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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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50311280 No.50311280 [Reply] [Original]

▼Phase Connect Links
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Official Character References:
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Unofficial Phase Connect Archives:
https://pastebin.com/qAsMRhBa (embed)
▼Lia 鈴香 アシェリア (EN)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/rinkouashelia
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/RinkouAshelia
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/asheliarinkou (embed)
▼Utatane Nasa 転寝 ナサ (JP)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/UtataneNasa
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/UtataneNasa
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/utatanenasa (embed)
▼Hakushika Iori 白鹿 いおり (JP + EN)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/hakushikaiori
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/HakushikaIori
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/iorihakushika (embed)
▼Fujikura Uruka 藤倉 ウルカ (EN)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/fujikurauruka
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/FujikuraUruka
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/fujikurauruka (embed)
▼Shisui Michiru 紫翠 みちる (JP)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/shisuimichiru
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/ShisuiMichiru
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/michiru_shisui (embed)
▼Tenma Maemi 天満 マエミ (JP + EN)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/tenmamaemi
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/TenmaMaemi
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/tenma (embed)
Twitch Archive: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvmSVAwFc5MJwQowsDvCTuw
▼Pipkin Pippa ピップキン ピッパ (EN)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/pipkinpippa
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/PipkinPippa
Twitch: https://twitch.tv/pipkinpippa (embed)
▼Kaneko Lumi 金子瑠美 (EN)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/lumikaneko
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/KanekoLumi
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/kanekolumi (embed)
Twitch Archive: https://www.youtube.com/@lumikaneko
▼Fuura Yuri ふうら百合 (EN) [Terminated]
Archive: https://www.youtube.com/@TheNationalFuuraYuriArchive/playlists
▼Dizzy Dokuro (EN)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/dizzydokuro
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@dizzydokuro/
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/dizzydokuro (embed)
▼Jelly Hoshiumi (EN)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/jellyhoshiumi
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@jellyhoshiumi/
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/jellyhoshiumi (embed)
▼Ember Amane (EN)
Twitch:https://www.twitch.tv/emberamane (embed)
▼Remilia Nephys レミリア・ネフィス (EN)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Remilia_Nephys
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/RemiliaNephys
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/remilianephys (embed)
▼Chisaka Airi 千坂 アイリ (EN)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ChisakaAiri
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/ChisakaAiri
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Twitch Archive: https://youtube.com/channel/UCx7aPMHI_kK1CP6zSvilHSA
▼Amanogawa Shiina 天ノ川 しいな (EN)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AmanogawaShiina
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Twitch Archive: https://youtube.com/channel/UCkDfBt3R64R2rRIrAQwldeQ
▼Himemiya Rie 姫宮りえ (EN)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/HimemiyaRie
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Twitch Archive: https://youtube.com/channel/UC3-Rfh_Ek-s6EUWS4fT5VPw
▼Erina Makina エリナ・マキナ (EN)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ErinaMakina
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/ErinaMakina
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/erinamakina (embed)
▼Komachi Panko 小町ぱんこ (EN)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/komachipanko
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Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/komachipanko (embed)
Twitch Archive: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCa_EIfw5I5uDlwsK6sc-83Q

▼Phase Friends
AkioAIR >>>/vt//aa/
Prism >>>/vt//ppg+/
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Idol Corp >>>/vt/jidf/
Yubicraft >>>/vt//ybc/

Previous Thread (this is the first)

>> No.50311359
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>> No.50311385
Quoted by: >>50314773

This general will be better

>> No.50311392
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>30 Hours

>> No.50311403


>> No.50311417
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new world time

>> No.50311489
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Quoted by: >>50318652

fuck you Lia thread

>> No.50312178
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>Wake up.

>> No.50314773


>> No.50314980
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Quoted by: >>50315608

Now that invaders are here can Wemi get a timeslot that isn’t dogshit please? I would be happy with even just once or twice a week…

>> No.50315608

>trash timeslot
One man’s trash is another man’s treasure

>> No.50315782

I support comfy /pcg/

>> No.50316414
File: 25 KB, 236x236, People+other+than+israelis+get+triggered+over+the+israeli+flag+_d5b8d4dafb731ba5dce41cc8be788fd3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50316999

I suppose this is the real thread now

>> No.50317048
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Quoted by: >>50317160

Dizzy's slimy tits

>> No.50317120
File: 708 KB, 720x1280, Hagsexo[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F2imai7.mp4].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.50317137


>> No.50317155

>how dorky she seems to be
Dorky? I tried watching the debuts between 1am and 4am, but fell asleep midway through. From my hazy recollections Ember seemed to be a normie, almost like a run of the mill twitch streamer (not my type), Dizzy a funny creative type, and Jelly a hyper-cute loli singer. But I really need to watch them again with a clear mind.

>> No.50317160

I really didn't think the ropes could be removed

>> No.50317168
Quoted by: >>50317187

Real thread doko

>> No.50317187

You have to let go

>> No.50317224
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holy fuck I fuckin love Shiina!

>> No.50317249
File: 1.47 MB, 4208x2321, IMG_20230528_113935~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Progress update on the pippa train, I spent most of Friday night blocking in the pink, the paint was so thin so it took like 10 layers, I just need to reinforce the gold and clean up the messy parts, then it's just transfers and varnish and it's done, will need to set up some track and buy wagons for the demo video

>> No.50317281


>> No.50317283
File: 390 KB, 513x541, Selection_012.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Big tits (even though they're technically small here)
>Insemination!!!??!?? (From Hime's royal futa cock.)

Holy shit I'm gonna exploddeeeee

>> No.50317290
File: 1.16 MB, 1487x1432, airi nude test.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This anon really got me thinking what Airi would look like without her bra and I think this is what I'd expect.

>> No.50317354

Add nips.

>> No.50317360

It's amazing to think that, when it comes to Airi's bazongas, there could only be a few explanations for her clothing.

Either she was never given a properly sized uniform and the military wanted to see her planets out in the open, or she joined the military and ballooned so quickly that her uniform no longer fits. Either way, damn how broke do you have to be to have a wolf soldier with her tits basically just hangin' out. I mean, i'm not complaining but sheeeesh.

