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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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>> No.49262112
Quoted by: >>49313193

It's included other information too refer here.


>> No.49262141

Maybe it means within three months?

>> No.49262181
File: 402 KB, 1080x1449, Screenshot_2023-05-12-16-13-42-015-edit_com.deepl.mobiletranslator.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Deepl confirmed it to be by March.

>> No.49262186

Wider fanbase
Can't do that with streaming revenue alone
If only Western corpos understood this

>> No.49262205

No it literally saya March. Financial reports are about the fiscal year which is from April to end of March. So they assume it has to be in this fiscal year.

>> No.49262261
Quoted by: >>49263262

So new gen will debut between now to next year March?

>> No.49262416

EN3 is getting announced at the end of Connect the World, or its not happening.

>> No.49262608
File: 8 KB, 694x120, 1679031491028025.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing in the official report says march, pic is all it says.

>> No.49262706
Quoted by: >>49262756

the tweet in the OP literally says

>> No.49262756

>>49262706 (me)
nevermind I can't read English apparently

>> No.49263089

Does that mean EN5 is confirmed too ?

>> No.49263182

Based Tempus 3 bros we won Ster and Jerma are IN!

>> No.49263200
File: 98 KB, 1313x441, retard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off.

>> No.49263261
Quoted by: >>49263322

wait is that mean we got en3, jp7 and id4 at the same time?

>> No.49263262

Essentially, yes. There will be a new JP gen and new overseas gens by April 1st 2024, and we already know ID4 is one of them.

>> No.49263306

Are we skipping gen?

>> No.49263322

we get new uproar gen. starsJP gen, Tempus 3, StarsID 1 and starsPH 1

>> No.49263410
Quoted by: >>49302700

>we get new uproar gen. starsJP gen
You don't even know what the fuck you're talking about.

>> No.49263438

Do you realize that JP and EN have a different management?
JP counts gens with numbers and considers Holostars to be a different branch, but it's totally different in the EN branch. For management Tempus is EN3 and Vanguard is EN4 so the next gen is EN5.

>> No.49263474

And do you realize how much you're a fucking retard?

>> No.49263483

No. For management Tempus is just one big 8 person gen.

>> No.49263500

>starsPH 1
I will doxx them and killed them because I am in the same country

>> No.49263557
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>> No.49263609
Quoted by: >>49266977

checks out

>> No.49263628
Quoted by: >>49293921

Now send that to Cover, I'm sure they'll hire you on the spot.

>> No.49263635

Great, we'll just wait another 10 months, what could possibly go wrong

>> No.49263910
Quoted by: >>49265046

EN3 - Summer, around the time frame of connect the world concert
JP7 - Autumn empty months (late september through early november)
ID4- January 2024
Uproar 2 - February/early March 2024
screencap this for when it happens

>> No.49264084



>> No.49264088
Quoted by: >>49264327

Es1 heard it here first. En3 is a dead end while the Latino marker is large and still untapped since wactor is just a black company. It would also filter Twitter and here schizos so it’s a win win social media wise.

>> No.49264301

So no EN3 till March, well i guess we gonna beat longest gap between gens

>> No.49264327

>Latino market is large
Latino market has no money, it is untapped for a reason.

>> No.49264378
Quoted by: >>49264503

and how do you know that? imagining?

>> No.49264421

confirmed by some fan accounts feeling on the subject or said somewhere in the report

>> No.49264503
File: 1.36 MB, 1284x2278, 1664738714754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Male VTuber auditions for hololive English
There is written hololive English not holostars.

>> No.49264562

Guy got it from the slide that says "Goals for this fiscal year" and Japan's fiscal year ends in March.

>> No.49264735
File: 26 KB, 357x304, 56713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49293921

>Cover will never hire you

>> No.49264863

EN3 all hags onegai

>> No.49264913
Quoted by: >>49264946

>wider fanbase
Finally, HoloES

>> No.49264914

Tfw we may not get a single new member in all of 2023

>> No.49264946

HoloKR more likely

>> No.49264954


>> No.49264995

More Tempiss waves!

