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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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>> No.49865909

Thanks for the bread

WTF is genital jousting

>> No.49865990
Quoted by: >>49866146

maximum kusoge

>> No.49866069

Shitpost game

>> No.49866146

that looks fucking amazing

>> No.49866350
File: 112 KB, 850x1275, __hakos_baelz_hololive_and_2_more_drawn_by_paintrfiend__sample-23f91bc6edfe19e290d68449395fda02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Show the screenshot of Bae's discord.

>> No.49866373
Quoted by: >>49866416

>mario party 4 players only.
First Uno now this. What happened to CouncilRyS...

>> No.49866416

Good shitpost

>> No.49866421

Thanks for the bread! Can't wait for kino streams this week

>captcha: PNH S8X

>> No.49866523

If she picked mermaids tail then thank god because it'll be quick and painless that only just an hour
Those movies suck

>> No.49866538
Quoted by: >>49866552

my two oshis collabing this week, how the hell do you even watch the barbie movies I might join in lel

>> No.49866552

lel XD

>> No.49866620

You know what the worst part about this is? This watchalong is only happening because of fucking chat

>> No.49866685

The only bad thing about this week of streams is that /rrat/'s gonna be pretty insufferable this week and not just because of Barbie

>> No.49866688

I dont want to see another vesper beggar after this ever again. If a 90 minute retarded collab is what it takes for them to hopefully die, ill bite it. Probably the most insufferable chat rule breaking faggots besides the attention whores and bloggers

>> No.49866748

And you know...the homos

>> No.49866780
Quoted by: >>49866939

Just walk away from the thread as we surf page 9 like we always do. This isn't the first time we've had to scrap shitstains from the boat, as long as you ignore them

>> No.49866910

Or, you know, it happened because Bae wanted it. The only hamfisted thing is maybe Vesper, but the watchalong with Bettel was happening anyway.

>> No.49866939
Quoted by: >>49867098

I know but I do like posting about Bae here and I'd prefer my bread to be less moldy, oh wells

>> No.49866980

>trolling week
>only thing shes trolling is herself

>> No.49866995 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>49867027

NOOO SHE WAS FORCED TO DO IT! It has nothing to do with the fact that she's smart enough to have a third wheel and likes Vesper.

>> No.49866998

Yep, not sure why this rrat is coming out about her doing this because of chat. She's been wanting to do something with Bettel for a while. Or shall we call this Baettel?

>> No.49867027

>she's smart enough to have a third wheel and likes Vesper.
What do you mean by this?

>> No.49867035

Ah here comes the /mans/fags.

>> No.49867059

Holostars are off topic until the stream

>> No.49867089
Quoted by: >>49867149

>complaining about /mans/ anons in /rrat/
Tourist or retard?

>> No.49867098

this is still 4chan dude, it aint the 2000s anymore you have to expect that to happen every now and again if you come here
just thank your lucky stars your not a kronie

>> No.49867149

The /mans/fag is in fact both yes. Because they type like a passive aggressive woman and thinks none of us notice

>> No.49867165

you have a point actually

>> No.49867286

>just thank your lucky stars your not a kronie

>> No.49867321

Look, I know there's some brrats that don't mind homocollabs. There's also some brrats that don't like them.
I am among the latter, and while I don't mind if she has them, nor do I mind if you guys talk about it, I'd rather you didn't until the collab, because we're gonna be shitposted by tourist all week long.
Can we agree on that? For the sanity of the thread.

>> No.49867337

>Genital Jousting
The game looks a little too yabe for youtube. I hope Neal doesn't blow a gasket over it.

>> No.49867469

Neal should worry about youtubes naked yoga problem instead of things looked like theyre made out of clay shaped like a dick

>> No.49867589
Quoted by: >>49867613


>> No.49867613
File: 258 KB, 720x961, 1684677267294.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49867680

I also don't like them and skip them so i can agree but i don't know if the ones who like this stuff will agree

>> No.49867691

I didnt grow up Peppa Pig so I cant I know much or contribute jokes

>> No.49867702
Quoted by: >>49867764

There is gameplay and VODs of it in YT already so it's not like it's completely banned in YT

Ironically enough I heard it's banned in Twitch though

>> No.49867738
Quoted by: >>49867774

I trust my rrats anons to be as smart as their oshi and hope that you will not respond to baits during this eventful week.
See you at the Mario Party collab.

>> No.49867764

>3dpd women can bend over and flex their cameltoes 24/7 like its chaturbate
>retarded dick shaped kusoge banned


>> No.49867774
Quoted by: >>49867862

>to be as smart as their oshi
wow fuck you too

>> No.49867862


>> No.49867869
Quoted by: >>49867940

sorry, what now?

>> No.49867930

Did you have a stroke

>> No.49867935
Quoted by: >>49868392

It's honestly pretty confusing to me that it ended up happening even with that one fucking ape in chat who suggested as Bae's talked in the past about how she's careful not to do stars collabs on her channel when she does them and she can help it because she's aware they're not for everyone

>> No.49867940
Quoted by: >>49868298

My brain and fingers didn't communicate
I didn't grow up on Peppa Pig, so I cannot say I know much about it or say any jokes regarding.
Apparently its a kids show with popular reaction images adults and teenagers use on twitter and shit too.
What is it like kids show or a toddler show?