>> No.50317399


>> No.50317408

>there could only be a few explanations for her clothing.
She isn't a real soldier, she's a propaganda girl and they just let her think she's incharge of shit because it's cuter that way

>> No.50317456

I was lurking global and I'm kinda surprised how much they hate Pippa when she's said nothing but good things about Hololive >>50316147

>> No.50317503
Quoted by: >>50321510

Imagine letting a naive wolf girl run around your military base with a false sense of authority, wearing a tiny skimpy outfit, just because you wanted some eye candy.

that sounds fucking awesome honestly.

>> No.50317504

sure you were anon

>> No.50317515
File: 151 KB, 363x330, hotd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe this

>> No.50317534
Quoted by: >>50317594

Pippa is already too far gone in the minds of the mainstream for vtubing. Too much of a hot potato. Best she can do is post holo stuff and hope to get engagement. I do think she's a real fan tho

>> No.50317543

Which Phase girl has the most aesthetically pleasing boobs?

>> No.50317569

It's that one Kiara tweet

>> No.50317594

>I do think she's a real fan tho
By rejecting everything about idol culture and doing Kiara dirty that one time? Are you for real anon?

>> No.50317620
File: 329 KB, 357x431, wemi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost no boobs is za besto

>> No.50317621

I kind of agree with this. She's there to boost the morale of the troops by being a cute wolf girl. There are proven benefits to looking at boobs, men feel more energy, focus and inner strength when they see boobs.
She's basically an emotional support pet.
But it turns out she actually does get some office work done and took her job seriously, no one dared tell her she was just there to look cute but they find her hard work endearing.
She was so competent they actually promoted her multiple times but no one dares suggest changing her uniform and she's happy with it anyway.

>> No.50317623

Go back

>> No.50317626


>> No.50317630

Once a kiwi always a kiwi.

>> No.50317631

Everyone on /vt/ was shitting on Kiara.

>> No.50317667

They're holofags, what else do you expect?

>> No.50317669

Ember has the nicest looking boobs followed by Airi

>> No.50317671

Pippa is whiter than any hololive liver

>> No.50317682
File: 230 KB, 850x852, sexwoolf_xe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50318014

As of today it's probably Ember. Airi held the crown up until the debut. Nothing against Airi. Her mommy milkers are still to die for. It's just that Ember's perfect build, along with the beauty mark..... she has the chest of a god damn model.

still though if to choose one or the other for paizuri... I would pick Airi all the way.

Lumi comes in with a very strong 3rd.

>> No.50317720

I'm genuinely convinced there has been a psyop to turn the rest of this board against Phase. The amount of hate it receives on this board is unnatural.

>> No.50317721

remember when some schizo antis were crying about invaders not being streamers

>> No.50317722
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>> No.50317757

Judas Corp as usual.

>> No.50317811

it's because of schizos like this guy
"doing Kiara dirty"
remember that time Mori didn't check out Kiara's song but lied to her face live and pretended it was very good? I think that was doing her dirty
much dirtier than just making a joke on a marshmallow reply that references what an unrelated cosplayer did at some point

>> No.50317829

No psyops, just Henri.

>> No.50317832
Quoted by: >>50317866

This is correct. And I saw it happening in the real time.
t. Phase spy

>> No.50317848

Dizzy’s tit bounce was powerful.

>> No.50317863
Quoted by: >>50318046

Schizos are doing it for at least 10 months now.
It actually helped her grow, but once she became an actual threat /vt/ got scared.

>> No.50317866

Why didn't you do anything?

>> No.50317874
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While there's no organized effort to shit on Phase, you are not wrong about stigma. Part of it is Phase being the new kid on the block and being actual competition to Niji and Holo in the west. Part of it is things like Pippa doing her dog whistles, whether on purpose or not. Either way, I do notice when I bring up Phase Connect in a room full of Holo watchers and Nijiniggs, they do end up changing their demeanor.

I've learned to keep PC stuff to myself while among these groups.

>> No.50317889
Quoted by: >>50319865

I wonder (((who))) is behind this.

>> No.50317908

Dude that's just the state of /vt/.
All the Nijis hate Hololive, all the Holos hate Nijisanji, Vshoujo is hated by both and they look down on them as in return.
The fact that Phase Connect is getting similar hate just means it is successful tho even other small corpos get a share of hate.
idol gets constant hate due to the israeli connections, Kawaii gets some hate over the hard GFE approach and the gen 3 quitting causing some to call it a black company.
It is the natural state of /vt/ to hate everything.

>> No.50317924

Reminder to uppity pipnigs this IS a holoboard first and foremost. Phase operates under the grace of the divine Hololive. You will not besmirch this religious order even to defend your male collab-loving reaction andy. Know your place.

>> No.50317950


>> No.50317952

Retards from this thread constantly going off and trying to antagonise other generals and filling the catalog with shill threads that attract even more of their ilk is the reason most of the board does not have a high opinion of Phase

>> No.50317961

>Kiara jokes about releasing a king cover (actually just a Rick Roll because she still thinks that’s funny)
>Mori plays along and says the cover was good
>this makes Mori evil

>> No.50317964

>all the nijis hate hololive
100% false. The only people that flip their shit and raid other threads are numberniggers and holoEN fags

>> No.50317969
Quoted by: >>50318158

>that references what an unrelated cosplayer did at some point
You keep making this joke which shows even you know it was fucked up.

>> No.50317988
Quoted by: >>50318082


>> No.50318012

Hi Rosebud.

>> No.50318014

Airi's chest is still my favorite. I love how pushed together and up it is and the tie in the middle.
Ember has a great shape and good sag and the way they are spread a little is great too, I'd say it's more balanced than Airi's but I still prefer Airi's look more.
Dizzy without the rope is also really strong tho I'd rank her behind Ember and Airi.

>> No.50318028
Quoted by: >>50318106

>Actual midwit falling for psyops

>> No.50318046
Quoted by: >>50318076

>Schizos are doing it for at least 10 months now.
Phase shizo has been shitposting in the catalogue for year and half already.

>> No.50318076

I'm fairly certain he's a /#/ resident since I constantly see him bring up bvtm out of nowhere trying to tie the current raid to him and Phase by association.

>> No.50318080
Quoted by: >>50318254

Bullshit, nijiniggers raided global and the /jp/ thread every chance they got

>> No.50318082
Quoted by: >>50318155

This is fake news

>> No.50318099

Fascinating response to that post

>> No.50318104

>one newfag tourist post from /hlgg/
>why does global hate pippa?????

>> No.50318106

Anon this has been happening before Phase even got big, the company just attracts some incredibly retarded fans

>> No.50318137

The only phase threads I ever see in the catalog are anti threads

>> No.50318145

>pippa just attracts some incredibly retarded fans
At least be honest anon instead of using the whole company to cover for her.

