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39314305 No.39314305 [Reply] [Original]

It really is a “boy who cried wolf” situation. Even if her cat did die, people aren’t believing her cuz she’s lied about being sick before

>> No.39314343

>people aren’t believing her cuz she’s lied about being sick before
The voices in your head are not real people, anon

>> No.39314362

making holo bait threads won't uncuck you

>> No.39314378

Who are these "people?" Post proof. If you don't, I will consider this niji deflections.

>> No.39314392
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Quoted by: >>39314464

enna deflection thread, literally nobody is saying she's lying about her cat.

>> No.39314435
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Quoted by: >>39314524

Maybe she should've sent us a doctor's note like Kiara if she wanted us to believe her. Saying "tummy hort" and proceeding to take 2 weeks off isn't cutting it anymore. Management bonked Gura after fans called her out on this and probably warned Kronii as well.

>> No.39314464

Wrong, I’m saying it

>> No.39314509
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>> No.39314524

Based. The only thing I will accept as proof is a picture of a dead cat resting on today's newspaper. I'm larping as unhinged, don't cap this

>> No.39314581

Like he said, nobody

>> No.39314725

>Ennacuck deflection thread

>> No.39314790

Lol she probably killed her cat with all the marijuana smoke in the air. Little kitten lungs couldn’t handle it. Shame on her for failing to raise her kitten. Roru Roru rumao

>> No.39314830
File: 524 KB, 992x558, bugspray.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39315092


>> No.39314833

cats literally have their own version of weed called catnip you retard, they can handle it fine

>> No.39314946

What does that caption have to do with anything.

>> No.39314990
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Quoted by: >>39315092

Will she realize the error of her ways and go to rehab for her crippling addiction?

>> No.39315062

>t.weedaddict who has killed multiple cats with his second handsmoke

>> No.39315092
Quoted by: >>39315115

Lmao spraying that shit at me like Kroni didn’t spray something at that cat to collapse it’s lungs.

She’ll never learn. She’ll just dive deeper into her depression and smoke even more to numb the pain and guilt of killing an innocent animal that she was supposed to care for.

>> No.39315115


>> No.39315157
Quoted by: >>39315210

I am your Chinese father.

>> No.39315210
Quoted by: >>39315277

of course you're actually a zhang, does hearing someone say taiwan still send you into frenzy?

>> No.39315277
Quoted by: >>39315336

No, I just didn’t know whatever that gook meant by nmsi and the closest thing I could find that might be relevant was bug eater shit talk, and the only time I was ever shit talked by a chink he told me “I am your Chinese father” so I figured that might mean something to the presumed chink that responded to me.

>> No.39315326
Quoted by: >>39315394

>she’s lied about being sick before
did she?

>> No.39315336

Which reminds me. My mom isn’t dead, but Kroni performed a post natal abortion on her cat.

>> No.39315394

You’d have to ask hardcore doxroniis. I think some of their namefags who follow her roommate figured out she was chilling with her friends or doing fun shit on her rm when she’d posted about being sick as Kroni. Smh my head that bitch.

>> No.39315513
Quoted by: >>39315607

>I think
you can post some proof instead of your headcanon

>> No.39315518

>when she’d posted about being sick as Kroni
She didn't post about being sick at that time, she just ghosted everyone and people assumed she was sick, or busy renovating her new house. She lied by omission, not directly.

>> No.39315607

Nah, you can go visit her general, look at archives, and do your fucking research you faggot. Refer to >>39315518
who seems to have some idea of what I had also heard about.

>> No.39315621
Quoted by: >>39315667

Let me guess, when asked for proof you're going to say
>i-i don't want to get banned, j-just google it!

>> No.39315653
Quoted by: >>39315760

so i should work on looking for proof of your claims?

>> No.39315667
Quoted by: >>39315760

Nailed it. >>39315607

>> No.39315684

It's like Sana's dog lmao

>> No.39315760

Literally yes just go to her general they still bring it up like spastics pretending it’s some big secret. I also don’t care if you believe me or not. Not everyone is going to waste time trying to convince every spastic on this website on what is correct or not. Autists

>> No.39315801

Saw doxxfags saw your mom getting railed last night, don't care if you believe me or not but it really happened

>> No.39315807

I believe her. Whatever shit she's pulled in the past isn't bad enough that I'd think she's capable of lying about her cat dying.

