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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 420 KB, 1306x787, Luna.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
43850066 No.43850066 [Reply] [Original]

Luna is a fucking cunt. I'm glad Matsuri is done with her. I hope Subaru will dump her one day.

>> No.43850334

never thought there was a lunaschizo here

>> No.43850508
File: 418 KB, 891x787, image_2023-02-26_111331427.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This anon is the dumbest nigger in /vt/, can't even use YouTube properly.

>> No.43850654
Quoted by: >>43851093


>> No.43850851


>> No.43850896

He's not talking group collabs, but 1:1's
I'm looking through vchama site and it looks like OP might actually be correct. Gonna post findings in a few minutes

>> No.43850926

Show me where are her 1-on-1 collabs that she did with Festival

>> No.43851043

hey retard, all the hololive girls use each other's names in the tags of basically every stream so they can piggyback off each other, it's why people will watch one vtuber video and get spammed with vtuber videos for the next week whether they want to or not

>> No.43851093
Quoted by: >>43864403

I tried that too

>> No.43851245

>ever in feud with matsuri

she is matsuri only friend.


(english subtitles are available).

>> No.43851550

What in the world happened? I can't imagine Matsuri did something so unforgivable that Luna would go so far as to privatize all her 1:1 collabs with Festival.

>> No.43851938

Luna is an actual lesbi hag and matsuri tantalized her with her zoomer pussy before dropping her to chase the new hotness that was HSKW before menheraing and seething at haachama for being closer to HSKW than her and then the holomems all distanced themselves from matsuri before she could melt down and take them all with her.

>> No.43852192

Matsuri is a bad person and a dramafag. Remember when she publicly started drama with Haachama? Never seen another Hololive member do anything like that.

>> No.43852323

I wonder what the fuck Matsuri did to Luna to fucking ignore her existence. At one point Matsuri was literally the only person in hololive Luna could interact with without sperging out.
Maybe Luna ACTUALLY was gay for Matsuri. It's the only thing that would make sense.

>> No.43852556

that music video of matsuri saying that she was his sister was the grave

>> No.43852630
File: 2.85 MB, 2890x1901, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>43850896 (me)
Sorry for the delay, this ended up being alot more than I expected. I think OP is onto something, Luna deleted every single last one of their 1:1 collabs on her channel.

>> No.43852667
File: 2.54 MB, 729x3090, 1615122068157.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Matsuri is harmless, dipshit. From her point of view, it was understandable why she did that.

>Never seen another Hololive member do anything like that.
Rushia, Coco(pic related), etc.

>> No.43852848

Two alpha dyke in contest. Matsuri chasing Luna but Luna did not want to be chased, Luna wanted to be the one to do the chasing. Matsuri realizing this too late (the cover song dedicated to Luna) and wanted at least to be just normal friend but Luna is over with her.

>> No.43852859
File: 370 KB, 652x720, 129846683.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43871433

the panda was right

>> No.43852860

Deleted? Not privatized?

>> No.43852868
Quoted by: >>43853020

have you tried using "夏色まつり"?

>> No.43852982

>Scripted meme video VS unironic Twitter drama
Not even remotely comparable. I'm sure all moral degenerates have reasons behind their actions, doesn't make them any less morally degenerate.

>> No.43853020
Quoted by: >>43853386


>> No.43853241

Did niji die or something for this level of schizo

>> No.43853365

could be due to contract issues. if other holos do the same then Matsuri is the jp holo graduating after the concert.

>> No.43853386
Quoted by: >>43855045

Well, we don't know who wronged who but I remembered Matsuri making a music video for luna on her birthday which was ignored by her. I'm a retard so don't take my word for it but it looks like a desperate action of someone who wants to be forgiven.

>> No.43853431

Luna privatized a lot of random shit though.

>> No.43853445
Quoted by: >>43853704

Ah one sec, I can click the dead frames on the site and see what it says for them.

>> No.43853704

>>43853445 (me)
12/12 are privated, no deletions.

>> No.43853715

that's speculation and would not be done before the graduation anyway, even rushia collabs are still there. Though Matsuri really2 wants to be a niji though, I also had a hunch before that she started collabing with luna because she knows luna is a former niji, though kinda retarded reason.

>> No.43854223
File: 169 KB, 692x720, 1676054722387836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's probably hololive wanting to to delink the two of them, look at >>43851245, it's just like with pekomiko, noel flare, takemori, amesame, the girls don't want to be known as someone elses sidekick/accessory or have their identity so entangled with someone else
There is rarely ever some yab between the talents, it's just seen as a smart career move, it's like beyonce leaving destiny's child or justin timberlake leaving n'sync, partnering up with other people is only good until it starts to hurt your growth

Look at how Kanata has bloomed now that she isn't just relegated to coco's shadow, she's one of the top earning girls in the company now and makes much better content than she ever used to

>> No.43854284 [DELETED] 

Thanks. The fact that they're still privated means that she's still mad at Matsuri.

>> No.43854322
Quoted by: >>43855020

Do we have a date for when they were privated/deleted?

>> No.43854757

Thanks anon

>> No.43854786

I want to say this in the nicest way possible so, you're very new and very wrong. This goes beyond any level of "not wanting to seem like a sidekick" None of the other members you listed ever privated all their Vods with another member. That is unique to Luna. Matsuri has hinted in the past that she did something to make Luna upset.

>> No.43854858

Based Hime.

>> No.43854880

Didn’t Luna congratulate matsuri at the end of her bday/anniversary stream not too long ago? Matsuri started crying because she was so happy about it I think

>> No.43855020

Less than a year ago.

>> No.43855045

festival ghosted the princess to go chase hoshikawa and try to groom small indies. I think this was also the time matsuri completely removed herself from the holobox while she did this

>> No.43855192

I can understand discouraging and stop collabing but why outright private past collabs? On top of that, not just some collabs but every single last one?
>>43853431 suggested Luna just does this at random but I looked up Luna 1:1 collabs with a few others and not a single one was missing. The missing ones with Matsuri, representing 100% of them, stand out like a sore thumb.

>> No.43855409

Probably felt her up while forgetting that some girls hate touch, man or women regardless.

>> No.43855439
Quoted by: >>43856275

They were never in a relationship. They were just friends. Matsuri likely did something terrible or at the very least, something that made Luna incredibly upset. But I guarantee you it wasn't anything like jealousy.

>> No.43855753

Yes. They haven't interacted much(if at all) on stream since then

>> No.43855804

Matsuri was Luna's first friend in Hololive, and helped her to become more confident and to make friends with other Holos. I'll always be grateful to Matsuri for that, regardless of what she does or did elsewhere.

I also think that if someone can create something like this for Matsuri, then she can't be all that bad: https://youtu.be/EaZAlU-PmWc

>> No.43855937

ah, of course. Fatsuri has always been chasing that hoshikawass.

>> No.43855953

That's still not enough to justify Luna's actions.

