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36569962 No.36569962 [Reply] [Original]

>Publicly discusses her behaviors. Although she claims that they are now "part of the past".
>Tries to do something with Shion. The sleepover incident was when Shion wasn't even legal. So she was basically making sexual innuendos towards a minor. In the last few days, she accepts that it crossed her mind to go out with Shion, even though they are 10 years apart.
>Currently grooming Gura.

How come Twitter hasn't caught her?

>> No.36570007

you don't speak Japanese

>> No.36570038

Cancelfaggots are that way.

>> No.36570043
Quoted by: >>36579093


>> No.36570069

Strong rrat. I hope she can molest me when she turns 30

>> No.36570073

she has a line of 2 million giant muscular men in front of her

>> No.36570239

Clip watching EOPs are the absolute peak of human faggotry kill yourself unironically you disgusting subhuman meat goblin

>> No.36570357

When cancelfags figure out what the fuck they're looking at then loliniggers are done for and it'll be the first good thing they've done. You won't go under the radar much longer.

>> No.36570513

It would be really funny if Japanese cops arrested her over this, with the really high conviction rate it's almost guaranteed she'd be doxxed and sent to jail.

>> No.36570542

Anon, Japanese age consent is not 18, shion would have been legal

>> No.36570610

Shion was legal at the time, they're 9 years apart, not 10, and more importantly, Shion was the one who initiated.

>> No.36570613

All the JPs are pedos, anon. It’s fine.

>> No.36570648

shut the fuck up faggot

>> No.36570669

she's not that close to Gura.

>> No.36570680

Okay, but have you never watched Shion? She's begging for a correction.

>> No.36570721

>It would be funny if retarded shit would happen
Great insight.

>> No.36570764

>grooming someone in their 20s

>> No.36570864

Yes, pekora the biggest chuuba is war criminal. What else is new?

>> No.36570891

are you american?
no need to reply, i know you wouldn't answer anyway

>> No.36570955
Quoted by: >>36571035

tfw you will never be molested by marine

>> No.36571035

Why do you say such mean things to me, anon..

>> No.36571074

>she told the truth about her past
>b-but she wasn't telling the truth when she said it's part of the past!

>> No.36571102
Quoted by: >>36571474

>Publicly discusses her behaviors. Although she claims that they are now "part of the past".
It's part of the past like you said and even before she didn't try anything with anyone
>Tries to do something with Shion. The sleepover incident was when Shion wasn't even legal. So she was basically making sexual innuendos towards a minor. In the last few days, she accepts that it crossed her mind to go out with Shion, even though they are 10 years apart.
Actually Shion was the one who tried to rape her during the night
>Currently grooming Gura.
She never talks with Gura except for concerts and Marine will invite someone else in EN next time
She's not grooming her

>> No.36571134

Shut up, people.
Watch this again. Be happy.

>> No.36571143
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Quoted by: >>36574092

>People in other countries need to obey your laws
>Believes they're not all 67 years old
>Believes minors aren't watching food items fuck in sausage party (their favorite movie) or that they can't handle innuendo
>Believes Gura a person in her 20's is definitely being groomed by her coworker because she baited you into thinking any of those yuri bait moments are sincere
>OP is a punk ass bitch
Yeah, I just responded to a bait thread.

>> No.36571474

>Actually Shion was the one who tried to rape her during the night
Actually Shion was asleep and at the time I thought Marine was too. Luckily she was too flustered to realize my hands are too big to be Shion's.

>> No.36571881

Based intruder

>> No.36571966

>How come Twitter hasn't caught her?
Twitter in general doesn't go after strong independent women.

>> No.36571970

People like you don't reach 30. And your birth name will written in the tombstone.

>> No.36572001

Stalker-kun is too powerful!

>> No.36574092

or did you?

>> No.36574841

>How come Twitter hasn't caught her?
The number of cancellation inclined twitterfags that actually watch female JP holos, even via clips, is probably close to zero.

>> No.36574954

Abe would be proud, she's working hard to try and start a family.

>> No.36575103

Is your first time meeting a japanese?

>> No.36579093

Don't let your dreams stay dreams

>> No.36586278

jap cops don't pay attention to things like this

>> No.36587445

>Hololive JP Biggest Chuuba is a criminal
Yes, Coco is a criminal
