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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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>> No.46982806

Fatherless behavior.

>> No.46982814


>> No.46982856

the traditional woman
the kind you want to have kids with and start a real family and settle down, get old together. Feeding ducks at the park together 90yrs old

>> No.46982863

Ugly, boring, uninspired.

>> No.46982869

>I don't get that the concept of vtubing involves playing a fictional character so I want to make my aesthetic as close to "normal" as possible so I can become more similar to e-girl fleshtubers

>> No.46982914

Boring, plain and lack of imagination from the designer (the vtuber in this case)

>> No.46982919


the ugly granny look

>> No.46982970
Quoted by: >>46983314

The "best girl" look

the E whore look does not get "best girl" from me , ever! I love these conservative outfits, we need more of this.

>> No.46982983

asian college girl

>> No.46983007

left to right
basic bitch, normie cute girl, old hag look

>> No.46983029 [DELETED] 

>le modern femoid
Wait thats mumeis outfit? Didnt they say its gonna be a cat hoodie or some shit? fucking boring.

>> No.46983037


>Elira and Mumei
Boring and something you'd see in a care home

>> No.46983138

Korean / White / Japanese, you can tell by the shoes

>> No.46983155
Quoted by: >>46983704

nigga do you even know what you're seething about?

>> No.46983204
Quoted by: >>46987803

공항패션 aka Airport Fashion aka Asian millennial high class young adult

>> No.46983248

All I see is Mumei and Mumei is cute

>> No.46983314
Quoted by: >>46983494

Why is an amish on the internet?

>> No.46983331
Quoted by: >>46983685

>jeans pulled up to your chest
The iconic Steve Urkel look

>> No.46983482


>> No.46983494
Quoted by: >>46983641

you don't have to be amish to have good taste in life bruh. No one wants their kids raised by e whores. Their outfits look good, like respectable real life women.

>> No.46983509

Just watch the furries on twitch, anon.

>> No.46983569
File: 901 KB, 3800x2800, Fh1yhpsWQAAlO4U.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46983570

>What we would see if we went outside

>> No.46983641

Most casual outfits in Holo look great while not being e-whore levels though, these are just fkn boring

>> No.46983673


>> No.46983677

Unironically this. You can tell their race just by the shoes

>> No.46983685

There high waist. They're designed like that

>> No.46983704
Quoted by: >>46983912

>Answers question

>> No.46983912
Quoted by: >>46985573

>Normal and conversatively dressed woman
>"Fatherless behavior"
unironic incel brainrot

>> No.46983934

You tell em sister! woo woo

>> No.46983977

20-something semi lesbian weebcore

>> No.46983981

The need to marry them aesthetics.

>> No.46984017

I call it “I’m hitting my mid 30’s”

>> No.46984038

Looks like the clothing my sister used to wear, so i asume it's called expensive fashion

>> No.46984037
File: 79 KB, 665x927, Ookami_Mio_Fifth_2D_Costume_With_Cape_by_Izumi_Sai (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>47020393


I prefer alt outfit like Marine USJ or Mio queen card

>> No.46984096

>what a shut-in hikiNEET artist thinks is fashion

>> No.46984185


>> No.46984263
Quoted by: >>46984551

Don't e-girl flesh tubers want to wear as little as they can without getting banned to show off their tits and ass to get as many viewers and tips as possible?

>> No.46984404
File: 1.79 MB, 2131x3000, 01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kronii is rocking the "Single mother in her 30s cruising for cock" look.

>> No.46984551

no see, I never see women irl so anyone who doesn't look like my FOTM isekai waifu or my mom is an e-girl WHORE

>> No.46984569

Fuck off Kefka-esque GPoser

>> No.46984702

Kronii looks like modern foid trash larping as muh tradcon woman. At least Moomers and Elira wear it well. Mumei in particular looks cute, except for those shoes.

>> No.46984732
Quoted by: >>46989235

>Fatherless behavior is when women wear long, layered and loose outfits
this obviously doesn't include the clock

>> No.46984752
File: 1.10 MB, 4096x2189, 1663316716713725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know, but it's definitely the polar opposite of this aesthetic.

>> No.46985573

He just tried to type something he thought would be funny and "based" without it actually making sense at all. Ignore retards.

>> No.46985812

That's pretty cool. Especially the pouting face

>> No.46985821

yeah this is probably accurate

>> No.46985927

I hate it when whores style themselves as if they weren't whores.

>> No.46986014


>> No.46986088

white women

>> No.46986229

Elira is Japanese?
And since when is "white" an ethnicity? Is that an american thing?

>> No.46986331

Yes it's an american thing

>> No.46986476

It’s an umbrella term for European-descendants to avoid pointless quibbling over Irish/German/WASP/Italian or whatever. Ask a white person about their ethnicity and they’ll give you a breakdown of whatever odd mix of European ancestry they have unless they’ve got culture war brainrot.

>> No.46986492

japanese women are so cute

>> No.46986631

Japs are NPC's by default.

>> No.46986712

Fujo outfit

>> No.46986757
Quoted by: >>47025197

She's a hafu, guessing by her father's blue eyes, he's the one with yellow fever.

