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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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>> No.49509484
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>> No.49509517

Chloe and her ghost

>> No.49509612

Mio (supernatural in general), Chloe (ghosts), Rushia (seeing ayyliens)

>> No.49509839

>Rushia (seeing ayyliens)
When did this happen?

>> No.49509846
Quoted by: >>49529056


>> No.49509884

Mio isn't that. She's a typical spiritual hag, not an occult lover

>> No.49509921

Pekora on Rogan when
Fubuki already had Leto on

>> No.49510164
Quoted by: >>49511238

It’s a shame that Mio didn’t do fortune telling for Haachama in 2023, else we would already know what happened to her.

>> No.49510177

Ame knows the earth is flat.

>> No.49510308

>Rushia seeing ayylian

>> No.49510416


>> No.49511046
Quoted by: >>49511305


>> No.49511238

the results were so horrible she didnt record it

>> No.49511305

I just didn't get the joke, got it now.

>> No.49511334

senzawa she was scared of the spowoky owokie

>> No.49511342
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>Rushia (seeing ayyliens)

>> No.49511361


>> No.49511370 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
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>> No.49511453
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Quoted by: >>49511618

>> No.49511569

Ame knows that Jews are lizard creatures that emerged from beneath the earth

>> No.49511618

What does she believe?

>> No.49511831
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>> No.49511895

i love my schizo rabbit

>> No.49511930

She's not wrong.

>> No.49512028

i wonder what's pekora's political views are when it comes to japanese governance
has any jp holo slipped and said anything about jp politics?

>> No.49512145

that glowies did alot of the most fucked up shit and have been breeding/creating would-be shooters to maintain their relevance and also to push the agenda to ban guns in private homes. She also somewhat believes in the whole pizzagate conspiracy but, rather not entirely and only to an extent where the government's elites traffic children for pedo shit and blood sacrifices. She's a Jim/Metokur fan, that should be enough of an indicator.

>> No.49512165

Peko has said she doesn't watch the news. Doubt she has any political leaning whatsoever.

>> No.49512266
Quoted by: >>49512505

she's just like me fr fr

>> No.49512382

honestly it's hard to tell what is her just shitposting and what she actually believes in.
>there is one in me
Yagoo... what are you doing to your talents...

>> No.49512403

Isn't ancient aliens just racism?
like "Black people couldn't have possibly built these stacks of rock, aliens is a much more reasonable explanation."

>> No.49512481
Quoted by: >>49522860

>in ancient Egypt

>> No.49512505
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>> No.49512510

>peko is a fence sitter with the political motivation and knowledge of a dead fish

>> No.49512661

So, you're saying she has basic knowledge of the US government's activities.

>> No.49512694
Quoted by: >>49533086

Ame is /x/ pilled but is smart enough not to talk about it.

>> No.49512755

assuming egypt is/was full of black people just because it's part of africa is the real racism, anon...

>> No.49512843

pretty much, though sometimes she likes to act like she believes in more crazy stuff like lizard people, mostly just to fuck with other vtubers.

>> No.49512946

Just a womanchild who doesn't care about rest of the world.

>> No.49513245

You say that like it's common knowledge that the cia engages in warcrimes against their own population. Have you ever spoken to a normie?

>> No.49513389

If the blacks built the pyramids it means they invented slavery which means they owe white people reparations

Checkmate liberals

>> No.49513446

i built them

>> No.49514140

Are there any glowie V tubers yet?
I know the Italian Air Force had one for a while

>> No.49514364

Japan's PM has no power so why bother?

>> No.49514419

based Pekora

>> No.49514797

I will never understand this vaccine chip theory.
If the big government want to track everyone all the times, everyone already carry a device capable of that in their pocket since the mid 2000s.
And I'm pretty sure they already did that with it.

>> No.49515239
Quoted by: >>49522908

Pekora believes in the Flat Earth.

>> No.49516503
Quoted by: >>49519987

theres a lot more being tracked than just your location.

