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34106298 No.34106298 [Reply] [Original]

A thread for the Hecate of Hapless Horror, Mori calliope, and the members of her extended universe


>> No.34106331
Quoted by: >>34106431

Is everyone memento-ing their mori?

>> No.34106372


>> No.34106391
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Just in case our oshi visits this sallow dump of a website:

Don't let yourself get all worked up or demoralized over this, Calli. Life throws us a curveball every now and then, and this kinda curve is something a lot of us can relate to (me in particular). You will get through this, and your fans will be with you the entire way. If you have to lean on your North American EN sisters for a bit, do not hesitate. The point of a community is to support its members in moments of need. We're your community. Feel free to lean on us. Be strong, boss.

Love from one of your boys.

>> No.34106390

I have nothing more to say that I didn’t say in the last thread except good night.

>> No.34106431
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I just hope Moririn is okay and getting some sleep

>> No.34106463

This 100%

>> No.34106468
Quoted by: >>34106524

He didn't say anything that I haven't seen on this board or any other board before.

>> No.34106479

Obviously stuff kind of sucks right now. But it will pass. Until a fix is found, there's other options. Love your Mori and hope she doesn't get too stressed out. This was all supposed to be a good thing for her and it backfired. Let us hope she gets her happy ending by the time it's settled.

>> No.34106524
Quoted by: >>34106630

I dont see a lot of people outright admit they enjoy seeing happy people brought low out of spite.

>> No.34106525

Sweet dreams, Deadbeat.

Wise words that I fully agree with.

>> No.34106600
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likewise, hope things work out either way

>> No.34106601
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I just hope we have a nice comfy winter and Christmas season

>> No.34106630

you're pretty sheltered then

>> No.34106636

I always support my Mori. Unfortunately I don’t know much about ISP. Maybe some techbeats can post potential fixes here in case by some chance she does look in this place for solutions.

>> No.34106689
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Kinda sappy but I agree with the general sentiment. Love ya, Mori.

>> No.34106704

5G hotspot is probably the best bet, honestly

>> No.34106707

Isn't the internet speed and stability the first thing you check when you're moving as a streamer?
She's not very bright

>> No.34106752
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Previous thread: >>34100866

//// Mori Calliope Ch. hololive-EN
YT: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCL_qhgtOy0dy1Agp8vkySQg
Twitter: https://twitter.com/moricalliope
#calliolive #callillust #callioP #callilust
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/1PhE6rv0146ZTQosoPDjk8

//// Team Calli – EMI Records Japan (Universal Music Group)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/calliope_info
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@moricalliope_hololiveen

Most recent stream: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=5eb7OtuPjpA
Upcoming stream: _(:3」∠)

//// Music: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLB8Nt5W7hnKA_pG2qljWbgVmJPobrLTm4
DEAD BEATS (September 12, 2020) EP: https://moricalliope.streamlink.to/DEADBEATS
Your Mori (April 4, 2021) EP: https://calliope.streamlink.to/2ndEPCD
UnAlive (March 21, 2022) LP: https://cover.lnk.to/UnAlive
Shinigami Note (July 20, 2022) EP: https://lnk.to/mcsnph
//// Stream Reaper vs Sheep
Ouen: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YOuNKm4ApZY
Kenko: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m_X6UNPq2rY

//// Mori Store: https://shop.moricalliopeofficial.com/
NEW! – Shinigami Note vinyl [Limited Edition]

New Underworld Order
July 21, 2022 @ Toyosu PIT
//// Audio-only archive: https://mega.nz/file/tekVTYxD#mwPhQyElULKBNnCF3JRemaTb2zK2riViOxLC8Lu8vnw

Mori moments: https://pastebin.com/NNZ1QPiV

Remember to love your Mori. :}

>> No.34106762
Quoted by: >>34106809

Can she have them give her house that?

>> No.34106776

In America it can be a big issue. Many regions in the continental U.S. have borderline dialup internet, and some even worse than that. It all comes down to which ISP dominates the area, since the main players refuse to compete with each other, leaving many areas in the stranglehold of shitty service. If she has to, she could run a physical cable from a power line to her place. Very expensive, but it can be done.

>> No.34106791

No use crying over spilled milk now. Need to focus on support and workarounds.

>> No.34106800
Quoted by: >>34106817

I LOVE my mori

>> No.34106809
Quoted by: >>34114506

That's just something you go buy from Verizon or Netgear, it's basically your phone tethering but a dedicated box for it

>> No.34106817

Get in line pal, so do the rest of us.

>> No.34106825

Then pray tell us, how you check internet speeds on a place that hasn't have any internet installed in it yet?

>> No.34106839
Quoted by: >>34106860

To be fair, the 3mbs that the plan was billed as still wouldn't have been enough

>> No.34106841
Quoted by: >>34106866

Please gather in the field for Mori's sock puppet show.

>> No.34106860

It’s half of what she uses in Japan and that works fine a lot of the time.

>> No.34106866

I would unironically enjoy such a stream.

>> No.34106889

Half is a lot.

>> No.34106893
Quoted by: >>34106970

Anon, you never moved by yourself did you? You ask the landlord or people who live in the area which service they use and then call the service to know the details

>> No.34106902
Quoted by: >>34106966

As someone who lived with 15mb down and 3mbs up for years, it would not be enough to stream reliably

>> No.34106966
Quoted by: >>34118434

And those advertised numbers never take into account shit like peak hours or weather or whatever else is affecting the U.S. and its shitty wires-on-sticks internet. Few people understand how shoddy the nation's electrical grid is. If terrorists REALLY wanted to cause trouble here, they'd just unload some bullets into power stations instead of flying planes into buildings. The former would cause way more carnage (domestic terrorists have already done it a few times).

>> No.34106970

She did and based on the info she got she made her decision. And now a lot of us have come to the conclusion that her ISP has taken her for a ride this whole time. Which is what American providers tend to do when they have no competition as this one clearly didn't.

>> No.34106992

If she was unable to figure out whether the internet was any good, she shouldn't have signed a lease.

>> No.34107009

Should I feel bad about the fact that even though Mori was distressed I still got a lot of enjoyment out of the twitter space because I knew she was on her bed in the dark so I laid down on my bed in the dark too and pretended she was lying next to me?

>> No.34107046

All you can do is find the silver lining. Don't feel bad about that. She's got to do that too, make the best out of a crap situation.

>> No.34107047


>> No.34107050

Completely normal, that's why I like them so much
They remind me of when I used to fall asleep on the phone with my ex-girlfriend over a decade ago

>> No.34107087

you are suppose to enjoy her company, and yes it was comfy

>> No.34107110
Quoted by: >>34107249

Even the peak numbers she was given wouldn't be good enough for streaming. She clearly had no idea about the speeds needed despite streaming for two years now.

>> No.34107122
Quoted by: >>34107261

I just wish I could have said something to help her, or at least been there so she could have vented more cathartically.

>> No.34107182
Quoted by: >>34107341

Do you think it would meet Mori's needs as a streamer?

>> No.34107203

>She did and based on the info she got she made her decision.
and based on the same info I'd not make that decision since I also read up what's the difference between projected and expected internet speeds are
it's for her job, dawg, if you contract a plumber you'd think they're a moron if they came to your house and only then realized their tools don't work with household piping, especially if it took like 4 months to prep for the visit

>> No.34107249

It's easy to believe she thought it'd be fine because she sees 6 as an acceptable number
Which it isn't, but she doesn't know better

>> No.34107261

>everyone you care about consistently makes bad decisions that could've been easily avoided with a simple phone call
>tfw friends and family would rather fuck themselves over than risk a 5 minute convo with the deranged hermit family member
I definitely didn't expect Calli to call me up of all people, but still. It's an abstract kind of feel.

>> No.34107268

When she says "wifi" is she talking about cell service? Trying to follow this talk and things don't make sense with the terms she is using. It's frustrating to listen to as someone who also got fucked by an ISP in the boonies years ago.

>> No.34107330
Quoted by: >>34107355

I think it's referring to "mobile wi-fi" which is a fancy way of saying hotspot

>> No.34107341

to meet her needs as a streamer she needs like a consistent 6 Mbps upload, which should be around what she gets in Japan
which means she should aim for something like 10-15 Mbps peak speed at least, which isn't something extravagant, but it didn't sound like it even was on the offer for her
this was mentioned multiple time, but bitrate and stability wise, even her JP streams are kinda on the lower end for HoloEN (only Ina faces more issues consistently, and even then her streams are more crisp when it's working fine), so even aiming for "slightly worse than JP" is a heavy undershooting for delivering visual content

>> No.34107346

When she ended the Rust stream, I felt that.

>> No.34107355
Quoted by: >>34107391

So you're saying she already has that 5G rural hotspot thing and it still sucks ass?

>> No.34107367

What's the Mbps of her 2nd place? I might have missed it

>> No.34107390
Quoted by: >>34119954


>> No.34107391

It's impossible to know, honestly. Continental U.S. is so big and so varied, we'll have to see what options she can discover over the next few days, and hopefully she consults with some wise associates on her next move.

