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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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>> No.49259263
File: 245 KB, 640x480, COMMANDMENTS[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Frtcjvo.m4a].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/ΜΑΝS/ Commandments.
>1. Why not merge with /stars/?
Thou shalt not override the discussion of thy neighbour.
>2. Do you guys want collabs with Hololive?
It is not of our concern.
>3. Do you guys want collabs with Nijisanji?
It is not of our concern.
>4. Did you guys see the boys’ numbers?
It is not of our concern.
>5. Did you see what /catalogue/ is saying?
Thou shalt not waste time on their foul words.
>6. The baiters are insulting your bros!
Thou shalt not waste time on their foul words.
>7. Hey guess what I heard from Hololive/Nijisanji!
Thy words do not belong in this temple.
>8. You guys should split the thr—
Thou shalt not.

Therefore I declare this thread, sanctified.

>> No.49259279


>> No.49259288


>> No.49259316
File: 38 KB, 575x390, 1661451254591311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49259428
Quoted by: >>49264930

can he please stop doing the voices thing
it's so cringe

>> No.49259517
Quoted by: >>49259917

Wait so you can’t dodge and there are no mounts in this game?

>> No.49259905
File: 361 KB, 1450x2047, IMG_5826.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49260008

loving my bulimic jester so much today! have fun with leader, altventurers!

>> No.49259917
Quoted by: >>49259958

I saw someone mention horses when I was poking around for emulation shit
Otherwise I think they just want you to build vehicles

>> No.49259958

>they just want you to build vehicles
damn, I can't wait for leader's vehicles...

>> No.49259994

I knew he would kill the slimes

>> No.49260008
Quoted by: >>49261118

i love you bettelyume

>> No.49260048

>3 hours in and we're still in the tutorial
please leader... a crumb of progress... don't make this twilight princess again...

>> No.49260482 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>49260536


>> No.49260487

It's interesting to see /mans/ die exactly at this time every day

>> No.49260536

sorry, I needed to get that out of my chest.

>> No.49260582
File: 122 KB, 753x735, 1683171472777496.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49261299

Imagine flay raising his heel to kiss bettel. What a cute top.

>> No.49260615

>I am a genius

>> No.49261002

That green light thing is just Gravity Gun. Hell, BOTW feels like GMod sometimes

>> No.49261118 [SPOILER] 
File: 73 KB, 766x893, IMG_6514.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok good night for real now /MANS/ morfyume love

>> No.49261299
Quoted by: >>49261608

i remember this really good clip of bettel getting flustered at something flay said in chat but i can't find it

>> No.49261504

I never post during his streams because I’m too focused, but I really need to post someplace about how much I love Leader. I love seeing him have fun with things he loves

>> No.49261510


>> No.49261529


>> No.49261608
Quoted by: >>49262779

Do you mean this clip?

>> No.49261703
Quoted by: >>49261720

Why is there a gacha machine in hyrule??

>> No.49261720

Gambling is humanity's friend

>> No.49261779


>> No.49261863
Quoted by: >>49262037

im realizing more and more that altare playing ksp would be kino

>> No.49262037

I would also prefer he messes around there instead of here, but that's what happens to have a literal child as a broshi

>> No.49262040
Quoted by: >>49262285

i keep thinking about magtits

>> No.49262110
File: 245 KB, 1325x2048, 1667995997503551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If the Bettel green text anon is here ily ~chu

>> No.49262121

at this rate I don't think Axel would have a hard time catching up with leader

>> No.49262177


>> No.49262210
Quoted by: >>49262446

Are people really concerned about Altare not making much progress, he already said early on he wanted to just goof around and have as much fun as he can before the magic wears off

>> No.49262285
Quoted by: >>49262484

magmilk ToT[spoiler/]

>> No.49262360
File: 210 KB, 1391x1388, 1683803765148518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Flay, Magni and Bettel DEFINITELY talked about those numbers for 8 hours after WoW last night

>> No.49262446

No wonder he still hasn't finished any zelda game on stream

>> No.49262484 [SPOILER] 
File: 359 KB, 627x956, 1671570327279161.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49262485

I need this pair's collab

>> No.49262527

The Bettel corruption arc

>> No.49262577

>tfw an aussie has more finished zelda game streams than the self titled zelda fan

>> No.49262779
File: 39 KB, 435x480, Fu8-4XQWwAEX-qW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, flaytel has it's own twitter account, based

>> No.49262897

Eh, I don't mind. He's finished so many other games on stream, I'd rather he just have fun with what's special to him.

