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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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>> No.45144797

I don't have a problem with Pippa talking with married men

>> No.45144840 [DELETED] 

Nene's married to a nigger?

>> No.45145163

yeah, me.

>> No.45145268

BASED Tyrone. Just letting you know that we love you on /vt/ and don't listen to a word the /pol/cels and Nijifaggots say

>> No.45145335

Rabbit fucked
Chocolate cucked

>> No.45145468
File: 84 KB, 310x289, Marine Houshou 06.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tyrone, you are my idol

>> No.45145470 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>45149956

I like him, but I now I have to call him a nigger because you wrote this faggot little post.
Mone, you are a BLACK FUCKING NIGGER and if my comments offend you, get mad at this retard that forced my racism.

>> No.45145677 [DELETED] 


>> No.45146125 [DELETED] 

keep blacks out of vtubing

>> No.45146344

based chocoball

>> No.45146783 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>45147013

>Mad Thad as a chumbud

>> No.45147013 [DELETED] 

He's been out of prison since 2018, so it wouldn't surprise me at all if he was.

>> No.45147092

She can't resist her white woman urges it's ogre

>> No.45147096 [DELETED] 

>Out of prison
My fucking sides kek

>> No.45147103


>> No.45147142


>> No.45147190 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>45198374

he's a homosexual now who got a bunch of STDs from all the gay sex

>> No.45147373


>> No.45147506

>He's been out of prison since 2018
The feds basically banned him from the internet as part of his charges, so it's not very likely as funny as that would be

>> No.45147589 [DELETED] 

How does that work

>> No.45147701
Quoted by: >>45156395

>getting mad because at a married negro

>> No.45147738 [DELETED] 

>The feds basically banned him from the internet as part of his charges
He still streams every now and then

>> No.45147757 [DELETED] 

he posts videos to his youtube channel

>> No.45147923
Quoted by: >>45148281

tyrone is a cool guy

>> No.45147953 [DELETED] 

What the fuck lmao that's news to me
I just remember the 1st time they caught him part of his stipulation was he hasn't allowed to browse the net for a few years, and the retard immediately ran to facebook to brag about they didn't even find his main stash

>> No.45148157 [DELETED] 

That's like the Brazilian gangster slayer except not as based

>> No.45148281

eh loves super nenechi and doesn't afraid of anything

>> No.45148646

It's me.

>> No.45148701

Yeah me

>> No.45148715

Bro everything here is ironic, this is a shitpost board

>> No.45148943
Quoted by: >>45172397

Pippa collabs with men all the time. The pipkins are a bunch of reactionary cucks.

>> No.45149243
File: 90 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>45149332

around blacks never collabs

>> No.45149332

Well said anon. I couldn't have put it better.

>> No.45149805

Told you guys we were in her bluepill arc

>> No.45149876
File: 281 KB, 815x697, aske.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He can't keep getting away with it

>> No.45149956 [DELETED] 

He doesn't look like a nigger that would be offended bein called a nigger, like most of the cool niggers anyway.

>> No.45149993
Quoted by: >>45194267

>trying to cuckquean nene
wtf, pippa HATE

>> No.45150097

Nene's married to everyone in her chat.

>> No.45150170

I'm just tanned ok

>> No.45150214
File: 726 KB, 820x398, pipcompany.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>45152489

Right. Right. Somebody said black company and she thought they said blacked company and signed up.

>> No.45150311

Yes me

>> No.45150338 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>45151929

They can't ban you from the Internet post release. They probably still monitor him though.

>> No.45151929 [DELETED] 

They can if you are out on probation.

>> No.45152128 [DELETED] 

its honestly kinda hilarious how much pippa is cucking her fans recently lmao

>> No.45152301

kill yourself schizophrenic SEAmonkey

>> No.45152375
Quoted by: >>45152418

>kiLl YoUrseLF SChizoPhReNiC SEaMoNkey

>> No.45152381

Holy shit I thought this guy was done with twitter since his old account was banned

>> No.45152418


>> No.45152488

yes, us

>> No.45152489

It's all the same to Kson

>> No.45152810

the dude is literally talking about sleeping with a bitch and anime rabbit shows up to slid into is dm's and i should kill myself? lmao

>> No.45152857

>and i should kill myself?
yes. specifically for being a schizophrenic seamonkey.