>> No.34107392

18Mbs down, 1.8Mbs up

>> No.34107393
Quoted by: >>34107969

I was under the impression she meant the router wifi, which is why she thought it was an immediate connection issue solved by getting an ethernet cable.

>> No.34107403
Quoted by: >>34107541

3Mbps peak upload, some dark ages shit
probably getting like 1.2Mbps on speedtest, which is why she got so depressed

>> No.34107404
Quoted by: >>34107434

No more than 3, and like half that during peak hours.

>> No.34107434
Quoted by: >>34107449

Past midnight is not fucking peak hours

>> No.34107449

Didn't say it was

>> No.34107456

I’m confused on how the best premium plan only cost her $75. I did hear that correctly right? Because that seems very cheap for premium.

>> No.34107501

yeah but what if it gives her AIDS or covid?

>> No.34107529

giving the price doxxes the service she is using, doesn't it?

>> No.34107541

That's seriously depressing, even the boonies in my 3rd world country can get 100Mbps. America is super big place...

>> No.34107594
Quoted by: >>34108367

America is a hugely inefficient country that limps along because it's rich

>> No.34107595

Unfortunately the US has serious infrastructure and ISP monopoly issues.

>> No.34107626
Quoted by: >>34108367

ISP monopoly isreal. If you’re in a city it’s normally fine though.

>> No.34107628
Quoted by: >>34108367

America has both areas with the best and worst speeds around the world thanks to the companies behind them being absolute dickwads

>> No.34107631
File: 169 KB, 1000x854, tenshi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>34107672

hey niggers, since you're already awake
rare opportunity to catch this live

>> No.34107659

oh sweet, a Luci stream.

That's depressing.

>> No.34107672
Quoted by: >>34107701

Who's this and what's going on?

>> No.34107701

one of the rare cases where Mori directly shilled an indie stream on her main before management came down on it

>> No.34107800

Probably the best thing offered considering it's rural.

>> No.34107826
Quoted by: >>34108367

The companies here are all faggots. When I was a kid my family moved out to an area similar to what it sounds like Mori is at now. Before we moved we verified with the cable monopoly that they serviced the area. Once out there we went to schedule service and it was "oh we don't service your address, we only service your road up to a certain point".

Spent 2 years on satellite internet with a 128MB per 8 hour cap before we managed to get the county to force the ISP to extend the lines to the rest of the road. So it wouldn't surprise me if the company is telling her she has fiber and shit while its actually just DSL.

>> No.34107844

I’m gonna be honest. I love mamamori but I really have no interest in seeing her pop up for the members streams to “make it special”. I just want to talk with Mori, spend time with Mori, and hear Mori sing.There’s already been a lot of collabs recently.

>> No.34107869

I think this arc was caused by her arrogance.
She was doing well in both her mori business and her reaper business and she made the mistake of thinking she was superior than her genmates.
she maybe forget that before joined hololive she was the second most obscurity in holomyth.

>> No.34107896

She's never been there during the members streams. I think that would genuinely be special. Not for both, just for one. I expect mori will have feelings she's not comfortable expressing in front of mom.

>> No.34107924
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>> No.34107949

>Recycling posts and thinking no one will notice
Come on now.

>> No.34107957
Quoted by: >>34108002

Beep boop bop

>> No.34107969

That's the kind of solution your ISP will give when you complain, even though the problem is entirely due to their service.

>> No.34108002

The bot needs to be trained to regurgitate keywords from the thread, otherwise its anti mori screeds will lack specificity.

>> No.34108136
Quoted by: >>34108245

You want to try typing that again WITHOUT the giftcard in your hand next time?

>> No.34108175
Quoted by: >>34108413

Alright I don't wanna timeloop the content of the twitterspace cause I'm sure you guys already did but holy shit she sounded hot as fuck

>> No.34108180
Quoted by: >>34108233

Me neither and I have also a feeling it is not allowed in holo rules. I remember Flare trying to have a collab in member stream and got trouble for it.

>> No.34108197
Quoted by: >>34108239

It's time she started missing Japan?

>> No.34108233
Quoted by: >>34108270

Didn't someone in EN do a members watchalong with someone else?

>> No.34108234
Quoted by: >>34108255

Kobo said Mori is fatter than Smough.

>> No.34108239

yeah yeah america bad she was better in japan and all that

>> No.34108245
Quoted by: >>34118543

>the giftcard in your hand
Sorry, IDK any chinese proverbs.

>> No.34108249
Quoted by: >>34108335

pink haired idol in my gacha

>> No.34108255

She also said the queen was a lying bitch

>> No.34108270

I am pretty sure that didn't happen.

>> No.34108313

it's afterwork hours in sea time

>> No.34108335

These counterfeits are getting out of hand. Even Moro got tricked by one.

>> No.34108367

Naruhodo. I doubt someone whose been in Japan for years setting up internet in America for the first time would know. Hopefully the other anons who shared their support help reaches Mori and she can do something about it. I don't think cost would matter at this point if she wants this 2nd base to be longterm.

>> No.34108413
Quoted by: >>34108460

is this what her after-sex voice sounds like?

>> No.34108460

Eh this sounded more like when you're a about to go into sleep deprivation to me

>> No.34108557

In honor of the robot I had a story generator create a fanfic.

Calliope Mori had always loved damp Underworld Japan with its sparkling, shivering salaryman skulls. It was a place where she felt horny.

She was an edgy, dorky, Johnny Walker Blue Label drinker with busty hair and lanky pubes. Her friends saw her as a drab, dull demon. Once, she had even helped a tense indie chuuba cross the road. That's the sort of woman he was.

Calliope walked over to the window and reflected on her gay surroundings. The blizzard teased like flipping horse.

Then she saw something in the distance, or rather someone. It was the figure of Deadbeat . Deadbeat was a horny filipino with cringe hair and short pubes.

Calliope gulped. She was not prepared for Deadbeat.

As Calliope stepped outside and Deadbeat came closer, she could see the curious glint in his eye.

Deadbeat gazed with the affection of 1251 broody magnificent minotaur. He said, in hushed tones, "I love you and I want kissy loving seggs."

Calliope looked back, even more cockhungry and still fingering the phallic scythe. "Deadbeat, big ups for the big bone, my dude," she replied.

They looked at each other with lustful feelings, like two sad, sparkling sheep reaping at a very milky handshake event, which had rap music playing in the background and two jokey uncles doxxing to the beat.

Calliope regarded Deadbeat's cringe hair and short pubes. "I feel the same way!" revealed Calliope with a delighted grin.

Deadbeat looked stinky, his emotions blushing like a homely, horrible huge boner.

Then Deadbeat came inside for a nice drink of Johnny Walker Blue Label.


>> No.34108607

I've read an article that america was tallying the number of covid infected by using FAX, that makes sence.

>> No.34108629

cute indie singing

>> No.34108666

Starting to understand one of the reasons creators all move to LA

>> No.34108714

yeah, hookers are pretty hot if you know where to look

>> No.34108722
Quoted by: >>34108960

I mean, Detroit probably has internet more than adequate for Mori's needs.

>> No.34108724

Woke up and reading up on what happened. That’s really gotta suck. I remember when I moved into my apartment there was only one provider with an incredibly limited number of plans. It’s fine for my needs, but I also don’t stream for a living. Hope she can figure something out, whatever she had for the hotel streams seemed to work well enough.

>> No.34108777

> Her friends saw her as a drab, dull demon.

>> No.34108780
Quoted by: >>34109280

she should stream from Mcdonald's, hiding in the children's slide so that people don't find ya boi

>> No.34108804
File: 1.29 MB, 850x1202, 1663619222709749.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>California infrastructure is shit
Unironically would have been better off in Texas

>> No.34108814

Pretty bleak when hotels have better internet …

>> No.34108825

What's up with all the pubes talk?

>> No.34108854
Quoted by: >>34109447


>> No.34108904
Quoted by: >>34109207

Didn’t Texas literally have people freezing to death when their electricity went down in Winter and their government tried to blame solar panels instead of fixing anything?

>> No.34108960
Quoted by: >>34108997

Yeah but you'd be living in Detroit

>> No.34108993
Quoted by: >>34109026

It's always either Texas or LA that most streamers live in

>> No.34108997

she can larp as eminem on the streets

>> No.34109023 [DELETED] 

It isn't worth it with all the spics roaming around.
Even niggers lost against them.

>> No.34109027

I put in pubes as one of the many words it could use and it really went hard on them.
"hell" and "demon" are in there and the first draft referred to her as a "dicey demon". I did not add dicey

>> No.34109026
Quoted by: >>34109059

Mori likes snow, maybe she should consider Colorado.

>> No.34109059

It’s pretty nice, she could do some high altitude training.

>> No.34109207

Yeah and California has rolling blackouts to try and stop power lines from burning the state down.

The big problem with internet is rural, and even then I live in a small city and have 200 Mbps (minimum) down and like 30 (minimum) up. And another company is offering 1gig/1gig fiber now.