>> No.49262944


>> No.49263272
Quoted by: >>49263326

>Reeda decided to hop off instead of going up right next to the shrine, where he would've gotten cold resist pants
Oh nyo...

>> No.49263326


>> No.49264001
File: 61 KB, 1000x1000, 1653905006506309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good night /MANS/ !!

>> No.49264078

finally tutorial's over

>> No.49264094

huh it's so dead here, where did all the altventurers from last thread go

>> No.49264123
Quoted by: >>49264319

Americans fell asleep

>> No.49264149
Quoted by: >>49264319

Passed out for two hours, now going back to watching leader until I fall alseep again. Goodnight

>> No.49264227
Quoted by: >>49264438

Temma’s Holostars Rust server will be from 5/20 21:00~5/27 23:59. Looks like it’ll be PvP focused and include EN and JP https://twitter.com/kishidotemma/status/1656953844218355713?s=46&t=ELUCstEOk1NGjSYruI-3rg

>> No.49264273

That's a fake Sayu right

>> No.49264311

i think it's her

>> No.49264319

it's a bit surprising because this thread was made in only about 5 minutes after the last died and like half of em immediately fucked off
ogey goodnight

>> No.49264337
Quoted by: >>49264456

Yeah I just checked, that does look like her actual YT channel. Don't let the catalog see

>> No.49264354

If she is she just bought a tier 1 membership

>> No.49264438
Quoted by: >>49264484

How many tempus boys do you think will join? Besides Axel, I think Hakka and Flayon probably will because it's a good chance for them to interact with JP senpais more

>> No.49264456

Very, very based

>> No.49264484
Quoted by: >>49264708

It's a full week, all of them will probably join, for a day or two at the least

>> No.49264564

it's just a child play

>> No.49264571

How long until Altare ends up dying from getting run over by his abortion of a car

>> No.49264619


>> No.49264690
File: 134 KB, 1600x1200, 1675751318797743.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.49264708

Is 7 days the whole server duration before getting wiped or just the duration of the pvp event? Because that's such a short time compared to the holo one

>> No.49264718

Regis Altare

>> No.49264757

>very based

>> No.49264776
File: 39 KB, 800x450, visible.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An anon told me there's women in this thread but women don't use 4chan so what are you people supposed to be?

>> No.49264799
File: 1.22 MB, 2048x2048, 4 CHAN VES.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49265648


>> No.49264817

>Women don't use 4chan
A female(i checked) /x/phile girl got me into 4chan back in middle school(i didn't check then)

>> No.49264819


>> No.49264829

Regis Altare

>> No.49264883
Quoted by: >>49264911

Regis Altare

>> No.49264904

Women don't go on /vt/*
My bad sorry.

>> No.49264911


>> No.49264930

>watching Altare
>complaining about cringe
Pick one

>> No.49264952
File: 144 KB, 1280x720, FvQRdPkWwAEs1yS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49265648

We're all bros here!

>> No.49264965

Flayon should've been an ikemen

>> No.49264966
Quoted by: >>49265648

/vt/ is the most female-oriented board since pre-election /cgl/. It's basically just KF-lite

>> No.49265207

I just woke up and he's already been going for six hours, and he doesn't even sound tired. Sasuga streaming monster

>> No.49265247
File: 35 KB, 512x512, 1683851828152662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I-I... I'm a guy I swear! Women are a mistake amirite guys?

>> No.49265518
File: 194 KB, 1600x720, 1665076939944250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49265648

Y-yeah, me too...I'm totally a smelly man...dick'n'balls bro...ha...ha...

