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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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>> No.47565411
File: 1.64 MB, 1200x1733, riifu return.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47565436

eien secx

>> No.47565463


>> No.47565479

>Skye is streaming in 3 hours

>> No.47565514
File: 27 KB, 500x1000, Riifu free.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>47565537

I'm just glad she's back.

>> No.47565530 [DELETED] 
File: 817 KB, 1576x793, 1676711521177400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are too many mods and staff /here/ and I can't keep them back...

>> No.47565533
File: 412 KB, 430x433, ezgif-1-a1765ca947.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find the girls fun, and the streams enjoyable

>> No.47565537
Quoted by: >>47565691

My suspended and upset wife riifu

>> No.47565539

>I've totally accepted my fate

>> No.47565553
File: 1.03 MB, 2731x4096, 1679888391008731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47565564
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Quoted by: >>47565715


>> No.47565568
File: 188 KB, 367x367, 1678932984527063.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My cute and dorky wife, Riifu!

>> No.47565589
File: 188 KB, 367x367, 1680551021766213.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Corpo with two Brits still hate us
Bongbros we cant catch a break...

>> No.47565590

Because she's crying on stream? Because she's trying to stream despite it? Of course I wouldn't believe in "nothing". But for HER to say "It's SOMETHING I DON'T WANT TO TALK ABOUT." I would believe her fully.

>> No.47565600

>I'm swimming with the fishes

>> No.47565623

so much conflicted info
I can't even properly schizo

>> No.47565646
File: 2.29 MB, 215x253, RiifuLovesYou (1)[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fdnrs2k.mp3].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>47567213

>> No.47565649

>people actually donate
>eien pulls a kawaii gen 3
I will laugh if this happens

>> No.47565650

>Riifu gets suspended
>Management puts out a message stating there's nothing wrong with her health or family
>Riifu gets out of jail and cries at the start of stream
>Members get upset about the situation
>Mods threaten to ban anyone who talks about it on the discord
>Eri shows up and shifts the blame to riifu and now the members channel is no longer questioning management and just sad posting.
What a wild ride

>> No.47565656
File: 143 KB, 864x781, 1680551920867881.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>47565744


>> No.47565655
File: 114 KB, 1855x229, 1672955228917232.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>47565807


>> No.47565658
File: 265 KB, 512x512, 1661189227380976.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>47565723

It's okay, they only hate the English really and I'm Welsh

>> No.47565668

I'm not going to believe anything unless we hear it from Riifu herself.

>> No.47565671

>Management says it's not health or family related
>Rrat says she's not graduating and it's private
What the fuck is it then

>> No.47565691
File: 313 KB, 484x518, 1679423150954377.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You accepted me when I was a pariah in the Vtubing world Riifu. No matter if you'll be able to only stream 6 weeks more or 6 months I will watch you until the end. Thank you for reviving my love in Vtubers. When you're gone I'll continue to support the other girls in your memory.
Good times not long times

>> No.47565697
File: 72 KB, 720x655, 1665145322915237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if Riifu is a criminal and is hiding from the cops

>> No.47565713

She got suspended? how are we still arguing about this

>> No.47565715


>> No.47565723
Quoted by: >>47565851

sheep shagger

>> No.47565726
File: 496 KB, 599x560, 1663960242528971.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we are so back

>> No.47565732


>> No.47565735
Quoted by: >>47565971

Trust noone.
Hopefully she will elaborate when shes ready.

>> No.47565744
File: 399 KB, 600x600, 1678901001605655 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47565754
Quoted by: >>47565806

and I'm asking why

>> No.47565767
Quoted by: >>47565870

Irish aren't Brits

>> No.47565777
File: 661 KB, 787x715, 1679434252212599.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47565799

she was raped

>> No.47565806

We don't know. Management won't let her say

>> No.47565807

Anon isn't wrong

>> No.47565808 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>47566087

Since her pl was friends with the artist is it now confirmed it has something to do with him?

>> No.47565822

This whole situation was/is incredibly suspicious, asking for clarification isn't social retardation or ''encroaching on their privacy''. Silence isn't the answer

>> No.47565835

yep, every next statement somehow disproves the previous one
how can I believe this shit?

>> No.47565847
Quoted by: >>47565918



>> No.47565851


>> No.47565860

she got suspended and she doesnt want the riiflings to feel like its there fault even though it was
shes trying to protect her children
just let her

>> No.47565870

And Kilia isn't Irish even if she LARPs otherwise

>> No.47565871

that would explain riifu not talking about it, if it was something traumatic..

>> No.47565889

How dare you question the narrative.

>> No.47565910
Quoted by: >>47565983


>> No.47565917
File: 1014 KB, 1169x768, 1665607264730547.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47565918

She loves me more than you, retard

>> No.47565922

Yeah by me.

>> No.47565939
Quoted by: >>47565982

>next year
She's pregnant

>> No.47565946

She's definitely quitting

>> No.47565954

>Are you planning on doing the other Black Ops games?

>> No.47565959

how can we constantly switch between 'no one gives a fuck about /here/' and '/here/ rules the company'?

>> No.47565971

This is what I'm waiting for. I won't trust anything until I hear something from her.
Even if she herself said its something she'd like to keep private, that would be enough.

>> No.47565978
File: 2.28 MB, 854x916, 1680842763676838.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47565982

Zow is the daddy

>> No.47565984
File: 145 KB, 286x286, 1681548208162422.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There fault
It's "THEIR fault"

>> No.47565983
Quoted by: >>47566063

Is this some kind of shill lately? I swear I've seen this series plastered everywhere.
Is it even good? Do I bother?

>> No.47565993

/here/ isnt one person anon

>> No.47565994
File: 201 KB, 612x408, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not enough time left...

>> No.47565995
File: 393 KB, 1653x2339, 8b4ef8947ecc55863dc2f13160e05e1eb795aada.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the FUCK was that?

>> No.47566003

>5 minutes the stream started

>> No.47566040

riiflings were schizoing everywhere
there wasnt any /here/ containment

>> No.47566047

smartest people in this autistic general

>> No.47566063

The manga is pretty okay, the beginning is the best part. Haven't seen the anime.

>> No.47566087

He may not have something to do with it. Maybe Riifu just talked to him about it and the guy went full schizo over it

>> No.47566091
Quoted by: >>47566225

riiflings are a liability

>> No.47566097

so true bestie

>> No.47566103

bros i'm back from the rabbit hole
cutting down to 3 streams a week seems pretty reasonable now. that's a lot of accounts for one person to run

>> No.47566112
File: 596 KB, 802x802, comfy_rudy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But anon, what about me?
I haven't been schizo posting

>> No.47566129
File: 278 KB, 1868x1536, 1658296230966836.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all these childhood games
>talking about her dad a lot

>> No.47566145

Nah mate, nah. This kind of attitude make me unable to believe anything discords troons say

>> No.47566143
File: 182 KB, 1600x900, 1655571543729441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna return to the holy Church to pray to God she'll be okay...

>> No.47566147

The more answers they provide the more questions I have

>> No.47566170
Quoted by: >>47566251

Not a family matter

>> No.47566195

Wait, is Riifu literally and unironically schizo?

