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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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>> No.50858873
Quoted by: >>50859842

why are vtuber fans such melodramatic faggots?

>> No.50858938

I do… not the same as before tho, the same for Fubuki’s words… with that being said I like (almost) all of the girls and I wish they can live a happy life with or without Hololive

>> No.50858953

ShilloX killed the magic. It's just like any other character-based Japanese brand now.

>> No.50858976

No. They debuted males in the west purely out of financial reasons, trying to replicate Luxiems success. Yes its a corpo. Yes their sole purpose is to make money. But to give your fans a middle finger like that is shockingly tone deaf.
inb4 "ackshually, its Yagoos pet project and he always wanted to debut males..."
Yeah yeah, whatever cope you wanna use to justify that dogshit.

>> No.50858980

Friend is still there so yes

>> No.50858984

I guess I dislike some things about hololive and some members of the company, but at the end of the day I only watch holo girls and I only come here to talk about holo girls and that’s been consistent ever since I first started watching vtubers a couple years ago

>> No.50859022
Quoted by: >>50860436

Not after Coco.

>> No.50859033

Hard to say hololive already hit the 1 in a million stats with its jp roster, holoips are not immortal a day will come where the current once retire, can hololive produce another talent at the level of pekora? suisei, miko, aqua, subaru all of them are essential for the brand current success and they need many talents of this level active at all times to not decline.

>> No.50859049
File: 44 KB, 577x656, 1672281622664692.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you're a fan of JP nothing has changed over the past few years, if anything JP is doing better than ever.

>> No.50859064
File: 1.66 MB, 1200x2100, 95667523_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50859876

No, not in the slightest, and I never believed her when she spouted this nonsense. I love her to bits, but not for a second did I ever think she'd put her professional career on the line for integrity's sake.

>> No.50859066

JP is utterly soulless these days. It feels like nijiJP with the constant tournament spam.

>> No.50859092

tournaments are peak entertainment, what the fuck are you talking about

>> No.50859099
Quoted by: >>50860652

Like the same five Holomems are, and others are not. To ignore and leave behind those that are not isn't in the spirit of Hololive, no?

>> No.50859116

>nothing has changed
>Lamy slowly eased out of the GFE gimmick

>> No.50859117
Quoted by: >>50859148

how many tournaments have there been in the past 6 months? 2?

>> No.50859141
Quoted by: >>50859165

seems like a good thing for her own mental health as well as the mental health of her schizo viewers.

>> No.50859148
Quoted by: >>50859245

>God Field
Pretty sure there's like 2 more.

>> No.50859151

It's still keeping my oshi's dream alive, so yes.

>> No.50859157

You dont even speak japanese so please shut the fuck up.

>> No.50859159
Quoted by: >>50859476

Because she realised most of her fans aren‘t parasocial unicorn creeps

>> No.50859165
Quoted by: >>50859193

>it's okay when JP does it

>> No.50859184

I put a Hololive stream on and my mood improves
Simple as

>> No.50859193

there's nothing wrong with not being a gfe chuuba.

>> No.50859208
Quoted by: >>50859254

JP's magic died when they ousted Rushia. Now it's just NijiJP with slightly less males.

>> No.50859245

Minecraft sport fest probably soon, and no that one apex with ollie doesn't count.

>> No.50859254

t. rushia

>> No.50859476
Quoted by: >>50861032

Im not a unicorn or a creep and I find the GFE gimmick quite cute. I dont take it too seriously and Im sure 90% of the GFE enjoyers think the same way but it only takes a few actual schizos to ruin everything.

>> No.50859538
Quoted by: >>50859685

No I only have faith in Hololive JP
HoloEN is dying a very slow death
And ID doesn't look like it's doing so well either but I don't know what the normal is over there so I won't call it dying

>> No.50859541
Quoted by: >>50860673

both can be true. Stars is Yagoo‘s pet project, and he probably used Luxiem‘s success to justify a western branch for his precious babies lmao

>> No.50859555
Quoted by: >>50859685

JP yes. EN fuck no. ID don't care.

>> No.50859685
Quoted by: >>50859823

You can't separate them. That Niji behaviour.

>> No.50859823
Quoted by: >>50859867

The management can. That would be the right move.

>> No.50859842

This was the last thing in their life, and they feel threatened by anything that could change it.

>> No.50859867

Then I wouldn't have faith in such a buglike management.