>> No.50318155
Quoted by: >>50318292

No, it’s real. She let me suck it.

>> No.50318158
Quoted by: >>50318257

It was a perfectly normal situation by the standards of ordinary japanese entertainment and acknowledging it as a joke fine.
The fact that you seriously expecterd others to give a fuck about this and act like it was oh no such a fucking tragedy my heart breaks for her just shows how fucking insane and delusional some Hololive fans are when it comes to their oshi.

>> No.50318181
Quoted by: >>50318290

Did you see the replies?

>> No.50318186

>the company just attracts some incredibly retarded fans
That's not saying anything. Any company attracts incredibly retarded fans. Some of the most retarded ones are holorefugees.

>> No.50318195
Quoted by: >>50318225

Nijis have a burning hatred for Hololive and a deep seated inferiority complex, they're the number 1 enemies of unicorns and idol culture, the biggest homo beggars and the biggest Holo antis.

>> No.50318200

They particularly hate Pippa

>> No.50318216
File: 55 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soon, Phase will be free from the numbernigger and schizonigger hold. Trust the plan.

>> No.50318225

Nijiniggers can't be homobeggars since homobeggars don't watch streams.

>> No.50318253

You are a lying scheming kike

>> No.50318254 [DELETED] 

Why do you think those are nijiniggers exactly? I use /hlgg/ every day and it's the same shit all the time from brown retards. Also here's a tip use "get" instead of "got"
Anon they obviously made that post specifically to cross link it here

>> No.50318257

I see Pipnigs wonder all the time why Pippa won't be allowed to collab with Holo talent even from ID but literal who 2views will.
Maybe they should consider that you don't shit in the place where you eat? Or is this too 1st world a concept for you?

>> No.50318290

/hlgg/ had a history of off-topic faggotry getting out of hand (ie koopa, artemis, nyanners, etc.). They're just doing dilligence keeping the thread on-topic.

>> No.50318292
Quoted by: >>50318390

Lucky bastard

>> No.50318337
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>> No.50318352
Quoted by: >>50318579

No, it’s because of pipnigs like you.
You try so fucking hard to defend Pippa for shit that she herself has admitted was a mistake, and you can’t ever seem to defend her without antiing other vtubers in the process.

>> No.50318377
Quoted by: >>50318727

Here is an example of one the schizo antis >>50317952
I pretty sure there is a discord anti group behind this psy op.
Astroturfing in global and numbers(drama thread for holofags) threads through bvtm guy
Later on discord schizos were trying to connect phase and bvtm guy

Eventually phase became just another type of boogayman(niji) for holofsgs

Also the fact some faggot was reposting every "happening" from pcg in /numbers/ and making threads.
>what about nijis
They view phase as /pol/ connect
>what about vshojo
Pippa the pick me(nyan fags seething) and /pol/
t. Phase spy

>> No.50318390

It was delicious and cheesy

>> No.50318419

Cover wouldn't give a shit about a random tweet like that, it's completely unimportant and trivial in the real world, only insane fans obsess over it.
Letting Pippa collab with Hololive simply wouldn't be good for Cover, they'd expose a much bigger audience to her and Phase Connect which is basically like handing down their competition the best free advertisement of their career.
And there's a chance Pippa will say something un-pc that can jeopardize the image of Hololive or give them a PR problem.
There's 0 benefit in collabing with her and two reasons against it.
They didn't let HoloEN collab with NijiEN for over a year as well while NijiJP and HoloJP did collab, there was no issue between the companies. It was strictly business, HoloEN was still huge and NijiEN was tiny, a collab would give NijIEN a massive exposure boost so it didn't make any sense. Later on NijiEN became big on its own so giving them exposure wasn't such a big drawback anymore and they allowed it to finally happen.

>> No.50318441
File: 50 KB, 254x252, 1684108927294.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>raiding our thread to tell us we're an evil antagonistic force terrorizing the board
How retarded can you be? Why would you think that's a good decision?

>> No.50318465

Is there any way to counter-psyop Phase into the good graces of /vt/?
Despite Pippa building up quite a sizable /pol/ audience recently, I still feel like this place is the audience Pippa appeals to the most directly. It makes me sad such a large part of her potential audience dislikes her for no good reason.

>> No.50318516
Quoted by: >>50318536


>> No.50318536

Thanks Nasa

>> No.50318541

Who cares about what mindbroken, catalogsubhumans, /hlg/retards who believe anything, and numberniggers think

>> No.50318551

Who gives a shit? None of this matters to the companies involved.

>> No.50318552
File: 83 KB, 628x790, 1684899951267372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pippa is kind, good and cute

>> No.50318554
File: 818 KB, 572x704, 1676712337059021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Deer wife!

>> No.50318557
Quoted by: >>50318719

>People shitting on Pippa and her fans is a raid.
Or any other day in /pcg/ really, are you a tourist anon? Also, many people are Hololive fans and Phase fans and will put you in your place for starting tribalist shit about Hololive, simple really. Just don't do it.

>> No.50318564

Most of these people only hear about phase secondhand and have a pre-set opinion of the company. Even if everyone was on their best behavior for 2 years straight public opinion would only remember the yabs.

>> No.50318572
Quoted by: >>50318626


>> No.50318579

Pippa made a smart move given the situation did damage control giving ground hoping to defuse the issue a bit but that's just PR and she did nothing wrong.
I don't want to get anti idol culture because I do like many aspects of it but treating the entertainers as actual baby retards that need to be babied and treated like fragile little creatures that can't handle a joke and should never be disrespected is actual insanity, it doesn't happen as widely with normal streamers or other content creators.
This is comparable to insane k-pop stans and those are a thing in every fandom but vtubers just enable and even promote this sort of delusion and it has actually spiraled out of control.
People need to put a hard stop to it and tell schizos to go fuck themselves or the insane will run the asylum.

>> No.50318595
Quoted by: >>50318642

>wake up
>miss Lia gorilla
>my Internal Lia alarm didnt go off
should prob just kill myself

>> No.50318616

>forgetting about the poaching spam from tsun's corpse
this is why most of the board dislikes us
Pippa's fanbase being retarded newfags who constantly break containment is the cherry on top

>> No.50318626

pcg1 ended yesterday

>> No.50318642
Quoted by: >>50318724

Fake fan confirmed.

