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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 2.49 MB, 1726x2181, FYPLTYDakAE5vKU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
32221614 No.32221614 [Reply] [Original]
Quoted by: >>32229695

Mori Calliope, riding off into the sunset

>> No.32221687

Bae or Anya

>> No.32221726
File: 320 KB, 463x596, 1632402554395.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For any deadbeats who weren't watching the other POVs >>32221323

>> No.32221747
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Quoted by: >>32221802

i'm going to splatter your brain :)

>> No.32221762
File: 185 KB, 1200x848, FOUC0ImaQAA18Yu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

remember to love your Mori

>> No.32221802
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>> No.32221810

Look it's

>> No.32221820
File: 104 KB, 199x224, howdy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come in peace, or go in pieces.

>> No.32221824
Quoted by: >>32224679


>> No.32221851
File: 1.08 MB, 1000x1000, Kawaiiope Moririn[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fmsen34.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32221898

She’s playing poker with Bae, Anya and IRys now.

>> No.32221947


>> No.32221989

Gambling and games were the true peace party all along.
This is destiny

>> No.32222017
File: 560 KB, 1097x1071, 1646013171063.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

call it cope or whatever but I'm really enjoying Mori just enjoying herself on the Rust server without a chat to talk to

>> No.32222065

When she has other holos to interact with, she's better without chat.

>> No.32222084
File: 5 KB, 182x230, 1657758851432.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mori should have sex with Anya

>> No.32222130

Having people come in with "SHE OVERRACTED, SHE'S SO FUCKING MAD RIGHT NOW, HATERS LIVING RENT FREE" when she's just chillin playing cards on other people's stream is the exact kind of cope I need from this.

>> No.32222137

They should do stuffs

>> No.32222146

Woah, that's a new one.

>> No.32222159

She'd never get in Ricky's way like that

>> No.32222192

>End stream mad
>Spend an hour and a half playing with the girls and chilling
>Log off and read positive comments left on vod

I hope she feels alright in the end.

>> No.32222196

I hope she realizes this is actually a good way to play.

>> No.32222228
Quoted by: >>32222296

Fuck I love cchill chadcast poker

>> No.32222272

still mad we can't watch from her perspective but at least she's having fun

>> No.32222296

ft. Anya!

>> No.32222321

Deadbeat, you should not put sharp objects into any of your orifices.

>> No.32222331
File: 918 KB, 2480x3508, FCIlQ-rVkA0Y5Z-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I love hope!
>I love you too
Morys bros!

>> No.32222339

see >>32221810

>> No.32222348

You mean like always? Chaos Hope Anya Death?

>> No.32222360

Fool it's Chaos Hope Anya Death

>> No.32222405
Quoted by: >>32222510

If mori gets fucked by a knife, it should be suisei's

>> No.32222460

Goombus still coming after her lol

>> No.32222463
File: 90 KB, 900x900, FXSIL0PVsAIcaea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna break your kneecaps sherf

>> No.32222495

Mori is too sweet.

>> No.32222510
Quoted by: >>32222649

what if suisei uses anya to fuck moei

>> No.32222516

Splatter her brains even

>> No.32222541

I think Mori should kiss Lui

>> No.32222573

honestly I kinda hope she figures out a way to suicide bomb the gambling den
would make a kino ending

>> No.32222578

I think Mori should kiss Suisei

>> No.32222634

I think Suisei should mark Mori's womb

>> No.32222649

That's fine

>> No.32222679
Quoted by: >>32222744

I hope her short term memory kicks in and she forgets those backseating retards even existed. This right now is the stuff you play games for

>> No.32222687

I think Kiara should use a drumstick on Mori like a vibrator

>> No.32222744

Mori's really comfortable around Bae and IRyS. She's definitely calmed down already.

>> No.32222789
File: 218 KB, 769x547, FbkosWzXkAIbZHH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32223076


>> No.32222790
Quoted by: >>32222962

Gura is going to walk into the saloon and out Mori down like Wild Bill.

>> No.32222833


>> No.32222908
File: 9 KB, 299x168, download (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is actually a Q PREQUEL

>> No.32222962
File: 277 KB, 674x325, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is Mori and Gura

>> No.32223023

I can't watch right now. Can someone summarize which POVs she appears in after she ended her stream?

>> No.32223038

Chadcast ending is sweet.

>> No.32223053
Quoted by: >>32223381

Suisei, Kiara, Bae

>> No.32223063
Quoted by: >>32223381

Let's see, Suisei, then Kiara, then Bae at the moment.

>> No.32223076
File: 433 KB, 573x718, 1661779769378721.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The "full band" earlier was legit fantastic, and Friend's genuine giggles are always fantastic

>> No.32223080
Quoted by: >>32223381

Suisei, Migo, Kiara, Anya and now Bae.

>> No.32223087

Chadcast gambling incase you were watching from Anya's perspective

>> No.32223183
Quoted by: >>32223271

Mori, your mic....

>> No.32223271

It's was fine on Anya's perspective

>> No.32223309
File: 240 KB, 474x335, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Their mouths moving add a lot to this I feel

>> No.32223314
File: 144 KB, 291x273, 1612361360034.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32223382

I have an idea.

Chaos, Hope and Death ASMR.

>> No.32223381


>> No.32223382

let them do heartbeats and IRyS be a little horny and I'm fine with it

>> No.32223394
Quoted by: >>32223690

why is irys so fucking funny she's the lifeblood of this group

>> No.32223497

Uh oh stinky

>> No.32223526

Kek IRyS

>> No.32223538


>> No.32223690

She and Mori are about as airheaded as it gets, but in different ways. Putting them together usually compounds the effect and they end up running each other in a circle of unintentional comedy

>> No.32223707


>> No.32223883
Quoted by: >>32223945

>irys had a crush on casper

>> No.32223945
File: 32 KB, 298x259, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you?