>> No.49516631

all of idolcorp

>> No.49516681

>Pekora doesn't know about the ancient Hyperboreans

>> No.49516743

Marine said that she was seeing a lot of UFO during her OL days

>> No.49516837
Quoted by: >>49517135

>this is what Japanese women find attractive

>> No.49517061

Regurgitated /pol/ memes.

>> No.49517135

Blame her mother, she would've been a gaijin hunter otherwise.

>> No.49517187

Botan mentioned the Kofun tombs once

>> No.49517389
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This vtuber apparently commented about not doing sleeo streams anymore because she doesn't want the 5G to hack into her brainwaves. She said this with a straight face.

>> No.49517438

Can't believe that the real schizo bnuy was in hololive all along.

>> No.49517480

sounds like something I would say

>> No.49517593
Quoted by: >>49519591

but that's true though?
MKUltra was never shut down, every "shooter" will always have one last visit to his "psychologist" before sperging out, and then the "psychologist" just moves to another city and repeats because no TV channel names them.
It's also why there's always people with Freemasons symbols giving "on site" interviews for all of these "incidents".

>> No.49517645

yesterday, i stood in front of her window and stared inside

>> No.49519565

>still believing aliens built the pyramids
let's not be THAT schizo

>> No.49519591
Quoted by: >>49523864


>> No.49519616
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>> No.49519645


>> No.49519854

You would be surprised but most of them just cant imagine what could be done about it.. Its not like they will just decide to quit their jobs grab a gun and go fed hunting even if they are especially dissatisfied wioth the post-pandemic world

>> No.49519917

I thought this girl didn't wear any pants or panties?

>> No.49519987
Quoted by: >>49520278

Are they tracking all my erections too?

>> No.49520278
Quoted by: >>49520312

Only the ones where you cum.

>> No.49520312

I never waste a hardon

>> No.49520497

Ame has said multiple times that chemtrails brainwash people and that you can never be too careful because people are always watching you. Also aliens exist and the government kidnaps people.

>> No.49521429
Quoted by: >>49521929

>noooo, you have to have hyper-divided views like mines
Nuke yourself, /pol/teen. Not every country needs to emulate your shithole dying continent.

>> No.49521470

Pippa is a glowie, no I will not take my meds

>> No.49521524

Why is she so perfect bros?

>> No.49521597

>hi pippa
>simple question
>*cue 10k word response*
This, above all things is what I think is indicative of a good friend. Good friends want to take the time to explain things to you and will thoughtfully think of how to address your question. Even if they're autistic about it, I love asking my friends about their interests and hearing their hour long responses.

>> No.49521851
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>/x/ vtubers thread
>no one posted the actual /x/ vtuber

>> No.49521853

american education

>> No.49521929

A man without conviction is a man with nothing. Enjoy having everyone else walk all over you. You'll finally get it once shit hits the fan, and you are left weeping and gnashing your teeth while saying "If only I fought for something", ESL.
I would rather trust either a leftist shitlib or a rightoid schizo than a literal NPC like you.
This is why I will mever move to Japan despite almost everything else about it being amazing. Japs are too politically submissive.

>> No.49521953

That's the dyke vtuber though.

>> No.49522418

Indos are all into /x/ shit by default

>> No.49522505
Quoted by: >>49522926

How about fighting to stop both the rightoids and leftoids from destroying the world.
You have three choices. You are playing a real shin megoomi tensay game.

>> No.49522645
Quoted by: >>49526226

Sorry that the ESL had actual problem than "muh politics" retardchama
Typical murican problem

>> No.49522726
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>> No.49522860
Quoted by: >>49543889

The Kushite ruled over ancient Egypt for a bit of time

>> No.49522908
Quoted by: >>49523264

Pekora was raised as a fundamental Christian (at least by Japanese standards). That's why she leans towards conservatism and believes some religious nonsense.