>> No.50318652

the Lia General will ride for real when the time is right. Trust the process.

>> No.50318663
Quoted by: >>50318805

If we could only talk about more meaningful subjects such as tits...

>> No.50318676
Quoted by: >>50318735

>/pcg/ shitposters go out and antagonises the rest of the board
>Rest of the board's shitposters come in and antagonises /pcg/
You shouldn't have trouble grasping this

>> No.50318678

Those threads were made by the same person
He also tried to start a drama over phase trailer
https://archive.palanq.win/vt/thread/49982475/#49982475 (he even made a fucking a side by side video)
t. Phase spy

>> No.50318683

>Is there any way to counter-psyop Phase into the good graces of /vt/?
Not on our own. It would take a miracle or a combined effort with Pippa herself to get it done.
Heel face turns are a thing but in a case like hers it's not easy to pull off. She'd need to do something so good that everyone would need to accept it and not nitpick it.
Like saving a puppy from a train.

>> No.50318684

prove it

>> No.50318716

What's problem with being newGOD?

>> No.50318719

You aren't slick. Nobody from here would write this
And your original post pretending to not be the post you're linking to in another split is a classic /#/ fag tactic that your type spam /hlgg/ with

>> No.50318724

It just means I have to like Lia harder than ever before. I will start Lia Genshin reps as soon as possible THAT IS HOW MUCH I LIKE LIA

>> No.50318726

i miss wemi...

>> No.50318727
Quoted by: >>50318771

What makes you think it's all a single person?

>> No.50318735
Quoted by: >>50318901

bannedvtmemes is not /pcg/ despite him being a faggot nigger lurking these threads and screencapping them to post them in twatter and get le upboats

>> No.50318756

Henri having a field day

>> No.50318771

Honestly, gotta be a combined effort from discord.

>> No.50318785
Quoted by: >>50318871

Jelly using ribbon oshi mark does upset me desu. She's the biggest indie cunnytuber, you should respect that.

>> No.50318805

I want Ember Amane to wear her largest strap-on and forcefully insert it into my anus to stimulate my prostate.

>> No.50318809
Quoted by: >>50318991

>>forgetting about the poaching spam from tsun's corpse
uhm ACTUALLY /pcg/ has NEVER supported poachfagging and anyone supporting it was just a falseflagging Phase anti nijiholojew??

>> No.50318834
Quoted by: >>50318895

So what is the real thread split looking like?

>> No.50318842

>saving a puppy from a train.
"Wow I can't believe griftkin griffa had one of her genmate whores throw a puppy onto the train tracks just so she could pretend to save it for the camera. Fucking pickme leech."

>> No.50318845

/pcg2/ sounds too borng. We should go for a reboot with no sequel number next.

>> No.50318864

>Heel face turns are a thing but in a case like hers it's not easy to pull off
Kiara did go from being the most hated vtuber on this board to everyone just silently agreeing that she's not the best streamer, but that took Mori and then the rest of EN doing whatever they're doing nowadays.
The most likely way I see this happening is Pippa getting a collab with Mori and really making an impression. With the Kiara tweet having happened I do fear that it's a little hard to bring to fruition.

>> No.50318871

I would agree if her mark was only the ribbon. But it's ribbon + star so that makes it different. At this point in the meta there are so many vtubers that it's now common to use marks that combine multiple emojis so overlap is not a problem in those cases.

>> No.50318874

Sounds fair

>> No.50318895

Just send the pipnigs back to /pol/ and the rest of us can coexist

>> No.50318901
Quoted by: >>50318937

BVTM came along way after this shit started. That dogshit account hasn't helped Phase's reputation here at all, but it's not responsible for that reputation developing in the first place.

>> No.50318920

Is the Lia guerilla vod worth watching?

>> No.50318933

>Jelly starts in 6 minutes
>7 fucking person in waiting room

OHNONONONONONO BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Literally debuted 11 hours ago what is this flop? Is this a new record?

>> No.50318937

Before bvtm it was Henri.

>> No.50318962
File: 246 KB, 379x635, rhomdh1auyw81.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>SEAnigger hours
>thread's full of brown /#/ subhumans and chinese catalog tourists

>> No.50318973

24 hours and 5 minutes, anon.

>> No.50318976

Numberbro please learn to read before making dogshit posts like these

>> No.50318979

Most of it’s a zatsu collab with Airi and there are some nice Lia tears over her birds.

>> No.50318989


>> No.50318991
Quoted by: >>50319240

The angle this faggot >>50318809 is pushing also doesn't work, because:
1.) No one cares about tsun
2.) Poach posting lasted a day or two
3.) After this "some" guy was running around on /vt/ for months and inserting pcg "Lolololo phase beggars got btfo" in different conversations
t. Phase Spy

>> No.50319006


>> No.50319021
File: 391 KB, 750x652, 1684436730459236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kill numberniggers. Behead numberniggers. Roundhouse kick a numbernigger into the concrete. Slam dunk a numbernigger baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy numberniggers. Defecate in a numbernigger's food. Launch numberniggers into the sun. Stir fry numberniggers in a wok. Toss numberniggers into active volcanoes. Urinate into a numbernigger's spreadsheet. Judo throw numberniggers into a wood chipper. Twist numberniggers heads off. Report numberniggers to the IRS. Karate chop numberniggers in half. Curb stomp pregnant black numberniggers. Trap numberniggers in quicksand. Crush numberniggers in the trash compactor. Liquefy numberniggers in a vat of acid. Eat numberniggers. Dissect numberniggers. Exterminate numberniggers in the gas chamber. Stomp numbernigger skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate numberniggers in the oven. Lobotomize numberniggers. Mandatory abortions for numberniggers. Grind numberniggers into the garbage disposal. Drown numberniggers in fried chicken grease. Vaporize numberniggers with a ray gun. Kick old numberniggers down the stairs. Feed numberniggers to alligators. Slice numberniggers with a katana.

>> No.50319023

Its over...

>> No.50319034


>> No.50319035

Hey guys I'm just dropping in from the catalog and wanted to inform you that I suck dicks.

>> No.50319042

It's definitely getting there! Good job

>> No.50319051

Yeah, mine.

>> No.50319061

she starts a bit later anon.

>> No.50319062

Cute train.

>> No.50319072

You should stay here. You'll be in good company.