>> No.49265648
File: 200 KB, 419x398, baldxel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buffoons, the lot of you!!!
So much supposed men and women, but where are the BROTUBER ENJOYERS GODDAMN IT?!


>> No.49265971

He's eating cold chicken nuggets...like a child...

>> No.49266082
File: 20 KB, 275x279, axelzelda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine an Axel with hair like this. Would look so good

>> No.49266174

>go to sleep to altare talking about wanting to skydive
>wake up to altare talking about wanting to skydive

>> No.49266265

we hate regis altare

>> No.49266304


>> No.49266318

>Zaion Lanza is a Cultare
Honestly based. Forgot she and Altare were thinking about playing FFXIV together at one point.

>> No.49266425
Quoted by: >>49266520

A shotacon liking the actual 10 year-old boy of Tempus is really no surprise

>> No.49266434


>> No.49266437



>> No.49266456
Quoted by: >>49266520

I mean shes a shotacon
so am i

>> No.49266468


>> No.49266511
Quoted by: >>49266602

Too bad she's almost certainly blacklisted from collabs, she seems fun

>> No.49266520

Does Altare actually attract shotacons?

>> No.49266602

Weirder collabs have happened

>> No.49266613

He's a cringy 10 year old boy ToT of course he does

>> No.49266620

I can feel Altare's enjoyment increasing now that he's been off Tutorial Island for a while

>> No.49266667


>> No.49266797
Quoted by: >>49266812

>Aniki already forgot the ending from the first game

>> No.49266812

Me too...

>> No.49266859

>altare wants to name his black horse nocturnal

>> No.49266880

not noir? altnowa is so over...

>> No.49266879
Quoted by: >>49266971

He made me realize I liked shotas, so yes.

>> No.49266886

>owned BOTW for 6 years
>still havent finished it
my adhd refuses to work with open world games..

>> No.49266890

>Altare riding Nocturnal for hours on end

>> No.49266936

Zelda sounds like hag

>> No.49266971
Quoted by: >>49267116


>> No.49267034

Whiny baby

>> No.49267077

kek axel

>> No.49267095

god I hate EN zelda so much

>> No.49267116

Take the shotapill

>> No.49267172
File: 342 KB, 800x533, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49267213
Quoted by: >>49267313

i'm a guy. thing is i'm unfortunately gay. sorry bro

>> No.49267226

i love my 12 year old boyfriend regis altare!

>> No.49267254

I always sleep like shit so it’s nice to wake up to and then fall back asleep to Altare’s shenanigans

>> No.49267300
Quoted by: >>49267359

He makes little "vroom vroom" sounds whenever he drives a car in games, squeals with excitement when he opens Pokemon cards and did a handcam to prove he knows how to tie his shoes dude

>> No.49267306

oh altare’s played subnautica?

>> No.49267313
File: 959 KB, 1441x1332, axelditto.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49267352


>> No.49267359

god i just want to push him over in the playground and kick his sand castle

>> No.49267397
Quoted by: >>49267413

Altare LOVES veggies child rrat DESTROYED

>> No.49267413


>> No.49267429
File: 1.55 MB, 2520x2508, 1674631083243977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49268186

Not so fast!

>> No.49267454

Clown in Altare’s chat

>> No.49267481
Quoted by: >>49267501

>the soft way Altare said “good morning sleepyhead”
My dick twitched

>> No.49267495
File: 148 KB, 394x532, 1682165855908057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>at least a week of nothing but Zelda

>> No.49267501

That was free voice pack material

>> No.49267518

Has Altare ever had ISP issues

>> No.49267537


>> No.49267539

Don't worry, Vesper will play Hitman 3!

>> No.49267548

I don't think so.

>> No.49267556

I’d love to live in the countryside, I just know if something happened to me nobody would ever know

>> No.49267586
Quoted by: >>49267705

Oddly enough that’s the only thing his luck has never touched

>> No.49267601
Quoted by: >>49267633

>Genocide, genocide, genocide~

>> No.49267610

It’s a lot of TREES

>> No.49267633

Altare gap moe love

>> No.49267670
Quoted by: >>49267703

Here comes a solid 5 minutes of dick jokes

>> No.49267688


>> No.49267703

Altare made an hour long dick joke, this is childs play

>> No.49267705

He suffers more when people are able to witness his humiliation...