>> No.49867961

>Didn't watch Peppa Pig
Oh no, the clip channels are coming after you

>> No.49868034
Quoted by: >>49868455

Wait doesn't peppa pig have that rip the queen scene in it?

>> No.49868083

The uptick in council collabs makes me happy

>> No.49868121

>I'd rather you didn't until the collab, because we're gonna be shitposted by tourist all week long.
as someone who literally couldnt give less of a shit about the male branch, piss off man
dont come here pretending to be hall monitor and telling '' hey guys dont do this in the off case someone comes and yells like a retard''
besides what even is there to talk about? anons were discussing the logistics of how it came to be, but if that irks you so much then take a break from the threads

>> No.49868128

The uptick in stars collabs makes me happy

>> No.49868153

Dont forget to report and ignore

>> No.49868298
File: 54 KB, 238x212, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its a decent kids show. From the viewpoint of someone who has to study the ways you ''feed'' information to the the kids, its really well put together and it manages to be informative/stimulating without recurring to loud noises and flashing colors + its bri'sh so its kinda relaxing so the parents dont blow a gasket listening to it in the background.
for an adult tho? eeeeh its super basic and way too safe with its humor, but you can get a laugh of the accidental comedy and dumb dialogue/situations because they are really dumbed down so kids get it.

>> No.49868383
Quoted by: >>49868455

Oh its a UK thing, yeah that figures it went over my head and why Bae would know about it

>> No.49868392
File: 153 KB, 1149x872, yous.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which means that, contrary to what people here are saying that this is all the collab beggers' fault, this collab was planned and even greenlit (albeit in shitpost week). I hate collab beggers as much as them but the fact that this collab is happening means that it had a good chance of happening anyway. Maybe if chat didn't bring it up it wouldn't happen, maybe it still will, I really don't give a shit about the collab, I just want chat to be more behaved

And before any of you think I'm a homobeggar or /mans/fag or whatever, I don't care for the collab because again, Barbie sounds boring. If it was a different movie I might watch it but I also cbf with watchalongs in general

>> No.49868444
Quoted by: >>49868477

Man what a boring timeloop im going to play vidya

>> No.49868455

Peppa pig is so agressively british it got one of it episodes banned in aussieland.
The episode in question had peppa going ''see georgie? spiders are your friends and they cant hurt you!''

>> No.49868477

Thanks for letting us now faggot

>> No.49868512
Quoted by: >>49868564

lmao, for real?

>> No.49868522
File: 325 KB, 680x649, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49868551
Quoted by: >>49868677

Are you saying spiderbae isnt a friend?

>> No.49868564
Quoted by: >>49868645

it actually happened twice kek

>> No.49868610
Quoted by: >>49868677

Im going to bed, night anons

>> No.49868645
File: 280 KB, 1079x558, Screenshot_20230521_101942_Firefox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

U wot

>> No.49868677

she has nefarious intentions

>> No.49868776
File: 149 KB, 1067x720, 1684679017581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49868780
Quoted by: >>49868868

/mans/ are cool, it's catalog shit stirrers that love joining splits.

>> No.49868796

>Carrying a mouse
Ok, i've seen some pretty big huntsmans before but carrying a mouse?
fucken cunt musta been huge

>> No.49868868
Quoted by: >>49869219

Sure sister sure

>> No.49868871

I bought genital jousting on steam for like 10 cents on sale so i could sell my old csgo shit on the market and for shits and giggles. It is boring as hell once you get past the novelty of it for the first 5 minutes, I wonder how she’s gonna approach that stream.

>> No.49868890

thats fucken twice thes size of the biggest i've ever seen

>> No.49868929
Quoted by: >>49869035

as long as its better than the shit cat game, she can make it work

>> No.49868969

Dont see it going past 90 minutes
Honestly the entire schedule just feels like a bunch of short streams

>> No.49869012

I care so little about the EN males that this whole time thought they were called "Tempest" instead of "Tempus"

>> No.49869035
Quoted by: >>49869539

guys its bae. She's gonna spend 30 minutes laughing at the fact they are dicks, then another 30 minutes when she moves the dick and she'll cap it with an hour of malding

>> No.49869051

she said she was just going to be doing what she felt like this week so i wasn't really expecting anything too long

>> No.49869099
Quoted by: >>49869176

What is Fit for a King? Not at a computer currently

>> No.49869176

>Marry everything. Execute everything. SPEND IT ALL. Live the ultimate fantasy in this Henry VIII simulator, and humiliate France with your wealth and excess, or die trying. Who's going to stop you? God? Nope. You're also the Pope.

>> No.49869219
Quoted by: >>49869360

Sure, keep on blaming the wrong people for the messages of a few schizos, surely reflects well on you "brat". Also I have a dick thank you very much.

>> No.49869232

damn that looks like unironic ass to play.
could be fun tho, but i doubt bae will do well in these type of autistic games

>> No.49869311

What on earth? This looks like a low effort flash game

>> No.49869360
Quoted by: >>49869454

You couldve fooled us typing with a limp wrist

>> No.49869365

I'm probably looking forward to the Mario party collab out of everything. Sadly if any of you know how Mario Party works when you play with friends, this...may be the last Council collab we get for a few months...

>> No.49869413

mario party collabs are sleepy boring and overhyped imo

>> No.49869454

"Us", fuck right off faggot, I've been watching Bae since day 1.

