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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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>> No.31194884

Jesus fucking Christ was it really hard to just post a single image? Is it too much to ask?

>> No.31195380

Board is too fast lately

>> No.31195392
Quoted by: >>31196858

Does this sheet have the moment where Miko realized Suisei doesn't respect her and uses her for jokes likes the riajuu normie Suisei is?

>> No.31195494

Dead ship

>> No.31196244

Sorry anon it was date night

>> No.31196858

What stream is that?

>> No.31197436
File: 17 KB, 241x241, Screenshot_20220110-213647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.31199304


>> No.31199439
File: 442 KB, 936x1200, 780B4EFD-691A-4D62-97E0-C1FD33E18C40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry anons i was at work (still am)

>> No.31199495

the best business wife

>> No.31199647
Quoted by: >>31201501

she must've fallen in love all over again

>> No.31199976

I'd like to believe she actually took the day off to spend with Suityan before the concert.

>> No.31200024

I woke up right when it was in page 11, when I finished writing bump the thread was gone already
Do we not have enough SEA or Eurofags here

>> No.31201501

mikochi falls in love again with suichan every time she wakes up... cute

>> No.31201643
File: 611 KB, 1365x2048, EA8A93D6-A449-48B4-B19A-EEB5BE806F6C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31229237


>> No.31202201

I wonder if Miko will watch Suisei's live tomorrow? But I think she'll be streaming at that time so she'll just watch the VOD

>> No.31203449
Quoted by: >>31203639

Wait. What concert? Suisei's sololive?

>> No.31203639
File: 733 KB, 1536x2048, FaW6veTUEAAa9gY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31209817


>> No.31204568


>> No.31205856


>> No.31205886
Quoted by: >>31206149

Has she shilled the concert?

>> No.31205908

they're such good sisters

>> No.31206149
File: 395 KB, 599x877, Screenshot_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31222330

Not the concert but she has shilled MGO before. There's also this so I think she's looking forward to it even if she can't watch it live.

>> No.31206717
File: 661 KB, 1448x2048, micomet 221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.31207545
Quoted by: >>31208154

if I recall correctly, miko retweeted/liked this right? what was she thinking lmao

>> No.31208154

>what was she thinking
She was thinking about Suisei

>> No.31208382

reminder this happened

>> No.31209817
Quoted by: >>31210362


>> No.31210362

Miko Grand Orchestra

>> No.31210601
Quoted by: >>31211546

Orgasm, you mean

>> No.31211546

The orchestra is Migo's moans and gasps

>> No.31213076
Quoted by: >>31213212

lol Miko Grand Orgasm sounds sexy and stupid at the same time

>> No.31213207

>he didn't get Miko Grand Orgasm tickets

>> No.31213212

It's the secret concert Suityan gives her on days off.

>> No.31213291
Quoted by: >>31213416

Micomet grand orgasms

>> No.31213337

I’m so glad they found each other. It really seemed like Miko didn’t really fit in with the other gen 0 members, becuase they were all a lot more idol-like and didn’t do more pop culture stuff, and Suisei seemed equally as lost. Don’t get me wrong, I love some of the other pairings with them, but it really seemed like the other girls got along so well with their gen mates and these two were stuck being outsiders. I’m just so happy they have each other.

>> No.31213416

Kek I didn't thought of this

>> No.31213428
Quoted by: >>31214247

So glad she dropped the bunny bitch desu

>> No.31213553

Because they are unironically the adopted children of Hololive
>Sakura Miko Project
>An indie chuuba

>> No.31214247
Quoted by: >>31214641

Stop samefagging, schizo.

>> No.31214362
File: 80 KB, 1280x1280, 1660408407059448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31215917

>> No.31214641
File: 77 KB, 1130x308, Screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31215917

Something about this simple fanart is very cute

>> No.31216166
File: 502 KB, 2400x1350, huracan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31216380

Miko should get Suisei to play Assetto Corsa with her sometime.