>> No.49267715

Please whistle more,,,

>> No.49267726


>> No.49267730

hee hee ha ha

>> No.49267744

"Homie, you don't have any friends left, they're all dead~ All your friends are dead~"

>> No.49267756

>Homie, you don’t have any friends, left they’re all dead
He says in the sweetest tone ever

>> No.49267797
File: 48 KB, 680x680, 1658402899991939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49268186

>Last one
No... Never

>> No.49267823

Oh shit that’s kinda cool

>> No.49267873

JGBFW, will shiny spicy do the call in?

>> No.49267930

I see that Altare enjoys the game more now

>> No.49267954

Weren’t blue horses shit in botw

>> No.49267980

>You guys want to ride me?

>> No.49268012

Kinda weird after what he said lmao

>> No.49268029

Did he just whistle on command

>> No.49268040

>Altare is riding Kabob

>> No.49268051

Damn, I wish I could whistle like that

>> No.49268059

damn we're kill bill now

>> No.49268067

I love my songbird Regis Altare

>> No.49268086

His whistling is so good man

>> No.49268182

Oh again?

>> No.49268186

My people...

>> No.49268219

>Very, very based
>Honestly based.
Fucking retards. If you actually care about the boys, you wouldn't want that snake around period. Better fucking hope that she never attains modship or anywhere their PLs. Though that is to say Cover hasn't blacklisted her name already.

>> No.49268220

Is criticism allowed in this temple?

>> No.49268225

Cello is back

>> No.49268256

Leo in Altare’s chat

>> No.49268260

go back nijinigger

>> No.49268285

Find it cute so many of the boys dropped by stream and Flay also promoting his stream, they love Altare :3

>> No.49268295

Boy’s about to get drafted and he’s watching a child play zelda

>> No.49268319
File: 76 KB, 728x542, bait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49268338


>> No.49268361
Quoted by: >>49268453

Cello’s sound so nice

>> No.49268425

cockwarming Altare thoughts

>> No.49268453

yeah when they’re tuned properly, which his isn’t.

>> No.49268492
File: 7 KB, 233x216, 95c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't care about Zelda
>I want link to play with his mates
I fucking kneel to aniki, fuck women.

>> No.49268499

I havent sat down and watched an Axel stream live since his BOTW playthroughs. hes very cute and funny

>> No.49268510
Quoted by: >>49268564

>cello and whistling
I’m winning today
>brings out the Kirby thing
I’m losing now

>> No.49268564

That was my cue to go peek the Axel stream.

>> No.49268570

Oh wtf the “HMmms” he’s doing are exactly like my ex’s, no thanks

>> No.49268582

>slow motion death

>> No.49268598


>> No.49268613

I don’t know anything about music, can’t he look up violin/a sheets and use those?

>> No.49268631

rusty but KINOOOOO

>> No.49268644
File: 385 KB, 1135x565, 1667013429254446.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49269011

>cute and funny
For sure

>> No.49268646

Damn I need a cello stream so bad

>> No.49268675

Altare playing the cello is so hot to me

>> No.49268688

Kino kino kino

>> No.49268755

Axel making sure we can see the minimap so we can find our way into his heart cute...

>> No.49268757

Amazingly tiny brains at work here

>> No.49268791

Kek wtf Altare

>> No.49268831

Lmfao Hakka ruined him

>> No.49268958
File: 259 KB, 2134x1485, 1676636653001269.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49269011

He is very wild and silly

>> No.49269011
File: 154 KB, 927x1200, Fv2GAWmaAAEgq7K.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cunny and willy cute...

>> No.49269048

I really dislike the UI in this Zelda game, it looks way too videogamey with the Celsius temperature and sinusoid noise level meter. Wouldn't something more immersive be way cooler?

>> No.49269054
Quoted by: >>49269170

Why does Axel have a CCV that low?

