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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 800 KB, 850x1742, 1670310530709238.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
49861845 No.49861845 [Reply] [Original]
Quoted by: >>49862039

Previous: >>49855852

>> No.49861862
File: 1.09 MB, 850x1793, 1669090875108362.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49866513


Hololive sites

Nijisanji sites


Full list at https://pastebin.com/nCGZL1Lp

>> No.49861864


>> No.49861869
Quoted by: >>49861972

Announcement of an announcement. 8 hour waiting room. 30 second video that doesn't actually tell us anything.

>> No.49861930

/#/ is declining

>> No.49861949
File: 153 KB, 492x428, 1684593932171838.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gimme good vtuber music

>> No.49861964

Rate it

>> No.49861972
Quoted by: >>49862060

Naw, the Japs are handling EN3. They're not exposing them to HoloEN "just be yourfelf and don't work hard" culture of HoloEN before debut. They're gonna hot drop them like they dropped HoloX.

>> No.49862001
Quoted by: >>49862024

If EN3 (or JP7) was about to be announcend you'd see leaks about new hololive domains in their websites.

>> No.49862002
File: 435 KB, 830x391, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49862159

How do we save her bros?

>> No.49862003

2 random kusoge in place of weekend JRPG
You rikes?

>> No.49862024

Yes, it's been out for a day already I just noticed

>> No.49862025

I see we’re in the IT’S OVER phase

>> No.49862033

Still doesn't look like Azki.

>> No.49862039


>> No.49862043


>> No.49862047

Kusoge are fun, I don't mind. Numbers though? Wont be anything spectacular.

>> No.49862060
Quoted by: >>49862090

Yeah, after how the tease campaign for Council failed to prop up their numbers in any significant way I doubt we'll see a repeat of it, not to mention how all the gens after Council excuding Uproar were announced and debuted in less than a week, with Holox being the most extreme example dropping on the day they were announced.

>> No.49862079


>> No.49862090
Quoted by: >>49862164

I remember people thinking Laplus wouldn't even get 100k cv for her debut due to how sudden it was.

>> No.49862093

Man, saying "EN3 in X days" has to be the most free source of (You)s.

>> No.49862099

Hag privilege

>> No.49862107


>> No.49862108

I love their duet

>> No.49862110

En3 will be 2024

>> No.49862123

ENfags desperate you see

>> No.49862125
Quoted by: >>49862712

Peko with Horage

>> No.49862134

It is way too peaceful here, is SEA range banned?

>> No.49862136

I need em to pay off the loan of (You)'s I took out of the bank.

>> No.49862140

Again? One of the funniest moments ever in the live live era was this

She sang the same song in a recent live tho, as some sort of revenge / throwback

>> No.49862152

Probably in /pol/

>> No.49862155
Quoted by: >>49862404

Why is Mio singing this old-ass song

>> No.49862159

Why help? She's performed better comparing to even Luxiem.

>> No.49862164

Speaking of which I wonder how big the debuts of an EN3 will be. I believe ID3's got less viewers than ID2's even if they ended up as the more successful gen, so I'm curious if the same thing will happen with EN3 (hopefully the successful part as well).

>> No.49862168

I think it was from her ocha she was sipping on

>> No.49862184
File: 837 KB, 2560x1440, [2560x1440] vtime=[ 00_00_00 ], take=[ 2023-05-21 12.45.57 ].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49862351

Just imagine...

>> No.49862198
Quoted by: >>49862215

AZKi has only 6 streams yet she mogged EN. JP scene is really far bigger. Alaso EN has very few collabs in comparison.

>What a retarded metric
Glad someone else think the metric is weird.
Top 10 CCV is less meaningful when it includes collabs. It simultaneously measures "a holo’s popularity" and "how often she was included in popular collabs". But doesn't do a good job in measuring both respectively. Miko’s 117k vid is a 6 person collab with only 1 pov. Taking 117k as Miko’s result is very misleading.

>> No.49862206

I'm now closing Mio's stream

>> No.49862215


>> No.49862243
Quoted by: >>49862282

I'm expecting 60k as the baseline, any more based on design. Also hoping the do the 1 debut a day thing they usually and not this clusterfuck debut series that is popular in the West.

>> No.49862246
Quoted by: >>49862282

ID3 got giga overlapped by HoloJP. They didn't have the timeslot completely to themselves iirc.

>> No.49862259


>> No.49862263
File: 132 KB, 830x444, numbers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unarchive Karaoke tally

>> No.49862282

Yeah, doing it all as a chunk is a horrible idea and with the overlap ban rule it makes things worse. Tempus 2 ate a good portion of the early afternoon JST because of this bullshit.

Didn't the same exact thing happened with ID2?

>> No.49862284
Quoted by: >>49862335

Not a high bar for HoloEN these days dude.

>> No.49862287
Quoted by: >>49862331

>ID3's got less viewers than ID2'
I didn't follow ID I was expecting the opposite. Aren't Kobo and Kaela carrying ID3? NTA

>> No.49862331
Quoted by: >>49862396

At debut Zeta was the star. Nobody predicted Kobo would actually manage to get her hooks in the ID audience in a way no one else has and Kaela’s was a disaster.

>> No.49862335
File: 1.30 MB, 1056x594, nijigoalpost.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sisters keep moving the bar.
sure, sis

>> No.49862337
Quoted by: >>49862423

I keep telling unityfags that no one watches tempus, just look at the numbers but they keep saying im mad at the boys collabing with my oshi and that im an incel. I hate the fact that HoloEN is reclining, but Im not mad since my oshi isnt a homocollaber.

>> No.49862351
File: 809 KB, 1080x1056, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I often see file name with "... vtime= take= yyyy-mm-dd ... ". What do you guys use to make screenshot like that?

>> No.49862385


>> No.49862392

8.3k waiting for Pekora on the mark

>> No.49862396

Kaela got the Korone treatment. Horrible debut followed by becoming one of the most popular members of her branch by sheer dedication.

>> No.49862404

old ass song saikou

>> No.49862411
File: 843 KB, 1073x1229, jew.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What evil plan is the Jew going to do to the Muslim?

>> No.49862423
Quoted by: >>49863712

The funniest part is how Astel might end up getring better numbers than those two with a random karaoke.

>> No.49862435

Looks like sub 30k for peko

>> No.49862441
File: 341 KB, 769x720, king status.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

king status?

>> No.49862448
File: 69 KB, 813x379, 1663236645800592.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49862463
File: 37 KB, 640x640, pekoMark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49865107

She's pulling up a Markiplier...

>> No.49862465
Quoted by: >>49862923


>> No.49862473


>> No.49862478
File: 3 KB, 688x34, 1684415868260264.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49862636

it's prime time for the most watched female streamers in the world
meanwhile /vt/

>> No.49862504

Living his retirement out on his farm.

>> No.49862535
Quoted by: >>49862799

thread is so quiet for 3 hours, which is a good thing for now.

>> No.49862536

lmao what

>> No.49862561
Quoted by: >>49863133

Purely anecdotal observation time: I'm logged out of Youtube, this was a completely fresh browser instance without cookies, I open Pekora's stream and the sidebar recs list Mio and Okayu, but not Koyori or Noel. Does the algo discriminate against ToTK, or just against streams that have been running longer?

>> No.49862563

Speaking of debut, Salome's debut VOD passed Gura's debut VOD

>> No.49862564

>Trying to steal Moona's success, just like how the Jews stole land from the Palestinians
Holy shit she doesn't even try to hide it...

>> No.49862603
Quoted by: >>49865358

For someone who reached 1m the fastest and have the most viewed debut vod, she's stuck at 6-9k ccv and 1.8M subs lol

>> No.49862611

sasuga Jewtuber

>> No.49862615
Quoted by: >>49862623

So marine gold?

>> No.49862617
File: 95 KB, 640x165, 42zwi89qoyz51.webp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49862623

Miko gold.

>> No.49862636
File: 126 KB, 749x854, 8BD6D20A-0008-4877-9BC6-6D5A1634CB6A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no matter how much /vt/ falseflags, a irl celebrity live will always viewmog their oshii’s stream

>> No.49862637

ah man i had some hope for Peko SMT

>> No.49862661

It's over for pekora ngl.

>> No.49862663
Quoted by: >>49862676

So the EN girls are confirmed lazy sacks of shit? Except maybe Kiara?

>> No.49862676

You said it like it isn’t a known fact

>> No.49862680
Quoted by: >>49862738

Probably much lower number considering their current state. I don't think they can pull a HoloX with EN3, they ll need to announce it on a big event, give a few days to generate hype at the very least before debut. The LA concert would be the best window for that if they can manage to have them ready by then.

>> No.49862706

>tempiss unarchived karaoke mogged by the seaweed faggot's archived karaoke in 10 minutes
Tempiss sisters.... our better than stars jp cope.......

>> No.49862709
Quoted by: >>49862924

I like how she got shat on for this but Kobo never got any repercussions for doing the same thing multiple times on stream

>> No.49862712
Quoted by: >>49862732

>>27k in 12 mins
Peko gold?

>> No.49862717
File: 39 KB, 256x144, [256x144] vtime=[ 09_13_45 ], take=[ 2023-05-21 13.13.55 ].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit's handy, just disable the gif function in options

>> No.49862729

Okay indosis. Wash your smelly vajaja it reeks.

>> No.49862732

Lol no sub 30k confirm

>> No.49862738
Quoted by: >>49862897

The period between announcement and debut must be short tho, and for the best performance they should be on sequential days and not 5 debuts on the same day inter-spaced by 1 hours breaks. Doing a post debut zatsu each day also might be a good idea to build more hype for the next debut.

