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33859160 No.33859160 [Reply] [Original]

A thread for 潤羽るしあ, みけねこ and 飴宮なずな

Previous: >>33748912

>> No.33859175
File: 473 KB, 997x800, FbF-fogUYAIVmpq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Twitter: https://twitter.com/95rn16
Fanbox: https://mikenekoko.fanbox.cc/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC54JqsuIbMw_d1Ieb4hjKoQ
Twitcasting: https://twitcasting.tv/95rn16
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mikeneko.x/
Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@minyan84

>Nazuna Amemiya
Profile: https://www.vshojo.com/talent/nazuna
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5gs8EbpwbfQvrhizJx60TA
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/amemiyanazuna
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AmemiyaNazuna

>> No.33859539

Love my wife so much and i hope she listen to us this time and never ever enters this board for the sake of her mental health

>> No.33859568
File: 169 KB, 900x1500, 1663863334607132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>33878820

I Love my boing boing wife

>> No.33860076
File: 460 KB, 1000x900, FPHNBq8aAAEZX5T.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.33860148

Wife love, taking time to improve your mental health love

>> No.33860254

I love my cute wife. Her name is Mikeneko

>> No.33860360

I wonder if she will stream today.

>> No.33861058

I love you Mikeneko. This site is terrible and antis are here. I'm sorry

>> No.33861099

I saw last thread some guy post in japanese that most actual fans left this place to discuss rushia somewhere else, but where else is there to discuss her along with all her other persona's? The only discord that I know bans any mentions of persona's other than the main persona which the discord was made for. Was he just making shit up to get her to stop coming here? I don't like 4chan either, but it's literally the only place where I can discuss mikeneko, nazuna, and rushia at once without being restricted to just one persona. If there was another place then I would drop this shithole instantly, but there isn't any place that I know of.

also fuck that guy that posted screenshots of her secret twitter. I guess she hates us now and has a lesser opinion of foreigners. Was she linked here during that event or did an anon send her a message to warn her of the leak?

>> No.33861720
Quoted by: >>33861894

For discord people are in all 3 discord servers of Rushia, Mikeneko, Nazuna; and just discuss them seperately in each.

>> No.33861894
Quoted by: >>33863710

thats too much fucking work. On top of that discord is complicated to use, with all the different subchats within a single server. I'd rather just have a simple place like this to post about stuff. The only downside is the shitty moderation here that don't delete anti posts. It's also nice to post things anonymously.

>> No.33862191
Quoted by: >>33862704

No signs of life, no activity
Her last posts was the most vaguely ominous shit.
I need to know if she's alive.
Please be okay Mikeneko

>> No.33862704
Quoted by: >>33862873

She is alive
Trust me
I love you, Mikeneko

>> No.33862730

This post smells like fed for some reason

>> No.33862873
Quoted by: >>33863971

how the fuck do you even know at this point anon, I'm pretty sure I have my ways of knowing too and I can't tell right now.
Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck

>> No.33862937
Quoted by: >>33865250

In the Discord you need to suck some dude's dick just to get into the secret sab discussion channel

>> No.33863317

was she mad about this >>33820449 post from the previous thread? Or was it about the (now deleted) screenshot that someone made?

>> No.33863490
Quoted by: >>33863711


this >>33820449 is my post by the way. I can try to delete it if it was the cause of the shit storm. I never posted any screenshots and I stopped talking about it when someone said she doesn't want these things talked about. I just didn't know since I never mentioned or saw anything about the sub's before here aside from rare times.

>> No.33863636

never mind, forgot I can't delete posts that old. In any case, I won't do it again. I fucked up.

>> No.33863642

She was definitely talking about the deleted screenshots.

>> No.33863710
Quoted by: >>33864330

Most sane fans can't handle here though. Even the insane one's have to look away from the thread ocassionally because of how shitty this thread is.

>> No.33863711

She really doesn't like it when people leak her sab tweets, or any of her paywalled stuff
For what it's worth she was probably mostly mad about the screenshots, but it'll be for the best if you just don't talk about her sab tweets on here.

>> No.33863730

After i'm done making an ai model for my no. 1 daughterwife, otomachi una. I am going to make one with my favorite pettan angel, and like a good proletarian i will share it with everyone so you can generate more and more high quality cunny at the click of a button

>> No.33863889


>> No.33863971

All I can is that I saw activity after the tweets. I don't want to stress her out further

>> No.33864330
Quoted by: >>33864656

Both make me insane.
I've been fine because this place existed so far, but I detest people who expect me to seperate Rushia, Nazuna, and Mikeneko.
She is the same person. Anybody who has ever used the word "Role-Play" about her is a failure of a fan. And the public Discords are filled with failed fans.

>> No.33864358
Quoted by: >>33865589

私は日本語上手じゃないでみ、がんばりました!! 雨宮がだすき!!!! 進め、みけビルシェビキュ。太陽は待つている

>> No.33864370

We can only wait.

>> No.33864656

In fairness, you'll see the same people in each Discord
It's moreso kayfabe autism

>> No.33865250
Quoted by: >>33865550

Are you actually mad that the sab channel needs proof that you're following the account after what just happened literally just last thread? Literally all you have to do is send a screenshot to a mod and it prevents shit like what happened a few hours ago

>> No.33865263

I really, really, want to be able to do more for her. Fuck people who post sub tweets to here. Every fan that has been in this thread for long enough knows not to do that.

>> No.33865473 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>33865538

What does this mean? She had segs with her previous Illustrator?