>> No.49269066

Altare, the Alabama allegations…

>> No.49269080

I want Altare to be my horse prince

>> No.49269102

Is he sleep deprived already, what is he saying

>> No.49269152
Quoted by: >>49269202

I’m having flashbacks to that fanart

>> No.49269170
File: 127 KB, 680x510, magnum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49269257


>> No.49269202

What fanart?

>> No.49269257

It's not like you're watching him anyway.

>> No.49269286

The elves are kinda hot in this game

>> No.49269307

>cherish high school memories
Spoken like a true jock

>> No.49269338

>diary of a chef

>> No.49269339
File: 55 KB, 576x1024, 1681426475267816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That reminds me I still need to watch this vod

>> No.49269357

Unseiso Altare…

>> No.49269402

Get laid %? HUH?

>> No.49269412
Quoted by: >>49270544

Realistically who do we think will participate in Rust

>> No.49269416

This dumb blue boy no way

>> No.49269499

Paya is sex

>> No.49269521

I’d fuck Paya

>> No.49269563
Quoted by: >>49269606

Are hyrule women taller than the men or is Link just a manlet?

>> No.49269606

Links a manlet..twink prime

>> No.49269654

Has Altare stood up at all

>> No.49269749

The gacha things are so satisfying

>> No.49269818

Wegis Awtare of Howostars Engwish

>> No.49269847

Fwee awwtare

>> No.49269892

>nobody ITT cares about aniki anymore

>> No.49269922


>> No.49269928

The upright device up Altare’s ass

>> No.49269984

Hey Axel you retarded aussie. If you are reading the archive of this thread play xenoblade 1 and 2 and I will give you a view.

>> No.49270025

It’s fun falling asleep to a stream, waking up to it and now watching during my lunch break

>> No.49270071

Lol, Axel already going "Mou iyada, I hate this game~!!"

>> No.49270070
File: 91 KB, 1569x1079, Fvnyjk0rEAAH4G0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please watch Axel

>> No.49270130

I was wondering why that name sounded familiar and then I realized it was the catboy guy Altare raided on Twitch

>> No.49270146


>> No.49270169
File: 98 KB, 331x349, 1677478623208240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Axel hates all the building...

>> No.49270197

"This is a win for me, look at that piece of shit raft!"
Sasuga Axel

>> No.49270199

What is altare doing holy kek

>> No.49270227

There’s no way that was the solution lmao

>> No.49270270

Jesus, he's still eating those cold chicken nuggets...

>> No.49270277

Why do all these kids like dino nuggies

>> No.49270321
Quoted by: >>49270370

why is he moaning

>> No.49270324


>> No.49270341

Ok I’m fully awake again

>> No.49270370

bird moan, he moan

>> No.49270404


>> No.49270544
Quoted by: >>49270618

I want to say everyone, at least in EN. Seem like Tenma went out his way to even ask everybody and I don't see anyone in Tempus really saying no to him.

>> No.49270559

Alright it's time for my scheduled arma 3, @ me when spicy shiny do their vc shit

>> No.49270618
Quoted by: >>49270676

Temma asking Tempus to join with broken English is so cute, I hope they all join

>> No.49270636
File: 223 KB, 305x536, 1682875092950624.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49270683

I want to hold his hand and give him a little peck on the cheek while we talk about boomer games. ToT

>> No.49270676
Quoted by: >>49270709

Isn’t Knight’s English good?

>> No.49270683
File: 390 KB, 800x800, Fv0IEVDaIAA3sSE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a wholesome post from the resident horny vestie
they finally got some help gm chu

>> No.49270709

Axel said it was a bit so so, but then again Axel's English isn't that great at times either

>> No.49270723

>It’s scary when they grab you
>In that case, I’ll try to get grabbed

>> No.49270772

>Altare’s never lost in hand to hand combat
Veiny arms buff

>> No.49270812
File: 60 KB, 593x597, Fpl6ZL7aQAAuXY_ (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49270825

i have never lost a hand to hand combat either
i never been in one

>> No.49270860
Quoted by: >>49270967

I wanna see him do kumdo in the eventual 3d stream

>> No.49270865

I think it’s the pikachu tattoo buff

>> No.49270867

do you think flayon could beat him

>> No.49270894

Now? Yeah. Altare’s not in his prime at all

>> No.49270933

Wonder if Axel and Altare were to fight right now which one would win. In kayfabe it would be Axel hands down but yknow