>> No.34109280
Quoted by: >>34109343

So begins Mori's traveling trying to find wifi and stream before she gets kicked out. McDonald's before a kid tells her to move so he can go down the slide, Starbucks bathroom before a heroin addict wants to use it to shoot up, hotel lobbies before she is asked to leave, hospital waiting rooms. Dark times ahead. Amusing, but dark.

>> No.34109343
Quoted by: >>34109452

Maybe she'll use internet at the gym and do a yoga stream for real this time

>> No.34109373

I'm stuck on mobile, would someone mind giving me a quick summary of Mori's issue?

>> No.34109405
Quoted by: >>34109515

she's stuck on mobile too

>> No.34109447


>> No.34109452
Quoted by: >>34109548

Mori spends so much time there that she becomes the boss of the gym

>> No.34109490

Internet hort

>> No.34109498
Quoted by: >>34114932

Could a starlink setup fix the issue?
It doesn't seem that expensive and the rates also seem decent enough for streaming.

>> No.34109515


>> No.34109548

Gym Leader Moririn

>> No.34109636

That's putting it lightly.

>> No.34109865
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>> No.34110091
Quoted by: >>34110266

Is the stale month just until this week?

>> No.34110266

I didn't take it as literally and figured that it would include next month and the following months because mori herself doesn't have an immediate plan to fix the 2nd base's internet as of now. I hope I don't see anyone taking it too literally that when October hits people start going "She promised that this is the stale month and this is October which is one month after September she lied!!!" At best even she herself hopes that this problem is only for this month

>> No.34110875
Quoted by: >>34110954

Since this also impacts her reaper business, Do you think that she'll just swallow up her pride and move elsewhere?

Will that friend that let her stream just tell her to get that plan?

>> No.34110954

Dunno. Reading some people's suggestions here it sounds like there's a variety of ways to address the situation. Moving seems like the final option imo

>> No.34111081

I think streaming in her mom's place would suffice until they resolve the internet problem.

Maybe they can do a WAN to share that Network to Mori's place.

>> No.34111265
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>still no 1-on-1 collab with mumei

>> No.34111344

what is this, an owl for ants!?

>> No.34111462

Has she done one with Fauna yet either?

>> No.34111534
Quoted by: >>34112196

Already her 2nd base seems to be in bad debt.
It was supposed to be a house for her freedom, but it has restricted her activities.

>> No.34111589

agreed. hopefully asmr will be delayed though because having to do an asmr stream for member's but then have to consider parents are nearby is probably gonna cause a debuffed stream and i want my mori to nibble my ears

>> No.34111630
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>> No.34112176
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>> No.34112196

it's on her for choosing badly
it was supposed to be the second base for her activities, including streaming, but she prioritized appearance and isolation over functionality
I'd feel more sorry for her if it wasn't looming on the horizon since May

>> No.34112242


>> No.34112279
File: 154 KB, 1000x1000, Kawaiiope2[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fqqbxvy.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.34112287
Quoted by: >>34112379

What was happening? I'd assume random zoomer antis, but we have the worst prechat in the business so it wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if they had lost control again.

>> No.34112307
Quoted by: >>34112328

>but she prioritized appearance and isolation over functionality
Women, I'm a right?

>> No.34112318

Some schizo had been rambling in prechat for hours.

>> No.34112328


>> No.34112345
Quoted by: >>34112459

listening about all the fun times ID have with JP girls really makes me think how badly Mori isolates herself from HoloJP, it sounds like half of those bitches are just dying to hang out but Mori is still limiting herself to her english speaker ghetto
complaining about feeling lonely falls kinda flat in that context

>> No.34112379
File: 377 KB, 746x1454, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just the usual brand of prechat schizo

>> No.34112459

>isolates herself from HoloJP
You mean all those tea lunches she had with her Sendai friend, or IRyS (who is part Japanese) or ramen dates with Watame or dinners with Sui or taking everyone from HoloX to the Izakaija?
Or karaoke with A-chan? That kind of Isolation?

>> No.34112533
Quoted by: >>34115159

Nigga look how he types. It’s the usual retard seething because nobody is biting his bait.

>> No.34112887
Quoted by: >>34118711

Doing a little research, there definitely seems like there’s a number of things she can do to help make things better, but I doubt it’ll be the same as simply having better internet. If I had a suggestion for her, it’d probably be heading down to the ISP’s offices in person. I don’t know if etiquette is different in presumably California, but on the phone you’re just a disembodied voice and not a real person and basically fuck you. In person however, people tend to be much more accommodating and helpful. Hopefully that’s not just a Southern thing.

>> No.34113165

Stream it

>> No.34113184

NTA but I kinda get where he's coming from. She hasn't really talked about doing any of that stuff lately with the exception of the IRyS+Milky tea date. She doesn't really go out of her way to meet new JPs and hang out with them in a publicized sort of way. I also understand that that sort of thing is a big ask for her, but I'd also like to see more of that. Mio, Towa, Korone, and Polka come to mind as holos that have shown interest and might be down to hang out.

>> No.34113483


>> No.34113630

oh, that's already out?
was listening to Wacci

>> No.34113648 [DELETED] 
File: 38 KB, 374x101, roommmatereact.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>34113690

why did he do it morig???

>> No.34113670

Anon your object permanence reps……..

>> No.34113690

Because he got big numbers for it

>> No.34114002

I didn't know Milky had $200k to spend on that

>> No.34114506

It also depends on her house having signal strong enough. Unlikely if she's "an hour away from any big store"

>> No.34114547

Is half of Japan streaming? Upload is what matters man.

>> No.34114704
Quoted by: >>34115011

So uh when’s the next stream

>> No.34114932
Quoted by: >>34115486

Starlink stil has shitty upload.

>> No.34114966

She needs a Kiara to drag her out of her HikkiCave again

>> No.34114970

She should get a starlink

>> No.34114991
Quoted by: >>34115298

That's not how the internet works you idiot.
You deserve to be called an idiot.
She would be using her bad internet to connect to her mother's internet. You need to learn what terms mean before using them to give advice.

>> No.34115011

Assuming she's able to get something working, in 5 and a half hours since she said she might need an extra half hour.

>> No.34115020
Quoted by: >>34115061

Did she actually admit she was in California or are we assuming?

>> No.34115061 [DELETED] 

The concert she posted about on her RM account suggests that, at least

>> No.34115159

I have been accused of being this "usual retard" at times. You throw this around lightly.

>> No.34115178

Starlink has terrible upload.

>> No.34115265

Look at this. She is not in a city that supports the highest tier. She might be stuck with the "best effort" tier even. It would having higher dropped packets and still low upload speed.

>> No.34115298

Fuck no. I'm suggesting running a backbone that connects both locations. Which is what a WAN is. It's you who doesn't understand what that means.

Wan doesn't mean you're connecting her connection to her Mom's. That's called tunneling. WAN means connecting her location physically through media.

>> No.34115486

Better than 1.5 though right?

>> No.34115574
Quoted by: >>34115703

Ethernet won't work over any significant distance so that would need to be some kind of directional wireless link or running her own fiber to her parents'. Assuming they're actually relatively close by, in which case why were they at a hotel last trip instead of at her parents' house?

>> No.34115703
Quoted by: >>34116178

... I'm assuming it's a misdirect. She can't say that she's at her parents because everyone is assuming she's in Texas.

>> No.34115733
Quoted by: >>34115814

I think Lui and Mori should kiss

>> No.34115769
Quoted by: >>34115814

I think Mori and I should kiss

>> No.34115814

Mori should make passionate love with Kiara

>> No.34115931
File: 219 KB, 303x303, 1663365617087.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>34115950

I'm trying to listen to the twitter space since I missed most of it, why can't I hear anything even though the transcription is saying she's speaking?

>> No.34115950
Quoted by: >>34116012

Did you turn up the volume?

>> No.34116012

Its all the way up on my system volume
does the twitterspace window have a volume slider?

>> No.34116133
Quoted by: >>34116340

Open it on your phone. It saves you the trouble because the web interface for Twitter is not as good as the app's.

>> No.34116145
Quoted by: >>34116235

find a twitter post with sound
turn up volume there

>> No.34116178
Quoted by: >>34116230

Could be, but now that I think about it she definitely was in a hotel for the April members' stream where she was signing the lease for this place (since her family was sleeping in the same room then) and either way this is definitely a separate house from her parents so no way it's within 100m to run an ethernet cable. And anything beyond an ethernet cable is definitely above her family's level of network skill

>> No.34116230

But as that LTT video suggests, it isn't impossible.

>> No.34116235
Quoted by: >>34116340

holy shit that actually worked
What the fuck is wrong with twitter

>> No.34116340


>> No.34116929

Karaoke with A-Chan was over 2 years ago

>> No.34116974

Calli is probably gonna graduate

>> No.34116997
Quoted by: >>34117147

That's a pretty small amount over 2 years. Of course it's hard to fault Mori when IRyS is just as bad.

>> No.34117063

So long as anyone is inspired by her, and supports her, she won't.