>> No.50859876
Quoted by: >>50860072

Would you have said the same thing before she gave up her chinese audience? They were practically half her audience at the time and she gave them up without hesitation just for one person, I think she has a lot more integrity that you give her credit for. Yeah she's a lot more popular nowadays but I think there's a lot more to her words than just "nonsense."

>> No.50859885
Quoted by: >>50859970

>pekora? suisei, miko, aqua, subaru
just scatter the streets for girls, but not the Tokyo or Osaka streets
You will not find anything worty there
Go to the country side

>> No.50859970

All these girls have grown with hololive that is the thing, it is truly very different to produce a talent of there level from newer generations.

>> No.50859997

No it's clear everyone behind it, namely on the EN side, is fucking retarded
I only care about Fauna and Mooms at this point
Also Ina because she's sex, but everyone else I couldn't care less about anymore, sadly

>> No.50860072

That reason, plus her actions during every single graduation and her insistence on supporting Coco, are part of the reason I have infinite respect for her. But I think her views of management and the fans' views are very different. I happen to hate Cover management with a passion, and think they need to reduce staff numbers by about two thirds.
I also think that in the event of her resignation, they'd have her insist her love for the company profusely.

>> No.50860344
Quoted by: >>50870309

>But to give your fans a middle finger like that is shockingly tone deaf.
You sound like the retards on /jp/ who were seething when the EN branch was released.

>> No.50860426
Quoted by: >>50875566

Nope, even with Fubukis words.
They are spreading themselves too thin and it is having negative impacts on the talents to a way more noticeable degree the past year and a bit.
Many of them have even mentioned how busier they are these days and how "hololive has changed".
While I wouldn't want to see it, I see someone dropping out this year, if not then next. (and that's ignoring Haachama, who likely will drop out from education stresses building up and her lack of interest)

I'd give anything for the simpler days of pre-2020 to come back.

>> No.50860436
Quoted by: >>50864724

Yeah, Hololive recruitment lost all of their magic once it turned out they are not absolute.
Hitomi Chris, Coco, Rushia, Sana, Laplus and many more.
Just how the hell they thought accepting all of those whore are good idea.

>> No.50860465

>they need to reduce staff numbers by about two thirds
Baffling post, why don't you watch nijisanji or vshojo at this point?

>> No.50860488
File: 81 KB, 400x400, gigachad0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50860599

always had faith on HoloJP, never had faith on EN at the first place

>> No.50860490
Quoted by: >>50860505

Even more baffling post.

>> No.50860505
Quoted by: >>50860524

What are you asking for? More talent freedom?

>> No.50860524


>> No.50860546
Quoted by: >>50860605

I'm not sure how management of the company truly is but I can definitely see you disliking it, especially if you're an EN fan, I'm not a huge fan of their decisions either. But if she resigned I think it'll be out of retirement instead of hating her work, if she actually dared to speak against hololive I'm pretty sure she would be fired, I doubt she'd get a graduation in the first place and that would tell people everything. If staff were to make her friend's actively have a bad time I'm pretty sure she wouldn't stand for it, people like to say she has power in the company but I think that just comes from her seniority as well as her making good decisions and not getting into shit. I doubt it will ever come to this, but I believe her word even if it's somewhat naive.

>> No.50860564

Fubuki is still around so I still do.

>> No.50860599
Quoted by: >>50860621

You enjoyed Stars invading the New Years event?

>> No.50860605

>especially if you're an EN fan,
Not a snowball's chance in hell. Anyway, the point is moot because she's still around and enjoying her job. Hopefully it'll never come to that which we speak of, although if it does... I hope she returns to lewd visual novels.

Shikonbu rise up!

>> No.50860617

JP is doing amazingly, ID is doing great, EN has fired Omega into the sun and is slowly getting back on track.
Yeah, all in all Hololive is doing well and despite all the hick-ups has one of the best chubba management out there.

>> No.50860621

JP stars are fine. They're not w*stoids and they understand idol culture.

>> No.50860652

Maybe you should wait a month or two until you regurgitate that bullshit. Aki just had two 3D lives in a row.

>> No.50860657

You are actually the meme. I wish anons that suck off JP management solely because it's literally "management, JP" would just keep quiet instead.