>> No.47566201

Being vague isn't helping anyone

>> No.47566202
Quoted by: >>47566309

That's kind of what my instincts are telling me.

>> No.47566222

Honestly these anime only fags are pathetic. While you where watching the usual anime of the month i was busy reading oshi no ko years before the anime was even in the works. I knew about it before you and you are late to the party, you're just a normal fag, a sheep.
I'm currently reading the manga of the next anime you faggots will go crazy about and it won't have an anime for years before you can lay your pleb eyes on it

>> No.47566225

I used to frequent the Riiflings, Kichains and Buoys chat before they closed vc, I was also there the couple of times the streamers went to the vc
The difference in fandom between Riiflings and everyone else is insane, Kichains started all muted when Kiki joined, then slowly the ice was broken and talked politely, with Buoys it was more instant the moment they started talking, but everyone was polite and let her speak


>> No.47566230

Yes, and I still love her

>> No.47566241
Quoted by: >>47566364

>Why can't I know this private thing she wants to keep private

>> No.47566248
File: 16 KB, 119x76, 060b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eri i still dont like you but i hope your words ring true about Riifu not graduating.

Keep being good and i might actually soften up for you you fucking rat.

>> No.47566249

Rip my nigga swift
Only person with the nuts to call mason out on his schizos rants just to get shanked in some vietcong ant colony

>> No.47566251

It's her, she's reliving old memories because they will all disappear into sweet oblivion soon.

>> No.47566259

you're bragging that you read this garbage? Trips should have gone to someone else...

>> No.47566263


>> No.47566267

relistened to this and it's really grim

>> No.47566300

Being vague is fine as long as she acknowledges she's not really up tp speed with her previous self.

>> No.47566301

She wouldnt lie about that you fucking riitard

>> No.47566310

audience reflects the streamer
also based

>> No.47566309

I hate to say it but me too. I hope she's okay no matter what it is.

>> No.47566317

>We are

>> No.47566323

This isnt the win you think it is anon. Kek.

>> No.47566327

Based Riitards

>> No.47566344

I was there the second time Riifu was in VC, so many mouthbreathing attention-seeking autists...

>> No.47566348

Is this what they call GRIMKINO?

>> No.47566350 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>47566437

I couldn't even see the bottom.
At least 1 Patreon I didn't know about

>> No.47566352

based honestly. Also based that Riiflings immediately wanted everyone but Riifu to be muted. Piece of shit Zow talked over her, but what else to expect?

>> No.47566364
Quoted by: >>47566536

We don't want to know the private thing, we want to hear her say it's a private thing. The CEO coming out like this just creates mistrust about management and power-play.

>> No.47566396

ong bro shit was so unconfortable

>> No.47566399

VC? VC...?

>> No.47566418

People in discord very much pushed for more information, or at least tell management that they fucked up in during the PR of Riifus break.

>> No.47566422

Anons have discord voicechat ptsd

>> No.47566424

the first time she was in vc was the best. everyone muted, talking only in text chat. and then the clique...

>> No.47566437

a thousand faces

>> No.47566445

it's crazy that she managed to stream everyday for a month straight

>> No.47566477

VC is gone, and it's the best for everyone.

>> No.47566516

The beginning of the end

>> No.47566523
Quoted by: >>47566580

Holy kek this game just accentuates the Grimm, this is actually kino

>> No.47566536
Quoted by: >>47566619


>> No.47566541

>riifu pinned the song in chat

>> No.47566576
Quoted by: >>47567022

Dude even I feel a bit weird when mangas that I read get turned into anime and become popular, but this is just sad to read...
I hope Frieren is as kino as how the manga's going

>> No.47566580

Grimm? who is that

>> No.47566588

Piss in my mouth mommeh

>> No.47566590


>> No.47566600

My concerndar is off the fucking chart

>> No.47566619
Quoted by: >>47566677

I'm usually one for civil discussion, but this is weird. Why does my mistrust of the management of the company the girl I love matter to someone random? You must be someone this matter to, or someone trying to cover something up.
Either way, shut up.

>> No.47566620
File: 953 KB, 901x795, 1667506835530152.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These threads were no where near as bad as I thought they were going to be. Will still ripple for the entire week but we're all just glad to have her back. Time will heal but we'll never forget.

>> No.47566659
File: 1.08 MB, 2867x1206, 1661875580323647.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47566668

Kilia is too good for this place

>> No.47566675

I dont want a Sana situation where Riifu scarcely streams than a year in she just gives up and graduates in the end...

>> No.47566676
File: 265 KB, 486x430, kilia817625615_114815.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>47566730

You can do anything cus
You're my everything....

>> No.47566677
Quoted by: >>47566716

Reddit bros...

>> No.47566710
File: 70 KB, 500x500, 1675521397920778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just hope she's okay...

>> No.47566711
File: 3.59 MB, 640x640, 1678511132281880.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47566709

We can hope that the threads will return to normal again next week, now with Riifu back riiftards can start to heal.

>> No.47566716
Quoted by: >>47566847

You are incoherent, delusional, and sad.

>> No.47566724

Riifu checkin da tread

>> No.47566728
File: 2.63 MB, 500x324, 1670677944976452.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47566730
File: 121 KB, 936x884, 18263716217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47566733
File: 3.76 MB, 2282x1460, 1678407486564840.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Riifu finally died...

>> No.47566736

Something utterly bad happened and I don't know what exactly and I'm worried as fuck. Any bit of info wouldn't be worse than this because I already imagined everything that could possibly happen.

>> No.47566757
File: 327 KB, 220x220, 1674871642818123.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47566758

I feel so bad not being able to make funny comments or anything I just want to spend time with her bros. I am teary eyed drinkin here

>> No.47566768
Quoted by: >>47566785

Riifu is currently slitting her wrists in the tub...

>> No.47566771
File: 286 KB, 448x448, 036.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47566774
File: 26 KB, 564x470, 1666553831042789.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this fucking silence

>> No.47566776

She's crying right now

>> No.47566782

>Look it up. It's some generic garbage
who cares?

>> No.47566783
File: 433 KB, 1536x2048, 1665717446093371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm the only Sanallite here. They laughed at me for making the same mistake again.

>> No.47566785

Please don't do this right now

>> No.47566801

Even if you have to move on, please get a live 2d model.

>> No.47566804

It won't be like that again, trust me on this anon.
And Sana is happy now, still talking to Fauna and doing what she loves. Being a character illustrator.

>> No.47566811

You are literally the greatest Riifu Love you.

>> No.47566820

Yeah, it's suspicious. We're not getting the whole story, and we probably never will. Which is alright, because it's not our business unless someone involved decides to make it so.

>> No.47566822
File: 518 KB, 457x522, firefox_ACt6c52hto.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As long as my two girls are happy I'm happy

>> No.47566829

Riifu is herself admittedly not the most stable. It's possible
>next year
is an overreaction on her part. Regardless, she's still trucking along on all platforms. Unless she does literally die, some of us Riiflings will be there.