>> No.32223967


>> No.32223968

Mori is leaving for real

>> No.32223971

There she go...

>> No.32223988


>> No.32224010

Goodnight Morippi.

>> No.32224056

kino takaDeathRainChadMori/10

>> No.32224062

unironically more fun than her stream/10
Mori not STREAMING Rust would actually be perfect, since there's no opportunity to backseat while still getting to hang with everyone

>> No.32224078
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>> No.32224095

Happy trails, pardner.

>> No.32224100

And now we wait for the Global chat log confirming Gura jumped her

>> No.32224103
Quoted by: >>32224184

So is that Mori done for the night, or do we need to look out for more sightings elsewhere?

The way she left IRyS and Bae didn't sound like she was done.

>> No.32224131

goodnight Moririn

>> No.32224171

Bonus points for Takamori because I'm biased

>> No.32224182

If we're lucky, Gura arrives and confirms kill.

>> No.32224184

We will see in chat when Mori types "wtf" and Gura responds with :3

>> No.32224310


>> No.32224317

I'm watching Kiara, best chance for seeing her.

>> No.32224345
Quoted by: >>32224411

Great, need Deathstar BBQ next reset.

>> No.32224384
File: 69 KB, 1083x701, FblNwNmVsAAuxpD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32224386
Quoted by: >>32224515


>> No.32224387

The "raid" party showing up to gamble right where Mori ended was exactly what was needed. Really grateful to Suzy, Migo, Polka, IRyS, and the others for giving her company to just chill and have fun

>> No.32224411
Quoted by: >>32225361

That would have been nice. I did spam chat a little just to try and tell her that Suisei wasn't trying to trap her.

>> No.32224471
File: 1.00 MB, 3840x2160, Fbk_SO8UsAMjN3K.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32224515

Also reminded stupid Antis, that if the JPs wanted Mori, they will vouch for her.

>> No.32224514

>Her next retweet was an image of all the corpses compared to the gambling group

>> No.32224542

Nice, I'm happy she got the right thing out of it and finished on a happy note.

>> No.32224679

If she wants to get to Mori, Suisei will have to rape me first

>> No.32224696
Quoted by: >>32224806

Moririn if you're here just turn on member's chat next time
I love you and I hope your sexy ass is going to sleep

>> No.32224806

all streams should be member chat only tbdesu

>> No.32224861

honestly this. That should lessen the chance of shitters getting into chat

>> No.32225023

>Bakawagi gifts 500 subs

>> No.32225125
Quoted by: >>32225272

All streams is too far, I'd say all server games (Rust, Minecraft) have members only ready on a quick trigger finger

>> No.32225161
Quoted by: >>32225456

she was

>> No.32225197

you cannot gift subs during a member's only chat

>> No.32225254
Quoted by: >>32225546

The algorithm has no way of distributing subs in that set up. No one chatting to give them to.

>> No.32225272
Quoted by: >>32225404

All of them should use Hyperchat. Give the grays the illusion that they matter without lowering engagement levels.

>> No.32225315

Yes you can?

>> No.32225361
Quoted by: >>32225457

No need to be this harsh even, just make it "subbed for 2+ weeks" or something. Most rust autists come and go and I doubt they subscribe to Mori of all people.
The only person I'd trust less than Suisei is Mumei. But hopefully next reset they meet up close to the beginning and have fun together.

>> No.32225375

You can gift subs during fucking member streams

>> No.32225377

>Please remember to read the rules of chat.
Were there any YAB comments? I don't remember.

>> No.32225404

and don't be afraid to ban/time out even members if they are being shitty

>> No.32225445

She just got more affected by aggressive backseating than usual. Dumb chat stuff, but nothing wilder than the norm.

>> No.32225456
File: 171 KB, 850x1198, __mori_calliope_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_porko__sample-3a7de8d9da1aabe7ede3d17d49edc4d8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32225457

She always has that on

>> No.32225486
Quoted by: >>32225538

Noo I want to try to make Mori laugh and make her see I want to support her :(

>> No.32225518
Quoted by: >>32225627

Yeah chat was being pushy as she was trying to hide items in an area you can't build and would despawn in. And she was still hiding.
BUT certain people went way over the line.
BUT that's always going to happen, no matter what game when you have 2 million subs. So you have to be bigger than that.

>> No.32225538

>Can't afford a 5 dollar subscription

Get a job you broke bitch

>> No.32225546

You can and YT absolutely factors in if the stream is your "Active tab" when handing out those gift subs, I managed to get a KFP membership for a month even though I barely talk in Kiara's streams.

>> No.32225627

What do you mean over the line

>> No.32225628

Not yab but telling her that she NEEDS to go to a group photo when she's doing something else is pretty blatantly against the spirit of the "-DO NOT bother other streamers to "hang out" with me." rule.

>> No.32225735
Quoted by: >>32225994

"Turning off the audience" and instead going to friends when she was getting stressed is a good sign. Huge improvement from using Insta and hundreds of strangers as a vent

>> No.32225902

please god, just let her be a RUST NPC next season
it doesn't even get that good numbers for her, especially when anyone else is active, and we don't need to see all the stupid shit she does when she's away from people

>> No.32225950 [DELETED] 

Please god let the next maccas burger you eat finish clogging your arteries.

>> No.32225956
Quoted by: >>32226041

Some were yelling, all caps, and the straw that broke the camel's back: "GO TO E11 FOR THE DAMN PHOTO"

>> No.32225994

I hope she never reads chat in season 3.

>> No.32226041
Quoted by: >>32226121

Truly the worst chatter ever to set foot in a Mori stream.

>> No.32226058
File: 4 KB, 333x45, 1662042138504126.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this out of line

>> No.32226121
Quoted by: >>32226347

It was obnoxious but I don't think Mori handled it in the best possible way.

