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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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>> No.51584340

https://www.youtube.com/live/htxEPA5YxGU at 51:55
Also Pekora's watchalong of Violet Evergarden. I bawled my eyes out alongside her.

>> No.51584345
Quoted by: >>51584594

yes, several times
I cried during Sana's graduation
I also cried during the infamous Takamori karaoke stream when Kiara was leaving for Austria
The most significant time a chuuba made me cry though was that moment early in Ame's career when she talked about how after someone she cared for passed away she has no purpose in life anymore until joining Hololive

I'm a massive fag, I know

>> No.51584359

Subaru cute Subaru cute Subaru cute Subaru cute Subaru cute Subaru cute Subaru cute Subaru cute Subaru cute Subaru cute Subaru cute Subaru cute Subaru cute Subaru cute Subaru cute Subaru cute Subaru cute Subaru cute

To answer your question, there are times when a chuuba expressing her sincere gratitude to her colleagues or fans kind of tears me up.
It's not just chuubas. Any genuine gratitude makes me kind of tear up.

>> No.51584594

>only crying over EN chuubas
anon please, the crying isn't the faggy part, the only watching vtubers you understand is

>> No.51584622

I cried multiple times during the events of my oshi leaving.
She will always be my oshi. I wont ever have another one as long as I live.
If I mention LoTR people that know will know.

>> No.51584649
Quoted by: >>51592533

When Fauna said she wasn't my friend I broke down into tears.

>> No.51586945
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Quoted by: >>51617276

Mumei at fes and also when she gets sappy about how much she loves and appreciates hoomans

>> No.51587538

when holo id covered a song i really liked in my earlier days (angelic angel) i cried while listening

>> No.51588966
File: 1.09 MB, 2244x2903, Everblue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.51589103

I cried during laplus birthday stream

>> No.51589163

Only one, when she died

>> No.51589203

yes, gura's earliest karaokes, like the campfire karaoke one. they were legendary and we'll never see anything like it ever again.

>> No.51589261

some of Mikos early streams were emotional and raw, back when she was trouble by her lack of success .

im jealous of you guys who can cry over stuff like this though, i dont even know what would make me cry, maybe if i lost an arm or something.

>> No.51589403

Gura made me cry when she sang Fly Me to the Moon in her first karaoke.


>> No.51590215
Quoted by: >>51590381

I cried during Cocos graduation.
I got a burny-nose when Ame talked about losing her purpose in life and her voice cracked while talking about it.
I almost cried the second time Fauna cried on stream.
By far, though, the most powerful moment I've ever experienced was Ame's 4th of July karaoke in 2021. I can't say why, but yeah, one of those songs helped me out a lot.

>> No.51590381
Quoted by: >>51592533

Ame found new purpose in penis. Tempus penis.
Good for her honestly, as long as she's happy.

>> No.51591298

I think I teared up a bit when I listened to the premier of that song the 4th gen did for Coco's graduation. That's about it. I have damaged tear ducts though so I'm not exactly the norm.

>> No.51592533

You ever seen the schizo threads about the girls? The girls definitely made those anons so sad they're still crying like little bitches to this day. Just look at >>51584649 and >>51590381

>> No.51593748

no, if you cry you are faggot

>> No.51594069

Kronii singing over the rainbow in an unarchived karaoke got me good. I don't even know why

>> No.51594316

didn't cry but my favorite indie graduating got me pretty good. her streams turning to shit when she joined a corp got me closer to crying to be honest

>> No.51594534

Botan breaking down when admitting she should have reached out to Coco before her graduation. Seeing her usual composed self break like that just hurt. Also Pekora crying in her karaoke right before the graduation. Shit was rough man.

>> No.51594857

Most recently was Aki thank you letter during her live, her tearing up made me tear up. Actual full tears was Sana

>> No.51598148


>> No.51598282

Sana's graduation, she had a pretty cool friendship with my oshi, so it did sting.

>> No.51598508
Quoted by: >>51629252

I cried for Rushia because she sounded like she was going to kill herself in traffic.
I'm a massive faggot, I know.