>> No.47566833

(Grims in silence)

>> No.47566847
Quoted by: >>47566879

>The girl I love, but no I won't actually believe what she says

>> No.47566853
File: 64 KB, 177x194, 1681331094120048.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine if she doesn't come back

>> No.47566865
File: 145 KB, 680x680, 1680059506169830.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47566871

I love Riifu so much it's unreal. I just want her to be okay. And then I want to be able to continue watching her a lot and talking to her a lot. And then I want her to continue chuubing, EIEN or not, corpo or not. That's my hierarchy of needs.

>> No.47566879

She hasn't said anything, THE CEO DID. That's the point, you fucking retard, learn to read.

>> No.47566882

I'll follow you wherver Riifu. Please don't cry.

>> No.47566903

>While you where watching the usual anime of the month i was busy reading oshi no ko years before the anime was even in the works.
And as usual the manga went to absolute shit so you spend months reading straight sewage while they get the best part in the best medium now
Anyway imagine wasting trips on being this much of a faggot

>> No.47566902

>Skye is depressed and menhera

>> No.47566904

she's been crying...

>> No.47566909

I wasn't a sanalite, but hade respect and always liked her. It is sad that she's left us, but she's doing what she loves now.

>> No.47566915

What the fuck is going on

>> No.47566916
File: 35 KB, 500x500, 1655967799528490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>comes back crying

>> No.47566930

Yeah if Riifu wasn't suspended she would talk with her OWN ACCOUNT

>> No.47566948
Quoted by: >>47567080

I got my first Kiki and Riifu stream today. I look forward to my first Skye and Killia stream tomorrow. Live ones. I might watch some VODs in the meanwhile.

>> No.47566963


>> No.47566965

I started to get into Sana not even a month before her graduation. Wish I had been there earlier...

>> No.47566985


>> No.47566994


>> No.47567011

I keep shitting my guts out today, is it because I'm stressed out about riifu?

>> No.47567022

>neurodivergent caricatures stand around and talk at each other for 100 chapters straight
I still cant believe people are reading this garbage
For a manga about years flying by and losing loved ones this shit moves at an absolute glacial fucking pace

>> No.47567041

This. Riifu having an issue or something personal she wouldn't go radio silent for days then show up on stream and pretend nothing happened.
If management suspended her and she wasn't allowed to talk for 3 days and isn't allowed to talk about it on stream that makes more sense

>> No.47567045

You didn't miss anything. She was a bore to watch. I was already tired of her halfway through her debut stream. The only good thing she did is her original song and her graduation stream.

>> No.47567062

You aren't the only Sanalite here.

>> No.47567077
Quoted by: >>47567181

Me too, there's something going around

>> No.47567080
Quoted by: >>47567183

I was going to say Skye streams today but that's membership. I need to watch the Astro's playthrough vod myself

>> No.47567082
File: 2.55 MB, 1920x1080, [sound=files.catbox.moe%2F1bvhrh.opus].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47567099

Maybe. I get the shits when I'm stressed or anxious.

>> No.47567101

You missed some great streams live. The 11 hour Pokemon stream with Mori is one of my highlights of hers.

>> No.47567107

>pew pew pew
>bang bang bang
Love this, kek

>> No.47567115

>Autistic noises
My heart....

>> No.47567125
File: 1.28 MB, 520x293, CE.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Warthogs mess me up
That's surprising. You can pull off some real fun BS maneuvers with that thing.

>> No.47567127
File: 12 KB, 480x640, 1680020433388052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you guys be furious if it turned out all of her crying is because she thinks she cant stream 24/7 and ends up having a typical Vtubers schedule and all that talk about her genmates potential is because she thinks if she isnt the endurance streamer shes otherwise worthless ?

>> No.47567139
File: 38 KB, 428x375, 1674073649151953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek, good one riifu

>> No.47567138


>> No.47567154 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.80 MB, 343x498, 1663925628496191.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>47567277

>Wish I had been there earlier...
You really don't. It was so painful to constantly be guessing and have no communication for MONTHS. This whole Riifu situation is bringing it all back.

>> No.47567173

holy riifu

>> No.47567181

No way, I've actually been sick since Saturday and my nephew had a bad case of puke yesterday

>> No.47567183

Yeah, Astro is the one I'll likely check out first. Someone recommended it.

>> No.47567185
Quoted by: >>47567260

So all those times that Riifu said that she loved management you just tuned out? If you actually cared what she had to say you wouldn't be sperging out like some tranny

>> No.47567188
Quoted by: >>47567278

>show up on stream and pretend nothing happened
She did cry and freak out a little at the beginning of stream..
It really felt like she wanted to share something, but wasn't allowed, or did not want to. In which case, maybe she needs a longer break..

>> No.47567194
Quoted by: >>47567242

I think after the suspension management killed her joy for streaming and that's why we're just getting the minimum now

>> No.47567213

Her voice sounds so cute even with her accent, normally she just sounds hot

>> No.47567214

A little bit, like i understand that she is autistic so this could actually be the reason why she is so sad and depressed

>> No.47567223
Quoted by: >>47567271

>turn around

subliminal messaging Mommeh

>> No.47567229
Quoted by: >>47567264

>would I be furious she's become more prone to taking care of her health

>> No.47567242

Hopefully she'll start having fun again now

>> No.47567253

I would unironically lose it and at the same time breathe a sigh of relief
So basically an almost relieved scream
Then take a mental note that she's just not autistic but also menhera

>> No.47567260
File: 238 KB, 624x742, 1673893233667327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>47567403

Yeah, she wouldn't say she hates management now would she?

>> No.47567264

Yeah, for me

>> No.47567272
Quoted by: >>47570081

GABE FUCK YOU, she was being cute

>> No.47567271


>> No.47567275

You have know her for a month

>> No.47567277
Quoted by: >>47567414

Sana was so sweet and bubbly always. And I did cry during the graduation video.

>> No.47567278

You don't go from "I wonder if I could stream every day for the year" to mandatory break and 3 streams a week of her own choice. This has got the filthy Rats hands all over it

>> No.47567280

>gabe ruining yet another segment

>> No.47567286

Her being a menhera would be okay in my book.

>> No.47567302


>> No.47567324

Paradoxically, the more answers I get, the more the Scottish question confuses me.

>> No.47567347

I don't even think I can have the heart to be upset with this woman. It would just confirm she's menhera which would make her even more attractive.

>> No.47567364

The answer is always schizophrenia.

>> No.47567393
Quoted by: >>47568004

>ease back into

>> No.47567403
Quoted by: >>47567511

As I said, you don't actually care what she has to say

>> No.47567402
Quoted by: >>47568004

>ease back into things

>> No.47567409 [SPOILER] 
File: 709 KB, 1353x2000, 1654416378348023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least you sanalites got some closure. All we got was absolute silence for a month, a termination out of nowhere, and a community that treats her like the second coming of satan.

>> No.47567414

That ending video hit me like a sack of bricks. I cried for hours after it ended ngl.

>> No.47567423

>in the future
>I don't know

>> No.47567424


>> No.47567441

She's unsure?

>> No.47567444

She's dodging all questions related to her future

>> No.47567452

>No Fight Club watchalong
>No karaoke
>Riifu can't drink or 'bad things will ensue'
Any rrats?