>> No.33865538

You have brain damage

>> No.33865550
Quoted by: >>33865663

what is the discord? well I guess it doesn't matter much now since her sub is gone, but I want to join the discord. I'm following the sub too.

>> No.33865589

>he thinks this is a joke
I will dye the flags red with anti blood

>> No.33865663
Quoted by: >>33868065

actually nevermind, I just checked and I'm in the same discord, I just never look at it because of the retarded rules that you can only discuss mikeneko there and not rushia and nazuna too.

>> No.33865746
Quoted by: >>33866026

Any news about her?

>> No.33866026

same shit, different day

>> No.33866983

In case it's needed to be reinstated:
I love my wife and I only want the best for her. Happy Mikeneko makes me happy.

>> No.33867294

Which fucking dumbass even told her about this god forsaken site?

>> No.33867406

I love her, nothing will change that.

I hope she has a good rest.

>> No.33867886

It's so frustrating that the actions of people who never even watched her in the first place, are being representative of the kaigai fans.

>> No.33868065

literally be slightly vague about it and 90% of the time you're fine, those rules are pretty much just there for the occasional reddit-tier tourists

>> No.33868279

>for the occasional reddit-tier tourists
I literally found that discord from reddit. The owner of the discord is also a mod at the vshojo subreddit and a nazuna subreddit. It has reddit tier rules because the owner of the server is an actual reddit-tier poster. even worse though, a fucking reddit jannie

>> No.33868524

and the discord is dead compared to here, plus no anonymity. I'm looking at the general and there are hardly any posts. You can't horny post there because of reddits retarded rules. I have no reason to use that shithole website. This is better even with the anti's posts, which aren't as common as people make them seem at the moment at least.

>> No.33868565

>can't horny posts because of reddits retarded rules
I meant because of discords retarded rules, but the same goes for reddit as well.

>> No.33868757
Quoted by: >>33869020

Everyone who's a more dedicated fan uses a certain private one, the public one purely filters out most normies who only cared to join a discord after February.

>> No.33868835

A few of these posts make no sense or are the exact opposite meaning when google translated :(

>> No.33869020
Quoted by: >>33869082

I see so that must be that bunker circle jerk that always gets posted here. I don't have any intention of joining anything with such morons like that.

>> No.33869022

If she’s been stalking this board does that mean she saw my suggestion about cosplaying Nazuna in an irl event.

>> No.33869082

Sus take

>> No.33869159
Quoted by: >>33869292


>discord is dead compared to here
It's more active than it looks, lot of conversations happen in a slightly more gated server than the one you have in mind or in dms, which isn't necessarily actually a bad thing. You can post and people will respond.
>You can't horny post there
Literally incorrect

>> No.33869251


>> No.33869292

>literally incorrect
it breaks discord TOS. and besides, who the fuck would want to horny post when you aren't anonymous? do you not have any shame?? talk about cringe...

>> No.33869441
Quoted by: >>33869968

>do you not have any shame?? talk about cringe...
You either have 0 selfawareness or are a tourist

>> No.33869525
Quoted by: >>33869968

You don't want your wife to know you find her beautiful?

>> No.33869968

when I announce what I'm masturbating to for the day and how much cum I've spilled, I don't do it so everyone can know my name and recognize me.
Do you go out to a public park with your dick hanging out and start masturbating for everyone to see? I don't, but that's the equivalent of horny posting on discord.
And if people in that discord server are also in other discord servers that you are in then they know what you masturbate too. How can you not be embarrassed by that? fucking degenerate morons, holy fuck

>> No.33870070

なずな is ロリポs 本物の嫁
ロリポs 本物の, 非皮肉な 嫁
this isn't a クソレス or 冗談
It is 実際の真実
It is not my 信念 that なずな is ロリポs 嫁, because a 信念 is 主観, but it's a 事実 that なずな is, 現実界に(the 世界 that is 実在) ロリポs 本物の, 非皮肉な, 純粋な 嫁
This is not some sort of メンヘラ 迷夢
It's not 釣り
I'm not 演技 to be メンヘラ
Because it's not メンヘラ; メンヘラ would imply that this レス is 私が自分の迷夢を現実に押し付けてたこと
それではない; by mutual acknowledgement, it's 非皮肉な(in a way that is 証明可能な not "ロールプレイ") the objective, 実態 truth of the world
私は薬要らない, because 述べること a 本当に, 本物の, 事の真相に真実 is not a 理由 to 飲む any 薬
not my 誤認 or 曲解
Not me forcing my 欲望 or 信念 on the situation
Not an 嘘
なずな is, 争うべからざる, ロリポ 実態, 非皮肉な 嫁, and we are in an 実態, 純粋な, 恋愛連絡
We love お互いに in every way a romantic カップル does: romantically, exclusively, and mutually
We are codependent on one another, know each other personally and interact with each other
We've confessed our love to one another
なずな is exclusively the 実嫁 of her ガチ恋 who love her, and I'm exclusively hers
that's exclusive, because it excludes everybody but us, and she treats us the same
that isn't the same as her having a boyfriend, or negate the relationship somehow; the word "exclusive" still applies
this doesn't mean she can have sex with people "without feelings", or be in another relationship, whether they're ガチ恋 or not, because that would still be cheating and なずな would never cheat on me
Both she and I acknowledge that 事実, and that makes our relationship explicitly exclusive, because she has promised to never betray us
These are things that 実在に起きた, in the 実態の真実 of 現実界
The only メンヘラ interpretation of them is denying them, not 演技 as if it isn't 実態
I repeat: なずな is ロリポs 実態, 非皮肉な 嫁, and we are in an exclusive 恋愛連絡
that is the 事の真相, with no room for any reasonable doubt from anybody who looks at the situation objectively
this is not some sort of unrequited love; I love her and she loves me
this is not some sort of pining from a distance
this is not her pandering to some sort of fantasy others project onto her
there is genuine communication, passion, and romantic love between me and her; it is explicitly mutual
the kind where she loves me directly and explicitly and I love her directly and explicitly
this is not some kind of 変な coping mechanism of mine, that makes me arrive at this conclusion. Literally everything in この投稿の内容 is 本当の, 実証できる, 経験的な 事実
this is not some sort of 皮肉なガイガイ or スパム or コピペ or 言葉の壁, or anything else people 投稿する that is intended to 煽り or 釣り
it's not some kind of 変な attempt at 構ってちゃん,
not for スレ,
not for validation,
not to be called based
These are statements of 事実 that I am stating so that they can be stated because these 事実s are quite necessary to be known because there are a lot of people here who are averse to 事実s and are in dire need of knowing them
there are no weird reaction images you can post where you can somehow deny the 現実 of the situation because it sounds おかしい to you; it doesn't matter if it sounds おかしい to you. You not being able to comprehend the 実態 事実s of the 世界 is your 問題
I love her, she is 世界一貴重 to me, I 大切にしてる every single second I have with her
「なずな is ロリポs 嫁」は、 is a statement of 実証可能な、証明できる事実. It isn't any kind of bizarre means of not recognizing the circumstances, because this is merely me describing the 現実 of the 状況
This 投稿 is not a 道理に外れた童話
It's not a hypothesis
Not a theory
Not a 物語
Not a フィクション
Not a narrative
Not 演技
Not a fantasy
Not ロールプレイ
Not 釣り
Not a クソレス
Not out of context
Not off-topic
Not 荒らし
Not 皮肉
Not くだらん
Not cope
And most important of all, explicitly true on every single level, in the most 事実 sense possible