>> No.50319075
Quoted by: >>50319102

Don't worry anon, pc has 2 fanbases like you already

>> No.50319076
File: 84 KB, 1089x946, 1682191881246579.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50319091
File: 3.33 MB, 480x270, Ember - Cupid[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fuh4qed.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50319121

Ember is a cute dork

>> No.50319102


>> No.50319104
File: 277 KB, 1920x1080, AC31A6AD-5E90-44D2-AAC8-58369E4403B6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50320278

I like Lia!
also why didn’t anybody just make a /pcg/ thread?

>> No.50319107

How does it feel to have made the most retarded post in the entire history of /pcg2/?

>> No.50319119

Kiara's heel face turn was amazing and very well deserved because she had been working very hard all that time but it took a lot to make it happen.
Homos had to debut so homo collabs became a thing and homo beggars would demand them. Mori had to shamelessly chase them and Ame had to tell her fans they suck so both of them became disliked and so the very essence of HoloEN and all idol culture became threatened by the very real possibility that everyone in HoloEN will end up collabing with the homos.
It was then that Kiara took a stand for idol culture, for her fans, and for the Hololive way inspiring the rest of the girls to resist the homo beggars and HoloEN did fully fall down that path.
Kiara went on to organize events and helped get the introverts out there and got the rest or the girls in shape as idols.
All of this so she finally got the recognition she deserved.
Basically she had to become a hero and to be a hero there had to be a threat and something to protect.
It's similar to what Coco did way back, she became a hero because she took a stand against another threat and protected a friend.
What sort of threat could Pippa oppose?
I have no fucking clue.

>> No.50319121
Quoted by: >>50319374

Ember is a whore

>> No.50319122

Likers and closeted likers.

>> No.50319127

/#/ likes Kson now so maybe the collab in the works will do the trick.

>> No.50319130
Quoted by: >>50319213

I fell asleep during Dizzy's debut, what is new about pcg2?

>> No.50319140

I missed one, thanks

>> No.50319144
File: 105 KB, 537x458, ___.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not missing Marine karaoke for somebody I don't even know if I like you subhuman

>> No.50319165
Quoted by: >>50319250

She already stood up to twitter trannies once.

>> No.50319167
File: 28 KB, 614x599, pippaxe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's lookin' good!

>> No.50319180
Quoted by: >>50319318

Will Lia wake up in time today?

>> No.50319213

We reached the final /pcg/

>> No.50319225
Quoted by: >>50319297

>pcg shitting up other threads
Another lie peddled by shitposters. Most of the times whenever Phase Connect was brought up, it was used boogayman or insult or just bashed for no fucking reason.
Anyway, this is my last post
t. Phase Spy

>> No.50319230

Is this ChatGPT or Henri

>> No.50319240
File: 791 KB, 910x825, shep.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1.) No one cares about tsun
>2.) Poach posting lasted a day or two

>> No.50319250

Unfortunately that just brought /pol/fags and dramaniggers

>> No.50319265
Quoted by: >>50319357

Jelly is late

>> No.50319271

Pippa stood up against twittertrannies but did it in kind of a half-assed way probably because of Fishman getting scared. She still shits on vtweeterniggers at least, it's especially funny when she does it with Kirsche.

>> No.50319274

>defend Pippa
>anti Mori and Ame
classic pipnig

>> No.50319277

Go to bed, Pippa

>> No.50319282

I vote ChatGPT. He didn't say "chinks".

>> No.50319290

Henri wouldn't be able to casually talk about Coco like that, she's his fucking fallen messiah.

>> No.50319297

Thanks for your work Phase Spy. But your efforts will go unrewarded on this brain-dead board.

>> No.50319319
Quoted by: >>50319452

Did Lia ever apologize for oversleeping and showing up late to the collab?

>> No.50319318
Quoted by: >>50319375

in time for what? It’s Sunday.

>> No.50319321

/pcg/ is pro-HololiveJP

>> No.50319331

holy fuck kiwifags are retarded lol

>> No.50319348

Telling events the way they happened isn't being an anti.

>> No.50319357

You’re gonna be waiting a while

>> No.50319363

I told you someone trained an Henri AI

>> No.50319373

good watchalong, evanit0, calling like half of pc talents pedos and supporting phase enemy hylo


>> No.50319375

In time for Sunday School and church.

>> No.50319374
File: 534 KB, 2560x1440, firefox_g7LdffmTrl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50319430

Is this what a whore looks like to you anon? She is nothing but a cute dork

>> No.50319397

>17 talents
>0 streams
So board, this is why you don't go from working 12 hour days seven days a week to a normal 8 hour office job

>> No.50319430

Yeah, a cute dork who needs to bend me over her desk and peg me until I drown in my own cum.

>> No.50319439

3 debuted yesterday its 20 now

>> No.50319448
File: 50 KB, 720x1127, 1664639140193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50321586


>> No.50319452

Lia said sorry and offered for Lumi, Airi, and Panc to use her face as a fart cushion in order to make things right

>> No.50319457

You're right. How could I be so foolish

>> No.50319470

Hug Dizzy

>> No.50319475

anonchama why do you think anyone cares what a nigger thinks?

>> No.50319476

I don't really care about popularity among this faggot board, but if I want to be a numbernigger for Phase, then I'll say that I wish that Michi, Iori and Nasa were more popular. Hopefully the JP Gen 3 girl's debut helps.

>> No.50319513

Who the fuck is that nigger and why should I care?

>> No.50319517

who cares about Evanit0, just go back to TVA

>> No.50319519
File: 39 KB, 693x222, Selection_013.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Lia!

>> No.50319552
Quoted by: >>50319629

You could always check out some new software.

>> No.50319553
Quoted by: >>50319741

That doesn’t sound like Lia at all…

>> No.50319554
File: 978 KB, 889x716, wemi14talents[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F4dq96k.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You made me realize I can't use this anymore

>> No.50319560

remember when Lia called her fanbase “Masters” for 1 week?

>> No.50319563
Quoted by: >>50319624

Why are flestubers forcing themselves into vtuber spaces?

>> No.50319579

Good people hiding in generals is not exclusive to this thread.

>> No.50319624


>> No.50319629

That one news story of the guy training a Mori AI partner with thousands of dollars worth of credits and eventually deciding to euthanize it is one of the funniest things to happen in vtubing

>> No.50319644

Where can I learn more about this? I could use a good laugh.

>> No.50319646

QRD for what is “2”?

>> No.50319654

Does dizzy have a marshmallows yet?