>> No.43856024

Maybe too many newfags here, but I'm sure some remember the relationship of those two and how much of a piece of shit Matsuri is. She did this with multiple girls. I don't blame Luna for wanting to wash her hands of any connection with her, I'm just surprised its taken this long.

>> No.43856070

This company stream, you can see how Matsuri gives him a heart attack when she talks to him, something happened there

>> No.43856275

Like I said, even if Matsuri was in the wrong here, I couldn't imagine she did something so unforgivable that Luna would cut ties with Matsuri. I think Luna is being a cunt here.

>> No.43856444
Quoted by: >>43856766

the bitches with the cutesy model and baby act are the most mentally ill

>> No.43856589

Thank you for being so cordial anon, it's appreciated
True, none of the other members to my knowledge have deleted any vods, but we've had some of these pairings openly have their audiences be against them and having to defend it and break down crying, like here
and then it finally ended because shit like this happened
With kiara admitting later on in the collab with reine that she's so happy she gets along with her because every time she meets up with other girls they end up hating her after

We have significant evidence that something did specifically happen between kiara and mori, but there were no vods' taken down because vod removal is something managers do, not the talents themselves.
Luna's manager most likely removed the VoD's because they have an entire decoupling plan with luna's character and want to go through an image change, similar to what aki went through.

>> No.43856651

For what it is worth, I looked up the dates for the 4 frames that were Luna ch only without an associated Matsuri frame on Playboard
【Minecraft】深夜雑談 with まつりちゃ先輩【姫森ルーナ/ホロライブ】
Streamed live on 2020.08.14

【世界のアソビ大全51】#フェスティバルーナ で対決なのら~!!!【姫森ルーナ/夏色まつり/ホロライブ】
Streamed live on 2020.08.27

【 RFA対決 】#フェスティバルーナ 負けるって思うのらじゃん…??真の力を魅せるのら!【姫森ルーナ/夏色まつり/ホロライブ】
Streamed live on 2020.12.04

【 #フェスティバルーナ 】アイドル2人が歌うのらっっっ!!!【姫森ルーナ/夏色まつり/ホロライブ】
Streamed live on 2020.12.30

>> No.43856766

nobody sane knows cobol also nice trips

>> No.43857053
Quoted by: >>43857881


lol idiot, mori and kiara continue to collaborate and they get along very well, the matsuri thing doesn't. It's the same as crossik, they don't talk to each other, they don't collaborate, nothing

>> No.43857649

>Avoiding menhera
Based luna

>> No.43857656

10$ google pay has been sent to your account

>> No.43857673

Matsuri is not a horrible person, she's just too emotional.

>> No.43857776


>> No.43857881

There was an 8 month span of time where there was no 1 on 1 collabs between kiara and mori, you aren't disproving my point at all

Pekora and Miko have also collabed in a group settings and in songs, but they still don't interact in any meaningful way.

The reason why both of these examples proves my point, it that, kiara and mori legitimately had a falling out that mori has tried apologizing for on a couple different occasions

Pekora and Miko had no overt public falling out, management just decoupled them so the two of them could grow independently of each other.

Takamori proves that the talent do not delete vod's when they have a problem with each other.
Pekomiki proves that management will decide to separate talents in consideration of their growth.

For whatever reason, Luna's manager decided to private these VoD's because she most likely misunderstood the nuanced nature decoupling a pair from each other, or it's because cover wants to change the search algorithm for Luna, so that Matsuri isn't always recommended when searching up Luna and they took the drastic attempt to do so.

I would say this holds the most weight if we start seeing japanese clips of the two of them getting delisted from youtube.
By the way, Luna's manager has been known to not only destroy VoD's, but also to flag many channels with Luna clips.
This leads me to believe everything is coming from her manager.

>> No.43858307
File: 39 KB, 557x413, 1618329266175.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Matsuri decided to fuck around and realized too late that she was entirely replaceable.

>> No.43858477
File: 681 KB, 691x636, 1616035010589.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Luna privated her own 3D debut VOD for unknown reasons. I'm not surprised she washed her hands of anything that reminds her of the shit she put up with.
VARK was still fun...

>> No.43858501

That is a real shame. I know they had a falling out but it is still nice to look back on happier times.

>> No.43858626

>I think OP is onto something
We've known they've had a falling out for more than a year now anon. Luna literally stopped acknowledging her existence. It's another PekoMiko sisuation.

>> No.43858695

As a Luknight who has member'd to her for 2+ years(Until recently I stopped my membership) I can assure you she's a bit menhera.

>> No.43858719

NTA you're arguing with but the data one, one last data point I wanna toss out and people can interpret however they wish.

After Luna's debut, 6 months passed before her and Matsuri had their first 1:1 collab. Over the next 8 months, they had 12 1:1 collabs in that timeframe. Since the last 1:1 collab, 22 months have passed.

>> No.43858779

Matsuri is mentally ill dude

Anon she's been trying to fuck her for like 2 years now. There was that whole Luna song thing thing that creeper her out. I think Luna might actually be straight and doesn't wanna deal with Matsuri anymore.

>> No.43858918

Alternatively, it's possible that Luna's artist has specific demands with the long term depictions of his character, like with >>43858477
It could be why Luna's manager deletes so much,
Kanzaki Hiro "might be" a controlling autist over the depiction of his IP, he might be one of the few artists in hololive that actually takes advantage of the shared nature of the IP ownership between themselves and covercorp

He might not like matsuri/matsuri's artist, and while he can't demand that she stop interacting with them, he could most likely request old VoD's be taken down.
He's not exactly the most stable illustrator out there so I'm throwing it out to everyone that blaming anyone in covercorp at all might not be the right answer.

>> No.43858987

Luna was actually in love with Matsuri, but just like Hoshikawa rejected Festival, Festival rejected Luna.

>> No.43858995

Mori telling her she loved her song that didn't even exist was the funniest shit possible. I still laugh every time I remember that happened.

>> No.43859076

>For whatever reason, Luna's manager decided to private these VoD's because she most likely misunderstood the nuanced nature decoupling a pair from each other, or it's because cover wants to change the search algorithm for Luna, so that Matsuri isn't always recommended when searching up Luna and they took the drastic attempt to do so.
i want to say that despite being a luknight i'm kind of with you on this. all the stuff with subaru has always stricken me as a bit weird because like hey you do know that you have another group, right? like fucking roboco has a doll of you next to aki in her background and there's a giant pixel sign of the three of you in minecraft. where'd those collabs go? apparently she talks to roboco like every night they just, uh, can't find the time or don't want to stream with each other anymore... alright

but the matsuri thing as i understand it from matsuri is that she fucked luna over hard and luna just rightly, maturely, alright, done with that. apparently they still talk off stream. hang out with each other. have a dinner. but you know, that's over.

>> No.43859401

This is good data anon, lets check 3d group collabs next, do they stop physically interacting with each other?
We should also check holograffiti, see if there is any noticeable time when they were in videos together and then never again

>> No.43859421

The only reason she isn't a bad person is that she is mentally unwell. She should be met with pity rather than antipathy.
Still understandable why someone wouldn't want to deal with her though, she is a codependent mess.