>> No.49862758
File: 123 KB, 892x1189, FwnegNbaIAA8U3a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She can bake you know

>> No.49862761

>by sheer dedication.
Dedication + Talent + Professionalism
Randomly created her fan design Koronesuki which later became iconic. Water in the fire why. Fes cartwheel.
I always think Korone, Miko, Subaru are not appropriate examples of "hardwork rewards you" coz they extremely talented and creative. Some vtubers especially indies have grinded more hours but they are not evolving into Korone tier chuuba.

Roboco played many hours of apex with sheer determination. Selen probably has even more sheer determination in this matter.

>> No.49862780

the plastic to flesh ratio on that face is like 9 to 1.

>> No.49862793

She's 3 years old now and yet we dont haev EN3 what the fuck cover nobody wants to watch your stupid homos

>> No.49862799

No saplings, no shitposters.
Saplings = shitposters.

>> No.49862806
File: 729 KB, 1181x1575, PekoQueen forma de WatamAZKi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

31k きtらああああぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁ!!!Easy gold within 18min.

>> No.49862809

peko gold.. maybe she'll even take the silver with her second stream.

>> No.49862816

>3 years old.

>> No.49862830

means nothing when holo views are culled

>> No.49862835

They’re getting 70-80k, take it or leave it. I don’t think people understand how fucking long people have said that EN3 needs to happen that the period for fans and newcomers to really get into holoEN has passed by this point, and no one is more to blame than cover for that. You can see in almost everything they do that EN has absolutely zero tourists right now. Their personal fans are fine but there’s NO ONE on the outside looking in anymore. They’ve moved on and it’d be a fucking miracle if EN even remotely found any outside traction

>> No.49862837
Quoted by: >>49862877

She'll slip to pekora later

>> No.49862869
File: 219 KB, 620x1052, 20230521_132054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kuso horror game>> kuso RPGM game. This stream is the silver. She noticed that Koyote was beating her so far this month so she's not stopping until she's sure she's beating her ass.

>> No.49862878

RBC sucks at APEX and should probably retire lol

>> No.49862877

the forbidden slipping to herself technique, does she dare employ it!?

>> No.49862897
Quoted by: >>49863115

Under a week is the most I would give between announcement and debut considering how compressed time is in vtubing world. Sequential day debut is what I would opt for as well with a stream from the new girl to funnel to the next debut.

>> No.49862909

She's dropping below 6k on her normal streams now. How is that good?

>> No.49862914

She only has to keep a normal schedule and sprinkle in one or two 5-6 hour streams and she will pass koyori.
Koyori's only shot to stay ahead is that pekora slacks off and she keeps pumping Zelda for 10 hours every day.

>> No.49862919

fuck off sio

>> No.49862923

Thanks anon

>> No.49862924

bad timing. if coco say taiwan is a country right now instead of that time, she will get away with it

>> No.49862929

ENsharts believe comparing themselves to literal turds will help them in any way lmao.

>> No.49862948

Fuck off Sio

>> No.49862959

You guys talk about EN3 need to do this and that, but the more serious problem is how can they escape debut subs cull?

>> No.49862960
Quoted by: >>49863007

is cover even looking at the piles of auditions they have for en3? any potential candidates we already know?

>> No.49862974

whats the hours watched looking like for q2 so far?
surely ironlung isn't close at all right?

>> No.49862977

Aren't her goals the highest female this month and Q2?

>> No.49862981
Quoted by: >>49863030

Denpa orisong dropped 25 minutes ago desuwa.

>> No.49863007

This board has literally never successfully predicted a new holo member, why do you retards keep trying? Cover doesn't sort indies by sub count and hire the top 5 like in niji

>> No.49863009

Who's, Pekora? She probably wants to keep her spot after Q1 but she also likes mixing things up. If watch hours was her only goal she would have been pumping the new Zelda game herself, even if it's shit for peak numbers it's good for watch hours.

>> No.49863010

This quarter, yes.
The highest record still belongs to her, 10M with subathon.

>> No.49863011

Baba-Laplus 3.0 1.5k

>> No.49863013
File: 221 KB, 620x1051, 20230521_132801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49863178

3,1m+2.0m for Pekora, I don't care about the rest.

>> No.49863015

She way ahead in EN scene.

>> No.49863023
Quoted by: >>49863038

It wasn't a thing for ID3 and Holostars EN

>> No.49863028

If EN3 had debuted last spring they would've gotten 100k or more. HoloEN has been bleeding fans ever since then so it's probably around 60k now, and will continue to bleed so if it takes another year we're looking at something like 40k.

>> No.49863030

Salome is great, in music at the very least

>> No.49863038
Quoted by: >>49863064

Because those are both SEA branches and the culling's a USA thing

>> No.49863041

Maybe we can change our prediction pattern into looking who has the saddest sob story?

>> No.49863064
Quoted by: >>49863148

No HoloX was destroyed by it as well youtube just got rid of the issue

>> No.49863075

Ironlung has no shot, she's at 1.5 mil for april+may.
The threat is Jinnutty who has 4.4 mil so far.
Compared to pekora's ~5 million.

>> No.49863078

why is the english scene dying? it can’t all be the pandemic when other vtuber regions aren’t on a hard decline and streamers in the US are staying afloat

>> No.49863115
Quoted by: >>49863299

Determination and dedication are two completely different things. Being determined to play the game for hours at end doesn't mean you'll get good at it at the end of this period if you don't know what you're doing, and the same goes for streaming. In a way dedicating yourself to better your craft is a talent on it's own and it's something the absolute majority of streamers lack, even if they stream for hours at end. Granted, a big part is also luck or being on the right place at the right time, but you won't be able to retain the funnel if you're some low tier entertainer.

If they're announced in Connect the World and Cover does a single debut per day then waiting 2 days is the ideal since it puts the last debut and their first gen collab on a sunday.

Almost none of the most recent gens suffered this, with Holox getting very minimal cull and almost instantly recovering.

>> No.49863121
Quoted by: >>49863293

Sub don't matter at this point, you can just use Gura 4m sub if you need some marketing bullet point. Regaining lapse viewer and actually making a box to keep em engaged is the critical task (also the hardest one)

>> No.49863133
Quoted by: >>49863170

mio and okayu also had higher ccv, did they not?

>> No.49863137

Koyo is god. I kneel. Never thought someone would surpass miko and peko. Kaela insane too.
Super happy to see korone streaming regularly again~~ so happy. When korone was in her slump and being unhealthy, I thought she was a goner like aqua or marine. Cmon man, MiKorone collab I’m waiting.

>> No.49863147
Quoted by: >>49863346

Without subathon, Ironlung is nothing

>> No.49863148

They didn't, it just mysteriously disappeared between ID3's and Iluna's debut

>> No.49863161

Nousagi not wanting to acknowledge Koyori is the funniest joke in this thread.

>> No.49863160

10% real people and 90% multiple devices from the same fujos

>> No.49863167
Quoted by: >>49863290

There is no EN scene, that's the problem. There's 10 girls in HoloEN in their own bubble, however many NijiEN 3views in another bubble, a handful of "big" Twitch indie/vshojo shitters in yet another bubble, and then a sprinkling of small corpos and desperate grifters that contribute nothing to the scene. What's supposed to draw viewers to EN vtubing? The same 4 or 5 HoloEN girls who still give a shit doing normal video game streams? The JP scene keeps growing because there's a ton of quality content and big events going on constantly.

>> No.49863170

At that moment, yes.

>> No.49863174
File: 78 KB, 393x384, 1679627225190554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that these are the new First Army members.

>> No.49863178
File: 2.92 MB, 498x498, 1663769334679555.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>for Pekora, I don't care about the rest.
based, same

>> No.49863183

>all that white
damn thats a whole lot of tako semen

>> No.49863187
File: 2.13 MB, 1024x1536, 1678735204033159-00601-1869660413-(best quality), wide shot, 1girl,_neuro-sama, brown hair, (blue grey eyes_0.9), twintails, hair ribbon, (Riding a bike through a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What exciting, positive, big thing has happened in the Eng scene in the last 6 months that would bring in a lot of viewers?

Holofest is linked to Japan, most ENs don't even care it happened.
Other than the Ai vtuber, i can't think of anything, mostly negative or neutral BIG shit.

>> No.49863208

I can almost associate this word to falseflagging hoshityomis

>> No.49863220
File: 485 KB, 994x372, 134.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49863277

Is this the lowest difference between 2 places in the holosong list between Suisei and Towa's latest covers?

>> No.49863225

Sure, let's acknowledge a sub 8k shitter who only got big watch hours because of her guests during the 24h stream. Kaela is much more impressive, she got more hours streamed than Koyori during her most buffed month so far.

>> No.49863237
Quoted by: >>49863259

>Suisei over Subaru
Filthy hoshinig hands made this post

>> No.49863241


>> No.49863258

Korone is actually one of the most naturally charismatic JPs.

>> No.49863259

just ignore the seanig

>> No.49863277

Not sure if anyone has ever kept track of that but it is very close. Also Towa wins and Suisei si a crybaby loser. Towa would never cry or lose.

>> No.49863279

nah it's toxic 35p

>> No.49863280

Nousagis admitting that they are the biggest sore losers and tribalist.

>> No.49863281
Quoted by: >>49863334

Wait until month end, mayofag ,or you’ll get btfo like other pink whore

>> No.49863290
Quoted by: >>49863337

why is there no english exclusive big gaming events that bring all the bubbles together? and no, en with holostars doesn’t count. cuckver always brings the en girls back in jp meanwhile jp branch has no issues reaching other parts of the jp scene

>> No.49863293

>Sub don't matter at this point
Cover highlight subs.
> you can just use Gura 4m sub if you need some marketing bullet point
Gura got the most 1m vods.

