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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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32188577 No.32188577 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread:

New Umisea song

Senchou's new song
I’m Your Treasure Box MV

Birthday goods

Akasa Ai (her mama/illustrator) artbook full of Senchou illustrations now on sale

Tapestry and mouse pad from her mama

Pasela and Tokyo tower collab merch now on sale

Senchou Figma available now


Marine Shukkou MV
Full version

https://youtu.be/_VIeV_LZXHM [Open]


Sankisei's first original song, Interact Fantasia

Marine Artbook on sale now

SKDW Hibiki Radio

Clips and other stuff

>> No.32189610

Going to be awhile before new Marine stream at least CLIMAX was good

>> No.32190507

Oh ill climax alright

>> No.32191985

I don't think we will have to wait a lot
She don't have a lot of project these days

>> No.32192234
Quoted by: >>32205399

I miss Senchou

>> No.32192877
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>> No.32193112
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>> No.32195661
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>> No.32196456

Slow day huh?

>> No.32199626
Quoted by: >>32209896

projects that you will probably never see but are still more important than you the viewer, who made the possibility of her being part of those projects reality in the first place.

>> No.32200837
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>> No.32203327
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>> No.32205399
Quoted by: >>32208505

I do too, but I'm glad she's resting

>> No.32208505

Yeah, same, August and July were magical months with the amount of Senchou we received, so it's not bad that she is resting for now.

>> No.32208607

I cant enjoy Marine anymore after finding out she is suing someone for calling her dumb on 5ch

>> No.32208793

Yeah, me

>> No.32209317
Quoted by: >>32211092

Ok rope yourself next so we dont have to read your whining

>> No.32209896

Definitively a motherless behavior

>> No.32211092
Quoted by: >>32211235

No, I dont think I will
also you will be hearing from my lawyers

>> No.32211235
Quoted by: >>32211330

You're too poor to afford lawyers

>> No.32211330
Quoted by: >>32211391

Keep piling up the evidence against yourself

>> No.32211391


>> No.32212335

If Senchou saw my posts here, she would understand how much I love her

>> No.32212554
Quoted by: >>32213250

>She don't have a lot of project these days

>VR meet and greet
>Drawing for her line stickers
>Seiyuu audition for her 黒歴史 game
>Her survival genre game project
>Recording for her 3rd anniversary live

>> No.32212558 [DELETED] 

Marine fucked up and if you defend her than you are fucked up too

>> No.32213250

Don't even try anon, those monkeys think that because Marine is not glued to her computer 24 hours a day then she must be doing nothing.
The retards were saying the same thing months ago and in reality she was working on gems like her birthday concert and Maribako's MV that everyone loved.
These monkeys must think that doing a concert or recording a song takes a couple of hours and that's it.

>> No.32214436


>> No.32215572
Quoted by: >>32217121

we don't now for sure marine sued an anti.
the article doesnt provide any proof and for all we care it could be fake news.
but in case she actually did sue that anti, good for her. if you read his posts dude was pesky as fuck. even hated on her for interacting with overseas fans. literal nigger behaviour.

>> No.32217118

but where do you come in?

>> No.32217121
Quoted by: >>32222933

He is a literal schizo who got what he deserved, what blows my mind is that there are retards here defending him, on no other page would any other mentally sane person side with the anti.

>> No.32218802
Quoted by: >>32234905

Marine is GFE

>> No.32222655
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>> No.32222807
Quoted by: >>32244690

Nobody said she was lazy
I just complain about the fact that directly after her throat is fully recovered she became busy with off-screen work and it would be better if she just streams regularly honestly

>> No.32222933

it's not about defending him or siding with him
it's about the fact that suing someone for calling you dumb online is completely insane schizo behaviour

>> No.32224018
Quoted by: >>32234725

The fucker was practically 5ch's Marineschizo, making constant attacks towards her and making stuff up and going to the lowest point of using her mother to attack her, do you seriously think that just boils down to: "he's just calling her dumb, why is she over reacting?"
Not even 5ch anons have sympathy for him, most are just pointing and laughing at him for being retarded enough to talk shit and get caught.