>> No.43859553

Whenever this topic comes up it feels like 90% of posters never watched either Luna or Matsuri, much less the two together.

>> No.43859722

I didn't say it's impossible that Luna and Matsuri had a legitimate falling out, I'm just saying there are tons of corporate weirdness that would explain this kind of stuff

Knowing Matsuri, there's a number of things that could have reasonably happened to cause the two of them to drift, za hando and all of her roommate fuck ups are probably something Luna might want want to stay away from

>> No.43859800
File: 886 KB, 2990x1723, 1597325895031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Matsuri is a slut but I didn't know Hime is this much of a menhara. They definitely had a fallout a long time ago when they suddenly stopped collabing. At that time, some people suspected that Matsuri made Hime feel uncomfortable (considering her personality on stream, it makes sense) by trying to advance their rm relationship and got denied, so thing got awkward between them. Anon bringing up Hoshikawa and how Hime privated all their 1:1 collab make me think it might be the opposite. I know Luna "randomly" private her vods all the time but this is not so random.

>> No.43859804

>Whenever this topic comes up
Talking about them not collabing is completely different from the VoD's being nuked

>> No.43860090

How much of a newfag are you? Their relationship has been soured for more than a year now. Did you find some 2 year old clips to watch or something?

>> No.43860149

huh. wonder what happened

>> No.43860355

>by tried to advance their rm relationship and got denied
Matsuri is hetero this is known thanks to the ZA HANDO incident

>> No.43860477

That hand? Mine

>> No.43860600

I don't think a japanese man would lurk in this simp forum

>> No.43860641

Everyone who actually cares knew 3-4 months ago when Luna actually privated them.

>> No.43860661

Anon, they are all straight. Matsuri included. Or did you just conveniently forget about za hando?

>> No.43860940

well, the fallout was a bit before the incident. I remember people were talking about how Luna dodged a bullet with that one

>> No.43860983
Quoted by: >>43861183

i thought they sorted everything out after their falling out. I remember Matsuri talked about it on holotalk but they had a couple of collabs since then and sang that cheating song on the 2021 Christmas relay. They are probably on ok terms but they just want to memoryhole the whole thing

>> No.43861006

The reason why I hate you yurifags is because to you, none of them can just be friends. They're either fucking each other or cheating on each other. Someone has a pic of one of the other members during their stream? They must be in love. Your mental illness prevents them from forming friendships because you always make it weird.

Not a single one of the hololive girls are gay. They may or may not be single, but not a single one of them has a girlfriend.
I seriously hope all you mentally ill retards die.

>> No.43861089

I believe they are group of good friends but their content is just too different so it's just hard for them to collab
t. luknight

>> No.43861114
File: 143 KB, 516x375, 165068061446.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

goo goo ga ga

>> No.43861183

she privated that too
Check the link in the description

>> No.43861286

What the fuck is going on here? Even Marine never deleted her history with any other hololiver even if its Rushia.

>> No.43861295

>Not a single one of the hololive girls are gay.
>Anon, they are all straight
There are 55 female members of hololive across all branches currently. With the rate of homosexuality being about 4%, it is expected that at least about two are more than just business gay, even if just bisexual.
This isn't me saying this because I'm a yurifag, I don't care for yuri, but claiming that not even one single holo is gay is statistically unlikely. On stream behavior isn't really a good indicator of it though because of the business yuri.

>> No.43861397

/vt/ SEA creatures don't speak English, nevermind Japanese.

>> No.43861439
Quoted by: >>43861933

I know you corrected yourself later but man that was a bad choice of words.
But that aside, how long have they been privated? Did it only just happen?

>> No.43861476

I didn't know luna schizos still existed.

>> No.43861933

“Deleted” isn’t much worse than “privated”

>> No.43862037
Quoted by: >>43862326

What happened between Fubuki and Matsuri though? That was one of the first pairings in holo

>> No.43862110
File: 331 KB, 1177x1200, 1674503054342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you insane?

>> No.43862208
File: 231 KB, 1200x843, 1651942346739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43862266

also matsuri wasn't a good fit for luna. SCB and anpontan worked so much better for her. again, luna marches to her own vibe.

>> No.43862266
Quoted by: >>43862572

More like Luna is leeching off Subaru

>> No.43862326

They’re still good friends

>> No.43862353


>> No.43862572

Luna is NOT a leech, you shouldn't even joke about that.

>> No.43862592

Are they?

>> No.43862658
Quoted by: >>43862767

Maybe it’s just me but Subaru seems genuinely uncomfortable when Luna being lovey dovey with her

>> No.43862667

Matsuri fucks everything that moves.

>> No.43862767
File: 1.22 MB, 2075x1129, luna choke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43862956

You don't just think it's Subaru playing her typical tsukkomi role?
That is like thinking Marine really hates Luna because she tends to be a violent tsukkomi to Luna's silly baby antics.

>> No.43862922

It's not the first time Luna abandoned her friends, the same happened to Roboco and Aki.

>> No.43862956
File: 719 KB, 1256x717, 1672061610565.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

marine works with any member, but luna did get to agitate marine in all the right places.

>> No.43863252
File: 551 KB, 1024x2739, luna reading air.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marine is often a boke but she really makes a great tsukkomi as well.

>> No.43863315
File: 84 KB, 1280x720, 0tEedyDbD4c-00017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>chuuba who collab with male
>chuuba who prevent other to collab with male
Matsuri is definitely in the wrong in this case.

>> No.43863821

Keep deflecting faggot, we all know she bought a monkey and there's nothing you can do to distract from that

>> No.43863953
Quoted by: >>43891255

Here come the graduationniggers again, can't wait for you to get BTFO'd again. Still waiting for the promised Shion graduation.

>> No.43864138

Luna is such a bitch, Matsuri was literally the only one to reach out to her during her early days in Hololive to break her out of her shell and this is the thanks she gets?

>> No.43864230
Quoted by: >>43878367

let me guess, you are coming from the /u/ vtuber thread, anons already explained their situation over there

>> No.43864234
Quoted by: >>43864281

matsuri also acted very strange around her anon. i don't think luna is the dick in this case.

>> No.43864281

>i don't think luna is the dick in this case.
Yeah, well she should've been because dick is what Matsuri desperately needs to keep her in line.

>> No.43864403
Quoted by: >>43866832

No you didn't

>> No.43864810

>kiara and mori legitimately had a falling out
Any source to this? I don't really watch either much.

>> No.43864923

And you, motherfuckers, told me my luna hating coco rrats were stupid.

>> No.43866323
Quoted by: >>43866718

i'd believe it

>> No.43866615

A schizo was sending her death threats non stop about matsuri.
it's always a random schizo's fault.

>> No.43866718
Quoted by: >>43866869

Wow. You've convinced me.

>> No.43866744

Does Luna finally done her reps?

>> No.43866832


>> No.43866835

To the one anon convinced that only managers private VODs; the talents can absolutely private them on their own accord too, so it’s not really a point to go on about

>> No.43866869

I believe it too.

