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40341284 No.40341284 [Reply] [Original]

>biggest ass
>large breasts
>cake (hag now)
>people confuse her with a child
How does she do it ?

>> No.40342056

>people confuse her with a child
She wears diapers

>> No.40342129

She is a shotacon, she camouflages herself to get close to her prey.

>> No.40342223

Marine,Matsuri and Gura are the diaper holos

>> No.40342274
Quoted by: >>40342455

>How does she do it ?
By lying

>> No.40342455
Quoted by: >>40343129


>> No.40343129

i said that i'm a woman.
i certainly am a woman.
this is your logic.

>> No.40344194
Quoted by: >>40344538

>everything she says is fake

>> No.40344310

please be from maine

>> No.40344538

Not everything, you fucking retard.
Some things just sound bizarre. And that's one of them.

>> No.40344914
Quoted by: >>40345024

this is possible, my sister looks very young and keeps getting asked for ID even though she is already a working adult. Maybe marine means she looks young, not a child.

>> No.40344983

she is just pretending to be hot.

>> No.40345024
Quoted by: >>40345260

With tits, ass and voice like this this is virtually impossible to be mistaken for a child.

>> No.40345075

I will not let Abe's death be in vain, I WILL impregnate this hagchild.

>> No.40345260
Quoted by: >>40346519

very true. maybe japan got stacked teens haha

>> No.40345270

Which one is true then ?
But I remember seeing a doxx post of her and everyone basically admitted that it was a very old picture because she looked like she was 14yo but maybe it wasn't that old then

>> No.40346519


>> No.40349725
File: 463 KB, 1924x1080, 1672533528161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marine has been excluded from holobabies by the community

>> No.40353208


>> No.40353219


>> No.40357601


>> No.40358117
Quoted by: >>40363349

>biggest ass
>large breast
That's a big claim to make anon. Can you give some proof to back up those claim?

>> No.40362352
Quoted by: >>40373777

>How does she do it ?

>> No.40363349
File: 275 KB, 900x686, mari_ketsu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40366287

yeah but thats by Japanese standards. Show me Mori saying that and ill start believing.

>> No.40366730

Marine's ass is allegedly so huge that it causes problems. Like, knocking stuff over and getting in the way and whatnot.

>> No.40366857

I need more concrete proof.
Show me the goods anon.

>> No.40367455
Quoted by: >>40370030

>that japanese indie movie with irl marine in kimono

>> No.40368839

There's some early 2020 moment, shortly after sankisei 3D debut, where another girl is patting Marine's butt, but in the 3D world, her hands are floating in air, over double the width of the butt on Marine's model. Her butt is so big, it is literally twice as large relative to her height on her 3D model.

>> No.40370030
Quoted by: >>40379892

That's not her

>> No.40373777

The charisma as a child

>> No.40375852

>How does she do it ?
we need to clone her

>> No.40376030
File: 1.75 MB, 1188x754, Hololive marine ass size.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40376141
Quoted by: >>40378545

Finally someone posted some proof instead of hearsay and gossip.

>> No.40376366

That is as bad as Kiara with her pre buffed butt.
Now i want Marine Kiara butt battle...

>> No.40378545
Quoted by: >>40378570

Makes me about when holomems call eachother pretty (it's not always true)

>> No.40378570


>> No.40379892
Quoted by: >>40380406

What movie, show me
I will decide

>> No.40380093
Quoted by: >>40383092

>Believing pathological liar
Roru, rumao even

>> No.40380151

She lies, simple as.

>> No.40380402
Quoted by: >>40393178

That's not how 3d works. It's highly unlikely the cat's arms are exactly the same length as her model's.
Honestly I've always been sceptical about Marine's claims. Yeah her ass is probably big, but compared to what? The average for Japanese women is zero ass, literally. And no doubt she exaggerates it too to an extent.