>> No.45152945

You shouldn't call our wife a bitch.

>> No.45152984
File: 107 KB, 514x485, 1635818553472.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>45154970


>> No.45153121

so true sister

>> No.45153132
Quoted by: >>45154970


>> No.45153155

I'm sorry you had to find out this way, anon...

>> No.45153194
Quoted by: >>45153262

do you think her heart was racing when she sent that? lmao

>> No.45153262

>bad grammar
>cuck fanfiction
lmao hi chase. I thought you killed yourself?

>> No.45153436
Quoted by: >>45153480

chase must have hacked pippa's account!!! there's no way my beautiful princess would ever consort with....negroes

>> No.45153480

dog fucker

>> No.45153602

New ip posting to laugh in this seething pippacucks face

>> No.45154039

your oshi fucks black guys

>> No.45154138
Quoted by: >>45154508

>dogfucker cuckold samefagging again

>> No.45154508

you're such a loser lol

>> No.45154513

I followed that Jamal for a while on twitter and he's as menhera as a woman.

>> No.45154540

Negro hands typed this comment.

>> No.45154628 [DELETED] 

He used to be very active and donating heavily to the school days vtuber when that promotion was still active.

>> No.45154970

Do tell

>> No.45154999

When will Cover nuke this leech?

>> No.45155001 [DELETED] 

Jannies, the /pol/tranny bait worked.

>> No.45155197
File: 18 KB, 253x253, 1663411199003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can tell you don't watch Pippa. You have to be incedibly brave to view her in that light.

>> No.45155237

Why is this whore going after a married man?

>> No.45155262 [DELETED] 

She lives with her boyfriend. Also has really poor hygiene and tons of tooth issues because she doesn't take care of them.

>> No.45155408 [DELETED] 

>Pippa getting the BBC BEATDOWN


>> No.45156395 [DELETED] 

>the griftkin fan copes so hard they evole into an ESL

>> No.45156455

why did you delete my post? sorry for being too much of a gamer i guess

>> No.45156553

how do pippa fans cope with >>OP
I thought she was "LE BASED EDGY RIGHT WINGER" and here she is chasing after BBC

>> No.45156785

How does "Hi"=chasing after bbc? Pornbrained.

>> No.45156904
Quoted by: >>45199936


>> No.45157002 [DELETED] 

>griftkins to mindbroken they can't even form a setence
Ok, guess this tweet had an impact kek

>> No.45157079 [DELETED] 


>> No.45157110

>mindbroken over the bbc tweet

>> No.45157551 [DELETED] 
File: 2 KB, 124x122, 1653471748514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had to google it to be sure, but sure enough, it's him.

>> No.45157970
Quoted by: >>45161462

have you seen this guys tweets? man you fucks need to stay in your containment and fuck off of vt

>> No.45161462
Quoted by: >>45171095

He seems like the typical weeb, probably visits here too.

>> No.45162615
Quoted by: >>45162795

She's backpedaling on even being that:
Told those fans to fuck off from her audience

>> No.45162795

She's only telling the snowflakes to fuck off. Of all directions.

>> No.45163059
Quoted by: >>45197893

Isn't this the guy that aknowledged ghostpolitics(Pippa's husbando) video of him shit-talking and blaming whites??
Holy cuckery...

>> No.45163263
Quoted by: >>45163457

archive reps now
but you're not gonna like what you find

>> No.45163457

i'm lazy & already kinda turned off to pippa

>> No.45165993

Oh no

>> No.45166127

Miyune is just a better pippa without all the drama anyways

>> No.45166198
Quoted by: >>45166474

Sell me

>> No.45166330

My man Tyrone stays loyal to his wife Nenechi

>> No.45166365

Niggerbros... we won...