>> No.39315863
Quoted by: >>39315923

>Post claim and doesn't provide proof
>Just search for it yourselves!
Neck yourself and quit wasting everyone's time from reading your drivel.

>> No.39315923
Quoted by: >>39315981

Cry about it bitch. You read it and you wept. You aren’t entitled to my time, and I’m only here to talk about Kroni murder if her cat.

>> No.39315981
Quoted by: >>39316036

you really don't like getting called out for your bs, do you

>> No.39315989

If they can't keep up with the charade then they shouldn't be using anime avatars in the first place.
Why be an anime girl or boy but act like a regular streamer cunt

>> No.39316036
Quoted by: >>39316263

I don’t really care about getting called out for it. I think it’s funny that retards like you will ask for reps and then get holier than thou when they aren’t provided. I also like farming (you)s in threads like these from autistics who take all of this too seriously.

>> No.39316070

People who don’t believe her should just go watch someone else

>> No.39316173

I fully believe that she killed her cat.

>> No.39316263
Quoted by: >>39316279

Imagine being this proud of having no way to substantiate a single thing you believe.

>> No.39316279
Quoted by: >>39316351

I could, or I could watch people shit themselves over my lack of links. Lmao

>> No.39316351
Quoted by: >>39316396

Nobody's doing that

>> No.39316396
File: 402 KB, 666x666, A2E43DE8-45A1-42D5-B859-D0E02D11A951.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure, buddy.

>> No.39316589

Weed and catnip are very different. Weed is toxic for cats, not like "if you smoke a marijuana in front of them you should take them to the vet ASAP" toxic, but you can definitely give them cancer if you smoke regularly.

>> No.39316686
File: 126 KB, 400x400, 1659967573023.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I'm already watching the better Kronii?

>> No.39316719
Quoted by: >>39316747

Kroni’s addiction killed her kitten. Simple as. Marijuana smoke can cause strokes, breathing problems, lethargy, comas, etc. in cats. Gee I wonder what kind of behavior that poor cat hat before it died? Anyone got a pic of that post she made talking about how her cat would sit around and not play with toys? She killed that lil mfker.

>> No.39316747

so true sister

>> No.39316776

>I'm back
>stream once
>my cat died

>> No.39316810

didn't you hear? Her weed addiction killed the kitten, but she also lied so it's actually still alive

>> No.39316898

I actually believe she killed her cat. I think she’s omitting now her negligence killed it.

>> No.39316993

I'm more inclined to believe that she couldn't handle the responsibility, gave the kitten up to a shelter, and is just saying it died to continue not streaming.

>> No.39317155

this is kronii we're talking about, there's no way she's smart enough to think of that before it's too late

>> No.39317175

It was a kitten, and kittens are so fragile that it dying apropos of very little is not at all surprising.

>> No.39317268

Show me those people

>> No.39317278

Aaaaw the unicorn thinks it’s people

>> No.39317361

I didn't even know she had a cat...
She conjured one up for christmas week

>> No.39317365

>her general
you're full of shit anon, infinity hates doxxposting

>> No.39317423

Hahahaha. Just the other day those retards were admitting they were no better than doxxbeats talking about how Kroni and her rm both respond to some of the same twitter accounts that follow both. They can hate them but they still talk about them.

>> No.39317429

Over/under on this dumbass being a kronie trying to discredit her antis?

>> No.39317457

She was so excited to get the cat and was expecting that it would be there for her for a long time.

>> No.39317515

All she had to do was not kill it. Smh

>> No.39317562

what the fuck, now I'm sad. Thanks anon.

>> No.39317587
Quoted by: >>39317745

No one knows who this 2view is, sorry

>> No.39317745
Quoted by: >>39317855

I can TLDR you. She’s Korean and she ate it.