>> No.32226180

I still think Mori needs to figure out what she wants to do in Rust because right now I really don't know. There's not much you can do with peace, it falls apart pretty quickly.

>> No.32226236

The way she was talking with Anya and the others it seemed like she was vaguely grasping at playing the game like everyone else

>> No.32226248
Quoted by: >>32226287

I want her to know that PVE is an option and you don't have to pigeonhole yourself.

>> No.32226264
Quoted by: >>32226391

She has a goal for next season
Build a palace of peace complete with auto turrets, black jack, and hookers

>> No.32226287
Quoted by: >>32226338

What is Rust PvE?
t. never played Rust

>> No.32226299
File: 83 KB, 900x900, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32226375

She can't enforce peace without Power.

That's the basics.

>> No.32226309

Other bitchin' kitchen members seem to be giving her enough to work with for her gimmick imo. Building/ collecting shit with Watson and Trying to out smart Gura seems like enough content for a bit at least.

>> No.32226328
Quoted by: >>32226683

Please God strike down this retard with lightning>>32226180
This retard who doesn’t watch streams too

>> No.32226338
Quoted by: >>32226504

There's a ton of NPC raids to do.

>> No.32226347
Quoted by: >>32226406

Not reading it out loud, saying something like "I'm going to stop stream and hang out with the others a bit, come find me in another PoV" would have been the ideal, but what she did was fine, hopefully the people that were doing it at least reflect and read the rules

>> No.32226375
Quoted by: >>32226697

>if Kiara hangs with Mori next season we'll have Deadbeat/KFP Code Geass for real

>> No.32226391

She's going to force Ayame to play Rust? Damn Mori's powerful. I'm sorry But that's a good idea I think. Make something similar to what Peko built, have fun inside and then have some people try to breach it in the end.

>> No.32226406

Or "Hey chat! Calm down, read the rules!"
"Okay I'm going to wait here for Gura"

>> No.32226504

NTA but are they worth it? I've only seen the now super clipped one that Gura was in and it did not seem worth the trouble.

>> No.32226593

They are, only way to get some of the high end weapons.

>> No.32226597

Don't they have good loot? I remember Gura finding a rocket launcher

>> No.32226683

I watched the stream, the activities with the other girls were fun but Mori just rambling about peace was meh and she ended up ditching it at the end anyway. The main point was to have a game to play with the other girls and not joining a side isolated her at times and I really don't know how you would make stepping in the middle of the other girls' battles not annoying.

>> No.32226697
File: 54 KB, 827x881, 1604933706449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It wasn't me who was wrong, it was the world!
Mori, sing Colors or World End already, damn it!

>> No.32226714
File: 41 KB, 1177x396, 1659595119658.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that this is the strongest Mori anti

>> No.32226747

She will double down on peace just because that's not what chat wants. She has even admitted her contrarian nature.

>> No.32226780

Kiara is flexing the reaping techniques she's learned from experiencing them.

>> No.32226779

I slept though the rust event. I'm seeing that Luna's stream was unlisted. I saw in the luna thread that she interacted with some EN members but did she interact with my boy at all?

>> No.32226792

christ this guy has been doing this shit for two years now

>> No.32226829
Quoted by: >>32227162

Luna declared Ame her enemy.

>> No.32226878

It's really funny that all he's gotten for his trouble is a community that ratios him every time he shows up somewhere.

>> No.32226888

Oh my god the guy mad about his shitty art not getting attention is still at it?

>> No.32226895

I'm genuinely curious about Zoki. Are they just a dedicated shitposter or are they actually mentally ill? What got him hooked on HoloEN? Why doesn't he ever change his angle? When will they improve their grammar.

>> No.32226928 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.32226944

I didn't see her on mori's pov or any of what I could follow after hers ended, from what I saw in the threads she was with bae and irys for a good chunk though.

>> No.32226965
Quoted by: >>32227055

There is no way a guy saying the same shit for 2 years is sane.

>> No.32227006

She was with Micomet then Bae from what I saw.

>> No.32227055

I can only answer the first question but dude does legitimately seem to have some sort of psychological problem.
He also appears to hand write all his spam comments which is wild.

>> No.32227097
Quoted by: >>32227132

share the full image

>> No.32227111

Did you hack my phone?

>> No.32227132

Don't have it, gonna have to wait for someone to leak it

>> No.32227162

Shame, maybe next time.
Ya I saw the Luna thread talking about it. I'm hoping, the stream only remains unlisted and she doesn't private it

>> No.32227237

Anon, sometimes you have to share things with the world.
He's been doing it in Mori's comments and in ID(Iofi's at least) before too I think for years. They seem to be the biggest proof there's something very wrong with water in SEA.

>> No.32227328
File: 2.03 MB, 1402x767, 1644241954822.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only have the mating press, you'll have to wait for someone else to leak it

>> No.32227331

He also harasses Kiara

>> No.32227384
Quoted by: >>32227610

I want a pantyhose outfit someday

>> No.32227404

Also it was good to get Kiara Mori and Ame to hang together even if it wasn't too eventful. EN don't get together too much so it's good they get to hang out even if it's just in a game.

>> No.32227420

Forgot to include the other variant

>> No.32227432
File: 195 KB, 1044x1310, FYQc0lYagAAUEUz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The lucky shinitummy...

>> No.32227475

I wonder if Mori will get that Myth collab together before the anniversary or not, there really isn't much time left

>> No.32227599

Since it looks like Mori ended her stream early. Who is the best stream to switch to keep seeing her?

>> No.32227610

I'm sure you will look very cute in it. ;}

>> No.32227616
Quoted by: >>32228134

Was pretty cool to see Takamori doing stuff together again. Mori was pretty cute always searching for Kiara or Ame. Honestly Ame seemed really tired though. She streamed a ton today.

>> No.32227622

He's Mori's biggest fan

>> No.32227646
Quoted by: >>32228865

Suzy, then Anya, Then Bae.