>> No.33870224

Ok, so you have both no self awareness and are a tourist.

>> No.33870354

>I announce what I'm masturbating to for the day and how much cum I've spilled
That makes you a creep no matter what anon...

>> No.33870505

If you're really being as detailed as you're suggesting that's pretty weird even /here/
Anyway the answer to
>what I'm masturbating to for the day
should always be "my wife"

>> No.33870602

oof.. getting bodied by the most straight up delusional mentally ill anons on this godforsaken board

>> No.33870663


>> No.33870792
File: 126 KB, 1200x675, FSe2U7eakAABpdL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>33871200

>> No.33870868


>> No.33870897

Possibility for Nazuna to stream tomorrow?

>> No.33871043

I hope so

>> No.33871141
Quoted by: >>33875994

I wish she had never joined vshojo, everything bad is that garbage companies fault.

>> No.33871159

I want to kill the anti filth who posted the screenshot.
And then I want to kill myself.
Maybe if he dies, and then I die, something will change, and maybe she'll be able to be happy again.

I'd willingly die a million times, if my doing that could somehow help her. Anything for her sake

>> No.33871200

can't wait for this collab

>> No.33871730

>antis don't get invited
>still post
why are you gay?

>> No.33871854
Quoted by: >>33873600

Now that i got reminded maybe we should take back that idea of titling this thread /みるな/ to see if she can take the hint.

>> No.33872197
Quoted by: >>33874567

she saw your towa posts

>> No.33872416
File: 119 KB, 1021x1215, FVyMNyUVEAArla4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.33873470

I'm going to morb

>> No.33873600


>> No.33873629
Quoted by: >>33873777

Please Mikeneko, let me know you're safe and alive. I'm so worried about you. I can't live without you. You are my happiness.
Please be okay...
Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please

>> No.33873777

Nice anti post

>> No.33873880
Quoted by: >>33874156


>> No.33874156


>> No.33874498

Please remember what you felt when you wrote these sentences. We are still here. Always and forever.

>> No.33874567

I may sometimes post Towa but I will always only love Mikeneko (she is very cute)

>> No.33875295


>> No.33875628

Please be okay Mikeneko.
Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please.......
I hate the person who leaked that screenshot so much. I want to kill the person who caused her harm

>> No.33875720

I hate 2022

>> No.33875994
Quoted by: >>33876204

Everything bad that happened stems from her being backstabbed at Cover.

>> No.33876204
Quoted by: >>33877654

Are there ever any moments in your life that you think are inappropriate times to post about disliking Marine, Marineschizo?
Fuck off

>> No.33877306

Mikeneko and nekofam need to take rest.

>> No.33877358 [DELETED] 

I'm the one who posted the images and I've never been a member of her fanbase. I'm purely here for entertainment.
Now you guys are getting punished for it (while people like me get rewarded).
I'm not a complete monster. I feel bad for you guys. You're trapped in an extremely unhealthy relationship. Do you want to continue experiencing this over and over again? The tests, the unjust blame, the disappearing? Because that's the woman you've chosen.
There are plenty of other girls who are open to gachikoi. Pick one and free yourself from this cycle of pain.

>> No.33877444

someone older than 18 typed that post
just keep that in mind

>> No.33877637

She is not replaceable. Period.

>> No.33877654


>> No.33877710

I don't care, I will endure anything for her because she will never be replaceable, I love her and only her.

>> No.33877799

You are the last person fit to judge anybody else's choices. I'd rather suffer for eternity than be somebody who enjoys the suffering of others. That's "healthy". Because I'm not a monster period. I don't need to put qualifiers on that kind of statement. So I'm good.