>> No.45166474


>> No.45166476

The blue-haired indie with the Miku hairstyle, that used to use a free model? I don't know why I stopped watching her. She was pretty fun.

>> No.45166518

Bro, this is just Hatsune Miku.

>> No.45166536

And That's A Good Thing (Here's Why)

>> No.45167403
Quoted by: >>45174116

Isn't Miyune Neuro's sex slave?

>> No.45167960

Bets on how long til Pippa goes full nyanners?

>> No.45168001
Quoted by: >>45168142

>tweets "hi"

Terminally online.

>> No.45168142
Quoted by: >>45172791

Pipcuck, cheer you up, pipcuck, pipcuck

>> No.45168250
Quoted by: >>45175828

Learn your lore. Pippa was an underaged tumblerinna when Nyanners was /here/. Then she got swept up in the orbit of the weatherman, went to the wholly opposite side of the isle before becoming a fence sitter. Nyanners and Pippa had the exact opposite character progression.

>> No.45169279

pippas ancestors literally lynched these ppl

>> No.45169305

It already happened.

>> No.45169973

Two more weeks.

>> No.45170065

I like how this once it's nijifaggots and not nijiniggers

>> No.45170103
Quoted by: >>45170352

God, Pippa gotta be cringest vtuber ever.
I just cannot even look at her avatar, it makes me wanna puke.

>> No.45170352
File: 384 KB, 641x559, hi anon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>45170383


>> No.45170383

that's fucking hilarious, you act just like you'd expect a 12 year old edgy newfag to act, pippa viewers must be mentally ill

>> No.45170890
Quoted by: >>45171516

Holy shit.her model is just miku

>> No.45171095

Well, he has a Kiwi account, so being active on /vt/ would be not surprising

>> No.45171516
File: 173 KB, 925x1000, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>45184806

Miku is a thicc girl now.

>> No.45171553
Quoted by: >>45174116

She literally is a sex slave of a robot

>> No.45172397

Fans are capipi, and pippa isn't gfe, the only one in phase that does gfe is remillia

>> No.45172491
File: 232 KB, 496x572, smirk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you cucks give her money knowing you'll never be able to compete with that bf she had? Jesus Christ.

>> No.45172513
Quoted by: >>45172868

>only one in phase
newfag larper thread reader and all the other buzzwords

>> No.45172791
Quoted by: >>45173808

With your logic, if you say hi to a tranny, that means you're into trannys

>> No.45172868
Quoted by: >>45173038

Touch grass or get some sleep then come back, I don't think you're at 100%

>> No.45173038

Remi isnt the only gfe in phase dumb nigger larper. Kill yourself

>> No.45173382
Quoted by: >>45173525

holy shit at first I didn't realize.
Maybe I'm not racist after all.

>> No.45173478 [DELETED] 
File: 698 KB, 1790x2408, his_kamioshi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45173525

Yeah, I saw her retweet it and didn't think much about it. It just made me think of Thad.
But maybe it's all relative: one man's racist is an antiracist (or whatever the word is) to another and vice versa.

>> No.45173594

>archetypal white trash girl magnetizes to the first basketball american she sees
I dunno why pippapals are up in arms, it's only nature, running its course

>> No.45173646

Whoa. Looks like someone's post got nuked.

>> No.45173808

NTA, but I'm pretty sure that is his logic.
If you don't spend all day everyday thinking about and advocating TND and TTD, you're a cuckold.

>> No.45174116

Already better than most vtubers then

>> No.45175046

Its over...

>> No.45175138

the amount of cuck projection in this thread is too much

>> No.45175162 [DELETED] 

his post jail interviews as soon as he got out were so kino, he fucked and sucked his way through prison and loved every minute of it.

>> No.45175198

hes literally married
there is not much to it anon
also good shitpost

>> No.45175828

pink cat went lolicon edgy shitposter> SJW > grift left actually berniebro
pink rabbit went dem tumblrina > rightoid trumptard > right grifter actually libertarian

>> No.45175995
File: 170 KB, 436x456, 1662383834662819.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't mind me chiming in to laugh at you backstabbing cuckolds.