Anon CCV is still just a /#/ thing for horse race Subs/Vods will still be the metric sponsors will look at first.

>> No.49863299

>Almost none of the most recent gens suffered this
Nah they actually ramped it up this year

>> No.49863304

SeaNousagi got off work it seems.

>> No.49863314

Irys: 96,000 Yen
Altare: 210,000 Yen
Axel: 500,000 Yen
Its upto you to decide what is more important and who made Cover more money

>> No.49863315

I respect her grind, but her current lead is all down to the 24 hour stream which gave her 1.1 million wh. After those streams she had a lead of 544k watch hour to the second place, who was Miko at that time (she had a 679k lead to Pekora).
That 679k lead was down to 140k before the streams today.
And with that said, Pekora can't slack off if she wants to pass her because Koyori probably wont.

>> No.49863320

All this talk about EN3, I'm just gonna say that if their eventual debuts are again a one day relay I will consider nothing to have changed and holoEN to still be doomed.

>> No.49863325
Quoted by: >>49864890

Sea? Stop projecting already pagpag-eating retard.

>> No.49863334

My dear SEA-kun. Please improve yourself.

>> No.49863337

because majority of the non-holo en scene is composed of grifters, they cannot be trusted

>> No.49863346

Meant if she's in the top 10 females so far this quarter

>> No.49863353

Miko's cover is less than 20k from 4M btw.

>> No.49863357
Quoted by: >>49863397

>sore loser
Speak for yourself faggot. We, Nousagi always winning

>> No.49863368 [DELETED] 

Okay let's pretend Pekora didn't numberfag with the mario tourney.

>> No.49863367

pretty sure irys earned more money

>> No.49863381

>this cope again
And I'm sure those 200k/500k came from multiple people and they will all buy their merch and make more money than Dino Gura, right sister?

>> No.49863389

For Cover's sake I hope they don't look at her frequency. She's done like 10 public streams this year.

>> No.49863393

Dude was literally begging for SC, he was spinning a batsu wheel when getting a pink.

>> No.49863397

Keep falseflagging sea-kun

>> No.49863400

considering the ccv difference, Koyori just beat Peko with sheer willpower. Pure anime kino shit. If koyo can beat peko consistently, she would accomplish a great feat even miko couldn't accomplish.
Not sure if koyo slowly grows on me, I feel like her entertaining prowess has increased a tiny bit.

>> No.49863403
File: 816 KB, 1920x1080, FwpiMRDagAIHoC2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Roboco 3d live on the 23rd
Guests include Lui, Azki, Kanata and 2 silhouettes

>> No.49863421

>Not stopping
You are assuming she didn’t have this calculated all out. Her average per month is 1.5 to 1.6 millions hour watched, Koyori have a good start but a month have 30 days, not 1. Koyori not gonna win anything if she shit the bed for the other 29 days
In fact, Pekora probably didn’t even flinch at Miko and Koyori explosive start as she already have enough on her hand to catch up when the month end. The longer you scale out the better Pekora do as a whole, she is playing the long game

>> No.49863420

wtf are you on about? ofc it was a numberfag move as is any tournament or major event, 24 hour streams included.

>> No.49863427
Quoted by: >>49863518

Kek sisters alr gave up gold by starting pekoschizo shit.

>> No.49863428

What's the least public streams a holo has done in a year excluding people who had a serious and publicly announced medical leave?

>> No.49863429

Towa and ???

>> No.49863433

literally who

>> No.49863445

>kanata hugging a male

>> No.49863448
Quoted by: >>49863516

Why sister thinking hololive is like nijisanji?

>> No.49863449
Quoted by: >>49863515

>OP comparing numbers of Irys vs Altare vs Axel
cant defend with Irys, lets use Gura
cmon anon

>> No.49863452

Same day as shuba’s outfit?

>> No.49863455
File: 18 KB, 428x475, 316628609_2265323480300455_5307291845235474889_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49863670

no atishi?

>> No.49863458
Quoted by: >>49865279

Nigga I literally started the PekoMiko daughter meme and constantly shill her itt
You should stop pitting fanbases against each other

>> No.49863463
Quoted by: >>49863497

Even with no stream it doesn't change the facts I laid out.

>> No.49863464
Quoted by: >>49863515

they actually did, that's why tempus 2 exist

>> No.49863465
Quoted by: >>49863552

is the new ooutlast game complete?

>> No.49863471

She's going to have to do a 24 hour stream every month with the same type of setup for that to happen. But keep it up mayo-dog, bunny needs competition.

>> No.49863485
Quoted by: >>49863520

Altare wasnt, probably they both have the same members as Irys
So who made more money for Cover this month??

>> No.49863489
File: 526 KB, 1096x940, 1672586872225720.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's understandable why, his SC has been in the gutter this month.

>> No.49863490
Quoted by: >>49865380

Nah she's just a good girl trying her best. Check her twitter and mem since her post are pretty personal.

>> No.49863497
Quoted by: >>49863863

I'm just saying she's something nice to put in a power point, not something that will be actively used to make money the same way a Pekora, Marine, or Koyori would.

>> No.49863506

>Pekora can't slack off
Peko always seems full throttle to me (except slacking at cold chicken night jk)

>> No.49863509
Quoted by: >>49863581

When is CoucilRyS and ID2's 3D showcase?

>> No.49863515

Looking forward to the merch numbers

And it was one of Cover's biggest mistakes ever.

>> No.49863516
Quoted by: >>49863651

>we can all pick and choose different metric for our own agenda...

>> No.49863518

What? You really think it's Nijiniggers being pekoschizos? How much of a newfaging tourist are you? Check that thread and all of the deleted stuff >>49771979

>> No.49863520
File: 150 KB, 1069x178, 1660945975127786.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49863730

Altare was a 250k celebration wanna compare it to an IRyS celebration stream?
And this was 3 days after she got 1.8 million from her 2.0

>> No.49863521

>wake up
>holo discord yab
>people literally joining the server
>its literally nothing
god is a holofag wheres my yabberino yagoo

>> No.49863529
File: 76 KB, 1284x584, watch hours race in may.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's some backdrop for all the watch hour discussion. This race is quite exciting for once.

>> No.49863530

>SC cope
how much they get after cuts then, sisters?

>> No.49863531
Quoted by: >>49863571

When many viewers watch a stream devs tend to come there cause it always show up on the jp twitter trend list. Subaru was that, and was recognised by P4 and Tales devs and invited to their events.

>> No.49863537
Quoted by: >>49863650

I will never forgive her for that. She committed a deep sin with that. I don't care if she dogeza'd, there is only one reason a chuuba doesn't stream on christmas.

>> No.49863540
Quoted by: >>49863610

>24 hour stream
when was this?

>> No.49863544

Miko extending her break indefinitely

>> No.49863543

Silhoutte with Kanata is Towa.

>> No.49863552

Early access but iwant SNOT to play this

>> No.49863554
File: 218 KB, 1921x1153, 30 days vesper 20230520.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is a thrown off chart (requested in that other thread).
The dashed line is his suspension and general unavailability in december and january.

Can someone explain WTF happened mid April to throw his viewership in the dumps?
That's a loss of core audience (as his staple content, zatsus, are one of the most affected) as opposed to just playing debuff stuff.
What happened?

>> No.49863560

the 2nd baby...

>> No.49863571

>devs tend to come there
makes Cover no money so it's irrelevant to the company

>> No.49863581

when they can average 10k+ ccv

>> No.49863582

Nah actually she usually only use like 50% of her power at best. She pushed it to full for a while on January and you see how that goes

>> No.49863589
File: 190 KB, 756x1256, indefinitely.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek, that redditor bloke was really dumb, wasn't he?

>> No.49863590
Quoted by: >>49863666


>> No.49863594

migo is pregnante

>> No.49863608

You want more BOTW tier numbers?

>> No.49863610

On the 4-5th, she had 4 streams over 24 hours with a lot of collabs.

>> No.49863618
Quoted by: >>49863805

I went through his entire video archive and made a full compilation

>> No.49863626


>> No.49863627

>Miko says she has an important recording tomorrow and the day after
>Towa also said she has recording tomorrow and the day after
Anyone else?

>> No.49863650

Yeah, she passed the 6 hours with me in our newlyweds bed.

>> No.49863651
Quoted by: >>49863735

>can't use subs
>can't use ccv
>can't use vod views
>can't use merch
>fall back to number of whales
Cover gives so much of a fuck about superchats that they definitely gave preferential treatment for the biggest superchat earner in the world and didn't fire her for contract violation.

>> No.49863661

Peko raided herself like 8 minutes before the start

>> No.49863660


>> No.49863663

>not knowing the peko cycle
It is a 3 months period, check her bombastic jan and april and slowing down in feb and may

>> No.49863666
Quoted by: >>49863708

you're retarded, Gura gets dev attention when she streams anything regardless of the CCV so it's doubly irrelevant

>> No.49863670
Quoted by: >>49863764

VSaikyo doko

>> No.49863675


>> No.49863678

She can't or is scared to push full throttle anymore.
Her current average stream hours per month is about 75-80. Pekora 2021 had an average of 114 hours per month, with a peak of 140 hours on the highest month.

>> No.49863679
Quoted by: >>49863765

Huh? Do you even understand how business connections are build in this kind of industry with influencers.

>> No.49863693

Maybe Q2 and most importantly for the year. Not monthly because the streamcharts(?) tally isn't monthly.