>> No.31216380

i die every time i see miko playing with micomet car

>> No.31216493
File: 222 KB, 1080x1251, 09354C9F-0A02-4DE2-89A2-6350D13581A1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31216792


>> No.31216792
Quoted by: >>31227254

You don’t need to get married to be happy dumbass, stop forcing that archaic belief

>> No.31217109
File: 463 KB, 2048x1536, 34A9A5EB-C966-4282-A13A-C12C8EABD8DC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31221467


>> No.31217456
File: 1.23 MB, 1004x1318, IMG_20220819_145126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Micuddle status?

>> No.31219038
File: 351 KB, 1608x2048, IMG_20220819_114606.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

doing great

>> No.31221467

Miko is trying to eat the collar! Someone stop her!

>> No.31221794
File: 356 KB, 2048x1365, DCB5C9ED-09DC-4329-9599-992A4BB87206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31221873
File: 173 KB, 1000x1100, 20220619_160248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.31222330
Quoted by: >>31224298

>mfw midget night orchestra

>> No.31224298
Quoted by: >>31227216

>Miko is a midget

>> No.31225795
File: 981 KB, 2896x4096, IMG_20220819_171430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.31227216

>both midgets.

>> No.31227254

Yeah you don't but you kinda need those benefits you know

>> No.31229237
File: 320 KB, 800x600, Faiti4bUIAAtSkS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31233669
File: 343 KB, 1152x2048, 1660577982340401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.31234150

https://youtu.be/I4M9AV7Wt7k doesn't this basically confirm she goes out with Miko as much as Nene, Towa or Matsuri yeah?

>> No.31234337
File: 582 KB, 2048x1536, micomet 299.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

better than ever

>> No.31234446
Quoted by: >>31258945

she would never admit it
reminder flare exposed them way back and even said they go out a lot

>> No.31234524
Quoted by: >>31235054

Also I was lurking threads and the Nousagis said Suityan wants to live with someone on Rust. MIKOCHI GET FUCKING ON IT.

>> No.31235054
Quoted by: >>31235478


>> No.31235333
Quoted by: >>31237570

At least as much, she was clearly trying to avoid saying such though. Thought it kind of sounds like she would go out to eat with Towa more often if it wasn't for Towa having a normal sleeping schedule.

>> No.31235478
File: 3.65 MB, 328x352, 1636878781516.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know how missed that.
i have her notifications on her tweets...

>> No.31235764
Quoted by: >>31236312

You were drunk that night….

>> No.31235899
Quoted by: >>31236878

yeah now check this out

>> No.31236312
Quoted by: >>31236485

That was last night right? I probably cleared everything when I woke up by accident.

>> No.31236485

Ponkotsu baka

>> No.31236878
Quoted by: >>31239095

I saw that one. Man these last couple days have been fucking weird for me i fucked up and missed the Kino rust yesterday because I set my alarm (4am) and woke up and decided while still half asleep to silence my entire phone and knocked back out and didn't wake up until 10. It's the first time in years I've done that and the first time I've missed a Miko stream in months.

>> No.31237570
Quoted by: >>31258945

>she was clearly trying to avoid saying such though
This. I feel like she avoids saying too much, remember she didn't want to talk about her Christmas party either (and no one else talked about either, I guess because Suisei asked them not to). Suisei didn't even want to mention how many people went there even though everyone else did. Same when she had a sleepover with Toko and Chigusa, she just called the latter a friend without giving names. Kinda weird but that's Suityan for you.

>> No.31239095
Quoted by: >>31240127

why do you always have the need to blogpost about your pathetic life in these threads? gaining attention? no friends irl? narrsictic? I genuinely ask

>> No.31240127

Seems to be genuine autism.

>> No.31240383
Quoted by: >>31241016

No fighting please

>> No.31241016
Quoted by: >>31257835

Make him stops the blogposting then. I come here to talk about 2 Japanese woman being gay, not to read some shitty diary written by random loser. If he doesn't want to, then I will continue to whine about it

>> No.31243001
File: 614 KB, 1014x1200, IMG_20220820_114913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31243094
Quoted by: >>31244917

>Calls Fubuki Suichan
>Thought the call was Fubuki

>> No.31243638

Bucky : Suityan~ *giggles*
Imagine if it was Shachou or Pol kek

>> No.31244435

is this the most rent free yet?