>> No.49869483
Quoted by: >>49869522

rather than Mario Party, they should play Dokapon.
Mario party is swingy and random, Dokapon is fucking violent and merciless, and it has no logic over who gets screwed

>> No.49869496

Come on, it can turn into ragekino at the drop of a dime due to RNG
I'm fully expecting Bae or Kronii to get RNG'd

>> No.49869522

What's Dokapon?

>> No.49869539

Most accurate prediction

>> No.49869607
Quoted by: >>49869877


>> No.49869768
File: 1.20 MB, 750x1058, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49869877

a ps2 game that got re-released in switch. Think of it as Mario party but you pick an adventurer and go through the board like an RPG
Its made by psychopaths, here's some mechanics
>Thiefs will steal money/ITEMS/key items from other players when passing by
>if both of you land in a square that isnt a town or an event, both of you fight
>you can be a wizard and not roll an offensive spell for half a game
>A doctor shows up, asks you for 15K and then fucks off. you have no say on this so you go in debt if you didnt had the money
>there's a ''crit strike'' option in your RPG action wheel. it does a hugefuck ton of damage, but if enemies/players pick the parry option, then they blow your dick off
>3 turns to respawn, you can lose your weapon
>players who are doing badly can make a deal with satan, meaning that they will become jacked and can spawn monsters in the map
>you can beat up your friend to steal the key item and complete the quest
Its a game that actively encourages you to fight each other while also triying to complete a shared goal

>> No.49869771
File: 339 KB, 2294x1717, FiLyAVLXkAU7dTW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BTW im happy that mooms spended some time watching a movie with bae after the collab, she probably needed that.

>> No.49869806

They probably both needed it, GWS Mooms!

>> No.49869877
Quoted by: >>49869975

It sounds really fun, but
>3 turns to respawn
Sounds like hell for a collab

>> No.49869955


>> No.49869975

knowing the girls, yeah it would take hours to get past the starter area because dokapon is a mean game and wants you to roll perfectly for the squares (meaning that if you are 3 away and you roll a 2, then you have to roll a one next turn or back off).
But then again, they could easily play it for three hours and not get bored because hate and spite are strong motivators

>> No.49870013
Quoted by: >>49881055

Blessed owl sister healing my rat

>> No.49870046
Quoted by: >>49870087

She should move to HoloID

>> No.49870073

You should move your camping out of this split

>> No.49870087

back off Ollie, you have two gens to consensually sekuhara already

>> No.49870135
Quoted by: >>49870312


>> No.49870159

Just report and ignore, jesus. That's what we've been doing for like a year, maybe even more.
It isn't that hard: Just. Don't. Reply.

>> No.49870207
File: 89 KB, 293x322, samefag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49870312

just like in bae's chat. its just one guy.
he'll get bored of it eventually

>> No.49870304

It's really hard for some people, pls understand.

>> No.49870312
File: 434 KB, 720x1150, 1684681282507.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49871404

>baeby rat watching
My sister is like 6 years younger than Bae and she watched Peppa.
How old was Bae when she stopped watching?
>roboco pic
You're a cool guy, brrat

>> No.49870536
Quoted by: >>49870674

Peppa pig is a chick? Ive never seen the show

>> No.49870569
Quoted by: >>49870914

I like tempus

>> No.49870674


>> No.49870721

No you dont understand i need to respond to every bait as if its sincere. If i just keep doing it over and over surely I will change the mind of one retard who doesn't watch vtubers.

>> No.49870824
File: 121 KB, 1582x933, 1684038328759583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That Gartic Phone collab left me craving more Bae + Marine/Friend/Korosan interactions...

>> No.49870897

Collab was waaay too short, time flew by so fast. Hope they'll do more in the future.

>> No.49870914
Quoted by: >>49871161

Sir this is the bae thread

>> No.49871001

>perms for keyboard game
>perms for dick and balls game
Is she too powerful?

>> No.49871002

looks like they are more into mumei now.

>> No.49871056

Mumei is an enigma theyve never been introduced to much before
I dont think they even knew the extent of her artistry

>> No.49871067
File: 229 KB, 1416x2202, 1659413417480410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bae sensed this and coerced the JP girls into an onsen offcollab during her upcoming return to Japan

>> No.49871161

Stars and Tempus outpost

>> No.49871171
Quoted by: >>49871435

Just the Vesper part. Someone in chat brought him up and we got this. Bae was only thinking about Barbie movies because of Bettel's watchalong, so it makes sense he would be a part of it. I honestly dislike Vesper but if we're getting Bettel I can stomach it, I guess. Bettel and Bae are both my oshis.

>> No.49871239

Yeah i think im done bumping for the week, this shit can go die in a fire. Eat a bullet metafags

>> No.49871322

>had another extremely cursed stream idea but that will take place on another date
What do you think the stream was?

>> No.49871376
Quoted by: >>49871447

She already mentioned it in members, it's that rating brats' search history stream

>> No.49871391
Quoted by: >>49871447

It was the browsing history one

>> No.49871404

holy kek was that a real thing? the sick peppa episode

likewise, is there a bluey game for bae to play?

>> No.49871433
Quoted by: >>49871535

I'm surprised Bae hasn't brought up Huntsman spiders yet, they're one of the most cursed things that exist in Australia. I'm also surprised it took her so long to bring up bin chickens, those things are hilarious.