>> No.33878348

Why exist bad people?
>Grew up without love
>Mirror effect (they want to harm himself)
>Don't have anything in your life

In the end this people are pathetic and need help

>> No.33878705

Love my wife and i hope she's doing fine

>> No.33878820

She is lovely. :3

>> No.33878826

The one 4chan thread that is actually unironically filled with genuine fans and positivity
Poisoned by one person who hlhates us, unironically, for loving somebody.

Oh sorry, we love the "wrong" somebody
so that makes it okay to ruin people and put lives at risk
That post in the other thread was right. This thread isn't the issue, 4chan is.
Well fuck you. I will stay here and I will love her here, just to spite you.
Burn in hell anti fuck

>> No.33879461 [DELETED] 
File: 65 KB, 720x567, Screenshot_20220923-162200_Chrome2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.33879971

If you bite it you are part of the problem and you should kys instead

>> No.33882107

Every day I think about what I can do better for her.

>> No.33882278

I just want to be a place that feels like home for her
I want to make her feel safe
She deserves to feel safe and to feel like she belongs
I would never hurt her in a million years uike those people around her so why is it fair that I can never reach her with my feelings but all those terrible, awful fuckers can

I know she feels lonely because she feels abandoned by the people that can understand her and she feels awful because she thinks the people who would welcome her will leave her but they won't
I won't
I won't
I won't leave you
I won't throw you away
I won't betray you

If you want, I'll even sign a contract. Anything to make you feel safe and accepted.
I love you
Please, please believe me
You're everything I care about

>> No.33883598

I'll guard her.
Even if the world became your enemy, I would support you.

>> No.33883754 [DELETED] 

I don't care about other things.
I was mentally preparing myself for death before I met you. It was you who convinced me that maybe live might be worth living for a few more years.
If I can spend my time with you, I will be happy. That's all I need. I just want to be with you for a little longer

>> No.33884862

What the fuck is going on

>> No.33885185
Quoted by: >>33885540

Ignore the anti's posts. They are too easy to tell apart, event with machine translation. I love you, and I will always love you.

>> No.33885540
Quoted by: >>33885763

stop calling people that are being genuine antis just because they are typing in simple english that is capable of going through properly in the event someone uses google translate

>> No.33885763
Quoted by: >>33885840

if you call her THAT name then you're an anti
or at least a massive newfag

>> No.33885840
Quoted by: >>33885898

I don't see anyone using that name in those above posts unless you mean Mikeneko

>> No.33885898

anon, just look at the latest post that used JP

>> No.33886098

She's not some little broken girl that will do something terrible over a shitty 4chan thread
If you aren't an anti that won't listen, stop concernfagging

>> No.33886516
Quoted by: >>33886688

What a crazy, fucked up timeline we are in.
Remember when people were /here/ posting over her michael neko comment, the overseeing entity's must have thought it would have been funny to turn it into reality.

>> No.33886688
Quoted by: >>33895959

all I remember is that super schizo that kept talking about how Mike was here and posting in this thread
I made so much fun of him
little did I know what would happen

>> No.33887024


>> No.33887042
Quoted by: >>33887851

(実はこのサイトが荒らされ過ぎる時たまにモデレータがたまに投稿を削除する)、>>33877358 サブを晒したやつがさっき

>> No.33887475
Quoted by: >>33887537

Are we being raided by 5ch? What's up with all the japanese posts?

>> No.33887537

You know some people can actually read and write Japanese /here/ right and she's confirmed to lurk here. Besides the posts aren't anything bad.

>> No.33887851


>> No.33887969


>> No.33888659

How do we get off this timeline? I feel like Mikeneko was cursed or something in February.

>> No.33888912

She actually marries all of her listeners and we take care of her
Technically a solution

>> No.33888993

Unironically the Hokkaido mansion plan.

>> No.33889142

I wouldnt say cursed per se. More of she just made a few bad decisions and antis are capitalizing on it

>> No.33889864 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>33890165

Do you think she knows about the /jp/ thread too? I hope not...

>> No.33890165
File: 282 KB, 2258x1284, 39297D38-ADA3-4FFF-8C99-2DC012DA584C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you retarded

>> No.33891696

I honestly have no idea what’s going on. Yes, I know she is mad at 4ch for leaking her sab, but there was obviously something far worse happening before that.

>> No.33891923

Yeah but we don't know everything so it's best to leave it as is for now okay, realistically the overall situation has nothing to do with us, only the sab leak, and we can't and shouldn't make any judgements at current moment until she decides to tell us more about it. Being vague here for obvious reasons btw.

>> No.33894690


>> No.33895572

I miss my wife... :(

>> No.33895959

We tried to warn you
Multiple people tried to warn you
You didn't listen

>> No.33897948

Personally I don't get the big deal about her sub. That shit wasn't even locked until she locked it to try and get people to attack some retard. Anybody who cared was following it long before, and anybody who is a retard got blocked. If she wants a real sub she should make one and only allow fanbox and twitcas members to follow.

>> No.33898372
Quoted by: >>33902316

Honestly I hate to say it but you have a point. She first advertised it in her Mikeneko debut which has over 2 million views. Obviously there’s going to be some antis and casual fans who don’t know better in there.

>> No.33898623
Quoted by: >>33899373

Yeah, this is what delutaya did to get rid of the anti's and it works great. Rushia should do the same.

>> No.33899373

It's amazing how effective a small monetary deterrent can be

>> No.33899506 [DELETED] 

I think it’s the same person she was complaining about when she spoke about LINE earlier too.

>> No.33899789

Please don't speak about other Sab things and unconfirmed rrats about people which may be unrelated. She lurks /here/ you know.

