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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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5280605 No.5280605 [Reply] [Original]

Guess who knelt again?

>> No.5280624

Your mom

>> No.5280744

There is already a better thread that explains everything else better than you faggot.

>> No.5280756

already have a thread on this

>> No.5280864


>> No.5280888

I dunno, was it you?

>> No.5280919


>> No.5280930
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Quoted by: >>5282517

The Japanese were born to kneel. Men and women. It's the world's job to protect them. They're going to die out!!!!!

>> No.5281289

>So NKODICE dev banned all VTubers play his game to prevent possible conflicts his game might cause to the streamers. Here is a thread about it and how Holostar Oga was caught in this mess
>This ban exists coincidentally after Oga streamed his fanmade NKODICE game made by Oga himself but the dev also said he didn't hate Oga for it (looking at second paragraph). But because of the ban, many people linked the reason to the Oga stream and demand Oga for apology
>On the other hand, there are 3 types of response from the fans and JP users. One is defending Oga because Oga's fangame did not rip-off the OG and the game was completely different. Other is defending the dev because the dev's words and intention are poorly altered
>nd the last is defending the dev because Oga has "insulted" the OG creator by playing the fangame due to the Holostar management didn't allow Oga to play the OG, also bringing copyright issue in as well
>In the end, according to the tweet above, the dev only did this mainly because of his insecurity (nasty nerd about my own creation) and not because of Oga. But because this leads to ban all VTubers from playing NKODICE, the drama is unavoidable
>UPDATE: While I was writing this thread, it is confirmed Oga apologized for it and privated the stream. imo this shouldn't have happened since the dev said Oga is not the reason and there is clear misunderstanding, but the damage is caused and the dev isn't looking good right now
>UPDATE 2: The dev came to apologize Oga for his poorly-made tweets. Oga also apologized for not respecting the OG game. Both ended peacefully and I hope we all can move on from it
>Oga created NKODICE fangame himself and tried it out on stream. People like it a lot, even the dev. But later his tweets had bitter taste and the ban on VTubers definitely didn't help. However both apologize (UPDATE 2) so no need to continue the drama
tldr: Oga created his own dice game, got too succesfull, the nkodice game bitched and later everybody apologized.

>> No.5281379
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>> No.5281578

Why are japs like this?
Grow some spine and stop apologizing for literally everything jesus christ.

>> No.5281751

>Guess who knelt again?
You live under a rock, Patrick?

>> No.5281881


>> No.5281893
Quoted by: >>5282019

Hololive was in the wrong again, they shouldn't have allowed the holowho to make a knock-off game like that.

>> No.5281936
Quoted by: >>5282019

black company

>> No.5281958
Quoted by: >>5282019 >>5282030

Pomu and Elira are playing this game tonight.

>> No.5282005

Yagoo and kneeling, name a better duo

>> No.5282019


>> No.5282030
Quoted by: >>5282044

that's the funny part, meanwhile Cover is doing dogeza for no good reason.

>> No.5282044
Quoted by: >>5282069

>no reason
god it must hurt to be this stupid

>> No.5282069
Quoted by: >>5282111

a formal apology for a FANGAME, why?

>> No.5282111
Quoted by: >>5282139

because the fangame situation struck a nerve with hundreds of japanese content creators and it got Yoko Taro to get off his ass and say he supported the NKODICE dev?

>> No.5282115
Quoted by: >>5282209

So are they going to let them play NKODICE now? Not a good look seeing Niji (including EN) play it while they can’t

>> No.5282139
Quoted by: >>5282161

Meanwhile even NijiEN girls can play it, why did this Oga guy make a ripoff?

>> No.5282149

Why did that retarded game dev act like he created Chinchiro/Cee-lo anyways?

>> No.5282161
Quoted by: >>5282186

>meanwhile niji can play it
why are you so retarded anon?

>> No.5282165

Is this NKODICE ran by some old farts from Nintendo or something

>> No.5282186
Quoted by: >>5282235 >>5282238

So maybe talk to the guy instead of ripping his idea off?

>> No.5282209

Why would they? Then the dev will just get mad and make a blogpost about how they're playing it wrong for mispronouncing omanko, anyone who plays it after that menhera outburst is just taking a risk

>> No.5282235

The guy gave the permission, and was even watching it live, but got too assblasted once he started seeing the comments that Oga`s version was better than his.

>> No.5282238

>So maybe talk to the guy
Why are you this retarded anon, is this what tribalism did to your insect brain?

>> No.5282252
Quoted by: >>5282338

>creator is gracious
>shit talk the guy who let you use his game without issue
yeah, he's right.

>> No.5282271

Wow Hololive fans are vocal about Oga's Dice and they are not happy. They're discontented with the way Cover cucked to a copyright. There's even a petition that's garnered thousands of signatures to have Oga rehired as lead dev of his own game. Obviously that wont happen but it shows how unhappy they are.

>> No.5282315

>The guy gave the permission
He didn't
>shit talk the guy who let you use his game without issue
It wasn't Oga who made that comment, it was random comment in his chat

>> No.5282316
Quoted by: >>5282364 >>5282470

If it wasn't an exact copy from the dev's game and was an upgrade, why did Oga and Cover apologize? Those things happen everyday in life

>> No.5282338
Quoted by: >>5282404 >>5282470

>shit talk the guy who let you use his game without issue
Anon you do understand that it was people watching the stream saying this, not oga right? And they were right by the way, oga's game was better just on the fact that there were win and lose conditions

>> No.5282364

The guy got assblasted that “manko” was censored.
Oga turned a dice game into a fighting game.