>> No.49871435

>Bettel and Bae are both my oshis.
Cute. I don't watch him but i heard good things

>> No.49871447

Ah was that supposed to be this week? Thought she was saying she'd like to do that in the future.

>> No.49871475
Quoted by: >>49871555

Yeah it was among the two "previews" for this week but she was really uncertain whether it was something she'd be allowed to do so it looks like it's getting delayed

>> No.49871495
Quoted by: >>49871564

She didnt have the logistics figured out

>> No.49871535
Quoted by: >>49883767

The worst fucking spider I've ever encountered where I'm at was like a wolf spider or something crawling into the bath when I was a kid, I can't even imagine how Aussies deal with living in that cursed land

>> No.49871555

I don't get the whole "possibly not allowed to do" thing, I thought mane-chan screens the submission anyway? Then again I suppose stuff like this requires more scrutiny, and given mane-chan's track record of curating submissions...

>> No.49871564

Yea which is why I didn't immediately think of that stream, but I guess it makes sense she's referring to that.

>> No.49871603
Quoted by: >>49871632

Trademark landmine
She was right in that she said most of it would just be a blurred screen if she did a screenshot and thats too much effort for a low effort concept

>> No.49871632

crap, I forgot trademark and copyright was a thing.

>> No.49871679

My guess is that it's less having to censor the yabe stuff and more all the copyright shit she'd have to potentially dodge

>> No.49871834
Quoted by: >>49871987

Play the dick games multiplayer, it has online

>> No.49871987
Quoted by: >>49872057

oh nyo do I have to buy this game...

>> No.49872030 [SPOILER] 
File: 55 KB, 720x960, tumblr_peu7am8Umk1xdd5cco1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49872163

Ive never heard of this "Peppa Pig" series, but why would Bae want to play something like picrel?
I'm literally shaking and crying rn

>> No.49872055
File: 2.89 MB, 960x540, penises.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This game has multiplayer
> The goal of Genital Jousting's multiplayer is to penetrate the the asshole of other genitals and cumb in them, as well as not getting fucked yourself
>Quite literally
>If Bae plays multiplayer, the brats will have to do this

>> No.49872057

Fwiw its a devolver digital game. Games a huge shitpost


>> No.49872107

Yeah... i think we're sticking with story mode

>> No.49872147

Forget Bae, I'm going to penetrate each and every one of you brrats and mane-chan

>> No.49872163

Holy shit I saw a spoiler and expected fucking Quan-chi and got jumpscared

>> No.49872219
Quoted by: >>49872279

Hasn't Bae been a little TOO horny lately?

>> No.49872235 [SPOILER] 
File: 104 KB, 1280x720, Love ya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

boo nigga

>> No.49872245
File: 315 KB, 455x453, EVgowDEWoAAk0Md.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49872324

At least take us all out to dinner first, Brrat...

>> No.49872279

listen man, i've been busy

>> No.49872291

Sorry about that Brrat, I felt like spooking at least one person today. You have a good rest of your day.

>> No.49872324

don't worry, we're definitely having brratling stew for dinner first

>> No.49872330
File: 40 KB, 566x638, 1675484288912985.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I'm not ready for my anal debut...

>> No.49872419

that bald fuck has made me extremely cautious about spoiler images and the fact he sometimes switches off spoiler text makes me fall for it
I know you are reading this, fuck you

>> No.49872581
File: 6 KB, 225x225, download (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pffft, Quan-chi doesn't possess even a fraction of the power I do!

>> No.49872671

Markiplier has played this dick game

>> No.49872789

I'm pretty sure all the big youtubers around that time gave this game a shot for the one-time shitpost value

>> No.49872881

Pretty much all the big youtubers/streamers played this, it's an old popular shitpost game.

>> No.49872983 [SPOILER] 
File: 74 KB, 500x584, whooley.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49873058
File: 456 KB, 1422x2048, FwpVmeGaYAM33JS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49873162
Quoted by: >>49873193


>> No.49873193

She's waiting for me to cuddle her

>> No.49873217


>> No.49873251
Quoted by: >>49874792



>> No.49873275



>> No.49873278
File: 409 KB, 720x732, 1673322738883367.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49873370

Is she ogey?

>> No.49873481

Clingy attached rat girlfriend missed me...

>> No.49873511

>announce a guerilla
>show up late to it

>> No.49873691


>> No.49873762


>> No.49873943
Quoted by: >>49874194

I'm 2 minutes late to the karaoke AAAAAA that's 2 minutes of cute sleepy Bae that I missed ;_;

wom wotah

>> No.49873971

I didn't even get a notification for this!

>> No.49874188

We didnt have much notice in general

>> No.49874194
Quoted by: >>49874452

you missed the cutest and sleepiest Bae...

>> No.49874289
File: 229 KB, 480x480, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry bro, can i get a quick rep?

>> No.49874452

We got any based brrats with with clips of the sleepy rat tho?

>> No.49874571 [DELETED] 

enjoy it anons, this is her farewell stream

>> No.49874628
Quoted by: >>49874732

>Scarborough Fair
Most blessed stream

>> No.49874732

I love this version of scarborough fair
That anime that used this song tho...whew....

>> No.49874792
Quoted by: >>49874923


>> No.49874923
Quoted by: >>49875025

Just start archiving, it should still get it from the start.

>> No.49874986
Quoted by: >>49875024

There will be links relax

>> No.49875024

nope, i ate all of them. yum!

