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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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44340961 No.44340961 [Reply] [Original]

This thread is for discussing Shondo's redebut stream.


Previous: >>44333767

>> No.44341014

>Consent is poggers?

>> No.44341035

Let's go! Shondo like torsos.

>> No.44341042

consent is NOT poggers

>> No.44341066

Protecc smile

>> No.44341076

Why are all mentally ill women into non consensual stuff

>> No.44341092

how to ask question?

>> No.44341114

Torso without consent.

>> No.44341118

Because all women are into that and mentally ill women are still women

>> No.44341125

>Why are all women into non consensual stuff
fixed as per 50 shades sales numbers

>> No.44341129


>> No.44341207

>selfish wish: eat anything without gaining weight
is indulging your anorexia really selfish

>> No.44341221
Quoted by: >>44341499

>i'm not selfish
>works as a streamer and manipulates vulnerable people into giving her money
love that for her

>> No.44341455

>shondo tries to stab you
>you grab her weak little arm before she even gets close and make her drop the knife
>pin her up against the wall
>non consensually force her to play the pop up pirate game

>> No.44341499

go away

>> No.44341508

pomf pomf kimochi

>> No.44341513


>> No.44341596

She's happy bros...

>> No.44341653

Why do these girls leave so many things in the last minute. So much stress for nothing.

>> No.44341688

Well adjusted people don't become lolitubers

>> No.44341783

You heard her, don't concernfag

>> No.44341799
Quoted by: >>44342147

it's not her it's artists who accept money and just don't care about deadlines

>> No.44341805
Quoted by: >>44341856

of course we worry you dummy

>> No.44341851
Quoted by: >>44341895

nothing wrong with concernfagging in spaces she can't see. the problem she has is with people that do it directly to her, anon.

>> No.44341856

I don't

>> No.44341866


>> No.44341884

I WILL concernfag but keep it to myself like always

>> No.44341889

drinking bleach stream when?

>> No.44341895

>she can't see
Is she physically incapable of coming to 4channel.org/vt/

>> No.44341948
Quoted by: >>44342108

>hanging joke
Fuck I love this girl

>> No.44341963
Quoted by: >>44342023

she says she doesn't and it's her fault if she does knowing she told us otherwise

>> No.44341968
Quoted by: >>44342023


>> No.44341970

she's mentioned before she avoids this place
also hates containment breakers

>> No.44342023

I have trouble believing her with how many here memes she says,but it might just be containment breakers

>> No.44342094

I'd blame all the dumb twitter accounts that post shit from /here/. She said she lurked up until she saw herself discussed /here/, and has only admitted to coming by once or twice since.

>> No.44342097

every chuuba that says she avoids this place is coping and wishing that was the truth.
she's based for telling containment breakers to fuck off though, there are barely any rules just follow them.

>> No.44342101

The catch is they're into non-consensual stuff with their imaginary ideal man. They don't usually mention the last part

>> No.44342108

honestly it's healthy she can joke about that considering she tried to do it herself in the past

>> No.44342141

That man? me

>> No.44342147
Quoted by: >>44342215

I guess, but if you pay them, put a timeline and say that if it's not there by the timeline you don't get paid. Or is art world so fucked that, that doesn't work? In my line of work being late means not getting paid.

>> No.44342195

She used to come here but stopped when people started making threads about her. That didn't stop people containment breaking or mods literally reporting what happened here to her even after she asked them to stop.

>> No.44342211
Quoted by: >>44343151

In a way, this completely ruins the noncon. It's as if they don't even comprehend what noncon is.

>> No.44342215
Quoted by: >>44342330

I feel like if you do that you're gonna get your DMs publicized and the whole art world will hate you for being so "unreasonable" as expecting work done on time

>> No.44342330
Quoted by: >>44342375

I should've gone for that drawing dream.

>> No.44342370

"streaming is the easiest part of streaming"
interesting way of putting it

>> No.44342375

I doubt the ability to be a lazy cunt makes up for the pay or need to sell your soul to the algorithm. You could find a lot of good paying office jobs that don't breathe down your neck.

>> No.44342389

>I think the streaming is the easiest part of streaming
Quite a quote

>> No.44342476

Q: If you had to convince your audience to do one crazy thing, what would it be?
A: Never leave

I am going to start sobbing.