>> No.32227679
Quoted by: >>32228865

Suisei -> Anya -> Bae was basically how I kept track of her

>> No.32227683
Quoted by: >>32228134

Shame about Ame's derby not being used.

>> No.32227708
Quoted by: >>32228009

I sure hope Gura didn't treat things seriously, she looked frustrated near the end of her stream.

>> No.32227743
Quoted by: >>32228865

Miko or Suisei then Anya then Bae. You could just switch to Bae, but Anya’s Mori audio was better I found.

>> No.32228009

It was early for her, Ame got a little testy when she killed her, and Mori ended up getting frustrated enough to end her stream and end the bit because of chat so I could see why.

>> No.32228134
Quoted by: >>32228400

Ame did like 14 hours of gaming. And she already struggles in social interactions more than Mori does even without factoring that in.
There's always next time. And Gura can try to get her revenge next time too.

>> No.32228227

it's actually extremely commendable how JPs control their emotion better with much bigger chats
Suzy just casually switched to members

>> No.32228400

What I don't get is that Gura should've seen the karmic threads going. Her getting killed by Mori in the end was due to her poking the bear too much.

>> No.32228406

It's something that comes with years of experience, and I imagine the cultural difference is a factor too. Mori and the rest of EN has been at it for a while, but for the most part it's been trial by fire.

>> No.32228474

shut up nikodem

>> No.32228497

Don’t pretend you watch JPs nigger. And especially don’t try making big sweeping statements.

>> No.32228571

There's a number of fanbases upset at the moment. I'm going to stop caring.

>> No.32228630

the JPs been been playing RUST for more time and the worst they had is was Matuli going on a rant while still continuing her stream
it's not a sweeping statement, it's an observation of everyone involved

>> No.32228640

It was a moment of peace and Gura was in a group that was all on the same side. Also Gura didn't purposefully kill Mori previously. Mori was in Pekoras base running around and Gura thought she was Pekora.

>> No.32228653
Quoted by: >>32228903

Love how this was prefaced with "Don't pretend"

I wish I could deflect things like that irl. Things would be way easier.

>> No.32228737

that's what makes it Karmic.

>> No.32228740
Quoted by: >>32228928

Yeah, Gura is a bully to Mori in Rust. Don’t get me wrong it can be really funny, but I don’t blame Mori for wanting to get just a little revenge.

>> No.32228778

Why are people arguing about who killed who? Is EN really that immature that they make a big deal out of killing minutes before a wipe?

>> No.32228818

She got shot in the back, it's her fault for exposing it. After all, peace is for minecraft, right?

>> No.32228865

Thanks deadbros

>> No.32228903 [DELETED] 


>> No.32228928

And her revenge was using up Gura's scraps 30minutes before wipe and even missed the photo op in the process

Like did she even know what scraps are and what they're used for or the fact that the wipe would literally reset everything?

I'm just glad chat did my murdered braincells justice. Seeing the murderer ragequit like that was cathartic.

>> No.32228977

Ogey threadreader

>> No.32229013

>Rushia talking with Haruka Karibu on MC
shit I never thought I see in my life

>> No.32229168

Remember that Calli's the type of person to intentionally use a cartoonish American accent when speaking in Japanese despite having lived in Japan for years.

Her sense of humor is beyond autistic

>> No.32229171

Thank you for revealing you're a filthy threadreader.

>> No.32229249

>She'll Graduate for sure!

>> No.32229389

that's because she's rping as cowboy tanaka, bozo

>> No.32229461
File: 1.96 MB, 1500x2000, HLEN-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my pon cute reaper wife Mori!!
Remember to love your Mori!!

>> No.32229567

Which faction would Mori join? I'd have said Suzy before today, but she and FBK meshed surprisingly well (Fubuki gets along with everyone to be fair)

>> No.32229593

it's kinda worrying that a Gigguk stream gets 10k with an overlap but a gaming streak gets 3k

>> No.32229661
Quoted by: >>32230617

Anon, viewers were taken to the places where the action was.

>> No.32229683

3:19:14 is when she realizes how much of a retard she is. No need to thank me, anon

>> No.32229695

Is it possible to have a discussion about Mori's Role in Kronii's meltdown here or it gets banned?

>> No.32229701

She'd join the Marines down in the East Blue under a small time captain that does their job well. Blind to the corruption hire up the marine ladder.

>> No.32229725
Quoted by: >>32230328

it was the overlap with everyone, she got like 10k on last rust stream

>> No.32229728

She's still going to double down on dumb peace roleplay because that's the Mori-way and she wants to be quirky.

>> No.32229811
Quoted by: >>32230055

Was that a facepalm? Kek

>> No.32229872


>> No.32230055
File: 12 KB, 256x256, 8EAC26EF-33DE-4271-9B03-68AD735C3F00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32230186

I'll just use this chance to remind everyone who has a functional brain jap Holos fucking LOVE wacky accents and speech quirks. They love "death desu", they love Bushimachi Suisei, they love Cowboy Tanaka.

>> No.32230293
Quoted by: >>32230617

there was 20 different perspectives and she was away from the action

>> No.32230328
Quoted by: >>32230533

the award show was overlapping with literally the entire JP branch
so that means like 10k people are up for watching Mori if no other EN is on, but only 3k with any alternative

>> No.32230451
File: 358 KB, 1600x2000, 3BF8AF41-7ADF-4497-87C1-285B25B3A849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone here knows that, it's just retards trying to find any reason to start shit. This picture exists for a reason

>> No.32230510

She'll probably join the gambling club, honestly

>> No.32230533

Wrong thread, also you already tried this last thread

>> No.32230617
Quoted by: >>32230734

>she was away from the action
doesn't really bode well for someone who's trying to stream a game for entertainment

>> No.32230621

Literally you only need to watch how Migo and Suisei were laughing alongside her in the gambling den.