>> No.47567465

>are we watching fight club
>"i don't know
>is karaoke still on
>"i'm not sure"

>> No.47567488

idk but she got new crows LFGGGGGG

>> No.47567493
Quoted by: >>47567550

She has cancer

>> No.47567498

fuck fuck fuck

>> No.47567501
File: 1.29 MB, 1431x793, 1669470361078492.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>47567530

>Crow talk
>She lights up

>> No.47567511
Quoted by: >>47567567

You obviously take everyone at face value. So let me say, I don't like you and your reasoning.

>> No.47567514
Quoted by: >>47567559

Management isn't letting her do them and she can't drink cause she'll get drunk and badmouth management and get in more trouble

>> No.47567515

Don't even joke like that anon. DON'T YOU DARE

>> No.47567521

Get drunk and spill the tea Riifu.

>> No.47567530

Imagine when one of them inevitably dies

>> No.47567534
Quoted by: >>47567733

If she’s not going to answer them idk why she doesn’t ignore them? It’s like she’s reading them on purpose

>> No.47567547

She's probably a loose-lip drinker. No guarantee she won't speak her mind

>> No.47567550

Can confirm, I'm the tumor

>> No.47567558

>>Riifu can't drink or 'bad things will ensue'

>> No.47567559

That was kinda my first thought too...

>> No.47567567
Quoted by: >>47567628

>The person I "love" is actually secretly lying to me

>> No.47567587

does she actually have cancer?

>> No.47567590


>> No.47567596
Quoted by: >>47567912

I will unironically post non english gosling music for the 1st time and i don't care it's fucking over anyway.

>> No.47567606

She discovered that she is pregnant she is cutting off the streaming time to take care of herself so it doesn't affect her baby, also I'm the father ofc

>> No.47567613
Quoted by: >>47567627

How about Crowni?

>> No.47567616

>Riiflings not realizing that prying further is hurting Riifu
better to assume anyone who further baits about this is either a skyelight or a tourist

>> No.47567628
Quoted by: >>47567732

She works for a company Anon, as an entertainer. Would you go out on stream and tell people the company is bad?

>> No.47567627


>> No.47567637
Quoted by: >>47567828

>10 minutes before Riifu's stream, there was a delivery
>huge heavy box left outside
>had to drag it in
>confused and panicked, she quickly opened it to see what it was before starting her stream
>realized she fell for the meme when drunk and accidentally ordered the KU100

>> No.47567641

Moddy mod

>> No.47567642

everything looks worse and worse what the fuck

>> No.47567644

that small laugh made me tear up...

>> No.47567645

>Riiflings caring about hurting riifu

>> No.47567652

>the antis can be called buttercup

>> No.47567670

This makes me think she's either pissed about the suspension or has lost her passion if she's suddenly questioning the future of her stream. She's an ADHD zoomer and they all get bored of hobbies quickly

>> No.47567671

Asking about watchalong or karaoke isn't prying

>> No.47567675

I think she would unironically kill herself if something happened to the crows

>> No.47567685


>> No.47567713

>we had a good run…

>> No.47567729
Quoted by: >>47567832

Yep. Pissed about management and can't get drunk or she'll spill the honey tea.
Not promising karaoke and movie watch alongs because she's now doing minimum amount of streams

>> No.47567732
Quoted by: >>47567838

So why did you say that you care about what she has to say?

>> No.47567733

She's said before that she reads things out loud without reading ahead a lot.

>> No.47567745

>maybe another time...

>> No.47567747

I can't enjoy the coom right now... I need to know if everything is okay

>> No.47567751

Why is she so on edge? This is hard to watch

>> No.47567762

censor bar = hentai
she's so stupid i love her

>> No.47567766

>maybe another time
Why does she keep doomposting FUCK

>> No.47567826

Why is she not crying? I wanted to hear her cry

>> No.47567828

the real reason she's so upset, all that money gone

>> No.47567832

Should've gone indie

>> No.47567837

She's in it for the long haul. Maybe not EIEN though.

>> No.47567838
File: 1.36 MB, 1920x1080, 1663159662947936.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>47568150

You hit my dilemma right on the head. Sadly I'm in love with an online persona, and I always clash between her telling the truth, pandering, or just trying to keep her job.

>> No.47567849

Maybe Gabe shouldn't be allowed near anyone

>> No.47567865

After stream she gets access back to her twitter and can interact with the art stuff she missed.
Suspension bros we were right

>> No.47567905
Quoted by: >>47567977

I wish someone had responded to Eri asking if Riifu was suspended when she said she isn't graduating. The moment has passed now

>> No.47567912
Quoted by: >>47567955

ew nordic language

>> No.47567913

I'm not even a Riifling and this shit is making me anxious and depressed. I can't imagine how you guys feel

>> No.47567919

radish juice erotic kimoiiiiii

>> No.47567934

The thread is slowing down, we're healing

>> No.47567947
Quoted by: >>47567996

More like dying

>> No.47567948
File: 184 KB, 332x333, 1681763594268547.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It feels great

>> No.47567955

Sorry but i like the lyrics.

>> No.47567965


>> No.47567973
Quoted by: >>47568032

So we just have to cope as always?

>> No.47567975

Just give us a date Riifu and give us a time to prepare

>> No.47567977

Mods threatening to ban anyone who questions it or talks about it. If you wanna get your account banned just to not get an answer go quote it in chat and ask then

>> No.47567996


>> No.47568004

>bad sleep/nutrition
>on top of every day streaming
you knock out from that and you don't forget it quickly
but if you just get swept up in the fun again it'll have all over again
so pacing herself, simply put, to avoid either extreme
like I see people who stream less suffer effects of poor sleeping/eating habits

>> No.47568009

>kilia has a black heart
you heard it from riifu, kilia is a sadistic manipulative bitch

>> No.47568013


>> No.47568027

>color meaning bullshit
Fuck that guy who posted that a few threads back

>> No.47568032

this rrat will never see the light ot truth

>> No.47568057

tombouy with glasses...

>> No.47568061

>platonic love
>friends with benefits
God dammit.... not again...

>> No.47568063

this is why you stay at home worried about people at the other side of the world that don't know you exist instead of getting hoes

mild annoyance for me i love kilia

>> No.47568070
Quoted by: >>47568169

Sana got the job handed to her, phoned it in for a few weeks and then started skipping work cause she lost interest until she reached an agreement with cover to straight up fucking quit.
Sana is a disgrace and so is everyone that is still her fan.

>> No.47568090


>> No.47568092
Quoted by: >>47568143

Say it with me riiflings

>> No.47568096

So what happens when stream ends with no answer in one way or another?

>> No.47568128

Another meltdown

>> No.47568133
File: 27 KB, 482x488, 1669210696370415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We get left in the dark.

>> No.47568143
Quoted by: >>47568284

Suspend yourself from a doorknob

>> No.47568150

just chill and enjoy the fun and games just like enjoying movies like 2049

>> No.47568149

i will be to drunk to schitzo so it wont be my fault

>> No.47568169
Quoted by: >>47568385

Go back.

>> No.47568203

>still expecting an answer at this point

>> No.47568207
Quoted by: >>47568599

That's what I'm doing, I'm just concerned about her working environment..