>> No.44342514

I'm late, but I think the people that ask streamers "What do you not like about us?" have some deep seated guilt they should work through

>> No.44342564

>she stalks the viewer list

>> No.44342600
Quoted by: >>44342673

>shondo can recognize lurkers too
Shondo you have no idea how deep my autism runs
Please forgive me

>> No.44342647
File: 10 KB, 274x242, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've heard rumors that if you redeem this, Shondo will visit you in your sleep and kill you. Is it true?

>> No.44342673


>> No.44342751

i hope

>> No.44342759

>have you considered adding a weapon
Inis (cockatiel with a gun) wrote this

>> No.44342768

I'm saving for it, she fucking better

>> No.44342775

I'm saving up for it

>> No.44342817

>pop pop pop

>> No.44342880

>kon kon

>> No.44342960

I swear to god I've heard that name before.
FallenShadow... did she rape anyone?

>> No.44342983
Quoted by: >>44343007

yeah, me

>> No.44342990

Yeah, my heart

>> No.44342999

Yeah me.

>> No.44343007

It's not rape if you like it retard.

>> No.44343075

I'm from the future, Shondo's next outfit will have a rape whistle. It doesn't work.

>> No.44343083
Quoted by: >>44343103

>do you remember the names of lurkers and less active chatters?
>i uh...
>i love lurkers!
if she wasn't manipulative, she'd be able to say the truth. but she's afraid of offending them and scaring them away which would hurt her bottomline.

>> No.44343103
Quoted by: >>44343133

ok and

>> No.44343133

just liveposting observations like everyone else. problem?

>> No.44343150

Don't reply to him

>> No.44343151

This is 4chan so I should mention that women are more likely to have an orgasm while being raped than while having consensual sex, but...
What they're into is being "forced" by dudes they'd fuck anyway (or identity-less male entities they'd fuck anyway). A man they'd *probably* fuck getting kinda pushy and turning them on with his aggression is as far as it really goes.

>> No.44343230

I'm gonna concern

>> No.44343318
Quoted by: >>44343352

>hasn't taken a bath since last month
Imagine the smell

>> No.44343352


>> No.44343364

b r e h s

>> No.44343365

>I haven't taken a bath since last month
>gift subs start pouring in

>> No.44343383
Quoted by: >>44343414

when the fuck is she redebuting

>> No.44343414
Quoted by: >>44343494

4.6 hours ago

>> No.44343494

thought she'd change her design more

>> No.44343551

She got new rigging, outfits, loading screens, transitions, starting/ending screens, and bgm

>> No.44343563
Quoted by: >>44344126

She changed everything
>intermission screens
>intermission animations
>outfit, with several toggles
>face rerigged

>> No.44343629

>mushroom, white onion, jalepenos, and pineapple pizza

>> No.44343680
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Which one of you fags

>> No.44343699
Quoted by: >>44343759

Not me but me

>> No.44343702
File: 410 KB, 1920x1080, love.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most mentally stable Shondo fan

>> No.44343714
Quoted by: >>44343759

Least schizo vtuber viewer

>> No.44343734
Quoted by: >>44343759

it was me, i'm sorry

>> No.44343759

Trick question, it was me all along

>> No.44343775

lol eat shit

>> No.44343784

Me every day.

>> No.44343794

It was Inis

>> No.44343843

It was fauna actually, she wrote that while furiously masturbating

>> No.44343895

>what if I get replaced

>> No.44343897

it was Nina she drank too much coffee again

>> No.44343933
Quoted by: >>44344013

We saved her...

>> No.44344013
Quoted by: >>44344033

no I saved her

>> No.44344033
Quoted by: >>44344100

I don't remember posting this

>> No.44344100
Quoted by: >>44344201

you didn't, it was me

>> No.44344126

Ah that's pretty cool.
Can she still wear her older dress?

>> No.44344129

shut up retards, it was me

>> No.44344154
Quoted by: >>44344217

i wrote this

>> No.44344201

I wrote this, it was me, I saved her

>> No.44344217
Quoted by: >>44344312

odd, I remember writing this >>44344129
but not this... >>44344154

>> No.44344228
File: 1.58 MB, 1200x1632, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, I see Shondo is an Id chad.