>> No.49875025
File: 141 KB, 526x526, 1684687585526.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm on mobile rn

>> No.49875134

Why does she sleep like such shit, she has sleep schedule of me when I was a NEET

>> No.49875276

Insomnia is a friend that will be with you till the day you die

>> No.49875333

>She's young
>she has friends over the world
>her work hours are non-standard
>insomnia caused by several projects
>lives alone
>does not need to commute to work
those are the normal reasons
>cant stop masturbating
>she hates us so much it keeps her awake
>irys keeps messaging her about her oniichan fantasies
>she knows im outside her window
>she hears me fight Miowi outside her window
>Paparat never stops building
those are the REAL reasons

>> No.49875342

God I hope she didn't stay up reading all the shit that was being posted in the catalog and it was her reading manga or something. Also I wish I wasn't so musically uncultured, I can't help Bae out when she asks for ballad or lullaby songs.

>> No.49875415
Quoted by: >>49875517

Too much coffee, odd work hours, and frequent travel to other timezones.

That's most likely the reason tonight sadly, I bet the stress is keeping her awake.

>> No.49875425
Quoted by: >>49875496

You will NEVER defeat Mio

>> No.49875439

Youre a fucking retard

>> No.49875440

she doesnt even use reddit nigga

>> No.49875496
File: 674 KB, 626x610, rat screaming.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49876646


>> No.49875504

I highly doubt she's here, doesn't seem like somewhere she'd frequent with all the constant negativity and drama

>> No.49875517

retards. you should be embarrassed

>> No.49875535

>about her oniichan fantasies
*about her kaworu fanfics

>> No.49875620

Some of her colleagues are /here/. It may be a stretch but it's not an impossibility.

>> No.49875628
Quoted by: >>49875739

Stop replying you fucking imbeciles. Do I really need to call you names so you'll understand?

>> No.49875669

Neck yourself dramaniggers

>> No.49875682

Not here literally, but you can't honestly believe she isn't beating herself up over the small yab. Bae is too hard on herself normally, and would definitely be even more upset about making a mistake that impacted others.

>> No.49875724
Quoted by: >>49875834

how is she still awake, I should be in bed by now and I'm a piece of shit

>> No.49875726

Cool dude theres a fucking stream going on, watch it or kys.

>> No.49875739

The schizo is self-replying. Don't bother asking him to stop, you're just wasting your time.

>> No.49875781

Holy shit her singing this again hit me with a fucking wave of nostalgia

>> No.49875816

Couldnt this just be archived, these are all jp karaoke

>> No.49875834

seriously, she started singing ant 20 past 2 in the morning
that's not healthy and I should know because I'm fucking living it

>> No.49875843

She sang scarborough earlier didn't she? She's just leaving it open to sing whatever

>> No.49876467

she started with Fly Me to the Moon

>> No.49876504
File: 125 KB, 512x512, WGDrYZXwBZ2S8wSUnIS4Bg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are her hics squeaks or barks?
my vote goes to squeaks

>> No.49876550

Why doesn't she sound so nasally for this karaoke?

>> No.49876581
File: 205 KB, 768x768, 1684689465405.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49876646
File: 233 KB, 750x750, 1665638336801647.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uhhh...yea I like my limbs attached to me, tywm, you're on your own here, brother.

>> No.49876776
File: 130 KB, 1316x1086, 1684689641934.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49876899

Fun lil thing from global.

>> No.49876899

Oh wait, it was Dearest, not Every Heart.

>> No.49876910

I usually think of her as the 4th best singer in Hololive English.

So why is she still so damn good at it?

>> No.49876927

i don't understand the concept of singing yourself to sleep but somehow she's making it happen truly impressive.

>> No.49876960

>yawning mid-song
Please go to bed soon, Bae.

>> No.49877002

The singing is wonderful, but it isn't putting me to sleep that's for sure.

>> No.49877157

Who comes into a thread to be a power ranking nigger honestly?

>> No.49877196

i mean the idea isnt wild, its basically ''come with me while i tire myself out so i can sleep''

>> No.49877383


>> No.49877393
Quoted by: >>49877702

Everytime I touch Bae, she feels the static
And everytime I kiss her, she reaches for the sky

>> No.49877555
File: 215 KB, 386x352, 1680316230077537.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am so glad that this is a thing that happened

>> No.49877676
Quoted by: >>49877812

I barely watch holoEN anymore but this stream is cute as fuck.

>> No.49877702
Quoted by: >>49877898

paparat... stop screwing around with static...

>> No.49877812
File: 225 KB, 768x768, 1684690931514.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>69 minutes
Damn brat
Thanks, glad you're enjoying it

>> No.49877898
File: 162 KB, 750x540, based bae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my dad used to shuffle his feet in the carpet just to come and zap me

>> No.49877999

>2 in the morning
>Not wanting to rest
This damn brat needs correction

>> No.49878075

it's like 10 to 4am

thankfully been watching the csgo major so i didn't miss this

>> No.49878094
File: 5 KB, 150x150, 1665931197420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49878360
Quoted by: >>49878418

Go to bed, not stand up to sing

>> No.49878418
File: 874 KB, 1125x898, GOD GIVES HIS HYPEST CHUUBAS TO THE STRONGEST FANS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49878470

So this is Bae's final solution to the bratling problem...