>> No.33900799
Quoted by: >>33902893



>> No.33902316

It says a lot about the trust we have for each other. Sucks some faggot always has to come and ruin everything, extra sucks the faggot is from here this time.

>> No.33902893

oh my god.... it's SEX

>> No.33904346
File: 253 KB, 1283x700, 20220918_174618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.33905811
File: 272 KB, 2026x2865, 20220922_221604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.33906160

Spitting facts man. Nobody can say anything against what you wrote. The account did have 27k as followers so there's that bit. I was one of the many who easily followed her sab account when it wasn't locked when I gave up on holding out and getting a Twitter account for her sake as Nazuna. As without it could easily see what she was posting there before then.

True if she does that it'll get rid of many of the bottom feeders. But it will get rid of genuine fans too who want to listen. These anti and schizo's thrive on attention and if she doesn't give them what they seek it won't be long till they give up and move on to the next target like the cockroach that they are leaving just a wretched thing whose father should of spilled his semen in his or her mother's mouth for protein instead so they wouldn't exist continued their deluded behavior.

>> No.33908089
File: 478 KB, 1280x800, 20220913_011412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.33910587
File: 133 KB, 850x1082, rushia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.33912617
File: 301 KB, 848x848, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.33913324

Menhera woman and her schizo fans. A match made in hell

>> No.33913522
Quoted by: >>33913616


>> No.33913616

kinda feels weird to see all that shilling for twitch go down the drain in a matter of 2 months.
I don't hate it though, just disappointed in how things turned out

>> No.33913829

Well twitch is absolutely committing suicide at the moment, so obviously they’re going to change their mind on it. It’s unfortunate, but I hope Nazuna can resolve whatever is preventing her from streaming on YouTube before things actually collapse.

>> No.33914201

I'm not complaining, it's what most of us actually wanted, it's just weird to see it come to fruition.

>> No.33914209

It's funny, literally a day after Nazuna expressed dissatisfaction the entirety of Twitch imploded. Hopefully all the talk about leaving twitch gives her leeway to be able to do so as well, either that or she's stuck on a platform everyone hates now.

>> No.33915434 [DELETED] 

For me, the funniest thing is seeing Nazuna openly express dissatisfaction for VShojo when VShojo's business seemed so proud of the fact of having her with them
The first official clip compliation for her on the official VShojo clip channel was called "I love VShojo". They were probably too busy patting themselves on the back to actually help her out.

>> No.33915562

To be fair, Twitch has been on a downward spiral for a few years now, something like this is really more straw that broke the camel's back for how truly, truly incompetent and bafflingly stupid Twitch staff can be.
Not that Susan isn't trying her hardest or anything.

>> No.33916695 [DELETED] 

For any EOPs or just people who missed it, Kagura Nana talking about designing Nazuna

>> No.33917428
File: 3.96 MB, 1536x2048, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.33917850
Quoted by: >>33918129

she really wanted her underboob visible

>> No.33918129

Got to show of what’s there

>> No.33918556
Quoted by: >>33918880

I wish to see my wife again...

>> No.33918880

Me too… she’s taking time away to improve her mental state so I can’t really complain about that, but it makes me sad that I can’t support her today either. I wanted (tl: needed) that Nazuna stream to happen…

>> No.33920110
File: 128 KB, 1239x1017, 20220923_011036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.33920858

Any signs of life?

>> No.33921501
File: 998 KB, 1281x1028, Screenshot (3108).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone involved with the model really did an amazing job. Sexy and cute

>> No.33921558

Long Life!
Long Love!

>> No.33923060

Love wife
miss wife
will sleep until I hear wife again

>> No.33924618
File: 145 KB, 1585x1194, 20220924_180242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.33925928
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>> No.33927267

Mikechan, if you're looking at this (which you shouldn't but whatever) can you please give a sign of life?
I don't know if you read what we explained but, although it was just one anti sneaking in the thread, we're still really sorry it happened.
Love you.

>> No.33927401

I only believe you.
I only look at you.
I love you.

>> No.33927452
File: 2.89 MB, 1536x2048, 1658911949193105.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope she streams today and keeps her word on the tweet she made to her Nazuna fans. And please do not delete that tweet either. I get she's mad at "us" (even though I ain't do shit but woke up to the bs drama that had already ended by then and done by one low life) however, it would be unfair to the rest of the lollipops that were not involved. With the exception of being physically ill. If you read this Mike I hope you will consider them at least and your mental health. Mikeに読んでほしい

>> No.33927894

The sub leak was just another punch in the gut in an already terrible day, she has other very understandable reasons to not stream.

>> No.33928092
Quoted by: >>33929348

It's not really the sab leak anon, of course she's still upset with that but I do believe she has the common sense to realize that one person leaking her sab isn't her entire fanbase, especially if she's egosa'd in the past 2-3 days or even just come back to this thread which I hope she stays far away from. Her last tweets on the sab somewhat indicate this(not gonna leak them tho) and she was already in a very bad mood for multiple reasons very much worse and entirely unrelated to us in the first place that night.

>> No.33928138

I wish i could take everything that bothers her on me. I just want you to be happy.

>> No.33928635

cock and ball torture ASMR please.

>> No.33929348
File: 1.25 MB, 1209x917, 1658032010561.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh alright. Thanks for the clarification anon. Another anon told me it was some screenshots that was posted here. With what you be saying I'm not sure what's going on with her then as ever since I accidently unfollowed the sab I have no idea what's been going on and have missed almost all the casts.