>> No.46986802

Thanks, that was a good fap.

>> No.46986825

wife material

>> No.46986959

Fucking author abandoned this series, it's never gonna get a proper end! Bring back the brown loli

>> No.46987075


>> No.46987087


>> No.46987210

>Ask a white person about their ethnicity and they’ll give you a breakdown of whatever odd mix of European ancestry they have
No they don't. Only americans do that.

>> No.46987226
Quoted by: >>46999998

>All vtubers must coomerbait, no conservative outfits allowed

>> No.46987247
Quoted by: >>46987309

The happily married with kids aesthetic, something they're subconsciously wanting i suspect

>> No.46987309

yeah mine

>> No.46987628
Quoted by: >>46987868

What proper end?
The story is just the guy walking around, fucking women who don't want to fuck him until they do.
But yes, more brown loli please

>> No.46987754

I can promise you no one does this apart from very weird americans everyone looks down on. You can celebrate whatever your background is, just don't be fuckin weird about it m8.

>> No.46987803

fashion for airports?
is that a brian eno thing?

>> No.46987818

Some Canadians do too. I think it's an NA thing

>> No.46987868
Quoted by: >>46988019

I can only find this and the daughter in the locker room. How many more were there?

>> No.46987914
Quoted by: >>47003634

>What do you call this aesthetic?

>> No.46987951


>> No.46988019

10 translated on sad panda
first 4 with girl, next 4 her mom gets involved and last 2 with brown loli/woman

>> No.46988099
File: 1.34 MB, 1830x1525, 1679701274860028.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The reprodoocer aesthetic

>> No.46988198

The jeans and slevleas shirt are god tier. Waga has good senses.

Too cookie cuter no real variqnce from a winter style outfit.

>> No.46988465

Why did you group Kronii's into this? It's not similar at all.

>> No.46988583
File: 116 KB, 463x453, 1678999128495680.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hag in need of impregnation aesthetic

>> No.46989217

cuckanada is heavily americanized, so that makes sense

>> No.46989235

Yes, looking pure while not being pure is fatherless af

>> No.46989425

Canada and canadians are a myth created by the british

>> No.46989730
Quoted by: >>46993656

Yeah, that’s what I’m talking about. Europeans aren’t “white”, they’re whatever nationality they are. Americans are the ones so jumbled up that this can even be a thing.
It’s not so much a celebratory thing so much as a bit of pointless personal trivia, with exceptions like being Irish on St. Patrick’s Day.

>> No.46990443

Kroni's outfit doesn't appeal to me but it's a standard casual look. Mumei and Elira look feminine and modest, which is very appealing and warm. It reminds me how girls used to dress in the 90s and I like that. It also makes me imagine they have normal, unshaven pussies which is a big plus.

>> No.46990694


>> No.46993656
Quoted by: >>46996946

>like being Irish on St. Patrick’s Day.
6 generations in, no resemblance of irish culture or accent at all, and they still consider themselves Irish?
Are all burgers like this?

>> No.46993844
File: 331 KB, 500x500, 1653113758983498.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mumei's looks the best compared to everyone else

>> No.46996946

As an excuse to get drunk mostly, moreso if they’re part of an institution deeply rooted in the Irish-American community (usually police departments). It’s at its dumbest when it involves uninformed opinions about Northern Ireland.

>> No.46997532
Quoted by: >>46998059

> left, just blindly follow fashion trends without understanding aesthetic. The fit clash with the body proportion and doesn't make a good silhouette
> right is okay, but very plain and boring. The long skirt looks kinda cheap and made of poor material
> middle, very fashionable. The layered design and belt of the skirt give it a sophisticated look. The wide neck collar enhances the feminine and relaxed feel of the over outfit

>> No.46997593

Lumi had my favorite vtuber model, so expressive and cute. I'll never forgive her for replacing it with this ugly veibae wannabe shit

>> No.46997686

What is current Japanese women fashion?

>> No.46997756

How would anyone on this board truthfully know kek

>> No.46998059
Quoted by: >>47020201

owlfag spotted

>> No.46998107

>white girls.jpg
Anon, your reps

>> No.46998142

My big sis's new model is making /vt/ mad!

>> No.46998194

Fauna's new outfit is a good example

>> No.46998277
File: 156 KB, 1163x1121, 1681043737179644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46998366
Quoted by: >>46998571

>casual outfits look casual
I get some people don't understand what a casual fit is but man some of you need to get yourselves checked.

>> No.46998448

the incels are correct once again
full bangs ONLY

>> No.46998498

Afraid of male gaze

>> No.46998571
Quoted by: >>46999100

There are good casual outfits in hololive e.g. Botan, then there are these outfits.

If these threads are anything to go by, it's ugly. We may see the decline of thigh highs.

>> No.46998915

girls hate using their hands apparently because they're always covered by the sleeves. just have shorter sleeves and wear gloves instead please, it looks much better.

>> No.46999020
File: 256 KB, 940x788, Untitled-design-31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Light/Dark Academia.


>> No.46999100

>thigh highs
are not a thing people wear irl, japanese or otherwise. go outside.