>> No.49878475

I feel frustrated for her lack of sleep

>> No.49878526
File: 238 KB, 467x446, chibibaelosing it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49878572
Quoted by: >>49878713

BAEEEE.. why

>> No.49878608
Quoted by: >>49878713

>4 am
>No longer tired

>> No.49878613
Quoted by: >>49878713

Bae please dont do this

>> No.49878665

Bae is one of the few chuubas I watch that can hit that high note in Phantom of the Opera. Nice.

>> No.49878688
Quoted by: >>49878713


>> No.49878697

Holy shit this is going to fucking kill her

>> No.49878713
File: 890 KB, 1080x899, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your weakness disgusts me listener-san, ive trained with the pemaloes

>> No.49878795

Im actually annoyed, she was doing well hanging out with Miori now shes just back on the habit even worse

>> No.49878822

She's literally going to pass out in the middle of playing Peppa Pig later, isn't she...?

>> No.49878823
File: 415 KB, 727x906, 1657042918792.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went to sleep the moment the retarded drama started and I slept like shit worried.... I didn't even connect to internet until like 15 minutes ago and turns out I missed a karaoke

>> No.49878848

Don't worry brat, she's planning to keep streaming until 2 hours before the peppa pig stream now

>> No.49878884
File: 811 KB, 1412x794, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>3pm in a sunday, while everyone else is diying

>> No.49878952
File: 267 KB, 390x353, image (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49879071

Te quiero mucho argiebrat nunca cambies

>> No.49878990
File: 12 KB, 168x90, time.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49879071

Thriving, in my lane

>> No.49879009
File: 300 KB, 2048x1670, FwoD-w8aIAkc2mO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good morning i love bae

>> No.49879055

>stream for another 5 hours lol just becuz

>> No.49879071
Quoted by: >>49879133

damn spanish speaking brrats....economy correction is needed

>> No.49879133
File: 143 KB, 526x526, 1673622495574365.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey man I'm just a lowly leafbrat who shares a timezone with the argies

>> No.49879217
Quoted by: >>49879343

She's literally refusing to go to bed, you didn't miss anything, brrat.

>> No.49879226


>> No.49879315

Shame that morning hours for Bae are peak stream watching time for me as an EST brat kek

>> No.49879317

Bae serenaded me to sleep and I woke up to her still going. Holy shit, sleepy Bae is too powerful.

>> No.49879343
Quoted by: >>49879407

A whole hour and a half
It's a great excuse to watch the archive again after

>> No.49879407
Quoted by: >>49879471

>Watch the archive later

>> No.49879422

gonna make breakfast while listening to bae

>> No.49879471

>What is mega, what is magnet link, what is a quick google search for a reupload.

>> No.49879522
Quoted by: >>49879549

you are now told that p!nk was absolutely fucking huge in aus

>> No.49879549
Quoted by: >>49879700

Pink wasn't big everywhere?

>> No.49879590

I'm guessing by her song choices she is feeling bad about the thing

>> No.49879616


>> No.49879663

Bae looks at the names!
She knows me!
She loves me!

>> No.49879675 [SPOILER] 

Totally schizo retard, this totally isnt just her normal playlist

>> No.49879700

probably. but she literally broke the countries touring records for shows and tickets like like 3 times in a row

>> No.49879728
File: 529 KB, 1000x1000, 1678846000037152.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't want bae to go to sleep

>> No.49879756

t. Bae

>> No.49879767

I thought Bae passed out fully for a second

>> No.49879819

Real unhinged hours

>> No.49879828


>> No.49879843
File: 335 KB, 2047x1298, 16805172973078157346632067749056-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She deserves it tho...

>> No.49879876
Quoted by: >>49879963

Youre get a really dogshit low energy peppa pig stream then

>> No.49879963

Unhinged karaoke Bae is preferrable

>> No.49880037

What happened in the Gartic Phone collab that made Bae need to private her pov?

>> No.49880098

Theres like 4 catalog threads blindbro

>> No.49880145

>Belting boyband songs at 4am with no end in sight
I can't fix her.

>> No.49880214

She is quite self destructive

>> No.49880315

I don't want to fix her whatever is she has makes her hotter.
Plus mating pressing a unhinged Bae sounds better.

>> No.49880347

This is an endurance stream now, better keep it up for another 2 hours at least.

>> No.49880469

haha bae are you le drunk?????????

>> No.49880486

Inb4 she says have really nice press instead of sex

>> No.49880492
Quoted by: >>49880945

so is this her coping with her retard moment in the gartic collab it's starting to feel like that lol. She probably got yelled at and she's yelling her feelings into the mic

>> No.49880525

>if i say it enough times itll totally be true
Trying too hard

>> No.49880555

I'm glad the yab was super minor and nothing important happened at the end of the day
And we get an extra karaoke and everything

>> No.49880605
Quoted by: >>49880883


>> No.49880610

As soon as she says it people spam seggs and mating press

>> No.49880657


>> No.49880748
Quoted by: >>49880852

Do cows really moo in Australia?

>> No.49880750

Hearing Bae and IRyS sing "What does the fox say" within 24 hours of each other... Blursed LOL

>> No.49880852

they oom

>> No.49880883

Mumei, go to bed, you're drunk.

>> No.49880902
Quoted by: >>49880980

I want her to pass out on stream so we can her sleeping noises

>> No.49880945
Quoted by: >>49881128

What happened?