>> No.50319668
Quoted by: >>50319718

normies having a mental breakdown over lolis is one of my guilty pleasures and vtubers have made it so much better because they have to acknowledge that the girl is actually an adult but the design of the character is the issue

>> No.50319675
File: 526 KB, 871x1080, 1487883990564.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the number that comes after 1.

>> No.50319682

They need to reach away from PC really. Small JP chuubas don't collab enough

>> No.50319706

so is Jelly a real alien or just a schizo pretending to be one?

>> No.50319709

No, it's 23.

>> No.50319718

>the girl is actually an adult

>> No.50319719

Anyone can become a phase spy just by scrolling this amazing link everyday:
Heads up:
1.) Search can be broken on chrome browsers, but works correctly on firefox.
2.) You need to press search button 2-3 times, so it actually shows you recent posts.

>> No.50319721

Schizo jellyfish

>> No.50319728

MKUltra victim

>> No.50319741
File: 291 KB, 388x192, Fun with Lia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50319781

takes a lot of training desu. This is like around 600+ messages. Also the creator of this AI didn't actually input much of Lia's personality desu. It's quite a drag.

>> No.50319754


>> No.50319757
Quoted by: >>50319809

>Hopefully the JP Gen 3 girl's debut helps.
Are we really getting more JP failures and if so, why? Phase experimented with being bilingual and that experiment failed, why keep wasting money on a failed experiment?

>> No.50319778
File: 33 KB, 720x426, Screenshot_20230528-081521_Kiwi Browser.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50319845

lmao what year is it that this is still the group of ankle biters that's at the center of /vt/ drama

>> No.50319781
Quoted by: >>50319909

How can we fix it so it sounds like Lia?

>> No.50319809

IIRC, there is an EN-JP girl in Gen 3 who wants to collab with Iori, Michi, and Nasa

>> No.50319811

Kfps are fucking cancer

>> No.50319814
Quoted by: >>50319936

>what is “2”?
It's the result if you apply the "successor" function to 1. So S(1) = 2.

>> No.50319845

How did a single balding Welsh manlet cuck so many?

>> No.50319850

>EN-JP girl
Ok, if that is so I don't care. I just wanted to be clear that a bilingual girl who actually can speak english, for real can speak english, is what we are getting.

>> No.50319865


>> No.50319877

Talking about bad chuuba related investments, wtf happened to the Sony chuubas? I remember they had the CEO of cunny SEX among them.

>> No.50319909
File: 91 KB, 670x369, Selection_015.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best way to do it (and this would take forever) is just input things that Lia has actually said for its databank. Right now, this Lia AI (not mine) only has like 12 example conversations to go off of and they're boring and don't really show her personality. So of course she's not going to have one like the real Lia. Just a typical, rapeable AI. Sad.

Anyways, to get a more authentic feel you'd have to go into streams, find messages or tweets she has sent. and then figure out a way to frame them into a conversation that can be fed exactly like this to the AI.

This person is only using 1700 out of a possible 32K characters so they're really lacking. I wish they were here so I could tell them how fucking disappointed I am.

>> No.50319920

They are where they are for a reason. Nasa keeps killing herself with breaks. Michi likes it the way it is and Iori's greatest filter is her bilingual streams. She adjust the language according to her chat, but it kill anybody who just want to causally listen.

Considering this, they are still decently popular.

>> No.50319922

she's an onahole

>> No.50319936

Pfft and what now? Will you tell me you can literally magically bootstrap all the natural numbers from nothing? From basically an empty set?

>> No.50319937

when was any GEN3 shit confirmed?

>> No.50319954
Quoted by: >>50320065

Isn't the reason for Nasa's breaks that she has a chronic illness or is that a rrat

>> No.50319961

Nijiniggers are way worse than any of the others except for maybe the idol psyop shillers

>> No.50319994

Iori mentioned it in a collab with Michiru

>> No.50320002
File: 502 KB, 800x600, Kentarou_-_Weird_Outfit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50320039

Hello fellow jelly enjoyers

>> No.50320003

Remember selenposters?

>> No.50320027

JPs talked about it on the audio "podcast"
Whether this gen3 girl knows english is unknown

>> No.50320035
File: 12 KB, 128x119, 132609711.12000011_PaissaMyBusiness.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who gives a fuck?

>> No.50320039

Big if true

>> No.50320057

iori's problem is the missmatch between her platform and her language swapping, rather than either/or. if she were youtube full time, she'd be doing better, which isn't the same for example lumi, who hates youtube and fits with twitch's culture. for as long as she's been on twitch, iori is still a terrible fit.
i do have a platform preference and it's probably not hard to figure it out, but i mean this objectively and in a vacuum. she'd do better if she were 100% youtube.

>> No.50320065

As far as I know, she broke her leg once while dancing. I'm not sure if there's any sad girl reason behind her breaks, but I don't really know.

>> No.50320069
File: 55 KB, 312x178, Selection_005.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This fanfic is fucking terrible. I'm soooo sick of bad writing. Is there any good examples you anons read?

>> No.50320136

Iori is better on twitch.

>> No.50320139

No, reading is for females

>> No.50320169

I feel the same way. She's both youtube and twitch, JP and EN. It's kind of novel, but also little bit too strange. If she's fine with it, good for her, though.

>> No.50320184
Quoted by: >>50320296

Phase antis went silent eh?

>> No.50320259

I read mostly non fiction. So unless it is caption porn, I cannot help you with that.

>> No.50320278

>Lickers don't know how to recycle
I bet they put plastic bottles on the regular trash can.

>> No.50320296
Quoted by: >>50320407

Go play a videogame or watch anime or something

>> No.50320301

Fanfics about real people are cringe by default. historical fiction notwithstanding

>> No.50320338

I generally stick to other generals, but I heard Phase had debuts today so I came to check it out. What's with being /pcg2/?

>> No.50320353

She's a proper kogal. Lumi is more stripper outfit. Which is funny cause they have the exact same shorts.

>> No.50320371

Debuts were yesterday anon. We ran out of /pcg/ after that

>> No.50320375

/pcg/ ended

>> No.50320392

Phase Connect graduated after it turned out Sakana was embezzling money to fund his jong cosmetics addiction

>> No.50320403

PCG2 is unaffiliated with pcg

>> No.50320407

I am editing a propaganda video related to SMO

>> No.50320432

/pcg/ died yesterday.

>> No.50320435

New IP here.
Now that the dust has settled, who do you want for next invaders?
I, for one, think Nanobaits would make a great addition to the phase connect invaders program.