>> No.32230694

Polka too.

>> No.32230727

First problem was her reading "hide the money maybe" and not knowing there is now way to do so in the bandit camp where you can't build.

>> No.32230734
Quoted by: >>32232292

I was entertained.

>> No.32230996
File: 639 KB, 993x1122, 1654186721932.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking hate chat.

>> No.32231064

Bae doing a twitterspace

>> No.32231135
File: 4 KB, 180x200, 1622784844069.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32231248

It doesn't hurt to spell obvious positive things sometimes. Even though someone watching Holo or anime in general should be able to notice nips dig any sort of verbal tick/quirky accent shit. Hell, even EN audience loves Ko'one's accent.

>> No.32231272
Quoted by: >>32231401

I want to hatefuck chat

>> No.32231309
Quoted by: >>32231385

Adding on...

>> No.32231385


>> No.32231401
Quoted by: >>32231503

I don't want to go anywhere near any yt chatter, especially if they're a filthy greyname.
Does Lucitan ever chat? Because I'll make an exception for that one.

>> No.32231420
Quoted by: >>32232367


>> No.32231503

she Superchats which is objectively a much more mentally ill behavior

>> No.32231574
Quoted by: >>32232386

Bee doing a merch run for her 2nd live!

>> No.32231732

do not speak ill of 2nd in command!

>> No.32231776
Quoted by: >>32232203

Bone Enemies...

>> No.32231941

Gura was baiting Mori all season, if anything she's just annoyed at Mori not giving her a shot at revenge. Next season will be fun.

>> No.32231969

>a menhera
I can save her...

>> No.32232068 [DELETED] 
File: 586 KB, 1300x1835, Mori.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mori's moris.....

>> No.32232120


>> No.32232135

abayooo, but niceee

>> No.32232154
File: 489 KB, 1000x1000, 1659724116954315.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based and ABAYO

>> No.32232203

Bone Foes

>> No.32232233
File: 54 KB, 1191x1191, 75D1EF1E-0AD1-4658-A062-692AF0944080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, but ABAYO

>> No.32232256

Gura never expected Mori to kill her anyway which is why she acted the way she did. The way it ended up was pure karmic justice.

>> No.32232292

Because your life is so boring your standards for entertainment hit rock bottom

>> No.32232350
Quoted by: >>32232939

I bet the shark will get to more shenaningans next season in retribution, will be fun

>> No.32232367

>it's called "bedgasm"

>> No.32232369

Because it's always Chat's fault no matter how retarded your Oshi gets

>> No.32232386
File: 382 KB, 891x609, 1662032559412249.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice, I'll be picking these up.

>> No.32232435

Mori should stop playing Rust altogether

>> No.32232450

This is just a factual statement.

>> No.32232502
Quoted by: >>32232662

Graduation any minute now!

>> No.32232516

Yeah, it ended 1-1 on kills today and nobody really lost anything considering the wipe. Gura had her "W" when she killed Mori at the crate last week. Considering how bad Mori is at aiming, hitting every single shot hipfire on an unaware Gura and getting an "apology" was good result

>> No.32232536

Marvelous Mori mammeries,
but abayo

>> No.32232548

This is a near perfect shinitummy

>> No.32232561
Quoted by: >>32232652

Question, Can you use a controller with Rust?

>> No.32232600


>> No.32232652
Quoted by: >>32232723

You can controller anything if you have the right program. Probably not worth it for Rust though, same problem as Minecraft plus there's FPS elements

>> No.32232662
Quoted by: >>32232807

Imagine she actually graduates only to realise she only hit it big because of the fact she became a vtuber when vtubers were at peak hype

>> No.32232716

True statement.

>> No.32232723

I'm trying to think of something that will let Mori be violent.

>> No.32232770

How she reacts does matter, because chat will always have a few retards.

>> No.32232807
Quoted by: >>32232914

Imagine that you finally stop hateposting on an anonymous basket weaving forum and finally realize your parents never wanted you

>> No.32232812

Loyalty over reality, anon

Sure, she doesn't know we exist but that doesn't matter because we're willing to become morons if it makes our oshis happy

>> No.32232839
File: 3.19 MB, 4000x4906, 1642259439509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my moon princess

>> No.32232867
File: 665 KB, 2580x3434, 1641722088279.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The people's moon princess.

>> No.32232870

So true

>> No.32232914
Quoted by: >>32233007

I'm sorry I shat all over your life's work. Want a cookie?

>> No.32232928
Quoted by: >>32233280

She's just gotta relax and hang out. By the end of her time with Ame and Kiara she was on board but she wants to run with the bits she has when she's solo or not interacting much

>> No.32232932

This, but unironicalli.

>> No.32232936
File: 41 KB, 360x557, 191F8D07-0273-48F8-9176-A1786069B6C2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32233009


>> No.32232939
Quoted by: >>32233074

It will be. I wonder if Mori will revert to her pacifism mode and again lull Gura into sense of false safety or she'll actually find a way to retaliate this time.

>> No.32232987

I legitimately don't think her aim is any better on a controller I think her problem is purely psychological. she might find it more 'comfortable' but it doesn't make a difference in practice. and part of that is just her being stubborn.

>> No.32233007

You shat in your own pants and are now being told to go somewhere else because you're bothering others with the stink

>> No.32233009
Quoted by: >>32233621

She's too dangerous.

>> No.32233015

She'll take the fight to her and destroy threats to Peace pre-emptively.

>> No.32233032

FPS bootcamp...

>> No.32233074

meant for >>32232939

>> No.32233153
Quoted by: >>32233210

Wait, so Mori isn't your life? I guess you're just a really emotional person

>> No.32233203
Quoted by: >>32233421

Stop giving it attention.

>> No.32233210

But you shat your own pants...

I'm not 12 I promise!