>> No.34117147
Quoted by: >>34117228

IRyS is even more of a Hiki than Mori and still accepted a vacation trip offer from Watame. I don't doubt that Watame had asked Mori out on something similar at some point and got a "Sorry, I'm too busy"

>> No.34117228
Quoted by: >>34117408

>As long as it isn't public, it doesn't count

>> No.34117313

>cries about loneliness
>Doesn't actually reach out to anyone
Are we sure this isn't just depression?

>> No.34117408
Quoted by: >>34117718

>Thinking Mori doesn't broadcast every single moment of her life on social media

>> No.34117442

good riddance to her, thank god Mori will always be with us.

>> No.34117461
Quoted by: >>34117518

Good morning, Mori.

>> No.34117518

it should've been Lucy... give me back my loli cyborg waifu

>> No.34117582


>> No.34117591
Quoted by: >>34117619

>copy-paste same milquetoast message for both tweet and community tab
Doesn't seem like her enthusiasm is back...

>> No.34117619

its 8:30 in the morning anon

>> No.34117718

You're a complete idiot. You just proved my point.

>> No.34117839
File: 136 KB, 792x1224, 1656391696164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cowboy one shot
I hope she got to be a PC instead of a DM

>> No.34117936

So is mori happier than shes ever been or is she super depressed?

>> No.34117947
Quoted by: >>34118154

Me too, I'm sure she loves DMing but it must be refreshing being a player again.

>> No.34117974
Quoted by: >>34118302

The first then she's down because of the internet situation.

>> No.34117997
Quoted by: >>34118191

Welp just caught up on all this ISP shit. I do applaud her for wanting to live away from a city, but man you have to plan really well if you want to work from home essentially.

Just hope its not too rural, otherwise it might get burned down in those frequent wildfires, if Cali of course.

>> No.34118078

>Cowboy oneshot with Gura and Mooms
I will do everything to make this a reality

>> No.34118154

Who would DM in this case?

>> No.34118191

Rural towns are a crapshoot and you really have to do your research when you pick where to live. Some are good, some are bad.

>> No.34118196

One of her art school friends?

>> No.34118244

I think Fauna has experience...well there's also Vesper

>> No.34118302
Quoted by: >>34118396

She said there were multiple things making her upset the "last three days" that she was taking out in the gym. Doesn't sound just like internet stuff

>> No.34118396

There's also the whole going back to Japan for a recording thing.

>> No.34118425

Kino stream idea: pretend she's back at her shitty first place in Japan streaming from that terrible internet and a laptop

>> No.34118434
Quoted by: >>34118486

Also, it’s Texas. You know, the state whose grid shuts off when it gets too cold or too hot because too many people turn on the heating or air conditioning.
America literally has three electrical grids: eastern, western, and Texas. As much as this whole shitshow can be chalked up to Mori’s naïveté, the fact that she’s from Texas definitely provides a seriously underlooked debuff

>> No.34118476

I dont think Fauna has ever mentioned having experience DMing, and the schizos will have an absolute meltdown is in a collab with a male, our best hope is that EN3 has an experienced DM in it

>> No.34118486

Cali has been doing the same thing to preserve power in essential infrastructure. It's a problem in both states she frequents kek

>> No.34118504

>>34118476 (me)
*if Gura is in a collab with a male

>> No.34118532

If she was more comfortable with JP stuff, Fubuki has done multiple TRPG sessions as GM (one even with BGV). Some have even been in 3D

>> No.34118543

Here’s one for you. 她仍戀愛體壯似驢,精足似馬的情人。
It’s totally original and not at all a translation of a western text, nope, not at all. Pleeease don’t look it up.

>> No.34118563
Quoted by: >>34118642

She's manic and gets dealt good hands and then the next is crap. Same with me. One day I can feel like dancing in the streets...then the next week I just want to go into a corner and cry. It almost makes me nervous when I do feel really happy because I know it's going to swing back to negative.

>> No.34118642
Quoted by: >>34118722

Not checking if the internet was good enough for streaming before buying was all her fault though.

>> No.34118661

Moomer en especially Gura are not doing that if vesper is involved since they still have their fanbase to keep in mind.
Chumbies in particular will end society if a male as much as looks at her.

>> No.34118663
Quoted by: >>34118762

This is why I have no sympathy for her. Don’t get a house in a rural area, the internet is shit. I’m sorry if you can’t live in the middle of fucking nowhere, but it’s your job.
Ffs why can’t she just live near the city and visit her family from there? She’s literally from the largest metro area in Texas, the urban sprawl there is huge, she can easily figure out a place close enough to civilization to have decent wifi and still be close to her relatives.

>> No.34118711
Quoted by: >>34118820

She’s in Texas, anon. She got the “2nd base” specifically to be near her folks. Maybe it might work, since it’s in the south, but it’s also Texas, and they turn into cunts when money is involved, because the state government usually takes their side.

>> No.34118722

Damn you, past-Mori! You're making Mori sad!

>> No.34118723
File: 31 KB, 554x554, 1624032899027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will buy Mori a house with good Internet connection the rest of you can live in the slums and send her superchats.

>> No.34118725
Quoted by: >>34118773

did you miss the call-in where they reminisced over their theater days? moom was there for quite a while and it was as memorable as any 'official' collab

>> No.34118762

>fuck happiness, fuck mental health and fuck staying connected to your family. Only your work (to serve me) matters!

>> No.34118773

Mumei is the secret 4th CHaD member.

>> No.34118798

She tried to "find a balance" and ended up putting way too many weights on one side of the scale without taking her time

>> No.34118820

That doesn't make sense if her mother is close enough to take care of the house when she's gone. She mentioned her mom living in California once before.

>> No.34118866

Yeah the current situation is great for her mental health, definitely worth not being slightly closer to neighbors in a place with decent internet!

>> No.34118941
Quoted by: >>34119026

Reminder that those concerts existing are partly to blame for this 50/50 shit

I hate to quote BvS but she needs to sit down and think about things, then choose to be the reaper or choose to be the rapper, no more dilly dallying.

>> No.34118977

Rearding the bad internet, does it make sense to assume she found a workaround for the members stream?

>> No.34118990
Quoted by: >>34119055

she's either at a friends place or with mamamori

>> No.34119018
Quoted by: >>34119055

She's streaming from a neighbor's location.

If that's true though, I think she needs a stern talking with that ISP.

>> No.34119024

From the twitterspace she either went to her friend's place or parents', which at least will let her stream for now but isn't a long term fix

>> No.34119026

I'd rather she choose to be the raper (of me)

>> No.34119055

If these places are just ~2hrs away, is it possible to do a fiber line over from her place to MamaMori's?

>> No.34119132
Quoted by: >>34119205

Am I misunderstanding something when the anniversary stream is being called a "variety stream", or are we getting the same aimless gameplay as before and asked to treat it as something special?

I don't get why this isn't just chatting with chat to reminisce the past and dream of the future.

Not that I won't gladly gulp down any solo Mori content I can get at this point. It just seems a really weird set up if I'm not misunderstanding.

>> No.34119134

on that note though, I wonder if she got the exact used car she wanted since I doubt she would still be ubering out into the boonies

>> No.34119143

>just ~2hrs away
Anon have you ever left your house?

>> No.34119144
Quoted by: >>34119465

to calm any wanton optimism, the workarounds are most likely not related to fixing the situation at home

>> No.34119153
Quoted by: >>34119200

2 hours of driving is probably at least 60 miles, are you seriously suggesting getting 60 MILES of dedicated fiber?

>> No.34119200

If it was any less she'd probably be in the burbs and probably have an easier time with ISPs, yeah

>> No.34119205
File: 13 KB, 744x109, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>34119355

Chatting is part of variety according to her schedule.

>> No.34119255

Bad 12 hours for Hololive tech

>> No.34119310

I dont fully know what a "variety streamer" is. Is that just calli's way of saying that she's only going to play games sometimes, and the rest of the streams will be stuff like she listed in that one members stream? Or does it mean the individual streams themselves will have a bunch of different things?

>> No.34119355
Quoted by: >>34119388

I hope she has a good plan in place for games, because Cities: Skylines, Mini Motorways and Dorfromantik would be a complete waste of potential here. Inoffensive time fillers are fun in the right contexts, but not this one.

>> No.34119381
Quoted by: >>34119441

The former.

>> No.34119382

It's Mori's fault that she keep on doing what she's doing instead of actually properly having a schedule with her projects.

If she misses her family that much then take a 3 month break and then come back and do her UMG work in Japan and stream when she wants. She doesn't know how to adult herself.

>> No.34119388

Members fall guys would be fun, and holocure is more exciting to watch than those other games.

>> No.34119402
Quoted by: >>34119616

If you're talking about the twitterspace comment, "variety streamer" would be doing more non-gaming streams, as opposed to streams with multiple games and zatsu like the members' stream

>> No.34119441

That makes sense for YouTube. On twitch the meta is to stream forever and find whatever content you can, so a variety streamer would more likely be the latter.

>> No.34119447

Yeah I was about to uninstall fall guys yesterday and I thought oh shit we might play it this week

>> No.34119454
File: 22 KB, 822x138, Gift Begging.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Surreptitiously begging for more gift memberships within a members post? I think this is the first time I've seen a grey-at-heart pull this, but it's not like I trawl through comments looking.