>> No.32224092

I think it's pretty based, personally.

>> No.32225225

if that were the reason she would sue half the internet, It's one thing to make a typical anti comment, but to spend months not only insulting but also talking about someone's private and family life is something else.

It's really not the first time that a public figure gets tired of the internet assholes. I mean if I can just shut them up once and for all, why wouldn't I? based

>> No.32226108

>I mean if I can just shut them up once and for all, why wouldn't I? based
My thoughts exactly.

>> No.32227297

or she could just not look at the screen like Miko says. Remember Marine put Miko's life in danger with the fujo nonsense but Miko didn't sue Marine.

>> No.32227425
Quoted by: >>32228461

what is your relationship with your mother like, anon

>> No.32227623
Quoted by: >>32228461

>Marine put Miko's life in danger
Fuck off Marineschizo, I hope the day of your reckoning comes soon too.

>> No.32227637
Quoted by: >>32228461

>Another person plays a joke on her
>She is to blame, somehow

>> No.32227946
Quoted by: >>32228461

Marine didn't do anything to put Miko into that situation. Miko was the only one that did anything that could be perceived as incorrect.

>> No.32228461

Good. Way better than Marine's.

If Marine wasn't a fujo it never would have happened.

>> No.32228511
Quoted by: >>32239017

That's not how it works, schizo.
Panda is a whore. Noel is GFE.

>> No.32228529

You seem like you live a sad life.

>> No.32230215

Marineschizo is afraid, kek

>> No.32232186
File: 87 KB, 627x1024, c50074a4[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The guy she's suing is apparently a fanchi named 光蛍 who constantly harassed her through superchat etc, infamous enough that if you put that name in google it pops up 光蛍 マリン as a suggestion

For example you can see people referring to as 光蛍 and him responding to it in this thread

>> No.32233415

>bu...bu...but harassing and insulting someone on the internet is freedom of speech...
Get fuck schizos, I hope he ends up homeless living under a bridge.

>> No.32234393

I guess he pigeons just about any holo that has ever done anything with Marine?

>> No.32234725

yeah exactly, this retard said shit like "what's she gonna do, sue me?" right before she allegedly did (remember, we're not even sure it's marine) i like free speech but i do like comedic timing even more

>> No.32234837

marineschizo, you're lucky she can't read your posts

>> No.32234905

no she's my actual real life wife retard

>> No.32234990

>remember, we're not even sure it's marine
Except we are.

>> No.32235112
Quoted by: >>32235244

you're lucky you dont live in japan or you would get sued

>> No.32235244

the man posted his full ip adress, it's easy to not be a dumbass

>> No.32235444

you're all laughing at him getting sued when you say worse shit about people here all the time
literal npc behaviour
no self awareness at all

>> No.32235785
Quoted by: >>32236068

well you see, the thing is, i'm very self aware but she's my oshi and i'm a hypocrite

>> No.32235879

I'm only laughing at you personally and nobody else.

>> No.32235883
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Literally this.

>> No.32236068
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Uuuuuuh, idk, i'm thinking based

>> No.32236279

i mean if i could get money and make an example from some guy who's thinking he's untouchable even though he posted with his ip in full view knowing well that japan is retarded about free speech i'd take it

>> No.32238166

Except her job is to be on the internet and read and interact with the comments people post, if it was that easy to ignore slander and defamation being a Vtuber there wouldn't even be antis since the only reason they do this shit is to get a reaction from them.

>> No.32238979
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Quoted by: >>32240247

>> No.32239017
Quoted by: >>32240465

>Panda is a whore. Noel is GFE.
Sasaki and Noel should sue you.

>> No.32240247

Wrong thread anon

>> No.32240465
Quoted by: >>32242002

They will actually have a case since these are lies.
The guy criticizing Marine on 5ch is telling the truth.

>> No.32241920
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>> No.32242002
Quoted by: >>32242547

You underestimate the strictness Japanese defamation laws.

>> No.32242547
Quoted by: >>32242776

Sasaki and Noel have more of a case than Marine does.