>> No.50860673

I mean only a retarded faggot wouldn't have see this coming even though the signs are there.
>But there won't be a StarsID
Who really knows? It's not impossible. It wouldn't surprise me if they released HoloKR at some point.

>> No.50860682

>understand idol culture.
(You) dont understand idol culture

>> No.50860709

>Hates westoids
>Has the understanding of a westoid faggot

>> No.50860817

still believes that hololive is the best group either for fans or chuubas, but fbk can go eat shit with her retarded promise. one died and another got fired yet she still sits on her throne claiming it's all sunshine and happiness in hololand. fuck her and her lying bitch mouth

>> No.50860885
Quoted by: >>50861681

fubuki is a soulless corporate mouthpiece. you're just falling for the company line if you trust her words.

>> No.50860961

Absolutely and I have faith they will eradicate bait shit like OP.

>> No.50861032
Quoted by: >>50861046

Yep, that's what I was afraid with her and Chloe. Only takes one bad egg to cause another 02-24-2022.

>> No.50861046
Quoted by: >>50861094

Who cares about that batshit crazy maniac? She did it to herself. We're talking about actual sad stuff, not taking out the trash here, son.

>> No.50861094

My oshis do. Admittedly, she could have handled it better but you gotta ask, what prompted her? That's right, the culture.

>> No.50861619
File: 2.37 MB, 1920x1080, fbk a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you still have faith in Hololive, in its entirety?

>> No.50861642

Having hundreds of employees who either do jackshit or work on Cover‘s retarded vr attempts is a complete waste.
Cover is bloated as fuck with people whose jobs are entirely superflous for improving the actual vtubing part of the company and serve either no role at all or work on the dumb projects cover keeps doing to pretend it‘s a tech company.

>> No.50861681

nijichinks really are disgusting

>> No.50861770

I started watching hololive because of coco and i stopped watching when she left

>> No.50861845
File: 732 KB, 324x372, rentfree[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fanrx3b.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50861919
Quoted by: >>50861970

Hope you're enjoying your talent freedom LOL

>> No.50861970
Quoted by: >>50863143

Yes i am actually

>> No.50862034

Kinda funny how much they failed with that, you don't expand to new audience at the time your base is not properly satisfied this can only backfire in the long run and it did.

>> No.50862069

I lost faith in hololive when coco left and senchou stopped taking care of her throat

>> No.50862110
File: 351 KB, 1448x2048, IMG_0814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My one and only kamioshi and the only one who still gives me hope

>> No.50862154


>> No.50862398

I do but not nearly as much faith as I have in op's ability to suck as much cock as possible in any given day.

>> No.50862808

fubuki is a homocollabor so her presence does the opposite for me, so long as fubuki is there I will not trust hololive

>> No.50863143

Is this how gays "own" le incels? Your homos are an embarrassment to a big corpo like hololive and they tried several times to give them a chance both on JP and EN sides, and they flopped miserably every single time.
Kys retard Kson is a flesh streamer whore that shows her ass and shaved her pussy on stream as her real self, not even behind an avatar. People like you just brought in the most basic vanilla twith faggotry into vtubing.

>> No.50863186

Fubuki friendzones you during regular streams, but then sucks your dick in ASMR in membership streams. The ultimate hypocrite.

>> No.50863276

You’re actually insane
Stop repeating this lie everywhere

>> No.50863523
Quoted by: >>50864163

>s a flesh streamer whore that shows her ass and shaved her pussy on stream as her real self, not even behind an avatar.
like holomens jp?

>> No.50863826


>> No.50863876

It's simple for me. Friend is still there so I still have hope.

>> No.50863904

Who cares, just don't watch the dudes

>> No.50863950

I've already been betrayed by every other corpo or group aside from HoloJP. They will always be there for me.

>> No.50864146
Quoted by: >>50864256

Never had any to begin with. Money hungry streamers brought the hobby to ruin. I fucking hate streamers and their low effort content.

>> No.50864163
Quoted by: >>50871405

on their vtubing accounts? i dont remember ever seeing that. but homobeggars and niji trannoids have to resort to doxx info as expected. go back to iketog you aids ridden subhuman.

>> No.50864172

foobs hasn't left so yes

>> No.50864235
Quoted by: >>50864403


>> No.50864256

Their content is never tailored for the audience. Everything is picked for the algo boost and fans are just kinda there for a ride. Sad part is that so many imbeciles actually enjoy the algo boost meta gaming.