>> No.49270967
Quoted by: >>49271038

someone else in tempus did kumdo, right? I want to see them do it together in vr

>> No.49270975
Quoted by: >>49271051

Vesper would wipe the floor with the entirety of Tempus except Hakka maybe

>> No.49271000
Quoted by: >>49271238

>flayon: streetfight, keeps in shape
>altare: has had formal training, out of shape
i guess it depends if altare can overpower flayon in strenght

>> No.49271007

Altare, they're both out of shape but Axel has the asthma debuff

>> No.49271038

IIRC it's shinri

>> No.49271051


>> No.49271062
Quoted by: >>49271198

No idea about real life but isn’t Axel bigger? So Axel would probably win irl? I think Altare actually stands a chance in kayfabe

>> No.49271117

i need shinri/altare VR so bad…

>> No.49271144 [DELETED] 
File: 59 KB, 980x551, ZwZyDEm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess the final guest(s).

>> No.49271148

Didn't Vesper say early on that Axel would win against the rest of HQ combined unless Altare got a sneak attack in at first

>> No.49271193

In kayfabe

>> No.49271194

Vesper tends to godmode other people’s kayfabes instead of his own

>> No.49271198

Axel threw his throne one handed in the manga, he has monster strength. Grain of salt but Vesper also said that all of HQ together could not win against Axel in pure strength, so Altare would have to use other means
Yeah this >>49271148

>> No.49271227

vesper doesn’t really get to decide that even though i agree

>> No.49271238

it would really come down to how long the fight goes on for. if altare can find the right opening early, he could take down flayon through technique alone. otherwise if flayon is allowed to run away, he will just outlast altare through sheer stamina and subdue him once he starts getting sluggish

>> No.49271278

Leader couldn't beat a giant mech. Could he?

>> No.49271281
Quoted by: >>49271442

Magni and Altare did win though, that’s how Axel joined

>> No.49271295

Altare will rape Zelda cosplayers on sight

>> No.49271340

>genuinely laughing at a shrek love joke

>> No.49271344

what’s the next con he’s going to?

>> No.49271364

flayon wants to fight too much to just end up running away, but i agree it'd come down to stamina since i imagine altare would know how to block attacks

>> No.49271365
File: 726 KB, 1080x1075, Altarechoke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49271758

were those "other means" by any chance, illegal drugs?

>> No.49271413

based and same.

>> No.49271442

It isn't shown how though

>> No.49271551
Quoted by: >>49271602

Altare’s strength and HP stats aren’t far behind Axel’s and he also has magic. I think it’s pretty 50/50 with them.

>> No.49271602

sure, id say it comes down to luck so its over for altare

>> No.49271627

>Altare enamoured by goo

>> No.49271677

Deer mount, sick

>> No.49271705

I’m surprised he remembers the map

>> No.49271719

Imagine Vesper and Shinri stream about developing nen-like power system for Tempus. Vesper can get more powerful during the night but he has to avoid the sun during the day. Like a certain mythical being

>> No.49271758

Requesting art of altare mkultra'ing axel

>> No.49271777
Quoted by: >>49271818

I think horses should be able to die/be killed in this game

>> No.49271792

Idk why but I get sad for oil baron when Altare doesn’t see his chats

>> No.49271818

I think they can? They could in botw

>> No.49271823

>Like a certain mythical being

>> No.49271909

It is, yeah.

>> No.49271923

that thing is disgusting

>> No.49271945

remember in early days he didn’t chat at all and only sent empty supa that people /here/ rrat he was vesper or Altare’s family kek

>> No.49271981

I do lmao, those were aggressive rrats

>> No.49271982
Quoted by: >>49272183

kek I remember the David = Vesper rrat
the rrat finally dying when he SC'd Vesper and they chatted about how much they loved Altare's streams...