>> No.32242776

>A person who defames another by alleging facts in public shall, regardless of whether such facts are true or false, be punished by imprisonment with or without work for not more than three (3) years or a fine of not more than 500,000 yen.
They have equal cases.

>> No.32244690

But I don't think she will return to stream more regularly because she doesn't seem to like streaming anymore that's why she always tries making new thing so we won't say she's lazy
Honestly I start losing interest in her stream

>> No.32245041

I actually don't. I post in good faith on 4chan nine times out of ten.

>> No.32245085
Quoted by: >>32245183

When marineschizo is sued we should throw a party

>> No.32245183
Quoted by: >>32245414

I would actually find that hysterical.

>> No.32245414
Quoted by: >>32245464

You've gotta love how scared the schizo probably is right now.

>> No.32245464
Quoted by: >>32246533

Okay, let's not go that far. It's the internet. Nobody feels fear about being sued on the internet. Especially when they're anonymous.

>> No.32246323
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>Marine currently with this lawsuit going through and retards being mad

>> No.32246344
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Quoted by: >>32246427

Don't you want to capture Senchou?

>> No.32246427

Yes. That's what lies at the end of my current five year plan.

>> No.32246533

I don't think they're actually afraid they'll get sued, but it's clear that they feel offended and threatened on behalf of the 5chan schizo which is pretty funny imo.

>> No.32246588


>> No.32246682
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>> No.32246743

I welcome the danger

>> No.32246947
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Quoted by: >>32246973

mfw my oshi doesn't spam Rust streams
>but she doesn't stream at all
don't care

>> No.32246973
Quoted by: >>32248578

Make her stream.

>> No.32248578
Quoted by: >>32248609

I'll tell her to stream once we're done having EVIL SEX

>> No.32248609

The fuck makes sex evil?

>> No.32248880

I was gonna say violent sex, but Evil Ryu is much cooler than Violent Ken.

>> No.32249475

I'm thinking either BDSM or maniacal laughter and monologues, but the other anon also had an excellent answer

>> No.32251896
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>> No.32255519
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I never thought of saying this but I'm kind of jealous of Toby fox.
Imagine being this weeb nerdy kid hacking NES game roms and playing 2hou in your spare time and being too autistic to be friends with other normalfag kids and that this kind of activities for which you were an outcast in school and probably bullied makes you create one of the most beloved games by other autistic japanese people in recent times and this leads you to meet game dev legends like Miyamoto, Sakurai and Zun, and the part that makes me most jealous is that Marine plays your game and loves it enough to do two stream marathons with it and on top of that she gets very excited when you greet her and thank her for playing your shitty game on stream and to top it off she hires you to co-write what might become Senchou's most successful song yet.
Motherfucker is living the dream.

>> No.32255724

apply yoiurself and make a game and maybe you can be in his position in a couple years

>> No.32256860

Start making your own game

>> No.32258278

Maybe I should learn how to draw so she uses my art

>> No.32261031
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>> No.32261240

Yeah, he's a talented guy. He also worked hard to get where he is.
I wish I had been raised to work harder, but I'm glad that I figured it out in my twenties all the same. I will hopefully raise kids that worked harder than I did when I was younger; hopefully with senchou.

>> No.32264168
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>> No.32265285
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8 million baby!

>> No.32266400

I've sung this in the car on the way to work several times. It's an earworm

>> No.32266698

Marine later

>> No.32267042

The queen's back!!!

>> No.32270759

Go senchou go

>> No.32271119

I wonder what the stream will be about

>> No.32271270
Quoted by: >>32272967

it'll be announcing her marriage to me

>> No.32272967

I am sorry anon but that is not possible because she and I are already married and in this stream we are going to announce the gender of our child.

>> No.32273645

I think it will be the Karaoke stream she cancelled before Noel's anniversary concert.

>> No.32275195
Quoted by: >>32316219

I wish she would sue our schizo

>> No.32276344

Pekora's outfits are all good
Noel's outfits are all good
Flare's outfits are all good
All of Marine's outfits are shit besides her original
Pekora, Noel and Flare all have mothers. Marine doesn't.

>> No.32276366
Quoted by: >>32276515

why are you gay?