>> No.49863708

lol, delusional.

>> No.49863710

? It’s just a couple of days so she can record something and she’s doing a Twitter space. That’s not “indefinite”

>> No.49863712
Quoted by: >>49863957


>> No.49863730

and?? as I said, you can focus on CCV to shit on homos while someone can compare SC to retaliate
HolostarsEN is not a failure under Cover eyes

>> No.49863735

I don't think any statistics would've mattered for breaking a contract violation like Rushia did.

>> No.49863765

certainly not through CCV, or else Mori and Kiara wouldn't have so many connections

>> No.49863764

Yeah. Without her Towa fell from 16th to 20th place.

>> No.49863787
Quoted by: >>49863980

nigger its black and white with no colorful charts
too hardcore desu

>> No.49863797

Because youtube money is Cover's only source of revenue, right?

>> No.49863803

holoid still small community back then no one protect her

>> No.49863805

k, don't know why should I care.

>> No.49863807
Quoted by: >>49863955

>under Cover eyes
Of course, the sister is ESL.

>> No.49863813
Quoted by: >>49863851

Karma bitch

>> No.49863851
File: 36 KB, 488x628, 327609025_524962466292911_7202472055370358072_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the faq

>> No.49863854
File: 407 KB, 434x432, 1669288803371595.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49864287


>> No.49863860

Another reason to not delay JP7. Talents are getting covid left and right, disappearing off the face of the earth (Haachama), being told by their doctors that they will die if they keep streaming, some on the verge of permanently losing their voice, some just don't stream and refuse to elaborate, and the worst of all some of them only stream Apex and Valorant.

>> No.49863863
Quoted by: >>49863939

And Gura still racking money there with her membership do you think ads stream revenue is huge?
And if you think yes I would remind you that Ad revenue is like 1 US view = 3 JP view which make which in this case 1 gura stream = 2-3 first army JP stream.
Gura is the worse example you used for subs since she still get vod views even though it reclined and she still sells a lot of merch.

>> No.49863865
File: 987 KB, 1172x524, Screenshot_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my guess is that the one in the left is sakamata, also because kanata and azki are there too so maybe roboco is the new kanaken member

>> No.49863875
Quoted by: >>49863999

I mean, why? Miko and Marin go full throttle to beat her for a while and they are both out of the game now because of it. Pekora is currently maintaining the best possible stream/work balance in the company I bet you

>> No.49863889

Lol, this is hardly full throttle. She's basically coasting after the GW tourney.

>> No.49863911
File: 324 KB, 756x637, Yawn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are Homobeggar like this?

>> No.49863915
Quoted by: >>49864027

whos top 10 for
hours watched right now?

>> No.49863930
File: 137 KB, 523x187, king rest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my not queen is starting streaming

>> No.49863936
Quoted by: >>49864249

looks like haachama

>> No.49863940

It's not just CCV. All their viewership metrics are absolutely pathetic and so are their subs (reason why they got swept under the rug in the IPO report). And from what we have merch sales are also abysmal compared to the girls, where Kiara alone mogs the entire branch combined.
And I'm pretty sure if we dig deeper in the SC and memgifts discussion the homos won't look that good either.

>> No.49863939
Quoted by: >>49864044

>she still sells a lot of merch.
Hasn't had a merch run in almost a year and she is one of the few we don't have scrapped data on.

>> No.49863955


>> No.49863957

Almost 2.2k and still growing. It seems like the voices weren't every interested in the EN homos.

Be careful, they might pull up the number of gifted memberships.

>> No.49863964
Quoted by: >>49864095

Migo space!

>> No.49863971

by full throttle I meant doing her best without killing herself.
>Pekora 2021
You think Peko 2023 has same throat condition as 2021? Now Hololive is far more popular do you think the intensity of Peko's schedule is still the same?

>> No.49863980
File: 34 KB, 2482x1117, fancy numbers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49864201

What can I say anon, I like hard numbers not fancy charts. But here you go, something real ugly.

>> No.49863999
Quoted by: >>49864131

And that's what broke her throat (and possibly dried up her creative juices). Her full throttle was weekly minecraft that went til past midnight and high tension weekend RPG streams.. It's much better for the whole company to let the others take those spots that she left.

>> No.49864002
File: 11 KB, 236x237, 316722773_1114374639262473_2733720328373029759_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its my fav holo cover


>> No.49864027

Rest is irrelevant

>> No.49864031
Quoted by: >>49864081

Homo sister blatant lying just like Nijinigger, KEK

>> No.49864033
File: 14 KB, 340x364, happy gozaru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


ez 10/10

>> No.49864035

Trust in the year of the rabbit.

>> No.49864044

We literally got the bag merch #

>> No.49864057

Sora and Luna

>> No.49864067

>You think Peko 2023 has same throat condition as 2021?
Ofc not, and that was kind of my point. She doesn't try to push herself as she did in 2021 due to her throat. She could probably do a month at that pace but it would be bad for the rest of the year. Hence she doesn't go full throttle.

>> No.49864075

JWU did something happened with Bae? It seems that it was a leak or something
I don't see it on the catalogue so I assume it wasn't even that important

>> No.49864081
Quoted by: >>49864158

you retard, talking about the SC earned during those Karaoke streams

>> No.49864095

one of the few sensible and kind anons

>> No.49864109

Yes. Someone JWU for the fourth time.

>> No.49864116
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>> No.49864131

True, it did led to her first break of her career on 2022. But I think she have figure out how to actually maintain a healthy schedule after that, it’s been a year since then and if that doesn’t work then we would have seen the consequences by now

>> No.49864140

Bae leaked her nudes on stream

>> No.49864144


>> No.49864149

USA ain't looking as great these days a.c.t Chingchong empire.

>> No.49864158

The whole point of that post was to compare who made Cover more money, and when IRyS has a more consistent stream of scs and and also gets more on these big celebrations she obvious made more money than some faggot who got more than her in one stream and will go back to getting nothing until there's another celebration.

>> No.49864182

bae leaked that towa is a man

>> No.49864186

He has a $0 superchat 4 hour Apex stream too wow

>> No.49864188

Kobo originals songs being used in School Parade

>> No.49864190
File: 338 KB, 695x628, 1683343186334893.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49864237

Total NijiZhangSanji extermination.

>> No.49864200
File: 51 KB, 374x439, 1675980671730097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49864273

JWU from a coma please congratulate me

>> No.49864201
Quoted by: >>49864253

thx for pressing the button of chart generation. Looks much better. What's ugly though? You meant all 3 girls began to slow down?

>> No.49864223

HoloEN management are confirmed to be all-female

>> No.49864226
File: 1.97 MB, 1920x1080, FwpqWOWacAM0tyI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.49864237

Caveat: only if Gura streams.

>> No.49864239
File: 343 KB, 818x796, 15490393452810068.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49864241
Quoted by: >>49864319


>> No.49864249

Anon, I...

>> No.49864253

ugly in the sense that there is no real effort by the program to make the graph presentable.

>> No.49864257

gross week

>> No.49864261
Quoted by: >>49864301

>gimme good vtuber music
Hardcore mode; gimme good IRyS music

>> No.49864265

>another Council collab

>> No.49864273

Stay asleep forever, thanks.

>> No.49864281
Quoted by: >>49864347

>council collab
>the council 4 members

>> No.49864283
Quoted by: >>49864356

Bae potential status?

>> No.49864287


>> No.49864296
Quoted by: >>49864437

But she is literally doing that? Currently Pekora is literally streaming the maximum amount possible without breaking her throat, all while still let her have time for behind the scene work. The trade off is literally just
>Reduce her average stream duration by 2 hours
>One break day per week
Just so you know how balanced that is. Miko schedule is one 4-5 hours stream but she have 1-2 days cooldown. Marine dump too much time and energy on behind the scene work so she can only stream like once a week

>> No.49864298
File: 53 KB, 719x806, 1659170484548986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49864343


>> No.49864301
Quoted by: >>49864395

her 3 best songs are berserker, gravity and diorama

>> No.49864302
Quoted by: >>49864347

so its really true huh mumei and bae wants only 4 of them in council kek

>> No.49864312

>pekora silver
she slips to herself

>> No.49864319

Watame is pretty bad at covers.

>> No.49864329
Quoted by: >>49864509

Kek so Vesper and Bettel dm WERE actually about the Barbie watchalong
But wtf is Vesper doing there? This is a Baelz and Bettel thing, fucking leech

>> No.49864341
File: 63 KB, 243x235, king sips.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49864380

your queen is done for vt

>> No.49864343
Quoted by: >>49864502

Took him 4 months. I wonder if EN3 will be able to hit that in 4 days.

>> No.49864344

very denpa not my thing. Is Iroha's voice being heavily tuned?

>> No.49864347

If IRyS wants to collab with them she could always set something up but she's lazy and won't.

>> No.49864356
File: 189 KB, 1080x1246, 1671446506723958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forever intact

>> No.49864360

2nd time this happened this month

>> No.49864379


>> No.49864380
File: 391 KB, 1228x612, king.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49864382
Quoted by: >>49864754

>easy 35k
pekoschizo status?

>> No.49864387
File: 911 KB, 850x1057, 1660286904189315.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bae leaked her folder of Towa lewds

>> No.49864395


>> No.49864402
File: 55 KB, 718x836, 1626542395886684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My Top Five Hololive Original Songs
>1. DREAM SHOWER - by Iroha degojyaru
>2. Peko Random Brain - by Pekora Usada
>3. Bruce Crappers - by Holo Gen5
>4. For The Win - by Agua Minato
>5. OBADO - by Lui Takane

>> No.49864407
File: 3 KB, 125x125, migo_pat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My Migo's throat not fully recovered yet....