>> No.43867639

>Matsuri was literally the only one to reach out to her during her early days in Hololive to break her out of her shell and this is the thanks she gets?
I don't know Anon, Matsuri kinda seems weird and toxic as fuck sometimes.
>From her own admission like when members are lonely
>Goes see Haato when she has no friends in Hololive and was too shy to make.
>Spends some time as her "friend"
>Everything is fine until Haato breaks out of her shell and starts becoming friendly with other Holomen
>Their relationship starts shifting. >Matsuri starts insulting Haato on stream whenever they collab
>Uses words like "busu", attacking Haato's actual apparence, knowing she's not confident about her own look
>Don't collab again for years
>Matsuri starts some petty twitter drama against Haachama years later
And she did pretty much the same thing with Luna after that. So there is a precedent. Her being "there" for Luna was almost predatory in some sense

>> No.43867827

It's true I don't have the streamable but Mori cried during her Holofes watchalong.
Kiara's performance came up and Mori said while crying "I wish I was there for her more. Now it's so akward (between them)"
There was a whole series of event before that :Kiara leaving Japan, the end of Takamori, Mori kinda being a shitty friend overall

>> No.43867890
Quoted by: >>43868077

>It's true
>I don't have the streamable
Oh so it's not true

>> No.43867894

>For whatever reason, Luna's manager decided to private these VoD's because she most likely misunderstood the nuanced nature decoupling a pair from each other, or it's because cover wants to change the search algorithm for Luna, so that Matsuri isn't always recommended when searching up Luna and they took the drastic attempt to do so.
This is some astronomic cope

Masturi is fucked in the head, it's pretty obvious they had a falling out

>> No.43868019

The rrat I heard years ago back on /hlg/ was that Matsuri was baiting Luna too much and when Luna actually wanted to be in a serious relationship Matsuri got cold feet and left Luna when she was having her wrist surgeries and and whatnot and she was down at her worst.
And that's when Luna cut all ties with her and Matsuri tried to apologize with the music video but got ignored.

>> No.43868033

The song literally just called her sister and it was a cover. I think that's blown way out of proportion. But yes, it's apparent Matsuri was attached to her in a way that Luna didn't reciprocate.

>> No.43868077

Ok fuck you newfag, I'm not spoonfeeding you more than that. The streamable has been around for a long time. I gave you all the context you need to find it. Now do your archive reps

>> No.43868247
Quoted by: >>43868354

>The streamable has been around for a long time.
Okay, but you conveniently don't have it.
>Now do your archive reps
This is a shield faggots use when they don't have anything.

>> No.43868354
Quoted by: >>43868431

Keep your baits less obvious. I won't give it to you, you lazy fuck

>> No.43868431
Quoted by: >>43868732

>I won't give it to you
Hold on, you said you don't have it. So do you have it and wont give it to me, or does it not exist and you're full of shit? You need to get your story straight, anon, otherwise no one will believe you.

>> No.43868594
Quoted by: >>43868732

>Blah blah not spoonfeeding newfags
That's not how to convince people anon

>> No.43868732

Kek. Ok retard, I know what you're doing and it's pretty funny, so I'll entertain you.
I used to have it, I don't have it anymore. But it's not that hard to find, it would take 2 minutes looking in the archives and get the link. But I won't because you were a cunt. Now go fetch it yourself

>> No.43868816
Quoted by: >>43869025

When you’re the one making a claim, it makes you a retarded faggot to go “UHH BUT I WONT POST IT!! DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH!!”. And I fucking agree with you too, because I remember her saying something like that in the watchalong. Now be a good doggy and go grab the link to support your own fucking point.

>> No.43868854

Luna x Subaru is such a superior pairing that it's not even comparable.

>> No.43868865

>I used to have it
I never had it
>I don't have it anymore
Because it never existed
>But it's not that hard to find, it would take 2 minutes looking in the archives and get the link.
Go waste your own time look for what doesn't exist
>But I won't because you were a cunt. Now go fetch it yourself
And how dare you call me out on my bullshit
Anon, if this was a thing that existed you would just post it to own me at this point. You don't have it though, and you never did. You've also lost the opportunity to own me because I'm closing this thread now.

>> No.43868914

>the opportunity to own me
Do newfags really?

>> No.43869023
Quoted by: >>43869074

You two are talking in circles now.

>> No.43869025

Nigger who the fuck asked you? Get your right dorito dusted hand off your keyboard and your left hand out of your ass and go learn how to not be a disapointement for your parents. Then come back to me

>> No.43869074

Yeah he's dating for me to cave in. Or for another Anon to post it. The former isn't going to happen

>> No.43869103


>At that time, some people suspected that Matsuri made Hime feel uncomfortable (considering her personality on stream, it makes sense) by trying to advance their rm relationship and got denied

Anyone who knows Matsuri's personality would know it would be the opposite.
Eg: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RrTfuZ3LFEM
She's the sort of person who moves forwards when the other person moves backwards, and moves backwards when the other person moves forwards.
She likes coming on to someone 'as a joke', but if the other person takes it seriously and starts reciprocating, she spills her spaghetti.
You see the same pattern play out over and over again.
Usually it goes something like
>Matsuri: *erois*
>Other Girl: "oh Matsuri you so funny"
But in this case it went
>Matsuri: *erois*
>Luna: *erois back*
>Matsuri: wait that's illegal
It's not a rational response. You could tell that she appreciated Luna's willingness to get closer with her as a friend, but at the same time as soon as she did her inner menhera would flare up and she would become avoidant.
It can be hard for many people to understand this behavior, and it is easy for those who do it to end up hurting and offending others, when they don't understand why they are acting this way.
Couching social interaction in exosemantics of performance lends it a comforting layer of ironic detachment; whereas, hints of the 'real thing' feel like a foreboding abyss whose bottom they cannot see the end of. The plausible deniability of clownhood is familiar territory, while genuine commitment is terra incognita; situations where the road maps, the stage act, the way the formulas they are accustomed too (seemingly) no longer apply.
Or to put it in short terms, Luna should understand that when a girl like Matsuri signals yes, it means advance; and when she signals no, it means advance even harder.

>> No.43869161

that streamable doesn't exist btw

>> No.43869218

It sure does

>> No.43869257
Quoted by: >>43869606

>Eg: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RrTfuZ3LFEM [Embed]
What happened to this girl anyway? Does she even stream anymore?

>> No.43869364
Quoted by: >>43869380

Yeah the guy is full of shit, just move on.

>> No.43869380
Quoted by: >>43869924

Nice samefag, retard

>> No.43869385
Quoted by: >>43869418

you bum fuck redneck dont even know what happened behind the scenes and draw conclusions out of your sily ass like a retard

>> No.43869418

Of course we do. Where the fuck do you think you are?

>> No.43869507

It's because Luna is the only Holo older than Marine.

>> No.43869574

Nigger every other hag is older than Marine.