>> No.32276515
Quoted by: >>32276547

No I just have taste.

>> No.32276547

but you are gay

>> No.32277941

The order period ends on the 5th so if you want them go get them now

>> No.32277993
Quoted by: >>32279476

Is it just me or does Marine do mostly zatsus?

>> No.32279476

i mean, that's mostly what she does these days, yeah

>> No.32280752


>> No.32280930

dats NOICE

>> No.32281477
Quoted by: >>32281513

>Been a while so might as well be a first playthrough
Rusty danmaku goodness, nice.

>> No.32281513
Quoted by: >>32281651

I mean it's been 20 years, do you remember when you last played EoSD?

>> No.32281651
Quoted by: >>32281713

A couple years back probably, got the normal 1CC and went ahead.

>> No.32281713
Quoted by: >>32281880

lucky you, I think the last time I played EoSD was back in 2012 or something, it's really hard to go back to it after getting used to the features introduced in imperishable night

>> No.32281880

I find IN to be the easiest to go back into from the older games. Longer deathbomb window is a blessing for scrubs like me.

>> No.32282606


>> No.32282729

blind baba...

>> No.32282762
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Quoted by: >>32282933

I love this dork so much

>> No.32282933
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>> No.32282999
Quoted by: >>32283058

How is she supposed to win when she can't see

>> No.32283001
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>> No.32283058

she has the ultra instinct

>> No.32283215

BBA reflexes catching up to senchou

>> No.32283228

now we are blind too...

>> No.32283326

>marine: akan akan akan
I wonder who taught her that

>> No.32283359
Quoted by: >>32283371

You posted this on /jp/ too

>> No.32283371

Did I?

>> No.32283402

Taught her what? Basic Japanese?

>> No.32283484

China killed senchou...

>> No.32283811
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Quoted by: >>32283848


>> No.32283848


>> No.32283866


>> No.32283955

Senchou's getting old

>> No.32283998

>dying thrice on a regular stage

>> No.32284023
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Age forgives no one

>> No.32284089

Seems like a normal first time hard run, especially after not playing 2hu for a while.

>> No.32284095

god damn the art in this game is trash

>> No.32284101

Hitting 30s is a huge debuff on gaming

>> No.32284204

original pache belongs in a museum uncultured swine

>> No.32284214
Quoted by: >>32285045

Are you new to 2hou?

>> No.32284323
Quoted by: >>32284426

Zombie Reimu...

>> No.32284426
Quoted by: >>32284513

isn't that in Imperishable night?

>> No.32284513

It's a process of zombification and dezon

>> No.32284603
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>> No.32285020
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blessed sex noises

>> No.32285045
Quoted by: >>32285196

Yeah I dont really care for bullethell games

>> No.32285091

What a nerd....

>> No.32285120

>death star of david

>> No.32285196

Honestly neither do I, but Zun's umm quirky art is not only a trademark of the series but something recognizable if you've been a weeb since the early 2000s.

>> No.32285225
File: 887 KB, 966x642, 1660232742051.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

an angry senchou's fine too

>> No.32285262

It's good enough for a game that's produced by a single person.

>> No.32285312


>> No.32285340

Flare collab tomorrow

>> No.32285383

>You're gonna get the treasure
Marine was singing about her hand in marriage. She's giving it to me.

>> No.32285575
Quoted by: >>32285647

senchou what the fuck was that

>> No.32285647
Quoted by: >>32285723

She got too cocky

>> No.32285723
Quoted by: >>32285948

I would too if I had tits like that.

>> No.32285948
File: 81 KB, 494x640, IMG_8791.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't argue with that

>> No.32286088


>> No.32286128
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>> No.32286151


>> No.32286246
Quoted by: >>32286304

boy senchou's just getting bodied today huh?

>> No.32286304

The real "bodying" comes later when she's alone with me.

>> No.32286457
Quoted by: >>32286796

>Can't beat Flandre
>Decide to go after Koishi instead

>> No.32286730
Quoted by: >>32286855

can she actually do it bros?

>> No.32286796
Quoted by: >>32286822

She just wanted to see Koishi before ending.