>> No.49864432
Quoted by: >>49864508

It was a good price to pay to mog Pekora for half a month don’t you think?

>> No.49864434
Quoted by: >>49864557

35p you should have lubricated it.

>> No.49864437

>Pekora is literally streaming the maximum amount possible
Did you reply to wrong post?lol
Because we both said the same point.

>> No.49864442
Quoted by: >>49864478

Sisters what happened to Bae getting suspended?

>> No.49864466
Quoted by: >>49864507

First tempoop collab with EN?

>> No.49864478

Bae is done for after the Barbie watchalong.

>> No.49864502


>> No.49864507


>> No.49864509
Quoted by: >>49864596

>vesper cockblock

>> No.49864508

Half a week*>>49863529

>> No.49864515
Quoted by: >>49864603

this girl fit more with Niji than Holo

>> No.49864519

>peppa pig
>genital jousting
what the fuck am i looking at here

>> No.49864551

>council collab
>watchalong with 2 guys the next day
did kronii and mori teach her the secret technique to maintain the “best GFE” brrats while homocollabing?

>> No.49864557

Stop it! Miko is a baby!

>> No.49864590

Vespers a taken man via Kronii and Bettel needs a guy around so his yumes dont kill Baelz in the 1on1. Easy solve.

>> No.49864596

Yeah I remember the Barbie talk was literally just Baelz jumping on Bettel stream. Vesper literally wasn’t there or express interest yet he is suddenly in the watchalong collab

>> No.49864600


>> No.49864603

she is not fat enough to qualify for that black company

>> No.49864619
Quoted by: >>49864731

Neck yourself.

>> No.49864618
Quoted by: >>49864826


>> No.49864630
Quoted by: >>49864936

Bae is doing a threesome with tempiss SUGOI.

>> No.49864642
File: 26 KB, 128x128, nahone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That makes sense

>> No.49864649
File: 11 KB, 251x201, 12313111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49864654

holoen really is the cuck experience huh

>> No.49864663

Will this be Bettels first Holo collab? Wonder if it will filter some of his fans like it did for the rest of the homos.

>> No.49864664

if she was learning from them she would've reversed the order instead

>> No.49864670
Quoted by: >>49864681

>it's okay when JP does it

>> No.49864672

So bae can collab with roberu and rape him on stream. unless she does an extreme GFE stream. Got it.
T.bae's manager

>> No.49864677


>> No.49864681


>> No.49864683

>Be Vesper
>Does everything in his power to cuck ENfags
Gosh i wish i was that much of a Sigma.

>> No.49864687

I thought the movie comes out next month?

>> No.49864701

we love cuckoldry here

>> No.49864702

Based deaf anon.

>> No.49864703

Anon, he is cucking his own bros

>> No.49864707
Quoted by: >>49864823

>Pekora kept saying Chang the past 10 seconds
Yab. Another wall full of usagi guro will arrive.

>> No.49864708
Quoted by: >>49865911

NTA but I remember Mori once said
"Don't ship me with Stars I am serious!"
then she joined mixed collab a lot

>> No.49864709

I figured yumes were more insane than unicorns. Imagine the outrage if a homo jumped into the Fauna and Mumei Twilight watchalong begging to be in call for the next movie and actually pulling it off. We’d be timelooping to this day

>> No.49864714

>cucking anything
His true goal is Gura but that shark would rather leave Hololive than spend a minute on stream with the menhera boomer.

>> No.49864715


>> No.49864721

mythic is 2 floors down featuring Vei/Soda and Nyan/Aethel pairings of unironic couples content after both baited goslings in their past.

>> No.49864723

Complaining about Bae doing Homo collabs is the same as complaining about Matsuri doing it.

>> No.49864731
Quoted by: >>49864817

Don't need to. Watame is not a skilled entertainer and isn't a good singer. She's really carried by the brand and I think Cover would be better off without her. I say this as a Hololive fan(hoshiyomi) that I think there would be addition by subtraction considering Watame.

>> No.49864745


>> No.49864752
Quoted by: >>49864813

I think Pekora will pass her unless Pekora takes more rest. Koyori's number is mostly on the 24 hours during Golden Week so that means Pekora might get it with more days.

>> No.49864754

Slitting his left wrist vertically

>> No.49864756

nope kobo first,i mean he better than flayon at least

>> No.49864764

Considering the sheer SIZE of the EN VTubing community and the last two big debuts on the EN side (iLuna and lolisex), the fact that this debut has been a LONG time coming, as well as the fact that they have a built it storyline buff as the pivot of the HoloEN branch...
I'd say the predictions are along the following lines -
Minimum: 100k+
Expected: 120k+
Kneel Territory: 150k+

>> No.49864798 [DELETED] 
File: 114 KB, 600x600, FvusDWwaQAAqaov.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

en cucks rule the vtubing sphere

>> No.49864799
Quoted by: >>49865589

I'd expect that in Summer of 2022. Not now.

>> No.49864801

nothing wrong with shitting on homos's cumrugs

>> No.49864805

Marine is okay with NTR though

>> No.49864813

It honestly depend on whether or not Pekora let Koyori take it. This should already all within Pekora calculations so if she want to beat Koyori it’s all just a matter of schedule

>> No.49864817

We've been over this, anon. You can't outplay the mage.

>> No.49864823
File: 161 KB, 537x657, 1674499079133949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Rabbit

>> No.49864826

No one watch Bae to know about it kek

>> No.49864828
Quoted by: >>49865003

But Matsuri is Japanese, also into yuri sex.

>> No.49864831

Pffft, maybe if they had dropped before Tempus2, but that debacle very well may have driven some amount of people away. Forever.
I doubt the debuts will get 100k.
Hell, they'll be lucky to match Council's debuts.

>> No.49864833

EN scene relies on western viewers. Western viewers are quick to move on the next fad. That's the reality of it that most people ignore.

>> No.49864847

>Complaining about Bae doing Homo collabs is the same as complaining about Matsuri doing it.
Yeah, she was honest from the beginning and it killed her potential. She can homocollab all she wants though without blowback as long as she doesn't drag other girls (and their fanbases) down with her, so there's that.

>> No.49864852

Do the Tempus Yume/Fujos even see Kobo as a threat

>> No.49864866

and I am membered to both

>> No.49864870

Subaru is still in First Army you scums

>> No.49864881

We don't have only 2 gens

>> No.49864884

Maybe the blue gook's, maybe....

>> No.49864887

my whoreshi on twitch has had only slow gradual gains for the last year. Sounds like a holoen problem.

>> No.49864888
File: 73 KB, 198x191, 2023-05-09 19_41_15-ぶいらび - Mori Calliope Ch. hololive-EN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The last homocollab watchalong for reference...

>> No.49864890
File: 120 KB, 1035x529, pkmk schizo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

talking to yourself again schizo kun?

>> No.49864897

HoloEN's duality

>> No.49864913

Nah you can bet theyre 53piss posing as Nousagis.

>> No.49864919

I don't see mass deletion so maybe it's time for your meds.

>> No.49864924

how the fuck is this shit game getting 37k.. it's even worse than the kusoge rpg.

>> No.49864931
Quoted by: >>49865010


>> No.49864934

Debut same way as HoloX
1. Announcement and debut within a week of each other
2. Short video on their channel showing the model to avoid cull
This is a solved problem internally

>> No.49864935

most 1m vods.. remind me how often that happens recently again?

>> No.49864936
Quoted by: >>49864996

is this the first 1 girl x 2 men collab?

>> No.49864952

Go rope yourself*

>> No.49864957
Quoted by: >>49864979

Viewers are getting scammed thinking it's a horror game and Pekora's panicked voice. It's just a monochromatic spot the difference game with slightly scary BGM.

>> No.49864959

Because that's Pekora

>> No.49864978

Shit taste.

>> No.49864979

I just like hearing pekora's cartoonish voice.

>> No.49864982
Quoted by: >>49865720

You fags said Lap wouldn't get 100k. She got 167k.

>> No.49864984
File: 348 KB, 678x621, 1657035568991.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49865833

Migo will rape correct her again soon noutards!

>> No.49864986

die homobeggar die

>> No.49864996
Quoted by: >>49865221

Does towa count as a man?

>> No.49865003
Quoted by: >>49865031

Matsuri also had "The Hand"

>> No.49865010

Oh... she still can't sing anon...

>> No.49865022

Huge Gura vods are a thing of the past. Actually so are vods in general.

>> No.49865024
Quoted by: >>49865617

HoloX was announced the same day Laplus debuted.

>> No.49865031


>> No.49865043

I dunno why 53piss cannot comprehend,

Longer streams with decent numbers>Short streams with great number. 2 hours of 110k is not greater than 4 hours of 70k. That is why Koyori's 24h stream gets more views than Pekora's Tournament (which btw was taken over by Cover. Its Pekora's idea but a lot of the preps etc were handled by Cover since their own Golden Week planned failed to materialize)

>> No.49865045

she makes it hard to have sympathy for her
oh well

>> No.49865054
Quoted by: >>49865488

You must be the only retard who keeps pushing this on the whole board. >>49771979 proves otherwise.

>> No.49865055

The Moona mama family is pretty close for vtuber standards right? Most pretend they don't know each other like how Flare pretends the other 3 don't exist.

>> No.49865085

ask the japs an EOP would never find this game interesting at all

>> No.49865104
Quoted by: >>49865163

Still avg 300k+ which is the same as 30-50k CCV first army stream while Koyo got like 60-80k ccv on avg.