>> No.45176404
File: 70 KB, 500x386, mhas8nF9Oc1qz4rgp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinks she can steal one of nene's most devoted husbands

>> No.45176652


>> No.45179092


>> No.45179204

>only Remilia

nigga, Shiina too she's an expert at it.

>> No.45179612

nice bait

>> No.45179744
File: 249 KB, 771x868, 204434.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bros, this man is too based for his own good

>> No.45180184

Marry our wife.

>> No.45180585 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>45181045

this thread is full of burgers worshiping the bbc... nothing new under the sun

>> No.45181045

>worshiping the bbc
more like the bbc has been worshipping the tories

>> No.45181118

If the rumours are true, i'm not going anywhere near that gfe

>> No.45181297
Quoted by: >>45182631

he has a wife you know

>> No.45182631

Yeah, it's Nene

>> No.45183724
File: 436 KB, 897x980, Follow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45184806

That's a good thing.

>> No.45184990

>trying to poach a man from his waifu
what a slut

>> No.45184998

Only the mentally fucked would see Pippa as GFE

>> No.45189358

White rabbit confirmed coalburner

>> No.45189706

Keep jews and blacks out of vtubing.

>> No.45190948

You will never love Nene as much as him. You are just a shitposting dramafaggot

>> No.45191394

You're trying to fit in too hard

>> No.45194036

Um based?

>> No.45194267


>> No.45194354

What? You can't say hi to people?

>> No.45194379

Friendship ended with Pippa, Gura is now my best friend

>> No.45194437

White w*men already ruined vtubing worse than they could

>> No.45194479

and a coal burner on top of it. Got hit with the double whammy.

>> No.45195680 [DELETED] 

I remember about a year after he got out, he made a post on /v/. He wasn't allowed to use the internet, yet he did it anyway lmao.

>> No.45195807
File: 39 KB, 572x614, 1677444201524040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pippa antis are unironically some of the most delusional and psychotic people on this board.
Her biggest anti is an actual schizophrenic, and her second biggest anti - the one in this thread - is an actual cuckold dogfucker who watches bl*cked porn.

>> No.45196024
Quoted by: >>45196150

I like how this thread just continues to be retarded shitflinging

>> No.45196150

Because this is a troll twitter screencap thread. I'm surprised it hasn't been deleted yet lmao

>> No.45197174

based tyrone unintentionally dabbing on phasecucks and pippafags

>> No.45197200


>> No.45197316
Quoted by: >>45197425

Tyrone is honestly too based for Pippa. He'll take part in this charade for the laughs for a bit and then go back to doing his literal reps.
There's nothing wrong with a married man appreciating a little girl on girl action on twitter.

>> No.45197425

>Tyrone is honestly too based for Pippa.
The smell would turn him off. Plus he's a married man.

>> No.45197527 [DELETED] 

That was when he was out on probation. He's served his time in full now its been over a decade.

>> No.45197893

Well that is a pretty insane video. How far into white supremacy do you have to be to think a nigger liking a Japanese streamer with an anime avatar and a Chinese inspired design is the fault of whitey?

>> No.45197948

I'm disgusted by Pippa. Flirting with a married man? That's just vile, very disrespectful.

>> No.45198374 [DELETED] 

I hope I never go to prison. I don't want to fuck any men assholes or or get mine wrecked either. Probably would rather just kill myself.

>> No.45198470 [DELETED] 

Say you are actually a woman and they'll send you to women's prison.

>> No.45198613

>Pippa is a literal snowbunny
Oh no no no

>> No.45198866

I never thought that Pippa would be a homewrecker. But I believe in the guy, he would never cheat on Nene.

>> No.45198939

Jamal-kun only wants his pure Japanese supa magical idol Nene, Pippa.

>> No.45198946 [DELETED] 

>doesn't enjoy climbing the power hierarchy by sexually dominating other men

you are either gay or a woman (verification not required)

>> No.45199936
File: 82 KB, 310x289, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>45200644


>> No.45200644

I thought Kiara was a blm hoe

>> No.45200711