>> No.32286822

she only decided that after she got bodied in the regular stage

>> No.32286855
Quoted by: >>32286922

Ehhh we have to trust our captain

>> No.32286922
File: 358 KB, 411x513, 1656933256907.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh I'm going to thrust in her alright

>> No.32287122

why does she keep running out of memory?

>> No.32287220

Too many chats?

>> No.32287298

>Touhou is fun

>> No.32287532
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>> No.32287665
Quoted by: >>32287731

Senchou has declined

>> No.32287731

Happens when you don't play for a long time.
Rusty Senchou is still better than me

>> No.32288056

Because developers stopped optimising their programs somewhere in the late 2000s.

>> No.32288095


>> No.32288220

She already talked about it tomorrow, but she's having an offcollab with Flare tomorrow

>> No.32288247


>> No.32288589
File: 75 KB, 489x640, IMG_9081.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32288730

I want to squish those melons so fucking bad

>> No.32288730
Quoted by: >>32289578

They made the seams cross there on purpose because it was the only way to fit Marine's huge nipples in.

>> No.32288863

I love how intimate these moments feel

>> No.32289501
File: 44 KB, 444x255, 1660800831139.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32290033

>> No.32289578
Quoted by: >>32291869

I wanna suck on her large, puffy nipples,.

>> No.32289634
Quoted by: >>32289704

subnautica 2 stream possibly soon

>> No.32289704

That would be nice but it's a shame it sucks compared to the first.

>> No.32289771

Think she's gonna do them on her wet t-shirt model?

>> No.32289794

eh, other than the snow biome stuff it's not too bad. they didn't mess with the fiormula too much so pretty much everything in 1 is still there

>> No.32289912
Quoted by: >>32290143

She read those reviews that said 1st was better which caused her to doubt streaming it.
Also asked chat if they wouldn't get angry if she started it and stopped midway if it wasn't as fun.

>> No.32290033

Damn that's $100.69 more than I've ever given to any streamer.

>> No.32290143

She should still play it. I doubt she's as autistic about this stuff as me.

>> No.32290206

I'm too tired to watch the rest need to be awake in 4 hours
Tell me if she says anything important

>> No.32290368

Is Senchou good at Touhou? I've never played before, but she seems good

>> No.32290453

No she's not good.

>> No.32290543

yes she's good

>> No.32290670

Decent for someone who hasn't played in years, but not comparable to the most autistics of the genre.

>> No.32291113

if you can 1cc a touhou game on normal you're good

>> No.32291429
Quoted by: >>32291459

Pretty good, age got to her

>> No.32291459

But she's only 17????

>> No.32291521
Quoted by: >>32291568

Marine really hates Noel doesn't she....

>> No.32291568

Because Noel is far prettier than a hag like "Maririn".

>> No.32291861
File: 591 KB, 1700x1964, 1640972242982.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of these days I'll understand the train of retarded logic the schizo uses to go from "Marine offcollab with Flare" to "Marine hates Noel", but today is not that day

>> No.32291869
Quoted by: >>32291933

What do you think Marine prefers to be pinched or sucked?

>> No.32291933

Bitten hard enough to draw blood.

>> No.32291972

Marine is trying to cuck Noel out of pure spite, since Marine is straight her sole purpose is to hurt Noel

>> No.32292051
Quoted by: >>32292095

This is the same guy who went from "Abe dead" to "Marine is a bad person", I don't think logic is a thing he actually uses

>> No.32292095
Quoted by: >>32292177

It's 2022 and there are still 4chan users who think other 4chan users post seriously all the time.

>> No.32292177
Quoted by: >>32292220

people who aren't serious don't keep repeating the same lies for 2 years straight anon

>> No.32292220

It'd be far easier to do that ironically than unironically.

>> No.32292311

No because you would get bored

>> No.32292385

No it really isn't, especially since half the time he gets no replies and replies to himself, and also he literally pops up in any place on the site that mentioned Marine to peddle his stuff to try and get his personal army.

>> No.32292450

Yeah its pretty obvious.
If management is going to forbid Noel from collabing with Njijisanji then they should forbid Marine from collabing with Flare.