>> No.49865107

Markiplier buff >>49862463

>> No.49865135

Anything about Gura is a thing of the past until she starts producing again.

>> No.49865139
File: 46 KB, 939x141, Meds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49865803

I ain't a 53piss and i just broken your narrative.

>> No.49865146
Quoted by: >>49865223

I was thinking the similar. Cover need to calculate and balance the pre-debut hype and subs cull. Though I think that is the last thing Cover should worry about EN3.

>> No.49865154

just annoying, they hate more mori and kronii for accepting mori's request, but unitychads say mori is a good person for doing collabs with them

>> No.49865163

>>49865104 (me)
>Koyo got like 60-80k ccv on avg
What i mean is VOD not ccv

>> No.49865166
Quoted by: >>49865192

>Pekora's Tournament (which btw was taken over by Cover. Its Pekora's idea but a lot of the preps etc were handled by Cover since their own Golden Week planned failed to materialize)
Absolute retard.

>> No.49865171
Quoted by: >>49865360

Anything interesting tomorrow or is it gonna be uncontested VSPO full podium?

>> No.49865179
File: 1.33 MB, 1200x902, fire.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In simple terms holoen is the dog sitting in the house on fire meme while other companies are causing the fire which in turn damaging the en scene for vtubers resulting in massive decline for vtubers. That the main difference between holo jp and holo en is that holo jp takes care of the jp scene and spends time outside hololive by hanging out with other companies and indies to spread their wealth and keep the will of vtuber alive. Meanwhile Holo en does nothing and hope things will get better in time when it will only get worst.

>> No.49865182

Ollie also loves to push LAM family unity. Iirc she also interacted a bit with box and fungus but then the discord leak happened and they pretend not to know each other after that

>> No.49865192
Quoted by: >>49865472


>> No.49865199

Is there anything more interesting than entertaining the falseflagging schizo?

>> No.49865211
Quoted by: >>49865292

>Back to back weeks with homocollab
Man, feels like i'm back in September/October...Shit is beyond GRIM a this point

>> No.49865219

She will have to get a lot more CCV or constant 24h stream to do that. 24 hour stream is a HUGE deal, that shit is basically worth around 5 days with the numbers around Collab numbers for her.

Good for Koyori though, I always appreciate a hard worker. This is why I cannot hate Bae despite everything. Their job is to stream so any move to gain viewers should not be frowned upon.

>> No.49865221

Then Towa gotta be gay during mysterious male incident.

>> No.49865223

I just want people who fit and will do well, I don't want a slapped together gen hoping to right the ship. I don't care about the wait at this point, bring in 4 more new homo gens for all I care.

>> No.49865235

That's sounds like a long excuse for cross company collab shit.

>> No.49865254
Quoted by: >>49865285

Flare is autistic, most chuubas at least acknowledge their "siblings" even if most don't enable too much leeching

>> No.49865276

Any reasons why Flare is excluded from most collabs these days??

>> No.49865279

I honestly dont get pitting holos vs holos. They are colleagues. Like wtf.

>> No.49865282

Wheelbarrow activated by the nga bugs because yagoo is visiting an anti china shrine or something.

>> No.49865284

I enjoyed it when XQC play it tho…

>> No.49865285

Pekora never acknowledge hers lmao.

>> No.49865292
Quoted by: >>49865337

>the same 4 whores
nothing has changed

>> No.49865315

Vods are dead the one advantage of youtube lets go to twitch

>> No.49865318
Quoted by: >>49865334

>Literally is playing with Akirose RBC and Foobs
Kill yourself dwarf.

>> No.49865334


>> No.49865336

Holoen fell to indie numbers and 7 of their talents are getting mgoged by henya and irnlung though

>> No.49865337

Mori Kronii Baelz and Amelia(?) Whats Ame doin

>> No.49865350
Quoted by: >>49865388

She is an introvert and has a crippling splatoon2 addiction.

>> No.49865353


>> No.49865357
Quoted by: >>49865399

>watching xqc
wtf is wrong with you?

>> No.49865358

Yea shit is weird that's why the bot controversy never dies

>> No.49865360

Pretty sure it is just vspo, Subaru outfit and Roboco 3D live are the 23rd

>> No.49865362
Quoted by: >>49865647

I mean, Hagure papa literally approved of it. Tho I do keep track of Pekora sister out of pure curiosity

>> No.49865364
File: 1.62 MB, 1920x816, Screenshot (13).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pekochan difference

>> No.49865375
Quoted by: >>49865403

>some anons didn't see the bae x homo collab coming
in one of the pictures, both their names were high on her DM list, which means it was recent.

>> No.49865380

She is. Why else would Holos esp first army love collabing with her.

>> No.49865388
Quoted by: >>49865796

Ikr. Flare has like almost zero interaction w my oshi. My oshi even managed to get Aqua. This is next level introvertness.

>> No.49865394

Nintendies our response? Mogged by WoT lmao

>> No.49865399

Watching a retard can be entertaining if it is to laugh at the retard.

>> No.49865400
Quoted by: >>49865437

C'mon man, have some self-respect

>> No.49865403

People thought they were just chatting and it was social DMs, not work.

>> No.49865416


>> No.49865437
Quoted by: >>49865508

Hey atleast I don’t watch him anymore

>> No.49865438

I've never seen Pekora interact with Flkare outside of group collabs and neither of them ever tell stories about each other. So much for unity.

>> No.49865449
Quoted by: >>49865515

Flare hates fake people.

>> No.49865468


>> No.49865472
Quoted by: >>49865548

You don't earn points for making up shit in the numbers thread, anon. Despite the jokes, anons in here watch more streams than shitholes like /hlgg/.

>> No.49865473

wow you really don't now how business works.

>> No.49865479
Quoted by: >>49865526

>Whats Ame doin
nothing yet, if she continues like that then it will be only 3 whores

>> No.49865488

second post on that pic is mine. i'm not samefagging and i dont know why those posts deleted at the same time.

>> No.49865505

She stopped giving a shit about them
sticks to her own weekend schedule now

>> No.49865508

Give flate a book
How to interact with hikikomori lol

>> No.49865515

Yeah, Flare has no love for her genmates. She ignores Noel nowadays and never interacts with Pekora. I can say Flare is part of the "rot" in hololive. She aids stagnation and doesn't further it.

>> No.49865526

She will get asked by Mori to join another collab eventually, you know it to be true.

>> No.49865541

That top 5 is absolutely disgusting.

>> No.49865542
Quoted by: >>49865616

On her contrarian pills.

>> No.49865548

>anons in here watch more streams than shitholes like /hlgg/.
So we watch streams like mature adults without constantly typing feedback on vt?

>> No.49865549


>> No.49865563

>Sisters actually desperate enough to try and shitpost about Flare now

>> No.49865564
File: 55 KB, 329x479, Wiki popularity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49865609

Wiki popularity ranking.

>> No.49865572

Same with Kronii. Long dry spell but hitched back up as soon as she had an excuse in Mori

>> No.49865582

maybe, but she barely streams nowadays so I don't think she will waste her weekly stream time on them

>> No.49865589
File: 335 KB, 463x453, pekostraw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll unironically challenge you to grudgepost me on this.
Holo debuts are THE BIGGEST shit that happens in VTubing. It's an event that's watched by literally EVERYONE in the hobby.
Got tired of the current scene and haven't watched chuubas for a long time? One of your friends (or this board) will tell you that EN3 is coming.
Watching more JP instead of EN now? The JP girls will promote this and you'll know.
Watching small corpos after getting tired of holo and niji? You'll check to see if the new girls are any good at least.
Watching 1-2 EN girls but hoping for more? Naturally you will watch.
Fans who got in through homos? Will be looking for potential girls to leech off of, they will also watch.
Fans who got introduced to chuubas through small corpos? Their oshis will 100% talk about the debuts, and likely react to the debut trailer if any (for content).
Nijisanji fans? Holo lives rent free in both their heads and the heads of their livers, naturally they will watch as well.
General chuuba fans? New blood is always exciting, they will naturally watch.

All these disparate groups will watch the debut. Most will not stay, but in the current climate the debut is where almost all chuubas will have their highest numbers. Especially for holos.

>> No.49865600
File: 103 KB, 1280x720, 1682763076573046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49865871


>> No.49865601

Pekora is cute

>> No.49865605

I was gonna says can't wait for Bae to recline, but she's already the bottom of the barrel

>> No.49865609

did they do to Akane the "is 2 was"?

>> No.49865614

Can't do that when she doesn't even know they exist.

>> No.49865616
Quoted by: >>49865675

She'll go back to homocollabing if her audience pisses her off enough.

>> No.49865617

Might be tougher for EN with an international audience that's used to schedules and different primetimes.

>> No.49865619

>She ignores Noel
Noel is a Ahijo now. Whose ignoring who.
>never interacts with Peko
She has never interacted with fake people.
I use Flare as the purity sensor in Hololive. Who she sticks to and interact with must be at least be decent human beings.

>> No.49865633

welp I don't care much since they are insignificant to the whole brand, but ENfags will have a hard time since there are not many options for them.

>> No.49865647
Quoted by: >>49865689

What did Hagure papa say?

>> No.49865658

Not him but wtf is Ahijo?

>> No.49865666
File: 676 KB, 1080x1509, THE PECOCK IS REAAAL!!!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49865940

Flare is legit scared of the Pecock.

>> No.49865673

Japanese fried shrimp.

>> No.49865675

What audience

>> No.49865689

That Pekora will be his only daughter

>> No.49865696
File: 253 KB, 701x737, subaru_hiku.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...how new?

