148 KB, 453x604, vPPD887U1ko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53029930


>> No.53031205
Quoted by: >>53031306


She said her oshi is bae who is one of the best holoen, she learn from the best

>> No.53031306
Quoted by: >>53033435

>homo collaber
>one of the best

>> No.53033016
File: 182 KB, 1920x1080, F0Wh49GWIAESKe1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53033404

Losing relevance to their own incompetent management, maybe. I'll never stop being amazed at how a company with so much early advantage managed to shoot themselves in the face over and over and over.

>> No.53033435
Quoted by: >>53033857

I believe he was talking about Bae, not your mom

>> No.53033857

Bae is my mom. She’s such a whore we still don’t know who the father is

>> No.53037850
Quoted by: >>53037990

>Fauna in the top 10 despite her "just an entertainer" speech
GFEfags lost

>> No.53037990

I thought GFEtards were a /vt/ thing, don't tell me they exist in other places? I don't go to other websites

>> No.53039008

Generally, yes true and it seems like the distance will keep shrinking. Still feel like there is a bit of a gap though.
Like Nina was a 1k chubba and then she announced on twitter she would be graduating and then she had like 15k,8k,5k,4k,7k,8k.. 30k(grad), streams.
I dont think if Yuko or Tenma, who are both bigger deals in Idol and Phase than Nina was in NijiEN, was graduating that they would be getting multiple 7-8k+ streams. Maybe Pippa would, but she is sort of the one big outlier. And even her all time high is below 10k

>> No.53039117

So NijiEN is still (in total) ahead of HoloEN??

>> No.53039887

>Watch hours