>> No.51598700

Pikamee during her 'Goodbye' video. That shit was depressing, bro.

>> No.51601243

>feel bad a 2view quits
>remember she has a boyfriend

>> No.51601324
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Quoted by: >>51602695

Back when I was a Chumbud, I cried watching Gura perform Reflect during the 3rd fes.
I haven't cried after being a sapling for half a year, but I've gotten emotional with some of Fauna's stories about Clover, and more recently with the CouncilRyS RPG of course.

>> No.51601956
Quoted by: >>51624599


Korone multiple times. And also I cried a few times during Subaru Yakuza 0 playthrough. Basically any time a vtuber really gets into the game and doesn't try to make any ironic comments at critical moments, but instead showing genuine (or at least very well-acted) emotion.

>> No.51601986

Polka talking about how those struggling with anything (iirc writing in the case of the stream) is only temporary, and to be kinder to yourself when you make these mistakes so you can look past them and improve.
Something about hearing it from my oshi hit close to home.

>> No.51602038
Quoted by: >>51602440

god i love my wife subaru

>> No.51602440

She’s not your wife bitch… Is mine!
Nice taste tho

>> No.51602695

Really? I teared up when she cried for most of the Sana scenes.

>> No.51604704
Quoted by: >>51608158

chuuba's tears KEK, calling for the akasupa i see

>> No.51604915

Rosemi posted a shitty mspaint picture she drew of herself and a rosebud last christmas and it was so cute it made me tear up a little

>> No.51605189

I mostly held it together for Sana's graduation but when they were all huddled together near the end all bawling together and struggling to speak I finally broke.

>> No.51607768
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Subaru's one stream where she talks about her house burning down and because of that she became strong-willed and optimistic.

>> No.51607905

>have I ever watched kizuna's last live

>> No.51608158

yes we know human emotions is a concept foreign to a subhuman like you

>> No.51608216

>He doesn't know

>> No.51611603

Iroha's marika speech after she got into top bracket.
Botan's song last holofes.

>> No.51616949


>> No.51617276
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Same, I'm not a very emotional person but idk why watching mumei at the fes made me feel like a proud father watching his daughter and teared up a little.

>> No.51617744
File: 1.31 MB, 1447x2046, EA6F56AD-A4B6-4891-B639-1473D6940687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Subaru helped me be a lot more emotional. Her energy is very infectious and I’m very glad to have found out about her.

>> No.51619047

When I realized Subaru will never be my girlfriend.

>> No.51619113

as much as I hate to admit it Calli's end of a life made me tear up a little (even though I generally dont watch her at all)

>> No.51619172

>https://www.youtube.com/live/htxEPA5YxGU at 51:55
I think I cried a little as well back then, at least had watery eyes, even though I didn't watch Coco and I didn't really watch Pekora either. I think I just wanted to have something to listen to when I was doing something. Didn't expect that.

>> No.51619231
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When Botan of all people started crying during her last Collab together with Coco. That broke me

>> No.51619522

yeah, that one made me feel awful even though I never watch Botan.

>> No.51619574

Sana's graduation speech, but then I found out everything she said was bullshit

>> No.51620329

from my penis, yes

>> No.51620693
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Quoted by: >>51622847

Coco's graduation
Sana's graduation
Multiple times during Kizuna's last live
More recently, my oshi once said she prays for her fanbase each night before bed and, despite having hardly ever been a religious person myself, I felt so touched when she said that, that I burst into treats

>> No.51622847

a treat a day keeps the demons away

>> No.51623625
File: 1.10 MB, 1200x667, beatus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When Beatus Creation vanished off the face of the Earth and I had not noticed for weeks...
I could not save them, nor did I even try...