>> No.32233280

comfort is apart of skill and willingness to play

>> No.32233337

Anyone know why Suzy ragequit?
I only watched the end of the stream cause lack of time

>> No.32233371

>Exactly a minute apart
Not even subtle, they truly are retarded

>> No.32233414

She lost all her scrap if I remember right

>> No.32233417
Quoted by: >>32233723

She sucks at aiming on a controller too. You can't beat aiming with a mouse unless you use some dirty aim assist. Once she accepts it, her life will get a lot easier. You don't play RTS on a controller. You don't play FPS on it either. Just like how you don't play fighting games on MKB.
That would probably be pretty much what Gura wants. I'm sure she'll be happy but I'm not sure if Mori will be happy with how much she'll end up dying.

>> No.32233421

Anon is too emotional to stop. He's very passionate.

>> No.32233441

She didn't. She and Miko had a perfect stella stela ending. She quit gambling because she rand out of money.

>> No.32233475
Quoted by: >>32233555

Lost like 5k scrap straight gambling and had flashbacks to gacha, nothing actually serious

>> No.32233481
Quoted by: >>32233591

She got embarassed trying to get rid of Gura's scraps 10mins before reset

Chat exposed her idiocy an

>> No.32233555
Quoted by: >>32233591

Are Mori fans actually this delusional?

There's keeping quiet and there's just straight up ignoring reality

>> No.32233591

Catalogtards... They're talking about suisei...

>> No.32233609

Mori could aim fine enough with her mouse when she was just fucking around in Minecraft

>> No.32233621
File: 92 KB, 1920x1080, 1661074967103014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32233657

She's like Ope's evil twin, except intelligent and actively evil.

>> No.32233657
Quoted by: >>32233880

>A Mori that's actually smart.
I highly doubt it.

>> No.32233667

These look like bots to me.
She wasted all scrap gambling, went I WANT TO DIE and since Suzy is a woman of her word, she did exactly that.

>> No.32233677
Quoted by: >>32233803

It's the same person losing touch with reality and posting on cooldown

>> No.32233698

Tiny hands.

>> No.32233712
Quoted by: >>32233803

Look at the time between posts, it's one catalogtard.
Just stop replying to him.

>> No.32233723

Yeah, I want to see her go after Gura more next season, but unless Gura holds back it will be pretty one-sided considering Mori's level in FPS and that she's not likely to spend as much time playing off-stream

>> No.32233758 [DELETED] 
File: 99 KB, 326x401, 1662032282358616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my landwhale

>> No.32233770
Quoted by: >>32234164

Gura isn't that skilled with FPS, she just spent a lot of time playing so she had a bunch of guns and a good base.

>> No.32233778
File: 42 KB, 601x334, 99384069-CF15-417A-BBC0-7D2D31BE59C8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32233949

Are these big enough for you?

>> No.32233798

Big ass titties and abayo

>> No.32233803
File: 171 KB, 1152x2048, 1648745239705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, so it is. Apologies.

>> No.32233820
Quoted by: >>32233998

Fubuki was cracking up the whole time she was doing it too. I think she's lived there long enough to know what JPs find funny.

>> No.32233880
File: 216 KB, 333x358, 1635726511110.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32233978

don't you talk about my goddess Ope like that!

>> No.32233949

skinwalker ASMR when FauFau?

>> No.32233978
File: 180 KB, 860x835, 1661844490060147.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's very dumb though let's be honest.

>> No.32233998


>> No.32234110

Lunabeat, the vod is listed again. Not sure if anything was edited.

>> No.32234164
Quoted by: >>32234359

It's enough when the other party plays 10% of your time. Mori is not going to get good at Rust for the very simple reason of never having enough time to play and grind it and honestly, I'll take songs and her own MV over Rust proficiency.
Which is why I think the way it worked out this time was perfect.

>> No.32234165


>> No.32234192
File: 242 KB, 344x332, 1659528681587910.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32234328

that's the love of my life you're talking about there

>> No.32234193

The handjobs? I have.

>> No.32234246
Quoted by: >>32234515

don't have to her hands can fit in a Pringles tube

>> No.32234313
File: 183 KB, 1400x1400, A59DC2DD-441B-4A29-865E-EE00A61124ED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To the freezer with you

>> No.32234328
File: 418 KB, 551x668, 1661186823998376.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32234679

If you won't live your wife at her dumbest you don't love her at all

>> No.32234347

Listening to Kiara's SC Reading, it seems like most of the girls are discussing more formal teams for next season, and while it's mostly JP in the discussion, it seems like they want a more organized experience as well.
I hope the girls do have some unscheduled rogue kino too though, and realize it doesn't all have to be chaos and fighting.

>> No.32234359

Gura still wants Bonebros to have a nice rivalry. She needs more people to fight against and the JP aren't on when she wants to be.

>> No.32234411
Quoted by: >>32234643

This wont work when you have random ENs coming and going at all times and only stream Rust twice a week at most.

>> No.32234449

*they as in EN

>> No.32234515
File: 112 KB, 328x313, 1658401358006743.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tiny and soft Moririn hands...

>> No.32234613
File: 256 KB, 294x562, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32234748

I've been holding onto this sexy Monarch for when my ban expired.

>> No.32234643

To be fair, you really only need one or two true anchors per team that can not only craft, but also shoot and fight reliably.
Hell, Bae was literally a naked shoved into a car with Polka, handed C4 and told to just start throwing, and it fucking worked.
Give each team an actual base, proper ammo/weapons and enough bodies and you can win through sheer tenacity alone

>> No.32234645
Quoted by: >>32234727

btw did Mori said anything about the mem wallpaper?

>> No.32234679
Quoted by: >>32234858

so all the time? lol

>> No.32234727

Should be anytime now, I think she said beginning of September.

>> No.32234748

are there any Monarch lewds? does she have a lewd tag?