>> No.31244917

Just what the fuck was Miko thinking? Fubu-chan doesn't even sound like Suichan so it can't be that kind of slip

That was different though, Suisei really sounded like FBK, even I thought it was her

>> No.31246143
Quoted by: >>31246551

>"It feels good right, sui-... not Suichan."

>> No.31246551

The kimochii is the most enigmatic part about the slip.

>> No.31249043
File: 110 KB, 500x500, 1642386815706.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31260938

>page 10

>> No.31250171
File: 419 KB, 602x758, mkmt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31250717

Meant to bring this up earlier but couldn't find it. Anyway, maybe Miko was thinking something similar to what Suisei thought when she liked this.

>> No.31250717
Quoted by: >>31258582

literally what did she mean by this

>> No.31250894
Quoted by: >>31257688

Talalala duet when

>> No.31253815


>> No.31257241
File: 2.26 MB, 2154x4096, FXYk75AUsAA3o2F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.31257688

i'm still waiting for this too desu lol

>> No.31257835 [SPOILER] 
File: 725 KB, 1080x1901, IMG_20220818_011604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol calm down anon, i dont care about his diary too, here have some micomet seggs

>> No.31258582

They thought of their business partners

>> No.31258945

The fucking cope of these idiots. Suisei is not saying anything because there's nothing to say. You fags might fantasize about them going out all the time but Suisei clearly doesn't think so. Stop these stupid delusions.

>> No.31259323

2M1S doko?

>> No.31260137

why are you even here, anon?

>> No.31260222

Cause he’s basedpilled

>> No.31260248

Where's the minion with the 'holy based'?

>> No.31260819

who's the squirter between miko and sui?

>> No.31260938
File: 174 KB, 1920x1017, FaXJNv_aMAEPUWV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31262391


>> No.31262575
File: 343 KB, 600x750, FadAWENaUAAEumx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31262598


>> No.31262589

He's the angry schizo who's been seething a lot lately
If it starts seething harder its posts will get deleted so just ignore it

>> No.31262598
File: 298 KB, 600x750, FalNytwaMAAyPdF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31263886

Oh there it is... the sign Micomet bros!

>> No.31264708
File: 199 KB, 1191x987, FWGFs64agAAfm04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31265762

sutera sutera today?

>> No.31265762
Quoted by: >>31266218

doubt it. the whole purpose of the concert is to promote her mini-album so most likely not

>> No.31266218

oops pardon me for doubting...

>> No.31266284
Quoted by: >>31274405

Because I get a kick out of belittling and insulting pathetic mouthbreathers anon. I relieve stress from work by stomping down delusional faggots.

>> No.31266329
File: 421 KB, 2048x2048, IMG_20220526_052158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31266833


>> No.31267355
File: 261 KB, 1536x864, IMG_20220820_200202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hope we get some kino micomet's supply tomorrow

>> No.31267753
File: 459 KB, 1310x2048, micomet_by_shito_1825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mikochi watched MGO
Supportive gf

>> No.31268668

Do you think Suisei would be this supprortive of Miko's future activities like her possible sololive next year?

>> No.31268974

Hard to tell. She's not the type who shows support publicly, she always does that behind the scene. Like that one where Miko thanked Suityan for giving her advice on something that Miko considered to hires a professional for it. I bet it was related to her 3dlive or maybe even her album

>> No.31269508
File: 902 KB, 1584x1224, IMG_20220725_102706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sasuga hoshiyomi gf

>> No.31269828

I think so
she's a bit more secretive with what she does generally, but remember Suisei is a massive saviorfag, she and Miko had the roughest Hololive starts, etc
I think they do share some sort of bond in that sense even if it's not something they acknowledge or really think about

>> No.31271954
File: 193 KB, 850x1192, miko bikini.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.31272664

Migo went to suisei's house and ate anemachi's dinner.