>> No.49522926
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>How about fighting to stop both the rightoids and leftoids from destroying the world.
>You are playing a real shin megoomi tensay game.
Leftoids are controlled by the Order of the Dragon, while Rightoids are controlled by the Order of the Black Sun. Both work for the ET races to enslave humanity after failing (refusing) to renew the timed contracts of the law of balance agreement.

The lore goes deep.

>> No.49523264
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She isn't that serious about it though.

>> No.49523549

She mostly regurgitates /pol/ memes and most of them are true, although it's hard to tell whether she is shitposting or actually believes that since her boyfriend got her into parroting /pol/ memes.
MKUltra is a real thing. Taking away right of self-defense and "suicides" with car "accidents" in which journalists are involved also are their thing. CIA and feds aren't saints. Historically they did so much scummy shit that you have to be absolute retard to take their words for granted.
She's /u/ material, not /x/.

>> No.49523581

Based Godslayer Peko

>> No.49523618

Pekora is an enigma her mind is impossible to read and is filled with infinite thought every word of her is just nature talking is course so everything she says has meaning not comprehensible by mortals

>> No.49523864
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Quoted by: >>49543086

> have been breeding/creating would-be shooters to maintain their relevance
This is true.

MKultra was never shut down. See Project Mockingbird
The media literally parrots whatever their handlers feed it, and it's fucking creepy.

>> No.49523943
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>> No.49524888

What do you call this?

>> No.49525306


>> No.49525630
Quoted by: >>49551325

There was/is a vaccine ship but it wasnt hidden in vax it was something you implented in your body to control your vaccine status(like dogs) it was pushed in sweden and some politicians advocated for it to be mendatory at the height of covid
Too much backlash at the time, and has gone nowhere
They will try pushing for it later when its forgoten tho

>> No.49525715

You can find this siht even on wiki (at least that planed cuban falseflag)

>> No.49526226

>implying I care about ESL problems

>> No.49526414

She's one hell of a schizo, too bad Cover doesn't want her to talk too much...

>> No.49526443 [DELETED] 

Mafumafu obviously.

>> No.49526458

Pekora Spirit Science watchalong when?

>> No.49526514

And then there are jealous roasties and envious fags in the other thread trying to tell me she isnt our friend when she's just like me fr.

>> No.49526886

Pippa is a faker.

>> No.49526956
Quoted by: >>49531883

She said on stream that she thinks Greta Thunberg and Kyle Rittenhouse are both plants by the CIA, "to keep people distracted". One of these is an unpopular global warming figurehead; the other shot three antifa rioters and publicly showed them to be the absolute scum of the Earth. These are what she suspects to be glowie hoaxes.

She's lefter than she lets on.

>> No.49526980

a Beenny

>> No.49527080

Will she ask the flat earth question?

>> No.49527286
Quoted by: >>49529599

holy shit is that real?

>> No.49529056


>> No.49529599 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.51 MB, 352x640, Wtf is that real.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49536190


>> No.49531178
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da witch

>> No.49531611
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People are unironically afraid of the 5g horse?

>> No.49531883

Considering the shit that the farthest right really believe in (Q), any sane person would always be a little bit left.

>> No.49532003

Nothing. she is acting.

>> No.49532412
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>Rushia (seeing ayyliens)

>> No.49533086
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She's seen that timeline already. You wouldn't imagine the consequences. This needs subtlety.

>> No.49533569

>farthest right really believe in (Q)
They don't even know that Q is a psyop (of the Black Sun), just like Trump, Biden and the rest of the US government (and other gov too). Both left and right are basically false dichotomies, both of them would censor you in a heartbeat if you spoke the truth about who the real people are behind the deepstate. Even Alex Jones who tried to play along with the Black Sun's savior program got into deep shit after he purposefully leaked "too much info" about them.

Anybody who thinks Trump, Clintons, Biden, Putin or China should rule the world is 200% a deep state puppet or a glowie. Remember that they're just actors and you don't know the faces of the real people who are actually doing the work saving us from their Armageddon program (fake alien invasion, Yellowstone, ID2020, etc.).