>> No.43869606


>> No.43869623
Quoted by: >>43871503

??? Marine wasn't even a hag until last December. There are many other older hags in Hololive

>> No.43869699

Matsuri is straight up Menhera so I can understand why Luna wound up avoiding her. Good on her.

>> No.43869745

a respectable anon is the last thing I was expecting in a schizo thread. Give me a QRD too please, everyone else is now bulshit but you

>> No.43869776
Quoted by: >>43869924

>Remember when she publicly started drama with Haachama?

>> No.43869868

>not a single one of them is gay even though some roommate shit disproves it
>but I will now claim that most of them aren't single even though I have no proof
ogey retard

>> No.43869924
Quoted by: >>43872873

Yeah, you got me.

It had something to do with matsuri inviting hachaama for some event. hachaama declined saying she was feeling bad or something, but showed up for another holos thing, and matsuri calling her out on that over twitter. shit was over a year ago i think.

>> No.43869941

Anyone got that huge greentext copypasta of matsuri fucking up her friendships over the years?

>> No.43870026

I don't understand why break up PekoMiko only to push Micomet.

>> No.43870100
Quoted by: >>43870306

peko is too self centered to work with anyone reliably.

>> No.43870111
Quoted by: >>43870250

You act as if it was Miko that decided to break up PekoMiko

>> No.43870250
Quoted by: >>43870425

I'm replying to a post saying that management decoupled them. We all know management keeps pushing for Micomet too. I don't know what lines you were reading in-between to come to that conclusion.

>> No.43870306

Makes no sense, as she started being less self-centered around the time she stopped hanging out with Miko.

>> No.43870365

>Luna should understand that when a girl like Matsuri signals yes, it means advance; and when she signals no, it means advance even harder.
Or just avoid it because it isn't worth the trouble. Matsuri is a sick girl and I feel sorry for her I also wouldn't wish having to put up with her sickness on other people.

>> No.43870425

Ah yeah my bad I didn't read allat. The management breaking duos rrat is retarded.
It was Pekora. Holomen are even joking about how Pekora might not talk to them anymore if they act a certain way with her

>> No.43870477
Quoted by: >>43871249

Source my ass:

> Luna said Matsuri betrayed her trust
> Matsuri apologized only to be ignored
> Apparently it's something unforgivable
> Both had songs that referenced the fallout in lyrics
> Luna is a hard lesbian, Matsuri is a bi leaning heavily towards women
> Matsuri has acknowledged she likes to pick up unpopular newbies under her wing, probably partly to raise her self-worth and partly to boost the newbie

This leads me to think they were more than friends but not in a relationship, Matsuri stood up on an important time or two-timed on Luna rather than rejected her.

>> No.43870647


>> No.43870657

Has anyone ever considered Matsuri might have BPD? Sure seems that way to me

>> No.43871128
File: 53 KB, 796x533, chatgpt dan bpd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43871379

I think lots of people have considered that.

>> No.43871173

I don't think Luna ever even acknowledged this.
I wonder how much Matsuri spent on it, those videos usually aren't cheap according to other holos.

>> No.43871249
Quoted by: >>43872925

>> Apparently it's something unforgivable
Doesn't look very unforgivable to me since they started interacting again in Rust, and even before that, Luna appeared in Matsuri's chat to congratulate her for her birthday I believe.
If Luna still has unlisted streams, the simplest explanation is that she just forgot to make them public again.

>> No.43871379

>entering a relationship with someone who has been formally diagnosed with BPD is a great idea
RIP to every poor motherfucker who's stupid enough to believe this

>> No.43871411
Quoted by: >>43873288

ENchad reporting in, so tell me, JPfags, who's the good guy and who's the bad guy here?

>> No.43871433

>the panda was right

>> No.43871503

Retards don't understand that Marine deflects hag accusations from the Hologrannies in their 40s. They can call marine a hag instead and make her the butt of the joke, the dynamic is obvious.

>> No.43871659

What did festival do this time?

>> No.43871705

Luna's parents are looking to marry her off into another royal family for an alliance, so she has to hide the close association with the festival slut for reputational reasons.

>> No.43871944

Considering Luna made shit up about being bullied in Niji when she wanted to jump ship for Holo, i'm gonna assume Luna is villain to Festival's anti-hero

>> No.43872167

heh, does anyone have that image of Luna discord screen where you can see Matsuri's message left unread

>> No.43872619
Quoted by: >>43892542

If you compare Luna in 2020 to now, you'll see she became Subaru's sidekick and yuri partner. Back then she used to talk to only talk about herself in mengens, now she baits with matching rings she bought with Subaru and spends hours talking about her
She seems happier than in 2020 so good for her, but she's still a leech

>> No.43872727

I can't believe Luna has grown to the point where there are some dedicated schizos spreading lies and rrat about her. Our princess has made it bros.

>> No.43872789


>> No.43872802

You've been saying this for the past 2 years as well in her thread

>> No.43872873
Quoted by: >>43878659

>another holos thing
How can you forget the best bit, it was Rushias live. Something Rushia planned better than Matsuri did with hers, despite coming much later.
Haachama never declined shit, she okay'd it but told her she wouldn't be around at X date. Matsuri being an idiot either forgot or is lazy, date passed, Haachama became busy with school, Matsuri had a fucking meltdown.
This shit is literally why Rushia sperged out and got herself fired to get out of Hololive.
They already had a Twitter slap fight on their RM accounts before Kson stepped in and gave Rushia a backhander from the top rope and told her to chill.

>> No.43872881

>Luna has grown
Who would have thought leeching on to Subaru for 2+ years would finally bear fruit

>> No.43872888

>I'm glad Matsuri is done with her
lol newfag, its the other way around.
Luna left Matsuri ass and Matsuri tried so hard to get her back, even commissioned fanarts.

>> No.43872925

Yes, things happen in the past, that's how time works.
Nobody is going to go to the effort of undoing something they did when angry unless asked to.

>> No.43873124

>Luna is a fucking cunt.
C'mon now. Don't insult my baby girl like that.

Luna is a nice sweet girl, unlike that un-seiso yab magnet Festival.
Whatever happened here, it's probably Matsuri's fault.

>> No.43873186

I remember this, I believe it was a members watch along of their first official 3D appearances. I think calli just had shitty friends before hololive because she's mentioned how she thought friendships had to have a transactional element. she also talked about how people she knew before stopped talking to her after she joined hololive

>> No.43873288

>Good guy
Stream enjoyers
>bad guy
drama whore EOP clipfags

>> No.43873764

Luna wanted a serious relationship but Matsuri has issues and ghosted her. This is after they spent a lot of time together, Luna catching feels for Matsuri was pretty blatant, but it's harder to figure out whether Festival was just playing around or chickened out when it came to committing to a proper relationship.
Pretty simple.

>> No.43874098

What's za hando?

>> No.43874168

>Considering Luna made shit up about being bullied in Niji when she wanted to jump ship for Holo, i'm gonna assume Luna is villain to Festival's anti-hero
Probably this. Matsuri has mental issues but is genuine. She got into that public fight with Haachama because she really did care. Luna manipulates any situation to her advantage.