>> No.31273018

Yeah. Miko said they recorded something with other holomems but only the two of them were left because they stayed late. They couldn't eat Yakiniku because of the time so they went to Sui's house and Anemachi cooked them dinner.

>> No.31273119

this is already sex

>> No.31273249
Quoted by: >>31273290

are you for real?

>> No.31273290
Quoted by: >>31273370

Miko told chat in her twitch watchalong.
Stream still running right now

>> No.31273370

ah okay. thanks for the info. yarujyan migoji

>> No.31273738

How hard did suisei fuck her that she missed her noon stream because of throat problems?

>> No.31274064

They totally had a secret sleepover

>> No.31274101
Quoted by: >>31274592

>they recorded something with other holomems
>but only the two of them were left because they stayed late
I wonder if they planned this. Waiting for other holomens to left, and sneakly went to eat together, just two of them.

>> No.31274405

That's it if this guy showed up suddenly, something good happens

>> No.31274462
File: 77 KB, 1280x720, miko01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31274845

Miko ate out Sui real good last night most likely.

>> No.31274592

First, they planned to go for yakiniku, but it was too late, so they changed their plan. If I'm correct.

>> No.31274845

That's not going to give her throat problems unless Suisei has a dick retard anon

>> No.31274957

>unless Suisei has a dick
You doubt the Big Blue Comet anon?

>> No.31275061

>he doesn't know

>> No.31275315
Quoted by: >>31275429

i bet hers is bigger than yours, anon

>> No.31275429

It better be bigger than mine if she's going to fuck Miko with it

>> No.31275578
File: 49 KB, 536x550, 1602846852193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only the two of them were left because they stayed late
literally a romance trope

>> No.31275643
File: 59 KB, 469x713, IMG-20220512-WA0003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in big blue comet i belieb

>> No.31275881

Miko finally met her sister in law

>> No.31275898

Miko also said she ate the stuff that Suisei didn't eat. Real cute girlfriend shit.

>> No.31276051
File: 75 KB, 1260x1027, 20220808_110415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit i missed lots of kino... i hope there are clips

>> No.31276094
Quoted by: >>31277178

I wish I have someone like Migo...

>> No.31277137

mikotop anons btfo again
suisei took her home to wine and dine her before making her scream the whole night
suichad didn't even care that anemachi was there as long as she gets a good whiff of that migo pussy

>> No.31277178
Quoted by: >>31279654

are you a picky eater, anon? i'll eat your leftovers

>> No.31277353
Quoted by: >>31277519

Micomet chads and stacies status?

>> No.31277519

waiting for raft collab

>> No.31277704

Anemachi took a liking to Miko because of this, and Miko said she can be a better sister to her than Suisei is

>> No.31277747

>going for the pair
Miko is unfathomably based

>> No.31278219
File: 331 KB, 1464x2048, FamJ4dNUcAAP72E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31278345

>Already prepared to become her sister-in-law
based migo

>> No.31279654
Quoted by: >>31280870

Anon... I...

>> No.31280870
File: 20 KB, 557x550, 1656341693253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'll even eat you out if you want, anon

>> No.31281584

micomet talala where

>> No.31281598
File: 139 KB, 903x1000, 2ECDC442-B909-48F4-8819-6C785870B6B2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

micomet cute
micometchads also cute

>> No.31281648

You don't have to wait until Miko is done with her watchalong to watch the story about Anemachi btw, since she's on twitch you can just go back
She also said they were the only ones left after the group recordings because they had other work together. Orisong pls

>> No.31281649

Schizo appears and we get a kino.

>> No.31281799

>Miko said she can be a better sister to her than Suisei is
Jesus, shes going in for the kill isnt she?

>> No.31282120

Wtf Micometbros what if Anemachi was Migo's true target all along.

>> No.31282262

The long con

>> No.31282856
Quoted by: >>31283103

i just listened to migo's twitch watchalong, it was around min 4-ish when she talked about going out to eat with suityan, and i was kind of having an unmedicated moment because of how hoarse migo sounds kek

bros, any bets on micomet orisong?