>> No.49865694

An unironic EOP…

>> No.49865699

I rather watch homos than reading all this

>> No.49865704
Quoted by: >>49865801

It's over, they added Naruto to holocure

>> No.49865720

I actually predicted over 100k for Laplus. I didn't expect her to get as much as she did though, and the sentiment around vtubing in the JP market is a LOT stronger and far more positive than EN.
It has been TOO LONG.
All of those points you make are valid, but they also have a 'best before' date, and that date expired when Tempus2 faggotry happened.

>> No.49865722

A species of glowing frog in Fukushima.

>> No.49865732
Quoted by: >>49865812

what's her deal trying to drag other people down with her

>> No.49865736

She can always break new ground by being the first 3view EN

>> No.49865749
Quoted by: >>49865774

>She has NEVER interacted with fake people.
glad you just confirmed flare thinks pekora is a real person.

>> No.49865774

Forced interactions does not count.

>> No.49865786
File: 310 KB, 1242x1219, 5C14EB10-0441-4588-BCDC-88AF488DF2EF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49865818

Well, his only daughter on a technicality

>> No.49865785

Pekora and miko should adopt the shitters of holoEN give them a second chance

>> No.49865787

I dont watch holoEN anymore and will still check out EN3 debuts. I bet theres quite a few in the same boat.

>> No.49865791

Flare dropped by Pekora's Pokemon stream way past midnight to show her support.

Pekora also never goes out. Her closest JP member is Marine and they barely hang out before she got her own place.

>> No.49865794
Quoted by: >>49865818

Uh...then which category do all the others fall under?

>> No.49865796

Well, she is still part of shiraken and bakatare. And those unit are still active. I think that's still a healthy amount of interaction.

>> No.49865801

yikes, dead update

>> No.49865803
Quoted by: >>49865953

anon you're retard just like them

>> No.49865806

your words, not mine. Thanks anon, flare likes people keeping it real, like pekora.

>> No.49865812
Quoted by: >>49866035


>> No.49865818

He still acknowledged them but his bio list only Pekora as his daughter

>> No.49865833
Quoted by: >>49865874

Your whore got deepthroat so hard she still can’t recover lmao

>> No.49865871
File: 260 KB, 1108x900, PekoraWins20052023 (975).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49865874

yeah me

>> No.49865891

Sure bro.
grudgepost me.
EN3 and JP7 will not come this year. The schedule is clear and JP6 is still due one year of shilling.

>> No.49865898

EN are just generally consumed by drama and spite. They're largely incapable of being happy about what they have or trying to help things be better.

>> No.49865905

Nijisanji Discord leaks constant shitposting and darma that changed this board forever, meanwhile holoen discord leak crickets. Nice bias holobros

>> No.49865911
Quoted by: >>49866046

Why do you think Bae still tries to keep BaeRyS alive.

>> No.49865914
Quoted by: >>49865932

Sisters are so desperate they use literally any Holo to shitpost

>> No.49865919
Quoted by: >>49866099

she stills collab with Noel and Marine what are you smoking
she just hates the other liars

>> No.49865924
Quoted by: >>49866076

Forced? Did anyone force Flare to show support to Pekora when she was losing motivation in Pokemon? Did anyone force her to gift Allay to Pekora (Flare mentioned they were already planning to give the allay that Peko took from Marine to Pekora)

Flare barely interacts with anyone. Even Noel nowadays.

>> No.49865931

Nah sister we remember how things were before tempiss

>> No.49865932


>> No.49865936
File: 517 KB, 608x608, VeryDanjyarasu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49866115

Steady 37,4k stream on a kuso horror game, very danjyarasu.

>> No.49865940

Miko is terrified of her as well

>> No.49865953

There was never any room for his narrative in my statement. But thanks for pointing out your ignorance.

>> No.49865954

People really don't give a shit about Bae. Barely any reactions.

>> No.49865966
File: 413 KB, 1066x726, 1646571973386.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are welcome to shit yourself in excitement if the holos leak themselves seething about nijisanji

>> No.49865988
Quoted by: >>49866043

>He said this while flare interact with suisei and miko

>> No.49865995

Baiting with Flare...
Dwarfanon is back?

>> No.49866010

Bae is such a fucking retard holy shit

>> No.49866013

I only want to see her new depression arc. Streamers who ignore the trivial rules of opsec deserves to suffer.

>> No.49866029

>talking about Flare
What happened to this thread?

>> No.49866033

I missed it, what was the Discord leak again?
If it's regarding Bae and the homos I don't see the drama considering that the rat whore posted her private DMs with Vesper when those fags debuted. She deserves her numbers.

>> No.49866035
Quoted by: >>49866123

I thought she was past that
given all the view bait steams and collabs she is doing now

>> No.49866036
File: 255 KB, 1279x1340, 1679891158193911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49866602


>> No.49866043
Quoted by: >>49866124

Even if Suisei is the fakest bitch in the company Miko is pretty genuine.

>> No.49866046

Was Valentines the last real BaeRyS moment? Is it still alive?

>> No.49866053

Go back to wherever the fuck you from.

>> No.49866076
Quoted by: >>49866203

Because Noel has been hiding the fact that she's fake to Flare. Pekora is her genmate and thanks for mentioning interactions in the past that has no bearing on the future. They are all hiding that they are fake. Flare hates fake people. Interactions stopped. Is that so hard to understand?

>> No.49866089
Quoted by: >>49866114

reminder baelz only exists to generate sex art and nothing else

>> No.49866098

Go back Redditard.

>> No.49866099

Marine interacts and collab with any holo, EN included. The fact that Flare and Marine collab is rare should raise some flags.

Flare doesnt join group collabs much
Flare doesnt like her avatar
Flare is the most underperforming member of Holofantasy. Rushia has been gone for more than a year yet she cannot reach her subs.

Its Flare that is weird.

>> No.49866114

And discord leaks.

>> No.49866115

Jap tastes are weird af lmao
i kneel peko

>> No.49866123

She's still at it.

>> No.49866124
Quoted by: >>49866311

Suischizo chill.

>> No.49866132

As long as people ITT people keep discussing and timelooping EN3 in this very thread, you know they'll still have mindshare.
People will keep posting it until next year if they have to, and only when EN3 timeloops stop getting (You)s will the "hype" end.

>> No.49866141

>Before homos
>Endless Kiara, Mori, Kronii, Gura shitposting
Nice joke.

>> No.49866156


>> No.49866159
Quoted by: >>49866306

Those are forced discussion.

>> No.49866168

you are fucking retard Marine has more collab with Flare than with Noel, it just everyone is busy nowadays so it's hard to schedule.

>> No.49866173

Love my oshi
Love hololive
Hate Suisei
Simple as

>> No.49866187

Flare and Marine have had multiple fantastic karaoke off collabs. Probably not the girl you want to be shitposting Flare with

>> No.49866197

yeah, Flare is busy sucking on Noel's tits

>> No.49866203

past.. that was just this year anon lmao. same with the Allay. Sounds like you don't really know a lot.

>> No.49866215

Black man scares the shit out of pekora...

>> No.49866217
Quoted by: >>49866258

You didn't need to reply and out yourself as a newfag tourist, sister.

>> No.49866219

Faggots and schizo can post whatever they want but Yagoo plans to expand fanbase is definitely not EN3/JP7. Also JP6 sells so JP7 isn't needed yet.

>> No.49866229

Based 35p

>> No.49866244
File: 1.27 MB, 813x960, 1675791368500356.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49866302

>pekora jump scared by a nigger

>> No.49866252
Quoted by: >>49866491

how long is a Peko cycle? how many day are left until she starts playing ToTK?

>> No.49866255
Quoted by: >>49866720

She leaked some of the correspondence with managers and chatlogs, plus their nicknames from discord with # numbers. I doubt she'll get anything serious for this, but she fully deserves her stress at the moment.

>> No.49866258
Quoted by: >>49866319

ogey can you read?
>EN are just generally consumed by drama and spite

>> No.49866260
Quoted by: >>49866520

>Everyone is so busy nowsadays.
How cute and silly anon.

>> No.49866279
Quoted by: >>49866543

>Yagoo plans to expand fanbase is definitely not EN3/JP7.
Yearly report already said JP7 is coming.
>Also JP6 sells so JP7 isn't needed yet.
That's not how it works.

>> No.49866282
File: 1.71 MB, 162x253, 1677303018373376.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49866290

Its just overly polite holos, managers and Kiara begging to get a collab going. Whats there to talk about

>> No.49866294
File: 656 KB, 279x369, 1684674963265.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

En3 will never live up to the hype and will not save the stagnated english branch. Japanese style streaming will never get traction with western audiences again, the fact it even has the numbers it does now is basically a wild fluke of circumstance thats now just subsisting off of a huge base of core fan holdovers from the boom.

>> No.49866297

Is gen3 "unity" dead?

>> No.49866302

Intimidated by the big black dick. Weak jap bunny and her small cunny.

>> No.49866306

you don't get it anon, even if one schizo keeps spamming one topic (suischizo, marineschizo etc.) they are always easily identifiable. EN discussion, specifically the "where is EN3" discussion still has some hype left in it, since different people will respond to it no matter the time of day.
As long as that remains the case, the hype will be sustained.

>> No.49866311

Hating Suisei doesn't make you a schizo holy shit.

>> No.49866319
Quoted by: >>49866342

Are you fucking retarded, anon?

>> No.49866330

Fat fuck

>> No.49866332

Gen 3 unity was always manufactured. Flare said as much during Holotalk over a year ago.