>> No.47568220

I want to lie in my bed curled up into a ball for hours, but also want to watch the stream to not miss a thing and fuel my brain demons. It's a rollercoaster of emotions and I hate it because I had myself convinced that I wasn't this attached.

>> No.47568229

We start hating on her for leaving us in the dark

>> No.47568237

get drunk

>> No.47568258
File: 52 KB, 480x480, 1671692001063961.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will bite my tongue and not go schizo

>> No.47568273


>> No.47568284


>> No.47568283
Quoted by: >>47568380

>I missed you guys
More suspension evidence

>> No.47568313

I was ready to go full meltdown two hours ago but I've calmed down for the most part now. Still worried for her.

>> No.47568318


>> No.47568326
File: 32 KB, 572x441, 1661704681541356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is our life now..

>> No.47568353 [SPOILER] 
File: 10 KB, 740x189, 7121.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like this a lot of people's first oshi, It's difficult not to fall hard and be broken up about it when it ends. They'll build up an emotional wall afterwards and get less invested, or move on entirely.
Pic related

>> No.47568376

I fucking hate all these yes men in chat. Ask her what happened already.

>> No.47568380

>Still believes her lies

>> No.47568385

sanalites on unparalleled amounts of copium.
you got dropped and abandoned by a bimbo that never cared.
get fucked lmao.

>> No.47568400

This can't be happening

>> No.47568404

why don't you ask her?

>> No.47568428

i am 35p and i dont want to go through this shit again

>> No.47568446

This is our new normal. She calmed me down but now I'm just filled with this sense of worry for her. Management can go fuck themselves.

>> No.47568467

Are they all liars?
Or are they all just here for the ride?
Are they all used to leaving us in the dark?
Or are they just chained up in contracts?
Do they all burn up fast?
Or slowly fade away?

>> No.47568482

Was asked and ignored, also all future-plans questions were answered as 'I'm not sure'
grim, literally

>> No.47568493

my first genuine oshi i want to die already

>> No.47568529

Fuck off. We asked and we got plenty of uncertainties.

>> No.47568549
File: 742 KB, 1400x2000, b3122bbe6d28b1c91680eb42945e0b2b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>47568629

>Ywn give Skye Schizo a rimjob.

>> No.47568555 [SPOILER] 
File: 134 KB, 626x811, 1635179046654.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should've know not to get attached anymore
Why do you never learn?

>> No.47568595


>> No.47568599
Quoted by: >>47568764

The most you can do is basically the same as right now: help fund things. So if the need arises and she asks for it, go ahead. Otherwise nothing you can reliably do.
For every Riifu-tier personality you do encounter, there are like 10 you don't know, ones you've already missed, ones you will never see the debut of and so on.

>> No.47568629
Quoted by: >>47568703

God I want to fuck UI into submission like nobody's business.

>> No.47568643

I am starting to think she didnt do anything bad, and actually had a health issue.

>> No.47568644

What going on!

>> No.47568679
File: 2.60 MB, 2000x3200, f6bd04a9afa3de1f0d4b4fa094ff7209.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>47568965


>> No.47568678

I'm gonna keep it together for now... I'll wait for her to say something if she ever will. I want her to be happy.

>> No.47568685
File: 280 KB, 694x869, 1633824934293.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What vidya are everyone playing after stream?

>> No.47568699

go back to discord

>> No.47568703

asuna ichinose better

>> No.47568754

it's over

>> No.47568764

Thank you for the level-headed response. Perhaps one day I will find someone like her, or rather, someone else I can love, in real life.

>> No.47568769

Logic and reasoning has no place here, go back

>> No.47568789

>Be as vague as possible because they don't want people knowing what happened
>Can't even tell the truth because people will find a way to spin it negatively
>Better to let schizos tire themselves out in a blaze of glory doomposting nonstop
>Toss a single nugget saying Riifu isn't graduating to prevent the schizoposting from going completely nuclear
I was not expecting EIEN to be like this at all at the start holy shit. What a fucking rollercoaster.

>> No.47568797
File: 468 KB, 1400x2142, 1609653444664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>47569356


>> No.47568802
File: 62 KB, 581x401, bd4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

riifling humor

>> No.47568804
File: 19 KB, 185x129, 1668465621223706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>47568946


>> No.47568811
Quoted by: >>47569055

that last dono was ignored completely, we won't get any news, good or bad, today

>> No.47568870
File: 380 KB, 1349x904, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47568872

>streamers are infamous for poor health even down to vocal chord care
>the everyday, long-streams vtuber could have overdone it and needed lots of rest
that should be THE assumption
you won't find out anything by concerning in the thread, you either need to hunt people down or brush up on your hacking skills, if you don't just want to wait for the people involved to reveal details themselves

>> No.47568873

shut the fuck up i hate you
dont you ever post here again

>> No.47568904

Ok stop with the hopium and remember the tweet
Dont believe eris lies

>> No.47568916

What if she actually had a health issue but she doesn't want to tell us because she knows that we will just increase the doomposting

>> No.47568946

>told us a month in advance about a short holiday with family
>was considering guerilla stream during that even
The numbers just don't add up, Mason.

>> No.47568964


>> No.47568965

can't believe Roro is here now too

it's going to be a movie for me not sure which yet

>> No.47568977

So Riifu is not graduating but shes uncertain about her future? I just hope this is just her emotions getting in her head as next week returns everything back to normal.

>> No.47568996
Quoted by: >>47569081

Asuna's been ruined, she has over 40 fucking NTR doujins.

>> No.47569017
Quoted by: >>47569143

I know chuubas who talk about finding a lump in their tit.

>> No.47569056
Quoted by: >>47570711

She certainly live in the right country where the perpetrator would get away with it

>> No.47569055
Quoted by: >>47569409

That should've been expected. Anyone reasonable should've known that she would not say anything, regardless of whether she wants to be private or Management is forcing her hand.

>> No.47569058

It's okay to worry about the other person and at this point it is already too late to hide anything, it will just increase the schizolevel

>> No.47569072

>I like when you guys post the LotR stuff

>> No.47569075


>> No.47569076

Either DRG with a friend to get back into the monotony of things, or I'll finally crack and buy Wildfrost since all the negative reviews just say it's too hard and I want to try it.

>> No.47569081

Just don't read them?

>> No.47569138

First Mel now Riifu

>> No.47569143
Quoted by: >>47569249

I know but remember that Riifu is autistic, she literally doesn't want to make us worry about it and doing this just make us worry even more

>> No.47569169

>she doesn't know about the glowies

>> No.47569202

I'm glad Mel at least does plan on streaming again when she's able. I just wish that LITERALLY ONE schizo didn't push her away from us.

>> No.47569216

Rock and Stone, fellow EIEN watcher

>> No.47569247
File: 16 KB, 400x400, 1669052901349991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit is getting obnoxious as fuck. If Riifu isnt at the verge of literal death I'll be fucking disappointed if she ever explains what the fuck is going on.

>> No.47569249
Quoted by: >>47569432

Actual autists dont have that kind of filter

>> No.47569250

Didn't mel came back tho? a couple days ago someone made a thread about her in which she was directly reacting to the anons

>> No.47569251

Good old TF2...