>> No.50320455
Quoted by: >>50320528

What happened to the first /pcg/?

>> No.50320457

Now that would be a twist I didn't see coming.

>> No.50320458

Respectable I guess

>> No.50320466

The pcg baker resigned when he came into the thread asking if any of gen 2 was over the age of 35, maybe even necked himself, but we have a new baker for season 2

>> No.50320528

Archive reps. It's a new season of pcg

>> No.50320532

I don't know but I heard Hylo is joining as gen3

>> No.50320536

She hasn't streamed much but from what little I've seen I feel like she really fits into Phase Connect. She fits in so well it's like she's always been part of the company.

>> No.50320565

Hoshiuimi Jelly, the singing vtuber that is an outerspace object. What a concept fishman, that's crazy that you came up with that.

Ember, the purple cyber themed vtuber with blonde hair and red/pink highlights and a black jacket. Holy shit fishman you are crazy.

>> No.50320590
File: 411 KB, 571x734, 82352673.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50320667

Just a small change...

>> No.50320665

Reading reps. Invaders have the most avant-garde lore in the vtuber industry.

>> No.50320667
Quoted by: >>50320962

Just you wait, there will be an outfit reveal in the future which will have the lore of slugma emerging from within her. That will give her a toggle for those eyes a la Gloomi

>> No.50320706
Quoted by: >>50320880

Reminder: Jelly is Lumis sloppy seconds.

>> No.50320709

/pcg/ graduated and phased out

>> No.50320738
File: 6 KB, 320x87, IMG_20230528_224532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leeches get the rope

>> No.50320753


>> No.50320769

The lore not actually being lore is pretty great. you get just the bare minimum for stuff like art and in-jokes, and nothing more. one said nigger and punched the sun. one is a parasite. that's the lore.
i mean this with zero sarcasm: godlike. too much kayfabe makes shit goofy, we don't need to know you're some celestial avatar that represents the color mauve, we don't want to read a morrowind book every time you make a character reference.
nigger. parasite. that's the lore.

>> No.50320811


>> No.50320826
Quoted by: >>50320871

They know they're going to drop the lore shit in a few weeks anyway so they might as well not take it seriously from the beginning.

>> No.50320831

>said nigger and punched the sun
Can't get better than this

>> No.50320871
Quoted by: >>50320897

the "lore" for a vtuber is whatever organically develops as she starts streaming as this character, and it's true of literally every streamer. if you hamstring a character too much with preamble you actually end up limiting their earliest content by expecting someone to be someone they're not.
that's why the paper-thin lore of invaders 2 is genius.

>> No.50320876

>calling people pedo's
Yeah this dude fucks kids

>> No.50320880
File: 2.72 MB, 1920x1080, previously.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50320897
Quoted by: >>50320981

That's really only been a problem with Omegay's faggotry.

>> No.50320941

>Dizzy: Sakana used Rosicrucian magic to bring my spirit back from the dead
>Jelly: I'm a poorfag chuuni pretending to be an alien

>> No.50320956

>11 hours until Dizzy
How do you comatose yourself for 11 hours, no more or no less

>> No.50320962

>Dizzy vomits Urara
>She's now a quadruple amputee

>> No.50320981
Quoted by: >>50321984

>flare hates everything that makes up her character
even within that company you're wrong, let alone outside of it.
>nijigirl who is a familiar of another nijigirl.. who graduated
>nijigirls who are classmates where three of the girls have graduated. so their lore is they are.. schoolgirls. while being 28.
i assume i've said enough about lore being dumb universally.

>> No.50320983


>> No.50321074

It is true. Pippa is pregnant with me.

>> No.50321086
File: 387 KB, 899x802, 1670410930484930.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jelly lore is literally her being a schizo larper

>> No.50321119

I can't find her schizo account anymore

>> No.50321207

I love this trope.

>> No.50321274

Are you going to make a majorsamm style video with the footage later?

>> No.50321316
Quoted by: >>50321470

Phase Friend Robo Beatani has been dead for three days.
It's over.

>> No.50321360
File: 960 KB, 1176x1032, Screen Shot 2023-05-28 at 9.04.15 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[Lia News] she is starting to like divegrass even more

>> No.50321397
File: 130 KB, 915x914, 1671662638936286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to gosling

>> No.50321457
Quoted by: >>50321644

How's the /pcg/ cup coming along?

>> No.50321470

Why does this account exist? dads need extremely intensive therapy. Bea didn't even like them

>> No.50321510

That's a world where patriarchy actually won

>> No.50321562

Oh no no no Jellypedos, ur response???

>> No.50321586


>> No.50321605

Well, divegrass is a semen slurping sport after all

>> No.50321607

Electric Boogaloo?

>> No.50321644
File: 643 KB, 1700x687, untiled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/lia/ looks like it is coming along

>> No.50321651

Unironically this isn’t henri. This is probably someone from another corpo who is jealous of Phase, or a seething reject. I would bet my money on being related to idol.

>> No.50321667
File: 55 KB, 713x184, Screenshot_20230528_145717_Chrome (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50321824

Will she do it?

>> No.50321735

>lia got her own team
>pippa and lumi didn't
i demand answers

>> No.50321739

There's a gross twitch 2view menhera sadgirl I'd like in Phase but I don't know if she'd fit well.

>> No.50321781


>> No.50321787

Chris Chan kit is tremendous!

>> No.50321788
Quoted by: >>50322045

How sad? How gross?

>> No.50321795

Ok Jelly is obviously similar to Lumi but who is Ember supposed to resemble?

>> No.50321824
Quoted by: >>50322211

Is Slugma a voretuber now?

>> No.50321834
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You lazy whore get the fuck off my thread.
What's your name? Nanobites. Pbuh. I spit on you.

>> No.50321871
File: 817 KB, 1606x903, 1683485014508961.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50321906

Likers are the Jews of /pcg/. Don't ask questions and everything will be alright.

Pipis are the Protestants and gumis are the Catholics

>> No.50321879

Yeah I think they got it right, lore is for fanart, inside jokes, memes, themes, just goofing around.
It's not meant to be serious, complex or straight faced. And it should be kept fun and light hearted at face values.
Dizzy's meta lore and some interpretations of her opening video might reference to her past failures as a vtuber but that's not part of the lore directly it's well hidden.