>> No.44344277

looks like something I would say but it wasn't me

>> No.44344312

you motherfucker, stop saying you wrote that, it was ME

>> No.44344337

>smelling me
>I literally stink right now

>> No.44344451
File: 29 KB, 1282x176, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God she's so small

>> No.44344500


>> No.44344572

imagine the footjob

>> No.44344611
Quoted by: >>44344709

with those white stockings too...

>> No.44344692

You WILL protect her smile, right? It's only a matter of time before the bullies find her

>> No.44344709
Quoted by: >>44344841

Anons please don't do this to me.

>> No.44344741

until who exactly

>> No.44344766
File: 2.19 MB, 1662x932, protecc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's gone through anti arcs when she was smaller and here we are, smile has been successfully protected

>> No.44344841

>she will never dangle a knife over your chest with her foot on your cock. All while she holds up a picture of one of your female coworkers and dares you to get hard
Why live

>> No.44344843

I miss shondo...

>> No.44344844

As long as her viewers still watch her she's untouchable

>> No.44344870

ah yes, time for the good ol emptiness to return

>> No.44344943
Quoted by: >>44345124

that's not a question. We will protect her smile.

>> No.44345054
File: 493 KB, 850x1946, 69996.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's pretty based for a western cunny

>> No.44345053
File: 348 KB, 605x526, FQVXlXrXMAATegQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

today was a good day, love me cute shondo

>> No.44345071

Surprisingly good threads, time to go back to missing shondo

>> No.44345085

I have news

>> No.44345087

I think the old emotes were a lot better but I will still spam syadouSob when appropriate

>> No.44345124
File: 535 KB, 700x529, pikamee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you fegs couldn't protect her

>> No.44345137
File: 554 KB, 850x1200, 79006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my daughter imouto wife in both sexual and platonic way

>> No.44345202

wasn't a viewer of Pikamee's but I'm upset that all happened regardless.

>> No.44345288

She is 170cm shes just got tiny feet
Her boyfriend is 6'6 with a bbc

>> No.44345528

Wtf I'm a nigger now

>> No.44345748

proof? lol

>> No.44345824

NTA but the last part is bullshit

>> No.44345859

That's kind of gay knowing the cock size of other males

>> No.44345901
Quoted by: >>44346321

Tall lolis are a fetish for some too.

>> No.44346170

No it's not. Andrew is ITT right now so ask him.

>> No.44346190

classic anti gayops posts
next you'll post le ebin twitter screencap
coward faggots doing it after the streams are finished.

>> No.44346321
Quoted by: >>44346493

>Tall loli
So a pettanko?

>> No.44346493
Quoted by: >>44346723

Tall loli would basically just be a pear shaped woman I guess. Unless she also doesn't have any hips then you got yourself a pole woman.

>> No.44346723

a lanklet if you will

>> No.44346725
File: 148 KB, 1018x1080, 1661330367464312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you anon(s) for making these threads. I think they were worth it.

>> No.44346913
File: 212 KB, 388x408, 1675023210013105.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was fun. And great stream too.

>> No.44347261

As someone who's been following Shondo for a while but isn't a lolicon these threads are kinda weird to me even if I understand some people see her that way, I just think she's cute and her streams are pretty nice.
I was actually really surprised when I first found out she was a loli because I used to only watch the ASMR where she uses her lower voice

>> No.44347521

other way round retard

>> No.44347592

Never cared about her and I won't start pretending now

>> No.44349056

she's such a cutie, I will follow more of her content

>> No.44353079

This is one of the best redebuts in a while.

>> No.44355278

she didnt betray the majority of her audience, thats good, she is over most of the cunny and ex-cunny vtubers already just because of that, the artist is retarded for not making an effort to adapt the original model (its cunny, it worth the effort), i hope he/she didnt refuse because is not in to cunny, the model is not for him/her after all and he/she doesnt have rights to force his/her morals in to the client's fanbase, i still think she is a racist bitch but at least she already earned some points for not being a traitor and for understanding how the community works, good stream.

>> No.44358412

I lost brain cells trying to read all that I hope you have a nice day anon