>> No.32292526

wait is this why he's so freaked out by the lawsuit thing? Because now he knows he won't be able to get anyone in any actual position to harm Marine in any concrete way on his side?

>> No.32292597

>half the time he gets no replies and replies to himself


It wouldn't be any fun if the rewards were consistent.

>> No.32292607
Quoted by: >>32292704

Hes just another brainrot /u/fag, just ignore him
The retard actually believes that Noel and flare are an item.

>> No.32292654

I mean after doing it for this long without any gain or payoff I doubt anything like that matters at that point.

>> No.32292670
Quoted by: >>32293216

It could be. I remember how absolutely estatic he was when someone from /qa/ spammed the thread with wojaks back in the day, thinking he actually convinced someone to get on his side and it wasn't just a random shitposter

>> No.32292704

>The retard actually believes that Noel and flare are an item.
Only Noel antis don't think they are.

>> No.32292725
Quoted by: >>32293218

Senchou ending tweet
Also Mariflare offcollab tomorrow

>> No.32292863
Quoted by: >>32316532

Love marine
hate noel

>> No.32293023
Quoted by: >>32293150

At least Noel has a mother

>> No.32293150
Quoted by: >>32293459

She will sue you.

>> No.32293216

Considering that everything he has said failed to gain any traction for this long, any hope that he convinced someone must've felt pretty good.

>> No.32293218
Quoted by: >>32293459


>> No.32293459
Quoted by: >>32293497

Marine is going to lose that case. Stating facts isn't defamation.

>Marine isn't GFE

>> No.32293497
File: 365 KB, 573x550, 1657979728400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Stating facts isn't defamation.

>> No.32293632
File: 154 KB, 894x894, 1632935800976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seeing as she seems to want to play some games again do you think she might consider doing Deltarune or am I hoping too hard?

>> No.32293699

isn't deltarune still not complete after all these years? I'm not quite sure she's up for streaming an incomplete game

>> No.32293761
Quoted by: >>32293858

Back when she finished Undertale she said she might wait until it was finished to play deltarune so that might be a long wait.

>> No.32293805
Quoted by: >>32293850

>incomplete game

>> No.32293828
Quoted by: >>32293918

I missed the stream and only just saw what the stream actually was a couple minutes after she was done; it was still はいしんよてい when I went to bed. I've been wanting another STG stream from her! I'm psyched

>> No.32293850

Yeah, but that's holocure though

>> No.32293858
Quoted by: >>32293960

It's being released in chapters but the first two that are out are relatively self contained.
I understand the sentiment there I suppose but the final chapter is probably years off.

>> No.32293871

Its a tranny game of course Marine will stream it.
Reminder that management got fucking faggottale permissions for Marine before getting Square Enix permissions for Pekora, because Marine is management's pet.

>> No.32293918
Quoted by: >>32294728

enjoy it bro, it's really good, and give the superchat reading a try if you have the time. She's really sweet today

>> No.32293960

well, better hope she's still streaming in 2025 then

>> No.32294228

They should do an ASMR where they spend the entire stream making out

>> No.32294402

It seems like Kandacum has brain destroying properties when ingested.

>> No.32294501
Quoted by: >>32294747

what's kandacum?

>> No.32294618
Quoted by: >>32294968

The fact that you hate male vtubers so much just proves that Marine is GFE.

>> No.32294728

You bet I will. Senchou stream with a cup of coffee... life is good.
She seems like she's in a great mood. I'm real happy to see her finally get past all of the voice and brainworm issues from the last year.

>> No.32294747

kanda cum on my balls lmao

>> No.32294968
Quoted by: >>32295183

Kanda also is a real otaku while Marine is a fake one, so they also hate him for that.

>> No.32295183
Quoted by: >>32295243

Why did you reply to yourself as if you were talking to another person?

>> No.32295243
Quoted by: >>32295286

Stay mad

>> No.32295286
Quoted by: >>32295426

Stay schizophrenic, freak.

>> No.32295426
Quoted by: >>32295524

Thats you

>> No.32295462
File: 81 KB, 510x640, IMG_9080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh man, I really missed Senchou and seeing her today made my day, the stream was great and the supachat reading was pretty cute.
I love this sensitive mature pirate so much.