>> No.50864403

The fact that your types are all over reddit and twitter crying about collabs and BEGGING people to watch your failures really shows who is seething.
My favorite homobeggar tactic is how you pretend to be fans of some girl, and then all of a sudden, completely "organically, start bringing up stars and pushing for collabs. kek you trannies are way too obvious. At least homo haters are honest. You are just slimey to the bone.

>> No.50864543
File: 344 KB, 2013x1246, 1662989622973379.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Getting EN and ID in JP lives
>My oshi isn't dying anymore and her most recent health concern was "does not blink enough"
My faith is immense compared to how it was around this time last year.

>> No.50864559

Hololive paid the price

>> No.50864618

>sucks your dick in ASMR in membership streams
never seen proof of this

>> No.50864724

ESL CHAMA, the fuck are you on about ?

>> No.50864809
File: 50 KB, 456x449, 1646887422117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50871373

Risu and Kaela are all I care about now. Fuck everyone else

>> No.50865664

No wonder omega was fired. Tempus are mostly 3views now

>> No.50866181

The Burger AlienCatFox is right and Hololive lives on

>> No.50866227

never had any for ENside and im always worried if the girls, managers, management or culture will invade JPside

>> No.50867391
Quoted by: >>50870274

Money was reason enough for Cover to release 2 or 3 gens of Tempus. Yagoo delaying EN3 so he could boost Tempus by having management focus on them is another example of why holostars is considered his pet project. He wants holostars to be more popular which is why he supports the holoPro marketing in the EN branch.

>> No.50870274

EN3 woulda earned much more

>> No.50870309

They were correct

>> No.50871373
File: 178 KB, 1215x296, 1681140648294668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50871405


>> No.50871543

Coco put placed her faith on hololive and assigned her managers that made her life a living hell until she decided to quit "for the good of the company" only for cover to also kill their chink market and now begging chinks to come back via tempiss

>> No.50871855
Quoted by: >>50885225

Fubuki literally owns stakes in the company, lmao@the idiots who believed her

>> No.50872987

Hololive JP? Absolutely.
Hololive EN? Not at all, it's ruined.

>> No.50875333

Why so melodramatic?

>> No.50875444

>nothing has changed
Fucking delusional

>> No.50875566

>I'd give anything for the simpler days of pre-2020 to come back.
Same anon same
I think many of the talents would too

>> No.50875676

HoloJP is still good but HoloJP pre-2021 was way better.

>> No.50875705

Thats not hypocritical, that's just a good friend.

>> No.50875761


>> No.50879649

i get the feeling holoJP and EN are laying a little low, both waiting for those cover side projects to be released. the SNS and holoEarth are probably promoted with a new JP gen which will be integrated and active there from the start

>> No.50879700


>> No.50882651
Quoted by: >>50885205

why are vtuber fans such melodramatic faggots?

>> No.50885018

My faith in fbk is infinite.

>> No.50885141

well, FBK is still there, so yes

>> No.50885205

do you realize where you are retard?

>> No.50885225

Cover doesn't let the talents buy into the company.

>> No.50885771

why wouldnt i

>> No.50887124

Not after what happened to Aloe

>> No.50887874

The funny part about this is that they literally had to hide the homos performance so the investors wouldn't tell Yagoo to axe his retarded pet project. Yet they're still going all in on them. No matter how much money they sink into them it won't matter. Tempus are 3views now.
It's sad that Yagoo and the other retards in management have forgotten their roots and the formula that worked.

>> No.50887884

I have faith in HoloJP and ID, that's about it.

>> No.50889230
Quoted by: >>50889556

I do but I also know there are lies behind. I can't see how holomems say laplus is a good girl after all the disgusting shit she's done. They are either lying to keep the kayfabe for the fans' sake or management is making them do it. If they seriously think she's a nice person then they either don't know what she's done or are just unfathomably retarded.
>inb4 qrd on laplus
not spoonfeeding. it's been talked here already.

>> No.50889556

>not spoonfeeding. it's been talked here already.
The only thing I've seen about Laplus is her promoting her RM account on a Holo stream
I'd agree that was a bad move but she got enough shit for it
>after all the disgusting shit she's done
if you meant anything else by that you will have to spoonfeed it, I will not take your word for it if you only vaguepost or tell people to do archive reps on nothing more than Laplus' name to go on which will lead to tens of thousands of posts