>> No.31283103
File: 115 KB, 733x902, 1638580474634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>any bets on micomet orisong?
we expect Kimagure Mercy, get an orisong instead

>> No.31283410


>> No.31283626
Quoted by: >>31284330

more like she slept over so didn't have time for noon stream

>> No.31284330
File: 992 KB, 2048x1570, FP6Il7iagAEhgUc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31285266
File: 3.62 MB, 4093x2894, IMG_20220808_104859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Miko watching Suisei's live today
>Miko eating at Suisei's place yesterday
Great weekend for micometchads.

>> No.31285738


>> No.31285887

That's so teetee

>> No.31286183
Quoted by: >>31286386

Remember when she talked about always hearing anemachi's voice in the background whenever she talked with suisei and we thought the focus was suisei?

>> No.31286334

korazu so cute kek

>> No.31286386
File: 159 KB, 463x453, 1640819219390.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31286623
Quoted by: >>31286708

wait wtf it got privated?

>> No.31286708

Gotta watch the twitch VOD

>> No.31287987
Quoted by: >>31288184

what was that video about?

>> No.31287999

Once again exposing how delusional micometfags are. Suisei and Miko themselves saying in no certain words that they don't want people looking too much into their relationship beyond that of a business arrangement/ friendship. But of course you losers are so pathetic you make these schizo fantasies in your head just so you can have something to jack off to. Neck yourselves pls.

>> No.31288123
Quoted by: >>31288229

Chad Janny doko

>> No.31288134
File: 1.35 MB, 720x766, adorkable.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31288184

Miko telling the story about eating with Suisei and her sister in law

>> No.31288229

What's the matter? Can't cope with the reality that your ship is dead?

>> No.31288237
Quoted by: >>31288447

Why are you replying to your own post?

>> No.31288324
File: 192 KB, 1000x1300, IMG_20220813_112900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31288750


>> No.31288328

kids should not be on 4chan. gtfo

>> No.31288447
Quoted by: >>31289120

I posted that clip and I'm not the schizo. There's nothing wrong with that video anyways, just what we already know about Miko and Suisei trying to avoid another pekomiko because they want to keep collabing and doing stuff together

>> No.31288607
Quoted by: >>31289025

hope you nerds don't break containment

>> No.31288750

Doesn't matter how many fanarts you post. The talents themselves have already said there's nothing romantic about their partnership lol. So cope harder.

>> No.31288791


>> No.31288968
File: 163 KB, 448x235, ay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Schizo is right, it's just business

>> No.31288972
File: 4 KB, 323x76, 1659581853216087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poor pekomikoshart still coping after this weekend's kino

>> No.31289025

We won't

>> No.31289120
Quoted by: >>31289246

Kill yourself nigger

>> No.31289246

Cope pkmk faggot.

>> No.31289357
File: 631 KB, 1472x2048, FPlqFReaAAMof9H.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31289505

Yep this confirms it, they kissed and slept together

>> No.31289505
Quoted by: >>31292763

>Anemachi awake all night because they were too noisy

>> No.31292224
File: 1.92 MB, 1565x3100, nye.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.31292763

>Anemachi awake all night being horny
>converts from BL to yuri

>> No.31294349

Following todays Miko talk I have some statements.
Them magically left alone together like out of an anime either whoever they were with (probably Shiraken or could be other girls) were trying to give them alone time because everyone except MiComet sees they are into eachother.
MiComet are dating or at least to the point where they know they like eachother and made excuses to be alone.
Also point to Suitop for inviting Mikochi over. And Miko has met all of Suityan family except her dad now? And it's definitely relationship vibes Miko having dinner with Suityan the night before her big concert and cancelling her noon stream probably because she actually wasn't at home and spent the night at Suityan's so you would immediately notice the difference in setup.