>> No.47569272
Quoted by: >>47569430

This is a fucking lie.
You are a liar. I was there.

>> No.47569284
File: 2.56 MB, 300x424, terry-a-davis.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47569293
Quoted by: >>47569536

We'll go back to normal next week, right?

>> No.47569294 [DELETED] 

Then take that as a sign that she'd be more open with her fans if they would just prove to be not just caring individuals but mature individuals who don't pointlessly spam
You guys aren't coordinating some investigation or anything, you're just spamming the thread to no positive effect

>> No.47569325
File: 37 KB, 513x140, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>47569368

Don't forget

>> No.47569353

>Riifu gets suspended
>Comes back after 3 days crying and can't talk about why she was missing
>Paying members in discord are concerned and mods are threatening bans to anyone who questions it
>The rat shows up and tells everyone who's going to stop giving them money please keep donating riifu just doesn't want you to know why she was missing

>> No.47569356
File: 200 KB, 900x600, radioheadfunni.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you do it to yourself

>> No.47569366

am I the only one who noticed the general lack of mommeh attitude?

>> No.47569368

Go back.

>> No.47569412
File: 783 KB, 1285x1498, 1678245355599932.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To each their own. I've just got a thing for disheveled and petite girls.

>> No.47569409
Quoted by: >>47569676

I'm not the author but I expected something usual like 'I can't/don't want to talk about this' like she did this before, maybe at the very beginning of the stream, but now we have a fucking huge bunch of very grim statements, everything has worsened a hundred times

>> No.47569430
Quoted by: >>47571506

that means it was you doing the weird shit

>> No.47569432

I'm an actual autist and I hide the shit that's wrong with me all the time because I don't want others to worry...

>> No.47569445

Rewinded the stream
>As if I can't walk outside my door right now and touch grass... Well, it's a bit dangerous.
>I probably should not have a drink or bad things will ensue.
What did she mean by this?

>> No.47569453
Quoted by: >>47569715

Can't say it didn't work. No more complaints in the members discord chat there hasn't even been a message for half an hour

>> No.47569464
Quoted by: >>47569486

Zow won.

>> No.47569486 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>47569877

who is zoe

>> No.47569493

Yeah, so keep it to discord and twitter where there are logs with names attached and something can actually happen. Going off here where you can't even be sure who's who is just making a mess.

>> No.47569500

General reminder to archive this stream.

>> No.47569503
Quoted by: >>47569556

at this point i think she enjoys making you schizo out

>> No.47569506
Quoted by: >>47569672

I played the Nextfest demos for this game about a year ago and it was really fun, did it finally come out?

>> No.47569519

Of course not, but she is obviously depressed like shit, so it's not a surprise she isn't doing it.

>> No.47569521

She was sick and don't wanting her fans to worry

>> No.47569536
File: 436 KB, 597x606, 1669164508289630.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>47569701

I've been waiting for a normal thread for weeks, at this point all hope is lost, there will not be a better tomorrow...

>> No.47569556

Tourist detected.

>> No.47569573

she left out the mommy bit of my comment...

>> No.47569599

Here's what we know from what management has said
>riifu is not sick
>nothing is wrong with her family
>she's not graduating
So she got suspended...

>> No.47569616
File: 1.48 MB, 1920x1080, shrug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tourist detected.

>> No.47569672
Quoted by: >>47570136

Yeah it's been out for around 5 days now, but there's a big chunk of people complaining about the balancing being bad/difficulty being too hard. I think I'll just pirate it to form my own opinion and buy if it I like it.

>> No.47569676

Oh I agree that things are very much grim. I'm just at a loss because like you, I'm at a loss of what to do.

>> No.47569689
File: 976 KB, 1280x720, 1657652853780750.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>47569907

I regret making that shitty edit for her thumbnail now. I don't wanna be reminded of her when she's gone....

>> No.47569701
Quoted by: >>47570045

it is your duty to suck us dry so we can release our furstration, kichain

>> No.47569715

Don't wanna push their luck already forced Eri to respond once...
If you talk to them somewhat "reasonably" it makes the mods lose their power and they'll be forced to capitulate

>> No.47569737

Every part of this can be a lie (or everything entirely) because of the conflicting info

>> No.47569775
File: 6 KB, 324x100, 1662562774130451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that was never in question, they haven't even fixed her discord yet

>> No.47569797
Quoted by: >>47570128

>run down your health
>told to take a break and ease back into it
she even said those last few words but obviously they don't want a repeat
so start off 3 streams, then maybe 4 but more spread out, maybe even 5
hell she might even go back to 7 but make them shorter to stay healthy

>> No.47569835

The truth will set you free.

>> No.47569857

There's nothing conflicting there though they're just not admitting they suspended her. A suspension isn't a graduation she was gone 3 days. Riifu can't drink because she'll spill the beans about the suspension and she's streaming less because management killed her enjoyment for streaming and that's why no more movie streams or karaoke streams

>> No.47569862
Quoted by: >>47570112

For some reason only Kilia's name works for me every time, others can be bugged

>> No.47569877


>> No.47569882
Quoted by: >>47570112

That's a bug Riitard...

>> No.47569889
Quoted by: >>47570112

scroll up to one of her messages. discord bug

>> No.47569890
File: 34 KB, 680x535, 1676734397589118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47569907

She wouldn't be around forever in the first place. I know geezer gamers but eventually it's time to stop.

>> No.47569911
File: 7 KB, 283x85, 1665542462834996.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>47570112

That's just a common bug that happens with discord.

>> No.47569916
Quoted by: >>47570112

That's a bug on your end anon

>> No.47569918
Quoted by: >>47570112

happens all the time on discord, its not something anyone but discord can fix

>> No.47569931
Quoted by: >>47570112


>> No.47569974

Management HATE

>> No.47569997


>> No.47570016
Quoted by: >>47570112

that is a you problem brainlet

>> No.47570035 [SPOILER] 
File: 603 KB, 1187x666, ...png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47570042
File: 384 KB, 592x631, 1668312600017526.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>47570138

This entire situation just reminds me of Aki
>Out of commission cause of health and management
>Had a menhera moment about potential graduation
Somehow the Rosentai convinced her to stay and she's still around so idk if it can work with Riifu

>> No.47570045
File: 270 KB, 466x344, 1662110988839380.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>47570183

I can suck you dry but in the end all that there will be left is your husk filled with sadness and frustration

>> No.47570065

Riifu if you were suspended use the word spicy in your next tweet

>> No.47570081

what did he do?

>> No.47570108

Fuck no gabe don't do it, that is just gonna make it worse
act as if nothing happened, just be there so that she knows if anything happens we are here waiting for her.
You guys talk to women right? Yall should know how to be supportive.

>> No.47570112
File: 63 KB, 960x720, 1667039047956463.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got it the first time, you don't need to do me like this

>> No.47570128

>last week she didn't stream thursday-monday
>this week her break days are thursday-monday

>> No.47570136

The demo was pretty easy besides the final boss, but I assumed that it was only that hard because they wanted people to replay the demo

>> No.47570138
File: 494 KB, 1080x1081, 1678328354077494.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fucking twitter artist sexually assaulted riifu

>> No.47570152
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Quoted by: >>47570210

We are finally here, no answers in sight.
They want us to not pry, to show no concern.
Will the truth be hidden, do we have no right?
Does the candle flicker, and no longer burn?