>> No.34119465

I'd point out that this only applies to immediate workarounds. Long-term there are still options that I think someone living in US/California specifically can comment on. I tried quickly googling cellular internet providers and I found there's quite a few, some offering even 30 or 100mbit upload and a business-type offer which means they can more or less vouch for consistent speed but I assume it heavily depends on the coverage area. Also there's still her current ISP she needs to raise all sorts of stink with to see if they can magically turn the "best offer" into "we're sorry for behavior of our employee, here's actually best offer".

>> No.34119492

>Mori doesn't like streaming games as much because she feels bad about being bad at them and is running out of games she's interested in
>Seems fed up with organizing collabs because she really struggles with communication
>Has a very ambitious mind and is really leaning into her "list of ideas" she talked about last members stream
Speaking of which, weren't collabs a part of that list as well? What happened that made her want to give up on them?

>> No.34119526

Fall Guys would be a great idea for members streams more generally so long as she didn't get bored of being knocked out so early so often, but the combination of her running off a laptop with potentially incredibly questionable internet takes it right off the table for tonight, right?

>> No.34119532

If you think that's bad, you've never seen Twitch

>> No.34119538
Quoted by: >>34119601

it really just comes down that she really sucks at this streaming thing and it might be time to cut her losses and just do an AZKi
singing streams from time to time, otherwise just focus on music releases and concerts/events

>> No.34119555
File: 957 KB, 1280x720, smol[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Folvoeu.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>34119664

You're getting a new fangame, Opebeats

>> No.34119562

I took it to mean that she thought she'd be too busy for collabs but I'll have to give it another listen it was 6am and I jwu when I got to it

>> No.34119591

It's literally impossible for anyone to buy him specifically a membership though, so I'm not sure that's what he's after.

>> No.34119601

t. Deadbeat

>> No.34119616
Quoted by: >>34119708

She talked about becoming a variety streamer all the way back on that members stream during the minecraft festival in August

>> No.34119644

Why not check the internet speed BEFORE you move?

>> No.34119664

But why would I run away from any form of Mori

>> No.34119665
Quoted by: >>34119818

>What happened that made her want to give up on them?
I mean we were supposed to get some myth collab besides the anni not to mention TTRPG and that seems to have just vanished into thin air .

>> No.34119669
Quoted by: >>34120001

>just check the internet speed before the internet’s set up
Good idea, dipshit

>> No.34119707

That would literally cost millions to convince an ISP to run fiber cable from that distance. Not to mention the mounds of red tape involved.

>> No.34119708

I hope she sticks through. Haachama is happy being just that, even with college. Even Mumei can be called one with all the reviews and tier lists she does.

>> No.34119712

She's been in Tokyo this whole time, and nowhere else she's streamed from had internet this bad. She said she assumed the bottom of the barrel for bad internet was what she'd seen from friends and family who said "bad internet."

>> No.34119791

Here's a bigger question. Why didn't she speed test the thing upon confirmation of the ISP activation?

>> No.34119814

sorry, Rick and Morty REALLY absorbed her attention

>> No.34119818
Quoted by: >>34119854

She said in the twitterspace she was going to pick a time and message everyone individually about TTRPG, so the earlier collab planning was probably:

M: Hey, let's have a Myth collab soon
K: YAY! But I'm in Korea at the moment, so maybe next week?

Everyone else: (no delivery)

>> No.34119844

magical belief that the cable will save the situation
Mori applies magical thinking distressingly often

>> No.34119854
Quoted by: >>34119914

I imagine Ame probably answered too. She's been on top of collabs

>> No.34119904
Quoted by: >>34119977

It can honestly be applied to the entire situation.
>"Once I'm back in the US and at second base with college friends, all my stress and anxiety will go away!"

>> No.34119914

Probably, I only mentioned Kiara because she specifically talked about it

Either way the main thing is an open invite doesn't work with Myth in general

>> No.34119954
File: 894 KB, 1447x2039, FA5p7XlVkAEkpjs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am a Morifag through and through, but I finally started warming up to this nickname lately. It feels more... intimate in a way?

>> No.34119977

She really seems like one of those people who eat a big meal and think they'll never be hungry, only to get super hungry later and go Full Easu.

>> No.34120001
Quoted by: >>34120112

you know you can contact the ISP before you move there right Mori?

>> No.34120009


>> No.34120030
File: 161 KB, 842x517, 1664047831695744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>34120083

that's the plan

>> No.34120073

she has that tendency to believe in shortcut solutions, it's sadly part of her ADHD

>> No.34120083

You want to buy Mori's birthright?

>> No.34120087
File: 338 KB, 469x571, 1307F7CA-4135-4940-B0BD-9F396AAC5CE0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>34120589

Despite being a FitMori enjoyer, I really hope she gets herself something sweet for breakfast today to lift her mood

>> No.34120097

People tend to apply magical thinking to things they have little to no idea about, have no control of or are just bad at. "Surely something simple will make it better". And we know Mori is terrible with tech and numbers.

>> No.34120112

Wow, and then you can get lied to about the speeds ahead of time!

>> No.34120123
File: 1.33 MB, 850x1415, 1646923986619.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How long is this guy going to keep going talking to himself holy shit.

>> No.34120156 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>34120238

Mori, the speeds they told you were accurate. You just didnt do basic research into how much speed you needed to stream

>> No.34120162
Quoted by: >>34120244

I took a day off to make sure my internet was properly installed and tested. Was basically there for the entire process and have had no problems since

>> No.34120227

she wasn't lied to
they told her the best they can give is 3 Mbps
you keep ignoring the fact THAT was the point it was already unacceptable for streaming, she just completely ignored guidelines that can be found in a google search (the first answer literally converts resolution -> bitrate -> upload speed for you)
she just handwaved it off since other things were more of a priority

>> No.34120238
Quoted by: >>34120301

She’s literally getting half of what she was sold

>> No.34120244

She would've needed to test the wifi before she leased rhe house to really avoid this problem, and she wasn't exactly in the right headspace during that visit because she was losing her mind over bank shit

>> No.34120262

She was told and 3 Mbps was never going to be enough, even barring common sense that you will never get "up to" the maximum quoted

>> No.34120301

anon, peak speeds are describing ideal circumstances and even in those, 3 Mbps is not viable for streaming with acceptable bitrates

>> No.34120320

ISPs will straight up lie about internet options until after you're connected. My actual ISP plan turned into half of what they advertised to me, and my actual speed is that halved again. It's complete bull how much of the US is covered by backwater internet.

>> No.34120327

the bank shit that she also ignored till last moment because she was so offended they asked her to fax shit
so yes, that was also on her

>> No.34120331
Quoted by: >>34120442

>>34120244 (me)
I suppose she could've done it after and spent the next few months trying to find a workaround (or paying mamamori to do it). That may not have had a much better result than this though.

>> No.34120369

This was far from a foreseeable consequence of the bank thing though.

>> No.34120383

>she was so offended they asked her to fax shit
You will never be japanese, no matter ho much you praise usage of faxes.

>> No.34120442

At least she wouldn't have been thrown into finding out she can't stream from the place she's been setting up for months on top of the surprise recording and surprise "we need you back in Japan for a studio session"

>> No.34120448
Quoted by: >>34120490

it was the american bank asking her for fax
still, her going "no, I'm not doing that" is in the range of the worst and (pardon) Karen-like replies available
just go to the Cover studio I'm sure they have a single unoccupied fax machine

>> No.34120457

Faxes are stupid, but FedEx offices are everywhere in the US and have machines you can use easily

>> No.34120464

You don’t need to foresee a specific consequence to have an intuition that not dealing with shit leads to a snowball effect. Self-awareness of your flaws doesn’t mean you’ll stop making mistakes, but it often helps you learn quicker from them.

>> No.34120490
Quoted by: >>34120545

>just fly back to Japan so you can send a fax to an American bank

>> No.34120503
File: 368 KB, 850x798, 1652594076741.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find it sus there is someone who is seemingly so desperate to defend the ISP here.

>> No.34120510

I do hope things like this will continue to happen and twisting her arm into actually choosing what she has to do
I don't care if it's Holo side or the other side, I'm just tired of halfassing

>> No.34120545
Quoted by: >>34120580

anon, she knew for a long time she had to do that, she just put it off till she was in US so she could do it directly and ran into a wall of realization that it won't be instant like she thought
listen to the fucking stream

>> No.34120580
Quoted by: >>34121328

Nice fucking revisionist history

>> No.34120589

a cake in the morning could work unless that fact was fake

>> No.34120590

Mori, if by any chance you have someone with an account with a few hundred thousand followers on twitter, calling out ISP shit on it as directly as possible might magic a non-existent option into reality. Try being an asshole just this once.
I noticed it since the stream/twitter space. Let's try something.

>> No.34120612

ISP employees want to keep getting paid for doing nothing. How dare you expect them to do their jobs?