>> No.49533868
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Quoted by: >>49542336

>that glowies did alot of the most fucked up shit and have been breeding/creating would-be shooters to maintain their relevance
That is almost a documented fact. There have been multiple cases of the FBI pushing people to commit mass shootings or terrorist attacks and instructing them on the details of how to do it.

>> No.49534273

The way she types is really curious, it doesn't flow too well and seems as if she can't really put her thoughts to words

>> No.49535416

B-But Pippa is a bunny not a reptile...

>> No.49536131
Quoted by: >>49538351

whoa. i think i'm starting to get it

>> No.49536190

Demons are real.

>> No.49537376
Quoted by: >>49538351

Damn this is some esoteric knowledge. Thanks

>> No.49537479
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We aren't ready for this discussion.

>> No.49538107
Quoted by: >>49538351


>> No.49538209

true, we'll keep pretending that the 400 lbs pigs were the ideal back then instead

>> No.49538348


>> No.49538351


>> No.49538907

Whatever happened to Chloe's ghosts?

>> No.49539319

They just farted away

>> No.49539626
Quoted by: >>49540927

ghost is just codeword for boyfriend, anon

>> No.49539847

I believe there is some indie horse girl who is in the us army

>> No.49540131

Holy shit the proportions are the same, even the oversized head.

>> No.49540426

Graphic Design is My Passion: The Website

>> No.49540869

>images from that site
Now that is PEAK SOUL

>> No.49540927

Girlfriend, if anything. It was a female voice.

>> No.49541252
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She's right, I for one also don't view Jews as humans

>> No.49542336
Quoted by: >>49543086


>> No.49542476

Was this a Pippa AI bot

>> No.49543086

The specific case that I had in mind is the one that >>49523864 cites. I can think of two other examples in the past few years as well. There was a supposed plot by Trump supporters in 2020 to kidnap and murder the Governor of Michigan, which turned out to have been led by undercover FBI agents. Before the Capitol riot in 2021, there was a retired FBI agent in the crowd yelling for the Trump supporters to storm the building; he has faced no charges, no criminal investigations, and when asked under oath if he was working as an FBI asset on that day, he gave an evasive answer. The FBI director was also evasive when Congress asked him if he had assets in the crowd during the riot.

>> No.49543199

Who is your oshi?

>> No.49543889

Kushite rule came after the pyramids. You’d be more reasonable if you claimed the Jews did it because of the Hyksos than blacks because of the Kushites.

>> No.49545070
Quoted by: >>49555891

Was it "lead" by undercover FBI agents or were they just, you know, investigating?

>> No.49545188

Marine has a bigger ass.

>> No.49546321

she could probably start a cult

>> No.49549078
Quoted by: >>49550295

I'd just like to point out that her conspiracy theory example here is "Big Oil paid to make climate protestors look bad". This is a leftist conspiracy theory. This shows her ideological priorities.

>> No.49550295

>This is a leftist conspiracy theory.
Not really. I take it you've never heard of false flags before? In the real world, both wingnut shills would benefit from that. You need to take a history lesson and know that the deep state controls both the left and the right. Anything that would push people from one side or another is a divide-and-conquer tactic. When wars happen, both sides profit from them.

The statement
>Big Oil paid to make climate protestors look bad
can be used to smear both sides.

>> No.49551325

They are already pushing for it, but with a very different approach

>> No.49551652

There is a chip, but not in this reality.
Like how neo in the matrix has a plug in the back of his head.

>> No.49555179

pekora is just dumb retard

>> No.49555464

Her running defense for the Kenosha rioters, calling that whole mess a "distraction", is more than "a little bit left".

>> No.49555891

they were investigating the same way the CIA investigates a south american coup

>> No.49556045

>he fell for the pekora bait

>> No.49557532
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>doesnt watch the news
damn i wanna be like her, but i just cant stop just peeking into the news even though i know its just nothing but fearmongering nowadays about things i have no control of.

>> No.49557777

bless you terry davis, would've been fun to see him talk about AI.