For now, I am glad,
she's here, my star.
What's this, she's sad?
Who gave her this scar?

Riifu, management, let me be clear.
I respect you, love you deeply.
Not everything that goes on, is something we need to hear.
But don't leave us in the dark completely.

Sadly, I am but one Anon,
what possibly could I accomplish?
I merely write until my poem is done,
and these obsessive thoughts abolish.

>> No.47570167

That is a dumbass idea and I'm a Riitard

>> No.47570183
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Sounds good enough for me. Just rid me of this momentary pain and future me can deal with the consequences later.

>> No.47570193

Retarded riitard are so cute...

>> No.47570210
File: 236 KB, 736x291, imagen_2023-04-17_183034465.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>47570334


>> No.47570216

i belieb

>> No.47570215

fuck off riitard if anything he just knew more than we did

>> No.47570244

I'm playing total warhammer 3 right now

>> No.47570245
File: 43 KB, 214x121, 055a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eri isn't lying right? They're not forcing Riifu to stream less till she graduates right? She is just sick and is recovering to stream more RIGHT?!

>> No.47570294

What a fucking mess

>> No.47570297

Who knows. Worrying about something you can't change (for now) only makes life worse for you.

>> No.47570327
Quoted by: >>47570430

Fuck off, I can tolerate the buoy impersonating the skyelight but a riitard doing it us going too far

>> No.47570334
Quoted by: >>47570438

Truth hurts, truth kills,
yet it's a beauty like no other.
Posting that image takes no skills,
I'm going to fuck your mother.

>> No.47570338

I'd believe Eri more is she let me mating press her...

>> No.47570388

>every future related question was answered as "I'm not sure"

>> No.47570421

Eri if you're 100% obvious about Riifu not graduating post your nudes in your channel right now and delete in a second later

>> No.47570429

Autumns end
Rudy settle down
Into the earth

>> No.47570430

That guy's been doing it for a while now...

>> No.47570438
Quoted by: >>47570499

ok ill give it to you that was pretty funny

thanks for the chuckle at work, shits pretty hard rn

>> No.47570442

Why does this shit always have to be so complicated? Why can they never just tell us the fucking truth

>> No.47570445

>Suspended and then reduced streaming schedule until graduation.
How long after riifu gets graduated do you think eien will implode without their best talent?

>> No.47570481


>> No.47570499

Happy to help.
Enjoy your time at work.

>> No.47570517

I don't see Kilia graduating

>> No.47570545

Small corp. Please understand

>> No.47570558

If anything we should be more interrogative towards her. Keep asking questions until she has no option left but to address it.

>> No.47570577

Why are you including Kilia in your shitty rrat

>> No.47570618

Unironically I can see her jumping ship as soon as a better opportunity shows its face. And I mean with the utmost respect, she's overqualified.

>> No.47570628

Women doing women things I'll never understand them

>> No.47570639

The graduation announcement itself would be enough to destroy the corpo. The meltdown earlier /here/ and discord kinda proves it.

>> No.47570686

Talents sign contracts with corpos they can't say things or they get in trouble

>> No.47570711

Apparently you can rape a minor in Scotland and get community service, as long as you are under 25. What a deal!

>> No.47570715
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>> No.47570730

If the corpo fails, I really hope they let the talents continue to use their models. Kilias is so good to just let die months after debut.

>> No.47570770

I'm glad I started working out and distanced myself a little from Riifu. I'm not schizoing out like most Riiflings.

>> No.47570778

>Talents are contracted and can't talk about it.
>Management can't talk about it due to it creating a bad image.
What they don't understand is that people can be very understanding, admitting mistakes and showing compassion is a strength.

>> No.47570867

>Girl spills the beans and breaks NDA
"Lmao fucking unprofessional bitch if you don't wanna be a corpo vtuber don't audition"
>Girl says nothing and tries to assure the riiflings everything is okay as much as she can
"Lmao fucking stupid bitch why is she not saying anything what a liar"

please pick a struggle

>> No.47570900
Quoted by: >>47570987

Havent you read the last 10 threads? kys

>> No.47570925

>Replying to the mentally ill

>> No.47570942

u right my fault OG

>> No.47570965
Quoted by: >>47571990

Management suspended her for something stupid and is trying to protect their image by vagueposting about why she was gone

>> No.47570987
Quoted by: >>47571030

Just stop replying to me with KYS, it's not constructive in the least.

>> No.47570997

Riiflings. If Riifu uploads next week's schedule with even lesser streams and doesn't explain why, what are you going to do?

>> No.47571019
Quoted by: >>47571078

anon this is /vt/ no one is mentally healthy here

>> No.47571030
Quoted by: >>47571088

why are you looking for constructive discussion ON /VT/

>> No.47571078

I didn't state otherwise

>> No.47571080

She probably has to do at least 3 that's pretty standard for vtuber contract. But if next week it's 3 again when we were getting 9-10 before then that would confirm for me it's managements doing

>> No.47571088
Quoted by: >>47571209

>"Lmao fucking unprofessional bitch if you don't wanna be a corpo vtuber don't audition"
As if.
Why are you telling people to kys on /vt/?
It's a discussion board.

>> No.47571092

Become a Skyelight

>> No.47571100

chimp out, cry, watch sissy hypno, repeat.

>> No.47571107

Endure and start working on a dossier on eien management fuck up

>> No.47571111
Quoted by: >>47571160

I just dont want her to go anons...
If she does go from eien ever as her choice I just want to go with her...
As long as I'm with her I dont care where, as long as she's okay.
If she stays here at eien for years and years and years I will stay the whole time.

>> No.47571143
Quoted by: >>47571570

The only thing keeping Kilia here might be her lack of self esteem, which could change as time goes on

>> No.47571160 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>47571226

Do reps and you'll see where she'll go

>> No.47571201

there may be no next week schedule, unironically
I'm waiting for a wednesday stream for more info but my hope is tiny

>> No.47571209
Quoted by: >>47571264

Actually funny bait, made me laugh

>> No.47571226

actual retard with an e

>> No.47571264

>I don't agree with you, kys, must be bait
Okay, you are mentally ill. I am sorry, I hope you enjoy life to the fullest.

>> No.47571288

There's too many red flags for me honestly. I don't entirely trust that Riifu has been honest with us and I think I'm going to try and move on. It hurts a lot but I just don't want it to get any worse emotionally...

>> No.47571321
Quoted by: >>47571433

Go back

>> No.47571358 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>47571582

honestly that's reasonable now that I know she has a lot of roommates to take care of

>> No.47571364 [DELETED] 

She wasnt fully honest and uf you cant see that then you are retarded

>> No.47571371


>> No.47571433

I'll go back if you go back.

>> No.47571469

She hates us

>> No.47571506

No. The only weird shit I do is type horny messages in marrows. I do not ever speak to the talents via voice.

>> No.47571535
Quoted by: >>47571809

Am I blind or does the new yellow heart look like she's eating a jar of honey?

>> No.47571564

I think I'm going to be sick.