>> No.51624599

I know, but I'm a sucker for a good underdog story.
Seffyna beat all the odds. She worked hard and kept smiling and streaming even though the entire KR branch was literally falling apart. She organized cross-branch events, drew assets for others, released covers on a monthly basis, and even edited some videos herself.
Her genmates are either retired or might as well be, since she barely streams.
The ex-KR branch has more retired members than active ones, and even among the active ones, almost half of them are barely alive.
Nijisanji management are the biggest numberfags there are, and many things are basically locked behind numbers, so reaching 100k is basically a lifeline.

Oyayubi too. But I guess this could also count as an underdog story.

>> No.51626552

fuck no

>> No.51627248

Yes. Since my wife passed away around a decade ago a handful of songs have made me cry almost any time I hear them, especially "Diamond Crevasse" from Macross F. I've heard a number of chuubas perform it live, but in particular there's Tokino Sora's MV of it.


>> No.51627452

Hang in there, bro.

>> No.51627483
Quoted by: >>51627547

yeah, there's a long clip around but it's when watame talked about her shitty dad saying he'd rather her be sent to an orphanage that look after her.

>> No.51627539

i think one of watames donos and her talking about it got me pretty close one time
most of them are literally just xqcl tier though

>> No.51627547


>> No.51627781

No, men aren't supposed to cry. Learn to keep it in lol.

>> No.51628025

i feel bad for you anon if you really believe this.

>> No.51628670

I hope you blow your brains out in your 50's due to thinking that learning how to properly process your emotions is not manly along with all the closeted cocksucking boomers.

Oh and I hope you get AIDS one way or another. In fact I hope you already have AIDS. Maybe you learned to keep it in because you were molested? God I hope you were, that'd explain why you're such an insufferable faggot.

Only if you're serious, of course. If you're not then haha good one, mate.

>> No.51629061

I tear up listening to Our Bright Parade and Shiny Smiling Story, if Mr. Koro starts crying it usually sets me off as well. I held it together through all of Sana's graduation until that cartoon at the end with the fucking bread dog and then i bawled.

>> No.51629252

But she had a boyfriend. Not like she got dumped

>> No.51629401
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>Has a chuuba ever made you cry?
I'm a haaton, there's no tears in my body anymore.

>> No.51629678

I watch streams like i watch movies, with some alcohol beside me so i cried once or twice.

She got lots of hate when she acted cool about Aloes graduation, later she said her Manager suggest not breaking character that early. Both Lamy and Watame said Botan is emotionaly weak so she went all out on Cocos graduation.

>> No.51629824

hey man, I'm sorry for your loss (even if it was ten years ago) and hope you're in a better place now.

>> No.51630228

God damn. Same. She has for a long time been the, "strong type" and hearing her apologize and start to cry just got me. I think everyone started tearing up as well.

>> No.51631810
File: 363 KB, 528x528, 1660456784609532.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That Sana/Kobo stream. That stream was scientifically designed to be the saddest most brutal fucking thing ever witnessed. It just kept getting worse and worse every minute. When you thought it couldn't possibly get any sadder, Kobo pulled out a fucking guitar and sung a song she made through tears. Looking back its actually comical how overly miserable that stream was.

>> No.51631861
File: 299 KB, 1252x2048, EhG7KREVkAADtiF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, every time I see shion

>> No.51631904

You know that you can include the timestamp in the link right?

>> No.51631967


>> No.51631974

>starts out as a fun goofy stream
>they are both having a great time
>at some point randomly in the stream you can pin point the exact moment Kobo realized this was the last stream they'd ever have together
>everything grinded to a halt and the entire stream imploded
Boy that stream sure was something...

>> No.51632002

The arsonist? Mori Calliope.

>> No.51632007

I never cried watching chuuba, mostly because why would I cry if they are making me happy

>> No.51632204

>giving indie 2views a pity view
>it's some positive reinforcement asmr nonsense
>man, it's pretty sad that there are people out there who need to hear this shit
>it's me, i needed to hear it

>> No.51632320

This, that one hit me like a fucking truck like nothing else has in terms of chuubas.

>> No.51632432

nah her literally saying "Do you have to go?" and begging her to stay was just unfair.

>> No.51635635

Any JP that cries during an FFX playthrough always makes me cry. lmao