>> No.43874179

this is the most likely scenario Matsuri has literally spelled out more than once that she refuses to be in a relationship with someone in the same company

>> No.43874226
Quoted by: >>43874361

Good. Matuli never value her, only used her when she feel lonely then dumped her when she simped for nijiwhores

>> No.43874342
Quoted by: >>43874436

Remember Matsuri and Tamaki?

>> No.43874361

>she simped for nijiwhores
Explains why she loved Luna so much.

>> No.43874436
Quoted by: >>43874556

Remember any holo and tamaki?

>> No.43874556
Quoted by: >>43874729

Tamaki covered for them saying they were just busy, Maimoto also has nothing but nice things to say about that whore Subaru when Ui brings her up, but it does show Tamaki, Nijis, everyone actually try to be team players with the Holos. Except that one hilarious parody song that got bronies very, very angry.

>> No.43874614

Luna is based

>> No.43874623

>Luna made shit up about being bullied in Niji
do you REALLY believe that NO BULLYING whatsoever happens in NIJISANJI of all places?

>> No.43874649
Quoted by: >>43876804

Yes actually.

>> No.43874722
Quoted by: >>43874787

I'm not sure if these are all the same people or if I really should be worried that there are so many people on this board who think "privatize" is grammatically correct in this context.

>> No.43874729
Quoted by: >>43875333

>Maimoto also has nothing but nice things to say about that whore Subaru
God I remember you, from like over a year ago. Holy shit dude you're still on about this shit?

>> No.43874787

we should nationalize the archives comrade

>> No.43874948

>pic related
hello newfag

>> No.43874953

of course he does, Nijinigs never let a grudge go, particular if you've made the cardinal sin of insulting the company

>> No.43874984
Quoted by: >>43875277

Luna is straight.

>> No.43875092
Quoted by: >>43875146

Nope, that is a special case. Plot pekomiko moments onto the SPY and you'll see. They have to stop collaborating to remove liquidity from the market so as to combat inflation. Once inflation is back under control, we should see more pekomiko interactions to stave off a possible recession and achieve the Fed's soft landing.

>> No.43875146
Quoted by: >>43875617

their new song was al bust though

>> No.43875224

Fuck off retard, that shit was made up by some cunt on this shit site long before you had ever heard of a vtuber.
Now this is where you go "nooooo, i heard of the kiz! I was there! I watched her, honest!"

>> No.43875277


>> No.43875333

If he doesn't kill himself he'll be here forever. Absolutely mental but oddly entertaining.

>> No.43875342

Luna is based, fk Matsuri

>> No.43875535

>But to this day she didn't like your video

>> No.43875555

So all yuri speculation aside. Why did she private the VODs?

>> No.43875617
Quoted by: >>43875814

Their new song gave us the current bear market rally, unfortunately the stimulus of pekomiko moment is drying up and down we go. ES 3920 in the coming week. Maybe even 3880s.

The major move was the first pekomiko song and I'm as collab, around end 2020. The intense pekomiko stimulus kicked the market into a frenzy, and started a almost resistance free incline upward. However, this created massive amounts of inflation as suppliers demanded more pekomiko moments (or the dollar equivalent) for goods and services. Ultimately, the feds put a stop to this, but what is done has been done, the market needed time to cool off from pekomiko.

Sometime last year, the growing concerns about recession has led to the creation of micomet. Here is where the feds went wrong again, and we will see inflation rising again because of this economic stimulus. I expect micoment to get the same pekomiko treatment soon when the feds desperately need go keep inflation under control.

>> No.43875814
Quoted by: >>43876480

Anyway, looking at the charts, if there is a small pekomiko injection or larger micoment moment, we would rebound to ES 4160 before continuing the dip. If we don't get any of them, down we go to make a new low (the feds will probably allow a new burst of pekomiko or micomet stimulus at that point)

Overall, the market is bearish, because the mikonomy is not doing well.

>> No.43876151

Who are these seething EOP nigger newfags on this thread? Matsurisu? It's obvious that luna was trying to keep distance from Matsuri because Matsuri was being like a stalker/yakkai fan and after a while they reconciled and compromised each other. Deleting collab videos in such a situation isn't big news at all. Luna just wanted to change her mind and move on.

Really don't get EOP niggers are crying over such old as fuck news.
The current situation is different from the rrat OP nigger is trying to push. On the latest kanaluna stream a few weeks ago Luna was completely fine with Kanata talking about the story that she, Kanata, and Matsuri went to Yakiniku party in Akihabara. If she hated Matsuri it would've been obvious no no and she wouldn't have allowed Kanata to clarify Matsuri name, kanata actually asked luna whether she should clarify the name Matsuri or not, but she didn't give a single fuck about it, just said no problem and let kanata talk freely

>> No.43876480

>larger micoment moment
Should be a Shiraken stream this week for their manga and possible vlog, dunno if that will be enough to bounce though

>> No.43876581
File: 912 KB, 1925x1925, 1620483490045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you and the rest of the participating faggots are worse than a gossipy high school girls
neck yourselves weirdos

>> No.43876626

I know she just came back but it's kind of hard to stimulate the economy when Suisei rarely shows up

>> No.43876670
Quoted by: >>43876885

We shall see. If it does bounce to 4160, short it and remember to pay the miko when we subsequently make new lows.

>> No.43876804

lol nijicucks

>> No.43876885
File: 373 KB, 1079x1826, Screenshot_20230226-191922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

P.S. You may think this is a joke, but I legit made money off trading the mikonomy. The main risk factor is unexpected pekomiko interactions like the collosium thing which utterly rekts me.

>> No.43877220

samefagging until the end of times

>> No.43877427
File: 669 KB, 2027x2048, 1635657740226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MatsuLuna lasted 6 months....
the Superior SubaLuna goes for the third year and is still goiing strong
move on from the cllip era of 2020

>> No.43877478
Quoted by: >>43891165

Matsuri reaction is calculated and artificial

>> No.43877579
Quoted by: >>43878388

Clip watchers don’t know that Luna was fed up with JP schizos always going on about Festival so she deleted all the old archives to shut them up. It’s hilarious you’re posting about this now because she did this about six months back. Also, her roommate has made it pretty clear she’s not interested in women sexually and that てぇてぇstuff is part of the business.

>> No.43877682

This. People are just looking way too much in to it.
It is a thing that happened a while ago, and people rarely go back and unprivate things if already privated. Especially over some negative memories.
Same reason Miko wouldn't go back and unprivate male collabs - different time, heated emotions coming back for no reason, why bother?

Matsuri has a history of getting too close and clingy to people and pushing them away.
Happened with Fubuki as well. Happened with Hoshikawa after she invited her to that cruise ship restaurant and got her some jewellery to try get in her pants.

>> No.43878103

Please explain to a newfag the "hand" incident

>> No.43878367

Not the OP but do you have a link to that thread? I'd like to read about the situation in more detail.