>> No.31295261
File: 181 KB, 1496x1080, 1613104941437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stress relief before the big day

>> No.31295331 [SPOILER] 
File: 244 KB, 2048x1483, FaoRjZ_VQAE41PY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31295367


>> No.31296177

goddamn kino as fuck
jesus that's clever

>> No.31296734
Quoted by: >>31298044

it's back

>> No.31298044
File: 311 KB, 2048x1461, FanyDvLaIAAd9qP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they probably took it down to fix a typo or something, i'm glad it's back up
thank you anon!

>> No.31298644
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>> No.31298772


>> No.31299222
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>> No.31299268 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.31299364
Quoted by: >>31301775

Disabled couples are the best

>> No.31301775


>> No.31305807
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>> No.31305847
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>Miko watching MGO live last night

>> No.31306073


>> No.31308913
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>> No.31309194

>Boromir blows the horn of Gondor
>chat goes "Suityan???"
My fucking sides.

>> No.31309367
Quoted by: >>31310503

Keep sniffing that glue, you unhinged fag. It's fucktards like you that makes Suisei and Miko clarify that they're not in any kind of romantic relationship. Go get stabbed in a dark alley and die a slow death.

>> No.31309998
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Really adorable.

>> No.31310031
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Miko and Suisei are girlfriends

>> No.31310370

Oh ho, schizo acting uppity again. More MiComet kino incoming.

>> No.31310503

trying so hard yet painfully ESL

>> No.31310644

Don’t acknowledge it niggers

>> No.31312393
Quoted by: >>31313376

Doesn't matter how many stupid kino moments you think are gonna happen when they themselves have acknowledged they're nothing more than work friends, but keep coping I guess.

And yet still has a better grasp of English than you anon.

>> No.31312499

Aw, he's just a lonely SEAnig. How adorable.

>> No.31312899
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He literally admitted some posts above that he shits on this thread to cope with the fact that his job (and his life in general) are shit. The level of misery you must be in to get some fake happiness out of shitposting in a thread of something you hate must be among the highest I've ever seen. Anyways this is my last reply addressing that thing, let it be angry alone

>> No.31313124
Quoted by: >>31313376

duet when

>> No.31313182
Quoted by: >>31313376

Oh man, that is actually incredibly sad. But it's kind of ironic that the only happiness he gets out of his life is in a MiComet thread that he hates so much. Poor little guy. You can yell into the void here.

>> No.31313376

Pretty based and truthpilled
Cringe and schizophrenia pilled

>> No.31313473

amazing how someone admits to purposely shitting a thread but still doesn't get banned, sasuga mods

>> No.31313566
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>> No.31314123


>> No.31314536

Big boobs lover Miko meets Anemachi who is basically Suisei with big tits. yabe.

>> No.31314608
File: 193 KB, 341x380, 1649714310718.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice tl

>> No.31316308

suisei with big tits, not sure what to feel about that lmao

i think it's because migo only said gohan

>> No.31316370
Quoted by: >>31316437

>anemachi gets excited when suityan is talking with mikochi
is anemachi a micometchad...

>> No.31316436
File: 720 KB, 2340x1080, Screenshot_20220127-211544.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31316547

Don't forget.

>> No.31316437
Quoted by: >>31316965

>Anemachi is a mikochad….
Oh noo…

>> No.31316547

What did she mean by this? [Fig. 48]

>> No.31316965
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>> No.31317490
Quoted by: >>31320024

Anemachi was just eager to meet her sister in law, don't misunderstand

>> No.31317736

She was probably excited to meet her sisters crush to tease the shit out of her. Or to judge if Mikochi is suitable to date her sister.

>> No.31319012

Yeah it was dinner. Miko tweeted this https://twitter.com/sakuramiko35/status/1560576152460468224

>> No.31319200

>7 30 pm is too late for yakiniku

>> No.31319351

They went to a love hotel first

>> No.31319688

They had another work together after recording

>> No.31319735

Maybe she wasn't done with work yet? なうなう implies she was still recording, and the emojis that she had already made plans for yakiniku with Suisei earlier but ended up being too late to eat outside

>> No.31320024
Quoted by: >>31320391

Maybe, but the way she lit up when miko was mentioned makes me believe that she is also swooning for the mikussy

>> No.31320391

Anemachi is too obsessed with her sister. If anything she wants to fuck Miko AND Suityan

>> No.31320744

Exactly this^

>> No.31321199
File: 37 KB, 312x333, 1609297178911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31321524

Miko wants this too
they're gonna gaslight Suityan

>> No.31321524
Quoted by: >>31323602

>pink women team up to rape Suityan

>> No.31323602

someone green text this.