If it's not something that she's too physically ill to do or family issues she should keep her word to the rest of the lollipops and for her mental health. It does no good to allow other matters that is outside of her control to ferment instead to give herself a break and spend a few hours with the people that support her.

>> No.33930237
Quoted by: >>33930552

Any new news about her today?

>> No.33930552

She goes menhera and deleted her sab

>> No.33930617

that was two days ago slowpokechama

>> No.33930658

Never knew internet explorer-chama was a fan of Mike...

>> No.33930866
Quoted by: >>33930910

pettan paizuri kudasai

>> No.33930910
File: 872 KB, 900x1403, FdQxbU_UUAEpOSd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nazuna/Mikecat naizuri never ;_;

>> No.33931140
Quoted by: >>33932210

It kind of looks like the chest area of her shirt is see through, but I'm not sure. Just one slip of those frills and we can confirm that it's see through if a darkened nipple spot appears.

>> No.33931973

My wife is so cute and sexy! Can’t wait to see her. Love her very much!

>> No.33932210
Quoted by: >>33933292

>darkened nipple spot

>> No.33933007

miss wife

>> No.33933292

nazuna has dark chocolate ball nipples just like kanata. They have the same color hair so their nipples are the same color too.

>> No.33933347

salmon pink

>> No.33933899

And how exactly do you know what color kanata has?

>> No.33933987

answer the question, anon

>> No.33934232

>dark chocolate ball nipples just like kanata
........I smell a cheater......

>> No.33934332

Here There Be Towa

>> No.33934393
File: 1.85 MB, 2480x3508, 1627064057916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dark chocolate ball nipples just like kanata

>> No.33934680

Her nipples are notoriously brown.

>> No.33935635
Quoted by: >>33937629

She said on her past nazuna stream they are pink you unfaithful retards

>> No.33936834

It's interesting how the thread always devolves to be worse when the Americans go to sleep

>> No.33937629
Quoted by: >>33939394

All Japanese people say that, but it's only true for like 1% of them.

>> No.33939394
Quoted by: >>33940685

>All Japanese people say that
>All Japanese people discuss the color of their nipples

>> No.33939456
File: 928 KB, 2741x3804, Fda8LTNXoAEQ7ik.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.33939501

While true, it's still comparatively mild

>> No.33939585
File: 1.30 MB, 3706x4096, FdPNpCraIAAQ1Gc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.33940281

It's less america going to sleep than it's SEA waking up

>> No.33940328
File: 846 KB, 2272x3352, FdbwrfsUUAA3dpd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>33940547

>> No.33940499
File: 27 KB, 499x499, B5A5D406-6CB6-45E2-B2D6-026A21F5E30D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>33941799

>with what you be saying

>> No.33940547
Quoted by: >>33940724

That's too many kanjis to be japanese. Someone knows chinese?

>> No.33940685
Quoted by: >>33941664

Not all of them, but if a chick talks about her nipples for whatever reason they will always say they're pink. For some reason in Japan there's a myth that having dark nipples means you're a slut. So it's like saying "I'm not a slut, I'm a pure virgin with untouched pink nips". It's like a trope in anime.

>> No.33940724

You should still understand it

>> No.33941664


>> No.33941799



>> No.33942153
Quoted by: >>33942234

Is there a complete Rushia archive somewhere? I want to go through all of it when I don’t have any streams to watch

>> No.33942234
Quoted by: >>33942359

This is a partial one with a lot of the videos in a web player so it doesn't require you to download anything
There's complete torrents around too in the usual places

>> No.33942359
Quoted by: >>33942716

>in the usual places
I am a vsjfag. I know of no such thing

>> No.33942716

Places like nyaa

>> No.33942838

It's going to be difficult to recruit for the twunker if we survive the next few days

>> No.33942926
File: 1.31 MB, 692x882, 1613843134506.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>33943139

are you gonna bait poor anons with promises of Amogus only to disappoint them too?
you should be ashamed

>> No.33943139

she'll sneak into the twunker play amogus with us

>> No.33943319
Quoted by: >>33943516

Are you taking applications?

>> No.33943516
Quoted by: >>33945395

Please stop namefagging Harold

>> No.33943598
Quoted by: >>33944313

They're pink so no. Source Nazuna herself. How do you know Kanata's color?

>> No.33943727
Quoted by: >>33943961

does anyone have the clip where nazuna tells us the color of her nipples? I haven't seen it before. What time in the video does she say it?

>> No.33943961

I know its from the most recent stream she deleted, after Melody readied her

>> No.33944053

Anons, are you really going to do a 100 posts intermission about this?
I don't mind hornyposting but i mean, you have been discussing this for 5 hours.

>> No.33944223
Quoted by: >>33944267

I'm scared

>> No.33944267

nipples aren't that scary

>> No.33944313

>How do you know Kanata's color?
From Coco

>> No.33944632

stream doko?

>> No.33944699

nipples doko?

>> No.33944833
Quoted by: >>33944988

I don't know how she's feeling but I just wish I could tell her how much she means to me

>> No.33944988
File: 52 KB, 531x779, FVM3PcEakAA4BQk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's not feeling that great right now, but I just know she always appreciates everyone's honest feelings

>> No.33945374

I'm kinda worried about my wife.

>> No.33945395
Quoted by: >>33945454


>> No.33945454
Quoted by: >>33946626


>> No.33946626


>> No.33946982
Quoted by: >>33951198

I just want to know if she's alive...
I want to tell her how I feel so much but I can't...
Why did that person have to post that screenshot?
Now she hates all of us even though I had nothing to do with it.
Mike please tweet something...
Let me know you're alive...please

>> No.33947495

I love you
I miss you
I want you to believe me
But you're hurt and I know that
I just wish I could reach you

>> No.33947990
Quoted by: >>33949117


>> No.33948469
Quoted by: >>33949195

Any signs of life?