>> No.46999221

I don't know but it trigger the desire to breed deep within me.

>> No.46999281

>fuck whores I hate them invading the vtuber space we want moderate/pure girls!!!
>Some chuubas get modest/casual outfits that don't have their tits hanging out/ not coomer baiting


>> No.46999490

>What is a casual outfit

>> No.46999948
Quoted by: >>47019760

Where do you live so I can go live there too.

>> No.46999998

conservative outfits are fine, these are just straight up plain and boring designs

>> No.47000036

Dime in a dozen?

>> No.47000188


>> No.47000822

step 1
>acquire gachikois and simps with tits
step 2
>further enhance parasocialism by getting GFE outfit

>> No.47002635
Quoted by: >>47004311

First one is generic IT thot
Center and right are wife.

>> No.47003117
Quoted by: >>47031817

Unironically the opposite since Kronii hates her dad and Elira loves her dad and Mumei's parents think she's a vegan.

>> No.47003230

I just like sneakers on girls.

>> No.47003301

The middle one is the 'girl next door' style and really suits mumei visually.
The left is the 'I'm trying far too hard to not be sexy' style and is generally a red flag to avoid whoever wears it.
The right is the 'frumpy grandma' style and really doesn't suit elira.

>> No.47003423

I work in a library and I dress like this... Guess am hag

>> No.47003564
Quoted by: >>47020189

These are actually more lewd than just having their tits out.

>> No.47003634
Quoted by: >>47004895

For Elira. The other 2? No way.

>> No.47004311
Quoted by: >>47004825

...IT thots? There are women(female) interested in programming?

>> No.47004825

>...IT thots? There are women(female) interested in programming?
It's not what you think.
Don't watch if you're easily angered.

>> No.47004895
File: 1.10 MB, 2480x3508, Moom in prayer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn’t know

>> No.47013468

Grandma (Boring) fashion.

>> No.47014546

I love women who dress like cute grandmas.

>> No.47014773

Unsubscribe Chic

>> No.47015011

I call it "my wife and the mother of my children" core

>> No.47017670


>> No.47017772

Having good taste?

>> No.47017913
Quoted by: >>47018231

Something about Elira's just looks ill-fitting compared to the other two. I like her previous looks much more.

>> No.47018231

tits too big, it's a common problem...

>> No.47018409

>please pick me i swear I'm not a whore! (Is a whore)
>omg I want to be Christian but it's soooooo much work
>wow I can't wait to own a cottage and be le trad (is not trad and will never own a cottage)
Ie the pickme

>> No.47019760

I would say Japan but that's prevalent all over east Asia.
Just make sure any videos you look at don't take place during the summer because then obviously they won't dress like that.

>> No.47019832


>> No.47019945

I went a month later and thanked god the women didn't have those stupid fucking bangs because I hate that hair style. Baalbuddy was probably making a joke but I didn't know that until I got there.

>> No.47019944

Kronii is young, yet stylish mom
Mumei and Elira are librarian

>> No.47020168
File: 713 KB, 1019x1019, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>47020467

I call this my very reason for existing

>> No.47020189


>> No.47020201

No he's right. Mumei's artist is a god tier fashion designer while Elira's outfit is actual casual.

>> No.47020393

Her's and Kaela's new outfit are my favorites in Holo.

>> No.47020467
Quoted by: >>47020590

You have to be pretty low t to like this kinda shit.

>> No.47020590
File: 247 KB, 1007x1381, AutumnOwl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're right, Anon. much healthier to be unable to maintain attention anything that isn't borderline pornography

>> No.47020604

>all these seething replies
Good job baiting out the normalfags

>> No.47020878

Two of those match.
One does not.

>> No.47021182
Quoted by: >>47021345

>Converses with that kind of dress

This somehow feels like a red flag.

>> No.47021253

>Only americans do that.
Lol, no. The british are just as bad, if not even worse.

>> No.47021345

it's a skirt, and she's american.

>> No.47021452

>ugly granny look
what? that shit is so sex anon

>> No.47025197

Just by how elira describes his relationship with her mom you can tell he's full on keeper+yellow fever combo

>> No.47025936
File: 479 KB, 1200x2005, 689709868092b5ec280bd64e6de4388c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kronii's is such a disappointment, the fan artists did it better

>> No.47026090

roastie's nightmare aka not looking like a whore

>> No.47030287

catholic porn

>> No.47031817
Quoted by: >>47031859

>Kronii hates her dad
meanwhile kronii, delays streams cause her dad visited her and she sets up netflix for him to enjoy.

>> No.47031859
Quoted by: >>47033661

non-members and thread readers think kronii hates her dad cause their dumb as shit

>> No.47033661
Quoted by: >>47034209

>thread readers
Gurafags and kroniggers are always incredibly retarded and defensive about their non-streaming chubbers who are gone for literally months at a time. People cannot watch your chuuber because the time investment isn't worth it after the first couple of times she ghosted people in 2021 for no reason, or all the other times she told viewers to fuck off because it's kronii time. Now fuck off back to your containment zone to brood about vesper 'ruining' her, you weird fuckers.

And she hates her dad.

>> No.47034209

Fucking lmao