>> No.49265025

EN3 isnt happening, ever. ID4 counts as overseas to them, that's all they're talking about

>> No.49265046
Quoted by: >>49274318

>ID4- January 2024
The longest time Cover ever took to debut a new gen after the auditions period ended was IRyS that debuted around 7 months after. ID4's auditions ended in February, no fucking way they'll wait 11 months to debut them.
>Uproar 2 - February/early March 2024
Again, you don't know what the fuck you're talking about. A new StarsJP gen will be called something else and won't be under Uproar.

>> No.49265866

We got a new Tempus gen though

>> No.49265922

>fan account
Are all of you fucking brain damaged or something?

>> No.49265936

Good, fuck off to Nijisanji if you want piled shit shoved to you every two months I like every current Holopro talent I don't need more

>> No.49265938

If EN doesn't count gens with numbers then there is no EN1 or EN2 or EN3 etc.

>> No.49266664

It was time to be fair. 2 years in EN and more than a year in JP.

>> No.49266920
File: 30 KB, 346x574, 1618992112381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Corect me if my assumption is wrong.
Doesn't this mean that holojp7's financial result will be included on next year fiscal report?
So that's mean holojp7 debut is with in this year.
That's why they put en/id in a (?) because they're not sure about releasing new gen for those brand.

>> No.49266977

Meh, that was just autocorrect doing its shit. But sure, I guess.

>> No.49267046
Quoted by: >>49270257

I will track starsID 1 and kill them all on livestream offcollab.

>> No.49267087

Omega was fired it's Jap now.

>> No.49267114

Here, anon >>49262608. This is from their forecast for the current fiscal year. This is the source https://contents.xj-storage.jp/xcontents/AS05169/62eb9a65/9e54/4a54/a729/213069140703/20230512160417786s.pdf

>> No.49267208

Cause a lot of vshojo and black Sanji with quit this YEAR

>> No.49267849
File: 3.67 MB, 1066x600, 1662537286924655.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49272940

>> No.49269498
File: 145 KB, 1080x830, Screenshot_20230510-055007_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's what might happen to EN

>> No.49269646

Wow people in the west applying out of spite who could see that coming

>> No.49269758

Is this thread banned? Testing posting

>> No.49269850

>literal no name from twitter
Yeah, I'm sure this retard will pass the auditions with this midset.

>> No.49269863

Kek my fucking sides

>> No.49270220
File: 6 KB, 140x217, 1680479449423433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49270257

untill you need cross the other island

>> No.49271169

>believing omegatroon
That's your problem

>> No.49271232

Holoconnect surprise guests makes sense now

>> No.49271320
File: 374 KB, 900x849, 1666073522028131.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>with the aim of acquiring a wider fan base
e-eurobros... is this our moment?

>> No.49271600
Quoted by: >>49272033

It'll be ID and Males in US. EN girls have fucked it all up too badly. You'll never get a new gen of EN girls. Thank you gen 1 and 2.

>> No.49272033

>more males
That's great. We'll finally go back to late-2019/early-2020 when the Stars were 2views.

>> No.49272142

It's amazing how the shit post of
>there are no good en talents left to recruit
>holo en is in decline
>en3 will never come because council was a failure
has been posted so much you have people genuinely believing it.
If you believe en is in decline and they are not going to invest anymore in the west can you explain the fucking concert? Do you seriously believe that there will be no more female en generations because they experimented with Tempus?
You must be retarded.

>> No.49272765

Sounds like someone that would be more hated the Mori and Kronii

>> No.49272815

HolostarEN have different managers.

>> No.49272920

They had to bring in ID to help with the concert. EN couldn't handle it by themselves. ID is more professional. A successful concert doesn't mean more gens.

>> No.49272940

Is this someone from EN3?

>> No.49272973

If pikamee had waited a few more months, she could have literally made a fortune.
That's what happens when you believe in kson's bait.