>> No.43878388
Quoted by: >>43878438

>deleted all the old archives to shut them up
thats not how it works

>> No.43878397 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>43878423

During one of Matsuri’s roommate stream a male looking hand opened the door to her room, noticed she was streaming and walked off. She says it was a home invader while other say it was a boyfriend. You people really need to understand that a lot of what happens on streams is playing up to the audience.

>> No.43878423

Thank you

>> No.43878438

That’s what she does just like deleting her debut stream and 3Ds if it’s something people use to attack her she just privates them and moves on with it.

>> No.43878444
File: 469 KB, 1534x705, fureporu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the only one I can get quickly and this is not very accurate way to measure this, but overall picture still seems the same, so Matsuri-Luna thing is at least not unique.

>> No.43878476

I also think there is a chance one holo is either gay/bisexual but god your stat is so bad go to school and study math please

>> No.43878632
File: 193 KB, 1696x532, 78A67272-C792-4E26-AD34-60430902BAD3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43879142

I enjoy a bit of てぇてぇ but dumb drama and schizo narratives like this are why I legitimately do not like yuri obsesssives. Festival made business yuri weird with her behaviour and killed the ship. Luna and Subaru works so well because it’s played up for comedy with Subaru being an unwilling target of Luna. Matsuri still pops up in Luna’s chat now and then and they have been out together with other members of Hololive and got along fine.

>> No.43878659

>This shit is literally why Rushia sperged out and got herself fired to get out of Hololive.
>They already had a Twitter slap fight on their RM accounts before Kson stepped in and gave Rushia a backhander from the top rope and told her to chill.
It's inaccurate up to here.
Rushia and Matsuri never fought on their RM account.
Kson stepped in over something else, not related to Matsuri
Basically speaking, do you remember the whole Delutaya situation? Before we learned that it was her, a lot of people were speculating that it might have been Matsuri who was spreading rumours about Rushia. Obviously, we know now that it wasn't because it was Delutaya
The reason people thought Matsuri was that Matsuri's RM had been following Mikeneko up until around this time, but wasn't after. What actually happened was that Mikeneko was delibiterally trying to separate herself from Holo RMs around this time, presumably to stop them getting hurt by her own horrible reputation in Japan, so she temporarily blocked Matsuri's RM during this process. We know Matsuri doesn't hold negative feelings for Rushia because Matsuri literally joined a random Fandead Twitter space where they were mourning Rushia around the 24th.

>> No.43878698

>>43878659 (me)
I am retarded. I meant to say that it was accurate up to there.
Yes, Rushia had Haachama appear on her thing but Matsuri didn't. But it seems like Matsuri held a grudge against Haachama for this, not Rushia

>> No.43878924

Luna is the girl in hololive who has privated most of her streams. As a numberfag i constantly see her lose millions of channel views. There might be something to this matsuri thing but she does this a alot.

>> No.43878948
Quoted by: >>43881233

Me again, one more point to clarify
Another reason why people had assumed that it was Matsuri was that the rumours being spread about Mikeneko were specifically about Host Clubs, which if you'll recall, Matsuri had an incident with a month or two before Mikeneko made those tweets
Again, it wasn't Matsuri spreading them, but it was a bunch of circumstantial evidence that made people think it was her. The actual Nekofami here have long acknowledged that Matsuri doesn't hate Mike

>> No.43879142

Hey Lyger.

>> No.43879303

Ya I saw quite a few privated streams while browsing through Luna's library. The Matsuri 100% completion does stand out so there is smoke. The actual fire and whether it still burns is up to interpretation and rrats.

>> No.43879377

It's just what she has been doing for years.
She's oddly one of the most private attention whores around. (if you call streaming as a concept attention whoring)
She's a very odd girl.

>> No.43879500

Hate that cunt

>> No.43879715
File: 1.68 MB, 576x720, 1676149852970277.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43880391

is this lunas first rrat? lunights were on such a good streak...

>> No.43879923

Im not lyger you’ll notice in my screenshot my timezone is Europe

>> No.43880391

There’s been a few on 5ch but they never really stick because they’re stupid. The only one that has really stuck around is the stuff about her being really old but if your Japanese is decent and you look you can find accounts she had as a teen which put her age under 35. Luna just doesn’t really bother with drama it’s kind of funny in a way lunaito tend to be the ones who get menhara when something happens to Luna. She will usually shrug it off after a day and go back to streaming and being Luna.

>> No.43880507
File: 695 KB, 735x1129, Ct080911.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm glad Matsuri is done with her
>Luna shows up on chat
>Matsuri cries
>Luna is a fucking cunt. I'm glad Matsuri is done with her
There is something wrong with you rrat schizo faggot
don't move the goal post schizofaggot ogey?
Luna and Marine don't collab for more than a year, that doesn't mean they are not friends

>> No.43881233

Based information having cyber stalking Nekofami

>> No.43882180
Quoted by: >>43884849

Matsuri is a bi slut that wants to fuck anyone, she legit has mental issues and needs theraphy.

>> No.43883791
Quoted by: >>43888784

> Obviously, we know now that it wasn't because it was Delutaya
And now THIS is inaccurate, because she fucking didn’t say shit about Rushia. Rushia brought her into that for no reason.

>> No.43884122


>> No.43884491

I remember when Luna and Matsuri first had a falling out in June of 2020.

>> No.43884527

>It's obvious that luna was trying to keep distance from Matsuri because Matsuri was being like a stalker/yakkai fan
This is head canon. 2 years (?) ago before their first fallout Luna was the one obsessed with Matsuri, didn't make sense that she was mad at Matsuri for being a stalker.
And Matsuri still cared more about Hoshikawa than Luna. I remember in a Mio quiz show, Luna can't answer a question about Matsuri's birthday and Festival got mad at her and she had to apologize

>> No.43884849

>she legit has mental issues and needs theraphy
Therapy? More like the rapy am i right hahaha.

>> No.43885083

Matsuri and Luna had a fallout couple years back. I can’t remember specific timing anymore, but should be around end of 2020 or early 2021. There’s not much context but it relates to a promise.

This happened during the period where Matsuri is being loose with stuffs and casually cancel/breaks promises, even to her listeners i.e. “I’ll do xxx but ends up ditching the plan with excuses just to play APEX.”
I can only assume she broke a promise made.

It wasn’t really confirmed until Matsuri appeared on Kiara’s holotalk confirming that she had a fight with Luna, albeit some Luknights and Matsurisus had their suspicion with how quiet they were during the period.

Matsuri did say that everything is fine again, but I don’t think I have ever heard Luna mentioning anything about it. They’re probably on OK term again now, but I don’t think they’ll be as close as they were.

>> No.43885445

>za hando
That could be from a girl

>> No.43885706

There's like 10 or 11 dykes in hololive (matsuri included), that's because vtubing is not a job for "normal girls"

>> No.43886161

It's literally just a drama baiting newfag Op

>> No.43886253

I fucking miss this bitch
>250k milestone celebration
Holy shit I'm old.

>> No.43886499
Quoted by: >>43889702

So was this thread nijinigger and eop samefags that want a Luna yab? Is that what this thread was?