>> No.39317779
File: 876 KB, 1169x768, 1661029633042.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean she never posted pictures of that cat before. Are we even sure there was a cat to begin with? Think about it.

>> No.39317855

Hide yo dogs, hide yo cats, they eatin errbody in teh West End

>> No.39317983
Quoted by: >>39324260

Kronii is one of the few HoloEN that deserved to get shitted on by everyone. Hiring her is one of Cover biggest mistakes

>> No.39318126

her family cat at home might have died but taking a week off or whatever is just plain insulting.

mentally unstable hoes, the lot of them, should be more grateful for the platform they have been handed.

>> No.39318892
Quoted by: >>39320587

you are wrong. cats invented catnip for the sole purpose that human weed wasnt strong enough for them. kroniis cat died probably from only being fed subway sandwich scraps, which arent nutritionally good for cats.

>> No.39320482
File: 198 KB, 400x379, 1659386943142509.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>39323991

As an ex-Kronie I believe her, I would also like to say though that I wouldn't put it past Kronii to make her break be longer than it should even if she's fine now. If a game doesn't work for her or if the collab is cancelled, she'll take the day off instead of just picking up something else to stream as replacement. Im sure in her mind she'll envision like a week or 2 break even if she's already fine after 5 days.

Oh and what happened to her phrase "I thrive under adversity"?

>> No.39320587

Different chemicals affect animals differently. Marijuana and Catnip are not the same thing, it is like saying chocolate and xylitol aren’t bad for dogs because humans can handle them.

>> No.39320643

She never lied about being sick bro.

>> No.39320648

Ah, so people gaslighting themselves, as usual.

>> No.39320736
Quoted by: >>39320847

Her kitten didn't like catnip.

>> No.39320847

Yes, because the kitten was being slowly snuffed out by Kroni’s chronic addiction to the chronic.

>> No.39320914

She didn't lie, non-doxronies made-up bullshit rrats that she was sick or depressed. When doxronies knew that she was in LA hanging out with friends and attending AX.

>> No.39321074

Lmao, no. We're as bad morig and Kronii doesn't care, doxronies are her favourite.

>> No.39322341

does Kronii deserve all the hate?

>> No.39322508
File: 43 KB, 426x450, 1602750190292.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Yeah, I'm gonna give it a good life"

She just had to say that on stream to jinx it didn't she.

>> No.39322648

Depends on how you saw her really although I think EN management deserves 10x more hate for not properly training/teaching her how all this shit really works in fan/chuuba relations. like how could they not know, or worse yet how could they mislead her.

>> No.39323377
Quoted by: >>39323795

Do you think she even knows some people hate her? I mean if you don't visit this place and just follow reddit, youtube comments and twitter, you might think things are pretty good.

>> No.39323795

No, she's aware. It's a big reason why she got tons of mods, she also still has at least one anti shitting up her art tag.

>> No.39323991
File: 63 KB, 500x500, 1632889753893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As an ex Kronie that's what annoyed me about her. I thought it was odd she did that early on, but I let it slide because she was getting used to Hololive and streaming. After a few months it became clear she treats Hololive as a 5 to 9 job with the bare minimum. I lost count how many times /infinity/ would cry and lose their shit when kronii wouldn't do a guerilla stream.

>> No.39323994

She definitely killed the cat.It's her fault the kitten is dead.

>> No.39324140

You'd be the king of idiots to believe anything Kronii says, not only she's an EN but also is one that has been ousted lying many, MANY times already, like gura and ame

>> No.39324196
File: 220 KB, 346x375, 1641962942565.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Last November when she took a sick break to only be seen on her RM Twitch account streaming with friends
>Gabe started going ape shit on her RM twitter account

>> No.39324260

More than Sana?

>> No.39324340
Quoted by: >>39324380

Bullshit. They hate negative doxxposting.

>> No.39324380

Infinity loves doxxposting so much they refer to each other by name, even on an anonymous imageboard. And when it comes to Kronii there is no such thing as negative doxxposting to them, her regulars are chatting with her RM on either their main accounts.