>> No.49273081
Quoted by: >>49273265

well 6 of the en talents are getting mogged by twitch whores so what do you expect from them?
half of them are dropping below 4k nowadays

>> No.49273159

Enjoy your StarsID anon

>> No.49273211

EN has a recruiting problem, most talented indies that are available are choosing to stay indie OR going to smaller corpos because the fansbase and pressure to succeed is much lower. The myth model has failed 3 times now since they tried it on Council, and both Homo gens. If they try a 4th time then it’s obvious that Cover isn’t serious about EN.

>> No.49273265

Isn't mori the only Twitch simp in EN?

>> No.49273519

Wait, pikame move to vshojo?

>> No.49273598
Quoted by: >>49273767

isn't kiara and bae also twitch simps?

>> No.49273767

Kiara has been on stream with 3 different Twitch streamers. I don't know about Bae.

>> No.49274318

After Tempus 2 debuting instead of EN3, I'm actually expecting stars ID
Don't underestimate the level of retardation that Cover is capable of

>> No.49274609

["MORI"] no longer pays attention to twitch.

>> No.49279653 [DELETED] 


>> No.49283519
Quoted by: >>49283766

When is HoloEN gen 3 coming though?

>> No.49283661

holy based

>> No.49283766

Tonight for sure

>> No.49283904

>next year
Yeah you have the confirmation already, stop whining about EN3 and keep seething at homostar for the entire this year

>> No.49284480

BASED, digits confirm we're getting more boys.

>> No.49287831

Pikamee is still going to make a fortune. And since the reason why she left VOMS is most likely because Kson poach her, I don't see any scenario that fits with your delusions.

>> No.49288557

Tempus was supposed to be one gen, so it would be EN4.

>> No.49289243

You had the chance to reflect on how stupid you sounded before posting this.

>> No.49290206
File: 77 KB, 1373x426, 1678771319900656.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49293238

idk, feels like they're Cover managers explaining their self-fulfilling prophecy to us.
>Neglect EN
>EN declines
>Use the decline as justification to continue neglecting EN

>> No.49293921

they hired a guy who thought that ACCELERATE a second male gen before the girls was a good idea

>> No.49296622

More like the EN staff not wanting an EN3 to show them how utterly retarded they were for taking so long to debut new girls.

>> No.49300074

What even is the "Myth model" and what should they do different?

>> No.49302700

Of course i dont, i don't fucking watch the homos.

>> No.49302759
Quoted by: >>49306628

This is the most retarded shit I've ever read.
>most talented indies that are available are choosing to stay indie OR going to smaller corpos because the fansbase and pressure to succeed is much lower
you seriously believe this shit? any Indie with less than 1-2k CCV would give up everything to be in HoloEN. Why? Because firstly, an EN runt like Bae still has 400k SC, can sell 200k of merch every event, probably has 3-4k members, and averages 3-5 mil of views on YT per month. Convert all of that to cash and that is money that any 1-2k indie or small corpo vtuber can only dream to make

>> No.49303657

The life of a HoloEN fanboy is hard.
You have to somehow rationalize that having few members and no new members=good
But Hololive JP has 8 gens and will get another, and Hololive JP=good
So they have to somehow shatter their mind so they can believe that less members is good, but Hololive JP having more members isn't bad.
That's a lot of mental gymnastics just to refuse to accept that HoloEN is being treated like trash and they should be getting Gen 4 soon instead of still being in the Gen 3 TBA waiting room.

It's crazy that HoloEN debuted at a great time when vtubers were popular but there weren't other big EN vtubers yet, they had the whole market, and instead of using their momentum and growing bigger and bigger they just did shit, stagnated and have lost size over time.
All they had to do was the bare minimum to match what Hololive JP did before. Follow a similar release schedule, organize similar group events, promote the same content.

Hololive English was the leader in an emerging market and had a bigger potential market than Hololive Japan ever could and it had the potential to make Cover millions and they wasted it like retards, HoloEN management is one of the biggest business failures in history.

>> No.49304422
Quoted by: >>49305316

Cover didn't neglect EN they neglected holoEN while releasing 2 or 3 gens of Tempus. Yagoo bet on holostars being a huge success in the western market. Their own marketing report shows the hololive overseas percentage slipping from 50% to 40%. That is the lowest point for overseas viewers since early 2021 when they had their initial growth from Myth. Hard to say whether EN3 would have made a difference but they haven't just lost momentum they are losing viewers.