>> No.34120655
Quoted by: >>34120679

Fuck no, she's done with that since the Persona stuff. Will also be a big doxx factor

>> No.34120679

Yup, you're right. See >>34120655.

>> No.34120707

Unfortunately all of the *really* easy solutions to this problem are basically NDA violations

>> No.34120709

>IRyS also has sudden non-stream work she has to prioritize
What are you planning, Omega

>> No.34120758
Quoted by: >>34120893

It's unfortunately a fact of life in the US that ISPs will be shitty. It's just ingrained in our culture at this point

>> No.34120828

I have no love for ISPs and their bullshit, but I think its fair to say Mori should know what speeds she'd need to stream properly. 3mbps was never going to cut it.

That said, I'd rather talk about potential solutions. Mobile hotspot seems like a potential alternative, hope someone floats it during the member stream if the topic arises.

>> No.34120893

Well we had a federal spending bill that was going to try to help with that, but for some reason country folk don't want good internet.

>> No.34120916

They’re either ISP employees or not from the US.

>> No.34120933
Quoted by: >>34120983

Someone in the thread suggested she may already have it, which is pretty sombering if true.

>> No.34120983

pretty sure she doesn't. Cable/Wifi thing is her referring to connection to router, not mobile hotspot vs cable.

>> No.34121011

She was getting 2k bitrate on her 1.5mbps upload last night and according to Google, 3k bitrate is enough to stream at 720p 30fps.
Shit would’ve worked if she actually got the advertised speeds.

>> No.34121069

That's near the absolute bottom of what she needs, and they explicitly told her that was the most she was gonna get under ideal conditions.

>> No.34121119

I think it's kind of interesting that nobody in the catalog or in global seems to be talking about this.

>> No.34121145

No one ever gets the advertised speeds because those are best-case scenario, on-paper maximums. You need to account for real-world conditions for these things.

>> No.34121158

I can tell you right now all of that money was immediately embezzled

>> No.34121167

No one really cares but us man

>> No.34121220
Quoted by: >>34121439

You can damn well expect more than 50% of the advertised upload speed at 11PM. Stop defending ISP bullshittery.

>> No.34121246

They dont even care enough to shitpost about it? Odd.

>> No.34121257

>the government money would have fixed it, but you're a chud, heh

>> No.34121261

We’re at 74 IPs for a thread outside of stream hours. This isn’t just the usuals.

>> No.34121279

Because this doesn't affect anybody but deadbeats.

>> No.34121303
Quoted by: >>34121359

It's possible that the non-usuals are concerned deadbeats or something

>> No.34121328

anon, why do we always do this stupid song and dance every time
you try to claim I'm revising shit, I post a timestamp, then we both feel like dumbasses - me cause I wasted the time and you, cause you were being a dumbass

she had her card blocked while in Japan, called them from Japan and refused to fax them from Japan, hung up on them and decided to deal with it when she got to US (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qk1h9vzkXoA&t=1241s)), as I just wrote

>> No.34121359

The classic “concerned deadbeats” who do everything in their power to defend shitty ISPs and blame Mori.

>> No.34121381
Quoted by: >>34121421

So what? This is us discussing current fucking situation and there is no shitflinging.

>> No.34121421 [DELETED] 

Only some subhumans really suspiciously defending ISP. bullshit.

>> No.34121439

Fair enough, those aren't peak hours. Especially in whatever corner of the world Mori's house is at. That said I stand by my initial argument that Mori should know better than to think 3mbps upload is enough. Internet speeds and requirements are something she should have given more consideration when shopping for a place.

>> No.34121454

Lets be honest, Mori has blame too, like yeah the ISP cant deliver and seems like they scammed her but she could have known beforehand and do something before the stream.

>> No.34121533

Go back to discord if you can't handle this shit. Mori is in fault as much as ISP is.

>> No.34121542
Quoted by: >>34121611

Is saying it was a bad decision to put down a bunch of cash for a house where, optimistically, she can stream at 720p defending the ISP? Because in that case yes, I'm defending the ISP

>> No.34121547

ISPs are the only industry that get away with never actually providing the nternet service they advertise. I'm reminded of the DON'T TRUST THE CHINESE where the steel worker guy says that the Chinese advertise a steel quality and that actually means they can provide up to that wuality maybe sometimes, you have to specify ISO standard steel, otherwise you get Chinese standard steel. Or like PCB manufacturing gold finish. "Oh, you specified 5um of gold on the board? That means UP TO 5um, not AT LEAST 5um. If you want minimum 5um you have to pay for 10um, sorry bud."
ISPs are literally as bad as chink scam industries. If I order 1000 pounds of bricks, I expect 1000 poinds of bricks. Not 550 pounds of bricks because that's what you can provide. Not 1000 pounds of dirt because it's 1000 pounds. I want what you fucking told me I would get.

>> No.34121611
Quoted by: >>34121764

How would she have possibly known what the internet speeds would have been? You think the old woman she’s renting from knows anything about the available internet plans in her area?

>> No.34121615

Saying that 3 Mbps was never going to cut it is not defending the ISP. Stop trying to act like Mori is blameless in this.

>> No.34121694

3 Mbps is sufficient to stream at 720p 30fps. She’s not getting 3 Mbps.

>> No.34121729

NTA, mori made errors in judgment, but I'm not terribly interesting in slagging on her for them. She didn't act that badly given what she and her mom knew.

>> No.34121738
Quoted by: >>34121821

Can’t listen to the twitter space right now, did she outright say 3mbps? Cause it sounds like she’s on a satellite plan if so, those seem to cap at 3 mbps upload speed regardless of the plan. I don’t know her situation, but I remember my dad really having to talk to the ISP to get them to something else besides a satellite living out in the middle of nowhere. But at the same time, they did have quite a lot of power lines out where they lived, and I am imagine that’s a big part of actually getting that service.

>> No.34121758
Quoted by: >>34121872

NTA and yes, that's true on both counts.

Should Mori be streaming at 720p 30fps?

>> No.34121764
Quoted by: >>34121927

>How would she have possibly known what the internet speeds would have been?
ISPs don't appear from thin air, you can check the area coverage based on the house address, then call and check their offer for a given area
Mori stressed that she got the best she could get for that place and the best she quoted was still not viable for streaming, so that's really on her

I'm sure the house and the landscape looks amazing, but she was looking for a second work location and not a vacation home

>> No.34121766

Saying they have fiber and then having options from russian 90s seems like a much bigger problem here.

>> No.34121810

so uh do you think that mori may be worried about gura

>> No.34121821

She was sold 3 Mbps upload speed but was getting 1.5 Mbps at 11:15PM

>> No.34121824

>720p 30fps.
adding YT encoding fuckery on top, that is not really an acceptable streaming setup for a place that's supposed to occupy 50% of your stream time

>> No.34121830
Quoted by: >>34121942

Why, did something happen to goob?

>> No.34121849
Quoted by: >>34121942

Because of the hurricane? Its only a cat 3, she'll be fine.

>> No.34121860
Quoted by: >>34121942

I seem to have missed something, what happened?

>> No.34121872

If that’s what’s available, then yes. No one’s gonna complain about 720p.

>> No.34121889
Quoted by: >>34122282

"I want the most expensive best plan you offer"
"Oh, it's like $75 a month"

>> No.34121914
File: 71 KB, 222x264, 1604390681891.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>34122113

Come listen to Himemori play the piano in RUST

>> No.34121927

What she was quoted is perfectly viable for 720p, but she’s not getting what she was quoted.

>> No.34121942

see >>34121849

>> No.34121991

Maybe not, but there is more she needs to do with the internet than stream. For example, she's basically fucked for any sort of 3D VR chat content if she's in the US

>> No.34122025

I disagree. I think if someone who streams as part of their day to day is setting up a new place, its in their best interest to ensure the place they settle down at has internet speeds that enable the best possible experience for said streams. Or at the very least meets common standards, in this case being 1080p/60fps.

In any case, its all said and done now. If the ISP doesn't have the infrastructure to offer better speeds then she'll need to find other solutions.

>> No.34122082
Quoted by: >>34122212

I dont know how reliably 3 at max can deliver 3.

>> No.34122083

Mori fucked up with trying to have 2 bases. She's just running herself ragged because she's too scared she would become irrelevant.

Deadbeats let's cheer her up. What's the best way to do so so that she forgets her mistake?

>> No.34122113

Been watching Luna and Reine this morning, I'd watch Ayame but fuck Valorant

>> No.34122118
File: 341 KB, 623x479, The Protagonist [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F6diwp6.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

480p/30fps, she's going to roots of her rap so she'll make her streams feel like NND too

>> No.34122135
Quoted by: >>34122327

It depends on what kinda mood she's in. If she wants to talk about it, be supportive and constructive. If she wants to lose herself in something else, help her do that. Just my 2 cents.

>> No.34122147
File: 2.26 MB, 1791x989, [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F0262vq.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, I see now.


>> No.34122165

>What's the best way to do so so that she forgets her mistake?
buying some VIP passes

>> No.34122181

Do you at least agree that ISPs in the US are fucking scams so I can at least assume you're just a threadshitter and not an unironic ISP shill

>> No.34122212
Quoted by: >>34122242

Maybe they shouod stop advertising plans with max speed and charging for that and start advertising with minimum base stable speed.