>> No.43886781
File: 61 KB, 370x329, 1650938567657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ah, roommate shit.
You know, thinking back now, the entire thing seemed a bit too perfect: the stream was ending, coming off from the Luna and Haatochama fallout, and you are telling because reasons an unknown hand from who knows who would just show itself to close the door behind Matsuri, and that the camera was positioned the exact way to allow the hand to be clearly seen, and then she would actually go semi-nuclear and said that she was alone in her house that day and that she actually went to the police for help afterwards.

IMO that shit was either on purpose or genuine, there is not between.

>> No.43888784

She's definitely did say something. I was following that fiasco and that much was certain
Narukami basically threatened, publicly, to blackmail Mikeneko if she published what he had told her

>> No.43889702
Quoted by: >>43895666


>> No.43889825
File: 84 KB, 454x1072, what the hell matsuri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So it finally happened huh? Matsuri raped Luna
The only thing surprising about this is that it didnt happen earlier

>> No.43889942
Quoted by: >>43891142

>I can't imagine Matsuri did something so unforgivable
Based on her social media history, she's a pretty shitty coworker and friend.
>uuuu I wanna get close to X
>gets really clingy
>the instant they reciprocate, back off and ghost them
>then make unsubtle tweets about them behind their back
>play the victim
>find a new person

>> No.43891142

never happened take your meds

>> No.43891165
Quoted by: >>43901052

she said after that no one ever gave her a birthday gift before because she never had any friend and was bullied at school.

>> No.43891255

k skizo. i have never said anything about Shion. My bet is on Akai haato who has said multiple times that she will quit once she's done with her college studies.

>> No.43891285

You've been saying that for 3 years

>> No.43891429

nobody actually graduates anymore, they just stop streaming

>> No.43891518

>It's another PekoMiko sisuation
PekoMiko are fine outside of streaming, they avoid each other on streams because you weirdos take shit too seriously, it's why MiComet is talked as a business relationship and not an actual friendship

>> No.43892542

It's more like the Kanata and Coco situation.
Leeching requires intent.

>> No.43893816

damn....Festival is literally me....

>> No.43893854
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Fuck you, matuli is a cute bislut and we love her because that

>> No.43894369

>RM streaming
>Door opens and a male's hand appears, slowly closes the door
>Matsuri tries to deflect saying someone broke into her house and will call the police
>Lyger is moderating there goes full scorched earth defending her
>Matsuri proceeds to menhera post on her RM and goes off to spend thousands of dollars on male hosts, gifting them expensive alcohol sets as well

>> No.43894475

Well ... what do you think of this statement ?

>> No.43894889

>male's hand
could have been a girls hand, just saying

>> No.43894939

Reminder that Matsuri has nuked every close friendship she has by her own fault.

>> No.43895469

Jesus Christ she really is Borderline

>> No.43895593

To be fair, even though it's called za hando all that was seen was a thumb.

>> No.43895666

In what way? This was known by everyone that watches luna and matsuri months before, its not an investigation for anyone that's familiar with either of them

>> No.43896241

It’s really embarrassing that people take these stupid onscreen ships so seriously the falling out they had was not related to streams it was a typical women falling out over something stupid situation and they have since made amends and moved on.

>> No.43896527

No, it was a man. She likes men and has pursued relationships with a number of men over the years. I don’t know what’s more pathetic; that these use yuri baiting to placate weak men who are scared of the presence of other men or that you people take this stuff at face value.

>> No.43897455
Quoted by: >>43900972

>she likes men

>has pursued relationships with a number of men over the years.
The voices in your head arent proofs

>> No.43900972

This is an amazing new cope when anyone that has seen matsuri knows that she's not a pure dyke

>> No.43901052

>because she never had any friend
and she lost the only one she had

>> No.43902060
File: 241 KB, 550x463, 86923_1611144748_c9c2fe0474178bb1761e3043644f0911.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43902369

Are you a retard? I'm saying "right" to the fact that she's also into men. Another fact is that there's no proofs of relationships or something similar in her rmt media. If there's anything is she saying that she had a bf 5 years ago just when the hand incident happened lmao

>> No.43902133

I agree with the other anon, stop being a retard as he isn't saying she won't fuck dudes too.

>> No.43902283

She is a good example of how crazy bisexual women are. There is something about bisexual women that just makes them crazy, and not in a good way

>> No.43902369
Quoted by: >>43903352

The hand incident was last year, what are you talking about.

>> No.43902886

PekoMiko ended because Pekora is legit autistic. Autistic in the medical sense. See how she moved out from her home and nobody knew about it until she told everyone on stream. See how Marine says that to stay in good terms with her you have to not get too close to her.
Pekora is not a bad person whatsoever but she’s a 100% a person difficult to hang out with because of her condition.

>> No.43903352
Quoted by: >>43903972

She said that (last bf was 5 years ago) in the same stream of the hand, seconds before it

>> No.43903723

she said she was genuinely in love with shion

>> No.43903972

She should've lied and said za hando was her brother like she does on her matsuri streams when she has him on.

>> No.43904545

>Bisexuals doesn't exist

>> No.43904554
Quoted by: >>43905333

Your last part looks plausible, Luna might be unpopular for streaming, but she is a beast on marketing, almost every sponsor want her, im speaking about brand irl collabs, not sponsored streams. I think it has to do with the fact that for some reason Luna is extremely popular with little girls, probably for the whole candy princess theme

>> No.43904860

I think anpontan is a completely different thing, Luna knew Roboco and Aki since way before Hololive, you can still find their collab with Shion when Luna was a Niji. I believe Roboco and Aki might be the only actual irl friends Luna has in Hololive

>> No.43905147

We know for a fact that whatever happened it was Matsuri's fault because she herself said she wronged Luna, the time frame was right about when they were supposed to have their long planned first sleepover that never ended up happening. The most logical answer is that Matsuri cancelled or stood up Luna at the very last second.
My personal rrat is that Luna went to Matsuri's house and realized it wasn't just the two of them, but ZA HANDO was there too, completely scaring Luna.

>> No.43905333
File: 507 KB, 800x800, luna moon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I think it has to do with the fact that for some reason Luna is extremely popular with little girls, probably for the whole candy princess theme
That makes a lot of sense.

>> No.43905643
Quoted by: >>43906237

If it was a girl’s hand she would have said so just like he admitted she had a girlfriend years ago.
She didn’t lie about it because she was unsure of how much did people see.
It was a dude and it wasn’t family. That’s pretty much a given.

>> No.43905802

Luna did nothing wrong.
I'm glad she's yeeting Matsuri away

>> No.43905910

I don't know what happened here but Im siding with Luna

>> No.43905996

That's because matsuri is graduating

>> No.43906237
Quoted by: >>43909175

Don't be an idiot, a gf would also be a yab, specially in the context

>> No.43906426

>I didn't know Hime is this much of a menhara
It's call cutting toxic people out of your life, learn about it

>> No.43909175

Except she could easily say it's just a female friend, can't really pull that off for a male hand.