>> No.49272040
Quoted by: >>49272086

does anyone have altare's new emote in high res?

>> No.49272065

Who’s leaking

>> No.49272081


>> No.49272086
Quoted by: >>49272144

Right click on the emote, open in new tab, then delete everything after and including the "=" part.

>> No.49272088

sorry i just drank coffee

>> No.49272144
File: 141 KB, 448x448, WmFdZJeuM6aJ_9EP2_ybMA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49272347

I did not know that trick thank you anon

>> No.49272163

wait he met a bettel cosplayer?

>> No.49272183

So Vesper is either
>An Asian ex IT guy with high pay
>A nerdy black guy
>An out of touch anti-social southern white guy
Damn, Vesper's rrat were racially diverse

>> No.49272218
Quoted by: >>49272287

Altare's voice is so cringe I still can't get used to it after almost a year

>> No.49272223

Yona is ugly

>> No.49272230
File: 106 KB, 1000x1000, 0zephylyne-1614409670764158976-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just saw one of Bettel's paypigs donating 50 gifted memberships to my oshi. I just thought it was pretty nice. No, I will not elaborate.

>> No.49272283
Quoted by: >>49273138

Magni’s not even live

>> No.49272287

i'm the opposite. i used to hate his voice, now i find it very soothing

>> No.49272333

Good for your oshi I guess

>> No.49272347

This emote is so cute

>> No.49272401
File: 133 KB, 1920x2048, Flr8Kr2WQAAe0sv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49272402

Vesper would be too flustered being in a collab with Shinri to think about anything coherent

>> No.49272438
File: 92 KB, 500x500, Guardian Angel Aniki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49272454

he’s one of the few good paypigs that doesn’t flood scs for attention so I get why

>> No.49272473

magni's leeching worked, good for him

>> No.49272543

Yeah it sure was Magni who clinged to the jester kek

>> No.49272578

Has Altare been on the flying machines yet? Missed about 8 hours of the stream

>> No.49272581

Lol, ten hours in and he doesn't sound any different from usual. Has he stood up and stretched at all?

>> No.49272585

Imagine Axel singing Haru yo Koi while not understanding the reference is like when Kiara was singing American Boy without knowing Chug Jug

>> No.49272617
Quoted by: >>49272658

>leeching someone with lower subs
ogey bettelhead

>> No.49272649

"It's undulating"

>> No.49272658

>subs=sc revenue
ogey magmite

>> No.49272674

Please stop being delusional

>> No.49272731

"What would it be like if water was thicker? Like would swimming through water just be like ulgh??"

>> No.49272743
Quoted by: >>49272800

numberfags mass suicide

>> No.49272800 [SPOILER] 
File: 552 KB, 498x280, blackops1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49272846


>> No.49272880
Quoted by: >>49273199

I still don't what the numbers mean in Black Ops

>> No.49272939
Quoted by: >>49273006

Despite loving note I have no desire to play this one

>> No.49273006

>>49272939 (me)
Loving botw*

>> No.49273102

This pov…

>> No.49273136

i need to get stabbed by sidon's double dicks

>> No.49273138

That guy's oshi isn't Magni kek

>> No.49273199
File: 98 KB, 359x497, pizzagun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The numbers were Russian brainwash code for the exact time mason would kill JFK

>> No.49273206
Quoted by: >>49273248

When are they gonna VC

>> No.49273220

Altare's voice acting is so cute

>> No.49273222

You can watch Shinri.

>> No.49273248

When/if Axel wants to

>> No.49273315

He’s standing up at last

>> No.49273329

; ;

>> No.49273339
File: 143 KB, 472x472, FpLviI7aUAAh_Rd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

altare sucking me dry

>> No.49273520

could someone tell me why there is so much fanart of dancer magni? it has always been on my mind lately because there isn't any of the other boys

>> No.49273554

He drew himself as a dancer

>> No.49273783

his personality and he drew himself as a dancer

>> No.49273784
File: 163 KB, 479x450, 1683863463698046.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How come there is no fanart of Altare's veiny arms?