>> No.49880954


>> No.49880959

Brats, what is up with bae? Isn't 4:30 am for her?

>> No.49880976

"Bae pls its 5 am..."


>> No.49880980

I don't think she's gonna be going to sleep even after this stream ends

>> No.49881028
Quoted by: >>49881307


>> No.49881032

She is 100% drunk right?

>> No.49881045

Real retarded tourist hours

>> No.49881055
File: 730 KB, 656x782, 1681260422383346.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49881380

>>"So that one was called Martyrs. I knew you'd like it, silly... Next we can watch Cannibal Holocaust... Oh! And this one here's called Guinea Pig: Slaughter Special..."

>> No.49881080
File: 16 KB, 300x300, 098120312.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49881861

>> No.49881097
File: 334 KB, 370x485, MIOSHA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rate the stream?! hello?! is anyone alive!?

>> No.49881128

she accidentally leaked her ipad screen and discord screen which had a public invite or whatever so some anons snuck into the hololive among us discord and got to see some stuff. It was all useless corpro bullshit, no rrats at all other than kiara being the please respond guy of holo en. my guess is she got scolded and felt down about it so decided to sing her heart out lol. which definitely isn't the worst way of venting.

>> No.49881145

Good night Bae try to get 5 hours even though I know the adrenaline will keep you up

>> No.49881148

this fuckin dumbass rat
oh shit byeeee

>> No.49881151

10/10 ending

>> No.49881170
File: 140 KB, 512x512, RcpLYZTfCNqs8wSqpqeADA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my rat wife/10
Made me whole week with this one.

>> No.49881172

Over under on her sleeping through Peppa Pig?

>> No.49881181

Is this going to be the first guy/girl movie watchalong stream in all of Hololive? I assumed they all avoided this sort of stream because of you know... the implication

>> No.49881188
File: 405 KB, 736x736, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bae CUTE/10
the weakness of this thread is revolting tho

>> No.49881195
File: 900 KB, 1295x868, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't they usually private them?

>> No.49881226

Incredible unhinged bae. Hope she gets at least a few hours though

>> No.49881240

Please tell me someone is recording this stream? I'm not able to watch while at work. I just keep trying to peek at phone when able.

>> No.49881242

Started off really sad, but then it got happy. Glad it ended on a high note...I just want my rat to get some sleep after what happened.

>> No.49881259

ah. there it goes

>> No.49881261

I couldn’t sleep but this karaoke was great, will find an archive

>> No.49881263

Says private for me.

>> No.49881283
File: 2.00 MB, 2200x2200, FsLRmz5aAAA2FPi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fantastic rrat singing/10

>> No.49881295

Bae get some sleep so these tourists fuck off

>> No.49881304
File: 214 KB, 1293x1748, 1673650811992124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best surprise I could've hoped for on this lazy Sunday / 10

She is not going to be able to get to sleep after all that belting and will be a zombie during the Peppa Pig stream later / 10

>> No.49881307
File: 77 KB, 769x577, Fo5vL0GWIAYn1-H.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sute sillies

>> No.49881317

That aww shit was great

>> No.49881323
Quoted by: >>49881523

Why'd she leave as soon as Mumei showed up?

>> No.49881336


lots of emotion being shown tonight it was beautiful love this little brat rat.

>> No.49881348

Probably the best, least effective (and only) "sing myself to sleep karaoke" I've ever heard. 10/10.

>> No.49881372

Please stop making me concernfag bae

>> No.49881380
File: 206 KB, 1545x887, 1673411102154346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I-I'm sure Mooms knows what she's doing to cheer Bae haha... I'll trust her judgement...

>> No.49881422

Archive torrent and setlist: >>49881300

>> No.49881517

>that setlist

yeah she was venting lol too fuckin cute

>> No.49881523 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.58 MB, 1080x1080, 1680576924772857.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They had a meeting come up.

>> No.49881556

>>49881422 bless you

>> No.49881606

For once it's good to be an Eurobrrat/10

>> No.49881624
File: 24 KB, 254x268, squek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I gotta rewatch this one

>> No.49881626

>singing the outro
>ow my head hurts


>> No.49881673
File: 622 KB, 620x511, 1677525458620518.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It makes me really happy that Bae wanted to spend time with us so badly

Was super cozy to get to hang out with her being dorky in the early afternoon as a change from her usual late night time

>> No.49881848
Quoted by: >>49881951

Why did she keep saying ow did she hit her foot on the table or something

>> No.49881861
File: 52 KB, 452x452, 1675897936901594.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49882066

Take your time loading the rest of that image, mate. Take all the time you need...

>> No.49881951
Quoted by: >>49882022

Hurt her back bouldering

>> No.49882022

Fit bae...
I love a woman that takes care of herself

>> No.49882066
File: 24 KB, 300x300, 1679599819077964.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49882191

Good luck, I'm missing Bae behind 7 layers of invincible walls

>> No.49882072

Cute https://twitter.com/hakosbaelz/status/1660359554721529857

>> No.49882143


>> No.49882164

brats, I really admire your oshi's work ethic. She makes me wanna try my best at life too

>> No.49882191
File: 3.08 MB, 1958x1079, 1664260022195978.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*breaks all of them with a flick* Mhm, yea, I'm listening...