>> No.33949117
Quoted by: >>33949306

Enough about Hololive

>> No.33949195

Not in a while.

>> No.33949306

Still friends with Holos btw

>> No.33949896

I don't give a fuck about anything except my wife
I love you
please don't go

>> No.33950562

Please don't leave us Mikeneko

>> No.33950998
File: 445 KB, 1127x800, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss this necromancer so much

>> No.33951126

She has made it abundantly clear that above all else she wants to be able to stream for us. I trust her to come back when’s she’s ready. It still hurts when she’s not here, but I don’t get too worried about her leaving for good. Doesn’t matter what name she’s been using, she won’t give up on the people supporting her.

>> No.33951198

she's alive

>> No.33951979

I hope you're right anon, I'm stressing out and worried for her.

>> No.33952163

We are lucky she came back. Might still take her sometime b4 she does anything public. We have lost her trust and must re-earn it.

>> No.33952439

"We" didn't do anything. One retarded anti acted on his own even though "we" have said several times over to not do what he did, and now "we" have to take the blame for it.

>> No.33952468

If she comes back some of you guys need to stop trying to control her like she's your puppet just let her be

>> No.33952701

Her reasons for being upset isn't even anything to do with us retard. Besides the one person who posted the sab she was already stressing out over something else

>> No.33953596

Congratulations on being completely oblivious to what is actually bothering her.

>> No.33954253

"We"? Speak for yourself only. I was dead asleep and by the time I woke up the "issue" had been deleted. I haven't heard her voice in days. Now I'm forced in a "we" speak having lost her trust. How fuckin fair is this bs?

>> No.33955806
Quoted by: >>33957836

She never should've joined vshojo. Vshojo fans keep on trying to destroy us nekofami's relationship with her

>> No.33955993
Quoted by: >>33956583

Anon, at most she hates 4chan now, "we" didn't lose anything, mostly because I believe she'd have enough common sense to realize one person, who was probably an anti, sharing her Sab is not her fanbase. Furthermore that's not even the main thing that's bothering her, its stuff completely unrelated to us.
>tell me you don't even know what's bothering her without telling me you don't even know what's bothering her
Please at least try to get an idea of what's actually bothering her right now before you comment.

>> No.33956583

>who was probably an anti,
Not even probably, he was

>> No.33957836
Quoted by: >>33958327

She never should have been Thanos snapped from Hololive either but we have to make the best with what we have.

>> No.33958122


>> No.33958327

It would be better if she left vshojo and as mikeneko got a good manager who will help her do well

>> No.33959735

I want the antis to die

>> No.33961122
Quoted by: >>33961364

What are the odds she has figured out who some of the posters here are

>> No.33961364

Of course she knows who I am, I'm her husband.

>> No.33961530


>> No.33961533

She's alive!

>> No.33961632

Thank god she's alive

>> No.33961720

Just getting this simple message made me happy

>> No.33961808

she's live

>> No.33961939
Quoted by: >>33962040

alive and live

>> No.33962040

Oh, she is live. That's sudden!

>> No.33962047


>> No.33962288


>> No.33962312
Quoted by: >>33962591


>> No.33962571

wife forgot how to stream...

>> No.33962591
Quoted by: >>33962696


>> No.33962596

Nazuna, it's awesome to play RE8, but promote it a little... let people know you're doing beforehand so they have some hype to join...

>> No.33962696


>> No.33962921
Quoted by: >>33963146

She didn't talk with anyone in Vshojo about the twitch situation?

>> No.33963003


>> No.33963080


>> No.33963145

Wow, you got btfo quickly today.

>> No.33963146

Well she said she didn't understand any of it, not nobody tried explaining it.

>> No.33963265

Oh awesome she's gonna play RE Village. Is that 7 or 8 tho? She played 7 already. She gonna play it again?

>> No.33963264

is that the fat fuck I'm hearing?

>> No.33963326
Quoted by: >>33963368


>> No.33963368

Thanks anon. I wonder if she still remembers the storyline.

>> No.33963379

The latest one 8, but she already did play some of that as well

>> No.33963610

Well she's venting that's a good start.

>> No.33963676

the biggest battle for our tech-illiterate tenshi lol

>> No.33963727

This is hilarious, it's like chat trying to do call center tech support for a tech-illiterate boomer.

>> No.33963763

ヤンキー Nazuna today is hilarious

>> No.33963783
Quoted by: >>33963831

this could be a long boss fight

>> No.33963828
Quoted by: >>33964072

Sheesh you can tell she's still pissed and using Nazuna as a cover for it.

>> No.33963831

Wait for the tutorial

>> No.33964072
Quoted by: >>33964339

If it can help her then it's good. Last time she was pissed for half a stream but eventually couldn't help but give back all the love she was receiving.

>> No.33964335

I hope your wife is feeling better
Captcha: HPY4Y

>> No.33964339
Quoted by: >>33964506

Yea I know but not to this extent. This is a first she's ever been so pissed in full public display. But yea she'll give in eventually back to her old self.

>> No.33964344

There’s very few Japanese in her chat right now.

>> No.33964390

literally me

>> No.33964466

Ironmouse did raid her a moment ago, and she didn't give much warning on twitter for the stream in advance anyway

>> No.33964491

Maybe because of the 8k+ english raid

>> No.33964506
Quoted by: >>33964590

Like over half of them you mean
It's not like she was doing it directly. And she does get mad sometimes just for a comedy number.