>> No.31327137

>Imochi likes Suisei
>Anemachi likes Miko
miComet is pretty much official

>> No.31330869
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>> No.31333577
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>> No.31335491

in law

>> No.31336132

mikotopfags in shambles

>> No.31336497

Miko is ready to become Suisei's housewife

>> No.31336602

In japan, they adopt their daughter's partner to be an heir of their estate.

>> No.31336795
Quoted by: >>31337141

IIRC, miko said she wants to go eat dinner after the recording in the Thursday's stream. So she was talking about suisei.

>> No.31337141
Quoted by: >>31337424

Miko made the plans to have dinner with Suisei after the recording the day before and Suisei convinced Miko that it's already too late to dine outside so she invited her to her home instead. miComet switch.

>> No.31337424

so suityan invited her huh... heh nice

>> No.31337732
Quoted by: >>31337994

miComet hologra https://youtu.be/G7McWcwSPUU

>> No.31337877
Quoted by: >>31338447

Actually Miko was the who invites her for yakiniku and they already talked it 1 month ago but perharps they were too busy so they couldn't find the time for it.

>> No.31337994
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>> No.31338447
Quoted by: >>31338600

Miko always talks about what she wants to do and waits for Suisei to pick up the hint
Similar to USJ when Miko said she wanted to go and Suisei made it happen

>> No.31338600
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Quoted by: >>31339858

so Miko finally did a ballsy move and ended up at Suisei's place instead of yakiniku
hopefully this teaches her a lesson

>> No.31338831
Quoted by: >>31343646

The fact that micomet keeps getting hologra is actually a proof that it's actually just a business relationship that's forced by cover

>> No.31339858
Quoted by: >>31347402

I wouldn't call it a ballsy move unless she's the one who initiates
Seems like she's always waiting for Suisei to invite her. Luckily Suisei can pick up hints

>> No.31340834
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>> No.31343646

It was established in the old threads that they're corpo mandated and the sex is only business too

>> No.31344387
Quoted by: >>31344547

Did Suisei talk about Miko in her zatsudan?

>> No.31344547

of course not

>> No.31345299
Quoted by: >>31345629

>Miko saw the TV show with suisei at suisei's house.
So they were at suisei's house till around 2 AM.

>> No.31345629
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they slept together...
miCuddlechads winning

>> No.31345714
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>> No.31346530
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>> No.31347402
Quoted by: >>31348588

It's still an initiative from her part and Suisei picking up hints is debatable.

>> No.31348588

does it matter? the fact they had dinner together and stayed up late is already a big win

>> No.31349876

Additional details about Miko's visit
>Suisei showed her her room and streaming setup
>Anemachi also showed her her room and all the dolls, Miko said she talks to her dolls too
>Anemachi served tea on a cute tea set which included sweets
>They watched Polka playing rust and Suisei's tv appearance while Anemachi was cooking
So Miko must have left around 2:30am? Suisei's tv program started at 1am... I wonder if Miko and Suisei live very close to each other?

>> No.31349989

Hoshi no kanata killing miko rn in rust

>> No.31350037

no way. she must've stayed the night hence cancelling morning stream

>> No.31350084

1. They live very close
2. Sleepover

>> No.31350282
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>> No.31350419

I don't think Miko would lie about the reason she can't stream (her throat hurt) and make her fans worry about it. But I wouldn't say a sleepover is impossible. If it happened, I think Miko wouldn't want to talk about it because when she talked about the pkmk offcollab tons of people started saying they had sex and that probably annoyed both her and Pekora

>> No.31350474

this absolutely sounds like sleepover material

>> No.31350653

Yup, >we very much have to read between the lines with these two since they only drop little crumbs even for trivial as fuck things
This means that meds are never recommended

>> No.31350735
Quoted by: >>31350839

Her throat hurting and her sleeping over can both be true you know.