>> No.40380406

It's fake
He was talking about at 1:36:25
The name of the woman in the movie is みよし
Here's a photo of her without the movie outfit
Here's her next to someone that claims to be a close friend of her

She doesn't look anything like any picture of Marines roommate that I can find.

>> No.40381027

yikes she uglier than marine rm

>> No.40381642

Marine is so cute

>> No.40381701

Mori also has a disgusting flat ass, her opinion on the matter is equally useless.

>> No.40381741 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>40394956

Thank you SEAnigger you are my greatest ally.

>> No.40382226
Quoted by: >>40391265

The day her ass gets doxxed is a day we all rejoice

>> No.40383092

Is she ?

>> No.40385982
File: 94 KB, 800x1131, ahoy .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.40388168
File: 2.81 MB, 1500x1080, 1673010313112707.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.40389391

Marine is fucking fat.
Marine says that she eats 1500 calories to maintain her weight. She is extremely sedantry so she probably only burns around 200 calories a day by activity. This puts her BMR at 1300 calories, which means she has to weigh around 66kg: https://www.calculator.net/bmr-calculator.html?ctype=metric&cage=28&csex=f&cheightfeet=5&cheightinch=10&cpound=160&cheightmeter=150&ckg=66.3&cmop=0&coutunit=c&cformula=m&cfatpct=20&x=88&y=12
66kg @ 150cm is really fucking fat. I don't think that even Polka is that fat.
Combine this with her 110 resting heart rate, her shitty performance on RFA, her collapsing on the floor during 3D streams and her diet of McDonalds and you realize she is fucking obese. As much as Mori

>> No.40389538

Marine is unfit:
>She collapsed in under 2 minutes in her 3D collab with Coco
>She was the first to get out of breath in the sankisei anouncement stream
>Korone completely outperformed her in their 3D collab
>Noel and Flare completely outperformed her in their 3D collab
>Even Fatsuri outperformed her
>She is often the first Holo to get out of breath in 3D streams.
>Her sitting on the floor in 3D streams is a trope at this point.
>Her RFA performance is poor
>She has admitted to having poor grip strength
>She has poor mobility, see the stream with Coco.
Marine's diet is poor:
>She admits she doesn't know how to cook making her reliant on take-out and microwave meals.
>All her favorite foods are fried/deep fried
>She regularly eats McDonalds.
>The afformentioned microwave meals consist of highly processed junk such as chicken tendies.
>She eats normal portion sizes so she is taking in a lot of calories.
Marine has health problems
>She regularly has to go to the doctor
>She has missed streams due to health problems
>Her throat and her injuries in general seem to take long to heal, another indication of poor health.

>> No.40389642


>> No.40390067

Here a Vtuber with big tits https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fah6l0WhEwg

>> No.40391220


>> No.40391265

You clearly aren't invested enough. I used to want to know what Suisei looked like so badly since she was a cute, cool and talented with a great personality and everyone was saying she was hot IRL. I still love her personality but I don't want to see her body or face anymore because it won't live up to the images I had in my head, even if she's a model it's been too hyped for too long and the hype would crush her. It's the same reason valve won't release HL3 ever, too much hype.

You will only be dissapointed when you see Marine's ass IRL.

>> No.40392953

It's better to not know

>> No.40393178
Quoted by: >>40393975

Noels tits....

>> No.40393402

No, no I want to see it I'm a straight male even if it's not amazing or disgusting my reptile brain won't be happy till I've seen her ass and the ass of every JP chuuba

>> No.40393975

Hinata's roommate is pretty popular so we know that her real height is 151cm which is taller than her model (143cm) and Marine (150cm)
So her arms are definitely longer gthzn her models

>> No.40394956

>deleted because of n-word

>> No.40395099

I hope that Kiara thoroughly investigates Marine's ass during their sleepover and gives us a full report.

>> No.40399293

Even if she's tiny, there's no way she has a BMR of 1300. Not even close.