>> No.32295524

I'm not the one responding to myself and pretending I'm talking to someone else.

>> No.32295535
Quoted by: >>32295929

So you now agree that Marine is GFE?

>> No.32295671

Marine is very cute yes

>> No.32295929

>Women just acting cute = GFE
Fuck off schizo, Don't you have a lawyer to hire for your eventual defamation lawsuit?

>> No.32296034

don't touch the poop, anon. come on

>> No.32296820
Quoted by: >>32296864

>acting cute = kissing you

>> No.32296864
Quoted by: >>32297017


>> No.32297017
Quoted by: >>32297077

Then acting cute is GFE.

>> No.32297077
Quoted by: >>32297603

Ergo Noel is GFE

>> No.32297448

Marine is definitely GFE you can't even deny it.

>> No.32297603
Quoted by: >>32297640

She doesn't do that

>> No.32297640

Why would you say Noel isn't cute?

>> No.32297661

because he hates Noel, obviously

>> No.32297679

because she isn't

>> No.32297796
Quoted by: >>32297973

You are right schizo except for the Experience part since she is my real Unironic Girlfriend.

>> No.32297973


>> No.32299631
File: 1.07 MB, 2951x4096, IMG_9083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32306625

>> No.32300458

Marine's asshole will grow larger

>> No.32300715

chinks and their projections will never stop being funny

>> No.32303433

Yes, I enjoy hearing about her problems and how her day was

>> No.32303812

Good enough given the time she last played. Normal is fine though I want to see her play it again on Lunatic until she beats it.

>> No.32303868

Why would you want to rot your brain trying to understand retarded?

>> No.32306594
File: 362 KB, 1365x2048, Fbp8BAfaAAAb2FR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32306726


>> No.32306625

I want to passionately make out with Marine's tummy.

>> No.32306726


>> No.32306784

Noel is a crazy man hating lesbian, of course she isn't cute, thats also why she can't be considered gfe

>> No.32309057
File: 399 KB, 211x238, 1630824635018.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.32309555
File: 90 KB, 480x853, 8AD1DF78-EC84-4D72-8C17-4D6B7E5946FB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32311964

So I just renewed my membership and immediately checked out the new wallpaper and oh boy pomesaurus is still a master of its craft.
this Wallpaper will be an excellent way to see Senchou every day until she drops the next uncensored frame of the Maribako MV.

>> No.32311964

Maribako? More like... Maribaka.

>> No.32314534

she said "nanka" too much today.

>> No.32316219 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.18 MB, 1279x1336, me on the left btw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32320125

I wish she'd sue me...

>> No.32316476

>Marine is straight
Nice try schizo this woman eats pussy for breakfast

>> No.32316532

stfu schizo, theyre both cute and i love them and their boobs are big

>> No.32320125
File: 3.17 MB, 3035x2004, IMG_6400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah the first cowbow kun doujin how nostalgic.
It's amazing to see the progress he had improving in his art from more almost 3 years ago to now.

>> No.32320228

Marine is the straightest Holo

>> No.32320620

I think it would be pretty funny if Ina raped the shit out of Marine while Aqua watched and Gura did the commentary. Chloe could sit in a corner and masturbate.

>> No.32320833 [DELETED] 

I could see a doujin like that called UMISEX

>> No.32320961

I can see someone creating a doujin like this and calling it UMISEX.
Maybe I should do it myself

>> No.32321559
File: 160 KB, 290x455, houshoumarinepatchy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.32325189
Quoted by: >>32326036

don't forget getting to live in Andrew Hussie's basement for a few months while working on said game.

>> No.32325361

Marine has never eaten pussy.

>> No.32325715

Can you guys stop shitting up Pekora and Miko's threads?

>> No.32326036

Whatever happened to Hussie? I never finished Homestuck.

>> No.32327735

who cares about her mother. if it hadn't been for her, none of this drama would've happened. it'd be better if her mother never existed.

>> No.32333312
File: 160 KB, 850x1473, marine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