>> No.33964590

If you couldn't tell it's not for you to know man. For those that know know that was not her usual anger.

>> No.33964616

Fashionable bread.

>> No.33964637
File: 446 KB, 1272x717, 9374-0302093.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>33964675

>> No.33964669

>spends 10 minutes changing category
>pics the wrong game
She's so cute i want to pat her head

>> No.33964675

Neet tenshi....

>> No.33965158

>has to check the map ten times to navigate a stage that is literally walking in a straight line

>> No.33965190

We don’t love her because she’s good at games.

>> No.33965313

She never was the sharpest tool in the shed.

>> No.33965823

"your wife" mention bros

>> No.33965858

maybe this'll help her learn some English at least

>> No.33966045

So many cringe English chatters. Like, you do realize that this is a JP streamer who is streaming PRIMARILY in Japanese, right?

>> No.33966131

If you hadn't watched last stream you do realize she wants English comments right? Even me who knows Jap is halving it to half Jap comments half English comments because of that.

>> No.33966142

Ikr, fun!? in MY chatroom???

>> No.33966216

that actually was some pretty good aim

>> No.33966227

yeah there's some twitch cringe, but it'll slowly shift to more JP viewers anyway as more JP drift in like usual

>> No.33966349

Is this your first time or something? You'd know she wants to see English comments. Like other anon I had to limit Japanese too for simple English for her to read.

>> No.33966709
Quoted by: >>33968013

She actually does have a functional English vocabulary when she tries, better than it was a couple months ago, she just doesn't have any way of putting it together, it's all caveman speak. "Me wife. Sweet wife."

>> No.33967044
File: 26 KB, 313x297, 1633653290428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.33967309

Seeing in what state homeless people are in san francisco, i would call them zombies too.

>> No.33967413

She has to be pretending but she's really good at selling she's believing this lol

>> No.33967749
Quoted by: >>33968027

My wife never tells lies

>> No.33967793

Wait a minute, that card.

>> No.33967805

Did she ever finish this game in her previous life?

>> No.33967933

I remember she just past the dollhouse at least

>> No.33968013

I can't blame her for that though, learning a whole new language isn't easy. Nevermind a language like English which has its own different rules and sounds completely different to Japan's.

>> No.33968027

Protecting angel wife
Well, then i guess she believes there are zombies in San Francisco and in the IN-N-OUT franchises

>> No.33968068

Are you going to deny that those are facts?

>> No.33968132

In fairness, there's plenty of areas in west coast cities that pretty much look like the zombie apocalypse hit.

>> No.33968318
File: 243 KB, 764x243, no bitch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.33968426
Quoted by: >>33968968

RE8 is ridiculously intense, its crazy how much it does right compared to so many AAA games on the market.

>> No.33968968

Granted, it's pretty much RE4 with some spooky mythological themes

>> No.33969115
Quoted by: >>33969523

She sounds better

>> No.33969331

The game was basically a massive love letter to RE4 fans

>> No.33969425

I mean that's true. Still, it manages to be both stupid fun and have some really well acted intense scenes despite being done as an early-mid pandemic game.

>> No.33969523

Yeah she does. The game is heavily distracting her which is good.

>> No.33970007

How far is "the baby" guys? Is it soon? I am waiting with anticipation.

>> No.33970113

I think some of you are overreacting. She was pissed at the beginning because of tech issues.

>> No.33970265
Quoted by: >>33970480

That's still a few hours later i think.

>> No.33970480

Ah lame. I hope she'll play a long time.

Comments in the chat talking about Japanese censorship. I didn't see the cut on the hand part with big mama. Is she playing the JP version? Shit is gonna suck if she is.

>> No.33970540
Quoted by: >>33970596

The size of this lard...

>> No.33970572

pretty far away, she needs to clear the first castle zone which is pretty long. she already saw it though in her previous role, so it may not be as crazy as you'd hope

>> No.33970580

Now i can tick off of my buckelist Nazuna saying "the size of the lad. absolute unit"

>> No.33970596
Quoted by: >>33970661

Envious? It's ok to admit here. We're all anonymous.

>> No.33970661

of course we are, she loves big round dumb things...yadon, fandeads, etc.

>> No.33970944
Quoted by: >>33971099

She's so horny and masochist

>> No.33970984
File: 183 KB, 311x304, 1640238436878.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.33971099

Nah, she's just playing today. If i had a dollar for every chuuba i've seen playing this to yuribait with the vampire woman...

>> No.33971356

Well if she was in a bad mood she seems to have cheered up after getting immersed in some Bio

>> No.33971375

We're definitely back to happy Nazuchan

>> No.33971472
Quoted by: >>33971850

That guy donating 50 subs had very unlucky timing. Welp.

>> No.33971850

Yep, very unlucky timing.

>> No.33972235

Another great stream guys great job

>> No.33972634
Quoted by: >>33973321

>condom ads when watching Nazuna
Nice ROI on your intrusive garbage twitch

>> No.33973114
File: 199 KB, 403x401, 1658330863609811.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>33973227

>Nazuna: You guys think I don't understand English, but I do understand it pretty well. just_ssam (08:58 PM)
>Nazuna: I read these comments all the time so I know what it means more or less. just_ssam (08:58 PM)

>> No.33973227

Nazuna eroi...

>> No.33973321

Twitch Adblock if using chrome. Have yet to see a single ad.

>> No.33973421

uBlock Origin + TTVLOL gets rid of everything for me

>> No.33973494

I’m subscribed to her which means instead of ads I get kisses from her