>> No.32234757

In that case she needs to tell Mori that and convince her to play into it since Mori was pretty clear about how she sees her chances in a fair fight.

>> No.32234812

If she wants to create a rivalry she should probably help her ahead more so she's on equal footing instead of griefing her while she's not fully up to speed yet.

>> No.32234858
Quoted by: >>32235524

You're obviously not a member if you think that. When she was in animation and serious drawing mode giving tips I could barely keep up

>> No.32234929

I mean she tried to with the care package gifts, she probably just needs to explain herself a bit more

>> No.32235036

Gura shot and left all loot on Mori and then gifted Mori multiple weapons. That's not griefing.

>> No.32235176

since she obviously has it already, probally when she wakes up.

>> No.32235365

You can't say that, anon. Gura can do no wrong.

>> No.32235395

>"There is no drama on EN"
>this whole Rust season /sarcasm

>> No.32235398

oh yeah I know she mentioned the first of september but since I catched only the last hour of the rust stream I was wondering if she mentioned something there, thanks though

>> No.32235524

She is very min/maxed. 80% points into art and music, 10% in teaching 10% in everything else. lol

>> No.32235525
File: 34 KB, 680x679, 1656834046243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32235773


>> No.32235562
File: 850 KB, 676x720, calliopyon.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32235729


>> No.32235740
Quoted by: >>32235953

frankly, there's no point in all of them living in separate houses - makes everyone spend unnecessary busywork on just handling the upkeep when they could group in one big fortress and do all the silly team activities

>> No.32235744


>> No.32235773
File: 29 KB, 505x506, 1657151946126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32235853

Mori probably also sees this as an attempt to get her to fight which would make killing her more satisfying. Which is why she offers no resistance instead since it makes shooting her less satisfying than shooting deer in the forest nearby. I'm not sure if that's her exact thought process but that's how it comes off.

>> No.32235953

How do you properly balance the teams though? How do you say Oh sorry you have to stream when the rest of your team is sleeping, too bad.

>> No.32235955
File: 61 KB, 274x250, 1661890627541558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's nothing wrong with potshots for fun, but Mori's unfortunately not someone who actually likes combat in these games and doesn't really do well with traditional banter, so it turned into a form a of bullying whether Gura intended for it to be or not. Not saying Gura's in the wrong here btw, since it's fucking Rust and it's how you play the game (and a more traditional player would not only completely loot the dead body, but fully destroying a rando's dead body and/or property when given the chance), hence the "Consider Minecraft" comment, which especially riled Mori at the time because it's mostly true.
That being said, Mori does not and never will respond well to pressure from chat or her friends, especially when it involves things she's uncomfortable with or when stakes seem particularly high, as seen with the abrupt ending to today's steam, as well as other times she has gotten mad through Batsu challenges, or her borderline breakdown during the Enderdragon fight.
As tough and "cool" as she tries to act, she's a very caring and emotional person on the inside who's filled with self-doubt, and doesn't usually resort to banter because she doesn't want to make her other friends upset (not realizing others don't take it to heart like she does at times). In that way, I feel like she's honestly closest to Ame emotionally out of Myth, but just not as mature or sure of herself as she is.
The good news is she has gotten a lot better at reading each of the girls and playing into their specific personalities, as well as thankfully associating with girls who naturally can read emotions well (especially Irys), but in reality if she's overwhelmed she hits tilt and shuts down, which is honestly better than outright losing it on chat. Thankfully we did get to see more of her after ending her stream and she seemed to still be enjoying herself just fine, but unless she's deliberately playing a bit, Mori can't do well with Banter yet, so here's hoping that Rust S3 can bring that out a bit.

TL;DR; Has anyone seen my meds?

>> No.32235992
File: 1.67 MB, 1000x1000, 1630904040172.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32238364


>> No.32236077


This is what happens when you try and escalate everything.

>> No.32236101
Quoted by: >>32238364

>Mori does not and never will respond well to pressure from chat or her friends
the suggestion is to avoid multiplayer games and/or streaming them

>> No.32236108

Yeah, Gura just refused to talk for some reason. I would of assumed it was just a gift too, not a invite to a fight.

>> No.32236119
File: 2.88 MB, 708x720, calliopyon[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fzd2u04.mp4].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32236411


>> No.32236179

It's mostly that Mori doesn't want to ruin anyone else experience and doesn't know what causes other people's experience to be ruined. Her autism doesn't know what is the wrong thing do, so she does nothing.

>> No.32236238
Quoted by: >>32236337

The tree...

>> No.32236337
Quoted by: >>32236661

One example but you look at any collab and she's very careful to not do anything that would make other people not have fun. Very conscious about it and inside her own head.

>> No.32236411

bunnysuits when?

>> No.32236584
Quoted by: >>32236794


>> No.32236596

Kronii and Ina should join in on S3!

>> No.32236661

Also why she was a bit stiff when she was at the Demolition derby but loosened up once they were at her place

>> No.32236668

Botan should join in and become the season's final boss.

>> No.32236705

Ina did play Rust. She was one who only fished.

>> No.32236714

Sheep needs to be in.

>> No.32236756

Pekora did a great job of being the final boss and spent enough time building up supplies for it. Botan should be a roving boss during the season, forced to not take any sides.

>> No.32236794
File: 98 KB, 600x350, 1631164618525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32236864


>> No.32236864

I always think this edit of Ryan has him wearing Kiara's hat from the thumbnail

>> No.32236869
File: 2.23 MB, 1280x720, calliopyon.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32236924

Then the answer is to not fucking play these games. There are million other fucking games she can play with other holos.

>> No.32237122
Quoted by: >>32238364

You might be reading a bit too deep into things but you're mostly right. She's scared of upsetting people, she doesn't like being violent towards her friends. She's much more comfortable being affectionate towards Kiara than playing a tsundere. The only time she stops being like that is when she goes full RP mode and detaches the character from herself. The whole Rust thing could easily be solved just by them discussing it in private but somehow they don't seem to do that.