>> No.49866335

EN3 when?

>> No.49866342
Quoted by: >>49866477

Are you? Why did you make it about 4chan? What sentence in any of the posts in the reply chain led to that?

>> No.49866353

>check that stupid-ass "introduced to vtubers via idol showdown, now please tell me hololive say trans rights uwu" post on the main subplebbit from a few days ago
>wasn't deleted
>still not locked
huh, i was thinking the mods would have either deleted or locked something like that already by now

>> No.49866357

Based and blackpilled.

>> No.49866403

Leaked her discord that had an invite to the amongus sponsored stream and corresponding invite code in the URL because discord is a very intelligently designed, some anons got ina nd managed to scour the server only to find some business talk, Kiara tardwrangling them and Fauna saying that there weren't enough ENs to do the stream

>> No.49866423
Quoted by: >>49866579

This this this
Suisei is a stain but the rest of Hololive is great. I don't really consider her Hololive since she is a convert and signed on to INNK; she was forced to join Hololive.

>> No.49866424
Quoted by: >>49866559

lmao, that place has less moderation than here

>> No.49866437

>got ina nd

>> No.49866448

isn't there literally a snapshot button on youtube by default along with whatever the fuck your browser might have by default?

>> No.49866475

Gonna be sad when she graduates

>> No.49866477
Quoted by: >>49866669

>Retard makes it about 4chan
>Asks why other anon made it about 4chan
Dumb cunt.

>> No.49866491

She is not touching that debuff game

>> No.49866509

>As long as people ITT people keep discussing and timelooping EN3 in this very thread, you know they'll still have mindshare
EN3 already entered “orgasm denial / ruined orgasm” tier of expectations.
Their announcement won’t be taken with enthusiasm but with
>why did it take you this long?
and their first streams and numbers will be met with
>2 years of wait for **THIS**!?!
They can’t win, they can at most “tie”, by perfectly delivering on the massively inflated expectations set by the wait.

More than that: the existing girls will also have a huge burden put on them, and for the exact same reason to
>EN3 debuted months ago, why there are so few collabs?
>now that EN3 debuted the girls got enough rest, why are there so few streams?

That’s a “ruined orgasm” situation, instead of a perfectly timed climax it took too long and unless the final part has a massive pay off it won’t be satisfactory

>> No.49866513
File: 25 KB, 595x353, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>playboard has virus now

>> No.49866520

Not everyone is like Gura, ENshart.

>> No.49866543
Quoted by: >>49866577

My cereal box promises to have 0% carbon emissions by 2025.

>> No.49866556

>Japanese style streaming will never get traction with western audiences again
So...who are those anons who praise JP? Are all of them SEA?

>> No.49866559

wouldn't want to risk hurting a tranny's feeling even if it's clearly a shitpost.

>> No.49866569

EN3 is T3mpus, stop crying.

>> No.49866577
Quoted by: >>49866637

Where do you retards come from?

>> No.49866579
Quoted by: >>49866636


>> No.49866580

I wonder if the newfag from a while ago is still here

>> No.49866581
File: 507 KB, 1078x612, Screenshot_20230521_062411_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49866619


>> No.49866602

Ame was the original girl for the gosling meme. I wonder why did she throw it all away... Was she always a menhera?

>> No.49866604

Yurochad such as I, of course.

>> No.49866612
Quoted by: >>49866806

Are you really bored enough to make things up about the subreddit to shitpost about?

>> No.49866619

Vesper is so lucky man, Axel you need to step up your sexpest reps...

>> No.49866626

gen 3 never feel united to me despite they are the most successful gen. Most of the time Peko and Rushia did their her own thing.

>> No.49866632
Quoted by: >>49866724

Yes this place buzzes most at jp primetime which is unironically close to sea primetime.

>> No.49866636
Quoted by: >>49866694

0AZKi joined Hololive by choice. Suisei was forced out of INNK music. Suisei stands as the only person in Hololive to not have tried joining it.

>> No.49866637
Quoted by: >>49866657

Dumb arguments gets dumb replies

>> No.49866651

>schzioposting with flare
# schizos have reclined...

>> No.49866657

Consider necking yourself.

>> No.49866663
Quoted by: >>49866746

>the schedule is clear
What schedule? The one you pulled out of your ass?

>> No.49866665

It's Burger chink, SEA, yuro and africans.

>> No.49866669
Quoted by: >>49866855

Let's go through the entire thing then.
>JP market is a LOT stronger and far more positive than EN
Not about 4chan
>EN are just generally consumed by drama and spite.
Not about 4chan
>>49865931 (me)
>Nah sister we remember how things were before tempiss
Not about 4chan
>>49866141 (you)
>Endless Kiara, Mori, Kronii, Gura shitposting
>Nice joke.
about 4chan
>>49866156 (me)
Asking why you made it about 4chan

>> No.49866690

Large influx of exceedingly desperate ESL Nijifags in this thread.

>> No.49866694

Suisei wouldn't have succeeded by music alone anyways. Everyone knows that Azki was way more talented, even Kanata sings better than Suisei. But stories and image sells in the music industry more than anything now it's a joke especially in the US.

>> No.49866698

did you come from /v/ or /pol/?

>> No.49866702

What happened to the "no discussion about other Vtubers outside of Hololive" rule? There is literally some subhuman shilling the NijiCN menhera

>> No.49866719

She baited goslings with date rp etc in her earliest months even opened up her first karaoke with kiss me. She knows what kind of power she could hold over her viewers but she never hard committed due to typical western woman mindset.

>> No.49866720

I completely missed it, I'll check the archives because it sounds interesting.
I mean homos themselves leaked their Discord quite a few times and one was even caught browing /vt/. A pretty retarded move by Bae but one that surely won't get her anything more than some scolding.

>> No.49866724

You should have checked to WC threads the Holo images mainly came from EU

>> No.49866737
Quoted by: >>49866816

>Only /v/ and /pol/ hate trannies

>> No.49866746
Quoted by: >>49866786

JP6 is due for at least two years of shilling. If anything related to JP7 appears, JP6 will be the first to breakdown retards.

>> No.49866771
Quoted by: >>49866894

i come from /vtpol/.

>> No.49866786
Quoted by: >>49866826

Oh, you're just a schizo. Sorry, my bad. I was retarded enough to think you had actual info.

>> No.49866788
Quoted by: >>49866851

it's called hololive, we hate faggots and trannies

>> No.49866794
Quoted by: >>49866927

Final verdict on bae? Holo material or no?

>> No.49866796
File: 502 KB, 720x720, 1681478619044259.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's actually make sense

>> No.49866806

>making things up
correct the link yourself, i absolutely refuse to hard-link to leddit
does this thread look deleted or locked to you?

>> No.49866810
Quoted by: >>49866894

/vtpol/ has already been a thing for the longest time.

>> No.49866816
Quoted by: >>49866833

those are the only ones that would bring up old shit that was resolved by themselves

>> No.49866826

Sure sure. Keep making the "JP7/EN3 is coming post everyday" while i laugh.

>> No.49866833

So the thread was locked?

>> No.49866843

it is usually deleted when someone post it here

>> No.49866851

why do you hate yourself?

>> No.49866855
Quoted by: >>49866890

>Thinks they didn't get shat on elsewhere before tempus.
Actual moron.

>> No.49866861

yes i hate tempusstrannies.

>> No.49866878

she doesn't know what she wants
either she is happy to be streaming or just showing up for the job

>> No.49866890

not cute girls doing cute things
The fanbase was the most positive one that probably ever existed

>> No.49866894
Quoted by: >>49866959

fuck off pippafags, go watch cuck porn by yourselves

>> No.49866904
File: 1.15 MB, 1920x1080, Vshojo EN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49866950

So, this is pretty much VshojoEN now.
With Geega and none of the 3 that left showing up for Henya's birthday.

The brown haired person being U-san (former Nijisanji member)

>> No.49866906
Quoted by: >>49867001

It's a collab, retard.

>> No.49866927

The first holo material of council if account date means anything

>> No.49866928

>Ame was the original girl for the gosling meme. I wonder why did she throw it all away
I dunno why either, but I KNOW WHEN.
Right before Tempus debut.

>> No.49866930
File: 54 KB, 1080x318, Screenshot_20230521-213208926_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

15K indie

>> No.49866940

neck yourself now

>> No.49866950

missed a , after Geega

>> No.49866959


>> No.49866973

>Retard injects headcanon and doesn't understand when called out.

>> No.49866978

The Chiroru line holds strong

>> No.49866979

in this particular case, I can accept t-ranny's hands being tied, since if he deletes it, I'm pretty sure the faggot who posted it will go to his snowflake circle and cry about how vtuber fans hate trans, but with proof instead of vague schizo associations, and antis will try to use that
it's the perfect lose-lose (unless it was deleted just after being posted so nobody saw it)

>> No.49866983

>baseball indie
>inclined after baseball tournament
>is now on the baseball map so will always get numbers for baseball stuff

Just like all the football video essay channels that inclined after the world cup.
Let's see next season though.

>> No.49866991

Well under 10k homos this week, but let's see how many sisters are determined to download a movie maybe 5k-7k

>> No.49866997

Damm it Koyo just take a break

>> No.49867001

>Naming the NijiCN tard before the homofaggot
>Shilling them on a Hololive subreddit even though they have the homofaggot subreddit for that

>> No.49867005
Quoted by: >>49867051

Pekora full throttle would have an announcement stream every week for "something big" just like her january 2023 and August 2022. She's coasting too hard this month after GW.

>> No.49867051

If Pekora is coasting then what is Gura doing?