>> No.5282404

>get Cover to talk to dev
>get permission
>make a knockoff and expect no reaction

>> No.5282406
Quoted by: >>5284943

>Some small drama that was resolved quickly and everybody forgot about it soon after
>Fucking cover had to reignite the flames and now everyone is shit flinging again
Not only are they a black company, they're also incompetent and dense. Unless it's their strategy to continually stoke drama every few days to remain relevant.

>> No.5282419


>> No.5282430

Stop making the same threads faggot

>> No.5282470
File: 19 KB, 365x315, wataoji.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone please make a working version of Oga`s dice game, so we can see this revolutionary game dev boomer seethe even further.

>> No.5282506
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Why not just talk to the dev? They would gladly give permission.

Pomu will be saying pussy later today, even.

>> No.5282517

No. Just let them die

>> No.5282542
File: 546 KB, 960x540, nyan ppp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that sounds amazing, pomushill

>> No.5282569
Quoted by: >>5282590

>more people on 4chan are upset that oga apologized than actually watch oga

>> No.5282590

he's objectively an idiot, a no name branch like Holostars made the company dogeza.

>> No.5282629
Quoted by: >>5282717

<cover> sorry we triggered you, kusoge dev guy
</vt/> aAAaAAaAaaaaaAAaAAA bLAckCoMPAnyYyYYYy!!!1!!!!!11!!!one
why are you retards like this.

>> No.5282717
Quoted by: >>5282967

they made 2 of their talents apologize for talking about a BL doujin, anon.

>> No.5282967
Quoted by: >>5282987

So? this is the standard practice in this situation. Cover did it, Anycolor did it, and you can be sure that if its japanese they will apologize.

>> No.5282987
Quoted by: >>5283005

Cover throw their talent under the bus far too much. That's why Coco is dying, btw.

>> No.5283005
Quoted by: >>5283045

>Cover throw their talent under the bus far too much. That's why Coco is dying, btw.

>> No.5283045
Quoted by: >>5283066

Yeah, 9 months of ignoring harassment and excluding her from projects.

>> No.5283066

>Yeah, 9 months of ignoring harassment and excluding her from projects.

>> No.5283174
Quoted by: >>5283234 >>5284197

Cover's management didn't want their talent to play the game in the first place, because of MANKO. This led to Oga creating a pseudo-fighting game, with combos and healing mechanics, that follows the same basis of the original game(spell a dirty word), but without ま in it.

>> No.5283234
Quoted by: >>5283292

nkodice is soulless without the profanity.

>> No.5283292

What the lack of manko does to a nigga.

>> No.5283408
Quoted by: >>5283592

Look at how Hoshikawa handled the game.

>> No.5283496
Quoted by: >>5283622

>make a crappy peepeepoopoo game
>someone makes a better version that doesn't just rely on peepeepoopoo humor
>throw a shitfit on twitter
Why are japs like this

>> No.5283592

>japanese humor

>> No.5283622
Quoted by: >>5284083

>the entire point of the game is being vulgar
>make a less vulgar game

>> No.5283744

Not sure how anyone could defend the nkodice dev when he went on a blogpost how he's the Leonardo DaVinci of vulgar games and how that "ma" was so integral to it. It's like sucking Phil Fish's cock to play his game, even though he's been a dick to you every step of the way and still talks trash when the initial conflict should still be over. Also Cover at fault for creating the situation to happen in the first place and still being late to apologize while throwing Oga under the bus for good measure. It won't be a big yab that kills cover. It'll be the accumulated wounds they've sustained over the years that does it.

>> No.5284083

>ma replaced by a dot that everyone knows that it's still ma
And regardless of that oga's game was clearly more focused on being a comedy game with all the over the top animations

>> No.5284141
Quoted by: >>5284187 >>5284203

And like 30 people will be watching. It will be a legendary stream!!!

>> No.5284187

even if it was 30 i'd be one of them.


>> No.5284197
Quoted by: >>5285137

bro I honestly hope the Oga continues with it

>> No.5284203
Quoted by: >>5284343

A 30 viewer stream is still better than whatever Holosharts are (allowed) to stream with Yagoo's holy blessing

>> No.5284343
Quoted by: >>5284408 >>5284944

This is cope, enjoy your toilet humor and dick joke.

>> No.5284408
File: 412 KB, 515x671, 1623301518080.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will do purityfag

>> No.5284597
Quoted by: >>5285183

Now I want to see the derivative dice game

>> No.5284943

the dev keeps pushing it, when that Nintendo game maker thing came out a few days ago, he even tried to make a snide remark saying "now don't do the same thing!!!"

>> No.5284944

Yeah, I'm glad Coco is gone too, I don't like her humor.

>> No.5285137

Nah, I think it's dead for good, but he has other games in development.

>> No.5285183
Quoted by: >>5285441


>> No.5285441

Unironically better and SOUL

>> No.5285584
File: 306 KB, 1920x1080, 1593603474424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meanwhile in nijisanji...

>> No.5285617
Quoted by: >>5285707

>all of these nijifag antis
I see, so this is why holofags hate nijisanji....

>> No.5285707

All the nijifags here are ex-holofags. Don't blame us for Cover's "no fun allowed" mentality

>> No.5285860
Quoted by: >>5285908 >>5286001

>Oga apologized on twitter AGAIN
the only star with big enough balls to reply to coco's graduation tweet... shameful to see cover force him to kneel like this

>> No.5285908

poor holostars, can't even acknowledge Coco by name and they get humiliated even more.

>> No.5286001
Quoted by: >>5286100

I'm just happy to see him back. I was gloomy the whole morning.

>> No.5286100

i'm glad he's back but i didn't want cover to bring this shit up again and point negative eyes towards him
hopefully he continues with his omaesan horror game soon

>> No.5288669


>> No.5288693
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