>> No.49305316
Quoted by: >>49306628

2nd gen of Tempus was probably already in incubation when gen 1 debut.
Same shit with holoEN

>> No.49306628

Exactly. The problem isn't that no one wants to become a Holomem, it's Cover refusing to hire a new gen. It's stupidly obvious how many girls who debuted on other agencies in 2022 wanted to get into HoloEN, but Yagoo was more interested in pushing 8 faggots that are only marginally doing better than the JP Stars. The entire debut of that new frog girl from Prism was her talking about wanting to become an idol, now tell me that she didn't try for HoloEN.

2 members of Tempus 2 (twink and clown) were already hired by the time Tempus 1 debuted, that's why they still follow the same western fantasy motiff while the other 2 are Japanese-inspired. Cover should've just debuted all 6 and move on to EN3, but they really thought it would be a great idea to add 2 more shitters to the roster.

>> No.49307302

be funny if one of the new EN members legit gets terminated for stalking the male talents.

>> No.49307780

Any notable graduations happen in March to coincide with a one year non-compete?

>> No.49308211

Oh good only 10 more months and when it does happen it will be close to 3 years between gens

>> No.49313193

Theyre talking about ID4

>> No.49316151

HoloEN failure is not really because of Cover

>> No.49316194

>ID4 before EN3
>JP7 before EN3
Kek. ENSharts stay losing.

>> No.49316198
Quoted by: >>49316792

No fanboy thinks like that, only coverdrones who care more about the company than the talents. Literally everyone who still wants to see HoloEN grow have the same opinion that we should've been on the waiting room for EN4 or just had their debuts.

>> No.49316792
Quoted by: >>49316920

I just discussed this with some people who are fans of Hololive but I wouldn't say are drones, they also enjoy Nijisanji and vshoujo and idol.
And their take can still be summed up as :
HoloEN doesn't "need" more new members, 10 is enough and adding more would just hurt the current talents, doesn't matter if it's industry standard to add new gens, if it worked for Hololive JP or even NijiEN and every corpo would have released Gen 3 already.
It's like speaking to a wall man.
"Cover is already making a lot of money, the company is well respected, HoloEN is very popular, they don't need another gen".
Which is technically true, they don't need Gen 3. They could never release another gen again. But it's still such a bizarre way to look at it, as if nothing the company has done/not done is wrong, the fact that it hasn't exploded and gone in debt justifies not doing anything to make this branch grow.

>> No.49316920

And these are the same people jerking off to Tempus 2 debuting less than 6 months after Tempus 1. They barely have a single working brain cell to think for themselves, so even if they're not coverdrones they're definitely drones.

>> No.49316924

No, within the week.

>> No.49318200

Miguelgato, it's time to come home and atone for your sins.

KEK I'll believe it when I see it, we're not getting traditional streamers since they would have debut already if they had experience.

Ok at least Kaela and Zeta will have kouhai

>> No.49319860


>> No.49321178

Give up on Rushia, anon.

>> No.49321241
Quoted by: >>49321462

Hololive has been running on fumes for a year and a half, why the fuck are they waiting so long
your already shit brand will be fucking dead by then

>> No.49321391
Quoted by: >>49321431

>we're not getting traditional streamers
i dream of cover bootcamped EN idols

>> No.49321431

God no. Have you seen VTA? That shit sucks.

>> No.49321462

ひろがるホロライブ except in the west, fuck the west i guess

>> No.49321505

ES1 is more likely than EN3, especially with them having hired a bunch of people who speak Spanish recently

>> No.49323762
Quoted by: >>49324733

>when they just had many KR and TW events
It will happen in the future but I doubt it'll come before a Korean branch. Cover has been investing a lot of resources there to not do anything with the region.

>> No.49324733

We are getting HoloES and HoloKR but the catch is that we only get one gen on each and then Yagoo fucks off for at least 3 years before giving it any other gen.
Also HoloEN3 will come out in 2027