>> No.47571570
Quoted by: >>47571715

she's been getting attached to the buoys lately, I hope she knows we'll follow her wherever and she doesn't feel bad about that side of the coin

>> No.47571582 [DELETED] 

Doesnt make any sense. Her roomates are still active with Riifu having no problem streaming everyday.

>> No.47571715

Yeah there's the parasocial aspect too, but usually if a fan is dedicated enough they'll follow

>> No.47571735

>Didn't switch to an Uzi

>> No.47571809

Looks like she is eating bread

>> No.47571881

Do you think she would do a streamsnipe warzone stream with riiflings?

>> No.47571905

not now

>> No.47571950

now is not the time...

>> No.47571971

In another timeline we're playing with her right now. Just not this one Anon

>> No.47571979

Not currently. Things are too uncertain, but I know it's not because she doesn't like us or whatever.

>> No.47571990
Quoted by: >>47572263

if they encouraged her to post masturbation audio then what the fuck could they suspend her over

>> No.47571986
File: 1.40 MB, 1067x1190, breaking up.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47571992

>Making plans for the future

>> No.47572046

You didn't read the thread or watch the stream at all? Literally no future streams confirmed after this week

>> No.47572074

>she's not sick
>nothing is wrong with her family
>she's not graduating
>eri CANNOT? say more
>riifu wants to keep it private?
>not allowed on twitter or discord?

Makes it sound like a suspension but not and that riifu chose to do this herself to keep things private, but its not a family deal or health?
This just doesnt make sense to me. I'm trying to understand it, I want to believe

>> No.47572089
File: 30 KB, 254x232, 1670733004406711.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Riifu doesn't care for stealth in games

>> No.47572106

Maybe she has a stalker

>> No.47572126

She was raped

>> No.47572137

that means no metal gear series

>> No.47572142

-> >>47569737

>> No.47572145
File: 314 KB, 437x427, 1681177852686636.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah me

>> No.47572177

If this is true I will be furious.

>> No.47572183

Probably because she played a bunch of shit mainstream games with stealth segments.
Get her a real stealth game.
Mark of the Ninja might be one, haven't played it personally, but heard it's good?

>> No.47572190

No no no it totally makes sense. Riifu wanted to keep it private so we locked her accounts during her break.

Don't believe me? Take your meds schizo incel!

>> No.47572194


>> No.47572255
Quoted by: >>47572294

Stealth is only good if the entire game is built around it. Forced stealth missions are dogshit.

>> No.47572263
File: 464 KB, 512x487, 1681563064712148.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

new rrat then
>holo threatened to sue EIEN into the ground for riifu being too similar to fauna, enough to affect their brand, the mommy, the emotes, the model, coupled with riifu doing nsfw actively hurts holos idol image
>suspend and eventually retire her or get holofag lawyers burning the corpo to the ground

>> No.47572289

The ultimate yab.

>> No.47572294

stealth archer is the most popular playstyle in skyrim

>> No.47572347
Quoted by: >>47572477

>stealth being good in skyrim
>not only popular because it's op

>> No.47572398 [SPOILER] 
File: 277 KB, 2160x2160, 1656115688642230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you shall not bait

>> No.47572406

Only because the AI is fucking retarded and you can one-shot people from miles away.

>> No.47572416
Quoted by: >>47572466

>it must have been the wind

>> No.47572466

>arrow sticking out of eyeball

>> No.47572477
Quoted by: >>47572623

>D-doesn't count!

>> No.47572603

This rrat sucks, and not in a hehe funny kinda way.
It just sucks.

>> No.47572605

Agreed, all evidence says suspension + poor damage control by management so they're just not being transparent about what happened

>> No.47572623
File: 162 KB, 1200x675, 1658480499152301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>47572806

Nice stealth game.

>> No.47572806

>The npcs are supposed to be able to see through solid objects!
Are you serious?

>> No.47572862
Quoted by: >>47573799

They should be able to react to having a fucking pot over their head

>> No.47572913

>D-doesn't count!

>> No.47573027
File: 348 KB, 660x518, 1671603337290104.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>47573064

>Since Riifu had the best internet as a kid she would host the multiplayer lobbies
>When she malded she would dashboard and dc the entire lobby

>> No.47573035

don't think they can really do that, even if it was possible I'd think they'd just have riifu redo her fanbase/mascot because they sound/look kind of close to saplings. otherwise they're rather different people however and "green elf" isn't a copyright. actually fauna isn't even a fucking elf, she doesn't have the ears, and she's a kirin lore-wise at that. unless riifu is also a kirin aspect of nature it's a pretty weak rrat.

>> No.47573064


>> No.47573408
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>> No.47573461
File: 144 KB, 827x1792, Fsb-tX7aUAAIPo9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>47573758

Things WILL get better

>> No.47573471

Alright fine, I guess it's time to come clean. I impregnated Riifu and we got an abortion over the last week. You guys happy now?

>> No.47573498
Quoted by: >>47573654

We are healing

>> No.47573500

Retarded rrat

>> No.47573646

how do you push through the cringe and send a maro? I just want to tell Kiki i appreciate her streams but sending something directly to her and her eyes only feels like I'm getting too close for comfort

>> No.47573654

everything was posted, the grim cycle will continue with new grim info arrival

>> No.47573666

i tried to bake bros but it won't let me...

>> No.47573670

The whole debacle reminds me of the stupid fucking rrat that got super popular about Pomu needing to cut her tits off.

You guys need to chill out and take it one day at a time. It's probably nothing career ending.
Yes, this is me coping.

>> No.47573677

the stinky

>> No.47573691

Your name isnt attached to it so who cares?

>> No.47573720

Just type it and send it. You won't be known so there's quite literally nothing to lose.

>> No.47573718
Quoted by: >>47574110

new thread

>> No.47573745

She has been so completely out of it all stream

>> No.47573758

I will patiently wait. Either until we hear something directly from her, or until she's recovered.

>> No.47573767

just do it. Compose the maro, don't sign it, click the send button, and then close the tab.

>> No.47573799

>He hates wearing hats

>> No.47573816

I think it's an overreaction on a part of Eien management to try to get a grip on opsec and put in some distance between herself and fans, but the way they handled it was kind of the worst way possible because they did it too fast/suddenly and just shooting anyone asking questions with no explanation isn't a good way to solve it either.

In any case it's not at all unknown for small corpos to shoot themsleves in the foot over stuff we never even saw/knew so whatever.

>> No.47574052

We are being unreasonable, but wow. It's as if Management wanted to intentionally fumble this as much as possible. I'm calm now and you're right. We have no choice but to take things slow and see what happens from here.

>> No.47574077 [SPOILER] 
File: 148 KB, 703x679, 1681700854474678.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never forget

>> No.47574110


>> No.47574152

Eri did this on purpose

>> No.47574174
Quoted by: >>47574230

Riifu said this was fake and gay

>> No.47574230

You know the truth anon. deep down you know.

>> No.47574252

>riitards believe this shit while riifu doesn't
We really are troons aren't we?

>> No.47574287

Riifu laughed at this and called us horoscope believers lmao. Who fucking cares

>> No.47574317


>> No.47574457