>> No.31350839

> sleepover
> laughed too much, slept too late
> throat hurt


>> No.31350949

>Anemachi also showed her her room and all the dolls, Miko said she talks to her dolls too
>Anemachi served tea on a cute tea set which included sweets
Miko is so fucking lucky for having the Hoshimachi family spoils her...

>> No.31352253
Quoted by: >>31352932

>Miko starts dating Anemachi
>Suisei starts dating Imouchi

>> No.31352879
Quoted by: >>31356623

When you think about it it's kinda wild that Miko is not only aiming at Suityan but at her whole family instead

>> No.31352932
Quoted by: >>31353540

kinda based honestly

>> No.31353540

No it's not if imouchi is a teenager or a child lol

>> No.31353802
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>> No.31353820

>not wanting to fuck teenagers

>> No.31354174
Quoted by: >>31354419

Pathetic to watch Miko try so hard to get Suisei's attention when she's having fun with other people. I'm embarrassed for her
Don't know why 35pfags want Miko to be in love with Suisei when it's obviously unreciprocated

>> No.31354224
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>> No.31354291
File: 963 KB, 1176x687, Screenshot 2022-08-21 232123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stalking on suityan's house kek

>> No.31354348

We're gonna get a kino again

>> No.31354419

Cope schizo, she wants to raid Suisei's base because Suisei destroyed her heli

>> No.31354563

>Suisei destroyed her heli
suityan should let migo ride her big blue comet until it goes limp as a compensation

>> No.31354582

She's gonna need the surveillance since she's enforcing the no pigeon rule.

>> No.31356623
Quoted by: >>31359789

based migo

>> No.31359789
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>> No.31362895

do you have the stream and time stamp for this?
i want to listen

>> No.31363072

here's the clip

>> No.31364885
File: 1.81 MB, 4096x3842, FarJz3UaQAAuRCn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31365239

Shiraken collab when...

>> No.31365239
Quoted by: >>31365387

Shiraken will go glamping and they're also working on a project for the summer so it's just a matter of waiting
Meanwhile micomet MC is more or less uncertain, I hope both collabs happen

>> No.31365387
Quoted by: >>31365594

miComet MC is a certainty during summer festival. Also Suisei wants to play raft with Miko again.

>> No.31365594

Yup during the festival but I'm hoping they collab before that to finish the haunted house together
>Also Suisei wants to play raft with Miko again.
They said that a month ago...

>> No.31365845
Quoted by: >>31365913

Suisei said that in her mengen few days ago

>> No.31365913

I mean due to their busy schedules it might take a while or longer until they play even if they want to.

>> No.31367315

>They said that a month ago...
yeah they've both been really busy this month, and non busy time was used on RUST addiction

>> No.31367599

>PekoMiko is back
>Hoshi no Kanata is back
It's truly over for MiComet...

>> No.31367699
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>> No.31367943

Well, no one expected Suisei to show up in her last MC so.. Besides, the most kino is concentrated on the day of the festival.

>> No.31368257

Suisei realized that Miko always needs another holo to hold her up as a crutch and started distancing herself from her

>> No.31369199
Quoted by: >>31369422

>Inb4 Miko is the first member she invited to her new crib for netflix and chill

>> No.31369422
Quoted by: >>31369602

Miko is in fact the first holo to visit Suisei's new house

>> No.31369493

Suisei and Matsuri are so good together.

>> No.31369602
File: 145 KB, 289x241, 1605278586484.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they actually all live together now and you've been deceived

>> No.31370707
File: 1.32 MB, 2461x3307, 20220805_033710.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post more gay

>> No.31372483

When will Micomet become comfortable enough to just crash at each others place randomly whenever they want to hang out?