>> No.49273800

Guitar time

>> No.49273835

there is one its almond though

>> No.49273852
File: 239 KB, 1466x2048, IMG_2362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49273939

People usually draw him in his hoodie

>> No.49273908

I would say it'd be too on the nose but grandso art exists. Maybe most artists altventurers arent interested in muscular figures?

>> No.49273921

most viewers arent even aware he has veiny arms, we know because of crumbs during streams and doxxshit

>> No.49273939
Quoted by: >>49274027

There should be at least some of him rolling up his sleeves

>> No.49273967

Drawing veins is hard, I’ve tried

>> No.49273977
Quoted by: >>49274362

A lot of artists are /here/

>> No.49274027

Should be but there really aren’t. There’sa chance with his new ambassador outfit

>> No.49274029

you don't really have to be muscular to be showing your veins altare is one the lean side

>> No.49274084
Quoted by: >>49274132

Youtube's 12 hour limit is really bad

>> No.49274122

Magni has brought it up pretty often and Altare doesn’t stray away from it and viewers have told other tempus boys like Axel, Flay and Shinri

>> No.49274123
Quoted by: >>49274203

Usually, arts are satisfied with crumbs.

>> No.49274132

its really annoying I don't really know why they have that limit

>> No.49274175

Tartar love…

>> No.49274203
File: 57 KB, 800x1000, 1662411378904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49274204


>> No.49274247
File: 150 KB, 1200x1246, 1678994399561047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49274598

one of the cutest nicknames by one of the cutest girl

>> No.49274305

I’m interested

>> No.49274362

not enough altventures artists clearly kek

>> No.49274366

Minecraft kingdom doko

>> No.49274374

"I'd like to be a princess for a day"
"I can make that happen"

>> No.49274411

He's talking to me btw

>> No.49274422

>I’d make it legal for me to raid the coffers

>> No.49274436

yes that's me

>> No.49274543

I can’t stay awake anymore, gn /mans/

>> No.49274560

At least hint us your oshi

>> No.49274581

goodnight anon

>> No.49274598


>> No.49274610
File: 81 KB, 400x400, 1668991185334327.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sweet dreams

>> No.49274613
Quoted by: >>49274671

How is he only at 4 hearts hasn't he been playing for like 8 hours at this point

>> No.49274636

>Rust arc starting soon
Ugghh that sucks
Rust is such a boring ass game that gets a free pass cause of talent interaction alone instead of the qualities of the game itself

>> No.49274637

I thought idols that hold hands die but altare will die if he doesn't?

>> No.49274671

He’s been picking stamina and just doing random shit

>> No.49274681


>> No.49274733
File: 549 KB, 767x720, I MISS ALTARE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How come there's no art of Leader's big veiny penis?

>> No.49274773
Quoted by: >>49274938

It'll just last a week and it doesn't guarantee they will all play the 7 days

>> No.49274790

There is more of that than veiny arms

>> No.49274864


>> No.49274938

Yes thankfully I watch Flay so he'll likely play 1 day at most since he isn't the type of guy to kill his schedule for one game
If 13 Sentinels didn't then Rust sure as hell won't
Though you know if last time is anything to go by Axel will spam it so I feel bad for them

>> No.49274959

>Leader's big veiny penis
His godly arms and tongue are compensation for his smol wee wee

>> No.49274996
Quoted by: >>49275076


>> No.49275004

I believe it more than when Axel said his dick was big kek

>> No.49275045

Probably only the opening will be worth the watch, especially if you are EOP. Maybe the ending too if they organise a bunkasai or something.
Timezones exist so they will barely meet with the JPs. Also, barely anyone can play the game.

>> No.49275049
Quoted by: >>49275083

Did this nigga really?

>> No.49275073

Axel has the knot buff

>> No.49275076

is his average sized 5 incher not good enough? bunch of size queen whores

>> No.49275083
Quoted by: >>49275150


>> No.49275084


>> No.49275150

Kek what a retard

>> No.49275173

No don't-