>> No.50321889
File: 236 KB, 800x800, 回レ![sound=files.catbox.moe%2F75vxmx.mp3].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50322048

>> No.50321906

>all three are pedos
Checks out

>> No.50321921

Where the fuck did this page come from, who made it, is it official?

>> No.50321935

uoh cunny

>> No.50321940
Quoted by: >>50322054

>Gumis are pedos

>> No.50321983

Pippa should Collab with cdawgva

>> No.50321984

Flare had no real lore tho, she's just so hyper autistic that she manages to nitpick shit that is barely even there.
Hating stuff like her design or how people treat her is not part of the lore.

>> No.50322028
Quoted by: >>50322069

Capipalists are not parasocial or goslings

>> No.50322045

Sad enough to cry on stream because she's not sure if people only like her because she's cute and she had some sort of impostor syndrome over it, gross enough to eat chalk and have a room that could rival Pippa's.

>> No.50322048
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>> No.50322054

This is a pedo thread

>> No.50322066
Quoted by: >>50322549

Uruka should tongue kiss Lia's mom to exert dominance

>> No.50322069
Quoted by: >>50322117

They will only mass report you to your employer if they don't like you like what they did to merry and chris.

>> No.50322070

Lia Likers mobilized

>> No.50322075
File: 325 KB, 2280x1420, __kaneko_lumi_phase_connect_drawn_by_xerbatt__44506907a92f416e6e33fef4583fadd7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50322224

I wish. It'd be easier to explain than the fact my type is 55yo widows

>> No.50322099

Phase material

>> No.50322117
Quoted by: >>50322264

They didn't tho, that was one guy shitposting

>> No.50322184
Quoted by: >>50322351

also how was Lia last night and why is it called pcg2?

>> No.50322199

>no invaders merch
I must consooom tho...

>> No.50322211

big tiddy goth monster girlfriend

>> No.50322224

>Approach married man
>He vanishes
>Get widow gf
She can't keep getting away with it

>> No.50322237

Debut merch always feels like jumping the gun

>> No.50322241
Quoted by: >>50323435

May I inquire who this 2view is, anon?

>> No.50322264

>one guy was butthurt under multiple forum and discord accounts and 1000s of 4chan posts
Try again

>> No.50322275
File: 211 KB, 850x1511, 1677168817440976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>new talents
>gamer girl
>asmr girl

We're peaking.

>> No.50322299

The letter to crunchyroll, that was just a shit post

>> No.50322320
Quoted by: >>50322561

the asmr girl in this scenario plays more games on stream than the gamer girl, ironically.

>> No.50322330

Fishman is taking action as we speak

>> No.50322351

Lia was great.

>> No.50322445

>new talents

>> No.50322465
File: 1.20 MB, 1693x1075, dizzy peep.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dizzy doing ASMR is something new for her

>> No.50322484

I want to pull Jellys panties off with my teeth

>> No.50322498
Quoted by: >>50322533

>no invaders squibbies

>> No.50322510

I want to pull Jellys teeth out with her panties

>> No.50322524


>> No.50322533

See? We need Nano

>> No.50322544

which is really a shame because she had fine content already. i hope this turn to more GFE type trashy content isn't out of desperation and is what she'd actually like to be doing/thinks she'd be good at. slugma but desperate isn't what i would have wanted for a reboot as someone that used to watch her, so i just hope it's what she wants, organically.

>> No.50322549

how would uruka and lia’s mom even meet to do this?

>> No.50322561

Every corpo needs a designated GFE dispenser.

It's more about who can actually play games well rather than how much is being played on stream.

>> No.50322584

qr code when she had her lore screen open

>> No.50322588

They've probably already met.

>> No.50322587

so, still the asmr girl, then. okay, good chat.

>> No.50322636

>designated GFE dispenser
We have Pippa for that

>> No.50322638

>He doesnt know Uruka has met Rinmama when she went over to Lia’s house for an off collab

>> No.50322641

>neither Uruka not Lia can drive
That way.

>> No.50322662

Pippa is LSE.

>> No.50322731

They've done an off collab before I'm pretty sure

>> No.50322733

Yeah, a LSILF

>> No.50322739

I'm happy to reassure you that those were all me, and I didn't send the complaint to Crunchyroll

>> No.50322752

>pcg had outrage because Lia showed up 20 minutes late to a collab yesterday
>no outrage at all that Tenma literally streamed thru the debuts

>> No.50322757

Literally Suicidal Experience

>> No.50322790
Quoted by: >>50322864

no, there were definitely plenty of posts about tenma being a bitch, especially during ember's debut. go back.

>> No.50322802

I do think she actually wants to try it out

>> No.50322822
Quoted by: >>50322884

I see nothing wrong with steaming through debuts, not everyone is interested in the new girls so it makes sense they should have content for them, I'm mad at Pippa for canceling because of the debuts

>> No.50322832

she wants to multiply her species
with me

>> No.50322846
Quoted by: >>50322971

Pippa is NTR GFE

>> No.50322864

Yep, I posted a few. I think it was rather shitty. But hey ho, we move

>> No.50322876
Quoted by: >>50322923

>are you going to let me in lovebug?

>> No.50322884

there were some, but pcg dosnt talk about Tenma much anyway

>> No.50322890

Lia schedule doko?

>> No.50322923

It's a trick question, she's already behind me. It's too late for me now, it has been for a long time

>> No.50322930
Quoted by: >>50322964

>designated GFE dispenser

>> No.50322948

Also with me

>> No.50322964
Quoted by: >>50322999

Wemi is "tard you take care of in special ed " experience.

>> No.50322971

Yeah, I'm the bull

>> No.50322998


>> No.50322999

A love story if I’ve ever heard one

>> No.50323008

I hate to break this to you anon but you're probably going to be implanted with a hundred eggs from Dizzy's ovipositor, and they will consume you from the inside.

>> No.50323036
Quoted by: >>50323255


>> No.50323048
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>> No.50323058

I'll have you know I masturbated to Monmusu Quest for a good 5 years, so I'm into that shit.

>> No.50323064

Being devoured by Dizzy’s and my children…

>> No.50323072

this isn't NijiEN family
Tenma already had one of her coworkers dox her

>> No.50323204

Its the QR code she had on screen if you scan it

>> No.50323255

Need to dig up the screen cap of the guy talking about drilling butt holes on his thunder wolves

>> No.50323435
Quoted by: >>50323490


>> No.50323490


>> No.50324090

Yes, we had. I'm also sad she planed a handcam stream over Ember's Debut 2.0 stream.