>> No.34122229

Absolutely, I've had my own share of issues with ISPs.

>> No.34122242

Yeah, it's a dishonest situation for sure.

>> No.34122282

Considering she's living in a random rural area, there likely aren't better plans.

>> No.34122291
Quoted by: >>34122314

Just do tier lists /Reviews and Karaoke while in the US. That saves her the need for 1080p/60

>> No.34122314

Mori the time for ASMR is now!

>> No.34122317

anon, that's a global thing
ISPs will always quote ideal peak speed, then hope you never actually check
it's about as much of a scam as selling you a sports car for city rides - sure, it can crank out 200mph, but you will be spending your day going at average 20 in traffic jams

>> No.34122327
Quoted by: >>34122396

She still has to realize what she's doing right now is wrong and it's just making her miserable. Cover is already helping her a lot, but she keep on overloading her plate instead of concentrating one by one on her projects.

Honestly she should just stay in Japan for a while, and then take a 3 month break and go back to the US to unwind. Of course I won't say to her. And this opinion will just be in this board.

>> No.34122396
Quoted by: >>34122628

>Cover is already helping her a lot,
I don't have a picture of whores laugjing hard enough for this post.

>> No.34122446
File: 158 KB, 958x1080, 1633069223134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>34122520

>this again
Huh so I guess I came here at the wrong time huh?

>> No.34122489
Quoted by: >>34122590

The solution is streams that don't need that much bandwidth, + going back to JST to assure peak bandwidth

>> No.34122517
File: 1.15 MB, 1256x1078, AmeSpin.rm[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Flwqz3l.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly if she can't find a solution she may as well roll with the punches and turn it into a bit like this.

Deep-fried A/V, scrolling text on screen. Full Streamer-Chan mode, all month. Fuck it.

>> No.34122520

On one hand, he's not wrong
But on the other, he's being extremely hyperbolic

>> No.34122590 [SPOILER] 
File: 158 KB, 670x419, 1637488565422.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The solution is obviously t_____ s____

>> No.34122619

Holy fucking shit that's a nostalgia trip...

>> No.34122628
Quoted by: >>34122721

She's being stupid for supposedly being an "adult". She knows what she's doing is wrong, she's being helped by her manager and still she keeps on piling up her projects making it hard for everyone around her especially herself.

She should realize that people will not forget her that easily just because she's away for a while. She's exhausting herself over nothing.

>> No.34122639

I would be honored to provide Mori with a modified CRT-sensor Betacorder to hook up to her computer as a handcam

>> No.34122649
Quoted by: >>34122714

I love my vspacer oshi

>> No.34122661

The solution is obviously abandon 2nd base and make 3rd base with me.

>> No.34122714

I wouldn't be lying if I said I'd be okay with a vspacer week

>> No.34122721
Quoted by: >>34122810

I dont think J chad's helping her with this. J chad is pretty much just about music and streams, not the logistics. Could be wrong though

>> No.34122746
Quoted by: >>34122811

Someone better tell her to play Zero.

>> No.34122775

I would be fine with twitterspaces. But she'd probably get bored and run out of topics to talk about.

>> No.34122811

Chuubas playing mega man makes me so happy. I had a lot of fun watching Selen's playthrough. Kronii's was fun too those her chat was really fucking bad about backseating iirc.

>> No.34122810
Quoted by: >>34122968

J-Chad lives in Japan, doesn't have the ability to contact Mori through anything but Discord/email, and has tried to get her to take it easy. You can hate on her for miscommunications while Mori is in Japan, but anything going on in the US is near impossible for her to help with

>> No.34122871

>not the full solo
I hate this soundpost, man.

>> No.34122878
File: 54 KB, 500x523, 1645796852931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mori...the Part 5 twitterspace...

>> No.34122936

Just to clarify, for Twitter spaces you reply to the post for the Twitter space, and mori sees the comment?

>> No.34122968
Quoted by: >>34123238

Perhaps she could have said, hey Mori it’s a bad idea to leave the country before your album is finished recording. I swear Mori’s has been having a lot of miscommunications lately.

>> No.34122984

Fuck it, I'm down for experiencing hilariously bad stream(s), with a webcam mic awfully close to her mouth

>> No.34122988
Quoted by: >>34123035

She tried that but she decided to do it like everyone else and use her schedule as a chat room after a bit

>> No.34122995

Most Holos use their free chat for it

>> No.34123031
Quoted by: >>34123090

Most of EN just uses their YouTube 24/7 schedule free chat like chat for the space

>> No.34123035
Quoted by: >>34123105

So how exactly does that work?

>> No.34123043

You post with the hashtag she's using, or just use the schedule waiting room on her YouTube. She checks both.

>> No.34123090
Quoted by: >>34123113

So you go to their youtube schedule prestream thing and post in the chat there?

>> No.34123105

You chat here and she reads it.

>> No.34123108
Quoted by: >>34123172


>> No.34123113
Quoted by: >>34123237

bingo baby

>> No.34123127
Quoted by: >>34123603

I hope there are less suspiciously ISP sympathetic posters in the next thread.

>> No.34123172

Thanks mothbeat

>> No.34123218

Yeah, I liked today's. 'Twas a nice dose of Morium, if with a tinge of unhinged flavor.

>> No.34123237

Thanks for ELI5ing me through it.

>> No.34123238
Quoted by: >>34123327

Pretty sure Mori said the same thing but she put priority on being on US soil because she missed her family. No issues there, but now she's starting to realize how dumb she is by being too stubborn.

>> No.34123255

Unhinged Mori is sugoi.

>> No.34123259

this is cute

>> No.34123266

>She comes to Japan for two days only.
Who came up with this ridiculous schedule?
If she hadn't heard about taxes from idiot friends and hired a stupid ISP, none of this would have happened.

>> No.34123299
File: 1012 KB, 1280x935, 1662496661957801.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Especially nice because she was lying in bed with us.

>> No.34123318
Quoted by: >>34123871

Im actually glad I stayed up for the stream, when I knew she was doing a space I just went to bed, connect some earphones and it was the best, llike she was there with me before going to sleep

>> No.34123320

the second base was planned way before the retard tax thing
it was just planned extremely badly, with paying more attention to the place's appearance and location than functionality

>> No.34123327

At the end of the day that's what's frustrating about Mori. She's slow to learn and grow

>> No.34123330

Invent a time machine and get her to make better choices.

>> No.34123333

I like how spaces let her move around the house etc. I dont know why exactly, just listening to her going to another room feels like a grand adventure with my Mori :} or because it feels more personal and im just coping to think im not on the parasocial level yet

>> No.34123345
File: 32 KB, 439x400, 1660677085490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>34123428

>with us.
with ME ya bozo. Don't get it twisted.

>> No.34123374
Quoted by: >>34123411

This members only stream is one thing but I’m wondering how she’s going to do the karaoke. Could she rent a studio in time? Is she going to try and bring her whole mic and goxlr setup to a friend’s house?

>> No.34123383

Did taxes have something to do with the decision to get a second base? I recall her saying she was thinking about moving back to the US because of taxes, but I'm not sure about the second base connection.

>> No.34123396


>> No.34123398

>feels like a grand adventure with my Mori :}
too late

>> No.34123412

Lots of deadbeats here today

>> No.34123411

the karoake will probably be some casual thing with mom rather than the celebratory one we could've expected

>> No.34123428
File: 514 KB, 1037x703, 1662568402980096.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nuh uh she was talking to ME

>> No.34123429

I was kinda nervous for her because fumbling around the house seemed to stress her out.

>> No.34123475

With 90s era internet, she should play some games of a similar vintage while trying to keep her references to that date too

>> No.34123516
Quoted by: >>34123681

It’s finally time to finish hypnospace

>> No.34123537

She was talking about having a place in the US since she visited her family last year, I think? The tax thing only made her briefly (possibly jokingly) talk about staying in the US full-time before going back to talking about her 50/50 plan

>> No.34123542

Might be a good time to play hypnospace. The bad p would be a nice diegetic effect.

>> No.34123584
Quoted by: >>34123687

The taxes only made her want to retire back in America at some point, now she's not sure again where she wants to permanently live in.

>> No.34123603

What's with the people who refuse to acknowledge Mori's mistakes and ignore criticism?

>> No.34123612

>>34123542 (me)
Literally the opposite of diegetic lmao

>> No.34123629
Quoted by: >>34123682


So speculation is ripe.

>> No.34123674

>4:30 JST / 12:30 PDT / 20:30 BST
Who will be able to watch this?
Is her second base in England?

>> No.34123681

Hypnospace will become the next DOOM

>> No.34123682

Oregon has really good rural internet for some reason, probably state legislation or something.

>> No.34123687

I don’t know about the future, but right now she obviously wants to live in the US. If she didn’t there would be no reason not to just stay in Japan till it’s time to travel for reaper business.

>> No.34123697

That would unironically solve the current problem.