>> No.32237146

Who destroyed Mori's house at the begginning? Did we learn that?

>> No.32237224

She's too nervous/busy to ask for collabs and this was her way of having something that could start spontaneous collabs (considering she despises Minecraft).

>> No.32237227
Quoted by: >>32237769

I think it was Goombus who did it

>> No.32237234

It's decayed

>> No.32237262
Quoted by: >>32237330

Nature destroyed it. It decayed.

>> No.32237270
Quoted by: >>32237310

>She's too nervous/busy to ask for collabs
Then fucking fix that attitude.

>> No.32237310
File: 205 KB, 385x562, 1661639876265897.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32237614

Nigga shut up and look at the sexy rabbit

>> No.32237330
Quoted by: >>32237889

Why would Fauna do this...

>> No.32237462
Quoted by: >>32237747

Shes not that nervous about collabs. She's not at Ame's or Kronii's level of never asking for any collab.

>> No.32237614

I love her

>> No.32237747
Quoted by: >>32237840

That's why I included busy too. Probably the reason we won't have a release collab for the WataMori rap

>> No.32237769

Untrue. Gura walked by it and it was already destroyed.

>> No.32237840

She'll be on vacation for that one, actually, so that's just unfortunate timing.

>> No.32237889


>> No.32237961

not truuuuuuuuuuuu

>> No.32238120

Gura and Mori should have rough hate sex.

>> No.32238364
File: 284 KB, 1170x1075, 1661767096794550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32238523

Thanks bud.
That's not a good answer for both entertainment and team comraderie reasons. This season of Rust alone proved you can do more dumb/stupid stuff than just grieving one another, such as dumb pool parties, impressive Demolition Derbies, or even full on raids against NPC compounds/rigs with other members. The element of PvP will always happen, usually closer to the end of the month like this, but if she can roleplay with it, she'll be fine. It's unironically a coping mechanism to combat her fear/anxiety over social pressures, and frankly she's gotten a hell of a lot better at it recently (even if it does involve being "the Sheriff" that some people dislike)
This right here is the crux of the issue at hand, and ultimately why she does shut down at times. I feel like this season was a test for everyone, and while it may not be everyone's cup of tea, they can all go into next season knowing what to expect, and either planning for it, or outright embracing the chaos. I feel more JP teamups would actually help break that barrier for them.

But yes, I am playing armchair psychologist for an animewoman, so take my comments with a grain of salt. It's just a personal opinion, since I share the same social discomfort with competitive games, and take banter to heart when I shouldn't.
Overall, I'm happy she had a good time, and I have high hopes for the next season of Rust, and the Palace of Peace.

>> No.32238521

with me

>> No.32238523

>That's not a good answer for both entertainment and team comraderie reasons
Nobody in deadbeats would complain if she stopped playing Rust.

>> No.32238529

Yeah with me

>> No.32238612

While the general answer is Decayed, there's a >0% chance that an Attack Heli flew overhead as she logged off in the pool, and blew up her compound, hence responding on the beach, instead of her sleeping bag.

>> No.32238734
File: 2.52 MB, 4160x3120, CalliMiki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when is the next Va11halla stream?

>> No.32238763
Quoted by: >>32238903

if you're a burger like me tomorrow morning

>> No.32238800

She really wants to play it, and I don't want to see her discouraged from doing things she wants to do.

>> No.32238903


>> No.32239045
Quoted by: >>32239148

I would, especially because of some rustschizo, greyname, retards in chat.

>> No.32239084

I wouldn't complain in youtube comments but I'd be disappointed.

>> No.32239085
File: 358 KB, 515x526, 1661967712206871.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32239148

>using absolutes
>implied 'we'
Meanwhile, I hope she has fun with more streams, and I'll be around to watch them, however she choosea to play since I've enjoyed all of her Rust content so far

>> No.32239148
Quoted by: >>32239546

So you would complain if she dropped Rust?

>> No.32239489

unrelated to dumb Rust shit, I found it cute how she tweeted at Nene about the mic
it's those small things where she shows she's actually capable of paying attention to what's going on with others and treats them kindly

>> No.32239546
Quoted by: >>32239697

they're the yesmen kind, they won't complain about shit

>> No.32239570
Quoted by: >>32239769

I hope eikawa starts back up

>> No.32239697

Nice strawman

>> No.32239752 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.04 MB, 1280x720, 1637600062318.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NEVER post that whore again

>> No.32239769
Quoted by: >>32239900

yeah, with Tempus lads

>> No.32239836
Quoted by: >>32240041

Miki-bros...not like this...

>> No.32239869
File: 293 KB, 1348x2048, 1624324708599.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Theyre getting really uppity right now.

>> No.32239900

oh fuck off.

>> No.32239916

Yeah me

>> No.32239935
File: 163 KB, 1498x843, 1637615169546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mori's it already September please post it

>> No.32239975
File: 184 KB, 480x480, 1632552671883.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32240041

That producer? Me

>> No.32240064
Quoted by: >>32240096

It's already released, she can't put it out in japan anymore uncensored, it's too sexual.

>> No.32240096

Abe would never have let this happen

>> No.32240095

Did she draw it

>> No.32240157

too soon bro

>> No.32240161

>see tweet
>open membership tab
>no delivery
what's this?

>> No.32240187


>> No.32240188
Quoted by: >>32240239

scheduled tweet please undastand

>> No.32240224

Sleepy reapy

>> No.32240239

Yeah its 5am, and she played late, don't expect it for another couple hours.

>> No.32240254

oh no mikisisters

>> No.32240258

Why did she have to do it to him..

>> No.32240276
File: 138 KB, 1402x1151, FVFdsIrUcAAlbSV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