>> No.49882219
File: 1.05 MB, 774x734, 144.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49882345

Do you ever like get cute agression? where something is so cute you just wanna squish it? thats me when bae does stuff like this i love her so much

>> No.49882289

Thank you, buy her merch and stream her song

>> No.49882302
File: 3.79 MB, 3150x2391, 1673117661311656.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad to see others feel this way too, Bae single-handedly made me want to grind myself into becoming a better person with how much work she puts in and love she showers us with

>> No.49882345


>> No.49882529
Quoted by: >>49882546

the bread......

>> No.49882546

This bread was saved hard by Bae's surprise lovebomb, it's time to let it rest

>> No.49882585

This is the first Bae stream I have ever missed because I was asleep during it all, how do I make up for this?

>> No.49882653
Quoted by: >>49882713

cum tribute

>> No.49882658

You can't she will hate you forever
unless you download the vod and watch it now

>> No.49882713
File: 161 KB, 320x320, baeslap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49882762


>> No.49882762
File: 212 KB, 343x399, POL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49882765
File: 209 KB, 329x417, 1678583236730999.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She hates you now brat, it's actually fucking over
Just create a new account and pray she doesn't recognize your posting style and call you out

>> No.49882860
File: 188 KB, 768x768, 1684696494991.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49882932

Naked dogeza
Also buy her merch (ends in fifteen hours and 45 minutes)
Also buy a streaming ticket to the HoloEN Connect concert

>> No.49882916
File: 67 KB, 1132x360, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49883436

>> No.49882932

She will NEVER forgive you unless you go to the concert in person

>> No.49883022

I live, I now sleep.

>> No.49883026

You stuck around for the Korean learning streams too? Damn, respecc.

>> No.49883064
File: 80 KB, 220x220, 1641158377825.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49883234

imagine missing bae writing crazy k-drama fanfics about dong su and his familial affairs the korean study streams were kino

>> No.49883436
Quoted by: >>49883515

Did you actually have this at hand? lmao

>> No.49883515
Quoted by: >>49883597

>he doesn't watch ALL streams
you hate her

>> No.49883597
File: 205 KB, 450x450, 1658374790245188.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've only missed a handful like the surprise Suzy concert watchalong because I could not physically get up at 4am or whatever the fuck to watch through it that day

>> No.49883735

Can someone post all the RAIGYO cunny Bae again, I forgot to save it last time...

>> No.49883748

I still have that tab open... I even downloaded the concert and everything.... I gotta watch that

>> No.49883767

>Be a kid
>Sit down on the dunny
>Look up
>There's a huntsman spider on the door right in front of my face
At least I already had my pants off so I didn't have to shit myself

>> No.49883780
Quoted by: >>49883874

Just kemono.party it

>> No.49883874
Quoted by: >>49884132

I couldn't find the finished version there that's why I asked...

>> No.49883953

While on the topic, you guys got any streams you regret missing due to circumstances beyond your control?
I missed her Day 1 fes watchalong because I was unable to find a place to that had it/no one posted the dl here. I got day 2 and had a blast however.

>> No.49884132
Quoted by: >>49884265

Is it these two?
This is the only cnnuy Bae that I remember seeing lately
It'll be up for 12 hours

>> No.49884165

The surprise Suzy concert watchalong is one of my all-time favorite streams... She live-translated Suisei's speech about her feelings at the end of it and later on expressed how motivated she was to follow her idol dreams. I wonder if that's what kicked off her recent music grind or if that was planned even earlier before.

>> No.49884170

i will always regret not catching the inuyasha karaoke live its still my most favorite karaoke from bae

>> No.49884265
Quoted by: >>49884453

Yeah it was that but there were like 6 images in the set

>> No.49884453

Oh. I think I remember seeing the others but I didn't save them because there was sex involved. I don't mind the sex, I still whack it, but I almost never DL them.
Sorry, hopefully someone else can post a litterbox of the rest.

>> No.49884926

I miss almost every night time jst stream because i live on the opposite side of the planet
If bae streamed primarily evening australian time id never have given her a chance

>> No.49885059

Every day I am thankful that she settled into a regular timeslot that starts late night for me

>> No.49885357

>if bae streamed primarily evening australian time id never have given her s chance
Same. I love her but I wouldn't be able to catch any of her streams. We're 13 hours apart. Luckily most ENs stream during the evening for me.

>> No.49885469

She's the only one of my oshis that I can watch live
Botan and Ollie in my timezone always stream while I'm at work or sleeping.

>> No.49886070
File: 316 KB, 2048x1446, 1678074329483495.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Kiara snackbox was out of my timezone, and I'm still sad I didn't catch them live.

>> No.49886105
Quoted by: >>49886308

I made myself an extra audio only cut, about the first hour of that karaoke
It's perfect for falling asleep to, before she starts going for the loud and energetic songs

>> No.49886308
File: 1.25 MB, 1080x1527, 1660529517413151.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bae's Fly Me to the Moon literally always puts me in such a relaxed mood I feel like I'm melting, I fucking love it when she pulls that out

>> No.49886790
Quoted by: >>49887385


>> No.49887385
Quoted by: >>49887729

who taught my rat these naughty words...

>> No.49887729
Quoted by: >>49887825

She probably curses like a sailor around Mumei

>> No.49887825

I can only imagine what the brainrot conversations between these two must be like if Bae's comfortable enough to almost call her retarded and things like that before catching herself