>> No.34123720

>Who will be able to watch this?
Burger NEETs

>> No.34123764
Quoted by: >>34123816

West coast deadbeats on a lunch break

>> No.34123816
File: 30 KB, 545x545, 1659513089899.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoying my lunch break with Moririn so I don't have to eat alone!

>> No.34123837

Off topic, but I didn't realize until recently that nikodem had a clip channel with almost 50k subs.

>> No.34123850

I miss when she used to do them on weekends to accommodate working burgerbeats
She's completely thrown out that plan now

>> No.34123871

Based UWAbeat
yeah haha, imagine being like that

>> No.34123895

She probably has dinner/gym plans which are basically priority now that streams will be suboptimal no matter what

>> No.34123956
File: 246 KB, 1600x900, 407500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.34123985

those plans, all me

>> No.34124017

wrong one, I seen both post in same holo chats
though it's funny there's two guys with a rare name that are both into chuubas

>> No.34124030

WorkFromHomeBeats such as me.

>> No.34124036
Quoted by: >>34124113

Is that really him? Doesn't seem like it

>> No.34124053

t. recentgradbeat

>> No.34124074
Quoted by: >>34124100

She should do a working out twitter space.

>> No.34124100

RFA twitterspace

>> No.34124113

I may have been mistaken, it could just be a weird coincidence. The fact that this guy is apparently a coder made me think it was the same guy, since I'm sure deadbeat nikodem has a job like that.

>> No.34124158

It's less about thinking Mori can do no wrong and more about thinking ISPs can do no wrong.

>> No.34124224
Quoted by: >>34124274

She should take this time without streaming to sort her stuff out now. A sort of break since it can't be avoided anyway.

>> No.34124246

Most of the people who have commented on the ISP thing haven't defended the ISP, they've clarified why the ISP didn't strictly speaking lie to her. It's another question whether they were still scummy with their business practices (I'm sure they were)

>> No.34124274
Quoted by: >>34124311

Can this problem even be sorted? Seriously, if this is the best the ISP can do and there's no other option then second base is a dud.

>> No.34124311
Quoted by: >>34124372

Sounds like a 5G rural hotspot would give her more or less adequate internet.

>> No.34124359
Quoted by: >>34124476

>ISP guys: best we can offer is 3 MBPS it's actually half that most of the time
>Mori: I'll take it
ISP guys are scummy and offered her a shit plan, Mori is dumb for accepting.

>> No.34124365
File: 217 KB, 220x232, I'm Going to Kill Every Deadbeat[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F0so5u1.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh boy, a almost 500 post thread happened while I was sleeping and there was no streams, I'm sure its going to be full of very good posts.

>> No.34124371

deadbeats, who think mori is smart and can do anything. they probably don't know that Japan has an agency that will do anything for creators. even setting up the internet.

>> No.34124372

superchat this tommorow.

>> No.34124411

NTA but I'll do it today if Mori feels like talking about it

>> No.34124415
Quoted by: >>34124502

Anon, don't fucking be thinskinned. People are trying to brainstorm a solution for the ISP woes.

>> No.34124432
Quoted by: >>34124591

>they probably don't know that Japan has an agency that will do anything for creators. even setting up the internet.
Is this satire?

>> No.34124456

Unironically yes. Even the worst posts are mostly well meaning deadbeats being a bit judgemental or testy.

>> No.34124463

>raffs in gaijin treatment

>> No.34124476
Quoted by: >>34124616

>ISP guys: best we can offer is 3 MBPS it's actually half that most of the time
>We're also the only one that can service you in this entire district

>> No.34124478
File: 419 KB, 1280x720, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>34124549

I'm not a NEET I just traded having weekends off for a couple of weekdays off instead.

>> No.34124495

A back bone that connects the two locations would be running fiber the hundreds of miles between their two houses you fucking idiot. That's millions of dollars of cost. A billion potentially through cities. That's my IRL job. You are a fucking idiot.

>> No.34124502
File: 742 KB, 10000x10000, mipipi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh thats rare, I actually did JWU and when large threads happen while I'm sleeping its rarely good.

>> No.34124504

I'm willing to do it but I'm not the most knowledgable about the situation.

>> No.34124530
File: 366 KB, 413x432, 1647990238909.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>34124567

Yes because there has never been an incident in human history where well-meaning intentions backfired horribly. Never.

>> No.34124549
File: 48 KB, 739x745, 1632806698285.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I just traded having weekends off for a couple of weekdays off instead.
What kind of insanity is this?

>> No.34124567
File: 43 KB, 562x358, F8B51AB7-1B6B-48A0-81C9-B7814DF7ABCE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to horribly backfire into your face, bitch.

>> No.34124591

No, it's not satire.
There is also "study abroad agency" for those who come to Japan to study

>> No.34124592

It's called being a SEAbeat and being employed in a BPO.

>> No.34124605

The "scheduling miscommunication" that results in her having to travel back to Japan for 2 days is what worries me the most in this twitterspace. That's some bad scheduling. I don't know if I blame Mori or Jchad, but that's real bad.

>> No.34124616

Unironically how it goes for most parts of the US

>> No.34124633

NTA but having weekdays off is underrated. Makes it a lot easier to get errands done, for one.

>> No.34124692

It's accommodations for classes in the middle of the week and there's stuff that happens on weekdays I like to catch live instead of having to just listen while working retail. Plus it's not like I'm going out with friends often on weekends.

>> No.34124727

"I'm living with my foot in two worlds. I feel like I'm going to have to choose at some point." Direct from the twitterspace. 33 minutes in.

>> No.34124728

Yeah, I wish I could get that honestly. It sucks working 9-5 and everyone you could pay to do stuff is also 9-5

>> No.34124754
Quoted by: >>34125170

Thats why I love working nights and graveyard shifts. No management around so non-safety rules go out the window so I can watch shit on my phone and posts here while working and my day is free to do shit while everyone else is working so nothing is busy.

>> No.34124821

If the antis watched spaces they would use it it proof for a "mori is going to graduate to do reaper business" rrat.

>> No.34124832

That's called traveling to the other side of the world for a month+ in the middle of crunch time for album production. They probably need shit recorded to give mixers and producers time to finish it and need something else from her. It's not her "fault" entirely because they probably have her the all clear before this popped up, but this trip feels like the equivalent of spending the weekend before an exam sleeping instead of studying

>> No.34124850
Quoted by: >>34124880

I’ll stop shitting on your oshi cuckbeats. I’m starting to feel bad for her. But if she starts some shit by begging holo tempiss collabs to IRyS then you know I’m sending SCs.

>> No.34124880

not not giftcard, we're shitting on each other over shitty ISPs

>> No.34124892

Hololive's schedule is set 3 months in advance.
But for the reaper business, it's suddenly set.
I rather feel sorry for J-chad. She can't tell mori to give up her dream.

>> No.34124934

She's not talking about what I think she is, is she?

>> No.34124992

She's talking about her living situation.

>> No.34125057

> "it's not my fault that there's so many really like cheap flights from japan to america now"
Not even one minute after she talks about the two worlds thing.

>> No.34125061
Quoted by: >>34125145

She's likely talking about going the AZKi/Suisei route when it comes to streaming. She already had the chance to give up reaper business and decided to double down and increase it instead

>> No.34125102
File: 56 KB, 1408x243, whichoneofyou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay, which one of you did this?

>> No.34125145

In the context of the Twitter space she was definitely talking about how to triangulate her desire/need to be in the us with her desire/need to be in japan

>> No.34125170

Weird offtopic question but when do you go to sleep? Before or after the shift? I always was curious about the day of someone working at night

>> No.34125172

Botchama!?!? What does this have to do with having weekdays off?

>> No.34125195

way to post your own comment, at least put up for a membership if you're gonna be like this

>> No.34125289

Depends. Working nights I get home around midnight and have the whole day to do stuff while everyone else is at work. Graveyard shift I get home around 7am, but also sleep when I get home and sleep while everyone else is working, unless I have stuff to do, then I do my stuff then go to bed. The main good thing is since I;m generally sleeping when I get home I don't have to be at work for another 16 hours when I go to bed so I don't need an alarm and can sleep for as long as my body needs.

>> No.34125299

I'm guessing the problems aren't fixed considering the complete silence since waking up...

>> No.34125323

NTA but I used to work 11PM-7AM and more recently had a job working 4PM-midnight. With both jobs I got into the habit of waking up about an hour before work.

>> No.34125329

It starts now I guess.

>> No.34125331
File: 226 KB, 863x972, Screenshot_20220927-145741.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only other comments are on the Connor episode

OK "deadbeat"

>> No.34125355

Anyone enough of an oldfag to remember when Let's Plays were recorded by a Handcam recording the TV's screen and then uploaded in 10 minute segments with the Handcam's mic?

>> No.34125415

I watched someone play pikmin like that back in za day

>> No.34125421

The skull badges are nice, but I do kind of dislike how little variance there is compared to other EN member's badges. Seeing a bucket of KFP compared to a hatchling makes the difference clear

>> No.34125422

Old enough to remember Unregistered Hypercam 2 showing up in every single video too.
